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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of citizenship defined through dualistic and embodied paradigms : a case study of belonging and exclusion in young people around England in light of the debate on Britishness

Millner, Sophie Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Embedded in debates concerning Britishness and citizenship, this thesis considers the influence of the dualistic tradition on citizenship theory and highlights the exclusionary nature of citizenship as founded in this paradigm. Working within this dualistic paradigm means that the lives and practices of being a citizen are not captured, creating an exclusionary cycle whereby the concept excludes the lives of many citizens, and many individuals are excluded from being a citizen as defined by the concept. This thesis used participatory, visual and online methods to explore belonging and exclusion with young people around England. Informed strongly by the field research, this thesis analyses citizenship as defined through dualistic and embodied paradigms and considers the potential of an embodied concept of citizenship for engaging young people.

Flerspråkiga barns inkludering i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares arbete kring barn med annat modersmål än svenska / Multilingual children’s inclusion in preschool : A study of preschool teachers’ work around children with a mother tongue other than Swedish

Skoglöf, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på hur de barn i förskolan som har ett annat modersmål än svenska inkluderas i barngruppen. Att inkluderas innebär för dessa barn att de tillsammans med övriga barn i barngruppen betraktas som en helhet. Detta medför att inga barn exkluderas för sina olikheter och att olikheter främjar lärandet. Jag upplever att förskollärarna har ett stort ansvar för hur barnens situation ser ut, och därför har dessa varit mitt studieobjekt. Min empiriska undersökning gjordes med tre förskollärare på tre olika förskolor. Med varje förskollärare genomfördes en direkt intervju med förutbestämda frågor, där förskolläraren också gavs utrymme att prata fritt. Övrig insamling av material för studien har skett i form av litteratursökning. Bakgrunden till studien bygger på erfarenheter av ett bristande förhållningssätt hos förskolepersonalen samt ett modersmålsstöd som innebär en exkludering för barnet. Resultatet visar att ett relativt medvetet förhållningssätt förekommer hos personalen vilket gynnar barnets inkludering. Däremot missgynnas barnet av det modersmålsstöd som finns i förskolan. / This study aims to find out how the children in preschool who have another mother tongue than Swedish are included in the group of children. Being included means that all children in the group are considered as an entirety, which means that no child should be excluded and that diversity promotes learning. I feel that preschool teachers have great responsibility for the children’s situation, that is why preeschool teachers have been focused in my study. My empirical study is done with three preschool teachers in three different preschools. An interview with predetermined questions has been made with each one. They where also allowed to talk freely around the questions. Other data collection for the study has been done by reading relevant literature. The study takes its starting point in my experiences of a lack of attitude in preschool staff, as well as a mother tongues support that results in excluding the child. The result shows that a conscious approach among the staff exists which promotes the child's inclusion. It also shows that the mother tongue support that children get does not benefit them in preschool.


Scott, Kristin Damato 01 January 2007 (has links)
The vast majority of social exclusion research has taken place outside of the workplace (i.e., in social settings). In addition, researchers often use a myriad of terms (i.e., ostracism, exclusion, rejection) when describing and investigating exclusion-related phenomena thus contributing to widespread conceptual confusion with respect to this construct. Moreover, past studies have failed to consider the role of social exchange in determining how individuals may react to being excluded by others particularly in a work setting. I sought to address these issues by conducting three multi-wave studies which develop and test a social-exchange based model of interpersonal workplace exclusion (IWE). Specifically, I created and validated two measures (i.e., coworker and supervisor) of IWE. In addition, I examined the discriminant, convergent and predictive validity of these scales. The results of these studies produced two distinct, unidimensional measures of IWE an 8-item coworker IWE scale and an 8-item supervisor IWE scale. Additional analyses revealed that IWE is negatively related to, albeit distinct from, workplace inclusion and is part of the broader conceptual domain of antisocial workplace behavior which includes theoretically similar constructs namely, workplace incivility, counterproductive workplace behavior and workplace bullying. In addition, IWE was found to be negatively related to perceived interpersonal fair treatment, job satisfaction and leader-member exchange (LMX) as well as positively related to job induced tension. Lastly, results of the third study provided support for an exchange-based model of IWE such that both coworker and supervisor IWE measures were associated with employee social undermining behavior, reduced effort and lower levels of organizational citizenship behaviors.

Transforming neighbourhoods : an exploration of the neighbourhood management process in Ilfracombe, Devon

Ward, Kim January 2011 (has links)
The neighbourhood became one of the key sites for urban policy development during the previous New Labour government, and Neighbourhood Management Pathfinders were amongst their final strategies to combat “the most difficult problems faced by deprived neighbourhoods” (SEU 2000:5). This thesis explores the process of neighbourhood management in the coastal town of Ilfracombe, Devon. Ilfracombe features the characteristics of decline found in a number of coastal towns across the country, and suffers from high levels of deprivation (House of Commons Report 2006). Consequently, the neighbourhood management pathfinder ‘Transform’ was deployed in Ilfracombe in an attempt to address high deprivation. This thesis uses empirical findings collected through interviews and focus groups to examine the process of ‘Transform’, from its conception to its practical operation. It specifically considers the ‘voices’ of residents whose opinions and experiences, as targets of neighbourhood intervention are not always sufficiently documented within policy narratives. Consequently, the thesis unravels the process of neighbourhood management through findings generated by qualitative research ‘on the ground’. These are then examined through the lens of governmentality, allowing the methods, practice and outcomes of government, to be unpacked through a presentation of my empirical findings (Foucault 1991). These examinations take a particular interest in notions of community engagement and participation, partnership working, and the process of social exclusion. Here, partnership is demonstrated to be a tentative and fragile process underlined by local histories and differing temporal frameworks for action. But, this research also demonstrates that joint working can be improved through neighbourhood management which widens routes of communication to officers ‘on the ground’. However, what this thesis hopes to demonstrate most strongly is the continuing depth of problems felt by residents in Ilfracombe and that the process of ‘inclusion’ through paid work and ‘active’ citizenship, underlined in Labour’s neighbourhood renewal strategies, is not tackling some of the main problems of ‘deprived’ neighbourhoods, as experienced by the residents themselves.

Ett liv i gränslandet mellan det normala och det avvikande : En litteraturstudie om vuxna personer med Aspergers syndrom

Andersson, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
Studien syftar till att nå en förståelse för hur en person med Aspergers syndrom förstår sig själv och sin sociala miljö. Antalet personer som diagnostiserats med Aspergers syndrom blir högre men kunskapen bland människorna i samhället inte alltid är uppdaterad och det finns en hel del fördomar om personer med Aspergers syndrom. För att försöka förstå hur personer som själva lever med Aspergers syndrom uppfattar sig själva och sin vardag har jag använt mig utav tre självbiografier skrivna av personer som i vuxen ålder diagnostiserats med Aspergers syndrom. För att uppnå syftet med studien har jag valt att använda mig av hermeneutiken när jag ska försöka förstå författarnas upplevda känslor av sin egna självbild och att leva med Aspergers syndrom. Resultatet av denna studie visar att personer som inte fått sin diagnos Aspergers syndrom som barn under sin uppväxt upplever sig själva som annorlunda ur ett negativt perspektiv då de känner ett utanförskap och stora svårigheter att klara av skolan, både studier och det sociala samspelet. Detta i sin tur kan leda till minskade möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden och en egen försörjning. / The study aims to reach an understanding of how a person with Aspergers syndrom understands himself and his social environment. The number of people diagnosed with Aspergers syndrom are getting higher but the knowledge among the people in the society are not always updated and there are a lot of sterotypes about people with Aspergers syndrom. I am using three book that are written by persons that living with Aspergers syndrom, all three given the diagnos when they were adult. To aim my purpose with this study I choose to use the hermeneutics as method to try to understand how the writers feels about them self and their self-image and what it feels like to be living with Aspergers syndrome. The result of this study shows that persons that has not been diagnosed Aspergers syndrome until their are adult often sees themself as different from a negative perspective when they feel like outsiders, experiencing exclusion and have difficulties to manage the school. Both studies and the social interplay. In the end this might result in decreased possabilitys at the labor market and a self-sufficiency.

Perceived Accessibility : Capturing the Traveller Perspective

Lättman, Katrin January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is introducing and proposing perceived accessibility as an important and so far overseen complement to conventional, objective accessibility in sustainable transport. Perceived accessibility is defined as the possibilities and ease of engaging in preferred activities using different transport modes. Implications for sustainable transport planning along with possible social outcomes related to perceived accessibility are also discussed.   The thesis comprises two empirical studies. In Study I a psychometric measure (PAC) that captures perceived accessibility was developed and validated in three different datasets by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. All data was collected in Karlstad, Sweden in 2013 and 2014 with a total of 750 participants (bus travelers). Perceived accessibility is suggested as a complement to objective accessibility by contributing with the traveler perspective.  Study II aimed at examining determinants of perceived accessibility focusing on service quality aspects, feelings of safety, age, and trip frequency. Study II used the same data as Study I in a conditional process model to look at the relations between perceived accessibility and its proposed determinants. Service quality and feelings of safety were found important predictors of perceived accessibility, and safety also explains part of the effect of quality on perceived accessibility. These relationships were not dependent on trip frequency (as in how often one travels by public transport). Age also predicted perceived accessibility, and a follow-up cluster analysis showed that elderly and people in their thirties experience significantly lower perceived accessibility than other age groups. / Denna licentiatuppsats behandlar upplevd tillgänglighet, det vill säga resenärsperspektivet på tillgänglighet, som ett viktigt komplement till konventionell (objektiv) tillgänglighet inom hållbart resande. Uppsatsen introducerar upplevd tillgänglighet och dess nytta och plats i forskningen samt implikationer för planering och utvärdering av hållbara transporter. Vidare behandlas påverkansfaktorer för upplevd tillgänglighet samt relaterade individuella utfall som subjektivt välbefinnande och social exkludering/inkludering utifrån teori och empiri.   Uppsatsen innefattar två empiriska studier. Studie I utvecklar och testar ett psykometriskt mätinstrument för upplevd tillgänglighet med data från tre enkät-tillfällen (n= 750) i Karlstad. Dataset 1 analyserades med explorativ faktoranalys för att få fram ett instrument som fångar upplevd tillgänglighet (PAC) och validerades därefter i två dataset. Studie II avsåg att undersöka vad som bidrar till upplevd tillgänglighet med fokus på kvalitetsattribut i resan (service quality), resenärens upplevda trygghet, samt ålder och resvana. Samma data som i studie I användes i en conditional process model för att undersöka sambanden, samt i en klusteranalys för att ytterligare undersöka skillnader i resultatet mellan olika grupper av resenärer. Resultatet visar att upplevd tillgänglighet kan ha betydelse som komplement till befintliga mätningar och utvärderingar av tillgänglighet genom att bidra med resenärsperspektivet. Ett antal påverkansfaktorer för upplevd tillgänglighet kan konstateras, däribland kvalitet samt resenärens upplevda känsla av trygghet. Betydelsen av kvalitet för tillgänglighet är densamma oavsett hur ofta man reser, däremot upplever de som reser ofta en signifikant högre tillgänglighet än de som reser sällan. Äldre resenärer och resenärer i 30-årsåldern påvisar signifikant lägre upplevd tillgänglighet. / This thesis proposes perceived accessibility as a complement to conventional accessibility in sustainable transport planning and evaluation. Perceived accessibility is defined as the possibilities and ease of engaging in preferred activities using different transport modes and captures the traveller experience and perspective of accessibility. The thesis introduces an instrument for measuring perceived accessibility (PAC) along with determinants for perceived accessibility, such as feelings of safety, age, and perceived quality. Related social outcomes such as social inclusion and subjective well-being are discussed, along with possible implications for transport planning and suggestions for future research.

Ethnicizing Employability : Governing the Unemployed in Labour Market Projects in Sweden / Etnifierad anställningsbarhet : Styrning av arbetslösa i arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Sverige

Vesterberg, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation analyzes labour market projects co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) targeting unemployed migrants and ethnicized groups. The analysis is qualitative, discourse-oriented and based on Foucault’s concept of governmentality. More specifically, it is highlighted how the target groups are ethnicized through discourses of employability and learning. The thesis consists of four articles. In the first three articles, focus is mainly on how the projects present themselves through their project descriptions in the ESF project bank and the fourth article is mainly based on ethnographic material. Overall, this dissertation highlights different aspects of inclusion work directed towards migrants and ethnicized target groups that can be seen as problematic and sometimes contradictory. Tendencies to individualize unemployment and thus positioning the unemployed project participants as responsible for their situation is interrogated in the thesis. Further, it is analyzed how culture and ethnicity is used in ways that are likely to strengthen the target groups ‘Otherness’ in relation to a ‘Swedishness’ that often become synonymous with what is perceived as normal and thus widening the gap between ‘us’ and ‘them’ when the stated goal is the opposite. This dissertation can serve as a starting point to reflect on how inclusion efforts and labour market projects seeking to produce social inclusion and employability may be at risk to categorize people in different ways, which can sometimes be problematic in relation to what the efforts seek to achieve. / I avhandlingen studeras arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder, i form av projekt finansierade av Europeiska socialfonden (ESF), riktade mot arbetslösa migranter och etnifierade grupper. Analysen är kvalitativ, diskursorienterad och utgår från Foucaults begrepp governmentality. Mer specifikt belyses hur projektens målgrupper etnifieras genom diskurser om anställningsbarhet och lärande. Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar. I de tre första artiklarna fokuseras främst hur projekten framställer sig själva genom projektbeskrivningar i ESFs projektbank och den fjärde artikeln utgår främst från etnografiskt material. Sammantaget belyser avhandlingen olika aspekter - som kan ses som problematiska och ibland motsägelsefulla - av inkluderingsarbete riktat mot migranter och etnifierade målgrupper. Det handlar om tendenser att individualisera arbetslösheten och därmed i hög grad ansvariggöra de arbetslösa projektdeltagarna för sin situation. Det handlar också om att använda kultur och etnicitet på ett sätt som riskerar att förstärka målgruppernas ’annorlundahet’ i relation till den ’svenskhet’ som inte sällan blir synonymt med vad som uppfattas som normalt och på så sätt vidga gapet mellan ’vi’ och ’dem’ när den uttalade målsättningen är det motsatta. Avhandlingen kan fungera som en utgångspunkt för att reflektera kring hur inkluderingsinsatser och arbetsmarknadsprojekt riskerar att sortera och kategorisera människor på olika sätt, som kan vara problematiska i relation till vad insatserna vill uppnå.

Det fiktiva paret Ignace, en hjälpande hand för en normkritisk undervisning : En queerteoretisk närläsning av Frida Stéenhoffs novell Ett sällsamt öde med en didaktisk utgångspunkt / The fictional couple Ignace, a helping hand for a norm critical education : A queer theoretical close reading of Frida Stéenhoffs short story Ett sällsamt öde with a didactical basis

Razaghi, Katrin January 2016 (has links)
The purpose with this paper is to use an older belletristic litterature, like in this case Ett sällsamt öde by Frida Stéenhoff and do a queer theoretical analysis of the short story and then discuss the didactical implications the short story and my reading of the short story can have in the Swedish school and the work to active counteract discrimination. I have designed three questions who can answer my purpose with this paper. The following questions are: - How do Mikael and Ethel challenge the heterosexual standard? - How can the important breakfronts in the short story be comprehended and explained by the queer theory? - What in my reading of the short story can be actualized as relevant in the didactic field? The method I have used to answer these questions is a queer theoretical close reading of the short story. I have been able to use this method with the help of the queer theoretical perspective as my thesis and concepts such as Butler’s perfomativity and Foucault’s categorizing and exlusion are important concepts in my analysis and result. The conclusion I have been able to reach is that the short story Ett sällsamt öde actually is a story that can be used in the Swedish school and the work to actively counteract discrimination. With the queer theoretical perspective as my basis I have been able to find four different aspects that I consider important for the story itself but also to discuss with the students in school. These four aspects are Mikael Ignace’s identity, his suicide and Ethel’s psychological state and her way back to the nursing home as she herself once upon a time was admitted to. These four aspects challenge the heterosexual state and can from a queer perspective interpreted as Frida Stéenhoff’s figurative metaphors for a more comprehending society. With these aspects to my help I want to use queer pedagogy with my students to show them that norms, categorizing and similar aspects are constructions built by human beings and therefore are able to be critically examined and that they are changeable.

Grupperingar i skolvärlden : En studie om hur lärare i särskolan uppfattar mötet mellan grundskolan och grundsärskolan / Groupings in school´s : A study of some special school teacher’s perceptions of the encounter between compulsory school and special school

Wåger, Jonny January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate some teachers in special school´s perceptions of the meeting of compulsory school and special school. In this study, ethnocentrism is used as a theoretical framework, the theory which is built on the meeting between groups and how they interact. The study has a phenomenographic onset, which is a qualitative method. The gathering of data was made through interviews, one to one. Five interviews were made and analyzed by the use of phenomenographic analysis. Five categories were identified: Inclusion, commitment and interest, knowledge about special school, to be forgotten, and differences in cognitive approach. In the sample space the underlying structures was discussed by ethnocentrism, as well as previous literature and research. Some common points of contact between ethnocentrism and previous research on the meeting could be found. What the study also found was that four out of five respondents felt a sense of belonging in school, while one felt that the Special school was excluded from the regular school. The respondents could all agree on the fact that several factors affected the meeting. These five categories could be seen as areas of improvement in schools that want to work in an inclusive manner. These factors were also lifted in previous research on special school and inclusion.

Attitudes discriminatoires et comportements racistes : préalables théoriques et épistémologiques au développement d'approches et d'instruments d'enquêtes sociologiques

Corbeil, Jean-Pierre January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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