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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alla syskon bråkar : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare handlägger ärenden som berör syskonbråk och syskonvåld / All siblings quarrel : A qualitative study on how social workers handle cases involving sibling quarrels and sibling violence

Sabanovic, Haris, Hultman, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
“All siblings quarrel” is an established saying when you hear siblings fight, whereas it’s commonly considered normal for siblings to quarrel and is seen as natural part of children's development. However, sibling abuse has shown to be the most common form of violence perpetrated against children. Therefore, the purpose of this study has been to gain deeper understanding of how social workers in Sweden handle cases involving sibling violence, as well also how they perceive the distinction between sibling quarrel and sibling violence. In summary, the results show that although social workers have been able to make a distinction between sibling quarrel and sibling violence, there has been a focus on causal explanations rather than the phenomenon of sibling violence.

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva i en relation präglad av våld : En studie baserad på självbiografier / Women’s experiences of living in a relationship characterized by violence : A study based on autobiographies

Larsson, Camilla, Andersson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer drabbar främst kvinnor. Normaliseringsprocessen får kvinnan att anpassa sig efter mannen, detta medför isolering, känslor av skam och värdelöshet vilket resulterar i ett lidande. Sjuksköterskans ansvar är att möta och lindra lidande genom ett förhållningssätt som bygger på respekt och empati. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relationer. Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera sex självbiografier. Resultat: I resultatet framkom nio kategorier med tre teman; Anpassning, Att leva under hot och Att kontrollera situationen. Slutsats: Genom kvinnors upplevelser kan sjuksköterskan få ökad kunskap angående våld i nära relationer. Förståelse för vikten av att ställa frågan angående våld och ett respektfullt bemötande var avgörande för att tillit ska skapas. / Background: Violence in close relationships mainly affects women. The normalization process causes the woman to adapt to the man, this results in isolation, feelings of shame and worthlessness which results in suffering. The nurse's responsibility is to meet and alleviate suffering through an approach that is based on respect and empathy. Purpose: The aim was to highlight women's experiences of intimate partner violence. Method: A qualitative method was chosen and a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze six autobiographies. Result: In the result, nine categories with three themes emerged; Adaptation, Living under threat and To control the situation. Conclusion: Through women's experiences, the nurse can gain more knowledge about intimate partner violence. Understanding the importance of asking the question about violence and a respectful manner was crucial to creating trust.


Edhammer, Helene, Heldring, Louise, Larsson, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka poliser inom ingripandeverksamhets (IGV) upplevelser av kvinnans inställning till att medverkai utredningen, baserat på initiala brottsplatsförhör, i partnervåldsärenden.Vidare var syftet även att undersöka hur IGV-poliser upplever att manbör arbeta för att motivera kvinnor till att medverka i utredningen. SjuIGV-poliser intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide somsedan analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Med hjälp av analysenidentifierades fyra teman samt åtta subteman. Resultatet påvisade attkvinnors inställning till att medverka i utredningen var negativalternativt ambivalent. Den negativa inställningen berodde till stor del pånormalisering av våldet samt misstro till polis och rättsväsende. Denambivalenta inställningen grundade sig i rädsla för våld samt ovisshetkring exempelvis rättsprocessen. Resultatet till den del av studien somsyftade till att förklara hur poliser upplever att de bör arbeta för attmotivera kvinnor till medverkan i utredningen påvisade att strategiersamt uppträdande är de mest centrala delarna. De strategier som ansågsmest centrala var patrullens uppbyggnad samt avskildhet. Att ha tålamodsamt den förhörsteknik som används under förhöret var de viktigastefaktorerna rörande hur man bör uppträda för att motivera kvinnor attmedverka i utredningen. Normaliseringsprocessen användes för attförsöka förklara kvinnors inställning till att medverka i utredningen. / The aim of this study was to examine police officer’s experiences ofwomen's attitudes towards participating in an investigation, based on theinitial crime scene hearing, in cases regarding domestic violence.Furthermore, the aim was also to investigate how police officer’s thinkthey should work to motivate women to participate in the investigation.Seven police officers were interviewed using a semistructured interviewguide. The results were analyzed using thematic analysis. Four themesand eight sub-themes were identified. The result showed that women'sattitudes toward participating in an investigation was either negative orambivalent. The negative attitude were due to normalization of theviolence and mistrust to the police and the legal system. Theambivalence attitude was caused by fear of repeated victimization anduncertainty concerning for example the legal proceeding. In terms ofhow police officer’s think they should work to motivate women toparticipate in the investigation, showed that strategies and appearancewere the two most central parts. There were two strategies that wereconsidered as most central. These were the structure of the patrol anddetachment. To have patience and how the hearing proceeds were seenas the most important factors regarding how to appear to be able tomotivate women to participate in the investigation. The Normalizationprocess were used as an explanation regarding women's attitudestowards participation in an investigation.

En kvalitativ undersökning av professionella socialarbetares konstruktioner av kvinnomisshandel / A qualitative study of professional social workers constructions of domestic violence

Dahlström, Charlotte, Hammar Nyblom, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att utifrån beskrivningar från professionella socialarbetare, som arbetat med kvinnor som varit utsatta för mäns partnervåld, analysera vilka konstruktioner dessa professionella socialarbetare hade av den här klientgruppens situation. Frågeställningen var vilka konstruktioner ett urval av professionella socialarbetare, som arbetat med kvinnor som varit utsatta för mäns partnervåld, hade. Frågeställningen var fokuserad på följande teman: kvinnans livsvärld, förhållandet till mannen, våldet i relationen och faktorer för att stanna kvar i- respektive faktorer för att lämna förhållandet. Metoden var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Fem professionella socialarbetare från olika kvinnojourer och socialtjänster intervjuades. Resultaten analyserades utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv samt med stöd från tidigare forskning. Undersökningens viktigaste resultat och slutsats var att de professionella socialarbetarnas konstruktion av den misshandlade kvinnans situation var att hela kvinnans livsvärld påverkades negativt av mannens misshandel. Kvinnan var ambivalent i sitt förhållningssätt till mannen och hon levde hela tiden på hoppet om att mannen skulle förändra sig. Kvinnan upplevde inte våldet som något normalt och hon gjorde alltid på något sätt motstånd mot våldet. / The aim of this study was to analyze the social constructions social workers formed as result of working with women who had been victims of male partner violence. The social constructions analyzed came from the social workers descriptions of the client group’s situation. The question addressed was what social constructions a selection of social workers had that had worked with women who experienced violent abuse from men that they lived in a relationship with. The question was focused on the following themes: the women´s life conditions, the relationship to the man, the violence in the relationship, and what the factors affected whether the woman stayed or left the abusive relationship. The method used was semi-structured qualitative interviews. Five professional social workers from different shelters and social services institutions were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed from a social constructionist perspective with support from earlier research in the area. The most important finding from the study, and conclusion, was that the social constructions the professional social workers made from working with the abused woman was that the entire life situation of the abused women was negatively affected by the abuse from the man. The abused women were ambivalent in their approach to the abusive man, and they lived on the hope that the abusive man would change his abusive ways. The women did not experience the violence as something normal and they always resisted the violence in some way.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om bakomliggande orsaker till våldsutövande samt erbjuden behandling för våldsutövarna / Men's violence against women in close relationships : A qualitative study regarding the underlying causes of violence and the treatment offered to the perpetrators of violence

Eliassi Sarzali, Layla, Bohlin, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain and increase knowledge about intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence. The research questions we aim to answer are how professionals define violence, the causes behind why so many men use violence against their significant other and, furthermore, what kind of support and treatment those men can be offered. To answer these questions, we have made eight semi-structured qualitative interviews with respondents working with treatment for men who has used or still use violence against women in intimate partner relationships. The professionals represent different organizations connected to "Rikskriscentrum" and offer support and treatment for both men and women. The result of the study shows that all respondents define violence similary. Most of them use a quite wide definition showing that violence is so much more than just physical abuse. The support and treatment offered for intimate partner violence is described substantially similary too. Why many men use violence in their intimate partner relationships is the question who turned out to be most complex and hard to answer. We have discussed our main questions using theories about gender and the process of normalization in domestic violence. Our reasoning is also connected to a social context, often referred to as a socio-economic model.

”Antingen ska du hålla dig lugn och lyssna, eller så ska jag slå tills du lyssnar!” : Tio kvinnors livsberättelser om hur de lämnade en våldsam relation.

Finjan, Zeina January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att studera vilka sociala förhållanden som kan ha haft betydelse för kvinnornas val av att stanna kvar eller lämna en våldsam relation samt vilka identiteter tillskriver kvinnorna sig själva under berättandet. Tio intervjuer med kvinnor genomfördes och analyserades utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Centralt i vår studie är intervjupersonernas livsberättelser. I resultatet används ett narrativt och hermeneutisk per-spektiv för att presentera berättelserna och förståelsen som formas mellan berättaren och den som lyssnar. Resultatet visar att de förhållanden som har haft betydelse för att få kvinnorna att stanna kvar är: hot, rädsla och normalisering. Det innebär för dessa kvinnor en normalisering som tänjer på gränserna för vad som är normalt/avvikande. Andra betydande omständigheter var kvinnans band och känslor gentemot sin man, barn, avsaknad av verklighetsförankring, hopp samt ekonomisk trygghet. Studiens resultat visar även att de dominerande faktorerna som får kvinnan att lämna relationen kan dels bero på kvinnans känsla av skuld gentemot sitt barn, ny omdefinition av sin verklighetsförankring, förlorat hopp och att kvinnans känslor försvunnit för mannen. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine which social relations may have had sig-nificance for the choice for the women to stay or leave in a violent relationship, and which identities the interviewed subscribed themselves during the telling of their stories. Ten inter-views were made and analyzed from a hermeneutical perspective. The central in our study was the interviewees’ life stories. In the result a narrative and hermeneutical perspective was used to represent the stories and the understandings formed between the teller and the listener. The data showed that the relationships which resulted in a choice for the women to stay was; threats, fear, and normalization. The normalization is a form of adaptation for the women to accept the dysfunctional relationship. Other important factors were the women’s ties and emo-tional feelings towards the husband / man, children / child, lack of reality, hope and economic stability. The study also showed that the dominating factors for the women to leave the rela-tionship were; her fear of guilt towards her child / children, a new definition of reality, lost hope of change for the relationship and lose of feelings for the partner.

Varför kvinnor stannar i våldsutsatta relationer. : Professionellas uppfattningar och arbete. / Why women stay in abusive relationships. Perceptions of professionals and their work with abused women.

Fatoohi, Sally, Koch, Nadine January 2020 (has links)
I den här studien har ämnet våld i nära relationer och mäns våld mot kvinnor uppmärksammats. Anledningar till att kvinnor valde att stanna i våldspräglade relationer undersöktes, och vidare hur man arbetade med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med professionella genomfördes vid insamlingen av data och tematisk analys användes vid analyseringen av resultaten. I studien framkom att de främsta anledningar till att kvinnorna valde att stanna var rädsla, kärlek och internalisering. Vad avser arbetssättet med de våldsutsatta kvinnorna ansåg professionella att det fanns fem steg för arbetet: möta kvinnan där hon är, lyssna och tro på, tydliggöra, stärka självkänslan och motivera till egna beslut. / In this study, the topic of domestic violence and men’s violence against women have been highlighted. Reasons as to why women chose to stay in abusive relationships have been investigated, and further on how professionals work and respond to these women. Six semistructured interviews with professionals were conducted during the collection of data, and thematic analysis were used when analyzing the data. The study revealed that the main reasons as to why women chose to stay were fear, love and internalization. Regarding working methods when it comes to dealing with battered women; professionals believed that there are five stages to go about: be where the woman is, listening and believing, clarifying, strengthening self-esteem and motivating to make their own decisions.

Våldsutsatta kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund ur socialarbetarens perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetarnas erfarenheter av arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund med särskild fokus på stöd i uppbrottsprocesser. / Abused women with a foreign background from the social worker's perspective

Damen, Randa Naem, Hafezi, Mana January 2020 (has links)
In this study, the topic of men’s violence against women has been highlighted. Men’s violence against women is a societal problem that occurs in various social groups, ages and cultures. The study conducts semi-structured interviews with six social workers to examine their experiences working with abused women with foreign backgrounds. The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis method based on: the normalization process, empowerment and break-up process. The study showed that some of the main factors that made it difficult for women were children, emotional ties, financial and housing dependencies. This study also confirmed previous studies which showed that women with a foreign background are particularly vulnerable and thus find it more difficult to break up a relationship due to societal norms, language difficulties, social networks and because of their ignorance of society. This study also shows that the interviewed social workers found that motivation and support given to violated women in various processes made the break-up process easier for these women. However, the social workers encountered some difficulties working with women with a foreign background, such as communication difficulties.

“Jag sa att jag hade ramlat baklänges, just för att jag skämdes” : En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta män i heterosexuella relationer / ”I said I had fallen backwards, just because I felt ashamed” : A qualitative study of abused men in heterosexual relationships

Suonvieri, Louise, Stöldal, Céline January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om våld i nära relation berör främst mäns våld mot kvinnor. Det finns en kunskapslucka om förekomsten av och kunskapen om mäns våldsutsatthet. Majoriteten av studier om våld mot män omfattas av kvantitativa studier. Den här studien syftar till att genom kvalitativa intervjuer, undersöka hur våldet mot män i heterosexuella relationer tar sig uttryck och hur mannens uppbrottsprocesser kan se ut, för att jämföra det med den kunskap som finns tillgänglig om kvinnors våldsutsatthet. Studien syftar även till att undersöka vilken hjälp och stöd som finns att tillgå. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som används innefattar teorier om våld, normaliseringsprocessen, uppbrottsprocessen, norm- och genusteorier. Urvalet innefattar fem våldsutsatta män som tidigare erfarit våld i heterosexuell relation. Studiens resultat tyder på att samtliga former av våld förekommer i de relationer där män utsätts för våld. Deras uppbrottsprocesser överensstämmer väl med teorier om kvinnors uppbrottsprocesser, vilket antyder att männen upplever samma svårigheter att lämna relationen. Ett utmärkande drag för våldsutsatta män kan kopplas till normer och förväntningar på könsroller, samt att det bidrar till ökade skam- och skuldkänslor. Mörkertalet av våldsutsatta män kan därmed förklaras genom att män inte söker hjälp och stöd på grund av skam, lågt förtroende för rättsväsendet eller okunskap om vart de kan vända sig. De konsekvenser som framkommer till följd av våldet överensstämmer väl med forskningen om kvinnor, där konsekvenserna tenderar att bli långvariga. Genom att normalisera mannen som våldsutövare försvåras möjligheten för våldsutsatta män att få rätt hjälp att hantera eller komma ur den destruktiva relationen. / Previous research on intimate partner violence mainly concerns mens violence against women. There is a knowledge gap about the occurrence and knowledge of mens experience violence, the majority of studies are quantitative studies. This study aims to, through qualitative interviews, examine how the violence against men in heterosexual relationships takes form and how the processes of breakup can be compared with the knowledge available about womens violence, and investigate the available support. The theoretical perspectives include theories of violence, the normalization- and breakup processes, norm- and gender theories. The sample includes five mens experience on intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships. The results indicate that all forms of violence occur to men subjected to intimate partner violence. The processes of breakup resembles the theories of womens processes, which indicates that men experience the same difficulties in leaving the relationship. A distinctive characteristic of men who are victims of intimate partner violence can be linked to the norms and expectations of gender roles and that contributes to increased shame and guilt feelings. The number of men exposed to violence can thus be explained by the fact that men do not seek help and support because of shame, low confidence in the legal system or lack of knowledge about where they can turn to for help. The consequences that result from the abuse are similar to research on women, where the consequences tend to be prolonged. By normalizing the man as the perpetrator, makes it difficult to get the right help and leave the destructive relationship.

”Tar ni mina barn kommer jag döda er” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hot och våld från klienter / “If you take my children I will kill you” : A qualitative study about social service workers' experience of threats and violence from clients

Karlsson, Moa, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers experience and understand threats and violence aimed towards them in their profession as well as what factors increase and decrease their motivation to report threats and violence from clients in order to conspire to a better work environment for social workers.   Method: The empirical material of this study was collected through semi-structured interviews  with six social workers within child protective service in Sweden.   Theory: The theories used to analyze the empirical material has been Berger and Luckmanns theory about social construction and Lundgrens theory about the normalization process.   Results: The results showed that all six social workers had experienced threats or violence from clients at some point. Our results also indicate that social workers normalize threats and violence from their clients. The normalization may be a result of the mentality that threats and violence is a part of the job which is present among social workers. Another finding was that the social workers propensity to report threats or violence depended on the relationship to the client. If they had a long and good relationship the propensity to report decreased.

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