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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexual conflict and the evolution of nuptial feeding

Jalinsky, Joseph Ryan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Entomology / Jeremy L. Marshall / Males providing females with gifts in order to mate is not a novel occurrence. Indeed, depending on the taxonomic system, males may provide gifts ranging from dead insects, to nutritious ejaculates to even subjecting themselves to cannibalistic feeding. Interestingly, while the burden of the costs of these gifts is primarily carried by the male, net fitness of providing or receiving such gifts must be positive for both sexes, if these gifts are to be maintained in a population. If this is not the case, and sexual conflict has exerted a cost-benefit imbalance between the sexes, then the expectation is that the system will evolve towards the reduction of nuptial gift giving. Here, utilizing the Allonemobius socius complex of crickets where females benefit greatly from cannibalizing male blood as a nuptial gift, we explore the possibility that sexual conflict is acting on gift size. To do this, we assess the gift-size distribution, and their associated fitness functions, for twelve populations that span the phylogeny and geographic distribution of this complex. We find that gift-size distributions are shifted towards small or no gifts in the majority of populations. Moreover, fitness data suggest that males providing a small or even no gift are equally successful to their large gift-giving counterparts. Taken together, the population profiles indicate that at least half of these populations are evolving towards the near or complete loss of these cannibalistic gifts – a predicted, but previously undocumented, outcome of sexual conflict. We also assess the speed at which sexual conflict is acting to alter gift size distributions in populations by comparing gift sizes between different time points in populations and across phylogenetic history. The implications of these results are discussed relative to antagonistic coevolution of behavioral traits and sexual conflict theory in general.

Kodėl vedybinė sutartis gali tapti kliūtimi galiojančiai kanoninei santuokai? / Why nuptial contract can become impediment for canonical marriage?

Mikitiukas, Audrius 11 June 2008 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tema – “Kodėl vedybinė sutartis gali tapti kliūtimi kanoninei santuokai?”. Darbas sudarytas iš 4 dalių. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniu Kodeksu ir 1983 metų Kanonų Teisės Kodeksu yra nagrinėjama santuokos institucijos samprata. Aptariama santuokos samprata pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Civilinį Kodeksą ir pateikiami santuokos sudarymui keliami reikalavimai. Nagrinėjami bažnytinės teisės reikalavimai kanoninės santuokos sudarymui bei pateikiama kanoninės teisės ir civilinės teisės bendrumai santuokos atžvilgiu. Antroji darbo dalis skirta vedybų sutarties teisinio reglamentavimo nagrinėjimui. Aptariama vedybų sutarties samprata ir kilmė. Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniu Kodeksu pateikiama vedybų sutarties sudarymo procedūra ir įsigaliojimas, taip pat išanalizuojamos sąlygos vedybų sutarties pakeitimui ir nutraukimui. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje kalbama apie bažnytinės santuokos negaliojimą dėl išankstinio susitarimo. Vedybų sutartis čia įvardijama kaip išankstinsi susitarimas su ateitį numatančia sąlyga. Remiantis 1983 metų Kanonų Teisės Kodeksu apariama santuokos su sąlyga negaliojimas ir išankstinės sąlygos prieštaravimas santuokos vienumui ir neišardomumui. Ketvirtojoje dalyje, remdamiesi bažnyčios Mokymu aptariame pastoracinius uždavinius, siekiant santuokos sakramentiškumo ir kilnumo užtikrinimo. / Team of diploma work for master degree is: Why nuptial contract can become impediment for canonical marriage? Diploma work is made from 4 parts. According to the Lithuanian Republic Civil Law and Code of Canon Law in the first part of work is presenting definition of marriage institution. There are discussing about marriage in public law and in Church law. In the 2nd part of work is written about nuptial contract and this contract rights. Firstly there are talking about definition of nuptial contract and derivation. According to the Lithuanian Republic Civil Code is presenting nuptial contract formation procedure and this contract come into effect. Also is written about nuptial contract change and break procedure. In the 3rd part of diploma work is present invalidity canonical marriage. This canonical marriage invalidity is because marriage contract is made with future contract. In the 4th part of work is described pastoral care of sacramental marriage.


PAULO CESAR MACHADO FAILLACE 09 January 2025 (has links)
[pt] Experiência humana própria e profunda, o matrimônio ascende à condição de uma instituição divina por desígnio do Criador, que inspirou os autores sagrados de todos os tempos a se utilizarem da relação esponsal como o símbolo por excelência para descrever Seu próprio relacionamento com o povo eleito. Este simbolismo percorre todos os tipos de literatura, tanto as do AT quanto as do NT, impregnando-os com suas imagens. No NT e em particular nos Sinóticos, Mateus parece ter sido o evangelista que mais captou esta tradição veterotestamentária do YHWH-Esposo e a reproduziu e a traduziu para o Cristo-Noivo. Em sua trilogia nupcial Mt 9,14- 17, Mt 22,1-14 e Mt 25,1-13, Mateus resgata a história da salvação, que culmina com o banquete escatológico final. A perícope Mt 22,1-14 é a que melhor retrata e descortina toda esta história, baseada em uma festa de bodas que o Pai prepara para seu Filho. Pela análise da perícope e seu enquadramento na trilogia, percebe-se como Mateus utiliza a simbologia nupcial para instigar sua comunidade a perceber a novidade trazida pelo Filho do Rei e a necessidade da adesão pessoal a Ele. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e a análise baseou-se em uma abordagem diacrônica, através do método histórico-crítico. / [en] A profound human experience in itself, marriage rises to the status of a divine institution by design of the Creator, who inspired the sacred authors of all times to use the spousal relationship as the symbol par excellence to describe His own relationship with the chosen people. This symbolism runs through all types of literature, both the OT and the NT, imbuing them with its images. In the NT and in particular in the Synoptics, Matthew seems to have been the evangelist who most captured this Old Testament tradition of YHWH-Husband and reproduced and translated it for the Bridegroom Christ. In his nuptial trilogy Mt 9,14-17, Mt 22,1- 14 e Mt 25,1-13, Matthew rescues the history of salvation, which culminates in the final eschatological banquet. The pericope Mt 22,1-14 is the one which best portrays and reveals this entire story, based on a wedding feast that the Father prepares for his Son. Through the analysis of the pericope and its framing in the trilogy, it is clear how Matthew uses nuptial symbolism to instigate his community to perceive the novelty brought by the Son of the King and the need for personal accession to Him. A bibliographical research was carried out and the analysis was based on a diachronic approach, through the historical-critical method.

A relação esponsal entre Cristo e sua Igreja: a esposa de Cristo na constituição sobre a Igreja do Concílio Vaticano II

Morbiolo, Rodolfo Gasparini 17 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodolfo Gasparini Morbiolo.pdf: 782728 bytes, checksum: f8aeb53527f9abebb1e71f3153e79e95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-17 / This bibliography research examined the extent and limits of nuptial Church in the Constitution on the Church of Vatican II. This procedure is justified because of the importance of the issue to the theology of the Catholic Church, once deeply rooted in Scripture and Tradition and its Magisterium, as well as the need to approach the theme of conjugal love in the world today as an instrument of evangelization. Hypothesized that the Vatican did not give importance to the issue as a hermeneutical principle. Having established the veracity of the hypothesis, proposed the re-issue of spousal love their ecclesial communion interface such as communication path of Catholic theology to the scientific world and society today / A presente pesquisa bibliográfica estudou a abrangência e os limites da esponsalidade eclesial na Constituição sobre a Igreja do Concílio Vaticano II. Justifica-se tal procedimento devido à importância do tema para a teologia da Igreja Católica, uma vez que profundamente enraizado na Escritura, e em sua Tradição e Magistério; como também da necessidade da abordagem do tema do amor esponsal no mundo atual como instrumento de evangelização. Partiu da hipótese de que o Vaticano II não deu importância ao tema como princípio hermenêutico. Tendo constatado a veracidade da hipótese, re-propôs o tema do amor esponsal, a partir da sua interface comunional, como caminho de comunicação da teologia católica, quer com o mundo científico, quer com a sociedade atual

"A Great Mystery": The Analogy of the Sexes in the Trinitarian Communio of Hans Urs Von Balthasar in Light of a Feminist Perspective

Allen, John Joseph 21 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

De l'omphalos de la Terre à la cité céleste d'Apollon. Etudes sur la doctrine de la Tétractys dans le pythagorisme ancien jusqu'à Platon/ From Earth's Omphalos to Apollo's Celestial City. A study on the Doctrine of Tetractys in Ancient Pythagoreanism to Plato

Viltanioti, Irini F 29 November 2010 (has links)
La doctrine pythagoricienne de la Tétractys est sans doute une des questions les plus délicates de l’histoire de la philosophie. Elle représente non seulement une des théories essentielles de l’arithmologie, mais aussi, ainsi que la doxographie ancienne en témoigne, « le plus grand secret et le fondement de la philosophie pythagoricienne ». Armand Delatte, dans ses classiques Etudes sur la littérature pythagoricienne, a souligné l’importance véhiculée par ce philosophème. Dans la première partie, « méthodologique », de notre étude, nous traitons du lien entre Platon et la pensée pythagoricienne, en prenant comme fil conducteur trois notions essentielles: le silence voué des initiés de l’ordre et la pratique du secret ; l’expression énigmatique et « symbolique » ; la pratique de l’allégorie (hyponoia), indissolublement associée, elle, à celle du mythe. La deuxième partie de notre travail est centrée sur le témoignage le plus ancien au sujet de la Tétractys, à savoir sur la fameuse maxime des Acousmatiques : « Qu’est-ce que l’oracle des Delphes ? La Tétractys, c'est-à-dire l’harmonie où se trouvent les Sirènes ». En outre, en modérant, d’une certaine manière, l’ « ésotérisme historique » de l’Ecole de Tübingen, dont nous nous prenons des distances quant à certains points (comme, par exemple, l’importance de la méthode allégorique), nous tentons, dans la troisième et dernière partie de notre étude, de lire certains passages mythiques de Platon comme des allégories susceptibles d’être comprises et de trouver leur cohérence à la lumière de la tradition indirecte, voire de la théorie platonicienne sur les nombres, théorie intimement liée à la doctrine pythagoricienne de la Tétractys. Dans cet ordre d’idées, à partir de la République et du Timée jusqu’au Phèdre et au Gorgias, la mathématisation platonicienne de la réalité se verrait intégrée aux mythes, dont la somptuosité poétique ne serait qu’une image de l’enchantement philosophique entraînant l’élévation de l’âme vers l’Un – Bien. Bien qu’ayant toujours présents à l’esprit les dangers auxquels notre étude s’expose, nous n’avons pas toujours su les éliminer. Nous ne méconnaissons aucunement ses lacunes et ses faiblesses. Nous considérons en revanche que son avantage réside en ce qu’elle tente de contribuer à éclairer d’une lumière nouvelle certains aspects méconnus. C’est sans doute là que se situe le danger, mais aussi son intérêt.


FABIO MAGNO DE CASTRO ARAUJO 22 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Um olhar atento para toda a história da salvação revela que o fio condutor da mesma é precisamente a misericórdia, que é o principal atributo divino. Trata-se, portanto, de uma temática central para a fé cristã e sua reta compreensão do ponto de vista teológico é de enorme relevância para a pastoral e para a vida espiritual dos discípulos missionários de Jesus Cristo. O nosso enfoque deste tema é feito a partir da Obra aponiana, que apresenta uma originalidade em relação a outros comentários ao Cântico dos Cânticos. De fato, mais do que enfatizar a aliança esponsal entre Deus e o homem, Apônio vê na trama de amor entre os esposos do poema bíblico uma prefiguração da história da salvação. Por se tratar de um autor bastante desconhecido, a primeira parte da nossa pesquisa concentra a sua atenção na figura e na Obra de Apônio, bem como na influência que o seu Comentário exerceu sobre alguns autores posteriores. Em seguida, o nosso enfoque se volta para a hermenêutica do Cântico dos Cânticos, considerando o modo como este livro bíblico foi interpretado tanto pela tradição judaica quanto pelos Padres da Igreja. O objetivo desta parte é relevar as características da exegese aponiana, na qual o nosso autor insere as suas exposições doutrinais e espirituais. Por fim, a nossa tese se debruça sobre o tema escolhido, partindo da Trindade como fonte da misericórdia e enfatizando a ação do Cristo-Esposo misericordioso, o qual, no mistério Pascal desposa para sempre a Igreja, tornando-a sacramento da misericórdia. Como membro da Igreja-Esposa, cada cristão é chamado a experimentar em si mesmo este mistério nupcial e ser testemunha da misericórdia divina. / [en] A close look at the whole history of salvation reveals that mercy is precisely the common thread of salvation, because it is the main divine attribute. Therefore, it is a central theme for the Christian faith. From the theological point of view, its right understanding has an enormous relevance for the pastoral and spiritual life of the missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. Our focus on this theme is based on the Aponius work, which presents a peculiarity in relation to other comments about the biblical book of the Song of Songs. In fact, more than emphasizing the spousal covenant between God and humanity, in the web of love between the spouses of the biblical poem, Aponius sees a prefiguration of the history of salvation. As a very unknown author, our first part of the research focuses mainly on the Aponius person and his work. Similarly, we also focus on the influence that his Commentary had on some later authors. Then, we turn to the hermeneutics of the Song of Songs, considering the way in which this biblical book was interpreted both by Jewish tradition and by the Fathers of the Church. The purpose of this part is to reveal the characteristics of Aponius exegesis, in which our author inserts his doctrinal and spiritual expositions. Finally, our thesis focuses on the chosen theme, starting from the Trinity as a source of mercy and emphasizing the action of the merciful Christ-Spouse, who, in the Pascal mystery, marries the Church forever, making it a sacrament of mercy. As a member of the Bride Church, each Christian is called to experience this nuptial mystery in himself and to be a witness of divine mercy.

Influência da comunidade microbiana do solo no estabelecimento de sauveiros iniciais de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / Influence of soil microbial community on the establishment of ant nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Rodrigues, Ohana Daroszewski 18 January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o estabelecimento de sauveiros iniciais em duas áreas de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar com solos de diferentes texturas (médio-argilosa e argilosa) e verificar a influência dos fatores químicos e microbiológicos desses solos no estabelecimento de formigueiros iniciais de A. sexdens rubropilosa. Os sauveiros iniciais foram demarcados após a penetração das içás no solo a partir da revoada. As avaliações foram conduzidas após 40 dias da revoada e foram mantidas semanalmente, por um período de 120 dias ou até a reabertura do canal inicial dos ninhos para forrageamento. No experimento de laboratório, as rainhas foram acondicionadas em potes com solo das duas áreas em 25 ± 2ºC e UR 70%. As avaliações de laboratório foram feitas seguindo-se a mesma metodologia de campo, verificando a atividade dos sauveiros. Os sauveiros mortos foram descartados e as rainhas, foram utilizadas para isolamento de microrganismos para associá-los à causa da morte. As análises dos fatores químicos e microbiológicos do solo incluíram macro e micronutrientes, carbono da biomassa microbiana, contagem do número mais provável de fungos, bactérias e contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias de actinomicetos. Houve uma maior sobrevivência dos sauveiros iniciais de A. sexdens rubropilosa em solos contendo textura argilosa do que médio-argilosa em laboratório. Nas áreas com solo de textura argilosa e médio-argilosa, a sobrevivência dos ninhos foi de 47,8 e 26,7%, respectivamente. No campo, por sua vez, não foram observadas diferenças no estabelecimento dos sauveiros iniciais para as duas áreas de cana-de-açúcar. O carbono da biomassa microbiana bem como o número mais provável de bactérias foi superior no solo de textura médio-argilosa comparativamente ao de textura argilosa. Diferentemente dos resultados de laboratório, os estudos de campo indicaram que à ação dos microrganismos do solo no estabelecimento de sauveiros novos de A. sexdens rubropilosa não foi tão expressiva. / The objective of the present study was to compare the establishment of new ant nests in two sugarcane growing areas with different soil types (sandy clay and clay) and to verify the influence of chemical and microbiological soil factors on nest establishment. In order to determine nest establishment, initial ant nests were marked and accompanied with other activities immediately after nuptial flight. Evaluations for verification of nest establishment were made weekly after 40 days for the period of 120 days. In laboratory experiment, mated queens collected from the two areas with different soils were maintained in plastic pots containing soil from respective areas at 25 ± 2ºC and 70% RH. To verify activities of the ants, a method similar to the one used to the field study was adopted. Dead ants were discarded while dead queens were used for isolation of associated microorganisms to determine the cause of mortality. The analysis of chemical and microbiological factors of the soil determined macro and micro-nutrients including carbon biomass, the most probable number of fungi, bacteria and counting of the colony forming units of the actinomycetes. The establishment of new ant nests occurred significantly more in the sandy clay soil than clay soil in laboratory. In the areas of sandy clay and clay soil the establishments were 47.8 and 26.7%, respectively. In the field was not observed difference in the establishment of new ant nest in both areas. The carbon biomass and most probable number of bacteria were significantly higher in the sandy clay soil when compared with clay soil area. Differently from laboratory results, the field studies indicated that the establishment of new ant nests of A. sexdens rubropilosa was not only based on the soil microrganism.

Cryptic Female Choice and Male Mating Behaviour : Sexual Interactions in Beetles

Edvardsson, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>The importance of cryptic female choice, i.e. female post-copulatory influence over male reproductive success, in driving the evolution of male traits remains controversial. The main aim of this thesis was to understand the post-copulatory consequences of sexual interactions and the importance of cryptic female choice in two species of beetle.</p><p>Males of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum use their legs to rub the lateral edges of the female elytra during mating. When manipulating female perception of this behaviour, I found that females preferentially use the sperm of males with vigorous leg rubbing when they mate with more than one male. Leg rubbing also appeared to increase female rate of oviposition. Females do not seem to gain any indirect benefits by preferring males with an intense leg rubbing behaviour since this behaviour was found to have very low narrow sense heritability and did not appear to be condition dependent in its expression.</p><p>Males of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus have spiny genitalia that harm their mates. Females kick males during copulation and when prevented from kicking, suffered reduced lifetime offspring production as a consequence of more extensive injuries. Males were not able to delay female remating, increase rate of oviposition or increase sperm precedence by inflicting relatively severe injuries to non-kicking females. Hence, the injuries appear to be side effects of male efforts to remain in copula. When copulation duration was manipulated, ejaculate size and female lifetime offspring production increased with the length of copulation. Females reduced their mating rate when they had access to water, suggesting that they obtain water from the large ejaculates and trade-off their need for additional water against the costs of mating. Males may then reduce the benefits of remating by providing their mates with a large amount of water. Females did not increase their remating propensity to avoid inbreeding when they had mated to brothers. Together, these studies reveal the complexity of sexual interactions and the importance of post-copulatory processes for the fitness of both males and females.</p>

Cryptic Female Choice and Male Mating Behaviour : Sexual Interactions in Beetles

Edvardsson, Martin January 2005 (has links)
The importance of cryptic female choice, i.e. female post-copulatory influence over male reproductive success, in driving the evolution of male traits remains controversial. The main aim of this thesis was to understand the post-copulatory consequences of sexual interactions and the importance of cryptic female choice in two species of beetle. Males of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum use their legs to rub the lateral edges of the female elytra during mating. When manipulating female perception of this behaviour, I found that females preferentially use the sperm of males with vigorous leg rubbing when they mate with more than one male. Leg rubbing also appeared to increase female rate of oviposition. Females do not seem to gain any indirect benefits by preferring males with an intense leg rubbing behaviour since this behaviour was found to have very low narrow sense heritability and did not appear to be condition dependent in its expression. Males of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus have spiny genitalia that harm their mates. Females kick males during copulation and when prevented from kicking, suffered reduced lifetime offspring production as a consequence of more extensive injuries. Males were not able to delay female remating, increase rate of oviposition or increase sperm precedence by inflicting relatively severe injuries to non-kicking females. Hence, the injuries appear to be side effects of male efforts to remain in copula. When copulation duration was manipulated, ejaculate size and female lifetime offspring production increased with the length of copulation. Females reduced their mating rate when they had access to water, suggesting that they obtain water from the large ejaculates and trade-off their need for additional water against the costs of mating. Males may then reduce the benefits of remating by providing their mates with a large amount of water. Females did not increase their remating propensity to avoid inbreeding when they had mated to brothers. Together, these studies reveal the complexity of sexual interactions and the importance of post-copulatory processes for the fitness of both males and females.

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