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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolsköterskans viktiga roll i mötet med mångbesökande elever : - att få utbildning i samtalsmetodik är av vikt för skolsköterskan för att kunna bemöta alla elever på bästa sätt / The school nurses’ important role in the meeting with multi visiting students : - getting training in conversation methodology is importat for the school nurse to be able to meet all students in the best way

Andersson, Anna Stina, Ivarsson Löfstedt, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolsköterskan har en viktig roll i skolan där hen dagligen möter elever. Barn som kommer från olika bakgrunder och är i olika stora behov av hjälp från skolsköterskan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa skolsköterskors erfarenhet av möten med mångbesökande elever. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sju informanter som arbetade som skolsköterskor. Resultat: Tre kategorier med fem underkategorier framkom. Skolsköterskan har en viktig roll i skolan som en vuxen eleverna gärna anförtror sig åt men skolsköterskorna kan känna att både tid och utbildning till samtal oftast saknas. Diskussion: Psykisk ohälsa ökar i samhället och skolsköterskans roll blir att arbeta familjefokuserat för att hjälpa de elever som är mest utsatta. Slutsats: Skolsköterskan har en viktig roll som oberoende vuxen i skolan och bör få utbildning i samtalsmetodik samt om nysvenskar- och ensamkommande barns svåra förhållande. / Background: The school nurse has an importatnt role in the school where she meets students daily. Children who come from different backgrounds and are in different needs of help from the school nurse. Aim: The aim wa sto shed light on school nurses’experience of meeting with multi-visiting students. Methods: Qualitative interview study with seven informants who worked as school nurses. Result: Three categories with five subcategories emerged. The school nurse has an important role in the school that an adult student is happy to entrust to, but the school nurses may feel that both time and education in conversations are often lacking. Discussion: Mental illness is increasing in society and the school nurses’ role will be to work family-focused to help the students who are most vulneravlr. Conclusion: The school nurse has an important role as an independent adult in the school and should receive training in coneverastion methodology and about the difficult relationship of new Swedes and unaccompanied children. / <p>Godkännandedatum: 2020-11-04</p>

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av palliativ vård – En litteraturöversikt / Nurse´s experience of palliative care – A literature review

Fredriksson, Therese, Andersson Holmberg, Shila January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård innebär en helhetsvård som ska lindra lidande och främja hälsa trots sjukdom. Sjuksköterskan ska arbeta personcentrerat och utgå utifrån “de fyra hörnstenarna” som innehåller: symtomlindring, samarbete, kommunikation och stöd till anhöriga. Metod: Den valda metoden var en litteraturöversikt av elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som svarade på syftet. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av palliativ vård i hemsjukvård och i särskilt boende. Resultat: I studien framkom fyra teman och åtta underteman. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskan upplevde vikten av ett gott samarbete med kollegor, patient och anhöriga som avgörande för en god palliativ vård. Erfarenhet har också visat sig vara viktig både i den nuvarande vården och för framtida vård av palliativa patienter. Många känslor uppkom i vårdandet och var både positiva och negativa. Konklusion: Att vårda patienter i ett palliativt skede kräver kunskap och erfarenhet och många faktorer påverkade hur vården utfördes / Background: Palliative care means comprehensive care that is intended to alleviate suffering and promote health despite illness. The nurse must work person-centered and start from the "four cornerstones" that contain: symptom relief, cooperation, communication and support for relatives. Method: The chosen method was a literature review of eleven qualitative scientific articles that answered the purpose. Aim: The aim was to shed light on nurses’ experince of palliative care in home care and in special housing. Results: The study revealed four themes and eight sub-themes. The results showed that the nurse perceived the importance of good collaboration with colleagues, patients and relatives as crucial for good palliative care. Experience has also proven to be important both in the current care and for future care of palliative patients. Many emotions arose in the care and were both positive and negative.Conclusion: Caring for patients in a palliative care stage requires knowledge and experience and many factors influenced how the care was performed

Spirituality in the Bachelor of Science Nursing Program Curriculum in a MidwesternUniversity: Perceptions of Faculty

Hood-Brown, Terri L. 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Erfarenheter av att handleda operationssjuksköterskor in i yrket : En kritisk incident teknikstudie / Experiences from preceptors mentoring operating room nurses in to their new profession : A critical incident technique study

Andersson, Henrik, Kempe, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationssjuksköterskan har ansvar för patientsäkerheten och aseptiken på operationssalen. Långa operationsköer och brist på operationssjuksköterskor gör att behovet av operationssjuksköterskor och handledare är stort. Det ställs stora krav på operationssjuksköterskan som handledare att tillgodose studenternas, operationsavdelningens och framförallt patienternas behov i den perioperativa vården. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att handleda operationssjuksköterskestudenter och nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor in i det nya yrket. Metod: Kvalitativ studie där datainsamling och analys skedde via frågeformulär med grund i Critical incident technique. Deltagarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i form av huvudområdet; Tillit, tre kategorier; Skapa förutsättningar för handledning, Relationen samt Personlig utveckling med tillhörande subkategorier. Varje kategori presenteras i löpande text med ett antal belysande citat. Operationssjuksköterskan beskriver både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av handledning som innefattar tid, kommunikation, motivation och utveckling. Handledarutbildning och stöd från ledningen var några faktorer som påverkade handledningen. Slutsats: Att vara handledare är komplext, utmanande och givande. Med rätt förutsättningar blir handledning positivt för både handledare och student och bidrar till en kvalitativ och säker operationssjukvård. / Background: The operating room nurse is responsible for patient safety and aseptics in the operating room. The long wait for an operation and lack of operating room nurses creates a great need for operating room nurses and their preceptors. It’s demanding for mentors to fulfill the needs of student nurses, the operating department and foremost patient needs in perioperative care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe operating room nurses’ experiences from mentoring operating room student nurses and newly qualified operating room nurses on their path into a new profession. Method: A qualitative study in which collection of data and analysis was carried out through a questionnaire taken shape from Critical incident technique. The result is shown in the form of a main theme and three categories with attached subcategories. Each category contains analyzing text with a series of quotes. Result: Operating room nurses describing both positive and negative experiences from mentoring including time, communication, motivation and development. Conclusion: Acting as a mentor is complex, challenging and rewarding. Under the right circumstances mentoring has a positive impact on both mentor and student and contributes to safe and high quality surgical care.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter med substansberoende : En litteraturöversik / The nurse's experience of caring for patients with substance abuse : A literature review

Dikvall, Mikaela, Esping, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Substansberoende i form av narkotika och alkohol är ett växande samhällsproblem. Det förekommer en stigmatisering av personer med substansberoende i samhället och det kan finnas en risk att dessa individer upplever ett sämre bemötande inom hälso- och sjukvården. I sjuksköterskans roll finns ett ansvar att ge vård på lika villkor på ett respektfullt sätt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med substansberoende. Metod: Utifrån Fribergs metod utfördes en litteraturöversikt bestående av nio kvalitativa artiklar samt en kvantitativ artikel. Databaserna som användes var CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades fyra teman; Att vara rädd, osäker och misstro patienten, att vara otillräcklig och frustrerad, att ha bristande kunskap och att skapa en vårdrelation. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde att det var känslomässigt utmanande att vårda patienter med substansberoende. Mer kunskap och utbildning om substansberoende efterfrågades av sjuksköterskor och ett öppet förhållningssätt bidrog till att meningsfulla vårdrelationer kunde skapas. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att som sjuksköterska vara medveten om sina attityder och hur det kan påverka vårdandet, för att vården ska kunna ges på lika villkor. Mer kunskap, vägledning och tydliga rutiner behövs för att öka möjligheterna att skapa en lyckad vårdrelation. / Background: Substance addiction, in particular alcohol and narcotics, is a societal problem that keeps on growing. At the same time, stigma surrounds people with substance abuse and there is a risk that it has a negative impact on the care given by the healthcare. In their professional role, however, nurses have a responsibility to treat patients equally and with due respect. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses experience of treating patients with a substance abuse Method: Nine qualitative articles and one quantitative article were reviewed. CINAHL Complete and PubMed were used to identify the articles. Results: Four themes were identified: To feel afraid, insecure and not trusting the patient; to feel inadequate and frustrated; to lack knowledge and the importance of creating a caring relationship. The findings showed nurses felt it was emotionally demanding to treat patients with substance disorder. More information and education on the topic of substance abuse was asked for by the nurses. In addition, an open mindset contributed to establishing a meaningful relationship between the nurse and the patient. Conclusion: It is important in the role as a professional nurse to be aware and reflect on one’s prejudices and the potential impact it has on the care given. In particular in order to provide care on equal terms. More information and guidance are needed to improve the chances of a successful meeting with the patients.

Nurse Practitioner Attitudes, Perceptions and Knowledge About Antimicrobial Stewardship

Fabian, Evelyn C 01 January 2019 (has links)
Resistance to antibiotics has increased dramatically in the United States, with serious associated medical, social, and economic consequences. The purpose of this project was to assess nurse practitioners' attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge about antimicrobial stewardship and knowledge in the management of anaerobic infections as well as resistant gram-negative bacteremia. Data were collected using a web-based survey in a hospital facility. The practice question explored whether nurse practitioners' attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge about antimicrobial stewardship significantly increased after an education program on antimicrobial stewardship. The project was framed by Knowles's adult learning theory. A 16-item survey was administered before and after an education program to 11 advance practice nurses to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about antimicrobial stewardship. Seventy-seven percent of the respondents agreed that antibiotics are overused nationally, and 33% agreed that antibiotics are overused within the institution; 88.9% of respondents agreed that inappropriate use of antibiotics can harm patients and that inappropriate use of antibiotics causes antimicrobial resistance (87.5%). Overall, 55.5% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed they were concerned about antimicrobial resistance in the community when prescribing antibiotics. Awareness of antimicrobial stewardship might contribute to social change by increasing the proper identification of organisms and the appropriate use of antibiotics, with the assistance of the antimicrobial stewardship programs, to help reduce the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Job Satisfaction and the Effects and Influences on Nurse Retention

Kline, Burke N. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Researchers have predicted that by 2020 the United States will experience a severe shortage of registered nurses. The purpose of this correlation study, using the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses 2008, was to investigate the relationship between nurse job satisfaction and its effect on nurse retention nationwide. Secondary data sets from the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses and examining relationships between the variable of nurse retention and job satisfaction. Bivariate (correlation coefficient, chi squares, and simple linear regression) and multivariate (logistic regression) analyses identified and connected associations and examined measurement levels between the dependent and independent variables, including correlation coefficient (r), alpha values, and confidence intervals. Significant inverse relationships, although weak, were found between nurses' age and their job satisfaction level and between the numbers of years since nurses graduated from an initial RN education program and their job satisfaction. In addition, there was a statistically significant relationship between the nurses' highest education level and their job satisfaction. The ordinal regression results showed nurses' age, education, and years practicing since earning the RN were significant predictors of job satisfaction, although other factors might explain changes in satisfaction levels. This study will help bring social change to the health care industry by increasing understanding of what many nurses believe to be important within the nursing field, which could help health care facilities retain qualified nurses. Specifically, the results could help community hospital leaders find innovative ways to support nurses and increase nurse retention in small rural hospitals.

Evidence-Based Education Program to Reduce Nurse Manager Burnout

Howe, David 01 January 2018 (has links)
Nurse managers face numerous challenges and stressors in their daily practice. The support services offered to managers to facilitate coping in stressful situations vary among employers and may be ineffective depending on the stressors faced. Implementation of evidence-based best practices may positively impact nurse managers' ability to manage stress. The purpose of this project was to develop an evidence-based stress reduction education program to empower nurse managers to handle work-related stressors and reduce burnout. The primary theory used to inform this project was the job demands-resource model, which explains how job demands and resources have multiple effects on job stress, ultimately impacting a worker's level of engagement. Sources of evidence included peer-reviewed journals, evidence-based studies, and published documents or programs. Education was synthesized based upon evidence obtained during the literature review. Consistent with the evidence, topics covered in the education were; nurse manager-initiated methods of stress reduction, methods of modifying a workplace environment to decrease stress, nurse manager peer support, senior leadership involvement in nurse manager stress reduction, and the inclusion of future leader development as a stress management method. The focused learning objectives were nurse manager specific, measurable, and supportive of an adult learner. The social change impacted by this project will be derived from fostering a nurse managers ability to better cope with stressful situations, thus enhancing their role as a nursing leader.

När hemmet blir en arbetsplats -sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda den palliativa patienten i deras eget hem : En litteraturbaserad studie / When the home becomes a workplace – nurses´ experiences of caring for the palliative patient in their own home

Pettersson, Madelen, Rapp, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
Background: The elderly population is increasing and many of these will need palliative care in their end of life. Many of these have a wish to spend their last time in life in their own home. This leads to high demand on healthcare, and it requires a good competence by nurses in municipal home health care to be able to provide good palliative home care. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate nurses´ experiences of caring for the palliative patient in their own home. Method: A literature-based study in which qualitive articles were analyzed. Systematic searches were performed in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. Articles about nurses´ experiences of caring for the palliative patient were included. The study was based on 10 articles. Results: The results showed that the nurses experience that communication and collaboration with the doctor is crucial to provide good palliative care. An early established relationship with the patient and his/hers relatives is strived for in order to be able to provide the care that the patient wishes for and desires. Nurses in palliative home care need adequate knowledge and competence to help the patient, not only with the physical suffering but also with existential and mental suffering. Conclusion: Nurses in palliative home care needs more education and support to be able to fully care for the palliative patient. Nurses also need to maintain a good collaboration with all people that are involved in the patient’s care, both professionals and relatives.

Master's degree and post-master's certificate preparation for the academic nurse educator role : the use of the National League for Nursing Core Competencies of nurse educators as a curriculum guide

Fitzgerald, Ann 08 November 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This study described the education courses in Master of Science in Nursing Education (MSN Ed) degree and post-master’s certificate (PMC) in nursing education programs and determined which of the eight NLN Core Competencies, used to certify nurse educators, were represented. Data regarding the required credit hours, practicum hours, distance accessibility, and preparation for the Certified Nurse EducatorCM (CNE) Examination also were collected. The study used a descriptive design using a web scraping technique. Program information was obtained from the accrediting bodies for graduate nursing programs in 2015. Course description data were obtained from web pages via curriculum plans, course catalogs, graduate handbooks, or other institutional web pages. Data were collected from each program website, collated, uploaded, and analyzed. In both types of programs, evidence was found for the NLN Core Competencies: Facilitate Learning (97%), Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes (97%), Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies (95%), Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role (88%), Engage in Scholarship (45%), Function as a Change Agent and Leader (30%), Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization (28%), and Function within the Educational Environment (12%). Only 36% and 40% of MSN Ed and PMC in nursing education programs, respectively, were completely distance accessible. Required credit hours varied from 28 to 65 for the entire MSN Ed and from 6 to 47 for the nursing education courses. PMC credit hours varied from 3 to 45. Practicum clock hours, for both programs, ranged from 60–500 while practicum credit hours ranged from 1–18. Revision of MSN Ed and PMC curricula is indicated to improve inclusion of content in all competency areas. Moreover, increasing the number of distance accessible programs may encourage more nurses to consider a master’s degree or post-master’s certificate in nursing education.

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