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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The high ground at risk making a difference in the continuing care retirement community industry /

Olson, Richard W. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Trinity International University, 2000. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-128).

Agitation and hearing deficits in nursing home residents a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... /

Tabar, Deanna L. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1989.

Husdjur i vården på särskilt boende, personalens uppfattningar / Pet for caring in nursing homes, the care staff´s opinion

Andersson, Helena, Lövgren , Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Tidigare studier visar att människor som bor på särskilt boende ofta lider av depression och ensamhet. Personalen som jobbar på särskilt boende är ofta upptagna med de dagliga sysslorna och tiden för social interaktion med de boende är ofta begränsad. Detta kan resultera i en känsla av övergivenhet och ångest hos den boende. Genom århundradena, så har människan alltid använt sig av husdjur som ett sällskap och tröst. Studier visar att den generella hälsan förbättras och stärks genom umgänget med djur. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vårdpersonalens uppfattningar av vad ett husdjur på särskilt boende kan ha för inverkan eller betydelse för vården av de boende. En kvalitativ intervju studie genomfördes för att undersöka studiens syfte. Sju undersköterskor intervjuades. Resultatet visar att husdjur har en positiv påverkan på människan. Det stärker glädjen hos människor omkring och skapar en avslappnande atmosfär. Vårdtagarna på särskilt boende, där ett husdjur bor permanent på avdelningen har uppvisat en lugnande, positiv effekt. Hundar och katter är bland de mest populära sällskapsdjuren på grund av tillfredställelsen det ger att klappa och dess vänliga natur. Det finns dock även nackdelar med husdjur på särskilt boende. Allergier, rädsla för vissa djur och risken för att djuret kan orsaka skada eller att djuret själv kan ta skada förekommer. Författarna anser att det finns behov av fortsatt forskning om husdjur inom vården av äldre.</p> / <p>Former studies show that people living in nursinghomes are often suffering from feelings of depression and loneliness. The staff working at the nursing homes is often occuped with daily chores and the time for social interaction with the residents are limited. This results in feelings of desolations and anxiety. Troughout the centuries, man have always depended on pets as a company and comfort. Studies show that general health improves when interaction with animals occur. The purpose of this study was to describe the staff’s opinion of a pet in nursinghomes and what influence or meaning it may have on the care of the residents.<strong> </strong>A qualitative interview study was made to examen the purpose of the study. Seven assistant nurses were interviewed. Results show that<strong> </strong>pets have a positive affect on human beings. They often make people around them feel more joyful and relaxed. The residents in nursing homes, who have experienced a pet living with them at the unit, have showed a calming, positive effect in their behaviour. Dogs and cats are among the most popular animals as a company because of the satisfaction of stroking and its friendly nature. Allergy, fear for some animals and the potential risk for the animal to cause injury to it self or others occurs. The authors acknowledge the need for futher research about animals involved in caregiving.</p>

Die invloed van 'n kommunikasiegerigte opleidingswerkswinkel op die interaksie tussen verpleegpersoneel en persone met Alzheimer-siekte (AS) in 'n versorgingseenheid

Schoeman, Nicolene. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Communication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Summary in English and Afrikaans. Includes bibliographical references.

The Lived Experience of Exercise for Elders Living in Nursing Home Settings

Pileski, Ellen M. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Anhörigas upplevelse av stöd genom sjukdomsförloppet vid demenssjukdom.

Zapata Pon, Milagros January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt fler kommer drabbas av demenssjukdom och fler anhöriga kommer påverkas av att bli vårdande anhörig. Tidigare studier har visat att anhöriga behöver stöd under den period som de vårdar sina närstående med demenssjukdom. Att vara anhörig till en närstående som är demenssjuk påverkar anhörigas hälsa och välbefinnande. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal finns tillgänglig under hela perioden: från diagnos till flytten till ett boende. Det har även noterats om vikten med informella personers stöd. Nationella riktlinjer finns sedan tidigare om att stötta och erbjuda utbildning till anhöriga i deras situationer, men det är oklart huruvida detta uppfylls. Hälso- och sjukvårdpersonal innehar kunskap men det noteras en brist på förståelse för den situation anhöriga befinner sig i såväl som vårdande anhörig i ordinärt boende som efter flytten till äldreboende. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa anhörigas upplevelser av formellt och informellt stöd genom sjukdomsförloppet vid demenssjukdom.  Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där sju anhöriga, som tidigare varit vårdande anhöriga men som nu har närstående boendes på äldreboende, intervjuats. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och analys genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att stöd och utbildning inte endast behövs i början av demenssjukdomen när diagnos ställs utan är något som kontinuerligt behöver erbjudas under processens gång och ges till anhöriga. Ett stöd var av vikt även efter flytten till ett boende. Det framkom även att kommunikation och kompetensutveckling i form av utbildning kring demenssjukdomen är en viktig del för att kunna förbättra relationen mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och anhöriga. Brist på kommunikation och en dålig relation mellan anhöriga och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal ledde till psykisk ohälsa och lidande för anhöriga. Informellt stöd i form av grannar och familj var av stor betydelse för anhöriga. Slutsats: Det finns en viktig del som specialistsjuksköterska/sjuksköterska kan göra vilket var bland annat att ge kunskap till anhöriga och till personal om demenssjukdom under hela processen. Det kan förbättra ett bemötande och skapa en god relation med anhöriga, men det kan även ge mer kvalité till vården och genom detta ge trygghet till anhöriga. Genom tillämpning av relationscentrerad vård tillsammans med personcentrerad vård kan det ge stöd och delaktighet till anhöriga. Det var viktigt att stödet var individualiserat för anhöriga och att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal får en förståelse för deras situation och de känslor de har. / Background: More people will be diagnosed with dementia and more relatives will be affected and become informal carers. Previous studies show that informal carers need support during the period they care for their relative with dementia. To be an informal carer to a next-of-kin affects the carers’ health and well-being. Healthcare staffs are available during this whole period: from diagnosis to the placement at a nursing home. It has also been noted of the importance of informal persons support. There are national guidelines about support and to offer education to informal carers in their situation, but it is unclear how this is fulfilled. Healthcare staff beholds knowledge but there is noted a lack of understanding for the situation informal carers are in, both during the time of caring and after the move to a nursing home.   Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate informal carers experiences of formal and informal support through the course of the dementia-disease. Method: The study is a qualitative interview study, where seven informal carers were interviewed. The informal carers had previously been carers, before their relatives moved in to a nursing home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Result: The study show that the support and education is not only needed in the beginning of the dementia disease when the diagnosis is set, but support needs to be offered continuously and given to informal carers during the whole disease trajectory. Support is needed even after the move to a nursing home. It has been shown that communication and developing competence in forms of education about dementia is an important part to improve the relationship between informal carers and healthcare staff. Lack of communication and a bad relationship between relatives and healthcare staff led to mental ill health and suffering for the relative. Neighbours and family members gave informal support, and this was of importance for the informal carer.  Conclusion: There is an important part that specialized nurses/nurses can do and that is to give or offer knowledge to informal carers and to healthcare staff about dementia during the whole process. It can improve the treatment of patients with dementia and their informal carers and through this create a good relationship and the feeling of safety, and also improve the quality of care. By applying relationship-centred care with person-centred care can give the feeling of support and participation to informal carers. It is also of importance that support is individualized for relatives and that healthcare staff has an understanding for their situation and the emotions they have.

Äldre iraniers upplevelser på ett iranskt äldreboende : När frustation blir en del av livet / Elderly Iranians experiences on an Iranian nursing home : When the frustration becomes a part of the life

Hossini, Giti January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag lever äldre iranier med sin kultur- och tradition bakom sig i det svenska samhället. De blir oftast beroende av vårdpersonalen på grund av nedsatt kroppsfunktion. Bemötandet bör ses som något centralt i strävan mot att ge en god vård för att höja livskvaliteten. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur äldre iranier upplevde att flytta ett iranskt särskilt boende och vårdpersonalens bemötande. Metod: Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerad samt öppna frågor mellan två kvinnor och två män med iranskbakgrund mellan 78 och 92 år i ett persiskt äldreboende. Resultat: I analysen framkom olika positivt och negativt faktorer som påverkar deltagarnas välbefinnande. Under analysen framkom " Upplevelse av värdigt bemötand och kräkningar" som huvudteman. Det skapades två teman; upplevelse av att flytta till det iranska äldreboendet och upplevelse av personalens bemötande. Under varje tema framkom också några subteman. Diskussion: Det var en stor omställning för deltagarna att lämna Iran, ha svenska språksvårighet, vara utanförskap, åldras, bli sjuka, vara inaktiva, beroende och sedan blev tvungna att flytta till ett särskilt boende. Upplevelse av sorg över att bli ensamma och isolerade, och behov av att känna sig trygga illustrerades. God miljö saknades inte men deras behov av bli respekterad och ha samtal med persisktalande personaler var stort. Slutsats: Det var inte essentiellt att vårdpersonalen var persisktalande. En del av persisktalande vårdpersonal behöver olika utbildningar för att kunna se boende iraniers helhet. Bemötande är någonting som vårdpersonal via kroppsspråket och beteende visar och den äldre personen förstår. / Background: Today, living elderly Iranians with their culture and tradition in the Swedish community. They often become dependent on caregivers because of impaired body function. The response should be seen as central in the quest to provide good health care to improve of life. Aim: The aim is to describe how older Iranians experienced about to move an Iranian especially nursing homes and health care staff encounter/attitude. Method: This study is qualitative study using semi-structured and open questions between two women and two men with Iranians background between 78 and 92 years old in a Persian nursing home. Results: The analysis revealed various positive and negative factors affecting the participants the health. During the analysis revealed "Experience the dignity treatment and vomiting" as the main theme. It was created two themes: The experience of moving to housing for the Iranian elderly and experience of the health care encounter. In each theme was also found in some sub-themes. Discussion: There was a big factor for participants to leave Iran, have Swedish language difficulty, be exclusion, aging, getting sick, being inactive, dependent and then had to move to a particular nursing home. Experience of sadness about becoming feeling isolated and lonely, and ness to feel safe illustrated. Good environment were not lacking, but their need to be respected and to have conversations with Persian speaking of nursing staff were great/big. Conclusion: It was not essential that health nursing staff were Persian speaking. Some of Persians peaking health professionals need different training to be able to see the residents Iranians whole. Treatment is something that a healthcare professional through the body language and behavior shows and the older person understands.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av smärta inom äldreomsorgen En kvalitativ studie / Nursing experience of pain in elderly care A qualitative study

Isaksson, Annelie, Gudmundsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Smärta anses vara ett komplext område då många delar skapar en helhetsbedömning utifrån äldre människors subjektiva smärtupplevelser. Kunskap som sjuksköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal innehar kan inverka på hur väl den äldres smärta omhändertas. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hur smärta synliggörs samt att beskriva deras upplevelse av att använda Visuell Analog Skala (VAS) vid omvårdnad inom äldreomsorgen. Metod: En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats som analyserats enligt Graneheim och Lundmans (2004) innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier framkom; äldres smärta svårfångad, smärtskattning har betydelse, team – alla professioner behövs. Sjuksköterskorna beskrev brister i rutinerna kring smärta samt att äldres smärta kunde vara dold. Risk fanns för oupptäckt och/eller inte optimalt behandlad smärta inom äldreomsorgen. Användningen av VAS varierade och sjuksköterskans erfarenhet gav trygghet vid bedömning av smärta. Samverkan i team av olika professioner tillsammans med den äldre förbättrade vårdkvaliteten. Slutsats: Vårdpersonal är i behov av utbildning för att kunna identifiera och uppmärksamma smärta som i större utsträckning tydliggörs när smärtskattningsskalor används. Mätbar smärta är lättare att följa upp för alla professioner i omvårdnadsteamet. Upplevd smärta hos äldre minskar med fungerande rutiner och äldreomsorgen kvalitetssäkras. / Background: Pain is considered a complex area as many parts create an overall assessment based on older people's subjective pain experiences. Knowledge that nurses and other healthcare personnel own may affect how well the pain of the elderly is taken care of. Aim: To describe the experiences of nurses when it comes to how pain is made visible, as well as describing their experiences of the "Visual Analog Scale" (VAS) in treatment within the elderly care. Method: A descriptive qualitative interview study with inductive approach as analyzed content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Result: Three main categories emerged; elder's pain elapsed, pain estimation is important, team - all professions are needed. Nurses described lack of routines around pain and that the pain of older people might be hidden. There’s a risk for pain going unnoticed and/or not optimal treatment of pain within the elderly care. The use of VAS varied and the nurse's experience gave confidence in the assessment of pain.Cooperation in teams of different professions together with the elderly improved the quality of care. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals are in need of education to identify and pay attention to pain which is clarified to a greater extent when pain scales are used. Measurable pain is easier to follow up for all professions in the nursing team. Perceived pain in the elderly reduces with working procedures, and care for the elderly is quality assured.

Comportements de choix et influence sur le bien-être : le cas des personnes âgées résidant en EHPAD / Choice behaviour and influence on the well-being : the case of elderly people living in nursing home

Faure, Julie 02 June 2015 (has links)
Choisir fait partie de notre quotidien, et la possibilité effective de choix augmente notre sentiment de contrôle et notre motivation. Cependant, il existe des différences interindividuelles dans les comportements de choix, comme le montrent Schwartz et al. (2002) qui distinguent les maximiseurs (recherche de la meilleure option) des optimiseurs (recherche de l’option suffisamment bonne). Ces comportements conduisent à des conséquences plus ou moins positives, voire négatives lorsque le nombre d’options est grand et que l’individu est maximiseur (regret, moindre satisfaction). Qu’en est-il chez les personnes âgées en institution ? A partir d’outils validés, nous soulignons que le choix, au même titre que la motivation et l’auto-efficacité, contribue à l’adaptation à la résidence et au bien-être des personnes âgées. Cependant si ces dernières ont besoin d’avoir le sentiment de pouvoir choisir, elles préfèreraient des choix limités en termes d’options. L’adaptation à la résidence et le bien-être des personnes âgées nécessiterait ainsi une attention en ce qui concerne les modalités de choix proposés, prenant en compte dans le même temps les niveaux de motivation des personnes et leur sentiment d’auto-efficacité / Making choices is a part of our everyday life. The possibility of making choices increases our feeling of control and our motivation. However, interindividual differences in choice behavior exist, as shown by Schwartz et al. (2002) who distinguish maximizers (who seek the best option) from satisficers (who seek the good enough option). These behaviours lead to more or less positive consequences, or even more negative when the variety of options is wide and when the person is maximizer (regret, less satisfaction). What about elderly people living in nursing homes? From validated tools, we stress that the choice, in the same way as the motivation and the self-efficacy, participate in the adaptation to the nursing home and in elderly people’s well-being. However if these people need to have the feeling to be able to choose, they would prefer choices limited in terms of options. The adaptation to the nursing home and the well-being of the elderly people would so require a specific attention concerning the modalities of the proposed choices, taking the people’s motivation levels and their feeling of self-efficacy into consideration at the same time

Segurança na deglutição de pacientes disfágicos pós acidente vascular cerebral: contribuições do enfermeiro / Security in swallowing for dysphagic patients after stroke: contribution of nurses

Carina Teixeira Paixão 15 May 2009 (has links)
Trata da temática do paciente portador de acidente vascular cerebral, especificamente das ações do enfermeiro para a prevenção das complicações decorrentes da disfagia após um acidente vascular cerebral no atendimento domiciliar. Objetivou-se propor ações de enfermagem que garantam uma deglutição segura em pacientes com disfagia pós-AVC a partir dos dados obtidos junto a pacientes usuários do SAD. Pesquisa desenvolvida no serviço de atendimento domiciliar de um hospital público do Rio de Janeiro com 30 sujeitos. Aplicou-se um instrumento, que descreveu dados sócio-laboriais, presença de disfagia e a consistência dos alimentos ingeridos pelos pacientes. Resultados: dezessete pacientes desenvolveram a disfagia, caracterizando-se como idosos, 76,47% foram do sexo feminino, a média de idade foi de 73,6 ( 9,55). A maioria com ensino fundamental completo (76,48%) e aposentados (70,59%). Todos são hipertensos e a metade diabéticos (58,82%). Com relação ao tipo de AVC, todos tiveram AVC isquêmico, sendo 58,82% um episódio e 41,18% dois episódios. A prevalência da disfagia é de 57%. Não há associação entre a idade e a disfagia e sua presença não dependeu da frequência de episódios de AVC. Pacientes com dois fatores de risco, hipertensão e diabetes apresentam maior prevalência de disfagia para líquidos do que para alimentos sólidos ou ambos. O enfermeiro deve realizar orientações em relação ao ambiente, posicionamento do paciente, aos materiais e utensílios a serem usados na alimentação, quantidade, temperatura e consistência do alimento. Informações como cabeceira elevada, colher de sobremesa para administração de dietas com volume de 3 a 5 ml, além do uso de espessantes para gerar uma consistência segura na deglutição, são fundamentais para garantir o mínimo de complicações. É importante também que a família participe de todo o processo de recuperação do paciente. Considerações finais: após o AVC, a disfagia merece atenção por gerar complicações como a aspiração e a pneumonia, o que serve para nortear o planejamento e orientações de enfermagem direcionadas a limitar o efeito dessa sequela, assim como a possibilidade de realização de pesquisas que tratem de conhecer o que os enfermeiros podem fazer no domicílio dos pacientes disfágicos de forma a melhorar o desempenho nas atividades diárias de vida. / This theme is carried out aiming patients with stroke, mainly the nurses actions in the prevention of complications resulting from dysphagia after a stroke in home care. The objective was to develop the nursing actions to ensure a safe swallowing in patients with dysphagia after stroke from the data obtained from the patients users of the SAD. The research was developed in the service of home care in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro with 30 subjects. An instrument which described socio-laborious data was applied to show the presence of dysphagia and consistency of food intake by patients. Results: Seventeen patients developed dysphagia, characterized as being elderly, 76.47% were female, the mean age was about 73.6 ( 9.55). Most of them with complete basic education (76.48%) and retirees (70.59%). All the patients are hypertensive and half of them are diabetics (58.82%). Regarding to the type of stroke, all patients had ischemic stroke, 58.82% had one stroke episode and 41.18% two stroke episodes. The prevalence of dysphagia is about 57%. There is no association between age and dysphagia and its presence does not depend on the frequency of the stroke episodes. Patients with two risk factors, hypertension and diabetes have a higher prevalence of dysphagia and difficulty in swallowing the liquid food more than solid ones or both. The nurse should give guidance on the environment, the patient positioning, the materials and tools for use in food, quantity, temperature and consistency of the food. Information such as head high, dessert spoon for administration of diets with a volume of 3 to 5 ml, and the use of thickeners to generate a secure consistency in swallowing are essential to ensure the minimum complications. It is also important that the family takes part in the process of recovery of the patient. Final considerations: after the stroke, the dysphagia needs observation because it can imply on complications such as aspiration and pneumonia, which serves to guide the planning and directed nursing guidance to limit the effect of this sequel, as well as the possibility of conducting researches which may deal with what nurses can do in dysphagic patients home care in order to improve performance in activities of daily life.

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