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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calculating and governing risk in times of crisis : the role of credit ratings in regulatory reasoning and legal change (1930s - 2010s) / Calculer et gouverner les marchés en temps de crise : le rôle de la notation du crédit dans le raisonnement juridique et le changement réglementaire (1930s - 2010s)

Pénet, Pierre 24 November 2014 (has links)
Située à l’articulation de la sociologie de l’économie, de l’histoire de la finance et de la sociologie de la connaissance, cette thèse présente donc une analyse du rôle de la notation du crédit dans la régulation financière, et plus largement, du rôle de l’incertitude et de l’incomplétude juridiques sur les anticipations économiques des acteurs financiers. Le cadre d’analyse de la recherche se résume en quatre points : Premièrement, la thèse rompt avec une lecture strictement intellectualiste de l’action publique et présente une approche de la régulation financière par ses instruments, empruntant ainsi l’approche pragmatiste développée par les social studies of finance et par la nouvelle sociologie économique d’inspiration américaine. Deuxièmement, l’hypothèse centrale de la recherche est que les instruments réglementaires sont à la fois des techniques de connaissance et des outils juridiques. Aussi, ce sont les frictions qu’occasionnent les deux activités parfois contradictoires de calculer et de gouverner qui donnent au changement réglementaire sa dynamique historique. Troisièmement, prenant l’exemple de l’usage de la notation dans la supervision financière comme dispositif de calcul et technique de gouvernement, la thèse propose une histoire de longue durée (1865-2010) de l’activité réglementaire sur les marchés financiers aux Etats-Unis et en Europe au travers de cinq régimes de régulation (régime statutaire, d’appel, disciplinaire, fictionnel et contractuel). Quatrièmement, l’originalité de la recherche est de combiner une approche macroscopique du changement réglementaire avec une approche méticuleuse de plusieurs courtes séquences historiques durant lesquelles d’importantes innovations réglementaires ont vu le jour, notamment le New Deal aux Etats-Unis et la crise de la dette souveraine en Europe. Ainsi, en plus de définir les contours de cinq régimes réglementaires, la thèse analyse la façon dont les régulateurs se sont saisis de la notation financière comme « mécanisme d’embrayage » afin d’opérationnaliser la transition d’un régime à un autre. / Located at the intersection of economic sociology, financial history, and the sociology of knowledge, this dissertation examines the role of credit ratings in financial regulation, and more broadly, the role of financial uncertainties and legal incompleteness on financial actors’ anticipatory decisions. The framework set forth in this study can be summarized as follows. First, this study breaks with an intellectualist approach of public action to analyze financial regulation from the perspective of its instruments. As such, this research draws on a pragmatist agenda developed in social studies of finance and recent work in economic sociology. Second, the main hypothesis of this dissertation is to approach regulatory instruments as technologies of knowing and tools of government. From this double viewpoint, I hypothesize that the frictions generated by the two competing activities of calculating and governing impart the regulatory activity with both its structural features and historical dynamics. Third, using the example of regulatory reliance on ratings, I propose a longue durée historical analysis (1865-2010) of the regulatory activity in the U.S. and Europe through the examination of five regulatory regimes (statutory, appeal, disciplinary, fictional, and contractual). Four, one original feature of this dissertation is to combine a macroscopic analysis of regulatory change with a meticulous approach of several short historical sequences during which important regulatory innovations came into being, notably the New Deal in the U.S. and the European sovereign debt crisis. Thus, in addition to setting the contours of five regulatory frameworks, this dissertation analyses the ways in which regulators used ratings as “clutching” devices to operationalize the legal transition from one regime to another.


Fortes, Fabricio Pires 21 December 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation s purpose is to characterize the musical notation as a representational system in which a certain kind of symbolic thought works. In this sense, the operations that are made in this notation are understood as signs handling without considering the meaning. Though this characterization confronts the question for the possibility of the symbolic thought, which question may be asked like this: how is it possible to warranty the results correction obtained by the sign s handling without taking care of the meanings? Aiming to offer a solid answer to this question, it was used a Leibniz s notion of blind or symbolic thought or knowledge, and certain associated functions. Based in an exam of three functions that are played by signs, as well as an analysis of traditional musical notation s basic elements this work tried to characterize the musical thought as a kind of formal operation. This can be seen in the western basic musical structure, in which scale and rhythm are comprehended as formal organization s ways in that are present a certain kind of calculus. So the signs in musical notation simply do not play the role of substitute the phonic component, but they make visible some structural aspects of these images. This exhibition is attributed in different senses to others representational systems, as diagrams, some artificial languages and even some alternative musical symbolism, some, called graphism , proposed by some 20th century composers. In this perspective the method used was the comparison among the different representation forms in order to identify the musical notation as an ecthetic representation. Concluding, the musical notation is characterized as a constitutive element of the music itself, and it is not a mere secondary code. / Esta dissertação visa caracterizar a notação musical enquanto sistema representacional em que opera um tipo de pensamento simbólico. Nesse sentido, as operações realizadas nessa notação são entendidas como pura manipulação de signos, sem a necessária consideração do designado. Entretanto, essa caracterização se defronta com a pergunta pela possibilidade do pensamento simbólico. Tal questão pode ser formulada à seguinte maneira: como é possível garantir a correção dos resultados obtidos pela manipulação simbólica, enquanto pura manipulação de signos sem atenção aos significados? Com vistas a oferecer uma resposta consistente a essa pergunta, recorre-se à noção leibniziana de pensamento (ou conhecimento) cego ou simbólico, e a certas funções a ela associadas. A partir de um exame de três funções exercidas pelos signos a saber, função de sub-rogação, função de cálculo e função ectética bem como de uma análise dos elementos básicos da notação musical tradicional, busca-se caracterizar o pensamento musical como um tipo de operação puramente formal. Isso pode ser observado pela atenção ao caráter estrutural da própria música ocidental, em que noções como a de Escala e a de ritmo são entendidas como modos de organização formal nas quais opera um certo tipo de cálculo. Assim, os signos da notação musical não executam simplesmente a função de substituir imagens acústicas, mas exibem ou tornam visíveis certos aspectos estruturais dessas imagens. Ora, essa exibição é atribuída também, em diferentes sentidos, a outros sistemas representacionais, como os diagramas, algumas linguagens artificiais e até mesmo algumas formas alternativas de simbolismo musical, como os chamados grafismos, propostos por compositores do século XX. Nessa perspectiva, a estratégia aqui empregada passa pela comparação entre a notação musical tradicional e diferentes formas de representação, buscando identificar essa notação como um tipo de representação ectética. Como conclusão, caracteriza-se a notação musical como elemento constitutivo da própria música, e não simplesmente como um código secundário.

Lightweight data and knowledge exchange for pervasive environments

Su, X. (Xiang) 09 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract Pervasive environments are physical spaces saturated with devices collecting data, controlling the environment, and interacting with users. These environments support human users in their everyday tasks so that the users can focus on their own tasks and access services and resources whenever and wherever they want. Such environments are also called smart spaces. Knowledge-based systems would enable realizing a variety of intelligent applications for pervasive environments. Generally, such systems recognize the situation in the environment from sensor data and utilize automated reasoning techniques to respond to the situation and the needs of the users. However, building knowledge-based systems for pervasive environments presents challenges. This dissertation focuses on the challenge of data and knowledge representations. Knowledge-based systems utilize expressive knowledge representations that are verbose and require sufficient resources in order to use them. Most devices in pervasive environments cannot handle these representations as the devices have limited resources for computation, storage, and communication. The main aim of this dissertation is to tackle this challenge. That is, on the one hand, pervasive environments demand data and knowledge representations that do not require many resources from the resource-constrained devices; and on the other hand, the representations should be compatible with the knowledge-based systems. Specifically, a general solution is required that enables many applications to use the same data with minimal effort from application developers. This dissertation presents a novel representation, Entity Notation (EN), to tackle these challenges. EN is designed as a general lightweight representation for data and knowledge. EN expresses entities, their properties, and property values. This structure resembles the triple structure of Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL). Hence, sensor data in EN syntax can be transformed into common knowledge models in a straightforward manner and utilized with ease by knowledge-based systems. EN Schema is designed for transferring advanced knowledge models. Moreover, EN also offers an approach to shorten the format with templates and prefixes. This way, EN can be utilized by resource-constrained devices and environments. Our evaluation verifies that small devices can utilize EN to transfer data and knowledge to devices realizing intelligent functions, such as inference. Moreover, the expressive power of EN is comparable with the alternative representations. Finally, resource consumption is verified by prototypes. Based on the evaluation, we can conclude that EN can facilitate harnessing the full potential of pervasive environments. / Tiivistelmä Kaikkialla läsnäolevat ympäristöt ovat fyysisiä tiloja täynnä laitteita, jotka keräävät dataa, ohjaavat ympäristöä ja ovat vuorovaikutuksessa käyttäjien kanssa. Nämä ympäristöt tukevat ihmisiä päivittäisissä tehtävissä siten, että ihmiset voivat keskittyä tehtäviinsä sekä käyttää erilaisia palveluja ja resursseja ajanhetkestä ja paikasta riippumatta. Tällaisia ympäristöjä kutsutaan myös älykkäiksi tiloiksi. Tietämysjärjestelmät mahdollistavat monia sovellusskenaarioita näihin ympäristöihin. Nämä järjestelmät tunnistavat ympäristössä vallitsevan tilanteen sensoridatan avulla ja hyödyntävät automaattista päättelyä reagoidakseen tilanteeseen ja käyttäjien tarpeisiin. Tietämysjärjestelmien kehitys näihin ympäristöihin on kuitenkin haasteellista. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy datan ja tiedon esitystavan haasteisiin. Tietämysjärjestelmät käyttävät ilmaisuvoimaisia tietämyksen esitysmalleja, joiden monimuotoisuus puolestaan edellyttää riittäviä resursseja. Monet laitteet eivät pysty käsittelemään näitä esitysmalleja koska niillä ei ole riittäviä laskenta-, kommunikaatio- ja tallennusresursseja. Väitöskirjan päätavoite on ratkaista tämä haaste: Toisaalta dataa ja tietämyksen esitysmalleja on voitava käsitellä niukoilla resursseilla; toisaalta esitysmallien on oltava yhteensopivia erilaisten tietämysjärjestelmien kanssa. Erityisesti tarvitaan yleisratkaisu, joka voidaan yhdistää useaan sovellukseen vähäisellä sovelluskehitystyöllä. Tämä väitöskirja esittää ratkaisuksi uuden datan ja tietämyksen esitystavan, Entity Notation -mallin (EN). EN on suunniteltu yleiseksi ja kevyeksi tiedon ja tietämyksen esitystavaksi. EN ilmaisee entiteettejä sekä niiden ominaisuus-arvopareja. Tämä rakenne muistuttaa RDF-kuvauskieltä sekä OWL-ontologiakieltä. Täten sensoridata EN-kielessä voidaan muuttaa suoraviivaisesti yleisiksi tietämysmalleiksi ja hyödyntää helposti tietämysjärjestelmissä. EN Schema on suunniteltu tietämysmallien siirtämiseen. EN tarjoaa myös tavan lyhentää muotoa mallineilla ja etuliitteillä. Näin EN-esitystapaa voidaan hyödyntää resurssirajoitteisissa laitteissa ja ympäristöissä. Tehdyt kokeet osoittavat, että pienet laitteet voivat käyttää EN-esitystapaa tiedon ja tietämyksen siirtämiseen älykkäitä toimintoja toteuttaviin laitteisiin. Lisäksi EN-esitystavan ilmaisuvoimaisuus on verrattavissa vaihtoehtoisiin esitystapoihin. Prototyyppien avulla tarkistettiin resurssien tehokas käyttö. Kokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta, että EN-esitystapa helpottaa läsnäolevien ympäristöjen täyden potentiaalin hyödyntämistä.

Writing the aerial dancing body a preliminary choreological investigation of the aesthetics and kinetics of the aerial dancing body

Acker, Shaun Albert January 2010 (has links)
This mini-thesis investigates some of the nineteenth century socio-cultural ideals that have structured a connection between virtuosic aerial skill and bodily aesthetics. It views the emergence of a style of aerial kineticism that is structured from the gender ideologies of the period. It investigates the continual recurrence of this nineteenth century style amongst contemporary aerial dance works and outlines the possible frictions between this Victorian style of kineticism and contemporary aerial explorations. From this observation, a possible catalyst may be observed with which to relocate and inspire a study of aerial kinetics sans the nineteenth century aesthetic component. This kinesiological catalyst may be viewed in conjunction with the theories of ground-based kinetic theorist, Rudolph Laban’s choreutic study of the body in space. Thus, it may be possible to suggest and introduce a possible practical dance scholarship for aerial dance. This mini-thesis includes an introductory choreological investigation that draws on and integrates the disciplines of kinesiology; choreutic theory; existing aerial kinetic technique; musicology; and the physical sciences.

Indicator-based Policy Compliance of Business Processes

Shamsaei, Azalia January 2012 (has links)
Background: Business process compliance management has recently attracted a lot of attention in both business and academia as it enables organizations to not only control and monitor their business processes from a legal point of view but also to avoid financial penalties and undesirable consequences to their reputation. Objective: This thesis aims to provide a framework that would enable organizations to: 1- Discover business processes that violate regulations, laws and policies; 2- Discover the importance level of business processes based on the organization’s goals; 3- Determine the impact of compliance-related process modifications on business goals, including conflicting goals between stakeholders, and on policies; and 4- Enable organizations to measure the level of business process compliance for one or multiple policies. Methodology: A systematic literature review in the area of goal-oriented business process compliance management and measurement has been conducted, which showed that balancing legal compliance obligations with business objectives remains a difficult challenge. A new Indicator-based Policy Compliance Framework (IPCF), which combines policy and rule models together with models capturing business goals (with their relative importance to the organization) and business processes, has been proposed. This framework builds on the User Requirements Notation (URN), which is the first international standard to combine goal modeling with scenario modeling. The intents and objectives of policies have been modeled, as well as the goals and business processes of organizations, and indicators are used to measure the compliance level of policies. This enables the detection of non-compliant business processes and the evaluation of the impact of compliance-related process modifications on business goals. Human resource policies and business processes are used as an example to illustrate the method. Aerodrome security regulations and business processes are then used to validate the method in a real-life environment. Comparisons to related work, evaluation against different sets of criteria, and tool support complement the framework validation. Results: The Indicator-based Policy Compliance Framework enables organizations to discover business processes that violate policies as well as other types of rules, regulations, and laws. Guidelines for modeling legal text with URN’s Goal-oriented Requirement Language (GRL) are proposed. Furthermore, IPCF helps determine the impact of compliance-related process modifications on business goals, including conflicting goals between stakeholders, and on policies. In addition, as policies sometimes apply differently to different types of organizations, a new profile for GRL, with suitable stereotypes, well-formedness constraints, and a modified analysis algorithm defined for GRL model families is used to evaluate the satisfaction level of individual goal models that are members of a larger family model. Finally, the proposed IPCF enables organizations to measure the level of business process compliance for one or multiple policies, and such measures can be visualized directly in URN models but also through interactive Business Intelligence portals, for a wider diffusion.

Rozpoznávání a přehrávání not z fotografie / Sheet Music Recognition and Playing from Photography

Staněk, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This work deals with development of an application for optical music recognition. This application is designed for mobile phones with Android operating system. The work includes a brief introduction to the problem and introduces some existing solutions. There are described methods for image processing and classification, which are used in final application. It also shows the design and implemenation of the final aplication, where used methods for detection and removal of staff lines, detection and processing of musical symbols and their classification are described. The evaluation of the final application and a summary of achieved results are shown in the end of this work.

From theology to religion ? – Die Klasse 200 der DDC: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Vergleich mit der Fachsystematik B der RVK

Boll, Katharina 28 October 2008 (has links)
Einen Klassenvergleich liefert Katharina Boll (17.07.11:00), indem sie die Klasse 200 der DDC (Theologie bzw. Religion) vergleicht mit der Fachsystematik „B“ der Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK).

Autoren und Nutzer als Schlagwortgeber

Gratz, Claudia 29 October 2008 (has links)
Ein neuer Begriff in der Katalogisierung ist das „Tagging“. Hier (im Referat von Claudia Gratz, 16.07.15:00) geht es um das Hinzufügen von Katalogelementen durch Nutzer oder Autoren, darunter auch die Lieferanten von Doktorarbeiten. Beispielsweise das Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg stellt hierfür die Online Schlagwortnormdatei OSWD zur Verfügung. Das Verfahren ist im Ansatz eine Ausnutzung von Dienstleistung wie wir sie (in der Nutzerrolle) täglich kostenfrei erbringen in der Rolle des Tankwarts, Verkäufers oder Bankangestellten. Hierbei dürfen wir übrigens auch einmal anmerken, dass unser Rollenhandeln durchweg gute Ergebnisse bringt! Das Tagging dagegen bringt leider einiges an Inkonsequenz in die Ergebnisse.

Aktuelle DDC – Anwendungen in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Lösse, Monika 29 October 2008 (has links)
Details zum gegenwärtigen Stand der DDC-Anwendung in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek liefert Monika Lösse (17.07. nach 10:00); und sozusagen den französischen Spiegel hält Anne-Célin Lambotte aus Paris dagegen (17.07.12:00).

Von PMEST zu DIG-HI oder: Ranganathan reloaded

Schulze, Florian 30 October 2008 (has links)
Florian Schulze, der letzte Referent im Block der Nachwuchsbibliothekare (17.07.15:00), hatte sich im Rahmen seiner Diplomarbeit auf die Erstellung eines betriebwirtschaftlichen Arbeitskonzepts in einer kommerziellen Personalberatungsfirma eingelassen. Für sie erarbeitete er Arbeitsanleitungen, die sich auf das Klassifikationsverfahren des indischen Altmeisters Ranganathan stützten. Um es vorweg zu sagen: Sein sehr originelles Werk (mit Facetten, Foci, Notationen …) trat nicht in das Stadium der praktischen Nutzung ein. Gleichwohl erwiesen sich seine Gedanken zu Ranganathans Formel „PMEST“ und die betriebswirtschaftlichen Ableitungen als fesselndes Kuriosum.

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