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Transport infrastructure: making more sustainable decisions for noise reductionOltean-Dumbrava, Crina, Watts, Gregory R., Miah, Abdul H.S. January 2013 (has links)
There is a global and growing sustainability agenda for surface transport yet there are no specific means of assessing the relative sustainability of infrastructure equipment. Transport noise reduction devices are a significant part of the surface transport infrastructure: they specifically address environmental and social needs, have a high economic impact, and involve a wide range of raw materials raising multiple technical issues. The paper presents an account of the bespoke tool developed for assessing the sustainability of transport noise reduction devices. Regulatory standards for noise reduction devices and the relevant sustainability assessment tools and procedures adopted worldwide were reviewed in order to produce a set of pertinent sustainability criteria and indicators for NRDs projects, which were reviewed and edited during a stakeholder engagement process. A decision making process for assessing the relative sustainability of noise reduction devices was formulated following the review of the literature. Two key stages were identified: (1) collection of data for criteria fulfillment evaluation and (2) multi-criteria analysis for assessing the sustainability of noise reduction devices. Appropriate tools and methods for achieving both objectives are recommended.
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A study on the acoustic performance of tramway low-height noise barriers : gradient-based numerical optimization and experimental approachesJolibois, Alexandre, Jolibois, Alexandre 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Noise has become a main nuisance in urban areas to the point that according to the World Health Organization 40% of the European population is exposed to excessive noise levels, mainly due to ground transportation. There is therefore a need to find new ways to mitigate noise in urban areas. In this work, a possible device to achieve this goal is studied: a low-height noise barrier. It consists of a barrier typically less than one meter high placed close to a source, designed to decrease the noise level for nearby pedestrians and cyclists. This type of device is studied both numerically and experimentally. Tramway noise barriers are especially studied since the noise sources are in this case very close to the ground and can therefore be attenuated efficiently. The shape and the surface treatment of the barrier are optimized using a gradient-based method coupled to a 2D boundary element method (BEM). The optimization variables are the node coordinates of a control mesh and the parameters describing the surface impedance. Sensitivities are calculated efficiently using the adjoint state approach. Numerical results show that the shapes generated by the optimization algorithm tend to be quite irregular but provide a significant improvement of more than 5 dB (A) compared to simpler shapes. Utilizing an absorbing treatment on the source side of the barrier is shown to be efficient as well. This second point has been confirmed by scale model measurements. In addition, a full scale low height noise barrier prototype has been built and tested in situ close to a tramway track in Grenoble. Measurements show that the device provides more than 10 dB (A) of attenuation for a close receiver located at the typical height of human ears. These results therefore seem to confirm the applicability of such protections to efficiently decrease noise exposure in urban areas
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Étude des matériaux poreux thermo compressés pour la modélisation des écrans acoustiques automobiles / Study of thermocompressed porous materials for the modeling of automotive acoustic shieldsLei, Lei 06 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet EcOBEx, qui consiste à réduire le bruit du groupe motopropulseur rayonné à l'extérieur par l'ajout d'écrans acoustiques dans le compartiment moteur du véhicule. Les écrans acoustiques sont fabriqués par thermocompression de matériaux poreux uniformes. Les propriétés et l'épaisseur du matériau évoluent en fonction du degré de compression subit par le matériau. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer des lois pour prédire l'évolution des propriétés des matériaux à partir du taux de compression et de leurs valeurs initiales avant compression. Dans un premier temps, on s'intéresse aux paramètres du modèle de fluide équivalent de Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) : porosité, résistivité au passage d'air, tortuosité, longueurs caractéristiques visqueuse et thermique, perméabilité thermique statique. Des expressions analytiques sont proposées pour prédire la variation de ces paramètres en fonction de la compression. Elles sont développées à partir d'un modèle de matériaux fibreux à fibres cylindriques où les variations d'orientation des fibres induites par la thermocompression peuvent être prises en compte. Les résultats sont en bon accord avec les mesures effectuées sur deux types de matériaux (mousse à cellules ouvertes et fibreux). Un modèle empirique généralisé est finalement proposé pour la résistivité au passage d'air. Dans un deuxième temps, on s'attache aux paramètres élastiques dont la connaissance est essentielle pour prendre en compte la vibration du squelette. La méthode expérimentale quasistatique est d'abord appliquée pour étudier l'évolution du module de Young par rapport au taux de compression pour les fibres et les mousses. Une loi de puissance est alors proposée pour prédire ces variations. Enfin, une méthode inverse pour estimer les propriétés élastiques d'un matériau poroélastique orthotrope à partir d'une mesure vibratoire d'un écran tricouche thermo comprimé est proposée. Cette méthode permet de caractériser les propriétés élastiques du matériau poreux dans une situation proche de son application réelle / This work was carried out in the framework of the project EcOBEx, whose main objective was to reduce the passby noise by mean of acoustic shields in the engine compartment of the vehicle. The acoustic shields are manufactured by thermocompression of uniform porous materials. The material’s properties and thickness evolve according to the degree of compression experienced by the material. The objective of this work is to propose some laws to predict the evolution of the materials properties from their initial non compressed values and the compression rate. Firstly, we focus on the parameters of the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) equivalent fluid model : porosity, air-flow resistivity, tortuosity, viscous characteristic lengths, thermal characteristic length, static thermal permeability. Some analytical expressions are proposed to predict the variation of these parameters as a function of compression. They are derived from a physical model of cylindrical fibres where the fibre orientation variations induced by the thermocompression can be taken into account. The results are in good agreement with the measurements made two types of materials (open cell foam and fibrous). A generalized empirical model is finally proposed for the air-flow resistivity.In a second part, we focus on the elastic parameters, which are necessary to take into account the vibration of the skeleton. The quasi-static experimental method is first applied to study the evolution of the Young’s modulus along the compression rate for fibrous and open cell foams. A power law is then proposed to predict these variations. Finally, an inverse method for estimating the elastic properties of an orthotropic poro-elastic material from a vibratory measurement of a thermocompressed three layer sandwich structure is proposed. This method allows us to characterize the elastic properties of a porous material in a situation close to its actual application.
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Application Of Absorptive Treatments On Traffic Noise Barriers In FloridaChua, Chin Boon 01 January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, the parallel barrier analysis feature in the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Model (FHWA TNM), which is based on RAYVERB was used to explore the effects of multiple reflections due to single and parallel barriers and the use of absorptive treatment. Database was developed from the data collected from previous research efforts was used to generate a best fit equation model that can be used as a predetermining tool to determine the magnitude of parallel barrier insertion loss. The best fit equation model was then used to test against measured/model result and TNM prediction results for its validity. Absorptive materials were also studied such that 3 top of them were selected and recommended for Florida highway barrier use. It was found that the top three absorptive treatments for use on Florida highway barriers have been determined to be cementitous material, metal wool and glass fiber. These materials can be used to reduce the sound reflections for single and parallel barriers. The developed best fit equation model from this research is Deg = -2.17NRC - CW[superscript 0.42] + 1.97eln(BH) + RH[superscript 0.29] + DBB[superscript 0.27]; the prediction results give moderately high R[superscript 2] value of 0.55 if compared to the results from database. Prediction results from best fit equation model was also found to be consistent with the results from the measure/modeled results, providing further proof of the validity of the model. However, if compared results from equation model, TNM and measured/model (measured and model compared results using ANSI method), TNM was shown to provide higher insertion loss degradation. It was found that the most effective placement of absorptive material was the pattern which covers the barrier from the bottom up; it was also found that only about 60% from the bottom of the barrier area requires covering with high NRC absorptive treatment (NRC greater than or equals to 0.8) without sacrificing insertion loss. Also, if the barrier area near the top includes an easily obtainable NRC value of 0.4, only 40% to 50% of the bottom barrier needs absorptive treatment with a higher, more expensive NRC rating. These findings can substantially reduce the cost of conventional absorptive barrier which have full coverage of high NRC absorptive treatment. This research has begun important improvements in noise barrier design, additional work can be continued to further verify all the findings in this thesis such that easier and better equation model can be developed to calculate insertion loss degradation and cheaper absorptive barrier with less absorptive material usage can be built.
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A study on the acoustic performance of tramway low height noise barriers: gradient-based numerical optimization and experimental approaches ( Étude de la performance acoustique des écrans antibruit de faible hauteur pour le tramway : optimisation numérique par méthode de gradient et approches expérimentales)Jolibois, Alexandre January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Noise has become a main nuisance in urban areas to the point that according to the World Health Organization 40% of the European population is exposed to excessive noise levels, mainly due to ground transportation. There is therefore a need to find new ways to mitigate noise in urban areas. In this work, a possible device to achieve this goal is studied: a low-height noise barrier. It consists of a barrier typically less than one meter high placed close to a source, designed to decrease the noise level for nearby pedestrians and cyclists. This type of device is studied both numerically and experimentally. Tramway noise barriers are especially studied since the noise sources are in this case very close to the ground and can therefore be attenuated efficiently. The shape and the surface treatment of the barrier are optimized using a gradient-based method coupled to a 2D boundary element method (BEM). The optimization variables are the node coordinates of a control mesh and the parameters describing the surface impedance. Sensitivities are calculated efficiently using the adjoint state approach. Numerical results show that the shapes generated by the optimization algorithm tend to be quite irregular but provide a significant improvement of more than 5 dB(A) compared to simpler shapes. Utilizing an absorbing treatment on the source side of the barrier is shown to be efficient as well. This second point has been con firmed by scale model measurements. In addition, a full scale low height noise barrier prototype has been built and tested in situ close to a tramway track in Grenoble. Measurements show that the device provides more than 10 dB(A) of attenuation for a close receiver located at the typical height of human ears. These results therefore seem to con rm the applicability of such protections to efficiently decrease noise exposure in urban areas.
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Evaluation de la performance acoustique des protections antibruit innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels : application aux transports terrestresKoussa, Faouzi 28 September 2012 (has links)
Le bruit dû aux infrastructures de transports terrestres fait partie des premières préoccupations environnementales de ce début de 21e siècle. Un moyen utilisé pour réduire ce bruit est de placer des protections acoustiques le long des grands axes routiers et ferroviaires. Actuellement, les choix de ces protections antibruit se portent généralement sur des solutions traditionnelles : écran droit, merlon, écran incliné, écran avec un couronnement. Le but de ce travail est de proposer des protections acoustiques innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels et d’en étudier la performance acoustique en utilisant des approches numériques et expérimentales. L’approche numérique peut être couplée en outre à un outil d’optimisation, développé dans cette thèse, pour chercher des formes améliorées de tels dispositifs antibruit novateurs. Après une présentation des principaux phénomènes mis en jeu dans la propagation des ondes acoustiques en milieu extérieur complexe, un état de l’art des principaux écrans acoustiques dédiés aux transports terrestres a été établi, permettant de choisir trois protections antibruit innovantes pour en étudier la performance acoustique. Une analyse des principales méthodes de simulation numérique, de mesure et d’optimisation des protections antibruit a permis de choisir les méthodes adaptées à notre problématique des écrans acoustiques utilisant des moyens naturels. Les méthodes choisies ont été utilisées dans ce travail pour évaluer la performance acoustique de ces écrans innovants. Pour le premier écran choisi, dit écran en gabions, nous avons effectué des mesures in-situ et sur modèles réduits, ainsi que des simulations numériques montrant une efficacité satisfaisante. Pour le deuxième écran, utilisant des cristaux soniques, et pour le troisième écran, de type merlon acoustique de forme complexe, nous avons réalisé une étude numérique paramétrique suivie d’une étude d’optimisation. Les résultats des calculs ont montré l’intérêt de tels dispositifs antibruit pour réduire le bruit de circulation routière et ferroviaire en milieu urbain et ils ont abouti à des formes améliorées des protections acoustiques utilisant des moyens naturels. / Noise due to ground transportation infrastructures is among the first environmental concerns of this beginning of 21th century. Building noise protections along motorways and railways is usually the chosen solution to reduce this noise. Currently, noise abatement systems used are mainly conventional ones: straight barriers, earth berms, tilted barriers, capped barriers. The purpose of this work is to propose innovative noise barriers using natural means and to study their acoustic performance by using numerical and experimental approaches. The numerical approach can also be coupled with an optimization tool, developed in this thesis, to obtain improved shapes of such devices using natural means. First, the main phenomena that appear during acoustic wave propagation in a complex outdoor medium are described. Then, a state of the art of the main noise barriers dedicated to ground transportation noise is achieved. It drives the choice of three innovative noise barriers using natural means. An analysis of the main numerical, experimental and optimization methods is carried out which allows to choose the methods adapted to our problem of noise barriers using natural means. The chosen methods are used in this work to assess the acoustic performance of the three innovative noise barriers. For the first chosen noise barrier called “gabions barrier”, we perform in-situ and scale model measurements and numerical simulations. The results show a satisfactory efficiency of such noise devices. For the second and the third chosen noise barriers called respectively “sonic crystal assisted barrier” and “complex shaped earth berm”, we perform a parametric numerical and an optimization studies. The results show the capacity of such noise devices to reduce motorways and railways noises in urban areas and they lead to improved shapes of innovative noise barriers using natural means.
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Utvärdering av standard EN 1793–6:2012 för att undersöka bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet in-situSjöberg, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Bullerskyddsskärmar används för att reducera buller från väg- och spårtrafik. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utvärdera standard EN 1793–6:2012, en mätmetod för att undersöka bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet in-situ med avseende på ljudisoleringen. I nuläget bestäms bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet med laborationsmätningar i ett diffust ljudfält, som inte överensstämmer med det direkta ljudfält och den komplexitet som är in-situ. Till följd av det blir ofta laborationsmätningarna missvisande. Det finns även en okunskap kring håligheter/ läckage och hur det påverkar den akustiska prestandan, vilket gör att det emellanåt leder till brister i installationen av bullerskyddsskärmar och att enhetens ljudreducering inte stämmer överens med förväntningarna. Det finns således ett behov av att bestämma en bullerskyddsskärms befintliga prestanda in-situ för att säkerställa de krav som ställs i specifikationerna. EN 1793–6:2012 ansågs vara lämplig för ändamålet men fler mätningar behövs utföras för att kunna säkerställa resultaten och för att verifiera mätsystemet. Ljudisoleringen bestämdes som en funktion av frekvenser i tersband och var giltiga i frekvensområdet mellan 200 Hz till 5 kHz respektive 400 Hz till 5 kHz. De undersökta bullerskyddsskärmar var: en i laminerat och härdat glas med aluminiumpelare, en icke-homogen vegetationsskärm i stålram och en kombinerad bullerskyddsskärm i akrylglas med aluminiumprofiler. Resultaten jämfördes med laborationsmätningar och/eller simuleringar i Insul. Bullerskyddsskärmarna i glas gav högre värden på ljudisoleringen än i laborationsmätning, ett resultat som kan bero på skillnaderna mellan diffust ljudfält och direkt ljudfält. Komplexiteten i vegetationsskärmen gjorde resultaten svåra att analysera, men läckage förekom i de högre frekvenserna. Adrienne-fönstren behövde bli specifikt beräknade för samtliga impulssvar eftersom dimensionerna för bullerskyddsskärmarna inte överensstämde med vad som definieras i EN 1793–6:2012 för certifieringsändamål. I EN 1793–6:2012 omnämns inte heller markreflektion, som påverkar den filtrerade signalen. Vidare studier behövs för att filtrera bort dessa oönskade komponenter. / Road traffic noise devices, for example noise barriers, are used to reduce the noise from road traffic and trams. The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the standard EN 1793-6:2012, a test method for determining noise barriers efficiency in-situ. Currently, noise barriers efficiency is determined with laboratory measurements in a diffuse sound field, which does not reflect the direct sound field and the complexity that are in-situ. As a result, laboratory measurements are often misleading. Due to a lack of knowledge about leakage, there are sometimes defects caused in the installation of the noise barriers that adversely affect the acoustic properties. There is thus a need to determine the intrinsic parameters of a noise barrier in-situ to ensure the requirements set in the specifications. The new method described in EN 1793-6:2012 was considered useful for the purpose but it was found that more measurements need to be performed to ensure results and to verify the measurement system. The sound insulation was determined for three noise barriers where results are expressed as a function of frequency in one third octave band and were valid in the frequency range between 200 Hz to 5 kHz respective 400 Hz to 5 kHz. The noise barriers tested were: a barrier in laminated glass with metal posts, a non-homogeneous vegetation barrier in a steel frame and a combined barrier with acrylic glass and metal. The results were compared with laboratory measurements and/or simulations in Insul. The glass barriers showed higher values of the sound insulation index than the laboratory measurements, perhaps due to the different sound fields. The complexity of the vegetation barrier made the results difficult to analyze, but leakage occurred in the higher frequencies. The Adrienne temporal windows were specifically calculated for all impulse responses, since the dimensions of the noise barriers differed from the one defined in EN 1793-6: 2012 for certification purposes. Also, in EN 1793-6: 2012, ground reflection, which affects the filtered signal, is not mentioned. Further studies are needed to filter out these unwanted components.
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Jämförelse mellan bullerreducerande beläggning och bullerskärm. : Ur ett kostnads- och tekniskt perspektiv. / Comparison between noise reducing pavement and noise barriers. : From a cost and technical perspective.Cardenas, Pablo, Wall, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Den bullerreducerande beläggnigen har en porös struktur som förbättrar dräneringen och reducerar buller vid källan men egenskaperna orsakar ett snabbt slitage och portäppning. Detta medför att beläggningen måste omläggas och rengöras oftare än en konventionell beläggning som t.ex. ABS 16. Kritiken mot den bullerreducerande beläggningen riktar sig på de höga drift- och underhållskostnaderna, detta gör att många väghållaren satsar på bullerskärm som bulleråtgärd. Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra bullerreducerande beläggning med bullerskärm, för att reda på vilken bulleråtgärd är mer kostnadseffektivt under 20 år. Ett teoriavsnitt kommer att förklara och beskriva på ett tekniskt sätt: väg, ljud och buller, bullerskärm och bullerreducerande beläggningar. Kostnadsjämförelsen mellan bulleråtgärderna omfattar investering, drift och underhåll. Den fördjupar sig på en befintlig sträcka vid Gamla Enskede i Nynäsvägen, där det sedan 2012 finns bullerskärmar. De riktiga priserna av skärmarna ställs mot priserna för en eventuell bullerreducerande beläggning i sträckan. Priserna, antal omläggningar och bullerreducerande förlusten per år för den bullerreducerande beläggningen blev antagna genom beräkningar utifrån verkliga sträckor. Med hjälp av kalkyler och diagram kunde det noteras att bullerskärmarna är dyrare än bullerreducerande beläggningen. Förklaring av kostnadsresultat medföljs av rekommendationer som anses vara relevanta för att ha i åtanke för framtida val av bullerreducerande åtgärder. / Noise reducing pavement has a porous structure that improves drainage and reduces traffic noise but these propitious qualities causes’ problems such as rapid wear and pore clogging. This means that the pavement must be repaved and cleaned more frequently than a conventional pavement such as ABS 16. Criticism of the noise reducing pavement has been raised and has to do with the high operating and maintenance costs, this result in more invests in noise barriers instead. The purpose with this review is to compare noise reducing pavement with noise barriers, in order to determine which noise provision is more cost effective during a period of 20 years. There will be a theory chapter were it will be explain and describe in a technical method: Road, sound and noise, noise barriers and noise-reducing pavement. Cost comparison of noise provisions includes investment-, operation- and maintenance cost. This review immerses on an existing road at Gamla Enskede in Nynäsvägen, which since 2012 has noise barriers. The actual prices of the noise barriers in Gamla Enskede will be compared to a possible noise reducing pavement. Prices, quantity of pavement replacement and noise loss per year for the noise reducing pavement was presumed by calculations based on actual distances with noise reducing pavement. Observation of our calculations and charts reveals that noise barriers are more expensive than noise reducing pavement. Explanations of cost results are accompanied by recommendations that are considered relevant to have in mind for future choices of noise reduction provisions.
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New Approaches to Analyze Sound Barrier EffectivenessBeale, Michael P. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Highway noise can cause annoyance, affect sleep patterns, and reduce the property value for people in the proximity. Current methods for analyzing the effectiveness of sound barriers only take loudness into consideration. This paper introduces new methods that can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the sound barriers. Our approach uses psychoacoustic measures including sharpness, roughness, fluctuation, strength, and annoyance. Highway noise is non-stationary, therefore each of these metrics are calculated over a short time. Finally analysis is performed the distribution and change over time. We used nth nearest neighbor algorithm to remove sounds that are not a part of the experiment. In the future, this data can be combined with human surveys to see if the change in sound quality due to the presence of sound barriers has a meaningful impact on people's lives.
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A study on the acoustic performance of tramway low-height noise barriers : gradient-based numerical optimization and experimental approaches / Étude de la performance acoustique des écrans antibruit de faible hauteur pour le tramway : optimisation numérique par méthode de gradient et approches expérimentalesJolibois, Alexandre 25 November 2013 (has links)
Le bruit est devenu une nuisance importante en zone urbaine au point que selon l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 40% de la population européenne est exposée à des niveaux de bruit excessifs, principalement dû aux transports terrestres. Il devient donc nécessaire de trouver de nouveaux moyens de lutter contre le bruit en zone urbaine. Dans ce travail, on étudie une solution possible à ce problème: un écran bas antibruit. Il s'agit d'un écran de hauteur inférieure à un mètre placé près d'une source, conçu pour réduire le niveau de bruit pour les piétons et les cyclistes à proximité. Ce type de protection est étudié numériquement et expérimentalement. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux écrans adaptés au bruit du tramway puisque dans ce cas les sources sont proches du sol et peuvent être atténuées efficacement. La forme ainsi que le traitement de surface de l'écran sont optimisés par une méthode de gradient couplée à une méthode 2D d'éléments finis de frontière. Les variables à optimiser sont les coordonnées de nœuds de contrôle et les paramètres servant à décrire l'impédance de surface. Les sensibilités sont calculées efficacement par la méthode de l'état adjoint. Les formes générées par l'algorithme d'optimisation sont assez irrégulières mais induisent une nette amélioration par rapport à des formes simples, d'au moins 5 dB (A). Il est également montré que l'utilisation de traitement absorbant du côté source de l'écran peut améliorer la performance sensiblement. Ce dernier point est confirmé par des mesures effectuées sur modèle réduit. De plus, un prototype à l'échelle 1 d'écran bas antibruit a été construit et testé en conditions réelles, le long d'une voie de tramway à Grenoble. Les mesures montrent que la protection réduit le niveau de 10 dB (A) pour un récepteur proche situé à hauteur d'oreilles. Ces résultats semblent confirmer l'applicabilité de ces protections pour réduire efficacement le bruit en zone urbaine / Noise has become a main nuisance in urban areas to the point that according to the World Health Organization 40% of the European population is exposed to excessive noise levels, mainly due to ground transportation. There is therefore a need to find new ways to mitigate noise in urban areas. In this work, a possible device to achieve this goal is studied: a low-height noise barrier. It consists of a barrier typically less than one meter high placed close to a source, designed to decrease the noise level for nearby pedestrians and cyclists. This type of device is studied both numerically and experimentally. Tramway noise barriers are especially studied since the noise sources are in this case very close to the ground and can therefore be attenuated efficiently. The shape and the surface treatment of the barrier are optimized using a gradient-based method coupled to a 2D boundary element method (BEM). The optimization variables are the node coordinates of a control mesh and the parameters describing the surface impedance. Sensitivities are calculated efficiently using the adjoint state approach. Numerical results show that the shapes generated by the optimization algorithm tend to be quite irregular but provide a significant improvement of more than 5 dB (A) compared to simpler shapes. Utilizing an absorbing treatment on the source side of the barrier is shown to be efficient as well. This second point has been confirmed by scale model measurements. In addition, a full scale low height noise barrier prototype has been built and tested in situ close to a tramway track in Grenoble. Measurements show that the device provides more than 10 dB (A) of attenuation for a close receiver located at the typical height of human ears. These results therefore seem to confirm the applicability of such protections to efficiently decrease noise exposure in urban areas
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