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The collaboration of nurse practitioners and physicians in long-term care using a case-management model in a managed-care environmentKelly-Shelby, Angela Mastracchio. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--University of West Florida, 2005. / Title from title page of source document. Document formatted into pages; contains 208 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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Attractive Work : Nurses´ work in operating departments, and factors that make it attractiveBjörn, Catrine January 2016 (has links)
Background: Previous studies show that nurse retention is one of the most effective strategies to counteract nursing shortages. Few studies have focused on the crucial resource of registered specialist nurses in operating departments. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain knowledge on registered specialist nurses’ and assistant nurses’ work in operating departments and on what factors they consider to be important for attractive work. Methods: In Study I, operating room nurses were interviewed regarding their perspective on their work. In Studies II and III, specialist registered nurses and assistant nurses at operating departments in a Swedish county council responded to the Attractive Work Questionnaire. Study IV is a case study with interviews, a review of organisational goal documents and data concerning the number of planned, acute and cancelled operations. Findings: The adaption of the Attractive Work Questionnaire for nurses in operating departments was satisfying. The most important factors for attractive work were: Relationship, Leadership and Status. The factors with the largest discrepancies between their important to work attractiveness and their rating at the nurses’ current work were: Salary, Organisation and Physical Work Environment. It was important for nurses to be able to prepare for and be in control of the different work tasks. However, the daily operating schedule guided the nurses’ work, and changes in the schedule, nurse shortages and the design of the premises constituted obstacles to their work. Conclusion: The Attractive Work Questionnaire provided specific information to management on what to focus on to make work attractive. The majority of the identified attractive factors are already known to be of importance in nurse retention; however, factors requiring more investigation are Equipment, Physical Work Environment and Location (of the workplace). Their work prerequisites did not enable the specialist and assistant nurses to reach what they saw as their daily goals. Regularly occurring activities, such as acute and cancelled operations, were interpreted as obstacles to reaching daily goals.
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Hur sjuksköterskor och patienter med fibromyalgi upplever vårdrelationen : En litteraturstudieJohnsson, Cecilia, Malmstedt, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Fibromyalgi (FMS) är ett syndrom som främst karaktäriseras av kroniska smärtor i olika delar av kroppen. Patienter med FMS upplever ofta skepsis och misstro i mötet med vården på grund av att deras symptom är osynliga. Samtidigt kan det vara svårt för sjuksköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal att veta hur de ska förhålla sig till en sjukdom som inte uppvisar några kliniska fynd och vars etiologi fortfarande är relativt okänd. Dessa omständigheter gör vårdrelationen komplex. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utforska hur vårdrelationen upplevs mellan patienter med FMS och sjuksköterskor. 11 artiklar har analyserats, ur vilka ett huvudtema, fyra teman och två subteman identifierades. Resultatet visar att brist på tid, kunskap och förståelse resulterar i en problematisk vårdrelation. Betydelsen av att vårda dessa patienter i ett multiprofessionellt team framgår även. I diskussionen utvecklas på vilka sätt patienter med FMS och sjuksköterskor upplever vårdrelationen olika. Sjuksköterskornas känslor av maktlöshet kan från patientens sida istället uppfattas som ointresse och brist på engagemang, vilket kan medföra att patienterna tar med sig negativa känslor in i nya vårdmöten.
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Sjuksköterskestudenters användande av tobak och syn på tobaksanvändning bland vårdpersonalBergström, Elvira, Forsberg, Siri January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tobak är den enskilt största livsstilsfaktorn som leder till ohälsa. Att tobak är skadligt och leder till flertalet svåra sjukdomar är idag känt bland de flesta. Trots detta röker fortfarande 10% av Sveriges befolkning och ca 800 000 snusar. Inom sjukvården röker en av tio sjuksköterskor dagligen. Sjuksköterskan ses som en nyckelperson för patienten inom tobaksprevention och bör vara en förebild. Patientens sjukhusvistelse ses därför som ett bra tillfälle att lyfta frågan om att sluta med tobak. Sjuksköterskor som röker har visats vara sämre på att ge råd och vara mindre benägna att hjälpa sina patienter att sluta röka vilket strider mot den yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgift, vilken är att främja hälsa och förebygga sjukdom. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka användandet av tobak bland sjuksköterskestudenter vid Uppsala universitet samt studenternas syn på användning av tobak som yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor. Metod: En kvantitativ metod valdes då ett stort antal personer skulle undersökas och en studiespecifik enkät skickades ut till totalt 632 sjuksköterskestudenter. Resultat: Av studenterna använde 38% tobak. Av dessa rökte 3,1% dagligen och 12% snusade dagligen. Studenterna ansåg att sjukvårdspersonal är förebilder i hälsoförebyggande vård och sjuksköterskor som använder tobak ansågs inte vara bra förebilder. Slutsats: Den dagliga rökningen var mindre bland sjuksköterskestudenterna jämfört med tidigare undersökningar gjorda på sjuksköterskor. Studenterna såg sjuksköterskor som förebilder för patienten inom hälsa och anser att sjukvårdspersonal bör värna om sin egen hälsa och inte bruka tobak. Det sågs en skillnad mellan studenterna som använde tobak och de som inte använde tobak. Studenterna som inte använde tobak ansåg att en sjuksköterska som använder tobak inte är en bra förebild för patienterna och de ansågs vara mindre benägen att hjälpa patienterna att sluta med tobak. Medan de studenter som använde tobak ansåg oftare att detta inte hade någon betydelse för vården. Men de studenter som rökte planerade ändå att sluta tills de skulle ta sin examen. / Background: Tobacco is the single largest lifestyle factor leading to a bad health. That smoking is harmful and leads to many serious diseases are known among most people. Despite this 10% of the Swedish population and about one out of ten nurses at the hospital still smoke daily. Nurses are supposed to be role models and play a key role in tobacco use prevention. The patient’s time at the hospital is therefore seen as a good opportunity to raise the question about tobacco cessation. Nurses who smoke are proven to be less likely to provide advice and help these patients stop using tobacco, which is opposing the nurses tasks, to promote health and to prevent illness Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of tobacco among the nursing students at Uppsala university and the students opinion about the use of tobacco as professional nurses. Method: A quantitative method was chosen because of the large number of people that would be examined and as study specific questionnaire was sent out to a total of 632 nursing students. Results: In total 38% of students used tobacco. Among those, 3.1% were daily smokers and 12%used Swedish snus. The students considered nurses as role models for the patient in health. Nurses who used tobacco were seen as poor role models. Conclusion: The daily smoking is declining among the nursing students compared to previous studies on nurses. The students considered nurses as role models for the patients in health and they believe that hospital workers should care about their own health and not use tobacco. A difference was found between the students who used tobacco and those who did not use tobacco. The students who did not use tobacco considered that a nurse who uses tobacco is not a good role model and for the patients and are considered as not as good in giving tobacco cessation advice. The students who used tobacco thought more often that the nurses use of tobacco did not matter for the care he or she gives. At the same time the students who smoke still plan to quit smoking before graduation.
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Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors reflektioner av arbete med telefonrådgivning i primärvården : En intervjustudieÅsblom, Lena January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors reflektioner av arbete med telefonrådgivning i primärvården. Bakgrund: Telefonrådgivning utgör idag en stor del av sjuksköterskors arbete i primärvården. Det klassiska patientbesöket har till viss del ersatts av telefonrådgivning, där sjuksköterskor förväntas ha bred medicinsk-och omsorgskunskap, samt pedagogiskt kunnande. Arbete i telefonrådgivning kan vara komplicerat, utmanande och stimulerande. Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ ansats med deskriptiv design. Nio telefonsjuksköterskor från primärvården deltog i studien, och intervjuades januari-maj 2017. Resultat: I föreliggande studie visade resultatet att telefonrådgivning upplevdes som påfrestande, kravfyllt, komplext med begränsad kontrollmöjlighet. Tidspress i arbetet, resursbrist i vården, orolig arbetsmiljö upplevdes som påfrestande omständigheter som kunde leda till stress. Telefonrådgivning beskrevs även som roligt, omväxlande, tillfredställande och utvecklande där problemlösning var ett framträdande inslag. Bra samtal med patienter, samt stöd i arbetet beskrevs som viktiga faktorer. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde att arbetet i telefonrådgivning var komplext med höga krav och påfrestningar. Dock även ett roligt, omväxlande och tillfredställande arbete. Fortlöpande utbildning och något minskade krav kan leda till en förbättrad arbetssituation, där risken för ohälsa hos sjuksköterskorna kan minska och patientsäkerheten kan stärkas. / Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the district nurse's and nurse's reflections on work in telephonenursing in primary care. Background: Telephonenursing today represents a major part of nurses' work in primary care. The classical patient visit has in part been replaced by telephonenursing, where nurses are expected to have broad medical and social skills, as well as educational skills. Working in telephonenursing can be complicated, challenging and stimulating. Method: The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive design. Nine telephone nurses from primary care participated in the study and were interviewed January-May 2017. Result: The results in this study showed that telephonenursing was experienced as stressful, demanding and complex with limited control capabilities. Timepressure at work, resource shortage in health care and disturbed work environment felt as strenuous circumstances that could lead to stress. Telephonenursing was also described as fun, varied, satisfying, evolving and problem solving was a prominent feature. Good conversations with patients, as well as support at work were described as important factors. Conclusion: The nurses in this study experienced that work in telephonenursing was complexed with high demands and strains. However, it was also a fun, varied and satisfying work. Continuous education and slightly reduced demands can lead to an improved work situation, where the risk of impaired health for nurses can be reduced and patient safety can be strengthened.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta personer med missbrukssyndrom samt sjuksköterskans attityder i vårdmötetFredholm, Anna, Sköld, Helene January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Missbrukssyndrom är vanligt förekommande i samhället och innebär en skadlig användning av olika substanser t.ex. alkohol och droger. Användningen pågår trots negativa konsekvenser för personens livssituation och ökar risken för en instabil hälsa. Vilket leder till ett ökat behov av hälso- och sjukvård. Forskning har visat att personer med missbrukssyndrom upplevde utanförskap, stigmatisering och skam vid kontakt med sjukvården. Syftet Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta personer med missbrukssyndrom och sjuksköterskans attityder i vårdmötet, samt att beskriva inkluderade artiklars undersökningsgrupper. Metod En beskrivande litteraturstudie. Tio artiklar inkluderandes i resultatet. Artikelsökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Diskussion fördes mellan författarna för att sammanställa ett objektivt resultat. Huvudresultat Sjuksköterskor hade skilda meningar om missbrukssyndrom var en sjukdom. Personer med missbrukssyndrom ansågs som oansvariga över sitt hälsotillstånd enligt sjuksköterskor. Sjuksköterskorna beskrev hur de upplevde patientgruppen som oberäknelig och manipulativ samt att den orsakade ökad arbetsbelastning. Vidare uppkom en känsla av frustration över den egna misstron och osäkerheten kring patientgruppen. Önskemål om utbildning uttrycktes. Enligt sjuksköterskorna var tålmodighet och att vara stödjande viktiga delar i vårdandet samt att inte spegla det egna tyckandet. Slutsatser Beroende på om sjuksköterskor såg missbrukssyndromet som ett sjukdomstillstånd eller som självförvållat, framkom positiva eller negativa attityder och upplevelser. Kunskap och utbildning inom missbrukssyndrom behövs för att upprätthålla ett etiskt förhållningssätt i sjuksköterskans profession. / Background Substance-use disorder is common in society and involves harmful use of different substances, for example. alcohol and drugs. The use is in progress despite adverse consequences for the person's life situation and increases the risk of unstable health. Which leads to an increased need for healthcare. Research has shown that people with substance-use disorder experience exclusion, stigma and shame in contact with healthcare Aim To describe nursing experience of meeting people with substance-use disorder and the nurse's attitudes in the healthcare meeting, as well as describing the survey articles of the included articles. Method A descriptive literature study. Ten items are included in the result. Article search was made in the PubMed and Cinahl databases. Discussion was conducted between the authors to compile an objective result. Results Nurses had different opinions about if substance-use disorder were a disease or not. Persons with substance-use disorder were considered irresponsible for their health status according to nurses. Nurses described how they experienced the patient group as erratic and manipulative and that caused increased workload. Furthermore, a sense of frustration arose over their own missile and the uncertainty surrounding the patient group. Requests for education were expressed. According to the nurses, patience and support were important parts of care and to not reflect their own opinion. Conclusion Depending on whether nurses saw the substance-use disorder as a state of illness or as self-inflicted, positive or negative attitudes and experiences have emerged. Knowledge and education in substance-use disorder is necessary to maintain an ethical approach within the nurse's profession.
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The lived experiences of nurses with perfomance reviews in a public hospital in the Eastern Cape Province : a phenominological approachXego, Siziwe Winnifred 11 1900 (has links)
Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) is a process of harnessing human and material resources within an organisation to ensure maximum performance to achieve the desired results of improved quality of health service delivery.
This study explored and described the ontological experiences of nurses of all categories with contracting and doing performance reviews in a public hospital in the Eastern Cape Province. Purposive sampling approach was used to recruit all categories of nurses Data was collected through unstructured, individual, in-depth interviews with professional nurses and focus group interviews with lower categories. Techs eight step data analysis method was employed to analyse data. Major findings were related to lack of supervisor cooperation, shortage of resources, difficulty in calculating the scores, lack of understanding the tool, time constraints and paperwork which results in the tool being viewed as time consuming. Positive findings were that experiences such as improved relations resulting from spending time with supervisors during performance review sessions. Guidelines were developed, based on the findings, to empower both nurse clinicians and the supervisors in the implementation of the PMDS.
, / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Role sestry v sekundární prevenci u pacientů s alergickým onemocněním / The nurse's role in secondary prevention in patients with allergic diseasePELEŠKOVÁ, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The work is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the work is focused on explaining the basic concepts in allergology, types of allergies are presented, their symptoms and treatment. Furthermore, the work describes the types of prevention and the task of a nursing in allergology. In the practical part of the work three goals were set up. The first goal was to determine the role of a nurse in secondary prevention in patients / clients with an allergic disease. The second objective of the research was to determine whether differences exist by nurses in the provision of secondary prevention in patients / clients with an allergic disease at selected sites. The third objective was to determine how nurses prepare patients / clients for the adherence to a treatment regimen associated with their allergic disease. To achieve these objectives a qualitative research method of semi-structured interviews has been selected. The research group consisted of ten nurses, two nurses working in the allergology ambulance at the hospital and four nurses from private ambulances in České Budějovice, two nurses from private ambulances and one from the allergology ambulance at the hospital in Písek, and one nurse from the private allergology ambulance in Strakonice.
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Curso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica na Modalidade de Residência (Rio de Janeiro, 2004 a 2006) / Specialization Nursing Course in an Obstetric Residency Modality (Rio de Janeiro 2004 2006)Pedrita Machado Barbosa 02 February 2015 (has links)
Este estudo, de cunho histórico-social qualitativo, com abordagem na história do tempo presente, tem por objeto o processo de implantação do Curso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica na Modalidade de Residência da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro/Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) no período de 2004 a 2006, sendo o marco inicial o ano que a primeira turma começou o Curso, e o marco final o ano de conclusão da referida turma. Os objetivos da pesquisa são: descrever as circunstâncias de implantação do Curso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica na Modalidade de Residência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro; analisar as estratégias desenvolvidas pelos professores, preceptores e residentes para a implantação do curso na Faculdade de Enfermagem da UERJ e nos campos clínicos. O estudo foi pautado nos conceitos de poder simbólico, espaço social, campo social, capital, luta simbólica e habitus do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu. O método utilizado foi história oral temática. A análise foi realizada mediante a ordenação, classificação e articulação dos documentos escritos e orais com o referencial teórico. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que no período estudado havia um contexto favorável à implantação do curso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica na modalidade de Residência, pois houve, em 2005, a promulgação da lei que instituiu Residência em Área Profissional de Saúde, como modalidade de ensino de pós-graduação lato sensu, voltada para a educação em serviço e destinada às categorias profissionais que integram a área de saúde, excetuada a médica. Desse modo, essa modalidade de ensino constitui-se em um programa de cooperação intersetorial para favorecer a inserção qualificada dos jovens profissionais da saúde no mercado de trabalho, particularmente em áreas prioritárias do Sistema Único de Saúde, como era o caso da área da saúde da mulher. Assim, os professores que estavam envolvidos com o direcionamento político pedagógico do Curso escolheram estrategicamente os campos de prática que tivessem enfermeiras obstétricas inseridas no cuidado ao parto e nascimento e sustentaram as disciplinas de História da Obstetrícia; Gênero, Sexualidade e Enfermagem, e Enfermagem Obstétrica como norteadoras conceituais do projeto político-pedagógico, a fim de atualizar o habitus dos residentes. As preceptoras diretamente inseridas no campo clínico contribuíram para garantir a presença contínua de uma supervisora enfermeira nos setores de realização das práticas pelos residentes, visando a reprodução do modelo humanizado, além de contribuir também com a complementação do conteúdo teórico. Seguindo o direcionamento político-pedagógico do curso, a principal estratégia desenvolvida pelos residentes foi a busca pela ampliação do capital científico com intuito de adquirir maior poder no campo. Conclui-se que as estratégias utilizadas por todos os agentes implantaram o Curso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica na Modalidade de Residência. Esse curso, reconfigurou o ensino da enfermagem obstétrica na Faculdade de Enfermagem da UERJ, pois aproximou a academia com os serviços, gerando uma corresponsabilidade dos agentes envolvidos na formação. Essa corresponsabilidade, por sua vez, facilitou a inserção dos egressos nos campos obstétricos do Sistema Único de Saúde. / This social-historic quantitative study with an approach in the present time aims the implantation process of the Specialization Course in Obstetric Nursing in a Residency Modality from the Health Municipal Secretary of Rio de Janeiro/ Nursing school From State University of Rio de Janeiro, during the period of 2004 to 2006, it was the initial march of year that the first class started the Course, and the final march from the last year of this class. The objectives of the research are: describe the implantation circumstances of the Specialization Course of Obstetric Nursing in the Residency Modality in the city of Rio de Janeiro, analyze the strategies developed by professors, preceptors and residents for the implementation of the course in the Nurses College of UERJ and in the clinic fields. The study was guided by the concepts of a symbolic power, social space, social field, capital, symbolic fight and habitus by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The methodology used was the oral history thematic. The analysis was performed through the ordination, classification and articulations of the written and oral documents with its theoretical reference. The results of the research pointed that the studys period was in a favorable context to the Specialization Course implementation in of Obstetric Nursing in the Residency Modality, because there was, in 2005, the promulgation of the law that established Residency in a Professional Health Area, as an education modality of lato sensu post graduation, that was focused in the education in service and intended to health professionals category, except for the medical area. Furthermore, this education modality constitutes in an intersectoral cooperation program that favors a qualified insertion of young health professionals in the labor market, especially in priority areas of the Single Health System, as womans health case. Therefore, the teachers that were involved with the pedagogic politic directions of the course, strategically chose the practical fields that were with obstetric nursing inserted in the parturition and birth care and maintained the disciplines of Obstetrician History, Gender, Sexuality, nursing and Obstetric nursing as conceptual guiding of the pedagogic political project, to update the habitus for the residents. The preceptors that were directly involved in the clinical field contributed to guarantee a continued presence of a nurse supervisor in the sectors that happened the practicing by the residents, in order to reproduce the humanization model, but also to contribute to the complementation of the theoretical content. Following the pedagogic politic directions of the course, the main strategy used by the residents was the search for the scientific capital expansion in order to acquire higher power to the field. It concludes, in this studies, that the used strategy by all agents were responsible for the implementation of Specialization Course in Obstetric Nursing in a Residency Modality. This course, in your turn, reconfigured the obstetric nursing studies in Nursing School of UERJ, whereas it approached the academy with the services, generating a co-responsibility of the agents involved in the formation. This co-responsibility, in its turn, facilitated the graduates insertion in the obstetric field of the Single Health System.
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Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av barn med funktionell förstoppning / Child Health Nurses' Experience - Children with Functional ConstipationJohansson, Marie-Louise, Simberg, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Background: Many children suffer from functional constipation. In case of functional constipation there is no underlying disease. In Sweden, functional constipation is very common in children. Risk factors include lack of physical activity, irregular toilet habits and insufficient intake of fibers and fluids. Child health nurse has the knowledge and skills to advise and treat children in functional constipation and to support and reduce the suffering. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate child health nurses' experiences in the care of children with functional constipation. Method: Ten child health nurses were interviewed during a semi structured interview used openended questions. The interviews were recorded as digital files and transcribed verbatim and then analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis. Results: The child health nurses described experiences in the care of children with functional constipation. There were two categories from the analyzed data: "to base on the child`s needs" and "the child´s physical and psychosocial environment". Conclusion: This study shows the child health nurses experiences in the care of children with functional constipation. The care is based on the childs neeeds and the environment around the child in terms of physical and psychosocial environment is taken into account. The child health nurses should be aware of the reason why parents seek care, how to find the cause of functional constipation and how to relieve the child's suffering. She creates a health promotion meeting with children and parents seeking care for functional constipation.
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