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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ato médico no crime de tortura / Medical act in the crime of torture

Araujo, Virginia Novaes Procópio de 14 June 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar se a legislação pós Segunda Guerra Mundial foi apta a inibir o comportamento maleficente de médicos no auxílio em especializar, dissimular e acobertar a tortura. Nesse sentido, pretende-se demonstrar o envolvimento médico com experimentos em seres humanos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e corroborar que a maleficência médica, todavia, ainda nos dias de hoje é empregada na sociedade contemporânea, permitindo aos profissionais de saúde, desde o período da Guerra Fria, o envolvimento com a tortura e a consequente violação dos princípios da Bioética, especialmente, na conjuntura atualíssima da guerra norte-americana contra o terrorismo. Em um segundo momento, o intuito é propor soluções, caso se verifique que a legislação e os demais esforços se demonstrem contraproducentes, tendo em vista as noções de Bioética, as normas de Direito Internacional e os Direitos Humanos. / The present research aims to verify if legislation created after World War II was able to inhibit maleficent behavior from medical doctors in the improvement and cover-up of torture. This study aims to demonstrate the medical involvement in experiments with human beings during World War II and confirm that medical maleficence was and still is part of our reality, allowing doctors to involve with torture since the Cold War until current days, especially in the United States war on terrorism, violating the basic principles of Bioethics. Secondly, if legislation and overall efforts prove to be inoperative and inefficient, the objective is to propose solutions, in light of notions of Bioethics, rules of International Law and Human Rights.

Arguments for and against palliative sedation : - an ethical reflection

Åström, Tove January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Palliative sedation is the use of sedatives to lower the alertness for symptomcontrol, when suffering is otherwise uncontrollable. Its role in palliative care is frequentlyargued, with both proponents and opponents. End-of-life decisions raise many concerns,including ethical ones, regarding which ethical principle should be valued the most. Someopponents argue that palliative sedation is ethically similar to euthanasia, but there alsoappears to be some confusion concerning concepts and definitions. Aim: To discuss ethical arguments for and against palliative sedation, and relevant ethicaldifferences between palliative sedation and euthanasia. Furthermore, to try to clarify differentconcepts and definitions used in the discussion of the matter. Materials and methods: This work is based on a qualitative literature study, and anargumentative- and concept analysis on hermeneutic ground. Material was gathered through aliterature search, and contains official material, debate articles and scientific articles. Results: Palliative sedation can be argued to protect the ethical values of autonomy,beneficence, dignity and integrity, but simultaneously it is argued to violate those ethicalconcepts. There seems to be disagreements regarding which principle should be highestvalued. Conclusion: The matter of palliative sedation is delicate, and engages a lot of people. Pro- andcontra-arguments vary in strength, partly because of an inconsistency in the use of differentconcepts and definitions. In most of the material studied, it is argued that palliative sedation isethically acceptable, whereas euthanasia is not.

Physician Assisted Suicide - Ethically Defendable or Not? : A Qualitative Ethical Analysis

Vangouver, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is the process where the patient terminateshis/her life with the aid of a physician who provides a prescription for lethal medication thatthe patient self-administers in order to commit suicide. PAS is practiced in several countriesand is now gaining support in Sweden. The debate shows some confusion regarding thedefinition of concepts and raises several ethical concerns. Aim: To provide an empirical background and clarify concepts. To analyze the ethical arguments for and against PAS. To investigate relevant ethical differences between PAS, euthanasia and withdrawal oflife-sustaining treatment. Materials and methods: Qualitative literature study based on argumentative- and conceptualanalysis on hermeneutic ground. Materials were gathered through a literature search andconsist of scientific articles, debate articles and official materials. Results: The main ethical arguments supporting PAS are autonomy, beneficence and dignity.PAS is by supporters seen as an act of compassion, which fulfills the physician’s obligation ofnon-abandonment. Opponents emphasize that PAS goes against the duty of beneficence andnonmaleficence and fear that there may be a slippery slope where more and more people willdemand PAS. Conclusion: There is no consensus on whether PAS is considered ethically defendable or not.PAS appears to involve a conflict of interest between the principles of beneficence andautonomy. There seems to be some factual disagreements as well as different positions as tohow the ethical principles should be interpreted, and which ethical principle should be valuedthe highest.

Prevencijos reikšmė jaunimo požiūrio į narkomaniją kaitai / The meaning of the prevention towards the youth’s outlook to narcotic addiction’s change

Aleksandravičienė, Ona 24 September 2008 (has links)
Europoje vykstantys negatyvūs procesai mus pasiekia labai greitai. Dėl patogios geografinės padėties Lietuva tampa alkoholio ir kitų narkotikų tranzito šalimi. Auga narkotinių medžiagų prieinamumas ir tiekimas, neteisėta jų pasiūla bei paklausa ir poreikis narkotikams. Kovai su tokio pobūdžio blogybėmis nebuvo pasirengta, laiku nepradėta prevencinė veikla. Iš kitos pusės – vykstančios greitos permainos šalies ekonomikoje, socialinėje sferoje ir žmonių gyvenime keičia visuomenės požiūrį į kai kuriuos reiškinius, tame tarpe ir požiūrį į narkotinių medžiagų vartojimą. Plinta alkoholizmas, narkomanija, daugėja problemų, susijusių su girtavimu. Jaunimas yra labiausiai pažeidžiama visuomenės dalis. Sklando įvairūs mitai apie narkotikus bei jų poveikį žmogaus psichikai. Formuojasi savas jaunimo požiūris į narkotikus ir jų vartojimą. Tam didelę įtaką daro žiniasklaida ir televizijoje rodomų kino filmų herojai. Kai kurie jaunuoliai/ės galvoja, kad techno ir repo muzika neįmanoma be narkotikų. Todėl ieško informacijos apie lengvus narkotikus, jų galimas ir dar nekenksmingas dozes. Ir tokios informacijos jie randa. Nesuprasdami pavojaus, jaunuoliai/ės ne tik linkę vartoti narkotikus, bet bando užsiimti su narkotikais susijusia rizikinga veikla – juos platinti. Pelno siekdami narkotikų prekeiviai vykdo nusikalstamą veiklą, įtraukdami į narkotikų platinimą susigundžiusius ir nedaug apie narkotikus išmanančius jaunuolius. ESPAD tyrimų duomenimis, „2003 metais 15-16 metų amžiaus Lietuvos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the theoretical Master final work‘s part the problem of the usage of the narcotical materials is discussed, the general survey of the their prevention is given and the features of the preventional activities of the usage of the narcotical materials at school are handed. The results of the research: Public Enterprice Daugai Technology and Business school underwears the tobaco, alcohol and drugs preventive programme. The Content of the programme meets the nowadays situation. The methods of research: 1. The Analysis of literature sources. 2. The Questionnaire. The Questionnaire cosists of three parts. It is made to research the students view to the drug habit. This Questionnaire is made according to ESPAD Questionnaire. (The first part – knowledge about respondent; the second part-about cigarrettes, alcohol and other different drugs; the third part – about the social surrounding of respondents). 3. The Analysis of statistics data. The main reasons, why mistakes are made during the primary drugs using prevention, are: prevention is made by persons without any specific education and knowledge, which are necessary working in this sphere; prevention is understood very narrowly, parents are not brought enough in this working sphere. It was researched that for Public Enterprice Daugai Technology and Business school student‘s culpable behaviour the main influence has big parent‘s unemployment; low living standart; impunity; parents wish to use alcohol and other drugs... [to full text]

Pravidlo mrtvého dárce a jeho význam v současné etice transplantací / The meaning of the dead donor rule in current transplantion ethics

Rusinová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents current understanding of the concept of death and criteria for diagno- sis of death in the context of organ donation. We will argue that 1) the dead donor rule should not be the necessary condition for retrieving organs for transplantation and 2) it should be permissible to retrieve organs from patients that are imminently dying (not dead yet), with respect to the principle of autonomy and non-maleficence. We will first present the impossibility and current inconsistencies in determining the exact "moment of death" and we will then demonstrate that current organ donors do not fulfill biological criteria for death and that the dead donor rule is not respected in clinical practice. We suggest that in the context of recent major technological advances in the field of critical care medicine the dead donor rule becomes irrelevant and does not contribute to the transplantation ethics. The legal concept of death and the biological phenomenon of death become more and more distant. We argue that declaring death is not necessary for ethically justified policy in transplantation. Both the societal trust and the protection of vulnerable individuals can be ensured by different ethical principles (i.e. the principle of autonomy and the principle of non- maleficence). The sound ethical...

O ato médico no crime de tortura / Medical act in the crime of torture

Virginia Novaes Procópio de Araujo 14 June 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar se a legislação pós Segunda Guerra Mundial foi apta a inibir o comportamento maleficente de médicos no auxílio em especializar, dissimular e acobertar a tortura. Nesse sentido, pretende-se demonstrar o envolvimento médico com experimentos em seres humanos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e corroborar que a maleficência médica, todavia, ainda nos dias de hoje é empregada na sociedade contemporânea, permitindo aos profissionais de saúde, desde o período da Guerra Fria, o envolvimento com a tortura e a consequente violação dos princípios da Bioética, especialmente, na conjuntura atualíssima da guerra norte-americana contra o terrorismo. Em um segundo momento, o intuito é propor soluções, caso se verifique que a legislação e os demais esforços se demonstrem contraproducentes, tendo em vista as noções de Bioética, as normas de Direito Internacional e os Direitos Humanos. / The present research aims to verify if legislation created after World War II was able to inhibit maleficent behavior from medical doctors in the improvement and cover-up of torture. This study aims to demonstrate the medical involvement in experiments with human beings during World War II and confirm that medical maleficence was and still is part of our reality, allowing doctors to involve with torture since the Cold War until current days, especially in the United States war on terrorism, violating the basic principles of Bioethics. Secondly, if legislation and overall efforts prove to be inoperative and inefficient, the objective is to propose solutions, in light of notions of Bioethics, rules of International Law and Human Rights.

Pravidlo mrtvého dárce a jeho význam v současné etice transplantací / The meaning of the dead donor rule in current transplantion ethics

Rusinová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents current understanding of the concept of death and criteria for diagno- sis of death in the context of organ donation. We will argue that 1) the dead donor rule should not be the necessary condition for retrieving organs for transplantation and 2) it should be permissible to retrieve organs from patients that are imminently dying (not dead yet), with respect to the principle of autonomy and non-maleficence. We will first present the impossibility and current inconsistencies in determining the exact "moment of death" and we will then demonstrate that current organ donors do not fulfill biological criteria for death and that the dead donor rule is not respected in clinical practice. We suggest that in the context of recent major technological advances in the field of critical care medicine the dead donor rule becomes irrelevant and does not contribute to the transplantation ethics. The legal concept of death and the biological phenomenon of death become more and more distant. We argue that declaring death is not necessary for ethically justified policy in transplantation. Both the societal trust and the protection of vulnerable individuals can be ensured by different ethical principles (i.e. the principle of autonomy and the principle of non- maleficence). The sound ethical...

Modèle d'analyse éthique des systèmes d'information en santé appliqué à la Cancérologie

Béranger, Jérôme 02 July 2012 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC) sont en train de transformer l'exercice de la médecine. Les systèmes d'information (SI) paraissent complexes à la plupart des usagers. Quelles sont les données hébergées ? A qui peut-on les transférer ? Force est de constater que les patients autant que les professionnels de santé ont du mal à se repérer dans ces nouveaux dispositifs tentaculaires d'échanges dématérialisés. Les médecins doivent-ils communiquer au moyen de supports électroniques avec les patients ? Comment communiquent-ils entre eux ? Les données de santé qui circulent sur les réseaux sont-elles sécurisées ? A coup sûr, le perfectionnement des outils de communication constitue une chance d'améliorer la qualité du suivi et de la prise en charge des patients. Cependant, nous manquons encore de recul et de lisibilité. Or, cette relative opacité électronique présente des risques à terme pour l'exercice de la médecine qu'il faut savoir anticiper, à commencer par le soupçon jeté sur le secret médical qui est la pierre angulaire du colloque singulier. Sur un plan méthodologique, la présente recherche délimite son objet d'étude, en se cantonnant au « parcours patient » de la filière cancérologie. Un travail d'enquête sur les besoins des professionnels de santé a été mené dans des établissements de santé des Bouches-du-Rhône. Il a servi à la mise en œuvre d'une modélisation éthique des SI en s'appuyant sur la base des quatre principes de l'éthique biomédicale: autonomie, bienfaisance, non-malfaisance, justice. / New information and communication technologies (NICT) are transforming the practice of medicine. Information systems (IS) appear complexes to most of users. What are the data hosted? Who can I transfer them? It is clear that patients as well as health professionals are struggling to locate in these new devices sprawling computerized exchanges. Physicians have to communicate through electronic media with patients? How do they communicate with each other? The health information circulating on the networks are secure? Certainly, development of communication tools is a chance to improve the quality of monitoring and management of patients. However, we still lack a step back and readability. However, this relative electronic opacity presents, at the end, risks to the practice of medicine need to know ahead, starting with the suspicion cast on medical confidentiality is the cornerstone of the special dialogue. On a methodological level, this research defines its object of study, being confined to the "patient circuit" of the cancer sector. Survey work on the needs of health professionals was conducted in health facilities in the Bouches-du-Rhone. He served in the implementation of an ethical model of IS based on the basis of four principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice. The interest of this model is generating scores and ethical charter on initial expectations, the final realization and the means involved in the development of an IS in oncology. This thesis attempts to show that it is possible to reconcile ethics and technology by converting the technical language in the terminology of ethics.

Ethical decision making by registered nurses in a bureaucratic context

Nevhutanda, Tshilidzi Rachel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Ethical decision making by registered nurses in a bureaucratic context

Nevhutanda, Tshilidzi Rachel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

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