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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumo de carotenoides no Brasil: a contribuição da alimentação fora do domicílio / Carotenoids consumption in Brazil: a contribution of out-of-home food intake

Rodrigo Dantas Amancio 08 October 2012 (has links)
Carotenoides são considerados substâncias bioativas e seu consumo tem sido associado à prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Os carotenoides com atividade pró-vitamínica atuam no combate à hipovitaminose A. O objetivo desta dissertação foi descrever a ingestão de carotenoides, destacando a contribuição do consumo fora do domicílio, de acordo com fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e estado nutricional, além de identificar as principais fontes alimentares presentes na dieta da população brasileira. Utilizou-se como base de dados as informações integrantes do bloco de consumo alimentar pessoal, da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2008-2009), realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), que envolveu 34.003 indivíduos com idade de 10 anos ou mais. Um banco de dados foi construído para viabilizar o cálculo das quantidades (médias) de carotenoides presentes na dieta dos participantes da amostra. Foram utilizadas principalmente informações contidas na base Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) e a Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Carotenoides em Alimentos. Foram elaboradas análises estatísticas descritivas envolvendo o cálculo de ingestão de carotenoides no domicílio e fora dele e as variáveis selecionadas. O consumo médio per capita foi de 4.117,0 µg/dia para carotenoides totais e 2.337,9 µg/dia para os pró-vitamínicos A. As maiores médias de ingestão de carotenoides (totais; pró-vitamínicos) foram identificadas entre os seguintes grupos: mulheres (4.245,8 µg/dia; 2.458,9 µg/dia), moradores do meio urbano (4.143,2 µg/dia; 2.364,20 µg/dia), habitantes da Região Sul (4.987,6 µg/dia; 2.948,9 µg/dia), idosos (4.694,3 µg/dia; 2.853,8 µg/dia), indivíduos com os maiores rendimentos (5.596,7 µg/dia; 3.236,6 µg/dia), com curso de pós-graduação completo (7.009,7 µg/dia; 4.143,5 µg/dia), de cor amarela (5.692,7 µg/dia; 3.436,9 µg/dia) e aqueles classificados com os maiores Índice de Massa Corporal - IMC (4.445,1 µg/dia; 2.535,0 µg/dia). Constatou-se que a contribuição fora do domicílio representou até ¼ da ingestão total de carotenoides. Observou-se que os indivíduos do sexo feminino, idade acima de 60 anos e obesos, embora ingerissem maiores quantidades destas substâncias, integraram os grupamentos que (em relação ao total) apresentaram menor participação na ingestão fora do domicílio. O crescimento da renda e da escolaridade foi fundamental para proporcionar níveis mais elevados de consumo. As principais fontes de carotenoides na dieta da população brasileira foram: salada, suco, alface, tomate, mamão, melancia, abóbora, batata-doce, cenoura, milho verde e ovo de galinha. Fora do domicílio prevaleceu a ingestão dos três primeiros alimentos/preparações. Os níveis de ingestão revelaram-se expressivamente inferiores aos preconizados como seguros. Medidas de incentivo ao consumo de frutas, verduras, legumes e seus derivados (fontes de carotenoides), sobretudo entre os jovens, são necessárias e prioritárias, especialmente com vistas à prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e no combate à hipovitaminose A. / Carotenoids are considered bioactive substances and its consumption has been associated to prevention of chronic non communicable diseases. The carotenoids with pro-vitamin activity act against hypovitaminosis A. The aim of this dissertation was to report the carotenoids intake, highlighting the contribution of outof- home food consumption, accordingly with socioeconomic and demographical factors, nutritional status, also to identify the main food sources in the diet of Brazilian population. A secondary data from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey - POF - was used, published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The sample consisted of 34,003 study subjects (13,569 households), with at least 10 years-old. A database was built to allow the calculation of quantities (average) of carotenoids in the diet of study participants. Information was used primarily by the Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Brazilian Table of Carotenoids Composition in Food. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed for calculation of carotenoid intake at home and out-of-home consumption. The average daily consumption per capita was 4,117.0 µg/day for total carotenoids and 2,337.9 µg/day for provitamin A carotenoids. The highest average intake of carotenoids (total; provitaminic) was found between the following groups: women (4,245.8 µg/day; 2,458.9 µg/day), urban dwellers (4,143.2 µg/day; 2,364.20 µg/day), South region population (4,987.6 µg/day; 2,948.9 µg/day), elderly people (4,694.3 µg/day; 2,853.8 µg/day), high-income individuals (5,596.7 µg/day; 3,236.6 µg/day), with full graduate degree (7,009.7 µg/day; 4,143.5 µg/day), yellow skinned person (5,692.7 µg/day; 3,436.9 µg/day) and those classified with highest Body Mass Index (BMI) (4,445.1 µg/day; 2,535.0 µg/day). The out-ofhome contribution found in this present study represented up to ¼ of the total intake of carotenoids. It was observed that individuals over 60 years, female and obese people, although ingested larger amount of these substances, belonged to the groups (in relation with total) which showed less interest in out-of-home eating. The increase in income and education was essential to provide higher levels of consumption. The main dietary carotenoids sources of Brazilian population were: salad, juice, lettuce, tomato, papaya, watermelon, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, corn and chicken egg. The consumption of first three food/preparation prevailed outside the home. The intake levels showed expressively lower than those recommended as safe. Policies to promote the consumption of fruits, vegetables and derived products (carotenoids sources) are necessary and priority, particularly among young people, especially aiming to prevent the risk of chronic diseases and combating hypovitaminosis A.

Modelo de negocio basado en hamburguesas saludables: Mr. Legu / Business model based on healthy burgers: Mr. Legu

Chicana Llamas, Gerald Jair, Díaz Espinoza, Kiara Jimena, Mas Alva, Pier Jhordan, Vásquez Pérez, Mabel Sofía, Velazco Chavez, Linda Liliana 04 December 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, el Perú se ha ubicado como el tercer país con mayor índice de personas con sobrepeso y una de las principales causas de esto fue el incremento del acceso a comida rápida. Este tipo de alimentación logró posicionarse en la vida de los jóvenes y, dada la coyuntura actual, pudieron identificar el daño que se estaban haciendo. A raíz de esto, se inició una tendencia que implica llevar un estilo de vida saludable, un cambio positivo que aportaría en la vida de las personas en diferentes aspectos. Sin embargo, se identificó que una de las principales complicaciones al iniciar con este proceso era los antojos que surgían en el día a día, además de que los jóvenes no suelen dedicarle tanto tiempo a la cocina. Es así como se planteó una posible solución, un producto nutritivo y de fácil preparación que ayudaría a reemplazar la comida rápida, y nació Mr. Legu. Mr. Legu es un modelo de negocio que ofrece hamburguesas hechas a base de legumbres y cereales, un alimento que se tiene que freír u hornear, pero continúa siendo saludable. Los sabores elegidos inicialmente, de acuerdo con un estudio previo, fueron lentejas y garbanzos, pero se ofrecerán diferentes opciones de sabores que permitan que todos los usuarios puedan disfrutarlas. Es importante destacar que el Ministerio de Salud promueve el consumo de legumbres por su alto valor nutricional, es por eso que Mr. Legu las eligió como insumo principal. Además, las hamburguesas son preparadas con una variedad de verduras que mejoran su sabor y se pueden complementar de distintas maneras, por lo que se sugieren recetas que permiten a los usuarios decidir con qué consumirlas. El objetivo principal de Mr. Legu es ofrecer una alternativa rápida, fácil y divertida que ayudará a las personas a que puedan continuar con su proceso de cambio o a mantener un estilo saludable. Antes de iniciar con el emprendimiento, se hicieron diferentes estudios del prototipo, del modelo de negocio, un concierge y también una evaluación de los competidores directos. Además, se utilizaron diferentes herramientas relacionadas a Start Ups, la metodología de Design Thinking y algunas técnicas relacionadas a la evaluación financiera del proyecto. Todo esto se realizó con la principal finalidad de que las hamburguesas saludables de Mr. Legu logren tener el alcance deseado y sean la primera opción de los usuarios gracias a la buena reputación y publicidad de los produtos que ofrece. En el presente trabajo de investigación se han desarrollado todas las etapas necesarias para iniciar con este modelo de negocio. / In recent years, Peru has become the third most overweight country and one of the main causes of this was the increase in access to fast food. This type of food managed to position itself in the lives of young people and, given the current situation, they were able to identify the damage that was being done. As a result of this, a trend that implied leading a healthy lifestyle began, a positive change that would contribute to people's lives in different aspects. However, it was identified that one of the main complications when starting this process was the cravings that emerged in their daily routine, in addition to the fact that young people do not usually spend so much time in the kitchen. Thus, a possible solution was proposed, a nutritious and easy to prepare product that would help replace fast food, and Mr. Legu began. Mr. Legu is a business model that offers hamburgers made from legumes and cereals, a food that has to be fried or baked, but is still healthy. The flavors initially chosen, according to a previous study, were lentils and chickpeas, but different options will be offered so that all users can enjoy them. It is important to note that the Ministry of Health of Peru promotes the consumption of legumes because of their high nutritional value, which is why Mr. Legu chose them as his main ingredient. The hamburgers are prepared with a variety of vegetables that improve their flavor and can be complemented in different ways, so recipes are suggested in order to allow users decide what to consume them with. The main objective of Mr. Legu is offer a quick, easy and fun alternative that will help people to continue with their change process or to maintain a healthy style. Before starting with the entrepreneurship, different studies were made, one of the prototype, other of the business model, a concierge and also an evaluation of the direct competitors. Moreover, different tools related to Start Ups, the Design Thinking methodology and some techniques related to the financial evaluation of the project were used. All this was done with the main purpose of making Mr. Legu's healthy burgers achieve the desired reach and be the first choice of users thanks to the good reputation and publicity of the products it offers. In the present paper all the necessary stages have been developed to begin with this model of business. / Trabajo de investigación

Quinua Power

Bernardo Espinoza, Patricia, Cepeda Mogollon, Gisella Lucero, Pacasi Huanaco, Claudia Paola, Rojas Muñoz, Flor Maximina, Tacca Limachi, Everardo 23 February 2021 (has links)
Quinua Power ha sido creado con el fin de brindar una nueva propuesta de consumo de cereales a todas aquellas personas que buscan cuidar su alimentación y a los que combaten alguna enfermedad alimenticia que les impida desarrollar su crecimiento o desenvolvimiento en el ámbito estudiantil. Este producto consiste en la elaboración de cereales en base a la quinua. Este es considerado como un grano andino esencial en la alimentación de toda persona, debido a sus propiedades nutricionales. En la región, el Perú y Bolivia son los principales productores de este grano y cada año se establecen metas de consumo nacional, en busca de fortalecer la salud nutricional de las personas, pero en especial de sus niños. Las operaciones de producción y venta se iniciarán en Lima Metropolitana. Este producto está dirigido a hombres, mujeres y niños que se encuentren entre los 15 a 35 años de edad y pertenezcan a los niveles socioeconómicos C y D, quienes, en la actualidad, presentan mayor crecimiento de consumo de este tipo de productos. Este proyecto tendrá una duración de 3 años; para iniciar las operaciones será necesario invertir S/23,585.00, de los cuales el 80% será aporte de los accionistas y el 20% será financiado a través de un inversionista ángel. Entre los indicaros obtenidos para este proyecto, se tiene un costo promedio ponderado de capital de 16.67%, VAN de S/19,884 que indica que en el plazo de 3 años se recupera la inversión y una TIR de 60.90% que indica que el proyecto es rentable. Finalmente, con estos indicadores podemos confirmar que el proyecto es viable pues tiene un adecuado tiempo de recuperación y altos índices de rentabilidad / Quinoa Power has been created with the purpose of providing a new option for consuming cereals to all those who seek to take care of their diet and to those who fight any nutritional disease that prevents them from developing their growth or development in the student environment. This product consists of the production of cereals based on quinoa. This is considered an essential Andean grain in the diet of everyone, due to its nutritional properties. In the region, Peru and Bolivia are the main producers of this grain and each year national consumption goals are established, seeking to strengthen the nutritional health of people, but especially of their children. Production and sale operations will begin in Metropolitan Lima. This product is aimed at men, women and children who are between 15 and 35 years of age and belong to socioeconomic levels C and D, who, at present, show the highest growth in consumption of this type of product. This project will last for 3 years; to start operations, it will be necessary to invest S / 23,585.00; of which 80% will be a shareholder contribution and 20% will be financed through an angel investor. Among the indicators obtained for this project, there is a weighted average cost of capital of 16.67%, NPV of S / 19,884 that indicates that the investment is recovered within 3 years and an IRR of 60.90% that indicates that the project is profitable. Finally, with these indicators we can confirm that the project is viable since it has an adequate recovery time and high profitability rates. / Trabajo de investigación

Uticaj prehrambenih vlakana šećerne repe i jabuke na reološke parametre testa i kvalitet bezglutenskog hleba / Influence of sugar beet and apple dietary fibres on batter rheology and gluten free bread quality

Đorđević Marijana 25 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Sagledavajući značaj nutritivne vrednosti bezglutenskog hleba u prevenciji dodatnih zdravstvenih poremećaja kod obolelih od celijakije, kao i prisutnog trenda bezglutenske ishrane, u okviru ove disertacije analizirana je mogućnost obogaćenja bezglutenskog hleba prehrambenim vlaknima. Ispitan je uticaj različite vrste i količine (3, 5, 7%) prehrambenih vlakana (vlakna &scaron;ećerne repe i vlakna jabuke), količine hidroksipropil metil celuloze - HPMC (2, 3, 4%) i količine vode (180&ndash;230%) na reolo&scaron;ke osobine bezglutenskog testa (svojstva proticanja i viskoelastične osobine), kvalitet i nutritivnu vrednost bezglutenskog hleba. Rezultati ove disertacije ukazuju da dodatak vlakana &scaron;ećerne repe i jabuke ne umanjuje pozitivan uticaj HPMC na reolo&scaron;ke osobine bezglutenskog testa, formiranje i ojačavanje njegove strukture. Bezglutenski hleb privlačne boje, veće zapremine, manje tvrdoće sredine i odličnih senzorskih karakteristika dobijen je kod uzoraka sa 4% HPMC, 3, 5 ili 7% vlakana &scaron;ećerne repe/jabuke i 220%/190% vode. Sadržaj ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana kod uzoraka sa 3% vlakana je iznad 4,5 g/100 g, a kod uzoraka sa 7% vlakana čak oko 6 g/100 g bezglutenskog hleba. Postignut sadržaj ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana je iznad propisane vrednosti za proizvode koji mogu biti nosioci nutritivne izjave &bdquo;izvor vlakana&ldquo;, čime je ostvaren cilj ove disertacije.</p> / <p>Considering the importance of the gluten-free bread nutritional value in the prevention of additional health disorders in patients with celiac disease, as well as the arising gluten-free diet trend, the possibility of enriching gluten-free bread with dietary fibers was analyzed within this dissertation. The influence of different types and amounts (3, 5, 7%) of dietary fibers (sugar beet and apple fibers), the amount of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose - HPMC (2, 3, 4%) and the amount of water (180&ndash;230%) on rheological properties of gluten-free batter (flow and viscoelastic properties), quality and nutritional value of gluten-free bread. The results of this dissertation indicate that the addition of sugar beet and apple fibers does not diminish the positive influence of HPMC on the rheological properties of the gluten-free batter, the formation and strengthening of its structure. Gluten-free bread with appealing color, higher volume, lower hardness and excellent sensory characteristics was obtained in samples with 4% HPMC, 3, 5 or 7% sugar beet/apple fibers and 220%/190% water. The total dietary fibers content in samples with 3% fibers is above 4.5 g/100 g, and in samples with 7% fibers approximately 6 g/100 g of gluten-free bread. The accomplished total dietary fibers content is above the prescribed value for products that may bear the nutritional statement &quot;source of fiber&quot;, thus achieving the goal of this dissertation.</p>

Proyecto de pack de ingredientes listos para cocinar

Gutiérrez Escurra, Cristina Beatriz, Mamani Alave , Yenny Lisbeth, Magallanes Atuncar, Luis Antonio, Ramos Cárdenas, Patricia, Vidaurre Calle, Stephany Beatriz 18 July 2021 (has links)
Según un informe de Adex acerca de tendencia y hábitos del consumidor en el año 2020, publicado en mayo del mismo año señala que los consumidores han revaluado sus prioridades de vida, hábitos y comportamiento en esta nueva normalidad, entre los cambios mencionan un mayor cuidado en su bienestar, no realizar actividades como viajar y comer fuera ya que existe un miedo a contraer el virus del COVID, informa además que estos hábitos se quedaran establecidos post COVID; por otro lado el mismo informe señala según datos de la consultora Nielsen que existe un incremento de consumo de frescos de 10 y 15% por encima de la alimentación preparada, la cual se incrementó en 8%, se señala también la vuelta a la cocina casera. Bajo estas premisas encontramos una oportunidad en el mercado de ofrecer un pack de alimentos listos para preparar en Lima Metropolitana, el cual mantendrá su valor nutricional y sabor casero. Por otro lado, el segmento al que nos dirigimos se caracteriza por su interés en obtener ingredientes frescos para la preparación de comida casera en menor tiempo, razón por la cual el producto representa un proyecto con gran potencial. En el presente trabajo se presentará un análisis sobre el mercado, factores macroeconómicos, investigación de la competencia y del segmento a atender. A partir de ese análisis se proponen objetivos, estrategias y tácticas que permitirán alcanzar las metas trazadas. Finalmente, se definirán los principales indicadores claves de éxito que permitirán supervisar cumplimiento de objetivos y rentabilidad del negocio. / An Adex report about trends and habits of the consumer in the year 2020, published on may of the same year, says that consumers have been revaluing their priorities in life, also their habits and behavior during this new normality, between the changes they mention more interest in their wellness, they prefer not to travel or eat outside, for the fear of catch the Covid-19 virus. They informed too, that these habits will remain after the pandemic. On the other side, the report says that according to data of the Nielsen consultant, there is an 10% -15% increase in the consume of fresh products compared with prepared food, which only increased in 8%. They talk about going back to home cooked food too. Under this premise, we found an opportunity in the market to offer meal packs ready to cook in Lima Metropolitana, this packs will remain their nutritional value and their homecooked flavor. On the other side, the segment we’re pointing to is specially interest on getting fresh ingredients for make homecooked meals in less time, which is the reason why, the project represents a big potential. In this project it will be present an analysis of the market , macroeconomic factors, competition investigation and the segment to attend .From that analysis we will propose targets, strategies and tactics that will allow us to reach the goal set. Finally, we will be defined the principal key succeed indicators that will allow to supervise the fulfillment of the target and the profitability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación

An Exploratory Study Examining The National School Lunch Program; How It Functions On a Daily Basis; And How It May Be Improved

Bereza, John Matthew 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Potential and nutritional properties of local food plants from Angola to combat malnutrition − suitable alternatives to frequently cultivated crops

Baumgärtel, Christin, Förster, Anke, Frommherz, Lara, Henle, Thomas, Ramiro, Guedes José, Lautenschläger, Thea 14 June 2024 (has links)
The human diet of the local population in the province Uíge, Angola mainly consists of carbohydrate rich plants originating from America or Asia. Acidic soils lead to various deficiency syndromes and low livestock yield. The aim of this study is to evaluate the nutritional potential of 14 native plants from Africa (Aframomum alboviolaceum, Aframomum angustifolium, Aframomum giganteum, Antidesma venosum, Clitandra cymulosa, Landolphia buchananii, Landolphia lanceolata, Landolphia owariensis, Oncoba welwitschii, Parinari capensis, Piper umbellatum, Pseudospondias microcarpa, Tristemma mauritianum, Vitex madiensis subsp. madiensis). The amino acid composition, beta-carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C and E content was determined for the respective edible plant part. Fruits of P. capensis were found to be rich in beta-carotene. The pulp of O. welwitschii shows a high nutritional value (high in vitamin B1, B2, C, E and in indispensable amino acids). Leaves of P. umbellatum are determined as convenient substitutes for the human nutrition containing beta-carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C and E. The integration and cultivation of studied plants indicate positive health effects, supplying different amounts of frequently lacking vitamins and beneficial ratios of indispensable amino acids. Studies examining dependencies between site location, ripeness, storage or transportation are urgently needed as they directly influence the micronutrient content.

Beneficial or hazardous? A comprehensive study of 24 elements from wild edible plants from Angola

Baumgärtel, Christin, Götzke, Linda, Weigand, Jan J., Neinhuis, Christoph, Panzo, Mazecana H. G., Afonso, Francisco, Lautenschläger, Thea 04 October 2024 (has links)
Angola suffers from a high child mortality rate and a prevalence of anemia due to malnutrition. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the mineral content of 43 wild edible plants. A total of 24 different elements (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, strontium, titanium, thallium, vanadium, zinc) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy to identify nutritional beneficial and hazardous plants. For the majority of studied species (31 of 43) data lack completely. For the remaining, only macronutrient contents are published yet, determining their (ultra)trace element and heavy metal contents for the first time. None of the examined plants pose a risk to human health due to low heavy metal contents, seasonality, and low amounts of consumed plant parts. Iron and zinc rich plant parts, such as fruits of Canarium schweinfurthii, or leaves of Crassocephalum rubens, Solanum americanum, and Piper umbellatum could help combating deficiency syndromes. The genus Landolphia shows to be an aluminum hyperaccumulator with aluminum contents >1000 mg/kg. Results of this study serve as a database for upcoming research. The nutritional value of edible plants is evaluated.

Mineral Management in African Indigenous Vegetable Production Systems

Nambafu, Godfrey 27 August 2018 (has links)
Durch ihre Umwelt- und Nährwertvorteile erweckten Afrikanische indigene Blattgemüse – „African Indigenous Vegetables“ (AIV) in letzter Zeit Aufmerksamkeit als „Supergemüse“ (Cernansky 2015). Da mehrere Spezies aus unterschiedlichen botanischen Familien innerhalb der AIVs vertreten sind, ist ein besseres Verständnis Spezies spezifischer Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Ernährungswert und agronomischem Management nötig, um diese Vorteile voll ausschöpfen zu können. In dieser Arbeit haben wir Afrikanisch indigene Blattgemüsearten aus fünf Familien, inklusive C3 and C4 Spezies und Leguminosen und nicht-Leguminosen (Brassica carinata/Cruciferae - Ethiopian Kale, Amaranthus cruentus/Amaranthaceae - Amaranth, Vigna unguiculata/Leguminosae - Cowpea, Solanum scabrum/Solanaceae - African Nightshade, Cleome gynandra/Capparaceae - Spiderplant) mit einer importierten und in Kenia häufig angebauten Gemüseart (Brassica oleracea acephala/Cruciferae - Exotic Kale) verglichen. Wir betrachteten die Pflanzenarten hinsichtlich ihrer Konzentrationen an wertgebenden und toxischen Elementen in Blättern als Index für den Nährwert, ihrer Reaktionen auf unterschiedliche zur Verfügung gestellten Mengen und Formen an Phosphor (P) als Index für die Adaptation an suboptimale chemische Bodenbedingungen und ihre erntebedingten Nährstoffausfuhren aus dem Boden als Index für den Düngerbedarf. Die Arbeit war in das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprogramm HORTINLEA (Horticultural Innovation and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa) eingebunden. / African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) have recently captured considerable attention as “super vegetables” due to their nutritional and environmental benefits (Cernansky 2015). As AIVs include many species belonging to different botanical families, more species-specific knowledge e.g. on nutritional value and agronomic management is needed to fully exploit those benefits. In this thesis we compared leafy AIV species from five families including C3 and C4 species, and a legume and non-legume species (Brassica carinata/Cruciferae - Ethiopian kale, Amaranthus cruentus/Amaranthaceae - amaranth, Vigna unguiculata/Leguminosae cowpea, Solanum scabrum/Solanaceae - African nightshade, Cleome gynandra/Capparaceae - spider plant) with a non-indigenous species, which is commonly grown in Kenya (Brassica oleracea acephala/Cruciferae - “exotic kale”). We compared the leaf concentrations of beneficial nutrients and heavy metals as an index for the nutritional value, the performance under different rates and forms of phosphorus (P) supply as an index for adaptation to suboptimal chemical soil conditions, and the harvest-related nutrient outflow from soil as an index for fertilizer need. The thesis was embedded in the interdisciplinary research program HORTINLEA (Horticultural Innovation and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa).

Exigências e eficiência energética e protéica de ovinos Dorper x Santa Inês alimentados com dietas contendo volumosos de valor nutricional distinto. / Requirements and efficiency of energy and protein use for Dorper × Santa Inês sheep fed diets containing roughages with different nutritive value

Galvani, Diego Barcelos 22 August 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de volumosos com valor nutricional distinto sobre as exigências e a eficiência de uso da energia e da proteína por ovinos ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês, em crescimento. Para isso, 84 cordeiros, machos não castrados, foram desmamados aos 56 dias de idade (PV inicial = 18,0 ± 3,3 kg) e confinados em baias individuais, sendo distribuídos em dois grupos: VBVN cordeiros alimentados com dieta composta por volumoso de baixo valor nutricional (bagaço de cana in natura); e VAVN cordeiros alimentados com dieta composta por volumoso de alto valor nutricional (feno de coastcross). Destes, sete animais de cada grupo foram aleatoriamente selecionados e abatidos após um período de adaptação de 10 dias (animais referência). Dentre os remanescentes, 21 animais de cada grupo foram alimentados ad libitum e abatidos aos 25, 35 ou 45 kg de peso vivo (sete animais por grupo) sendo, os 28 demais animais, submetidos a dois níveis de restrição alimentar, de forma a obterem-se diferentes níveis de consumo de energia metabolizável (EM): 70 e 50% do consumo ad libitum. Foram determinadas as concentrações e as retenções corporais de gordura, nitrogênio e energia. Adicionalmente, seis animais ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês (PV médio = 52,3 ± 6,9 kg), machos não castrados canulados no rúmen, foram mantidos em gaiolas de estudo de metabolismo para avaliação da digestibilidade das dietas e estimativa das concentrações dietéticas de EM e do consumo de proteína metabolizável. A degradabilidade das dietas experimentais foi avaliada in vitro. O consumo de matéria seca e o ganho de peso médio diário foram mais elevados para os animais alimentados com a dieta contendo feno de coastcross. Por outro lado, melhor eficiência alimentar foi observada para aqueles alimentados com a dieta contendo bagaço de cana. Não houve efeito do nível de consumo sobre o teor de energia metabolizável da dieta, mas este foi maior na dieta contendo bagaço de cana in natura (3,18 vs 2,94). Os animais recebendo a dieta contendo bagaço de cana apresentaram maiores concentrações corporais de gordura e energia, o que foi reflexo de um maior acúmulo de gordura visceral. O uso de volumosos de baixo valor nutricional, em dietas com alta concentração energética, não resulta em incremento das exigências energéticas de mantença. No entanto, a elevação do teor de concentrado da ração resulta em aumento da eficiência de uso da energia metabolizável para ganho de peso, o que está diretamente associado à maior retenção de gordura visceral. Sob o ponto de vista da produção de carne, todavia, esta maior eficiência nutricional deve ser vista com cautela, uma vez que está relacionada à deposição de tecidos não destinados ao consumo humano. As exigências protéicas para ganho de peso de cordeiros ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês podem ser acuradamente preditas pelas equações do AFRC (1993). Nenhum dos sistemas nutricionais atuais, contudo, é capaz de predizer as exigências energéticas destes animais entre os 15 e 45 kg de peso corporal. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of using roughages with different nutritive value on requirements and efficiency of energy and protein use of growing ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês sheep. For this purpose, eighty four non-castrated male lambs were weaned at 56 days of age (initial BW = 18.0 ± 3.3 kg) and penned in individual stalls, being divided into two groups: VBVN - lambs fed diet containing roughage with low nutritive value (sugarcane bagasse in natura); and VAVN - lambs fed diet containing roughage with high nutritive value (coastcross hay). From these lambs, seven animals from each group were randomly selected and slaughtered after a 10-day adaptation period (reference animals). Twenty one animals in each group were then fed ad libitum and slaughtered at 25, 35, or 45 kg of live weight (seven animals per group), and the remaining 28 animals were submitted to one of two levels of feed restriction: either 70 or 50% of the ad libitum intake. Concentrations and retentions of body fat, nitrogen, and energy were determined. Additionally, six non-castrated males (PV mean = 52.3 ± 6.9 kg), canulated in the rumen, were kept in metabolic cages to evaluate diets digestibility, and to estimate metabolizable energy concentrations of the diets and the metabolizable protein intake. Diet degradability was assessed by an in vitro assay. Dry matter intake and average daily weight gain were higher for animals fed the diet containing coastcross hay. On the other hand, better gain-to-feed ratio was observed for those fed the diet containing sugarcane bagasse. There was no effect of intake level on metabolizable energy content of the diet, but it was higher in the diet containing sugarcane bagasse (3.18 vs. 2.94). Animals receiving the diet containing sugarcane bagasse presented higher body fat and energy concentrations, as a response of a larger visceral fat deposition. Using roughages with low nutritive value in high energy diets for growing lambs, does not increases energy requirements for maintenance. However, increasing concentrate proportion in the diet improves the efficiency of metabolizable energy use for weight gain, which is directly associated with a larger retention of visceral fat. Under a meat production perspective, however, that increased nutritional efficiency should be took with caution, since it is related to the deposition of tissues not intended to human consumption. Protein requirements for growth of lambs ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês are accurately predicted by the AFRC (1993) equations. None of the current nutritional systems, however, is able to predict energy requirements of these animals from 15 to 45 kg of body weight.

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