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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro Universitario Residencial en Santiago de Surco, Monterrico / Residential University Center

Villalobos Chocano, Claudia Alejandra 08 May 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, la importancia de recibir educación superior ha ido incrementado en la sociedad con el pasar de los años. Hoy en día, debido a las amplias posibilidades, contar con una mejor educación es la base para iniciar la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades laborales, aspirando a un mejor futuro. Actualmente, el Perú cuenta con un total de 100 universidades distribuidas en 24 departamentos, en donde el 39% de estos se sitúan en la capital, siendo las de mayor prestigio. Es por ello, que un alto número de jóvenes de diferentes ciudades, migran a la capital en búsqueda de una mejor educación. Sin embargo, no existen tipologías de vivienda temporales que respondan a ciertos usuarios. Es por tal motivo que se realizó un vasto análisis en proyectos referenciales nacionales e internacionales. El presente proyecto consta del diseño e implementación de una nueva tipología de vivienda temporal, mediante un Centro Universitario Residencial, que satisfaga la demanda de alojamiento momentáneo para jóvenes estudiantes. El proyecto se emplaza en el distrito de Santiago de Surco, en una zona estratégica en donde en un radio de 2km abarca más de 5 centros educativos. Este se organiza mediante un bloque de uso públicos relacionado al sector educativo, y 4 torres de vivienda suspendidas, con diversas tipologías de alojamiento y espacios de encuentro para los propios residentes. Para ello, el diseño se basa en una tecnología constructiva modular, que expresa las diferentes materialidades, contribuyendo con la organización de cada espacio, de tal forma que se establezca una arquitectura flexible y versátil. Se espera que este documento pueda servir como referencia para próximas investigaciones y una visión más amplia acerca de las tipologías que se suelen implementar en nuestra ciudad, que muchas veces no responden a las necesidades del usuario. / Actually, the importance in receiving superior education is increasing in the society. Today, because of a variety of factors, the education is the principal reason for having the best places to work. Perú, counts with a total of 100 universities distributed in 24 departments, in which the 39% of these are located in the capital, Lima, these are the ones with more prestige. This is why the major quantity of adolescents of different cities, migrate to the capital in search for a better education. However, there are no temporary housing typologies that respond to this kind of users. It is for this reason that a vast analysis was carried out in national and international reference projects. The present project consists of the design and implementation of a new typology called temporary housing, for young students. The project is located in the district of Santiago de Surco, in a strategic area where, within a radius of 2 km, it covers over 5 educational centers. This is organized through a block of public use related to the education sector, and 4 suspended housing towers, with different types of accommodations and meeting spaces. For this, the design is based on innovative modular construction technology, which is express by the different materials used, contributes to the organization and distribution of each space. The flexibility and versatility the principal objective of this project. It is hoped that this document serves as a reference for futures researches and contribute with a broader vision of the typologies that are usually implemented in our city, which often do not respond to the needs of the user. / Tesis

Figures de la femme dans les projets nationaux : littérature et politique dans la région du Rio de la Plata et en Nouvelle Grenade (1835 - 1853) / Figures of the women in the national projects : literature and policy in the Rio de la Plata and in New Grenade (1835-1853)

Goldwaser Yankelevich, Nathalie 14 May 2013 (has links)
En 1853, des constitutions fédérales et républicaines sont votées, non sans conflits, dans la région du Rio de la Plata et en Nouvelle-Grenade. Dans les deux constitutions, l'exclusion de la femme comme sujet de droits politiques est explicite. De façon singulière, cette même année, l'Assemblée législative de Vélez, une province de la Nouvelle-Grenade, promulgue le droit de vote aux élections sans distinction de sexe, événement qui, s'il ne pourra prospérer à cause d'un véto présidentiel, représente le premier fait de reconnaissance politique de la femme sur le continent hispano américain. Malgré cet antécédent, la Colombie est une des les derniers des états d'Amérique Latine à avoir accordé le suffrage aux femmes (1954), alors qu'en Argentine il y eut plusieurs tentatives infructueuses avant la loi nationale de 1947. La décision de l'assemblée de Vélez peut être considérée comme un indice clair de la transition de la femme "objet d'écriture" à la femme "sujet de l'action". Mais ce n'est pas le seul: dans cette thèse, nous soutiendrons que des traces de cette transition apparaissent dans les écrits de ces hommes du dix-neuvième siècle qui étaient considérés comme les forgeurs de la Nation. Concrètement, nous ne rentrerons pas dans l'étude de la femme en tant que sujet, mais notre regard se portera sur la façon dont elle est construite comme «objet », en analysant ses caractéristiques et les interstices qui montrent cette transition. Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait attendre d'une vision mécanique des causes et des effets, la femme n'a pas toujours été écrite "négativement" mais elle a été incluse dans un champ de forces dans lequel les significations se disputaient entre elles. Celle thèse cherche à meure en lumière les figures diverses et parfois contradictoires de la femme qui apparaissent dans les textes écrits par des hommes du dix-neuvième siècle préoccupés par la fondation de la Nation. / In 1853, in the Rio de la Plata as well as in Nueva Granada, promulgated federal and republican constitutions are dictated not without tensions. In both there is an explicit exclusion of women as subjects of political rights. Interestingly, that year the Legislature Assembly of Velez, province of Nueva Granada, promulgated electoral voting rights regardless of sex, an event that in spite of not prospering because of the presidential veto, represents the first political recognition of women in our continent. Despite this background, Colombia is the latest Latin American state which granted women's suffrage (1954) while in Argentina there were several failed attempts until the national law of 1947. The decision of the Assembly of Velez can be considered a clear indication of the transition of women from 'object of writing' to 'subject of the action'. But it is not the only one : in this thesis we will argue that in the writings of nineteenth-century men, who were considered forgers of the nation, there appear traces of that transition. Specifically, the look will be on how the woman is built as an "object", observing the characteristics and also the gaps that show this transition. Contrary to what is expected from a mechanical view of cause and effect, the woman was not always written 'negatively' but was included in a force field in which the senses vie with each other. This thesis seeks to uncover the different and sometimes contradictory figurations of the women that appear in texts written by me of the nineteenth century concerned about the founding of the nation.

Butamalón, el gran levantamiento : Las Raíces de un Conflicto / Butamalón: The Great Insurrection : Roots of a conflict

Belmar Shagulian, Jasmin January 2009 (has links)
<p>El propósito de este trabajo es dar a conocer las características generales de la estructura en la nueva novela histórica, género que presenta la novela Butamalón de Eduardo Labarca. Asimismo, queremos saber si la existencia de los discursos que en ella aparecen han contribuido a generar percepciones prejuiciosas que hayan alterado las relaciones entre españoles y mapuches y, luego entre chilenos y mapuches y si en la actualidad, los personajes de la novela tienen alguna validez y juegan algún rol en el conflicto identitario del mestizaje.Sostenemos en la hipótesis que los personajes de Butamalón –que en mapudungun significa gran levantamiento- equivaldrían a una homologación cultural y social de la sociedad que fundaron los conquistadores, la cual alteró para siempre las relaciones entre éstos y los indígenas. Esto -a su vez- tendría repercusiones y marcaría definitivamente, el interactuar de chilenos y mapuches.Así nos detendremos a analizar los discursos que componen la obra, siendo éstos dos: la fábula histórica que relata los hechos históricos documentados de la batalla de Curalaba en 1598, cuando los mapuche se rebelan en contra de las fuerzas invasoras de España y, luego, tenemos la fábula ficcional, donde los personajes se desenvuelven en el Chile de la transición democrática y las vicisitudes que han vivido éstos.Empezaremos identificando los discursos de los personajes novelescos, los ejemplificaremos aplicándoles las teorías literarias de la narración, de la nueva novela histórica y del discurso socio-cultural basándonos en las teorías del discurso racista de Teun Van Dijk. Luego intentaremos acercarnos a una interpretación social y cultural del fenómeno que representa la nueva novela histórica y el discurso.</p>

Cosmología y supervivencia en las crónicas de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala

Passalacqua-Estremadoyro, W. Jorge. January 1996 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the Nueva Coronica y Buen Gobierno, by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, written in the Peruvian highlands between the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries. Although specifically designed to superficially appear innocuously and mildly complaining, the author disguises his transcendental subversive intentions by limiting the scope of the referential subject to the members of his cultural group. / While the introduction explains in detail the objective of the thesis and reviews some literature on the subject, the first chapter provides a broad and summary overview of indigenous Andean cosmology, its constitutive elements and its main characteristics. In the second chapter these elements of cosmological philosophy are presented as the only available tools at the disposal of the indigenous population in order to understand that catastrophic event referred to as the Conquest and the inevitable conclusion to which it arrived. The third chapter explores the use of those cosmological tools and the understanding of the disaster in the subversive endeavour of cultural survival in the context of colonization. Finally, the fourth chapter examines the plurality of levels of subversive messages conveyed by the author and his hidden message of rebellious hope. Within the same frame of cosmologically oriented thought patterns and messianistic expectations, Guaman Poma alters one apparently insignificant historical detail, thereby making possible the cosmic regeneration and historical rebirth of the last Inca emperor and his entire people. A section of conclusions and a bibliography follow the fourth and last chapter.

Idealized, Inspirational, and Intellectual Leaders in the Social Sector: Transformational Leadership and the Kravis Prize

Hughes, Tawney A 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the importance of transformational leadership in the social sector. Transformational leadership is a theory of behaviors and attributes focused on the relationship between leaders and followers of a group or organization (Avolio, 1999; Bass & Avolio, 1990a). It involves four factors: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. In order to gain more insight into leadership in some of the most high-impact and innovative social sector organizations, the research consists of interviews and case studies on five of the ten recipients of the Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership. Having been internationally recognized for bold, visionary leadership, the recipients of the Kravis Prize in Leadership demonstrate the skills and practices deemed integral to the individual, team, and organizational success. The research focused on the behaviors, quotes, and publications that alluded to the inherent factors of transformational leadership within the organizations and their leaders from Landesa, INJAZ, Right To Play, Escuela Nueva, and mothers2mothers. The findings revealed a great deal of transformational leadership weaved throughout the behaviors and principles of the organization’s leaders and followers alike. Organizations like INJAZ and its Executive Director, Soraya Salti, personified transformational leadership, displaying numerous examples of behaviors from each of the four components (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation). Each individual studied personified several, if not all components of transformational leadership. In conclusion of the research and case studies of some of the worlds most high impact organizations, it can be summarized that transformational leadership is an effective strategy to employ in the social sector and is one of the most prevalent common threads amongst high impact nonprofit organizations.

Multiple scenario interface for visualizing urban structures the cases of the Salvadoran cities of San Salvador and Santa Tecla /

Mojica Bonilla, Ana I. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio University, March, 2009. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references.

Being German and being Paraguayan in Nueva Germania : arguing for 'contextual epistemic permissibility' and 'methodological complementarity'

Kurzwelly, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis involves a collaborative study of emic articulations and quotidian ways of ‘being German' and ‘being Paraguayan' in Nueva Germania, a rural municipality in Paraguay. An argument is made that the social categories focused upon during this thesis, were evoked according to different contexts. While many claimed that Germanness or Paraguayanness were key categories, essentialistic characteristics that defined them and others as people of a certain kind, in other situations these social divisions were disregarded or even contradicted. This leads me to the theoretical conclusion that social categories, and epistemic frameworks more broadly, should not be understood as universally relevant or as universally applicable, and should not be treated as such. The thesis therefore proposes to assume ‘contextual epistemic permissibility' as a key axiom for use within anthropology and in the wider social sciences. The possible theoretical and methodological consequences of such an assumption are elaborated upon. Different theories of self, social action, and agency are debated in the course of this thesis: it is asked which might best analytically accommodate the assumption of contextual epistemic permissibility. Furthermore, in order to reflect the multiplicity of emic epistemic frameworks, the thesis proposes that a notion of ‘analytical and representative complementarity' be introduced, rather than monistic theoretical models. Such complementarity is practised in the thesis through the use of different multiscalar analyses (for example, the use of different theories of nationalism), and through the simultaneous use of different forms of representation. The above theoretical divagations are intertwined and related to the individual stories of twelve people from Nueva Germania, and are presented with both textual and photographic means. The stories were created through a collaborative process. Each project participant was free to decide upon the subject of their account, and therefore the resulting stories are able to cover a variety of different themes, at the same time introducing the reader to individual histories, struggles, opinions, plans, and critiques. Some elements of these accounts directly relate to the theoretical debates focused upon within the thesis while other elements of the individual stories are left to speak for themselves, and for the reader to make sense of independently. The photographs and texts, in their intertextual presentation, allow for an embodiment of the argument concerning representational complementarity.

Les intendants de la vice-royauté de la Nouvelle-Espagne (1764-1821) : origines, carrières et intégration coloniale : essai prosopographique / The intendants of the viceroyalty of New Spain (1764-1821) : origins, careers y colonial integration : prosopographical test / Los intendentes del virreinato de la Nueva España (1764-1821) : orígenes, carreras y integración colonial : ensayo prosopográfico

Lacoste, Marie-Pierre 20 April 2017 (has links)
Introduit dans la vice-royauté de la Nouvelle-Espagne en 1764, le système de l’intendance s’est progressivement diffusé à l’ensemble des territoires composant cette aire géographique. Mon travail porte sur les intendants de la vice-royauté de la Nouvelle-Espagne de 1764 à 1821 qu’ils aient été nommés en pleine propriété ou à titre provisoire. Nous avons mené une étude prosopographique de ces hommes pour l’ensemble des territoires de la vice-royauté (le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne, la capitainerie générale du Guatemala, la Louisiane, les îles de Cuba et de Porto Rico, l’archipel philippin). L’étude des origines géographiques, professionnelles et sociales des intendants nous a permis de déterminer le profil de ces agents envoyés aux Indes de Castille. L’analyse du recrutement a révélé ainsi l’importance du capital relationnel dans l’accès aux charges. Tout un pan de notre travail a été consacré dans un second temps à la notion de « carrière », au parcours professionnel. Faisait-on carrière au sein de l’institution de l’intendance ou cette charge constituait-elle une simple étape dans une carrière au service de l’administration de la monarchie ? Telles sont les deux questions qui ont servi de fil conducteur à cette partie. Nous avons aussi souhaité montrer que la charge d’intendant n’avait pas été seulement réservée aux Péninsulaires contrairement à ce que l’on a longtemps cru. Les Créoles ont bien été présents à la tête de l’institution. Notre dernière partie laisse enfin entrevoir l’intégration de certains de ces hommes à la société coloniale. 1821 n’a pas mis fin à la présence des Espagnols en Amérique. Le processus de créolisation a bien été une réalité historique. / Introduced in the viceroyalty of New Spain in 1764, the intendant system has gradually spread to all the territories of this geographical area. My current doctoral research is about the intendants of the viceroyalty of New Spain, whether they’ve been appointed in full ownership or provisionally. We conducted a prosopographical study of these men for all the territories of the viceroyalty (the kingdom of New Spain, the captaincy of Guatemala, the Louisiana, the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Philippine archipelago). The study of the geographical, professional and social origins allows us to determinate the profile of these agents sent to the Indies of Castile. The analysis of recruitment revealed so the importance of relational capital in the access of charges. Secondly, a significant part of our work has been dedicated to the concept of career, at the professional life. Was there a career within the institution of intendancy or was this charge, a simple step in a career at the service of the monarchy’s administration? These are the two questions that have served as the connecting thread for this part. We also wanted to show that the office of intendant was not only reserved for the Peninsulars, contrary to what we have long believed. The Creoles were present at the head of the institution. Our last part of my thesis finally reveals the integration of some of these men into the colonial society. 1821 didn’t put an end to the presence of Spaniards in America. The process of creolization has indeed been a historical reality. / Introducido en el virreinato de la Nueva España en 1764, el sistema de la intendencia se extendió gradualmente a todos los territorios de esta área geográfica. El tema de mi investigación doctoral trata de los intendentes del virreinato de la Nueva España durante la segundad mitad del siglo XVIII y a principios del siglo XIX hasta la independencia, ya sean nombrados en plena propiedad o como interinos. Se realizó un estudio prosopográfico de estos hombres para todos los territorios del virreinato (el reino de la Nueva España, la capitanía general de Guatemala, la Luisiana, las islas de Cuba y de Puerto Rico, el archipiélago de Filipinas). El estudio de los orígenes geográficos, profesionales y sociales nos permitió determinar el perfil de estos agentes enviados a las Indias de Castilla. El análisis del reclutamiento ha revelado así la importancia del capital relacional para el acceso a los cargos. En un segundo tiempo, nuestro trabajo se consagró al concepto de “carrera” y a las trayectorias profesionales. ¿Se hacía carrera dentro de la institución de la intendencia o más bien constituía este cargo una etapa de la carrera al servicio de la administración de la monarquía? Estas son las dos preguntas que han servido de hilo conductor para esta parte. También hemos querido mostrar que la intendencia no sólo estaba reservada a los Peninsulares a diferencia de lo que hemos creído durante mucho tiempo. Los Criollos estuvieron bien presentes a la cabeza de la institución. La última parte de mi tesis sugiere por fin la integración de algunos hombres en la sociedad colonial. 1821 no puso fin a la presencia española en América. El proceso de criollización fue efectivamente una realidad histórica.

Approaches to the Direct Contracting Regime in the New Public Procurement Law Regarding the Draft Regulation of Law No. 30225, whose publication was provided by Ministerial Resolution No. 216-2015-EF / 15 / Aproximaciones al Régimen de Contratación Directa en la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones Del Estado A propósito del Proyecto de Reglamento de la Ley N° 30225, cuya publicación fuera dispuesta mediante Resolución Ministerial N° 216-2015-EF/15

Pedreschi Garcés, Willy 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article treats about the main innovations brought on the direct contracting regimen of the Public Procurement Peruvian New Law. In the author’s opinion, the new law seeks to make public procurement more efficient. Thus, he explains us how, in direct contracting, the law tries to achieve this objective.In that line, the paper explains the cases in which the direct contract proceeds and the formalities and requirements for it. / El presente artículo aborda las principales novedades que trae el régimen de contratación directa de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado. Para el autor, la nueva norma busca que las compras del Estado sean más eficientes y nos explica cómo, en la parte referida a la contratación directa, se intenta lograr dicho objetivo. Así, primero se explican los supuestos en los que cabe esta figura, y las formalidades yrequisitos para la misma.

Estado y pobladores en la configuración del territorio: — del campamento Nueva Habana a Población Nuevo Amanecer : territorialidad de los habitantes y configuración espacial generada por las políticas habitacionales implementadas por el Estado de Chile 1970-2009 : Unidad Vecinal N° 25 (Nuevo Amanecer), Comuna de La Florida

Pinto Veas, Diego Alfonso January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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