Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonnormative"" "subject:"noninformative""
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WATCH OUT! Not all that glitters is gold. The due motivation in arbitration awards and the appeal of annulment in court / “¡CUIDADO! No todo lo que brilla es oro. La debida motivación en los laudos arbitrales y el recurso de anulación en sede judicial”Taboada Mier, José Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article present a way to analyze the motivation for arbitration awards and how it should be evaluated by the judges of the Judiciary at the time of the annulment proceedings. The objective is give elements such as the state of the normative question, the factual situation of the case and the structure argued for the definition in order to analyzing, from the simplest level, whether an award is motivated or not. / El presente artículo busca presentar una forma de poder analizar la debida motivación dentro de los laudos arbitrales y cómo debería ser evaluada por los jueces del Poder Judicial al momento de que se presenten los recursos de anulación. Se busca plantear elementos como el estado de la cuestión normativa, la situación fáctica del caso y la estructura argumentaba a fin de analizar, desde el plano más simple, si es que un laudo se encuentra motivado o no.
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The effectiveness of “objective” imputation and its application to the solution of traditional and actual cases / Eficacia de la imputación “objetiva”. Su aplicación a la solución de casos tradicionales y actualesCorcoy Bidasolo, Mirentxu 25 September 2017 (has links)
Given the traditional views that demonstrate causation in criminal facts, the renowned authoress of this article discusses a new approach to achieve this goal: the theory of objective imputation.How is this theory implemented in real-life cases? What normative standards guide this theory? Is it effective to solve criminal conflicts? These are some of the questions the authoress looks up to answer through her argumentation and herdemonstration of case studies. / Ante las posturas tradicionales que demuestran la causalidad en un hecho penal, la reconocida autora del presente artículo explica un nuevo criterio para conseguir este fin: la teoría de la imputación objetiva.¿Cómo aplica esta teoría a casos de la vida real? ¿Qué criterios normativos guían esta teoría? ¿Qué tan eficaz resulta ser para solucionar conflictos penales? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que la autora busca responder mediante su argumentacióny su demostración de casos prácticos.
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Twitter Response to Vision 2030: A Case Study on Current Perceptions of Normative Disorder within Saudi Social MediaAlkarni, Saad 28 August 2018 (has links)
There has been a mixed public response on social media toward Saudi Vision 2030, which could threaten public support of its implementation. This research investigated local tensions between social, religious, political, and economic values concerning the Saudi Vision 2030 plan, with a view to understanding the opportunities and challenges of social and cultural change within an evolving Saudi society. In this study, Twitter activity is treated as a societal mirror that reflects some of the perceptions regarding the transformations taking place within Saudi society. Both a case study informed by tweets sampled from Saudi Arabia and Vision 2030 related documentation explored how the current public social media discourse reflects existing social, religious, and cultural tensions concerning the government-proposed Vision 2030. This study drew on theoretical framework informed by Durkheim’s and Ibn Khaldun’s theory of social change, Merton’s strain theory, and Luhmann’s Social System Theory, to explore social, political, economic, and religious tensions found within the interactions of Twitter users around projects and events implemented or inspired by Vision 2030. An application programming interface (API) was used to retrieve Twitter posts, while a thematic analysis was applied to published documents related to Vision 2030 to identify Saudi society’s challenges to the implementation of the Vision. The study found that within Saudi society, Vision 2030 had an impact upon the normative disorder already taking place due to the rapid changes brought about by the Vision. Specifically, the study highlighted the link between ambiguous, clear, or absent norms, and a person’s pre-existing background knowledge. Social and religious group norms were more ambitious than clear, whereas economic group norms tended to be clearer. Finally, the study found that over time, through public debates, norms moved from an ambiguous and absent stage and became increasingly well-defined. The study showed that Saudi society, as a result of Vision 2030, is experiencing a normative disorder.
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Kulturní relativismus: jeho filosofické kořeny, současné debaty a kritické zhodnocení / Cultural relativism: its philosophical roots, contemporary debates and critical exaluationRYBOVÁ, Nela January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with topic of cultural relativism. The first chapter is concerned with concept of cultural relativism, its understanding, definitions, its connection with other conceptions of relativism, i.e. ethical and cognitive relativism. The second part concentrates on finding of philosophical roots, which became the fundamental presumptions for origin of cultural relativism, whereas the second part contains the chapter about history of cultural anthropology, which treats of establishment of cultural relativism as the one of the most fundamental concept of cultural anthropology. The third section foreshadows current debates dealing with cultural relativism. The critical perspective is applied to arguments and objections for or contra cultural relativism appearing in the work. And equally there is the treatise of role of cultural relativism in anthropological practises.
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Vliv médií na sociální práci / Media influence on social workPODLEŠÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of media on social work. Emphasis is placed on the media and the ethical principles of mass communication. The aim is to explore the mechanisms that the media use to influence the recipients, which functions the media have in society, how we can classify recipients of media messages, what can influence the final form of communication, and whether the ethical principles of journalism and the ethical principles of social work have the same foundation so media can serve the fulfilment of the mission of social work. The work is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the characteristics of the media, the public and media communications. The basic concepts of media studies are mentioned. The second part focuses on the ethics of the media. A normative theory of media behaviour is introduced and also why it is important that the media should be responsible for their behaviour and their messages and should be controlled by ethical instruments have e. g. in the form of Ethical Code of Journalists in the Czech Republic. The third part is more focused on social work and clarifies the relationship between media and social work. The last part includes current topics that fall into social work activities and which are widely publicized. The aim is to interpret the behaviour of the media in relation to social work.
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Paradoxos da democracia : um estudo sobre normatividade e possibilidade no campo da gestão democrática do ensino públicoMousquer, Maria Elizabete Londero January 2003 (has links)
O estudo teve como propósito estabelecer uma ressignificação no que diz respeito às relações entre a democracia e as práticas educativas, tendo como foco a gestão democrática do ensino público, no Rio Grande do Sul. Parte da noção de que o Projeto da Modernidade assentava-se em promessas e possibilidades de libertação individual e coletiva que foram reduzidas quando sua trajetória enredou-se no caminho do desenvolvimento do capitalismo. Em decorrência, a racionalidade moderna preocupou-se com a instrumentalização e o controle das demandas sociais, e os sistemas de ensino curvaram-se aos ditames da racionalidade cognitivo-instrumental, adequando-se a novas formas de organização de poder e aos modelos do sistema econômico. Ao longo do processo histórico mais recente, a gestão da educação tem sido vista como um gerenciamento da ação coletiva com base no instituído, uma aplicação de uma determinação legal, em que predomina o distanciamento dialógico, provocando uma interação distorcida nas representações coletivas, produzindo efeitos negativos socialmente desintegradores. A partir dessa problemática, objetivou-se refletir sobre o complexo fenômeno da "gestão democrática", instituída pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pela LDB nº 9394/96, como "Gestão Democrática do Ensino Público". Para melhor dar conta do que este fenômeno produz e os significados que se articulam, foi eleito o tema da democracia em sua produção de significados no campo empírico escolhido. A pesquisa apresenta de forma sucinta, o percurso de definição e concretização da gestão democrática no sistema estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresenta informações sobre a legislação e normas, os programas e as visões institucionais encaminhadas às escolas, pelas instâncias executiva, legislativa e normativa, referentes ao tema, a partir da Lei nº. 10.576/95 que dispõe sobre a Gestão Democrática do Ensino Público no RS. Concentra atenção na trajetória de discursos governamentais de Antônio Britto - gestão 1995-1998 e Olívio Dutra - gestão 1999-2002 A investigação é concentrada na análise e interpretação das categorias normatividade e possibilidade no campo da legislação sobre a gestão do ensino, onde se discutem as tensões que atravessam a proposta de um processo emancipatório. A partir daí procurou-se apresentar as possibilidades de uma gestão cosmopolita fundada a partir da proposta de Boaventura de Souza Santos sobre o paradigma emergente, através dos procedimentos da sociologia das ausências e a sociologia das emergências, no sentido de expandir as experiências sociais disponíveis e as experiências possíveis, com vistas ao desenvolvimento de uma educação democrática de alta intensidade. Ao se fazer uma crítica ao modelo de racionalidade ocidental, permite-se desenvolver novas experiências educativas e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar às existentes, confrontando-as com as hegemônicas com vistas ao desvelamento das diferentes racionalidades presentes nas políticas públicas educacionais, apontando para a possibilidade de redimensionamento do campo educativo, principalmente no que diz respeito a ressignificação do conceito de gestão e democracia. A proposta de uma razão cosmopolita permite o aflorar de novas dinâmicas sociais capaz de oferecer uma alternativa credível ao capitalismo. / The following study aimed at establishing a remaining as far as relations between democracy and educational practices are concerned, having the public teaching democratic management in Rio Grande do Sul as the central point. It starts from the idea that the Modernity Project laid on promises and possibilities of individual and collective liberation that were reduced when its trajectory became entangled in the path of capitalism development. As a result, modern rationality engaged in the instrumentation and control of social demands, and teaching systems submitted to the principles of the social-cognitive rationality, adapting to the new forms of power organization and to the patterns of economic system. Considering the most recent historical process, education management has been seen as the management of a collective action based on what was established, the application of a legal determination, in which the dialogical distance prevails, provoking a distasted interaction in collective representations, producing socially disintegration negative effects. Taking this problematic into account, the reflexion on the complex phenomenon of the "democratic management", instituted by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and by LDB n. 9394/96, as "Public Teaching Democratic Management", was thought. For a better account of what this phenomenon produces and the meaning that are articulated, it was chosen the theme of democracy in its production meanings in the chosen empirical field. In a concise way the research presents the route of definition and accomplishment of the democratic management in the system of Rio Grande do Sul state. It presents information about the legislation and principles, the programs and institutional views sent to schools, by the executive, legislative and normative instances referring the theme, from law n. 10.576/95 which talks about the Public Teaching Democratic Management in RS. It concentrates its attention in the set of Antônio Brito's governmental speeches - management 1995-1998 and Olívio Dutra's management 1999-2002. The investigation concentrates on the analysis and interpretation of de normative categories and possibilities in the field of legislation on teaching management, where the tensions in which the proposal of an emancipation process go through, are discussed. This way we tried to present the possibilities of a cosmopolitan management based on Boaventura de Souza Santos' proposal on the emergent paradigm, though the procedures of absence sociology and emergency sociology, in the sense of expanding available social experiences and possible experiences, bearing in mind the development of a democratic education of high intensity. In reviewing the western rationality pattern, it is allowed to develop new educational experiences and, at the same time, make use of the existing ones, confronting them with the hegemonic ones aiming at disclosing different rationalities present at the educational public policies, pointing towards the possibility of dimensioning the educational field again, mainly regarding the remaining of the management and democracy concept. The proposal of a cosmopolitan reason allows the flourishing of new social dynamics capable of offering a credible alternative to capitalism. / El estudio tuvo el propósito de establecer una nueva significación en lo que dice respecto a las relaciones entre la democracia y las prácticas educacionales, centrándose en la gestión democrática de la enseñanza pública, en Rio Grande del Sur. Esa gestión se basa en la noción de que el Proyecto de la Modernidad se asentaba en promesas y posibilidades de libertación individual y colectiva que fueron reducidas cuando su trayectoria se envolvió en el camino del desarollo del capitalismo. Por consecuencia la racionalidad moderna se preocupó con la instrumentalización y el control de las demandas sociales y los sistemas de enseñanza se sometieron a los pareceres de la racionalidad cognitivo instrumental, adecuándose a las nuevas formas de organización del poder y los modelos del sistema económico. A lo largo del proceso histórico más reciente, la gestión de la educación tiene sido vista como un gerenciamento de la acción colectiva basada en la intención, una aplicación de una determinación legal, en la que predomine el distanciamento del dialogo, produciendo una interaccón distorcida en las representaciones colectivas, creando efectos negativos socialmente desintegradores. Desde esa problemática se pretendió refletir sobre el complejo fenómeno de la "Administración Democrática", establecida por la Constitución Federal de 1988 y por la LDB n° 9394/96 como "Gestión Democrática de la Enseñanza Pública". Para mejor esclarecer sobre lo que este fenómeno produce y los significados que se articulam, fue electo el tema de la democracia en sua producción de significados en el campo empírico elegido. La pesquisa presenta de forma resumida, el trayecto de definición y concretización de la administración democrática en el sistema estadual de Rio Grande del Sur. Presenta informaciones sobre la legislación y normas, los programas y las visiones institucionales encaminadas a las escuelas, por las instancias ejecutivas, legislativa y normativa, referentes al tema, a contar de la ley n°10.576/95 que dispone sobre la Gestión Democrática de la Enseñanza Pública en RS. Concentra atención en la trayectoria de discursos governamentales de Antonio Britto - gestión 1995-1998 y Olivio Dutra - gestión 1999-2002. La invetigación es concentrada en el análisis y interpretaciones de las categorias normatividad y posibilidad en el campo de legislación sobre la administración de la enseñanza, donde se discutem las tenciones que atraviesan la propuesta de un proceso de emancipación. Desde entonces se buscó presentar las posibilidades de una gestión cosmopolita fundada desde la propuesta de Boaventura de Souza Santos sobre el paradigma emergente, através de los procedimentos de la sociologia de las ausencias y a la sociologia de las emergencias, en el sentido de expandir las experiencias sociales disponibles y las experiencias posibles, con vistas al desarollo de una educación democrática de alta intensidad. Haciéndose una crítica al modelo de racionalidad ocidental, es posible desarrollar nuevas experiencias educativas, apuntando para la posibilidad de redimencionamiento del campo educativo, principalmente en lo que dice respecto a la nueva significación del concepto de gestión y democracia. La propuesta de una razón cosmopolita permite el afloramiento de nuevas dinámicas sociales capaces de ofrecer una alternativa confiable al capitalismo.
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Modelo MAS-SOC : integrando ambientes e organizações para simulações baseadas em sistemas multiagentes situados / MAS-SOC model: integrating environments and organisations to simulations based on situated multiagent systemsOkuyama, Fabio Yoshimitsu January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho encontra-se situado na área de Inteligência Artificial, mais especificamente na modelagem de Sistemas Multiagentes destinados à simulação social. A área de pesquisa de simulação social baseada em agentes é uma área recente e bastante promissora. Por tratar de problemas extremamente complexos, existe a necessidade de criar modelos e abstrações para possibilitar sua realização. Dando continuidade a trabalhos anteriores, esta tese pretende consolidar uma nova versão do modelo MAS-SOC, destinado à definição de simulações sociais baseada em Sistemas Multiagentes Situados, com organizações que funcionam em ambientes determinados (organizações situadas). É proposta uma abordagem integrada, que conecta de maneira forte as entidades agentes, organizações e ambiente, sendo os agentes, o ambiente e as estruturas da organização tratadas como entidades de primeira ordem. A definição do ambiente é feita através da linguagem ELMS, estendida com uma infraestrutura normativa. Esta infraestrutura normativa é composta basicamente por objetos normativos e espaços normativos que permitem a distribuição espacial da informação normativa no ambiente, possibilitando a contextualização das normas que os agentes devem seguir em um escopo espacial determinado. A contextualização das normas facilita a sua operacionalização e a verificação de conformidade, reduzindo também a possibilidade de interpretações errôneas das normas. Com isso, a infraestrutura normativa conecta ambiente físico à estrutura da organização do sistema multiagente. Além disso, o modelo proposto usa um esquema mínimo de definição das organizações para armazenar informações e restrições que o projetista da simulação prefira representar desta forma. Esta maneira integrada de modelar os sistemas multiagentes, associando a organização ao espaço em que a organização deve funcionar, pode facilitar a modelagem de grandes sistemas, pois o conceito de espaço normativo permite que a modelagem seja feita através da partição do ambiente físico em módulos onde as atividades da organização situada são realizadas. Assim, o modelo trata de forma bastante prática o uso das normas organizacionais que podem ser representadas através de objetos normativos. Esta forma de representação possibilita aos agentes decidirem sobre a aderência as normas, já que estas não estão embutidas no mecanismo de raciocínio dos agentes. Além disso, a forma contextualizada das normas facilita raciocínio sobre elas e possibilita a aderência a normas previamente desconhecidas pelos agentes. / This work is situated in the research area of Artificial Intelligence, specifically the modelling of Multi-agent systems for social simulation. The research area of agent based social simulation is a recent and interesting area. In order to handle with its very complex problems, it requires the development of models and abstractions to make possible its realisation. Continuing previous works, this thesis aims to consolidate extensions to the MAS-SOC model, in order to turn it into a suitable model for the social simulation based on situated multi-agent systems with organizations that operate in determined environments (situated organisations). It is proposed an integrated approach in which multiagent entities such as agents, organisations and environments are strongly connected to each other, and the environment and the organisational structures being treated as first order entities. The definition of the environment is made with the use of the ELMS language, which have been extended with a normative infrastructure. The normative infrastructure is composed essentially by normative objects and normative places, which are means for the spatial distribution of the normative information over the environment, allowing the contextualisation of the norms in a bounded spatial scope. The norms being bounded in a specific spatial scope facilitates its operationalisation and conformity checks, also reducing the possibilities of norms misinterpretations. Thus, the normative infrastructure connects the physical environment to the organisational structures of the multiagent system. The thesis proposes that this integrated approach to model multi-agent systems may ease the modelling of large scale systems, since it allows the partition of the environment in a modular way, facilitating the operationalisation and verification of the adequacy of the structure of an organisation to the physical space where it is located, and also reducing the possibility of the misinterpretations of norms by the agents, through the contextualisation of norms. Also, the proposed scheme uses a minimal structure for the definition of the organisations in order to store information that the simulation designer prefers to represent in such way. Further, the proposed approach allows a very practical way to use of norms in a physical environment, by allowing the agents to reason about following a norm abiding behaviour or not, since the norms are not hard-wired in their reasoning mechanisms, and its contextualized form facilitates that agents reason about adhering to norms that were previously unknown to them.
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A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscalSilva, Fatima Rega Cassaro da 22 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fatima Cassaro (facassaro@hotmail.com) on 2016-11-29T19:49:11Z
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Fatima Cassaro - Tese - A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscal.pdf: 1824170 bytes, checksum: 5a2c8651a4f7739e1b94b8337a72e098 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-11-29T20:29:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Fatima Cassaro - Tese - A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscal.pdf: 1824170 bytes, checksum: 5a2c8651a4f7739e1b94b8337a72e098 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T11:12:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Fatima Cassaro - Tese - A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscal.pdf: 1824170 bytes, checksum: 5a2c8651a4f7739e1b94b8337a72e098 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-11-22 / Item withdrawn by Raphael Xavier (raphael.xavier@fgv.br) on 2016-11-30T11:24:57Z
Item was in collections:
DIREITO SP - Dissertações, Mestrado Profissional em Direito dos Negócios Aplicado e Direito Tributário Aplicado (ID: 156)
No. of bitstreams: 1
Fatima Cassaro - Tese - A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscal.pdf: 1824170 bytes, checksum: 5a2c8651a4f7739e1b94b8337a72e098 (MD5) / Item reinstated by Raphael Xavier (raphael.xavier@fgv.br) on 2016-12-02T16:27:12Z
Item was in collections:
DIREITO SP - Dissertações, Mestrado Profissional em Direito dos Negócios Aplicado e Direito Tributário Aplicado (ID: 156)
No. of bitstreams: 1
Fatima Cassaro - Tese - A descentralização normativa do ICMS como causa impeditiva da eficiência fiscal.pdf: 1824170 bytes, checksum: 5a2c8651a4f7739e1b94b8337a72e098 (MD5) / This study aims to analyze the regulatory framework of the tax on circulation of goods - ICMS, whose tax jurisdiction has been assigned by the Constitution to the States and Federal District, and It has been delegated to Complementary Law regulating the general rules of this tax. This instrument was chosen by the constituent legislator as a way to enable a unified guideline to be followed by States and Federal District to institute this tax. However, this instrument has proved insufficient to prevent conflicts between the States and the Federal District, as it does not determine parameters to be followed in situations such as: (i) granting tax benefits; (ii) setting rules for accessory obligations institution and (iii) definition of rules for calculating the tax in the scheme of tax substitution. As a result, it has this legal instrument not actually unifies the institution of this tax. So what is intended with this study is to reflect on the ICMS regulatory framework in order to verify if the biggest problems regarding this structure arise from the normative decentralization due to the autonomy of each of the 27 different States. / No presente estudo será demonstrado que os conflitos que envolvem o Imposto sobre Operações relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestações de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicação, o ICMS, decorrem da descentralização normativa da estrutura desse imposto. O ICMS, cuja competência tributária foi atribuída pela Constituição Federal aos Estados e ao Distrito Federal, tem suas normas gerais regulamentadas pela Lei Complementar n° 87/96. O legislador constituinte escolheu tal instrumento como forma de possibilitar uma diretriz unificada para serem seguidas pelos entes federativos competentes pela instituição desse tributo. No entanto, essa Lei Complementar tem se mostrado insuficiente para evitar os conflitos entre os Estados e o Distrito Federal, uma vez que não traz parâmetros obrigatórios a serem seguidos em situações como: (i) concessão de benefícios fiscais; (ii) definição de regras para instituição de obrigações acessórias e (iii) definição de regras para apuração do tributo na sistemática da substituição tributária. O resultado é a descentralização normativa desse tributo, a qual impede a instituição de forma uniforme do ICMS. Assim, o que se pretende com esta pesquisa é refletir sobre a estrutura normativa do ICMS com o propósito de demonstrar que a eficiência exigida pela Magna Carta não é alcançada por este tributo em decorrência dos problemas ocasionados pela descentralização normativa gerada em razão da autonomia de cada um dos 27 Estados Federativos e do Distrito Federal, que legislam sobre esse imposto.
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L'arbitrabilité des litiges de droit privé. Perspective comparatiste / Arbitrability of private law disputes. Comparative perspectiveSokolowska, Lidia 14 November 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre des débats de la doctrine polonaise sur le régime de l’arbitrabilité objective et la nécessité de réviser le droit polonais de l’arbitrage, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est d’analyser la notion d’arbitrabilité au travers des solutions adoptées par les droits distinctifs de la famille romano-germanique et du système Common Law, afin d’étudier leur efficacité quant à la soumission des litiges du droit privé à l’arbitre. Suivant les tendances actuelles en arbitrage interne et international, notamment en droit français et polonais, une telle analyse des solutions législatives comparées permet de nourrir utilement les discussions sur le modèle de l’arbitrabilité.À cet égard, la présente étude cherche, en premier lieu, à vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le critère polonais de l’arbitrabilité ne remplit pas son rôle, ne constituant pas un indicateur pertinent des litiges arbitrables. En deuxième lieu, elle vise à répondre à la question de savoir si, à la suite des processus de libéralisation du droit de l’arbitrage, il s’est développé un concept d’arbitrabilité « transnationale ». Enfin, confrontant le processus de libéralisation des critères d’arbitrabilité au risque de l’incertitude juridique qu’il engendre, la présente étude pose la question du besoin de redéfinition des limites de l’arbitrabilité face aux attentes de la justice privée fonctionnelle.Pour cerner la notion d’arbitrabilité sur le plan théorique, la présente étude adopte une approche descriptive, qu’incarne l’analyse stricto sensu de l’arbitrabilité, d’avant d’interroger l’application concrète de ce concept dans les différents domaines du droit, dans une perspective plus prospective. Une telle démarche permet une appréciation lato sensu de la notion d’arbitrabilité. / As part of the debates of the Polish doctrine on the arbitrability regime and the need to revise the Polish law of arbitration, the general objective of this thesis is to analyse the notion of arbitrability through the solutions adopted by the distinctive legislations of the Romano-Germanic family and the Common Law system, in order to examine their effectiveness as regards the submission of private law disputes to the arbitrator. Following the current trends in domestic and international arbitration, particularly under French and Polish law, such an analysis of comparative legislative solutions tends to enrich discussions on the arbitrability model.In this respect, the present study seeks, first, to test the hypothesis that the Polish criterion of arbitrability does not fulfill its role, not constituting a relevant indicator of arbitrable disputes. Secondly, it aims to answer the question of whether, as a result of the liberalization process of arbitration law, a concept of "transnational" arbitrability has been developed. Finally, confronting the process of liberalization of arbitrability criteria with the risk of the legal uncertainty, this study raises the question of the need of redefinition of the arbitrability limits, facing the expectations of a functional private justice.In order to define the notion of arbitrability theoretically, the present study adopts a descriptive approach, embodied by the analysis of arbitrability in the strict sense, before questioning the concrete application of this concept in the different domains of law from a more prospective perspective. Such an approach allows the analysis of the notion of arbitrability in the broad sense.
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The educational background of the gifted Indian pre-school childJaggan, Vijay Aheer Jaggan 06 1900 (has links)
The study focussed on determining whether there were any distinguishing characteristics that
comprised the background of the gifted Indian pre-school child.
The paucity of literature on the Indian pre-school child forced the researcher to rely on
international studies.
The theoretical composition of the study reviewed personality and normative development, as
well as cognitive development of the gifted pre-school child. Family background and stimulatory
activities that parents engaged children in, were also explored.
The empirical investigation combined the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques.
Initially, parents, teachers and peers were responsible for selecting the research sample. The
sample of eighty-three children was subjected to the administration of the JSAIS. Of this twentyfive
were selected in order for the questionnaire to be administered to their parents.
Results of the questionnaire indicated that parents undertook to stimulate their children by
engaging them in activities that they were of the opinion would promote their intellectual
The results of the questionnaire were corroborated by interviews that were conducted with six
of the parents. Relevant excerpts from five of the interviews are presented as well as a full
interview with one of the parents.
The results reveal that parents continuously strive to stimulate their children so that they can
ensure that the potential that they believe their children possess can be actualised. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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