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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding repeat attendance in market research studies : reasons for regular participation and recruitment procedures

Van Zyl, Shalaine 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents the findings of a qualitative study on understanding the motivating factors underlying repeat attendance in market research studies and the ways in which repeat attendance participants are recruited to take part in such studies. The study was approached from an interpretivist paradigm, employing the self-determination theory and the theory of self-concept maintenance. Purposive sampling was applied. The data was collected by conducting eight semi-structured interviews with participants who had taken part in numerous market research studies. Through thematic analysis, sub themes were identified from the data, combined into second-level themes and grouped into the following three overarching themes: (1) participation motivation; (2) honesty/dishonesty; and (3) recruitment procedures. It was found that participants were not only motivated by extrinsic motivators such as incentives, but that intrinsic motivators were also present. Furthermore, a level of dishonesty was also evident, not only among the participants, but among the recruiters as well. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology with specialisation in Research Consultation)

Persoonlikheidstrekke van sportdeelnemers met spesifieke verwysing na krieketspelers

Coetzee, Hannalize 31 August 2005 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to determine: * If there is a relationship between certain personality traits and participation in sport. * Whether cricket players possess certain personality traits in general and with regard to levels of play, playing positions and age. The literature study indicated that the study of personality tend to be complex and showed a relationship between personality traits and participation in sport. Furthermore the literature study showed that personality is not static, but dependant on acquired traits and responses. The empirical study revealed that certain personality traits in cricket players figure stronger than others regarding levels of play, playing positions and age, for example cricket players on club level tend to have more self control than school players and bowlers tend to show a larger tendency to disregard social rules and tend to be more enthusiastic, and greater risk-takers than batsmen and wicketkeepers. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Three men's experience of their journey to and through divorce: the unheard songs

Human, Werner J. 30 November 2006 (has links)
The psychological effects on, and the experience of divorce by women and children are widely researched. However little data is available on how divorce affects men and how they experience a marriage break-up. This study aims to explore and describe the `voices' (experiences) of divorce from three men's perspectives. The randomly selected sample for this study consisted of three participants'. Data was collected in the form of the participants own written testimonials. Out of the written testimonials themes were identified and explored by the researcher. This was done from an ecosystemic epistemological stance within the post-modern paradigm, with the symbolic use of music / popular songs to further `enhance' the exploration and description of the research participants' experiences of divorce. A qualitative methodological design was followed, allowing `unique' and personal `meaning' and experience to emerge. This study's results were presented in the form of `integrative' and descriptive text. Overall the study explicated unique descriptions of men's experiences of divorce with the creative application of music to enhance descriptions and experiences. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Deiksis in Noord-Sotho

Du Preez, Petronella Maria, 1963- 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die term deiksis is afgelei van die Griekse woord deiktikos wat 'wys na' betaken, en verwys na daardie uitdrukkings wat in 'n taal gebruik word om die belangrikste orientasiepunte in 'n gespreksituasie te verwoord. Aile deiktiese interpretasies kan net relatief tot 'n spesifieke verwysingspunt (deiktiese sentrum) gemaak word. Vyf deiktiese kategoriee word onderskei. Persoonsdeiksis hou verband met die deiktiese persona, m.a.w. die spreker en aangesprokeneen moontlik 'n derde persoon indian hy/sy/dit in die gespreksituasie teenwoordig is. Persoonsdeiksis word hoofsaaklik in Noord-Sotho se kongruensie-en pronominale sisteem gereflekteer. Sosiale deiksis verwys na daardie uitdrukkings wat die spreker se houding teenoor die aangesprokene of die derde persoon weergee. In Noord-Sotho word leksikale items met 'n sosiaal--deiktiese funksie aangetrefwat die spreker se bewondering, afkeer of respek teenoor die aangesprokene reflekteer, asook verwantskapstenne en aanspreekvonne. Alhoewel Noord-Sotho se pro nominate stelsel neutraal is ten opsigte van geslag, is daar ander maniere om taalkundig 'n onderskeid tussen die geslagte te maak. Plekdeiktiese uitdrukkings word gebruik om die Jigging van 'n objek relatief tot die deiktiese sentrum te beskryf. Die posisie van die gespreksgenote of hulle fisiese gestaltes kan hierdie deiktiese sentrum uitmaak. In Noord-Sothoword demonstratiewe, demonstratief-kopulatiewe, lokatiewe kopulatiewe,lokatiewe bywoorde en sekere werkwoorde vir hierdie doe I aangewend. Tyddeiksis word in Noord-Sotho hoofsaaklik deur middel van temporale bywoorde geleksikaliseer en deur middel van tydsvonne in die werkwoord gegrammatikaliseer. Die interpretasie van hierdie uitdrukkings is van die deiktiese sentrum (tyd wanneer die uiting gemaak is) afhanklik. Temporale bywoorde sowel as die tydsvonn van die werkwoord beskryf die tyd wanneer die handeling plaasvind. Hierdie vonne sal aandui of die handeling v66r koderingstyd plaasgevind het (verlede tyd), of dit na koderingstyd sal plaasvind (toe~omende tyd), en of die handeling met koderingstyd saamval (teenwoordige tyd). Diskoersdeiksis verwys na daardie uitdrukkings wat gebruik word om na dele van die diskoers, of na naamwoordelike antesedente waarvoor daar nie 'n referent in die buitetaalse werklikheid bestaan nie, te verwys. In Noord-Sothoword demonstratiewe, pronomina van die derde persoon, demonstratief-kopulatiewe, sekere bywoorde, identifiserende kopulatiewe, sekere kwalifikatiewe en sekere voegwoorde vir hierdie doel aangewend. / The term deixis is derived from a Greek word deiktikos which means 'point at' and it is used in grammar to refer to those expressions which describe the essential points of orientation in a speech situation. The interpretation of deictic expressions can only be made in relation to a specific reference point (the deictic centre). Five deictic categories are distinguished. Person deixis concerns the deictic persons, that is the speaker, the addressee and possibly a third person if he/she/it is present in the speech situation. Person deixis is mainly reflected in the concordia! and the pronominal system of Northern Sotho. Social deixis refers to those expressions which reflect the speaker's attitude towards the addressee or the third person. Such expressions include lexical items which reflect the speaker's admiration, dislike or respect towards the addressee, as well as kinship terms and vocatives. Although the pronominal system of Northern Sotho is neutral with regard to sex, there are other linguistic ways in which gender distinctions can be drawn. Place deictic expressions are used to identify the location of an object relative to the deictic centre. The location of the speech participants or their bodies may constitute this deictic centre. Demonstratives, demonstrative-copulatives, locational copulatives, locative adverbs and certain verbs are used for this purpose in Northern Sotho. Time deixis is mainly lexicalised by means of temporal adverbs and grammaticalised by means of tense morphemes in the Northern Sotho verb. The interpretation of these expressions depends on the deictic centre (time when the utterance is made). Time adverbs as well as the tenses describe the time of an event. These structures will indicate whether the action took place before coding time (past tense), whether it will take place after coding time (future tense), or whether it coincides with coding time (present tense). Discourse deixis pertains to those expressions which are used to refer to parts of the discourse, or to nominal antecedents of which the referent is not present in the extra-linguistic context of the utterance. Demonstratives, demonstrative copulatives, third person pronouns, certain adverbs, identifying copulatives, certain qualificatives and certain conjunctions are used for this purpose in Northern Sotho. / African Languages / D Litt. et Phil. (Afrikatale)


Baréa, Neiva Marli Martins dos Santos 07 November 2008 (has links)
Net relationships are coordinated by the action of participants interconnected in many scales and geographic spatiality; in a social, political, economic, and solidarity character. The rural space presents a complexity of processes from such relationships in the 21st Century, with production restructuring and new organization and spatiality dynamics. In despite of the fact that the net relationships are not new, the study of their processes are relevant currently. In some specific spatialities the increasing importance of agrindustrial integration is highlighted, connected to the CAIs and familiar agrindustries. This way, the research aimed to distinguish and analyze the establishment and presence of production nets that coordinate and organize the productive processes in the rural space through vertical and horizontal relationships. The empirical referent was the town of Caibi in the state of Santa Catarina. The set of theoretical, methodological, and conceptual approaches led to a dialectical analysis and a systemic methodology. Different data collection techniques have been applied for the investigation. The conceptual thought conveyed to the terminology net and its current diffusion, as well as the establishment of nets in Brazilian agriculture, its processes and dynamics for the restructuring, approaching different types of nets and the implications for the involved participants. The modernization process in agriculture, from 1960, increased socio-economic inequality among participants, products, and nets. It has also caused the increase of rural exodus, making visible the structures and products specificities. This process led to new ways of net production in the vanguard of the 21st Century, due to the restructuring of the capitalist production mode. Different participants, products, and nets develop relationships through exogenous and endogenous paths, willing to enable the production system. The first makes the vertical spatiality, resulting into production increase and, consequently influencing the economic growth with innovations that, to a certain extent, enable the social group to stay in the rural area. A production mode integrated to the competitive market and cheap workforce exploitation contribute to the market fragility. The second is set horizontally and characterized by trusting bonds, learning, and innovation; it preserves the autonomy of the rural participant constituted by their know-how and culture. These nets might contribute for possible development ways simultaneously approaching welfare based on social, environmental, and economic harmony. / As relações em rede são coordenadas pelas ações dos atores interligados em diversas escalas e meios da espacialidade geográfica, seja de caráter social, político, econômico, familiar ou solidário. O rural apresenta uma complexidade de processos oriundos de tais relações na aurora do século XXI, com reestruturação da produção e de novas formas de organização na dinâmica das espacialidades. Apesar das relações em redes, não serem novas, o estudo de seus processos no rural ganharam relevância nos dias atuais. Em determinadas espacialidades evidencia-se a importância crescente do sistema de integração agroindustrial, ligado aos CAIs e as agroindústrias familiares. Deste modo, se objetivou distinguir e analisar a formação e a presença das redes de produção que coordenam e organizam os processos produtivos no meio rural, por meio de relações verticais e horizontais, configurando-se nas dinâmicas dessas espacialidades. Usou-se como referencial empírico o município de Caibi/SC, para isso, lançou-se mão de arcabouço teórico-metodológico-conceitual, embasado na análise dialética e na metodologia sistêmica. Os procedimentos de investigação se serviram de diferentes técnicas de coleta de dados e de ferramentas para seu tratamento. A reflexão conceitual se remeteu a origem da terminologia rede e a difusão deste termo na contemporaneidade, bem como do estabelecimento de redes na agricultura brasileira, seus processos e dinâmicas de reestruturação, abordando os diferentes tipos de redes e as implicações para os atores envolvidos. O processo de modernização na agricultura, a partir de 1960, agravou as desigualdades socioeconômicas entre atores, produtos e redes, provocando o aumento do êxodo rural e tornando visíveis as estruturas, as especificidades dos produtos e entre os atores. Este processo levou ao surgimento de novas formas de redes de produção na vanguarda do Século XXI, provocadas pela reestruturação do modo de produção capitalista. São diferentes atores, produtos e tipos de redes de produção tramando relações por vias exógenas ou endógenas ao local, no afã de garantir sua reprodução no sistema. As primeiras tramam a espacialidade verticalmente resultando no aumento da produção e, consequentemente influindo no crescimento econômico, com inovações que, de certo modo, possibilitam a permanência do grupo social no campo. Mesmo que para isso altere a cultura sob um sistema de produção integrado ao mercado competitivo e de exploração da mão-deobra barata, contribuindo para a fragilidade do mercado e debilitando o local. As segundas, estabelecidas na horizontalidade e em laços de confiança se regem pela aprendizagem e inovação, preservando a autonomia do ator rural constituída pelo seu saber-fazer e sua cultura. Estas redes podem estar contribuindo para possíveis caminhos do propalado desenvolvimento que concirna simultaneamente, a tríade do bem-estar, com base na harmonia do social, do ambiental e do econômico.

Vänner eller fiender? : En språkvetenskaplig studie av en idéburen organisations positionering genom pressmeddelanden / Friends or enemies? : A linguistic study of a non-profit organization’s positioning in press releases

Wiberg, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats presenteras en textanalytisk studie av ett urval pressmeddelanden från organisationen Djurens Rätt. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Djurens Rätt positionerar sig bland de deltagare som beskrivs i deras pressmeddelanden. Djurens Rätt är en ideell och idéburen organisation vilket gör det intressant att undersöka hur dessa förhåller sig till andra aktörer i samhället i sina pressmeddelanden. Studien ut-går teoretiskt och metodologiskt främst från den systemisk-funktionella grammati-ken med fokus på det ideationella och erfarenhetsmässiga. Utöver detta är även positioneringsbegreppet och Greimas aktantmodell centrala för studien. Resultatet visar att Djurens Rätt använder sig av andra aktörer i flera avseenden för att positionera sig i de undersökta pressmeddelandena. Organisationen framstår exempelvis som sakliga och objektiva representanter för djuren genom att avstå från känslomässiga uttryckssätt, ibland tala om djuren i statistiska termer och även lägga fokus på opponenters handlingar istället för opponenterna i sig. / This paper presents a linguistic study of a number of press releases issued by the organization Djurens Rätt. The study aims to examine in which way Djurens Rätt positions itself among other participants being described in their press releases. Djurens Rätt is a non-profit organization based on an ideological idea, which makes it an interesting target for investigating their approach towards other societal opera-tors in their press releases. The study is theoretically and methodologically mainly based on Halliday’s functional grammar, focusing on the ideational and experiential part of language use. In addition to these perspectives, positioning as a concept and Greimas’ actantial model are also essential to the study. The results show that Djurens Rätt uses several other societal operators in order to position themselves in the analyzed press releases. The organization appears to represent the animals in an objective and impartial way, for instance by refraining emotional expressions, occasionally describing the animals in statistical terms and mostly focusing on their opponent’s actions instead of the opponents themselves.

E-Learning culture : operationalization of a systemic model to support ICT-Integration in pre-service teacher trainers’ practice

Villa, Genny 06 1900 (has links)
Le développement professionnel des enseignants a longtemps été identifié comme essentiel à la réussite de l'adoption des TIC en éducation (BECTA, 2009). Des programmes de formation efficaces sur les TIC pour le développement professionnel des futurs enseignants devraient veiller à ce que, une fois diplômés, les enseignants aient les compétences et les connaissances nécessaires pour utiliser efficacement les TIC dans les salles de classe non seulement en raison de la nécessité pour les enfants de développer des compétences qui leur permettront de bien se débrouiller dans la société moderne (UNESCO, 2011; Dede, 2014), mais aussi, en raison de la valeur potentielle de ces technologies comme outils d'apprentissage (Gill and Dalgarno, 2008). Les TIC sont donc, devenues des incontournables pour les enseignants et les apprenants dans le contexte de la société du savoir. Cependant, lorsqu’on regarde leurs usages et leurs impacts on n’est pas satisfait après tout ce qui a été investi en termes de formation, argent, équipement, etc. Une des causes semble être la formation des enseignants, notamment dans son contenu et dans les stratégies de formation adoptée (Villeneuve, et al. 2012). Nous avons développé une intervention de formation pour rendre opérationnel le modèle IntersTICES (Peraya and Viens, 2005) et aider les formateurs d'enseignants intégrer les TIC dans leur pratique d'enseignement. Cette opérationnalisation impliquant les enseignants travaillant dans le programme de formation initiale des maîtres à l'Université de Montréal, a mis en perspective l'importance de la culture e-learning des formateurs d'enseignants, de l’accompagnement, et des interventions de suivi pour les activités, y compris l'utilisation pédagogique des TIC. La recherche a porté sur l'analyse de l'impact de l'intervention de formation sur la culture e-learning de participants, ainsi que sur leur intention d'adopter et d'utiliser les TIC dans leurs cours. Les résultats suggèrent que l’opérationnalisation du modèle IntersTICES via une intervention de formation de type IntersTICES, peut fournir les formateurs des formateurs une occasion de réflexion et de sensibilisation sur leurs représentations personnelles concernant tous les aspects de leur culture e-learning. De plus, cette opérationnalisation a aidé les formateurs des formateurs à prendre conscience de l'impact que leur culture e-learning a sur leur pratique tout au long et à n’importe quel stade du développement et de la mise en œuvre de leur activité choisie intégrant les TIC. / In today's knowledge society, ICT has become essential for teachers and learners (BECTA, 2009) not only because of the need for children to acquire and develop skills that will help them grow as collaborative, problem-solving, creative learners (UNESCO, 2011; Dede, 2014), but also because of the potential value of such technologies as tools for learning (Gill and Dalgarno, 2008). However, when looking at the current educational ICT uses reported by research conducted with teachers and students, (Karsenti and Lira, 2010; Villeneuve et al., 2012) and the low impact observed on learning - despite the substantial investment in equipment and material -we can only question the possible reasons for such a situation. One of the causes identified in the literature is teacher training, especially in its content and the training strategies adopted by teacher educators (Angeli, 2009; Enochson, and Rizza, 2009). We developed a training intervention to operationalize the IntersTICES model (Peraya and Viens 2005) and help teacher trainers integrate ICT in their teaching practice. This operationalization involving teachers working in the teacher training program at Université de Montreal, put into perspective the importance of teacher trainers’ e-learning culture, personal support and follow-up interventions for activities including pedagogical use of ICT. The research focused on analyzing the impact of the training intervention on participants’ e-learning culture, as well as on their intention to adopt and use ICT in their courses. Findings suggest that the operationalization of the IntersTICES model via an interactive training intervention, can provide teacher trainers with an opportunity for reflection and awareness about their personal representations regarding every aspect of their e-learning culture. Furthermore, it helped teacher trainers becoming aware of the impact their e-learning culture has on their practice throughout and at any stage of the development and implementation of their chosen activity integrating ICT.

Spolupráce veřejné a soukromé sféry ve stavební oblasti / Cooperation of public and private sphere in construction sector

Dorušák, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals how public sector co-opete with private one. The are explain the types of cooperation and the reasons why they are used or not. In the beginning are defined the main terms used later in this thesis, those definitions are based on the datas from the books. The second part, practical part, is focused on evaluation of the respondents’s answers, which have been gotten from questionnaire. There are used also my personal opinions and experience in the practical part. In the final part there is decribed current cooperation those sectors and there are given the recommendations for improving their relationships.

Optimalizace nákladů investičního záměru / Cost Optimization of Investment Plan

Vozáková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This diploma’s thesis deals with a cost optimization of the concrete investment plan, which is a public procurement called Hospital in Hodonín reconstruction. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is information about construction (investment) project, about its organization and legislation focused on contract for work. The practical part contains cost optimization of concrete project. In the end the final evaluation of the procurement for competitive tendering and the confrontation with other contenders’ procurements are made.

Možnosti určování cen nemovitostí pro nebankovní účastníky finančního trhu / Possibilities of real estate prices assessment for non-banking participants on financial market

Gořalík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The issue of possibilities of real estate prices assessment for non-banking participants on financial market is solved in my Master’s thesis. The environment of non-banking participants on financial market is essentially defined here including description and division of it. In the survey there are the possibilities of real estate prices assessment together with the recommendation of the applicable methods. The practical part is included into my Master‘s thesis, too. The recommendation is applied here.

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