Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncontextual"" "subject:"conp.contextual""
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Framtidens ledare? Fråga personalen! : en studie om kontextuell kompetens och självbedömning hos svenska chefer / The Leader of the Future? Ask the Employees! : A Study on Contextual Competence and Self-Assessment of Swedish ManagersHaraldsson, Anni, Pavlović, Marina January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka om kontextuell intelligens är en möjlig lösning till dagensstora mängd ledarskapsrecept. Primärdata från en enkätundersökning med 389 giltiga svarsamlades in angående sex av beteendena som utgör Kutz (2016) teori för kontextuellintelligens, vilket utgjorde metoden för studien. Kontextuell intelligens visade sig vara ettmöjligt svar till de många och kritiserade ledarskapsstilar som har idealiserats.Signifikanstestet visade på signifikant skillnad mellan chefers och medarbetares bedömningarav svenska chefers beteenden och prestationer. Studiens resultat indikerade att forskningbaserad på självutvärdering präglas av allvarliga brister. Studien visade därmed att teorin förkontextuell intelligens inte enbart kan vila på chefers självbedömning, utan bör kompletterasmed observatörers bedömningar av chefer för att ge en mer sanningsenlig bild och förbättraledarskapet. Dessutom bör rekrytering förlita sig på forskning baserad på fler perspektiv änenbart självbedömningar för att undvika misslyckanden vilka kan minska organisatoriskeffektivitet. / The purpose of this study was to examine whether contextual intelligence is a possiblesolution to today's vast array of leadership concepts. Primary data from a questionnaire surveywith 389 valid answers were collected regarding six of the behaviors constituting Kutz (2016)theory of contextual intelligence which formed the method of the study. The findings showedthat contextual intelligence proved to be a possible response to the many and criticizedleadership styles that have been idealized. The significance test showed statisticallysignificant differences between managers and employees assessments of Swedish managers’behavior and performance. The results indicated that research based on self-evaluation ischaracterized by serious shortcomings. This study therefore shows that the theory ofcontextual intelligence can not only rely on managers’ self-assessment and should becomplemented by observers' assessments of managers to give a more truthful picture andimprove leadership. In addition, recruitment should rely on research based on moreperspectives than just self-assessments to avoid failures which could reduce organizationaleffectiveness.The thesis is written in Swedish.
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A linguagem simbólica nas pinturas parietais da Fazenda Mundo Novo - Sergipe / The language in symbolic rupestres paintings of the Mundo Novo farm – SergipeGhiggi, Vani Piaia 11 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The sites of rock art, term conventionally defined and used by a great number of researchers, about this subject, are expressed since the Paleolithic. The developed studies aimed to understand the presence of these archeological sites are not notorious in Sergipe State. In these terms, there was a concern to develop a more detailed research on rock art and the symbolic universe of its producer, since the Canindé de São Francisco is pointing as a place of great archaeological potential and raises discussions about it. When analyzing the figures applying the semiotic method, it was noticed that the sites with rock art inserted into the Mundo Novo Farm can be read as signs that communicate. Each has its own peculiarities and similarities in the types of signs displayed in a color of the symbolic elements shared among individuals living in the area. The semiotic approach to rock art was made possible by the establishment of subdisciplinary fields in Arqueologica, consolidated in the last decade. / Os sítios de arte rupestre, termo convencionalmente definido e utilizado por um grande número de pesquisadores, são manifestados desde o período Paleolítico. Os estudos desenvolvidos que buscam entender a presença desses sítios arqueológicos não são notórios no estado de Sergipe. Nesses termos, houve a preocupação em desenvolver uma pesquisa mais detalhada sobre a arte rupestre e o universo simbólico de seu produtor, visto que o município de Canindé de São Francisco é apontando como local de grande potencial arqueológico e suscita discussões a respeito. Ao analisar as figuras aplicando o método semiótico, percebeu-se que os sítios com arte rupestre inseridos na Fazenda Mundo Novo, podem ser lidos como signos que comunicam. Cada qual possui particularidades e similaridades quanto aos tipos de signos expostos, sendo a cor um dos elementos simbólicos compartilhado entre os indivíduos vivendo na área. A abordagem semiótica para a arte rupestre foi possível devido o estabelecimento dos campos subdisciplinares na Arqueologica, consolidados na última década.
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Assessment of spectrum-based fault localization for practical use / Avaliação de localização de defeitos baseada em espectro para uso práticoHigor Amario de Souza 17 April 2018 (has links)
Debugging is one of the most time-consuming activities in software development. Several fault localization techniques have been proposed in the last years, aiming to reduce development costs. A promising approach, called Spectrum-based Fault localization (SFL), consists of techniques that provide a list of suspicious program elements (e.g., statements, basic blocks, methods) more likely to be faulty. Developers should inspect a suspiciousness list to search for faults. However, these fault localization techniques are not yet used in practice. These techniques are based on assumptions about the developer\'s behavior when inspecting such lists that may not hold in practice. A developer is supposed to inspect an SFL list from the most to the least suspicious program elements (e.g., statements) until reaching the faulty one. This assumption leads to some implications: the techniques are assessed only by the position of a bug in a list; a bug is deemed as found when the faulty element is reached. SFL techniques should pinpoint the faulty program elements among the first picks to be useful in practice. Most techniques use ranking metrics to assign suspiciousness values to program elements executed by the tests. These ranking metrics have presented similar modest results, which indicates the need for different strategies to improve the effectiveness of SFL. Moreover, most techniques use only control-flow spectra due to the high execution costs associated with other spectra, such as data-flow. Also, little research has investigated the use of SFL techniques by practitioners. Understanding how developers use SFL may help to clarify the theoretical assumptions about their behavior, which in turn can collaborate with the proposal of techniques more feasible for practical use. Therefore, user studies are a valuable tool for the development of the area. The goal of this thesis research was to propose strategies to improve spectrum-based fault localization, focusing on its practical use. This thesis presents the following contributions. First, we investigate strategies to provide contextual information for SFL. These strategies helped to reduce the amount of code to be inspected until reaching the faults. Second, we carried out a user study to understand how developers use SFL in practice. The results show that developers can benefit from SFL to locate bugs. Third, we explore the use of data-flow spectrum for SFL. Data-flow spectrum singles out faults significantly better than control-flow spectrum, improving the fault localization effectiveness. / Depuração é uma das atividades mais custosas durante o desenvolvimento de programas. Diversas técnicas de localização de defeitos têm sido propostas nos últimos anos com o objetivo de reduzir custos de desenvolvimento. Uma abordagem promissora, chamada Localização de Defeitos baseada em Espectro (LDE), é formada por técnicas que fornecem listas contendo elementos de código (comandos, blocos básicos, métodos) mais suspeitos de conter defeitos. Desenvolvedores deveriam inspecionar uma lista de suspeição para procurar por defeitos. No entanto, essas técnicas de localização de defeitos ainda não são usadas na prática. Essas técnicas baseiam-se em suposições sobre o comportamento de desenvolvedores durante a inspeção de tais listas que podem não ocorrer na prática. Um desenvolvedor supostamente inspeciona uma lista de LDE a partir do elemento mais suspeito para o menos suspeito até atingir o elemento defeituoso. Essa suposição leva a algumas implicações: as técnicas são avaliadas somente pela posição dos defeitos nas listas; um defeito é considerado como encontrado quando o elemento defeituoso é atingido. Técnicas de LDE deveriam posicionar os elementos de código defeituosos entre as primeiras posições para serem úteis na prática. A maioria das técnicas usa métricas de ranqueamento para atribuir valores de suspeição aos elementos executados pelos testes. Essas métricas de ranqueamento têm apresentado resultados semelhantes, o que indica a necessidade de estratégias diferentes para melhorar a eficácia de LDE. Além disso, a maioria das técnicas usa somente espectros de fluxo de controle devido ao alto custo de execução associado a outros espectros, tais como fluxo de dados. Também, poucas pesquisas têm investigado o uso de técnicas de LDE por programadores. Entender como desenvolvedores usam LDE pode ajudar a esclarecer as suposições teóricas sobre seu comportamento, o que por sua vez pode para colaborar para a proposição de técnicas mais viáveis para uso prático. Portanto, estudos com usuários são importantes para o desenvolvimento da área. O objetivo desta pesquisa de doutorado foi propor estratégias para melhorar a localização de defeitos baseada em espectro focando em seu uso prático. Esta tese apresenta as seguintes contribuições originais. Primeiro, nós investigamos estratégias para fornecer informação de contexto para LDE. Essas estratégias ajudaram a reduzir quantidade de código a ser inspecionado até atingir os defeitos. Segundo, nós realizamos um estudo com usuários para entender como desenvolvedores usam LDE na prática. Os resultados mostram que desenvolvedores podem beneficiar-se de LDE para localizar defeitos. Terceiro, nós exploramos o uso de espectros de fluxo de dados para LDE. Mostramos que o espectro de fluxo de dados seleciona defeitos significamente melhor que espectro de fluxo de controle, aumentando a eficácia de localização de defeitos.
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[pt] No presente estudo, foi investigada a ocorrência da resposta de congelamento de defesa durante o período pré- e pós-choque empregado no protocolo para a criação seletiva das linhagens de ratos Cariocas alto- e baixo-congelamento condicionado na PUC-Rio. Além disso, para obter uma maior clareza da estrutura deste comportamento defensivo e sua relação com as duas linhagens, foi realizada uma extração de componentes. Foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre as linhagens nos períodos pré- e pós-choque, com a diferença no período pré-choque sendo proporcional à encontrada no fenótipo. A análise fatorial revelou 4 componentes, o primeiro relacionado ao fenótipo, o segundo à parcela final do período pré-choque, o terceiro ao período pós-choque e o quarto à parcela inicial do período pré-choque. Estes resultados demonstram que o protocolo empregado foi capaz de produzir diferenças significativas nas linhagens selecionadas para alto e baixo congelamento condicionado em paradigmas de ansiedade incondicionada, indicando um mutualismo genético por trás destes mecanismos, observado pela primeira vez com ratos selecionados apenas pelo medo contextual condicionado. O componente que carregou a parcela final do período de habituação (pré-choque) mostrou-se mais responsável por explicar a variação individual do que a parcela inicial ou o pós-choque, indicando que este período dos minutos 5 a 8 é um intervalo ideal para obter de forma mais eficaz o traço comportamental do animal. / [en] The present study investigated freezing behavior patterns during the selective breeding protocol employed in the creation of the Cariocas High- and Low- Conditioned Freezing in PUC-Rio s Neuroscience Laboratory. There were significant differences found in the baseline, post-shock and retrieval (phenotype) freezing means of the High-, Low- and Control lines over the generations of selective breeding. A Principal Component Analysis of the freezing means in each minute of the contextual fear conditioning protocol revealed four components, the First loading the freezing in the retrieval period, the Second the final half of the baseline period, the Third loads the 3 minutes of freezing measured after foot shocks are received and the Fourth loads the first half of the baseline period. The analysis of the means shows that the selective breeding protocol employed successfully produced differences in anxiety in the selected lines. It s the first time this baseline difference in freezing is observed in Rats. Indicates that there s a genetic pleiotropy behind the underlying mechanisms that allow for a stronger or smaller fear response in response to contextual cues, conditioned or unconditioned. We hypothesize that this might be related to genetic differences in fear related spatial learning modulated by the selection process. Finally, the Second component loading the final half of the baseline period shows that this period (between 5 and 8 minutes) is better at producing a stable behavior pattern which more aptly reproduces the rat s individual identity.
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[pt] A tarefa de resolução de correferência consiste em identificar e agrupar
trechos de um texto de acordo com as entidades do mundo real a que se
referem. Apesar de já ter sido abordada em outras conferências, a CoNLL
de 2012 é um marco pela qualidade das bases de dados, das métricas e
das soluções apresentadas. Naquela edição, o modelo vencedor utilizou um
perceptron estruturado para otimizar uma árvore latente de antecedentes,
atingindo a pontuação de 63.4 na métrica oficial para o dataset de teste em
inglês. Nos anos seguintes, as bases e métricas apresentadas na conferência
se tornaram o benchmark para a tarefa de correferência. Com novas técnicas
de aprendizado de máquina desenvolvidas, soluções mais elaboradas foram
apresentadas. A utilização de redes neurais rasas atingiu a pontuação de 68.8;
a adição de representação contextual elevou o estado da arte para 73.0; redes
neurais profundas melhoraram o baseline para 76.9 e o estado da arte atual,
que é uma combinação de várias dessas técnicas, está em 79.6. Neste trabalho
é apresentado uma análise de como as técnicas de representação de palavras
Bag of Words, GloVe, BERT e SpanBERT utilizadas com árvores latentes de
antecedentes se comparam com o modelo original de 2012. O melhor modelo
encontrado foi o que utiliza SpanBERT com uma margem muito larga, o qual
atingiu pontuação de 61.3 na métrica da CoNLL 2012, utilizando o dataset
de teste. Com estes resultados, mostramos que é possível utilizar técnicas
avançadas em estruturas mais simples e ainda obter resultados competitivos
na tarefa de correferência. Além disso, melhoramos a performance de um
framework de código aberto para correferência, a fim de contemplar soluções
com maior demanda de memória e processamento. / [en] The coreference resolution task consists of to identify and group spans of
text related to the same real-world entity. Although it has been approached
in other conferences, the 2012 CoNLL is a milestone due to the improvement
in the quality of its dataset, metrics, and the presented solutions. In that
edition, the winning model used a structured perceptron to optimize an
antecedent latent tree, achieving 63.4 on the official metric for the English
test dataset. During the following years, the metrics and dataset presented
in that conference became the benchmark for the coreference task. With new
machine learning techniques, more elaborated solutions were presented. The
use of shallow neural networks achieved 68.8; adding contextual representation
raised the state-of-the-art to 73.0; deep neural networks improved the baseline
to 76.9 and the current state-of-the-art, which is a combination of many of
these techniques, is at 79.6. This work presents an analysis of how the word
embedding mechanisms Bag of Words, GloVe, BERT and SpanBERT, used
with antecedent latent trees, are compared to the original model of 2012. The
best model found used SpanBERT with a very large margin, achieving 61.3 in
the CoNLL 2012 metric using the test dataset. With these results, we show
that it is possible to use advanced techniques in simpler structures and still
achieve competitive results in the coreference task. Besides that, we improved
the performance of an open source framework for coreference, so it can manage
solution that demand more memory and processing.
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The Cultural Impacts On Working Conditions for Employees in the Tourism Industry : Sweden Versus TurkeyAdamsen, Michelle, Belskaya, Izabel January 2023 (has links)
Travel is an adventure into a new unexplored culture, different from what surrounds the traveler in the usual life at home. Culture is reflected not only in architecture, food, and literature but also in social relationships. How people react to everything they hear and see is based on the characteristics of their cultures. During travel, there is a clash of multiple cultures in the faces of tourists and tourism workers. The workers are the people presenting their culture to the tourists, but how does culture itself affect the working conditions of these people? The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between cultural norms and the working conditions of workers in the tourism industry. To achieve the purpose of this paper, the cases of Sweden and Turkey were used, since their cultures are fundamentally different from each other. The result of this study showed that Turkish culture is largely based on social relationships and not on following regulations, which leads to corruption and disregard for labor laws. On the other hand, Swedish culture is rule-based, and these characteristics have a beneficial influence on the enforcement of labor laws. The information obtained as a result of this work can be used to study and understand how culture affects the state of working conditions and how the relationship between tourists and tourism workers differs depending on their cultural characteristics.
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[pt] O presente trabalho debruçou-se sobre o discurso escatológico de Mateus,
especificamente sobre Mt 25,31-46, que relaciona o julgamento do Filho do
Homem, esperado para os últimos dias, com a prática da justiça, manifesta na
realização das obras de misericórdia. Compreende-se que o contexto histórico da
comunidade mateana era o pós-guerra de 70 d.C. Esses eventos catastróficos
provocaram uma grave crise de identidade nas comunidades judaicas, que passaram
a reorganizar a vida na centralidade da Torá, devido à ausência do Templo, que
havia sido destruído pelos romanos. Tal ausência também culminou com a perda da
liderança judaica, fazendo com que os diversos grupos judaicos, existentes na
época, concorressem entre si para assumirem essa função. Entendiam-se como
intérpretes autorizados da Torá e, portanto, o verdadeiro Israel. Dentre eles, formou-se uma coalizão que estava em conflito direto com a comunidade mateana,
agravando ainda mais a crise que ela vivia. O evangelho de Mateus foi escrito com
os propósitos de: levar ordenamento e sentido para a sua comunidade; e consolar os
seus membros, profundamente marcados por estes eventos. Para tal, o evangelista
fez uso da visão de mundo da escatologia apocalíptica como o julgamento no final
dos tempos pelo Filho do Homem e a retribuição dos justos e ímpios. O objetivo
deste estudo foi analisar a perícope de Mt 25,31-46, a fim de compreender o
ambiente em que o evangelho foi produzido; assim como, a resposta encontrada
pelo evangelista em relação à situação de crise no pós-guerra; e os pontos de
convergência e divergência com outros grupos judaicos do mesmo período, em
especial, o judaísmo formativo, com quem a comunidade mateana está em conflito.
Essa análise foi feita por meio da abordagem diacrônica do método histórico crítico,
e sincrônica a partir abordagem dos textos fonte e contextual. / [en] The present work focused on the eschatological discourse of Matthew,
specifically on Mt 25:31-46, which relates the judgment of the Son of Man,
expected for the last days, to the practice of justice manifested in the works of
mercy. It is understood that the historical context of the Matthean community was
the post-war period of 70 AD. These catastrophic events caused a severe identity
crisis among Jewish communities, which began to reorganize their lives around the
centrality of the Torah due to the absence of the Temple, which had been destroyed
by the Romans. This absence also led to the loss of Jewish leadership, causing
various Jewish groups existing at the time to compete for that role. They saw
themselves as authorized interpreters of the Torah and therefore the true Israel.
Among them, a coalition was formed that was in direct conflict with the Matthean
community, further aggravating the crisis it was experiencing. The Gospel of
Matthew was written with the purposes of bringing order and meaning to its
community, and comforting its members, deeply affected by these events. To this
end, the evangelist made use of the worldview of apocalyptic eschatology, such as
the judgment at the end of time by the Son of Man and the retribution of the
righteous and the wicked. The objective of this study was to analyze the pericope
of Mt 25:31-46 in order to understand the environment in which the Gospel was
produced, as well as the response found by the evangelist regarding the post-war
crisis, and the points of convergence and divergence with other Jewish groups of
the same period, especially formative Judaism, with whom the Matthean
community is in conflict. This analysis was conducted through the diachronic
approach of the historical-critical method, and the synchronic approach of source
and contextual texts.
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Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in the banking sector: An Investigation of Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in the Saudi Banking SectorAl-Faidi Al-Juhani, Mohammed H. January 2011 (has links)
The improvement of SISP practices has rapidly become one of the most critical issues facing many organisations, including banks. Globally, the banking sectors, including the Saudi one, have developed and implemented many IS strategies. Several systems have been executed to support the countries’ economies which have benefited from the increased trading resulting from the greater flexibility in time and costs associated with banking transactions. To continue these achievements and to improve SISP processes, several factors require careful investigation based on their relationship to SISP success; which include SISP objectives, SISP internal factors, external consultant functions, SISP external factors, measurements of SISP success, key stakeholders’ roles, and triggers. Therefore this study investigates the impact of these factors on SISP success. Data were collected in three phases. Phase 1 was an initial study with one or two interviews with the IT directors of each bank in the Saudi banking sector comprising the central bank and 11 commercial banks. The outcomes informed the development of a survey that was used in Phase 2; to investigate a sample containing a central bank, a domestic commercial bank and a domestic-foreign commercial bank to determine their SISP processes. 157 completed questionnaires were returned from the bank executives, business and IT directors and consultants. In Phase 3, 57 interviews confirmed and explained the quantitative results from Phase 2. Therefore, an in-depth case study was made in the three banks during Phases 2 and 3. The research results support previous findings on the SISP’s seventeen objectives collected by several researchers across different industries and in various countries. Furthermore, the research condenses these seventeen objectives into five more practical and achievable objectives for the banking sector. These are: 1) planning and deployment of information systems; 2) leading organisation changes; 3) improving stakeholders’ involvement and communication; 4) achieving the strategic priorities; and 5) alignment of organisational policies and architecture for business and IS. In addition, the findings identify the factors according to their relationship with SISP success and therefore explore several elements with positive, negative or no impact on SISP success in the banking sector. The thesis presents conclusions and suggests areas for further research.
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Machine learning Based Energy Efficient Bandwidth Optimization / Maskininlärning Baserad energieffektiv bandbredd optimeringMao, Jingxuan January 2024 (has links)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is fourth generation broadband wireless access technology. As LTE networks continue to expand, their energy consumption has become a concern due to increased costs and environmental impact. To address this issue, we present a novel approach in this thesis that focuses on energy-efficient LTE network operation by optimizing cell bandwidth deployment. Only historical data extracted from a real-world LTE network is provided by Ericsson in the thesis, so the model has to learn the pattern by exploiting the data. The model formulates the task as an offline contextual bandits problem and implements offline learning and evaluation algorithms. In addition, the model incorporates two agents: an energy-driven agent and a teacher agent within the bandwidth recommendation engine. This enables energy savings while ensuring uninterrupted network service. Users have the flexibility to customize the desired percentage of energy savings by adjusting a hyper-parameter that determines the relative weight of the two agents in the final bandwidth decision. Through comprehensive offline evaluation, the model is assessed and demonstrates its ability to conserve energy without compromising network performance. / Long Term Evolution (LTE) är en fjärde generationens bredbandslösning för trådlös access. Medan LTE-nätverk fortsätter att expandera har energiförbrukningen blivit en oro på grund av ökade kostnader och miljöpåverkan. För att hantera denna fråga presenterar vi i denna avhandling en innovativ metod som fokuserar på energieffektiv drift av LTE-nätverk genom att optimera tilldelningen av cellbandbredd. Endast historiska data som utvunnits från ett verkligt LTE-nätverk tillhandahålls av Ericsson i avhandlingen, vilket innebär att modellen måste lära sig mönster genom att utnyttja dessa data. Modellen formulerar uppgiften som ett offline-contextual bandits-problem och implementerar algoritmer för offline-inlärning och utvärdering. Dessutom inkluderar modellen två agenter: en energistyrd agent och en läraragent i bandbreddrekommendationssystemet. Detta möjliggör energibesparingar samtidigt som kontinuerlig nätverkstjänst garanteras. Användare har flexibiliteten att anpassa den önskade procentandelen av energibesparingar genom att justera en hyperparameter som bestämmer den relativa vikten av de två agenterna vid beslutsfattandet om slutlig bandbredd. Genom omfattande utvärdering offline bedöms modellen och dess förmåga att spara energi utan att äventyra nätverksprestanda bekräftas.
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Abuse Severity, Family Environment, and Caregiver Distress as Predictors of Adjustment Among Sexually Abused YouthStewart, Lindsay McKenna 01 January 2010 (has links)
Much of the research on childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has utilized demographic factors (e.g., the gender, age, and race/ethnicity of the child victim) and specific characteristics of the abusive experience (e.g., the severity of abuse, the relationship between the perpetrator and the child victim, the child's age at the onset of abuse, etc.) as predictors of children's adjustment. Unfortunately, the ability of such factors to predict children's adjustment consistently across studies has been limited. Alternatively, while it has been recognized that survivors of CSA often hail from dysfunctional family environments and that the disclosure of CSA frequently results in emotional distress for caregivers, less research has focused on how these factors may serve to influence sexually abused children's adjustment. This study included 163 sexually abused youth and their non-offending caregivers who completed measures of psychological adjustment and the family environment. Demographic information and abuse-related characteristics were also collected. Children's age, gender, and race/ethnicity were not significantly predictive of emotional adjustment. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the direct and indirect effects of total abuse severity, caregiver distress, and children's perceptions of their family environments as predictors of emotional adjustment. Results indicated that both children's perceptions of their family environments and total abuse severity were significantly predictive of children's emotional adjustment, whereas caregiver distress did not have significant direct or indirect effect on adjustment. Finally, the implications of these findings for future research and the development of effective interventions for sexually abused children and their families was discussed
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