Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neuen.""
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Performance Modeling, Analysis and Control of Capacitated Re-entrant LinesChoi, Jin Young 09 July 2004 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of performance modeling, analysis and control of capacitated re-entrant lines. Specifically, the first part of the thesis develops an analytical framework for the modeling, analysis and control of capacitated re-entrant lines, which is based on Generalized Stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) framework. The corresponding scheduling problem is systematically formulated, and the structure of the optimal policy is characterized and compared to that identified for "traditional" re-entrant lines. The second part of thesis addresses the problem of developing a systematic and computationally effective method for computing the optimal scheduling policy for any given configuration of capacitated re-entrant line. Specifically, the underlying scheduling problem is transformed to a Markov Decision Process (MDP) problem and an algorithm that systematically generates the MDP formulation for any given fab configuration is developed. The third part of thesis develops an effective approximating scheme based on the Neuro-Dynamic Programming (NDP) theory. In its general definition, the NDP method seeks the approximation of the optimal relative value function of the underlying MDP formulation by a parameterized function. Hence, an approximating structure for the considered problem is proposed and the quality of the generated approximations is systematically assessed. More specifically, this part of the thesis develops a set of "feature" functions and the mathematical apparatus necessary to evaluate the considered approximating scheme through a numerical experiment. The obtained results indicate that good quality approximations can be achieved by considering a set of features that characterize the distribution of the running process instances to the various processing stages and their lower order interactions. The last part of the thesis exploits the performance models developed in its earlier parts in order to provide an analytical characterization of the optimality of various deadlock resolution strategies for Markovian resource allocation systems under the objective of maximizing throughput.
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Control of a benchmark structure using GA-optimized fuzzy logic controlShook, David Adam 15 May 2009 (has links)
Mitigation of displacement and acceleration responses of a three story benchmark
structure excited by seismic motions is pursued in this study. Multiple 20-kN
magnetorheological (MR) dampers are installed in the three-story benchmark structure
and managed by a global fuzzy logic controller to provide smart damping forces to the
benchmark structure. Two configurations of MR damper locations are considered to
display multiple-input, single-output and multiple-input, multiple-output control
capabilities. Characterization tests of each MR damper are performed in a laboratory to
enable the formulation of fuzzy inference models. Prediction of MR damper forces by
the fuzzy models shows sufficient agreement with experimental results.
A controlled-elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize a set
of fuzzy logic controllers with concurrent consideration to four structural response
metrics. The genetic algorithm is able to identify optimal passive cases for MR damper
operation, and then further improve their performance by intelligently modulating the
command voltage for concurrent reductions of displacement and acceleration responses.
An optimal controller is identified and validated through numerical simulation and fullscale
experimentation. Numerical and experimental results show that performance of the
controller algorithm is superior to optimal passive cases in 43% of investigated studies.
Furthermore, the state-space model of the benchmark structure that is used in
numerical simulations has been improved by a modified version of the same genetic
algorithm used in development of fuzzy logic controllers. Experimental validation shows
that the state-space model optimized by the genetic algorithm provides accurate
prediction of response of the benchmark structure to base excitation.
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Méthodologie de surveillance dynamique à l'aide des réseaux neuro-flous temporels.Palluat, Nicolas 12 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail porte sur la surveillance industrielle, processus couramment décomposé en deux phases : la détection et le diagnostic. Nous proposons ainsi un système dynamique d'aide à la surveillance, sous la forme de deux outils exploitant les techniques de l'intelligence artificielle. Le premier réalise une détection dynamique intelligente à l'aide des réseaux de neurones récurrents à fonction de base radiale. Le second, basé sur un réseau neuro-flou, effectue une aide au diagnostic. <br />A partir de l'observation de données capteurs, l'outil de détection détermine l'état du système en associant un degré de possibilité à chacun des modes de fonctionnement. A partir de ces informations, l'outil de diagnostic recherche les causes les plus probables (diagnostic abductif) pondérées par un degré de confiance. En complément et dans une optique à la décision, nous avons veillé à ce que l'opérateur puisse ajouter des informations supplémentaires. Notons que la configuration et l'initialisation des outils implique de connaître l'historique et les données de maintenance du système. Nous exploitons pour cela les AMDEC et Arbres de Défaillance des équipements surveillés. La partie applicative de cette thèse se décompose en deux points : l'intégration logicielle de l'ensemble du travail sur un ordinateur industriel (démarche UML + implémentation) ainsi que l'application sur un système de transfert flexible de production.
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Décision et Cognition en Biomédecine : modèles et IntégrationRialle, Vincent 01 July 1994 (has links) (PDF)
La thématique centrale de ce mémoire concerne l'Intelligence Artificielle appliquée au diagnostic Médical (IAM). Son orientation repose sur des concepts d'apprentissage automatique de décisions plus que de connaissances pré-définies et figées, d'adaptation à de nouvelles situations plus que de comportements répétitifs et stéréotypés. Au goulot d'étranglement que constitue la construction d'une base de connaissances déclaratives, les systèmes préconisés opposent une utilisation intensive des bases de cas, véritables prolongements sur support informatique de la mémoire à long terme du médecin, et conduisent à l'émergence de capacités classificatoires automatisées au moyen d'algorithmes appropriés.<br />L'entreprise consistant à programmer une machine afin qu'elle produise des raisonnements habituellement attendus d'un spécialiste met au premier plan quelques difficiles questions relatives au pourquoi et au comment de tels systèmes. Le constat sinon d'échec du moins d'immenses difficultés de mise en œuvre des systèmes à bases de connaissances déclaratives, ouvrent la porte à un retour en force de l'expérience et de la mémoire cumulée de l'activité décisionnelle du praticien au cours des mois et des années de pratique. Dans cette optique, l'expérience emmagasinée sous forme de bases de cas dans la mémoire de l'ordinateur prend le pas sur la connaissance figée et laborieusement élaborée dans une base de connaissances pour la construction d'un système d'IAM. Des systèmes hybrides — permettant d'associer des connaissances déclarées par le spécialiste et des connaissances apprises automatiquement — constituent en quelque sorte un idéal que l'on s'efforce d'atteindre, notamment dans notre projet ESPRIT-III : MIX.<br />L'introduction de ce mémoire tente de préciser ce passage de la représentation à l'émergence de connaissances qui consacre en quelque sorte l'immersion de l'IAM dans les sciences de la cognition (et qui correspond en gros à mon parcours de chercheur depuis une douzaine d'années). Divers aspects de la problématique générale de la construction de classifieurs y sont abordés et une présentation succincte des diverses approches de l'émergence est proposée (connexionnisme, algorithmique génétique, induction...) et illustrée par le projet COGNIMED.<br />Autour et parfois en marge de cette problématique centrale, s'ordonnent un certain nombre de travaux que j'ai pu conduire ces dernières années dans les domaines de la psychiatrie-psychologie, de l'analyse textuelle et de la "philosophie de l'esprit". Ces travaux sont également évoqués.<br /><br />Le mémoire est structuré en quatre parties principales et une annexe :<br />- Une partie introductive présentant de manière synthétique la thématique générale de recherche ainsi qu'un bref état de l'art du domaine dans lequel se placent mes travaux. La présentation des problèmes et des orientations de ce domaine sera appuyée par une bibliographie propre à l'introduction.<br />- La première partie est consacrée à la description des recherches qui ont été effectuées depuis une dizaine d'années. Outre la description des thèmes de recherche, cette partie inclut la présentation de quelques articles et résumés de travaux.<br />- La deuxième partie donne une liste complète et structurée des publications, communications, posters, etc.<br />- La troisième partie, orientée vers le futur, est consacrée aux projets imminents et aux perspectives de recherche et de développement à moyen terme.<br />- L'annexe présente l'activité d'encadrement d'étudiants de troisième cycle, directement liée aux activités d'enseignement et de recherche.
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Neurolingvistinio programavimo diegimas paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse / Neuro-linguistic programming installation in service companiesFraimanaitė, Gerda 03 December 2010 (has links)
Neurolingvistinis programavimas, kitaip NLP, tai sistema, metodologija ir požiūris leidžiantis žmonėms tobulėti, efektyviai bendrauti bei siekti asmeninio meistriškumo. Paslaugas teikiančios įmonės yra vertinamos kaip jos sugeba patenkinti klientų poreikius, kaip yra užmezgamas ir išlaikomas ryšys su jais. Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – pagrįsti neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos praktinio pritaikymo įtaką efektyviai paslaugas teikiančių įmonių veiklai.
Darbas padalintas į tris dalis, kurių pirmoji teoriniame lygmenyje atskleidžia neurolingvistinio programavimo metodus bei jų praktinį pritaikymą paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse. Antrojoje dalyje įvertinama ar paslaugas teikiančių įmonių darbuotojai savo veikloje taiko neurolingvistinio programavimo metodus bei išsiaiškinamos probleminės sritys, su kuriomis jie susiduria. Trečiojoje dalyje pagrindžiama neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos taikymo konstruktyvi įtaka paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse.
Įvertinti atliktos apklausos rezultatai paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse parodė, kad darbuotojai žinantys apie NLP yra efektyvesni, nei nežinantys. Žinantys apie NLP yra labiau pasitikintys savimi stresinėse situacijose, bei naudoja daugiau įvairių metodikų, siekiant prisitaikyti prie klientų. Atsižvelgiant į gautus rezultatus, rekomenduojama neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos intervencija paslaugas teikiančių įmonių veikloje.
Šis darbas naudingas vadovams, manantiems, kad paslaugas teikiančiose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a system, methodology and approach that allow people to develop, communicate effectively and to achieve personal excellence. Service providing companies are valued for their ability to meet customers' needs, to establish and maintain communication with them. This thesis is - based on neuro-linguistic programming methodology for the efficient, practical applications for service providing companies.
The work is divided into three parts, the first reveals theoretical level of neuro-linguistic programming techniques and their practical application for service providing companies. Second part assesses whether the services' employees use in their activities Neuro-linguistic Programming techniques, and clarifies areas of concern with which they faced. Third part of the work shows neuro-linguistic programming methodological applicability for designing a constructive influence over the enterprise.
Evaluations of the results of a survey carried out on service enterprises, have shown that employees which are aware of NLP are more effective than those who not. Knowledge of NLP helps to be more confident in stressful situations and to use many techniques to adapt to the customer. Given the survey results, methodology of Neuro-linguistic programming is a recommended intervention for services providing companies.
This work is useful for managers who anticipate that for the services providing companies the most important are high-quality relationship... [to full text]
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Microstructural and metabolic changes in the brains of concussed athletesHenry, Luke 07 1900 (has links)
Les commotions cérébrales ont longtemps été considérées comme une blessure ne comportant que peu ou pas de conséquences. Cependant, la mise à la retraite forcée de plusieurs athlètes de haut niveau, liée au fait d'avoir subi des commotions cérébrales multiples, a porté cette question au premier plan de la culture scientifique et sportive. Malgré la sensibilisation croissante du public et la compréhension scientifique accrue des commotions cérébrales, il reste encore beaucoup d’inconnus au sujet de ces blessures. En effet, il est difficile de comprendre comment cette atteinte peut avoir des effets si profonds malgré le fait qu’elle n’entraîne apparemment pas de conséquences physiques apparentes lorsque les techniques traditionnelles d’imagerie cérébrale sont utilisées.
Les techniques de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle ont cependant contribué à répondre aux nombreuses questions entourant les conséquences des commotions cérébrales ainsi qu'à accroître la compréhension générale de la physiopathologie de commotions cérébrales. Bien que les techniques de base telles que l'imagerie structurelle comme les scans TC et IRM soient incapables de détecter des changements structurels dans la grande majorité des cas (Ellemberg, Henry, Macciocchi, Guskiewicz, & Broglio, 2009; Johnston, Ptito, Chankowsky, & Chen, 2001), d'autres techniques plus précises et plus sensibles ont été en mesure de détecter avec succès des changements dans le cerveau commotionné. Des études d’IRM fonctionelle ont entre autres établi une solide relation entre les altérations fonctionnelles et les symptômes post-commotionels (Chen, Johnston, Collie, McCrory, & Ptito, 2007; Chen et al., 2004; Chen, Johnston, Petrides, & Ptito, 2008; Fazio, Lovell, Pardini, & Collins, 2007). Les mesures électrophysiologiques telles que les potentiels évoqués cognitifs (ERP) (Gaetz, Goodman, & Weinberg, 2000; Gaetz & Weinberg, 2000; Theriault, De Beaumont, Gosselin, Filipinni, & Lassonde, 2009; Theriault, De Beaumont, Tremblay, Lassonde, & Jolicoeur, 2010) et la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ou SMT (De Beaumont, Brisson, Lassonde, & Jolicoeur, 2007; De Beaumont, Lassonde, Leclerc, & Theoret, 2007; De Beaumont et al., 2009) ont systématiquement démontré des altérations fonctionnelles chez les athlètes commotionnés. Cependant, très peu de recherches ont tenté d'explorer davantage certaines conséquences spécifiques des commotions cérébrales, entre autres sur les plans structural et métabolique.
La première étude de cette thèse a évalué les changements structurels chez les athlètes commotionnés à l’aide de l'imagerie en tenseur de diffusion (DTI) qui mesure la diffusion de l'eau dans la matière blanche, permettant ainsi de visualiser des altérations des fibres nerveuses. Nous avons comparé les athlètes commotionnés à des athlètes de contrôle non-commotionnés quelques jours après la commotion et de nouveau six mois plus tard. Nos résultats indiquent un patron constant de diffusion accrue le long des voies cortico-spinales et dans la partie du corps calleux reliant les régions motrices. De plus, ces changements étaient encore présents six mois après la commotion, ce qui suggère que les effets de la commotion cérébrale persistent bien après la phase aiguë.
Les deuxième et troisième études ont employé la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique afin d'étudier les changements neurométaboliques qui se produisent dans le cerveau commotionné. La première de ces études a évalué les changements neurométaboliques, les aspects neuropsychologiques, et la symptomatologie dans la phase aiguë post-commotion. Bien que les tests neuropsychologiques aient été incapables de démontrer des différences entre les athlètes commotionnés et non-commotionnés, des altérations neurométaboliques ont été notées dans le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral ainsi que dans le cortex moteur primaire, lesquelles se sont avérées corréler avec les symptômes rapportés. La deuxième de ces études a comparé les changements neurométaboliques immédiatement après une commotion cérébrale et de nouveau six mois après l’atteinte. Les résultats ont démontré des altérations dans le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral et moteur primaire dans la phase aiguë post-traumatique, mais seules les altérations du cortex moteur primaire ont persisté six mois après la commotion.
Ces résultats indiquent que les commotions cérébrales peuvent affecter les propriétés physiques du cerveau, spécialement au niveau moteur. Il importe donc de mener davantage de recherches afin de mieux caractériser les effets moteurs des commotions cérébrales sur le plan fonctionnel. / Concussions had long been considered an injury of little to no consequence. However, the forced retirement of several high profile athletes due to the impact of having suffered multiple concussions has pushed the issue to the forefront of scientific and sports culture alike. Despite the growing public awareness and the ever-expanding scientific understanding of concussions there is still much that remains unknown about these injuries. Indeed, understanding how an injury can have such profound effects, though mostly transient, without any apparent physical consequence continues to confound how concussions are conceptualized in research.
Neuroimaging techniques have helped answer many of the questions surrounding the physical consequences of concussions on the brain as well as increasing the general understanding of the pathophysiology of concussions. While basic structural imaging techniques such as CT scans and MRI are unable to detect any structural changes in the vast majority of cases (Ellemberg, et al., 2009; Johnston, et al., 2001), other more precise and sensitive techniques have been able to successfully detect changes in the concussed brain. Functional MRI studies have further established a strong relationship between functional alterations and post-concussion symptoms (Chen, et al., 2007; Chen, et al., 2004; Chen, et al., 2008; Fazio, et al., 2007). Electrophysiological measures such as ERP (Gaetz, et al., 2000; Gaetz & Weinberg, 2000; Theriault, et al., 2009; Theriault, et al., 2010) and TMS (De Beaumont, Brisson, et al., 2007; De Beaumont, Lassonde, et al., 2007; De Beaumont, et al., 2009) have consistently demonstrated alterations in concussed athletes. However, there has been very little research that has attempted to further explore the specific structural and metabolic aspects of concussion.
The first study assessed structural changes in concussed athletes using diffusion tensor imaging which measures water diffusion in white matter. We compared concussed athletes with non-concussed control athletes in the days immediately after injury and again six months later. Our results indicated a consistent pattern of increased diffusion along neural tracts of the cortical spinal tract and in the corpus callosum underlying motor cortex. Furthermore, these changes were still present six months after injury suggesting that the effects of concussion are persistent past the acute phase.
The second and third studies employed magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a means of investigating the neurometabolic changes that occur in the concussed brain. The first of these studies investigated the neurometabolic changes, neuropsychological aspects, and symptomatology in the acute post-injury phase. While neuropsychological testing was unable to show differences between concussed and non-concussed athletes, neurometabolic alterations were noted in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex as well as in primary motor cortex which correlated with reported symptoms. The second study investigated neurometabolic changes immediately after concussion and again six months after injury. Results indicated alterations in the dorsolateral prefrontal and primary motor cortices in the acute post-injury phase, but only those in primary motor cortex persisted to the six month time point.
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Neuronal control of cardiac excitability in pro-hypertensive statesLarsen, Hege Ekeberg January 2016 (has links)
Hypertension is associated with marked cardiac sympathetic over-activity and end organ hyper-responsiveness. The sympathetic dysfunction is caused by aberrant calcium (Ca<sup>2+</sup>) handling resulting in enhanced neurotransmission. However, it remains unclear whether the sympathetic neuron or the myocytes is the primary driver behind the initiation and maintenance of the autonomic phenotype. The work in this thesis characterises the Ca<sup>2+</sup> dysfunction and regulation at the membrane level. Further, it employs physiologically coupled sympathetic neurons and ventricular myocytes to determine the cellular driver of cardiac dysautonomia in the pro-hypertensive state. <b>Chapter 1</b> provides a general overview of the field of autonomic hypertension with a specific focus on the sympathetic control of cardiac excitability. In particular, the role of Ca<sup>2+</sup> and cyclic nucleotides in the facilitation of neurotransmission are explored. <b>Chapter 2</b> details the methods used in this thesis. It provides rationale for the approaches taken to record membrane Ca2+ currents, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels and cAMP-activated protein kinase (PKA) activity, and the development and uses of a co-culture of coupled sympathetic neurons and ventricular myocytes. <b>Chapter 3</b> describes the successful development of an effective voltage clamp method to isolate whole cell Ca<sup>2+</sup> currents in sympathetic neurons. It details the issue of space clamp problem when using this technique on peripheral neurons and provides experimental guidance on how to quantify and limit theses issues. <b>Chapter 4</b> identifies that the pro-hypertensive four-week old neurons from the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) have significantly larger whole cell Ca<sup>2+</sup> currents when compared to normotensive (Wistar Kyoto-WKY) neurons, that are largely N-type in nature. Restoring the cGMP cyclic nucleotide dysfunction seen in these cells, rescues the ion channel phenotype and bring the Ca<sup>2+</sup> down to levels seen in the normotensive WKY neuron. Further, it identifies that phosphodiesterase (PDE) 2A inhibition differentially affects the currents in the WKY and SHR, further supporting the notion of PDE2A dominance. <b>Chapter 5</b> identifies the presence and functional relevance of cGMP cross-talk with the cAMP-PKA pathway in sympathetic neurons. This cross talk is significantly altered in the pro-hypertensive state, via the differential involvement of PDEs. It functionally identifies the presence of PDE3 and PDE2A and provides further evidence that these enzymes could be dysregulated in pro-hypertensive neurons. <b>Chapter 6</b> describes the use of a co-culture model of ventricular myocytes and sympathetic neurons. Physiological stimulation of the sympathetic neuron with nicotine whilst monitoring cAMP levels in the myocytes confirms that the cellular phenotypes seen in the individual cells are functionally present in the co-culture. Using cross-cultures, it identifies the neuron as the principal driver behind the cardiac sympathetic responses observed in pro-hypertension. The results provide evidence for a dominant role played by the neuron in driving the adrenergic phenotype seen in cardiovascular disease and highlights the potential of using healthy neurons to turn down the gain of neurotransmission, akin to a smart pre-synaptic β-blocker. <b>Chapter 7</b> forms the concluding discussion that summarises the main findings of this thesis and attempt to place it in a clinical context, and highlights avenues of further research. In particular, the possibility of using a cell therapeutic approach to treat sympathetic hyperactivity.
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Objetos tecnopoéticos : transmutações de imagens do repulsivoSemeler, Alberto Marinho Ribas January 2011 (has links)
A proposta artística Objetos Tecnopoéticos: Transmutações de Imagens do Repulsivo aborda a experimentação poética entre a pintura digital, a videoarte, o computador e interfaces de controle. Nesta tese, as tecnopoéticas usam os princípios como a representação numérica, modularidade, automação, variabilidade e transcodificação. A tecnologia é investigada como ferramenta para a criação dos objetos tecnopoéticos. No que tange ao tratamento das imagens, essas operações ocorrem com técnicas de pós-produção, bem como pela aplicação de scripts. Com esses procedimentos, as imagens são pintadas quadro a quadro convertendo-se em “pintura animada”. A iconografia do inseto foi re-apropriada de minha produção artística anterior. Todas as animações foram construídas a partir de pinturas de insetos digitalizadas, vídeos e fotografias de vísceras humanas, retiradas de exames anatomopatológicos. Tanto as animações quanto os vídeos foram tratados com técnicas do croma-key, bem como pelo uso de erros produzidos propositadamente no sinal de vídeo através de métodos recursivos e programáveis como maquilagens digitais e efeitos que criam a ilusão de materialidade na imagem. O resultado da mixagem entre a iconografia e tratamento aplicado às animações e vídeos busca evocar um efeito repulsivo no espectador. A análise abjeta do processo criativo afirma que o mesmo origina-se na paixão e repulsa primordial pela imagem. Sua manifestação estética na produção artística contemporânea decorre de uma afirmação dos aspectos estético-sensoriais e representacionais da arte em negação à arte vista apenas como abstração filosófica. Nesta pesquisa artística o repulsivo se manifesta tanto na escolha de imagens quanto nas operações poéticas. O “tecnorrepulsivo” é a operação artística que busca evitar as soluções prontas dos softwares comerciais. O objeto tecnopoético surge de alguns cruzamentos: primeiro pela característica modular das linguagens de programação e dos produtos dos novos meios focados na noção objeto; segundo porque reativa o conceito de experimento e laboratório reivindicado pela arte de vanguarda que via no objeto a marca diferencial entre o atelier e a fábrica. E, finalmente, o “modo de existência dos objetos técnicos” que pretende enfatizar as singularidades dos dispositivos tecnológicos, apropriando-se disso no contexto artístico. Numa breve abordagem da estética e da filosofia da tecnologia, busca-se reaproximar arte e técnica. Os novos meios, particularmente suas interfaces gráficas de visualização, são produtos históricos de experimentações visuais. Contudo, a computação visual, ao apropriar-se das técnicas de construção da imagem, não enfatiza a continuidade da experimentação artística para a evolução da tecnologia. O ponto de cruzamento é a neuroestética (experiência estética com base biológica), que, através da investigação sobre o “conhecimento visual”, redescobre a experimentação artística como fator crucial para o desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia – a arte é uma expressão da maquinaria cerebral. / The artistic proposal ‘Technopoetic Objects: Transmutations of Images of the Repulsive’ discusses poetic experimentation using digital painting, video art, computer and control interfaces. In this thesis, Technopoetics use principles such as numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability and transcoding. Technology is explored as a tool for the creation of technopoetic objects. Regarding the processing of images, these operations occur as part of post-production techniques and also through the use of scripts. Through the use of these procedures, images are painted frame by frame resulting in their conversion into ‘animated painting’. The iconography of the insect has been reappropriated from my earlier artistic work. All animations were built from digitized pictures of insects, as well as videos and photographs of human viscera taken from anatomopathological examinations. Chroma-key techniques were used in both animations and videos, as well as intentionally produced errors in the video signal through recursive and programmable methods, such as digital makeup and digital effects which grant the picture an illusion of materiality. The result of mixing iconography and digital effects used to produce animations and videos intends to instigate a repulsive reaction on the viewer. The abject analysis of the creative process affirms that it originates from passion and primordial repulsion for the image. Its aesthetic manifestation in contemporary art originates from an affirmation of the representational and sensory-aesthetic aspects of art as a denial of art seen merely as philosophical abstraction. In this artistic research the idea of repulsive is used both in the choice of images and in the poetic operations. Technorepulsive is an artistic operation which endeavours to avoid readymade solutions offered by commercial softwares. The technopoetic object appears as a result of combinations: firstly, by the modular characteristics inherent to the languages used in their programming and by the product of the new media which focus on the object concept; secondly, because it reintroduces the concept of experiment and laboratory practice reclaimed by avantgarde art and which saw in the object a differential mark between the workshop and the factory. And finally, the ‘mode of existence of technical objects’ which aims at emphasizing the singularities of technological devices, appropriating this idea in an artistic context. In a brief discussion of aesthetics and philosophy of technology, I seek to reconnect art and technique. The new media, especially their graphic interfaces for viewing, are historical products of visual experiments. Nevertheless, by appropriating image construction the techniques, visual computing does not emphasize the continuity of artistic experimentation in relation to the evolution of technology. Neuro-aesthetics (the biological basis of aesthetic experience) seems to be the intersecting point in this case. As such, through research on the ‘visual knowledge’ neuro-aesthetics rediscovers artistic experimentation as a crucial element for the development of science and technology - art is an expression of cerebral machine.
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Estudo dos distúrbios oclusais em posição de intercuspidação máxima com papel articular e palpação dos músculos masseter superficial e temporal anterior numa amostra de portadores de cefaléia crônica do tipo migrânea e voluntários normaisHüning, Sandra Vargas January 2000 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar a freqüência de DNO em pacientes portadores de migrânea e sujeitos normais através do método oclusal visual com papel carbono e palpação muscular nos músculos masseter superficial e temporal anterior, ambos em PIM. Estabelecer a correlação entre o momento de contração destes músculos com seus volumes finais de contração em PIM. Estabelecer correlação entre o método de palpação muscular e o de análise oclusal visual com carbono em PIM. 3. Delineamento: estudo transversal controlado 4. Desfecho (efeito clínico): distúrbio neuro-oclusal (DNO) 5. Fator em estudo: cefaléia crônica do tipo migrânea Metodologia: Foram examinados aleatoriamente 30 pacientes portadores de migrânea do Ambulatório de Cefaléias do HCPA e 55 indivíduos normais, na faixa etária entre 20 e 50 anos. Os exames para verificação da condição neuro-oclusal em PIM foram exame oclusal visual através de papel carbono e palpação muscular em masseter superficial e temporal anterior em PIM. Os DNOs foram divididos em anterior (DNOA) e posterior (DNOP), analisando-se a correlação entre estes parâmetros e os músculos temporal anterior e masseter superficial respectivamente. Resultados: Entre os grupos de migranosos e normais não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto a presença de DNO tanto para a região anterior quanto para a posterior. Os volumes finais de contração dos músculos masseter superficial e temporal anterior mostraram correlação com os seus viii momentos de contração inicial em PIM. Não houve relação entre o local do DNO em PIM com o local de início de cefaléia relatado pelos pacientes. A palpação muscular em PIM do temporal anterior e do masseter superficial apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade que podem chegar a ser aceitáveis para a averiguação da condição oclusal do paciente. Conclusões: Os grupos migrânea e normal apresentam freqüência de DNOs em PIM semelhantes, o que sugere a necessidade de estudos futuros que avaliem aspectos funcionais do SEG que envolvam outras variáveis tais como aspectos da dinâmica mandibular para que a compreensão entre a questão de interrelação entre migrânea e DCOC possa ser abordada de forma mais completa. A utilização conjunta do exame de palpação muscular em masseter superficial e temporal anterior em PIM e do exame oclusal visual com papel carbono pode ser complementar no exame diagnóstico oclusal quando se busca uma abordagem diagnóstico-terapêutica odontológica mais abrangente.
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Um modelo classificador da lista de e-mail do Projeto Apache que combina dicionário neurolinguístico com ontologia / A classifier model from the e-mail list of Apache Project that combines neurolinguistic dictionary with ontologyFarias, Mário André de Freitas 23 December 2011 (has links)
Electronic mailing lists and discussion groups are normally used by programmers to discuss and improve tasks to be performed during software projects development. Open Source Software (OSS) projects use this lists as the primary tool for collaboration and cooperation. In project like that, normally, the developers are around the world. Thus, means of interaction and communication are needed to ensure collaboration between them, as well as efficiency in the construction and maintenance of projects this size. Mailing lists can be an important data source to discovery information useful about patterns of behavior of developer aimed at project manager. The Neurominer is a text mining tool that determines the Preferred Representational System (PRS) of software developers in a specific context. The tool has a new approach which is a combination between the Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP theory, text mining and statistic technique. In this context, we propose the extension of this tool by applying of techniques of ontology to dictionary, allowing the combination of sensory predicates with software engineering terms, providing a greater power in the context of the dictionary. This way, the text mining matched with NLP theory and ontology appears as natural candidate that consists a solution that aiming to improve the mining of textual information through mailing lists, in order to support software project managers in making decision. This matching showed significant outcomes, proposing a efficient and effective solution. / Listas de e-mails e grupos de discussão são normalmente usados por programadores para discutir e aperfeiçoar tarefas a serem executadas durante as fases de desenvolvimento de projetos de software. Projetos de softwares Open Source utilizam essas listas como uma ferramenta primária para a colaboração e cooperação. Em projetos dessa natureza, normalmente, os desenvolvedores estão em todas as partes do mundo. Desta forma, meios de interação e comunicação são necessários para garantir a colaboração entre os mesmos, bem como a eficácia no processo de construção e manutenção de projetos desse porte. Listas de e-mails podem ser uma importante fonte de dados para a descoberta de informações úteis acerca de padrões de comportamento de desenvolvedores para gerentes de projetos. O Neurominer é uma ferramenta de mineração de texto que determina o Sistema de Representação Preferencial de desenvolvedores de software em um contexto específico. A ferramenta apresenta como inovação a utilização da teoria da Programação Neurolinguística - PNL combinada com técnicas de mineração e estatística. Nesse contexto, é proposta a extensão dessa ferramenta através da aplicação de técnicas de ontologia ao seu dicionário, permitindo a combinação de predicados sensoriais a termos da engenharia de software, proporcionando um poder maior de contextualização ao seu dicionário. Sob esse prisma, a mineração de texto combinada com técnicas de PNL e ontologia surge como candidata natural para compor uma solução que objetiva melhorar a garimpagem de informações textuais, através de listas de discussões, com o propósito de apoiar gerentes de projetos de softwares na tomada de decisão. Essa combinação conduziu a resultados bastante significativos, propondo uma solução eficiente e eficaz.
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