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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Noturno para piano nº12 de Almeida Prado : reflexão sobre a aexecução das indicações metafóricas

Meirelles Neto, Paulo Pereira January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as possíveis interpretações para as indicações metafóricas de partitura do Noturno para Piano nº12 de Almeida Prado. A leitura de teorias sobre metáfora, aliada à pesquisa em outras obras do compositor e outros compositores pianistas, ampararam a reflexão sobre a interpretação das indicações metafóricas. Entrevistas com Almeida Prado foram consultadas em busca da compreensão do processo de evocação de imagens do compositor. Concluiu-se que o estudo aprofundado da obra, voltado para a busca de significados para as indicações metafóricas através da metodologia proposta, favoreceu a coerência e embasamento da interpretação juntamente à compreensão da individualidade e relatividade da interpretação musical. / The objective of the present stud is to investigate the possible interpretations of the metaphorical indications of Almeida Prado‟s Piano Nocturne nº12. The reading of theories about metaphor, allied with the research of other works by this composer and other pianist composers supported the reflection of the interpretation of the metaphorical indications. Interviews with Almeida Prado were consulted in pursuit of the comprehension of the image evocation process of the composer. It was concluded that a more profound study of the work, regarding the search of meanings of the metaphorical indications through the proposed methodology, favored the coherence and foundation of the interpretation, along with the comprehension of the individuality of musical interpretation.

Noturno para piano nº12 de Almeida Prado : reflexão sobre a aexecução das indicações metafóricas

Meirelles Neto, Paulo Pereira January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as possíveis interpretações para as indicações metafóricas de partitura do Noturno para Piano nº12 de Almeida Prado. A leitura de teorias sobre metáfora, aliada à pesquisa em outras obras do compositor e outros compositores pianistas, ampararam a reflexão sobre a interpretação das indicações metafóricas. Entrevistas com Almeida Prado foram consultadas em busca da compreensão do processo de evocação de imagens do compositor. Concluiu-se que o estudo aprofundado da obra, voltado para a busca de significados para as indicações metafóricas através da metodologia proposta, favoreceu a coerência e embasamento da interpretação juntamente à compreensão da individualidade e relatividade da interpretação musical. / The objective of the present stud is to investigate the possible interpretations of the metaphorical indications of Almeida Prado‟s Piano Nocturne nº12. The reading of theories about metaphor, allied with the research of other works by this composer and other pianist composers supported the reflection of the interpretation of the metaphorical indications. Interviews with Almeida Prado were consulted in pursuit of the comprehension of the image evocation process of the composer. It was concluded that a more profound study of the work, regarding the search of meanings of the metaphorical indications through the proposed methodology, favored the coherence and foundation of the interpretation, along with the comprehension of the individuality of musical interpretation.

Noturno para piano nº12 de Almeida Prado : reflexão sobre a aexecução das indicações metafóricas

Meirelles Neto, Paulo Pereira January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as possíveis interpretações para as indicações metafóricas de partitura do Noturno para Piano nº12 de Almeida Prado. A leitura de teorias sobre metáfora, aliada à pesquisa em outras obras do compositor e outros compositores pianistas, ampararam a reflexão sobre a interpretação das indicações metafóricas. Entrevistas com Almeida Prado foram consultadas em busca da compreensão do processo de evocação de imagens do compositor. Concluiu-se que o estudo aprofundado da obra, voltado para a busca de significados para as indicações metafóricas através da metodologia proposta, favoreceu a coerência e embasamento da interpretação juntamente à compreensão da individualidade e relatividade da interpretação musical. / The objective of the present stud is to investigate the possible interpretations of the metaphorical indications of Almeida Prado‟s Piano Nocturne nº12. The reading of theories about metaphor, allied with the research of other works by this composer and other pianist composers supported the reflection of the interpretation of the metaphorical indications. Interviews with Almeida Prado were consulted in pursuit of the comprehension of the image evocation process of the composer. It was concluded that a more profound study of the work, regarding the search of meanings of the metaphorical indications through the proposed methodology, favored the coherence and foundation of the interpretation, along with the comprehension of the individuality of musical interpretation.

Réponses de la respiration à l'augmentation de la température nocturne chez le riz : production de biomasse et de grains et conséquences pour les modèles de culture / Respiration response to increased night temperature in rice : biomass andgrain productions and implications for crop models

Peraudeau, Sébastien 19 December 2014 (has links)
Sous un climat tropical humide, l'augmentation de la température nocturne a été associée à une diminution du rendement chez le riz. Une des hypothèses sous-tendant cette diminution est l'augmentation du taux de respiration nocturne (Rn) diminuant les ressources carbonées disponibles pour la croissance de la plante. La respiration mitochondriale est communément divisée en deux composantes fonctionnelles :- la respiration de maintenance (Rm), qui est associée à toutes les réactions biochimiques requises pour entretenir la biomasse existante. Le taux de Rm doublerait suite à une augmentation de la température ambiante de 10°C (Q10 = 2) ;- la respiration de croissance (Rg), qui est associée à tous les processus impliqués dans la création de biomasse. Cette composante de la respiration est principalement dépendante de la disponibilité en carbohydrates dans la plante, et donc de la photosynthèse.Ce travail de thèse a pour objectifs de (1) déterminer l'effet instantané (sans acclimatation) et sur le long terme (acclimatation) de l'augmentation de la température nocturne, proche de celle prédite par les scénarios climatiques, sur la respiration et la production de biomasse et de grains, (2) évaluer le coût de Rn en terme de biomasse à l'échelle de la plante entière, (3) estimer la respiration de maintenance (Rm) et sa réponse à l'augmentation de la température, et (4) évaluer l'effet de la valeur Q10 sur la modélisation de la production en biomasse. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, trois expérimentations (dont une inexploitable) ont été conduites en serre, deux en chambres de culture et une au champ, à Montpellier (France) et à la station expérimentale de l'IRRI (International Rice Research Institute, Philippines). L'augmentation modérée de la température nocturne de 1.9°C au champ et 3.5°C en chambre de culture de l'initiation paniculaire à maturité, et de 3.8 à 5.4°C en serre du repiquage à maturité, a entraîné l'augmentation significative de Rn (+13 à +35%). Dans le même temps, cette augmentation n'a pas eu d'effet significatif sur la production de biomasse et de grains des écotypes indica et aus, mais la production en grains de l'écotype japonica a été significativement plus faible. Le coût en biomasse de la respiration, en conditions de température nocturne plus élevée, a augmenté légèrement mais n'a pas été associé à une variation significative de la production de biomasse. L'augmentation de la température nocturne sur le long terme (acclimatation) a eu un impact plus faible sur Rn (facteur de 1.14 à 1.67 entre 21 et 31°C) que l'augmentation instantanée (sans acclimatation) (facteur 2.4 entre 21 et 31°C). Le coût quotidien en biomasse de Rm, a été de 0.3 à 1.2% (feuilles complètement développées) et de 1.5 à 2.5% (plantules entières). La Rm a augmenté d'un facteur 1.49 entre 21 et 31°C et représentait environ 33% de la respiration nocturne. Ce facteur est plus faible que l'hypothèse du Q10 = 2 qui surestime les effets de l'augmentation des températures sur Rm.Le modèle d'analyse de sensibilité a montré que la valeur du coefficient Q10 a un rôle significatif dans la prédiction de la production de biomasse dans les modèles de culture. Le rendement simulé diminue de 9% (Q10 = 2) et de 5% (Q10 = 1.5) lorsque la température moyenne journalière augmente de 2°C. Ainsi, prendre en compte l'acclimatation dans la réponse des plantes à l'augmentation des températures est important pour augmenter la précision des modèles. L'augmentation de la précision des modèles passera aussi par l'analyse des variations de la respiration en conditions naturelles. / In tropical climate, increasing night temperature was reported to be associated with a decline in grain yield in rice. This can be partly due to an increase in night respiration rate (Rn) which causes a depletion of carbohydrate supply available for plant growth. Mitochondrial respiration is commonly divided in two functional components; - Maintenance respiration (Rm) which is associated with all biochemical reactions required to maintain existing biomass. The rate of this respiration component would double when ambient temperature increase by 10°C (Q10 = 2). - Growth respiration which is associated with all processes involved in establishment of new biomass. This respiration component is mainly driven by carbohydrate supply and thus, by the photosynthesis rate. The present work aims to (1) determine the effects of short-term (without acclimation) and long-term (with acclimation) increase in night temperature similar to that projected by future climate scenarios on vegetative biomass production and grain yield; (2) evaluate, in terms of loss of biomass, the cost of Rn at plant scale; (3) estimate the maintenance respiration rate (Rm) and its response to temperature; and (4) evaluate the impact of Q10 value on biomass production. To achieve these objectives, three experiments (one unexploitable) were conducted in greenhouses, two in growth chambers and one in the field, at Montpellier (France) or at the experimental station of IRRI (International Rice Research Institute). The moderate increase in night temperature from panicle initiation to maturity in the field by 1.9°C and in growth chambers by 3.5°C, and form transplanting to maturity in greenhouse experiments by 3.8 to 5.4°C, did affect significantly Rn that increased by 13 to 35%. In the same time, it did not affect significantly biomass production and grain yield for indica and aus cultivars, whereas grain production decline was observed for japonica. Calculated biomass losses due to increased Rn under increased night temperature were important but were not associated with a change in biomass production or grain yield. Effect of long-term exposure to increased night temperature (acclimation) was smaller (factor 1.14 to 1.67 between 21 to 31°C) than that of short-term exposure (without acclimation) (factor 2.4 between 21 to 31°C). In this work, 0.3 to 1.2% (expanded leaves) and 1.5 to 2.5% (whole seedlings) of existing dry biomass was lost daily to Rm. The Rn was composed by about 33% of Rm, which increased by factor 1.49 between 21 and 31°C. This is below the common assumption of Q10 = 2 that thus overestimates the effect of increasing night temperature on Rm.A model sensitivity analysis showed that the Q10 value is important in the prediction of biomass production in crop models. Yield is expected to decline by 9% (Q10 = 2 assumption) and by 5% (Q10 = 1.5 assumption) with increasing mean daily temperature by 2°C. Thus, taking into account the acclimation response to temperature change is important for models accuracy. Making crop models more accurate requires more knowledge thermal effect on respiration in the field.

Optimisation des photocathodes à base d'(In)GaAs pour systèmes de vision nocturne / Optimisation of (In)GaAs photocathodes for night vision system

Foltz, Justin 05 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, effectué en collaboration avec la société PHOTONIS, un des leaders mondiaux dans la conception de tubes intensificateur de lumière, et l'Institut d'Électronique du Sud de l'Université de Montpellier, a pour but l'optimisation des photocathodes de 3e génération à base d'(In)GaAs pour lunettes de vision nocturne. Après avoir décrit le principe d'un tube intensificateur de lumière et présenté les performances atteintes par ces différentes générations de dispositifs, le cas plus spécifique de la photocathode est abordé. Par la simulation des performances, deux structures photocathodes sont proposées. L'une pour la détection des faibles niveaux de lumière résiduelle dans le visible, l'autre pour l'extension de la réponse spectrale vers le domaine du proche infrarouge (λ=1,06µm). Le processus technologique pour la fabrication de photocathodes de hautes performances est décrit étape par étape puis les caractérisations électro-optiques, associées aux composants réalisés, sont présentées. Les résultats obtenus montrent des performances en termes de réponse spectrale qui dépassent régulièrement les 1600µA/lm. / This thesis reports on the optimization of 3rd generation photocathode based on (In)GaAs materialfor night vision google. It is realized in collaboration between the PHOTONIS Company, one of the world leaders in conception of image intensifier and the Institut d'Électronique du Sud from Montpellier University. After a description of an image intensifier operation and a presentation of the state of the art of the image intensifier devices, the more specific case of the photocathode is described. Two photocathodes structures are deduced from simulation of performances, one for detection of low levels of visible residual light and the other for infrared extension of spectral response (λ=1.06µm). The different steps of the technological process for the manufacturing of high efficiencies photocathodes are described and the electro-optical characterizations made are presented. The results show performances as hight as 1600$µA/lm.

Expanded Perceptions of Identity in Benjamin Britten's Nocturne, Op. 60

Perkins, Anna Grace 05 1900 (has links)
A concentrated reading of Benjamin Britten's Nocturne through details of the composer's biography can lead to new perspectives on the composer's identity. The method employed broadens current understandings of Britten's personality and its relationship to the music. After creating a context for this kind of work within Britten scholarship, each chapter explores a specific aspect of Britten's identity through the individual songs of the Nocturne. Chapter 2 focuses on how Britten used genres in a pastoral style to create his own British identity. Chapter 3 concentrates on the complex relationship between Britten's homosexuality and his pacifism. Chapter 4 aims to achieve a deeper understanding of Britten's idealization of innocence. The various aspects of Britten's personality are related to one another in the Conclusion.

Behavioural and metabolic characterisation of night eating sydrome / Behavioral and metabolic characterisation of night eating sydrome

Gallant, Annette 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le syndrome de fringale nocturne (SFN) est caractérisé par un retard de l'apport énergétique et se manifeste soit comme une hyperphagie en soirée et/ou des ingestions nocturnes. D’autres caractéristiques cliniques de ce syndrome ont été identifiées : anorexie du matin, l'insomnie, un désire intense de manger le soir, une humeur dépressive et/ou une humeur qui se détériore en soirée, et la conviction que la personne doit manger pour dormir. Bien que la recherche sur NES a progressé de façon constante depuis l’apparition de ce syndrome dans la littérature scientifique en 1955, plusieurs questions n’ont pas été étudiées. En effet, une seule étude a examiné les symptômes du SFN chez les enfants et aucune n’a examiné les comportements de santé associés aux symptômes. De plus, bien que deux études aient démontré que les ingestions alimentaires nocturnes prédisent une plus grande prise de poids, il n’est pas clair si le poids ou certains marqueurs de la santé métabolique ont été associée à d'autres symptômes du syndrome. Enfin, aucune étude n’a exploré le changement des symptômes au fil du temps. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette étude était de mieux caractériser les comportements de santé et le profil métabolique associés à des symptômes du SFN dans une cohorte familiale. Un objectif secondaire visait à valider certains aspects du questionnaire qui mesure les symptômes du SFN de façon auto-déclarées, le « night eating questionnaire » (NEQ). L'échantillon de l'étude comprenait des participants de l'étude de cohorte longitudinale de QUALITY (parents biologiques et leur enfant âgé de 8 - 10 ans) évalués à deux reprises : entre 2005 - 2008 et 2008 – 2010. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse montre que peu de personnes répondent aux critères du SFN, que ces symptômes sont liés à un délai dans certains comportements de santé (activité physique et nutrition) chez les enfants et que certains symptômes sont reliés au profil métabolique et à un gain de poids chez les parents. / Night eating syndrome (NES) is characterised by a delayed pattern of energy intake and manifests as either evening hyperphagia and/or nocturnal ingestions of food. Other clinical features of this syndrome have been identified and include morning anorexia, insomnia, strong evening cravings for food, a depressed and/or evening-worsening mood and a belief that one must eat in order to sleep. Research on NES has progressed steadily since the disorder first appeared in the scientific literature in 1955. However, there is much more to be learned on the topic of NES. There is only one published study that examined night eating symptoms in children. There are no published studies that have examined health behaviours associated with these symptoms in children and none that have examined changes in NES symptoms across time. Furthermore, although two studies have demonstrated that nocturnal ingestions of food predicted greater weight gain, they did not explore if weight gain or markers of metabolic health were associated with other NES symptoms. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the behavioural and metabolic characterisation of night eating symptoms in a family cohort. Furthermore, a secondary objective was to validate certain aspects of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ), a measure of self-reported NES symptoms. The study sample consisted of participants of the longitudinal QUALITY cohort study and included two biological parents and one child aged 8 – 10 years upon recruitment and data were collected at two time points, from 2005 - 2008 and from 2008 – 2010. This thesis demonstrates that few individuals meet criteria for NES.NES symptoms are related to a behavioural delay in children and may be associated with a less healthful diet. Furthermore, certain night eating symptoms are related to weight gain and metabolic health in adults.

Le nocturne comme catégorie esthétique de l'image dans la photographie et le cinéma contemporains / Nocturne as an aesthetic category in contemporary photography and cinema

Langendorff, Judith 03 October 2018 (has links)
À partir d’un corpus ouvert de photographes et de cinéastes coloristes qui ont une fascination pour le nocturne, cette thèse explore les différentes gradations et significations de celui-ci, des plus évidentes aux plus abstraites. La thèse s’attache alors à démontrer que le régime nocturne transforme l’obscurité en valeurs chromatiques et qu’il éclaire, avec une subtilité qu’occulte la vision diurne, les aspects les plus complexes de la société et de l’esprit humain. La confrontation des analyses de séquences filmiques et de photographies dans une perspective articulant esthétique, philosophie et histoire de l’art, a permis de construire la thèse autour de trois grandes notions, Distorsion, Sublimation, Transfiguration, qui fondent le nocturne comme catégorie esthétique de l’image.Le corpus principal organisé sur des critères externes (nocturne, couleur post-années 1960-70) et internes (processus esthétiques conjoints) est composé de séquences de films en couleurs de Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), de David Lynch (1946), de Brian de Palma (1940), de Francis Ford Coppola (1939) et de séries photographiques de Gregory Crewdson (1962), Bill Henson (1955), Rut Blees Luxemburg (1967) et Daniel Boudinet (1945-1990).Le corpus secondaire est constitué de séries photographiques de Darren Almond (1971), Jean-Christian Bourcart (1960), Nicolas Dhervillers (1981), Laurent Hopp (1974), Chrystel Lebas (1966), d’extraits d’un court métrage d’Antoine Barraud (1973) et d’une série TV de Nic Pizzolatto (1975) et Justin Lin (1973), nécessaire pour finaliser la démonstration. / Based on a large corpus of colorist film directors and photographers who share a fascination for the nocturne, this thesis explores the different gradations and meanings of this one, from the more obvious to the more abstracts. The thesis endeavours to demonstrate how the nocturne reasserts the darkness values to turn them into colors, and how it illuminates, with a subtlety absent in diurnal vision, the more complex aspects of society as well as the human mind.The confrontation between picture and film sequences analysis, with a perspective articulating aesthetic, philosophy and art history, leads to three main concepts: Distortion, Sublimation and Transfiguration. Thereby it establishes the nocturne as an image’s aesthetic category in cinema and photography.The main corpus in cinema and photography, organised by externals criteria (nocturne, post-1960-1970 years color) and internals criteria (similar operating processes aesthetic), is established with the movie extracts of Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), David Lynch (1946), Brian de Palma (1940), Francis Ford Coppola (1939) as well as the photographic series of Gregory Crewdson (1962), Bill Henson (1955), Rut Blees Luxemburg (1967) and Daniel Boudinet (1945-1990).The second is based on the photographic series of Darren Almond (1971), Jean-Christian Bourcart (1960), Nicolas Dhervillers (1981), Laurent Hopp (1974) and Chrystel Lebas (1966), as well as Antoine Barraud’s (1973) movie extracts. Finally, for the requirement of the demonstration, a Nic Pizzolatto (1975) and Justin Lin (1973) TV show.

Roberto Bolaño e o Chile noturno de Pinochet / Roberto Bolaño and Chile Nocturno from Pinochet

Souza, Jáder Vanderlei Muniz de 02 December 2011 (has links)
O romance Nocturno de Chile, do escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño, insere-se no diálogo sobre as representações literárias da violência política na América Latina, contribuindo para um esforço de revitalização desse tipo de abordagem. Está dada na obra uma re-elaboração do discurso histórico, re-elaboração essa que se amplia e realiza também uma revisão do cânone literário estabelecido no continente. Dessa forma interessa a este trabalho analisar, compreender e discutir o modo como o autor arquiteta essas instâncias que se cruzam e se fundem no interior da obra, construindo-a. O esforço por compreender o trabalho de Bolaño não traz em si a pretensão de elucidá-lo de modo definitivo, mas a ideia de freqüentá-lo propondo um diálogo com o autor. Ao nos aproximar deste universo la partir de um ângulo distinto lançamos uma mirada crítica sobre a América Latina dos anos 1970. Nesse momento parece emergir com força o importante papel que tem a literatura, não para registrar denúncias ou oferecer respostas, mas dizer aquilo que os documentos não alcançam. / The novel Nocturno de Chile by the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño, takes part in the dialog about literary representation of politic violence in Latin America, and contributes to a revitalization effort for this kind of approach. The book offers a re-elaboration of historic discourse. A re-elaboration which amplifies and also reviews the literary canon established in America. This is why its interesting to analyze, understand and discuss the way the author elaborates those matters that meet and join each other in the plot, to build it up. Our effort to comprehend Bolaños working doesnt intend to elucidate him definitively, but to establish a dialog with the writer. By approaching to this authors universe through a distinct angle, we can critically observe Latin America in the 1970s. In present days, a new important role for Literature seems to emerge, not in order to point out or answer anything, but to tell what historic documents dont seem to be able to reach.

A edição crítica e revisada dos noturnos para piano de Almeida Prado / A edição crítica e revisada dos noturnos para piano de Almeida Prado

Costa, Thiago de Freitas Câmara 01 July 2011 (has links)
Com o intuito de contribuir para uma bibliografia ainda escassa de trabalhos que envolvem a edição de partituras, este trabalho apresenta uma edição musical crítica e revisada dos últimos nove noturnos para piano do compositor Almeida Prado, a partir de seus manuscritos originais. Uma partitura editada facilita a leitura do intérprete e contribui para a divulgação dessas obras. O trabalho de edição crítica é baseado em sugestões de James Grier, por meio de investigação sobre as fontes essenciais, como fatos históricos relacionados ao compositor e ao estilo da obra, estabelecendo critérios de revisão e edição. O processo de edição das obras pesquisadas teve o acompanhamento do compositor. A bibliografia baseia-se em assuntos inerentes ao material, à análise, à edição musical e história da música do século XIX e XX, além de Teses e Dissertações referentes à obra do compositor Almeida Prado. As partituras editadas, assim como os manuscritos utilizados, aparecem como anexo desta Dissertação. / In order to contribute to a still scarce bibliography of works that involve the edition of scores, this paper presents a critical and revised music edition of the last nine nocturnes for piano composer Almeida Prado, from its original manuscripts. An edited score facilitates the reading of the performer and contributes to the dissemination of those works. The work of the critical edition is based on suggestions by James Grier, through research into key sources, such as historical facts related to the composer and style of work, establishing criteria for reviewing and editing. The editing process was supervised by the composer. The bibliography covers issues related to material, analysis, editing music and music history of the nineteenth and twentieth century, thesis and dissertations concerning the work of the composer Almeida Prado. The edited scores, as well as the original manuscripts, appear as appendix to this dissertation.

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