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Efeito do método canguru na redução do estresse crônico em gestantes, mães e bebês pré-termo através da análise do cortisol e desidroepiandrosterona em unhas / Effect of the kangaroo mother care on the reduction of chronic stress in pregnant women, mothers and preterm infants through the analysis of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in fingernailsSouza, Sandra Regina de 26 January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O estresse tem sido foco de interesse em diferentes áreas de estudo devido às consequências no processo saúde-doença. Destaca-se a inexistência de estudos sobre o estresse crônico no período pré e pós-natal em unhas de mulheres que tiveram parto prematuro e sua relação o método canguru (MC). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito do Método Canguru na redução do estresse psicológico materno através de escalas psicométricas e o estresse biológico crônico através dos níveis de cortisol e desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) em unhas de mães e bebês pré-termo (PT). MÉTODO: Trata-se de estudo comparativo prospectivo. A amostra contou com 59 mães e 63 bebês, coletada num hospital com o MC implantado e em dois hospitais controle, sem o MC. Foram incluídos PT (?37 semanas), sem malformações, internados em UN; mães alfabetizadas, que tiveram contato prévio com o filho, não usuárias de drogas ou hormônios. O estresse crônico materno e do PT foi avaliado pelo Cortisol e DHEA das unhas. A primeira amostra de unhas maternas foi coletada na terceira semana de vida do PT. A segunda amostra das mães e a amostra das unhas dos PT foram coletadas três meses após parto. Para análise do cortisol e DHEA das unhas das mães foi utilizada a técnica de enzima imunoensaio e dos bebês a cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho com espectrometria de massa. As unhas foram analisadas em laboratórios especializados no Canadá. O estresse psicológico da mães foi analisado com uso das PSS-10 e PSS:NICU que foram respondidas pelas mães na semana da admissão e alta do PT. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de Cortisol e DHEA nas unhas das mães referente a gestação e puerpério não diferiu significativamente entre os grupos canguru e controle, porém, diferiu entre os tempos, sendo que, os níveis dos esteroides na gestação foi maior do que no puerpério em ambos os grupos. O estresse percebido (PSS-10) pelas mães referente a gestação (p=0,846) e puerpério (p=0,465) também não diferiu significativamente entre os dois grupos. O estresse indicado pela PSS:NICU na admissão foi moderado nos dois grupos. O maior escore foi observado na subescala alteração no papel de pais. Na alta o escore foi significativamente menor (p=0,00) no canguru do que no controle. Não houve qualquer relação entre o estresse crônico (cortisol, DHEA e razão Cort:DHEA) e o psicológico (PSS-10 na gestação e PSS:NICU no puerpério) e nem entre as duas medidas de estresse psicológico (PSS-10 e PSS:NICU na alta). O nível de cortisol foi menor nos PT submetidos ao canguru, porém, sem diferença significante (p=0,08). Diferiram significativamente a DHEA - menor no controle e a razão Cort:DHEA - menor nos PT do grupo canguru. Da análise da relação entre estresse crônico constataram-se: associação positiva entre Cort:DHEA da mãe e PT (?= 0,51canguru; ?= 0,43 controle). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou que é possível medir cortisol e DHEA em unhas de mães e de bebês PT de forma restrospectiva. Os dados sugerem que o MC pode contribuir com a regulação e redução do estresse crônico do PT e do estresse psicológico materno / INTRODUCTION: Stress has been a focus of interest in different areas of study due to the consequences in the health-disease process. We highlight the lack of studies on chronic stress in pre and postnatal period using fingernails of women who had preterm birth and its relation to the kangaroo mother care (KMC) to reduce chronic and psychological stress. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate maternal psychological stress using psicometrics tools and avaluate chronic stress of mothers and Preterm infant (PT) using the analysis of cortisol and DHEA in fingernails and analyse the implication of the kangaroo care (KMC) in reduce chronic stress. METHOD: This is a prospective comparative study. The sample were 59 mothers and 63 babies collected in a KMC\'s hospital and two controls (without the KMC). Were included PT babies (? 37 weeks), who were admitted to the NICU, those with no malformations. With regard to mothers were included that one who had saw the PT at least once and excluded those using drugs or taking hormones. Maternal and PT chronic\' stress were evaluated by fingernails\' cortisol and DHEA. The first maternal sample was collected in the third week post-delivery and the second sample in the third month after baby\'s birth. The baby\'s fingernail sample was collected in the third month of life. The enzyme immunoassay was used for analysis of mothers\' fingernails (cortisol and DHEA) and for babies\' were used high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Fingernail\'s analysis was done in Canada. The PSS-10 and PSS: mothers filled up NICU tools on first week in NICU and at discharge of the baby from this unit. RESULTS: The cortisol and DHEA\'s level in mothers\' fingernails showed no significant difference between groups. Steroids levels in pregnancy time were higher than in puerperium in both groups (KMC and control) however, showed significant difference between times, steroids levels were higher during gestation time than the puerperium in both groups. The same occurred with the PSS-10 score (KMC\'s score referring to pregnancy (p=0,846) and puerperium (p=0,465), also had no difference was between groups. The PSS: NICU\'s stress level at admission in both groups was moderate. The highest score was showed in the subscale Parental Role. At discharge the score was significantly lower (p=0,00) in the kangaroo than in the control. There was no relationship between chronic stress (cortisol, DHEA and Cort:DHEA) and psychological stress (PSS-10 in pregnancy and PSS: NICU in the puerperium) or between the two psychological measures of stress (PSS-10 and PSS: NICU on discharge). The cortisol level was lower in PT submitted to kangaroo, however, without significant difference (p = 0.08). They differed significantly in DHEA - lower in the control and the ratio Cort:DHEA - lower in the kangaroo group. From the analysis of the relationship between chronic stress, there was a positive association between Cort: DHEA of the mother and PT (? = 0.51 kangaroo; ? = 0.43 control). CONCLUSION: The study showed that it is possible to measure cortisol and DHEA in preterm infant and mothers\' fingernails retrospectively. The data suggests that KMC can contribute to regulate and to reduce chronic stress in preterm infant and to reduce psychological mother\'s stress
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Estudo do perfil das famílias e de seus filhos internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / A study of the profile of the families and their infants admitted in Newborn Intensive Care Unit of the Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São PauloCarla Regina Tragante 26 March 2009 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Identificar o perfil da clientela atendida na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal Externa (UCINE); observar possíveis diferenças entre recém-nascidos e família de mães adolescentes e de mães adultas, e verificar a participação das famílias nos programas de humanização da unidade. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte transversal prospectivo de 284 recém-nascidos (RN) e seus familiares admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal do Instituto da Criança de maio de 2005 a dezembro de 2006. Os dados foram coletados com as mães seguindo o conteúdo do formulário construído especificamente para este estudo, que incluía informações socioeconômicas e demográ-ficas, história antenatal, tipo de parto, dados relacionados ao recém-nascido como idade gestacional e cronológica, pesos de nascimento e de admissão, tipo de aleitamento à internação e na alta, doenças que geraram a internação, número de altas, óbitos e transferências, trata-mentos utilizados e participação da família durante a internação. RESULTADOS: Evidenciou-se em relação às condições sociodemográ-ficas que a maioria dos 284 pacientes (66,2%) procedia da cidade de São Paulo, principalmente da Zona Oeste, ou dos municípios. O pré-natal foi realizado por 96,1% das mães, e 59% dos RN nasceram de parto cesa-riano, com peso entre 600 e 4780g, idade gestacional mediana de 37,6 semanas, e na maioria adequados para a idade gestacional (77,5%). A mediana da idade à internação foi de 7 dias de vida, associada princi-palmente a causas infecciosas (32,0%) e respiratórias (25,0%), sendo o peso nesta ocasião de 600 a 5810g. A taxa de mães adolescentes ( 19 anos de idade) foi de 21,0%, e neste grupo observou-se índices inferiores de escolaridade e de número de consultas de pré-natal e, maior inci-dência de prematuridade (47,5%). As mães adultas apresentaram maior número de intercorrências durante a gestação e maior incidência de parto cesariano (63,6%). Em relação às características dos RN, não houve diferenças estatísticas entre mães adolescentes e adultas, entre-tanto observou-se a necessidade de internação mais precoce dos RN de mães adolescentes na unidade, e pesos menores à admissão. A sobre-vida foi de 91,2% e, a evolução dos RN não foi influenciada pela idade materna, quando questionada a participação das famílias nos programas de humanização da unidade, observou-se participação ativa dos fami-liares de ambas as faixas etárias nos cuidados ao RN e aumento da porcentagem de RN em aleitamento na alta (69,3%) comparada à admissão (51,7%). CONCLUSÕES: O perfil da clientela mostra que o atendimento é na sua maior parte regionalizado, e constituído por pacientes com doenças complexas que necessitam de atendimento em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal de nível terciário. As mães adolescentes apresentaram intercorrências durante a gestação como hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus que, além da idade, predispõem ao nascimento de recém-nascidos prematuros. A participação das famílias nos cuidados aos seus filhos demonstrou-se relevante, no entanto são necessárias medidas que aumentem a adesão e integração dos familiares nos programas de humanização / OBJECTIVES: Identify the profile of the patients assisted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU); observe the possible differences between the newborns from families of adult mothers and families of teenage mothers, and also verify the participation of the families in the unit humanization programs. METHOD: Prospective transversal cohort of 284 newborns (NB) and their family members, who were admitted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Instituto da Criança, between May 2005 and December 2006. The data was collected from the mothers according to the contents of the form that was specifically designed for this study, which included demographic, social and economical information; the antenatal history; type of delivery; data related to the newborn such as gestation age and chronological age; birth and admission weight; type of feeding at the time of admission and at the time of discharge; the diseases that caused the admission; number of discharges, deaths and transfers; the treatments used; and the participation of the family during the stay in the NICU. RESULTS: We found that, as far as the social and demographical conditions are concerned, the majority of the 284 patients (66.2%) were from the city of São Paulo, mainly from its West Part, or from the cities belonging to the greater São Paulo area. The prenatal exam was carried out by 96.1% of the mothers, and 59% of the NB were delivered by cesarean sections, having a body weight varying from 600 to 4780 grams, average gestation age of 37.6 weeks, and the majority were physically adequate for their gestation age (77.5%). Their average age upon admission was of 7 days, being the causes for admission mainly associated with infectious (32%) and respiratory (25%) diseases, and their weight at the time varied from 600 to 5810 grams. The percentage of teenage mothers ( than 19 years old) was 21%, and in this particular group we found inferior schooling levels and inferior prenatal exam figures, and also in this group we found a greater incidence of preterm births (47.5%). The adult mothers presented a greater number of complications during pregnancy and a greater number of surgically assisted deliveries (63.6%). As far as the NB\'s characteristics, there were no statistical differences between teenage and adult mothers, however we found an earlier admission age of the NB from teenage mothers in the Unit, and also less weight upon admission. The survival rate was 91.2% and the evolution of the NB was not influenced by maternal age. When we asked about the families\' participation in Unit humanization programs, we found an active participation of the families of either teenage or adult mothers in the care to the NB and an increase in the percentage of NB being breastfed at the moment of discharge (69.3%) compared to the moment of admission (51.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The profile of the patients show that the assistance is in most part regionalized, being constituted of patients with complex diseases that needed care in a Level III NICU. The teenage mothers presented complications during pregnancy such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, which, along with their age, prearranged the preterm birth of newborns. The participation of the families in the care to their infants has shown to be relevant, however some measures are necessary in order to increase and improve the participation of the family members in the humanization programs
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Exploring the lived experiences of midwives regarding the Kangaroo Mother Care initiative at a selected tertiary level hospital in the eThekwini District.Curran, Robyn Leigh. January 2011 (has links)
As intensive care of preterm infants and high-risk infants has evolved, the practice of
close physical contact between parents and their infants has been curtailed, with the
separation of mothers and their infants more the norm than the exception (Browne, 2004).
However, in the past two decades, the physiologic and socio-emotional benefits of close
physical contact between parents and their high-risk infants has been revisited, with the
practice of Kangaroo Mother Care (skin-to-skin contact) dramatically increasing in
neonatal care units worldwide (Browne, 2004).
Although research on Kangaroo Mother Care’s effects is plentiful, literature reveals gaps
in the research pertaining to the experiences of midwives and nurses in its practice (Chia,
2006 & De Hollanda, 2008). As the role of midwives/nurses has been identified as
crucial for Kangaroo Mother Care practice, this gap was recognised, and impelled this
research study to be conducted in order to further extend the practice of KMC for its
benefits to infants and their families. Due to current staff shortages and poorly resourced
neonatal facilities in our local hospitals, local data on midwives’ experiences of
Kangaroo Mother Care was perceived to be a vital first step in exploring these
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lived experiences of midwives
regarding the Kangaroo Mother Care initiative at a selected tertiary level hospital in the
Ethekwini District. Interpretive phenomenology informed this study design, data
collection and analysis. As Kangaroo Mother Care is a complex phenomenon, an
interpretive paradigm allowed the researcher to access the meaning of participants’
experiences as opposed to explaining their predicted behaviour.
Purposive sampling was used by the researcher to select the eight midwives working in
the tertiary hospital in the Ethekwini District. The midwives were selected from the
neonatal unit during August 2011. Data was collected through a single in-depth
interview with each participant in the neonatal unit. The interviews were recorded and
later transcribed verbatim to facilitate analysis. Colaizzi’s method of data analysis and
representation was utilised.
Eleven themes emerged from the analysis of the data. Themes were aligned to the
research objectives and included the participants’ experiences of conceptualisations,
experiences, hindering and facilitating factors of Kangaroo Mother Care.
Conceptualisations were aggregated into two themes pertaining to a physiological
concept of KMC and an emotive concept of KMC. The physiological concept regarded
the catalytic action of KMC as a promotive agent in health through its effect in increasing
average weight gain. Furthermore, KMC was seen as a protective agent in reducing
cross-infection and hypothermia. These findings aligned with findings from authors in
the literature review. An emotive concept of KMC was revealed by the participants’
input regarding the effect of the skin-to-skin contact in facilitating maternal-infant
attachment through bonding. This study finding is supported by current literature. Lived
experiences emerged regarding the theme of KMC in maternal instinct and capability,
which findings encompassed increased maternal confidence and competence with which
several authors concurred. Factors considered as hindering KMC included five themes
which emerged as maternal concerns, increased work-load, lack of training, management
support and resource scarcity. Contrary to these, facilitators of KMC included the need
for motivation and education as well as the provision of a comfortable environment
conducive to the practice of Kangaroo Mother Care.
A number of recommendations for nursing practice, nursing education, communities and
research based on the findings from the study were made available to relevant
stakeholders. If implemented effectively, these recommendations may assist in the
continued and increasing practice of KMC; resulting in its beneficial effects changing
infants’ and families’ lives. / Thesis (M.N.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.
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The duty to treat very defective neonates as "persons" : from the legal and moral personhood of very defective neonates to their best interests in medical treatmentHurlimann, Thierry January 2003 (has links)
The dramatic improvement of neonatal intensive care has produced vexing ethical and legal questions. One of the most striking issues is to determine whether the most defective neonates should be provided with intensive care and to what extent they should be treated. This thesis demonstrates that an attempt to answer this question and an analysis of the demands and limitations of a duty to treat defective neonates cannot properly occur without first considering the legal concerns and ethical issues surrounding the notion of "person". The author examines germane ethical theories and North-American jurisprudence to see what approaches and standards commentators and courts have adopted in this respect. This thesis demonstrates that in the context of the cessation or non-initiation of intensive care, the legal and moral status of very defective neonates remain ambiguous. In particular, the author suggests that a legal best interests analysis that includes quality of life considerations may actually involve the use of criteria similar to those supported by the authors of the controversial moral theories that negate the personhood of seriously handicapped newborns. The author ultimately concludes that a clear divide between the legal definition of the "person" and the moral and social perceptions of that term is misleading.
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A fully human spirituality : a gendered response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic for the South African churchSnyman, Desiree 30 November 2006 (has links)
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is a crisis for the South African government, society and Church. About sixty percent of the HIV population are in Sub Saharan Africa with women being three times more likely to be infected with HIV than their male counterparts. Governmental, societal and Church responses seem to have had little effect in reducing the pandemic as can be seen from the rising prevalence rates. Responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic lack a gender focus. Some churches have not responded to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Other Church-based responses have been isolated and simplistic in that they have concentrated on one aspect of the HIV illness. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is a growing crisis to which the Church should respond.
The hermeneutical point of departure in this thesis is to express a preferential option for the poor by standing in solidarity with a group of women living on the margins of society. To this end the perspectives of black people, who are materially poor, HIV positive and part of support groups are articulated in the study. The research project suggests that the preferential option for the poor has the potential to contribute to the personal and social transformation of society.
Focussing on the deep-seated longing many desire for fullness of life, this thesis explores and describes a gendered Christian response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic that could contribute to the full humanity of people. Full humanity is understood as transformation to wholeness and incorporates unity with God, others, creation and within oneself. A multifaceted, integrated and gendered response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is suggested by way of a model of full humanity.
The South African context of HIV/AIDS, patriarchy and poverty pose a challenge to the way that Christians develop their spirituality. This thesis aims to explore and describe aspects of a fully human spirituality emerging from the South African situation. The study suggests that a clearly integrative and holistic approach that embodies the gender perspective is necessary for churches to adopt in responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th.(Christian Spirituality)
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Ontwerp van 'n ouerleidingsprogram vir moeders in 'n kangaroemoedersorg-program : 'n opvoedkundig sielkundige benaderingSnyman, Amelia 06 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie is die ontwikkeling van 'n ouerleidingsprogram vir
moeders wat hul premature babas in 'n kangaroemoedersorgprogram versorg. Die
program het ten doel om die moeders in die onmiddelikke versorging, sowel as die
toekomstige begeleiding van hut kinders, toe te rus. 'n Literatuuroorsig word gegee
van prematuriteit as fenomeen en van kangaroemoedersorg (KMS) as
versorgingswyse, met spesifieke verwysing na die toepassing daarvan in Kalafonghospitaal.
Die grondslae van ouerteiding word uit die literatuur opgesom en riglyne
word ook gestef vir die samestelling van 'n ouerfeidingprogram. Die kwalitatiewe
navorsingsmetode word gebruik om die inhoud van die ouerfeidingsprogram te
bepaal en om ondersoek in te stel na die mees geskikte aanbiedingswyses. Die
verslag word afgesluit met riglyne vir die samestelling van 'n prakties-toepasbare
ouerleidingsprogram waarin inhoudsmoontlikhede, idees vir aanbieding en wyses vir
die bepaling van gestelde uitkomste uiteengesit word. / The aim of this study is the development of parental guidance for mothers who take care of
their premature babies in a programme of Kangaroo Mother Care. The programme aims to
equip mothers for immediate and future care of their children. A literature review of
prematurity as phenomenon and of kangaroo mother care as care method is presented with
specifK: reference to the way it is applied in Kalafong-hospital. The basics of parental care
are summated from literature and guidelines are set to design a parental guidance
programme. The qualitative research method is put into operation to determine the content
of the parental guidance programme and to investigate the most appropriate method of
presentation. The report is concluded with guidelines for setting up a practical and
applicable parental guidance programme in which subject possibilities, ideas for presentation
and means for determining set outcomes are explained. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Spesialisering in voorligting)
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Análise dosimétrica em pediatria neonatalBunick, Ana Paula 31 March 2014 (has links)
Exames radiográficos do tórax são frequentemente solicitados para pacientes recém-nascidos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal. Entretanto, as crianças são mais radiossensíveis quanto menor a idade que possuem e devido ao maior número de células em processo de replicação. Essa característica acaba despertando uma maior preocupação da comunidade científica em conhecer a dose de radiação a que são expostos esses pacientes pediátricos. Este trabalho descreve a metodologia aplicada para a execução de uma análise dosimétrica em pediatria neonatal no Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe, em Curitiba. Inicialmente, o trabalho propõe a construção de um objeto simulador de um recém-nascido para consequentes medidas de dose de radiação recebida pelo paciente neonato, através do uso de TLDs (Dosímetros Termoluminescentes) para medidas de ESAK (Kerma-ar na Superfície de Entrada) sob a região torácica e medida de kerma-ar na profundidade do pulmão, na água, com o uso de uma câmara de ionização. Também foi avaliada a dose de radiação espalhada recebida pelo paciente internado próximo ao paciente examinado. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram, em geral, níveis de dose abaixo dos valores de referência para as medidas de ESAK. Para as medidas de kerma-ar na profundidade do pulmão, os valores encontrados e comparados com cálculos de dose-órgão por meio de um software mostraram-se abaixo dos valores obtidos com os TLDs. As medidas de radiação espalhada mostraram que os pacientes próximos ao paciente examinado recebem uma pequena faixa de contribuição de dose durante os exames. / Chest radiographic examinations are frequently requested for newborn patients hospitalized in a Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Neonatal. However, children are more radiosensitive the younger they are and due to the higher number of cells in replication process. This feature arises greater concern in the scientific community to know the dose of radiation that these pediatric patients are exposed. This paper describes the methodology used for the implementation of a dosimetric analysis in neonatal pediatrics at the Children's Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, in Curitiba. Initially, the work proposes the construction of a phantom of a newborn to subsequent measurement of the radiation dose received by the neonate patient, through the use of TLDs (Thermoluminescent Dosimeters) for measures ESAK (Entrance Surface Air-Kerma) in the thoracic region and measure kerma-air in the deep lung, in water, with the use of an ionization chamber. The scattered radiation dose received by another patient near the patient under examination was also evaluated. The results showed, in general, dose levels below the reference values for the measures ESAK. For the kerma- air in the deep lung, and the values obtained compared to organ dose calculations through software is shown to be below the values obtained with TLDs. The measurements showed that the scattered radiation near the patient examined receive a small contribution of dose during examinations.
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Análise dosimétrica em pediatria neonatalBunick, Ana Paula 31 March 2014 (has links)
Exames radiográficos do tórax são frequentemente solicitados para pacientes recém-nascidos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal. Entretanto, as crianças são mais radiossensíveis quanto menor a idade que possuem e devido ao maior número de células em processo de replicação. Essa característica acaba despertando uma maior preocupação da comunidade científica em conhecer a dose de radiação a que são expostos esses pacientes pediátricos. Este trabalho descreve a metodologia aplicada para a execução de uma análise dosimétrica em pediatria neonatal no Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe, em Curitiba. Inicialmente, o trabalho propõe a construção de um objeto simulador de um recém-nascido para consequentes medidas de dose de radiação recebida pelo paciente neonato, através do uso de TLDs (Dosímetros Termoluminescentes) para medidas de ESAK (Kerma-ar na Superfície de Entrada) sob a região torácica e medida de kerma-ar na profundidade do pulmão, na água, com o uso de uma câmara de ionização. Também foi avaliada a dose de radiação espalhada recebida pelo paciente internado próximo ao paciente examinado. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram, em geral, níveis de dose abaixo dos valores de referência para as medidas de ESAK. Para as medidas de kerma-ar na profundidade do pulmão, os valores encontrados e comparados com cálculos de dose-órgão por meio de um software mostraram-se abaixo dos valores obtidos com os TLDs. As medidas de radiação espalhada mostraram que os pacientes próximos ao paciente examinado recebem uma pequena faixa de contribuição de dose durante os exames. / Chest radiographic examinations are frequently requested for newborn patients hospitalized in a Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Neonatal. However, children are more radiosensitive the younger they are and due to the higher number of cells in replication process. This feature arises greater concern in the scientific community to know the dose of radiation that these pediatric patients are exposed. This paper describes the methodology used for the implementation of a dosimetric analysis in neonatal pediatrics at the Children's Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, in Curitiba. Initially, the work proposes the construction of a phantom of a newborn to subsequent measurement of the radiation dose received by the neonate patient, through the use of TLDs (Thermoluminescent Dosimeters) for measures ESAK (Entrance Surface Air-Kerma) in the thoracic region and measure kerma-air in the deep lung, in water, with the use of an ionization chamber. The scattered radiation dose received by another patient near the patient under examination was also evaluated. The results showed, in general, dose levels below the reference values for the measures ESAK. For the kerma- air in the deep lung, and the values obtained compared to organ dose calculations through software is shown to be below the values obtained with TLDs. The measurements showed that the scattered radiation near the patient examined receive a small contribution of dose during examinations.
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Efeito do método canguru na redução do estresse crônico em gestantes, mães e bebês pré-termo através da análise do cortisol e desidroepiandrosterona em unhas / Effect of the kangaroo mother care on the reduction of chronic stress in pregnant women, mothers and preterm infants through the analysis of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in fingernailsSandra Regina de Souza 26 January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O estresse tem sido foco de interesse em diferentes áreas de estudo devido às consequências no processo saúde-doença. Destaca-se a inexistência de estudos sobre o estresse crônico no período pré e pós-natal em unhas de mulheres que tiveram parto prematuro e sua relação o método canguru (MC). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito do Método Canguru na redução do estresse psicológico materno através de escalas psicométricas e o estresse biológico crônico através dos níveis de cortisol e desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) em unhas de mães e bebês pré-termo (PT). MÉTODO: Trata-se de estudo comparativo prospectivo. A amostra contou com 59 mães e 63 bebês, coletada num hospital com o MC implantado e em dois hospitais controle, sem o MC. Foram incluídos PT (?37 semanas), sem malformações, internados em UN; mães alfabetizadas, que tiveram contato prévio com o filho, não usuárias de drogas ou hormônios. O estresse crônico materno e do PT foi avaliado pelo Cortisol e DHEA das unhas. A primeira amostra de unhas maternas foi coletada na terceira semana de vida do PT. A segunda amostra das mães e a amostra das unhas dos PT foram coletadas três meses após parto. Para análise do cortisol e DHEA das unhas das mães foi utilizada a técnica de enzima imunoensaio e dos bebês a cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho com espectrometria de massa. As unhas foram analisadas em laboratórios especializados no Canadá. O estresse psicológico da mães foi analisado com uso das PSS-10 e PSS:NICU que foram respondidas pelas mães na semana da admissão e alta do PT. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de Cortisol e DHEA nas unhas das mães referente a gestação e puerpério não diferiu significativamente entre os grupos canguru e controle, porém, diferiu entre os tempos, sendo que, os níveis dos esteroides na gestação foi maior do que no puerpério em ambos os grupos. O estresse percebido (PSS-10) pelas mães referente a gestação (p=0,846) e puerpério (p=0,465) também não diferiu significativamente entre os dois grupos. O estresse indicado pela PSS:NICU na admissão foi moderado nos dois grupos. O maior escore foi observado na subescala alteração no papel de pais. Na alta o escore foi significativamente menor (p=0,00) no canguru do que no controle. Não houve qualquer relação entre o estresse crônico (cortisol, DHEA e razão Cort:DHEA) e o psicológico (PSS-10 na gestação e PSS:NICU no puerpério) e nem entre as duas medidas de estresse psicológico (PSS-10 e PSS:NICU na alta). O nível de cortisol foi menor nos PT submetidos ao canguru, porém, sem diferença significante (p=0,08). Diferiram significativamente a DHEA - menor no controle e a razão Cort:DHEA - menor nos PT do grupo canguru. Da análise da relação entre estresse crônico constataram-se: associação positiva entre Cort:DHEA da mãe e PT (?= 0,51canguru; ?= 0,43 controle). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou que é possível medir cortisol e DHEA em unhas de mães e de bebês PT de forma restrospectiva. Os dados sugerem que o MC pode contribuir com a regulação e redução do estresse crônico do PT e do estresse psicológico materno / INTRODUCTION: Stress has been a focus of interest in different areas of study due to the consequences in the health-disease process. We highlight the lack of studies on chronic stress in pre and postnatal period using fingernails of women who had preterm birth and its relation to the kangaroo mother care (KMC) to reduce chronic and psychological stress. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate maternal psychological stress using psicometrics tools and avaluate chronic stress of mothers and Preterm infant (PT) using the analysis of cortisol and DHEA in fingernails and analyse the implication of the kangaroo care (KMC) in reduce chronic stress. METHOD: This is a prospective comparative study. The sample were 59 mothers and 63 babies collected in a KMC\'s hospital and two controls (without the KMC). Were included PT babies (? 37 weeks), who were admitted to the NICU, those with no malformations. With regard to mothers were included that one who had saw the PT at least once and excluded those using drugs or taking hormones. Maternal and PT chronic\' stress were evaluated by fingernails\' cortisol and DHEA. The first maternal sample was collected in the third week post-delivery and the second sample in the third month after baby\'s birth. The baby\'s fingernail sample was collected in the third month of life. The enzyme immunoassay was used for analysis of mothers\' fingernails (cortisol and DHEA) and for babies\' were used high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Fingernail\'s analysis was done in Canada. The PSS-10 and PSS: mothers filled up NICU tools on first week in NICU and at discharge of the baby from this unit. RESULTS: The cortisol and DHEA\'s level in mothers\' fingernails showed no significant difference between groups. Steroids levels in pregnancy time were higher than in puerperium in both groups (KMC and control) however, showed significant difference between times, steroids levels were higher during gestation time than the puerperium in both groups. The same occurred with the PSS-10 score (KMC\'s score referring to pregnancy (p=0,846) and puerperium (p=0,465), also had no difference was between groups. The PSS: NICU\'s stress level at admission in both groups was moderate. The highest score was showed in the subscale Parental Role. At discharge the score was significantly lower (p=0,00) in the kangaroo than in the control. There was no relationship between chronic stress (cortisol, DHEA and Cort:DHEA) and psychological stress (PSS-10 in pregnancy and PSS: NICU in the puerperium) or between the two psychological measures of stress (PSS-10 and PSS: NICU on discharge). The cortisol level was lower in PT submitted to kangaroo, however, without significant difference (p = 0.08). They differed significantly in DHEA - lower in the control and the ratio Cort:DHEA - lower in the kangaroo group. From the analysis of the relationship between chronic stress, there was a positive association between Cort: DHEA of the mother and PT (? = 0.51 kangaroo; ? = 0.43 control). CONCLUSION: The study showed that it is possible to measure cortisol and DHEA in preterm infant and mothers\' fingernails retrospectively. The data suggests that KMC can contribute to regulate and to reduce chronic stress in preterm infant and to reduce psychological mother\'s stress
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Estudo retrospectivo sobre o uso de medicamentos em neonatos internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal em BrasÃlia-DF / Retrospective study of drug use in newborns admitted in a Neonatalintensive Care Unit in Brasilia - DFAlcidesio Sales de Souza Junior 28 August 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Neonatos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) sÃo expostos a uma grande variedade de medicamentos, a maioria sem dados de seguranÃa e eficÃcia. Descrever o perfil de uso de medicamentos em neonatos em UTIN de um hospital pÃblico no Brasil de acordo com dados de registro do medicamento e potencial nocivo destes, foi o objetivo do trabalho. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo retrospectivo sobre uso de medicamentos em UTIN, envolvendo neonatos internados por mais de 24 horas e dados de prescriÃÃo coletados em prontuÃrio eletrÃnico durante o perÃodo de janeiro a junho do ano de 2012. InformaÃÃes sobre os medicamentos, com base nas bulas, foram comparadas com o British National Formulary for Children 2012-2013 e a base de dados Thomson Micromedex. O potencial nocivo de medicamentos e excipientes foi avaliado conforme a literatura. Neonatos foram categorizados em grupos de idade gestacional (IG). Os dados foram submetidos à anÃlise descritiva e testes de distribuiÃÃo (ANOVA, Teste U de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, qui-quadrado de Pearson) por IG com o nÃvel de significÃncia de p < 0,05. IncluÃram-se 192 neonatos, a maioria prÃ-termo, com mediana de 33 semanas de IG, totalizando 3.617 neonatos-dia. Registraram-se 3.290 prescriÃÃes, mÃdia 17,1 prescriÃÃes/neonato (DP  17,9) e 8,8 medicamentos/neonato (DP  5,9), maiores em neonatos mais imaturos (p < 0,05). Anti-infecciosos de uso sistÃmico, medicamentos para o sangue e ÃrgÃos formadores do sangue, trato alimentar e metabolismo apresentaram maior utilizaÃÃo, variando conforme a IG. Neonatos apresentaram maior exposiÃÃo a gentamicina seguido por ampicilina, heparina e fitomenadiona. A maioria dos neonatos (99,5%) foi exposta a medicamentos nÃo licenciados (NL) e de uso nÃo padronizado (NP), mais frequentes em neonatos com IG < 28 semanas (p < 0,05). Mais de 70% dos RN estiveram expostos a algum medicamento potencialmente perigoso (MPP), com maior frequÃncia em neonatos com IG < 31 semanas (p < 0,05). Praticamente todos os neonatos estiveram expostos a excipientes nocivos (EN) e potencialmente nocivos, sendo maior o nÃmero de formulaÃÃes prescritas a neonatos mais imaturos. Metilparabeno, propilparabeno e polissorbato 80 foram os EN aos quais os neonatos estiveram mais expostos, principalmente nas formulaÃÃes de domperidona soluÃÃo oral, polivitamÃnicos soluÃÃo oral e fentanila soluÃÃo injetÃvel. Neonatos em UTIN no Brasil, tal como em outras realidades, estÃo expostos a uma variedade de medicamentos NL, NP e com potencial nocivo, uma situaÃÃo preocupante. Alternativas seguras e estudos sÃo necessÃrios sobre esse tema. / Neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are exposed to a wide variety of drugs most without data on safety and efficacy. To describe the drug use profile of neonates in NICU of a public hospital in Brazil according to the drugs records and harmful potential of drugs and pharmaceutical excipients. Descriptive and retrospective study of drug use in NICU, with neonate inpatients for over 24 hours and prescription data from electronic medical records over the period from January to June, 2012. Drug information found in the package leaflets were compared with information in the British National Formulary for Children 2012-2013 and in the Thomson Micromedex database. The drug and excipients harmful potential was evaluated according to the literature. Neonates were categorized into groups of gestational age (GA). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Distribution tests tests (ANOVA Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson's chi-squared) by GA, with a significance level of p <0.05. Were included 192 neonates, most preterm with median 33 weeks of GA and a total of 3.617 neonates-day. Were registered 3,290 prescriptions, average 17.1 prescriptions/neonate (SD  17.9) and 8.8 drugs/neonate (SD  5.9), higher in most immature neonates (p < 0.05). The anti-infectives for systemic use, blood and blood forming organs, alimentary tract and metabolism drugs groups showed increased use among the neonates, varying according to the GA. Neonates had higher exposure to gentamicin followed by ampicillin, heparin and phytomenadione. Most neonates (99.5%) were exposed to unlicensed drugs (UL) and off label use (OL), more frequently those with GA < 28 weeks (p < 0.05). More than 70% of the neonates were exposed to any high-alert medications, with higher frequency among neonates with GA < 31 weeks (p < 0.05). Almost all neonates were exposed to harmful and potentially harmful excipients, being greater the number of formulations prescribed to more immature neonates. Gentamicin (sulfate) injectable Solution 10 mg/mL (1 mL), fentanyl solution injectable 0.05 mg/mL (10 mL) and sodium heparin injectable solution were the containing harmful excipients formulations to which neonates were most exposed. Neonates in Brazilian NICU, as in other settings, are exposed to a variety of OL, UL and potentially harmful drugs and harmful excipients, an alarming situation. Safety alternatives and more studies are needed on this topic.
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