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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicação das visões arquiteturais ODP na especificação e execução de processos de negócio. / Application of ODP architectural views in the specification and execution of business processes.

Diego Mariano de Campos 05 June 2013 (has links)
A Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) é uma notação compreensível pelos usuários de negócio, a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) é utilizada na coordenação da execução dos processos de negócio implementados, através de chamadas a serviços. Há muitas pesquisas no relacionamento das duas linguagens, em diferentes formas no ciclo de desenvolvimento de software para, a partir do modelo BPMN, se obter o modelo BPEL correspondente. Porém há um problema comum na sincronização entre os modelos, ou seja, a partir do modelo BPEL não é possível retornar ao modelo BPMN. Esse trabalho apresenta uma forma de se obter o relacionamento utilizando visões da arquitetura de software. Como BPEL utiliza chamada a serviços para coordenar a execução de processos de negócio, foi utilizado o estilo arquitetural orientado a serviço (SOA). Com isso, a partir do problema de uso entre duas tecnologias, observou-se o problema de relacionamento entre a especificação de processos de negócio e execução destes processos através dos serviços. A solução proposta é aplicar as visões arquiteturais da Open Distributed Processing (ODP) na especificação e execução dos processos de negócio. Para aplicar as visões arquiteturais ODP foram utilizados o estilo arquitetural SOA e os conceitos de evolução de arquitetura de software da Model Driven Architecture (MDA). / The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) brings a notation that is readily understandable by all business users and the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is meant to be used to coordinate the execution of the process implemented, through web services call. There are several researches that demonstrate how to relate both languages, in various forms inside the software development process, to obtain the BPEL from the BPMN model. But there is a commom problem in synchronization between models, ie from BPEL model can not return to the BPMN model. This paper presents a way to obtain the relationship using views of software architecture. As BPEL uses the services to coordinate the execution of business processes, this paper used the software oriented architecture (SOA). Thus, from the problem of use of two technologies, emerged the problem of relationship between the specification of business processes and implementation of these processes, through the services. The proposed solution is to apply architectural views of the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) in the specification and execution of business processes. To apply the ODP architectural views were used the SOA architectural style and concepts of software architecture evolution of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA).

Processo de especificação de arquitetura ODP aplicado no gerenciamento de facilidades. / Process specification of ODP architecture applied in facilities management.

Miguel Angel Orellana Postigo 08 August 2011 (has links)
O Gerenciamento de Facilidades é considerado por muitos autores como um campo interdisciplinar dedicado a garantir a funcionalidade do ambiente construído através da integração de pessoas, lugar, processos e tecnologia. Para desenvolver um modelo arquitetônico que possa ser usado para lidar com a Gerência Facilidades (GF), é primeiramente necessário estabelecer o papel que ele deve ter nos negócios, como deve executar esses papéis e então verificar se ele atinge esses requisitos. Um ponto crítico no desenvolvimento de um modelo para gerenciar facilidades é a falta de uma arquitetura corporativa; devido a que os sistemas prediais e outros sistemas referentes à infraestrutura foram concebidos sem uma visão de GF; por outro lado, estes sistemas normalmente são compostos por diversas tecnologias heterogêneas às quais para funcionar corretamente, devem satisfazer exigências como desempenho, confiabilidade, portabilidade, escalabilidade e interoperatividade, entre outras. Este trabalho de dissertação propõe utilizar uma arquitetura de objetos distribuídos para otimizar o processo de GF, aplicado em um caso real, especificamente em uma indústria de eletroeletrônicos do Pólo Industrial de Manaus. O objetivo de utilizar a referida arquitetura é para reduzir a sua complexidade através da abstração e separação de requisitos de projeto e, ao mesmo tempo, direcionar os passos que serão tomados pelas tarefas envolvidas. O método proposto para atingir tal objetivo é a identificação do processo de GF, a especificação, onde a informação obtida será classificada em forma de visões utilizando o RM-ODP, e a modelagem, onde se analisa as complexidades, como relacionamentos, dependências e limitações do processo de negócios, objetivando elaborar uma arquitetura que será implementada nos domínios de aplicação do processo de GF. / The Facilities Management is considered by many authors as an interdisciplinary field devoted to ensure the functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology. To develop an architectural model that can be used to deal with management facilities, it is first necessary to establish the role that it must have in business, how to perform these roles and then see if it achieves these requirements. A critical point in developing a model for managing facilities is the lack of an enterprise architecture, due to the building systems and other systems related to infrastructure were designed without a vision of FM on the other hand, these systems usually consist of several heterogeneous technologies in which to function properly must meet requirements such as performance, reliability, portability, scalability and interoperability, among others. This dissertation work proposes to use distributed object architecture to optimize the process of Facilities Management, applied in a real case, especially in a consumer electronics industry of the Industrial Pole of Manaus. The purpose of using this architecture is to reduce complexity through abstraction and separation of design requirements, while directing the steps to be taken by the tasks involved. The proposed method for achieving this goal is the identification of the FM process, specifying where the information obtained will be sorted in order of views using the RM-ODP, and modeling which analyzes the complexities, such as relationships, dependencies and constraints in the process of business, aiming to develop an architecture that will be implemented in the areas of application of the FM process.

Riskbedömning av nuvarande och framtida dricksvattenproduktion i Eskilstuna enligt ODP och MRA

Westermark, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Vatten i Sverige har länge ansetts hålla hög kvalitet, men trots detta inträffar årligensjukdomsfall orsakade av förorenat dricksvatten. I enlighet med livsmedelsverketsföreskrifter om dricksvatten ska dricksvatten vara ”hälsosamt och rent”. Detta är dock inteett praktiskt tillämpbart villkor, då ingen acceptabel risk har satts upp.Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) och det amerikanska naturvårdsverket (US EPA) hardäremot satt upp gränser för vad som är en acceptabel sjukdomsrisk respektiveinfektionsrisk för dricksvatten.Denna studie syftade till att bedöma om reningen vid Hyndevads vattenverks, medavseende på mikroorganismer, möjliggör att en acceptabel risknivå uppnås. Detta hargenomförts med hjälp av metoderna Optimal desinfektionspraxis (ODP) ochMikrobiologisk riskanalys (MRA). ODP är ett norskt system för att bedömamikrobiologiska risker vid ett vattenverk och MRA är ett svenskt verktyg som genom att tahänsyn till variationer i vattenkvalitet och driftförhållanden beräknar hälsorisken. MRA gerutdata i form av infektions- och sjukdomsrisk för konsumenterna samt gör det möjligt attpå ett enkelt sätt jämföra olika typer av beredningar och scenarion med varandra.Vattenverket visade sig varken ha tillräckligt antal skyddsbarriärer, enligtlivsmedelsverkets rekommendationer, eller uppnå tillräcklig rening enligt ODP eller MRA.Resultaten har lett till bedömningen att reningen med avseende på mikroorganismer inte ärtillräcklig och att åtgärder är nödvändiga. Som åtgärd föreslås att nuvarande reningsprocesskompletteras. De tillbyggnader som enligt simuleringarna i MRA skulle klara US EPA:sgräns, som innebär att den årliga infektionsrisken underskrider 1/10 000, var: 1. Membranfiltrering med porstorlek 0,01-0,1 μm 2. En kombination av Ozon (2 mg/l), UV-ljus (25 mJ/cm2) och monokloramin iställetför nuvarande klorering, där tillbyggnaderna är beräknade för att behandla detkonstgjorda grundvattnet 3. Kemisk fällning vid god flockbildning och filtrering / For a long time Sweden has been known to have a high quality of water, although everyyear diseases occur due to drinking water. According to the Swedish National FoodAdministration drinking water shall be “healthy and clean”. In practice this is hard toapply, as an acceptable risk level has not been decided. The World Health Organization(WHO) and the American Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) have specified theacceptable risk for illness and infection due to drinking water.The purpose of this study was to estimate if the process at Hyndevad water treatment plantachieves an acceptable risk level. This has been done by using the methods ODP (Optimaldisinfection practice) and MRA (Microbiological risk assessment). ODP is a Norwegianmethod to evaluate if the process is good enough. MRA is a Swedish tool that includesvariations in water quality and process operation which make it possible to replace riskestimates with calculated numbers. The data is given as risk of infection and disease for theconsumers. This makes it possible to compare different types of processes and scenarios.The study has shown that the water treatment plant neither provides sufficient protectivefence according to Swedish National Food Administration recommendations, nor iseffective enough according to ODP or MRA. This leads to the conclusion that thereduction of microorganisms is not good enough and actions are necessary. That is why itis suggested that the process is complemented. The additional processes that manage toaccomplish the limit according to US EPA, less than 1/10 000 infected per year, would be: 1. Membrane filtration with mesh size 0,01-0,1 μm 2. A combination of 2 mg O3/l, 25 mJ UV/cm2 and monochloramine instead of currentchlorination where the additional processes are calculated to treat the artificialgroundwater 3. Chemical precipitation with good flocculation and filtration

Mikrobiologisk riskanalys för dricksvattenrening vid Görvälnverket / Micobiological risk assessment for the water purification at Görvälnverket

Dahlberg, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Enligt dricksvattenföreskrifterna framtagna av Livsmedelsverket (SLVFS 2001:30), ska ett dricksvatten vara ”hälsosamt och rent” vilket avser att det är ”fritt från mikroorganismer, parasiter och ämnen i sådana antal eller halter att de kan utgöra en fara för människors hälsa”. WHO (2008) bedömer att den största hälsorisken kopplad till dricksvatten är sjukdomsutbrott orsakade av vattenburna patogener och har satt gränsvärdet på den årliga risken för sjukdom till 1/1000 personer. Det amerikanska naturvårdsverket (USEPA) har satt gränsvärdet för årlig infektion till 1/10 000.  Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att utföra en mikrobiologisk riskanalys för Norrvatten och dricksvattenproduktionen vid Görvälnverket vilka försörjer omkring en halv miljon personer i norra Stockholmsområdet med dricksvatten. Det innebar att studera kritiska punkter i reningsprocessen, undersöka hur känsligt Görvälnverket är mot en försämrad råvattenkvalité och vidare att utvärdera de riskanalysverktyg som använts i studien; MRA (Mikrobiologisk Riskanalys), ODP (Optimal Desinfektions Praxis) och Sea Track, framtagna av Svenskt vatten, Norsk Vann respektive SMHI. Jämförelsen visade att ODP och MRA kompletterar varandra. ODP kan användas för att få en översikt över vattenverkets sårbarhet vid normaldrift och sedan kan MRA användas för att simulera olika scenarier med driftstörningar och försämrad råvattenkvalitet. Vid normaldrift är reduktion av patogener enligt MRA och ODP, 7 respektive 8 log10 för bakterier, 6 respektive 7 log10 för virus och 6 log10 för parasiter. Enligt ODP-modellen är detta tillräckligt med befintlig råvattenkvalitet. Enligt MRA-modellen, vilken dock bygger på prover från vattendrag, är reduktionen av virus för låg. För att uppnå gränsvärdet på en årlig risk för infektion på 1/10 000 krävs en höjning av reduktionen för Norovirus och Rotavirus med 1 log10 och för Adenovirus med 3 log10.De mest kritiska reningsstegen är enligt MRA-modellen fällningen samt UV-desinfektionen. Störningar i fällningen påverkar reduktionen av samtliga patogener medan störningar i UV-anläggningen framförallt påverkar reduktionen av virus. Studien visade att det i första hand är förorenade utsläpp i närheten av intaget som har inverkan på dricksvattenkvaliteten. Detta på grund av Mälarens stora volym och därmed på den stora utspädning som mer avlägsna utsläpp genomgår. För att kunna dra definitiva slutsatser krävs dock fler studier. För att höja barriären för alla typer av patogener krävs att de båda tillgängliga åtgärderna (förhöjd UV-dos samt fritt klor) vidtas då en ökad UV-dos endast ger högre reduktion av Norovirus, Rotavirus och Salmonella samt troligtvis parasiter medan tillsats av fritt klor endast ger en förhöjd reduktion av virus och bakterier men inte parasiter. Andra åtgärder för att minska riskerna ligger i att fortsätta arbetet med att minska utsläpp av förorenat vatten i Mälaren (från dagvatten, enskilda avlopp och betesmarker) samt att införa restriktioner för båttrafik och framförallt tömning av septiktankar i Görvälnverkets närområde. / The regulations concerning water quality by the Swedish National Food Administration requires a drinking water that is “healthy and clean”. This implies that it should not contain microorganisms, parasites or other substances in quantities in which they could be harmful. WHO (2008) states that the greatest health risk associated with drinking water are outbreaks of waterborne disease. They have set the tolerable annual risk of disease to 1/1000 whereas the American Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has set the tolerable risk to a 1 /10 000 annual risk of infection. The objective of this thesis was to perform a microbiological risk assessment at Norrvatten and the water purification at “Görvälnverket” which supplies around half a million people in the northern suburbs of Stockholm with drinking water. The assessment involved analyzes of, critical points in the purification process as well as effects of a reduced water quality at the water source. The analysis also aimed to evaluate the features of the models involved in the study which included MRA (Microbiological Risk Assessment), ODP (Optimal Disinfection Praxis) and Sea Track provided by Swedish Water, Norwegian Water and SMHI respectively. MRA and ODP supplement each other. The ODP provides an initial overview of the weaknesses in the process at normal operational conditions and the MRA can then be used to simulate scenarios with parts of the process under sub-normal conditions or with a reduced raw water quality. The two models showed a sufficient microbiological barrier regarding the reduction of bacteria and parasites. The amounts of pathogens reduced at normal operational conditions were for bacteria 7 and 8 log10 respectively, for virus 5 and 7 log10 respectively and for parasites 6 log10. According to MRA, with raw water quality data based on literature values, the reduction of Adenovirus has to improve by 3 log10 and the reduction of Norovirus and Rotavirus with 1 log10 each. The most critical points in the purification process are according to MRA the coagulation process and the UV-disinfection. Disruptions in the coagulation process lower the reduction of all studied pathogens and disruptions in the UV-disinfection lowers the reduction of virus. The simulations showed that discharge near the raw water inlet could have an impact on the drinking water quality.  Discharge further apart from the raw water inlet did not result in critical pathogen concentrations at the inlet due to Mälarens’ great water volume and hence dilution factor. To enhance the reduction of all studied pathogens both available measures have to be applied. This is due to the fact that the UV-radiation only enhances the reduction of Norovirus, Rotavirus, Salmonella and parasites, while free chlorine only enhances the reduction of virus and bacteria. Other measures to reduce the microbiological health risks are to continue the work towards reducing the faecal contamination in Mälaren as well as to set up restrictions for nautical traffic, in particular for faecal discharge from boats with septic tanks in Görvälnverket’s near surroundings.

Influência do Oceano Atlântico Sul na precipitação do Brasil com ênfase sobre o Rio Grande do Sul. / Influence of South Atlantic Ocean on precipitation in Brazil.

Oliveira, Vinicius 18 June 2010 (has links)
In order to analyze the South Atlantic Ocean influence over rainfall patterns in Brazil, in particular, the impacts on the state of Rio Grande do Sul, an oscillation index for the South Atlantic ocean, named IAS, was determined for the period from 1900 to 2008. For this purpose, precipitation rate (Pt), outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) and sea level pressure (SLP) data from the Reanalysis NCEP/NCAR were used. Furthermore, time series of UDEL precipitation and weather stations in Rio Grande do Sul, obtained from the 8th District of Meteorology (Porto Alegre), National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and the State Foundation for Agricultural Research (FEPAGRO) were also used. A series of IAS was correlated with PDO, SOI, and MEI. The IAS correlation coefficients with PDO and MEI were high, showing that PDO and MEI explain 34% and 28% of the IAS variance, respectively. Rainfall observed in Rio Grande do Sul, and UDEL rainfall, were also correlated with Pt, OLR, SLP. For these variables, the correlation coefficients were more significant in Rio Grande do Sul, mainly for Pt with values around 0.6 for the period 1948-2008 and the cold PDO phase, showing greater degrees of association within this phase of the IAS. Furthermore, correlations were done with the index in 0-5 months advance with the variables Pt, OLR and SLP, the best results were found with up to five months in anticipation of Rio Grande do Sul, mainly. Although correlation does not imply a cause-effect relation ship, these results indicate that rainfall in some regions of Brazil was related to IAS, suggesting that this index is potential predictor of precipitation, considering each phase of the PDO, respectively. In particular, it is suggested that the IAS developed here, is used as a predictor of quality of the rainy season in Rio Grande do Sul, with five months in advance, at least. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Foi determinado um índice de oscilação do Atlântico Sul, denominado IAS, para o período de 1900 a 2008, com o objetivo de fazer uma analise da influência do Oceano Atlântico Sul no regime de precipitação do Brasil, em particular os impactos sobre o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para esse fim, foram utilizados dados de Reanálises do NCEP/NCAR dos campos de taxa de precipitação (Pt), ROLE e PNM. Além desses dados, foram utilizadas séries temporais da precipitação da UDEL e das estações meteorológicas do Rio Grande do Sul, do 8º Distrito de Meteorologia (Porto Alegre), do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) e da Fundação Estadual de Pesquisas Agropecuária (FEPAGRO). A série temporal do IAS foi correlacionada com as series da ODP, IOS e, IME, o IAS obtendo uma boa correlação com a ODP e IME, mostrando que a ODP e o IME explicam 34% e 28% da variância do IAS, respectivamente. também foi correlacionado com Pt, ROLE, PNM, precipitação observada no Rio Grande do Sul e, séries temporais da precipitação da UDEL. Para estas variáveis os coeficientes de correlação foram mais significativos no Rio Grande do Sul principalmente para Pt com valores em torno de 0.6 para o período de 1948-2008 e para a fase fria da ODP, mostrando maior grau de associação do IAS com esta fase. Além disso, foram feitas correlações com o índice adiantado de 0 a 5 meses com as variáveis Pt, ROLE e PNM, os melhores resultados foram encontrados com até 5 meses de antecipação no Rio Grande do Sul principalmente. Embora correlação não implique em causa-efeito, esses resultados indicaram que a precipitação em algumas regiões do Brasil esteve relacionada com IAS, sugerindo que esse índice seja previsor potencial da precipitação, considerando cada fase da ODP, respectivamente. Em particular, sugere-se que o IAS, aqui desenvolvido, seja utilizado como previsor da qualidade da estação chuvosa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, com 5 meses de antecedência, pelo menos.

Design of a Network Independent Emergency Service

Khayltash, Golara 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9301997W - MSc thesis - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Emergency services are vital for the minimization of damage, injury and loss of life. These services are, by definition, a combination of telecommunications and information services, and are by nature, distributed. However, most current emergency services do not take advantage of emerging technology, and hence, are restricted in the functionality they offer. This project proposes the design a full information structure for an emergency call centre service, which can be offered as a service or application on any core network. As emergency services are distributed, and combine both telecommunications and information services, an appropriate design tool which caters for these issues, is the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), which will be used in the design of the emergency service. In addition, OSA/Parlay Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) will be used for the application to access telecommunication network functionality. The enterprise viewpoint examines the design requirements and considerations for an emergency system, which is the first step in designing a service based on the RMODP guidelines. Secondly, the information viewpoint is defined, which identifies the information flows between the objects and classes defined in the enterprise viewpoint with the aid of robustness diagrams and high level message sequence charts. Next, the computational viewpoint of the emergency service describes the components that the service consists of and the interfaces through which they communicate, enabling distribution of the system to be visualized. In addition, the engineering and technology viewpoints are briefly touched upon. The RM-ODP proves to be a useful tool the design of this application. In addition, the use of OSA/Parlay APIs have also proved beneficial, enabling the application to run on any platform, irrespective of the level of functionality it already provides. The benefits that this design offers over conventional emergency services are allowing callers and emergency response personnel full access to the functionality of the service, despite any limitations on their telecommunications network, finding the location of a caller from a fixed or mobile phone, ease and speed of obtaining relevant emergency information, and the ease and speed of sending relevant information to emergency response personnel. Finally we recommend improvements in the reliability and accuracy of finding the location of mobile phones, as well as creating ways of identifying the location of VoIP users.

Quantitative paleoenvironmental analysis of carbonate platform sediments on the Marion Plateau (NE Australia, ODP Leg 194)

Sheps, Kathryn 01 November 2004 (has links)
The Marion Plateau is a carbonate-platform complex on the passive northeast Australian margin. During ODP Leg 194, a series of eight sites, on two transects, were drilled through Oligocene to Holocene mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sediments that record the depositional history of the Marion Plateau. Major sediment constituents, including benthic foraminifers, were counted from thin sections made from samples taken from three drilling sites: bryozoan-dominated northern highstand platform site 1193 and northern lowstand ramp site 1194, and coralline red algae-dominated southern platform site 1196. Quantitative multivariate analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages revealed three paleoenvironmentally relevant groups of taxa. The first group, dominated by Amphistegina and Lepidocyclina, was found at all three sites and is interpreted to be representative of euphotic open-shelf deposition in less than 50 m water depth. The second group was dominated by Cycloclypeus, Operculina and planktonic foraminifers. This group was found at all three sites, but was more common from sites on the northern platform and is interpreted to represent deposition in deep, oligophotic water, in greater than 50 m water depth. The third group, consisting of soritids, alveolinids, Austrotrillina and Flosculinella, was found only in sediments from the southern platform and is interpreted to represent deposition in a restricted, shallow-marine environment, in less than 20 m water depth, consistent with a sea-grass meadow. These three groups of taxa record changing paleoenvironments on the Marion Plateau, and reveal the depositional histories of the Marion Plateau's carbonate platforms.

Stratigraphie isotopique du Néodyme dans l'océan Indien: Paléocirculation océanique et Érosion continentale

Gourlan, Alexandra 29 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La composition isotopique du Néodyme dans les sédiments marins est un outil potentiel pour étudier la circulation océanique dans le passé. Le temps de résidence du Nd dans l'océan étant court (200-1000 ans), la valeur du Nd de l'océan global est hétérogène. La composition isotopique en Nd de l'eau de mer varie ainsi en fonction de la paléocirculation, de la provenance des sources, de l'intensité de l'érosion continentale et volcanique. Nous avons mis en place une nouvelle technique afin de reconstruire l'évolution du signal de l'eau de mer profonde et de la fraction détritique dans l'Océan Indien. Notre technique chimique a été validée par comparaison avec les méthodes de Bayon et al., (2002) et Burton et Vance (2001). Avec celle-ci, nous avons étudié deux thématiques: la circulation équatorial Indienne et l'érosion continentale Himalayenne. Pour reconstruire l'évolution de la masse d'eau équatoriale allant de l'océan Pacifique à l'Océan Indien depuis le Miocène, quatre sites ODP de ces deux océans ont été étudiés. La coïncidence en Nd de l'eau de mer entre deux sites distants de 3000 km a permis d'établir, après une réorganisation de la circulation océanique dans l'Océan Indien, l'existence d'un fort courant océanique d'ouest (MIOJet) entre 13 et 3 Ma. La fermeture du passage indonésien se produit en 2 Ma, il y a 3-4 Ma. Nous avons de même analysé, sur les périodes glaciaires-interglaciaires, les compositions isotopiques en Nd de l'eau de mer et de la fraction détritique de sédiments marins provenant d'un site proche de la Baie du Bengale. Les résultats ont montré que les signaux en Nd et 18O variaient conjointement au cours de ces cycles et que les fluctuations en Nd n'étaient pas liées aux variations de l'intensité de la circulation thermohaline mais au régime d'érosion du système Himalaya-Tibet. Ces variations sont très probablement le reflet d'un stockage important de glace sur le système Himalaya-Tibet durant les périodes glaciaires.

Vers une calibration astronomique du Crétacé : le cas du Maastrichtien (Crétacé supérieur) et de la limite Crétacé-Paléogène

Husson, Dorothée 08 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'approche cyclostratigraphique, qui repose sur l'analyse des cyclicités sédimentaires et l'étude de leurs relations avec les évolutions des paramètres orbitaux de la Terre, a été employée ici dans le but de construire une échelle de temps astronomique pour le Maastrichtien. Plusieurs sites ont été étudiés : les forages ODP des legs 122 (marge Nord ouest australienne), 207 (Atlantique équatorial), et 208 (Atlantique sud), le leg DSDP 74X et les coupes à terre situées à Gubbio (Italie) et Bidart (Pays Basque). Les analyses ont portées sur les variations de la susceptibilité magnétique, de la réflectance et des niveaux de gris. L'étude cyclostratigraphique a permis de détecter un contrôle orbital de la sédimentation sur l'ensemble des séries étudiées, avec l'enregistrement de cyclicités correspondants aux variations de l'excentricité à 100 et 405 ka, de l'obliquité et de la précession. Un calage temporel de l'ensemble des séries provenant des forages DSDP et ODP a ensuite été effectué à l'aide de la solution astronomique La0x, sur la base de l'identification des cycles d'excentricité à 405 ka. Ce cadre ainsi créé constitue une échelle de temps relative couvrant 8 Millions d'années, depuis le Campanien supérieur jusqu'à la limite K-Pg. La durée de chaque magnétochrone, du C32r2r au C29r, a ainsi pu être estimée avec une précision de l'ordre de 0.03 Ma. La calibration astronomique des séries calées en temps a été effectuée à l'aide de la nouvelle solution astronomique La10.Deux séries d'âges sont proposées pour les événements géologiques reconnus dans les séries sédimentaires. L'âge de la limite K-Pg a été estimé à ~65.59 Ma ou ~66 Ma.

A Oscilação Decadal do Pacífico (ODP) e sua influência nas temperaturas máximas e mínimas do Rio Grande do Sul

Omena, João Carlos Ribeiro, Omena, João Carlos Ribeiro 18 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:25:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_joao_omena.pdf: 2555778 bytes, checksum: 3d55cd24bdb3d73793d94f037d1c79ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-18 / The Rio Grande do Sul is a State with characteristics in agriculture, that the basis of its economy. In addition, the State also receives many tourists in the region of tumuc and coast. These factors suffer influence of temperature and that a study is necessary to state that the economy is not affected. It is known that there is an ocean influence in meteorological variables and emphasizes that the Pacific Ocean is the largest of the oceans. The sea surface temperatures (SST) of the Pacific Ocean, have a configuration with long-term variations, similar to El Niño, called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and it was discovered that the PDO influences in precipitation in the State (Rebello, 2006). Objective is to study the possible influences of PDO maximum and minimum temperature. For this data used the maximum and minimum temperature from 1925 to 2008 surface stations INMET homogeneous temperature zones and PDO index. Anomaly calculations were made of average temperature minimum and average maximum for each station and their respective monthly averages. With these results calculated the PDO index percentile and the average maximum temperature anomalies and minimal. The percentile served to separate bands ranges below normal, up to 40%, between 40% and 60% being the transition track or normal and above 60% as above normal range. The contingency table was also used as a tool to better organize your data and separate them in cases of normal temperature, maximum below (T. Max. ( - )), normal, and above the normal (T.Max. ( + )) and the minimum temperature is below normal (T. Min. ( - )), normal, and above the normal (T. Min. ( + )). After the establishment of contingency table was necessary to calculate percentage results. For better orientation was done a climatology for each region homogeneous separated into upper and lower limits, where values that are within this limit are considered in the normal range. The test was done the Chi square and as a result it was noted that the invalidity of the test is true. It was possible to check this work in R1 the PDO warm influenced an increase maximum temperature and decrease minimum temperature; the cold PDO influenced in R2 an increase minimum temperature and warm PDO decrease maximum temperature and minumum temperature. Cold PDO influenced in R3 increase the maximum and minimum tmeperature and warm PDO decrease maximum temperature and increase minimum temperature; in R4 the cold PDO influenced an increase maximum and minimum temperature and the warm PDO decreased the maximum and minimum temperature. All these results are given in number of cases over the course of the year. However doesn t have significant among variables. So, the State Rio Grande do Sul maximum and minimum temperature are influencied by PDO but this was insignificant. / O Rio Grande do Sul é um estado com características na agricultura, que é a base da sua economia. Além disso, o Estado também recebe muitos turistas na região de serra e litorânea. Esses fatores sofrem influência da temperatura e isso se faz necessário um estudo para que a economia do Estado não seja afetada. Sabese que existe uma influência dos oceanos nas mais diversas variáveis meteorológicas e ressalta-se que o Oceano Pacífico é o maior dos oceanos. As temperaturas da superfície do mar (TSM) do Oceano Pacífico, apresentam uma configuração com variações de longo prazo, semelhante ao El Niño, denominada Oscilação Decadal do Pacífico (ODP) e foi descoberto que a ODP influencia na precipitação do Estado (Rebello, 2006). Objetiva-se estudar as possíveis influências da ODP na temperatura máxima e mínima. Para isso utilizou-se os dados de temperatura máxima e mínima no período de 1925 a 2008 das estações de superfície do INMET em regiões homogêneas de temperatura e os índices de ODP. Foram realizados cálculos de anomalias de temperatura média máxima e média mínima para cada estação e suas respectivas médias mensais. Com esses resultados calculou-se o percentil dos índices de ODP e das médias das anomalias de temperatura máxima e mínima. O percentil serviu para separar intervalos de faixas abaixo da normal, até 40%, entre 40% e 60% sendo a faixa de transição ou normal e acima de 60% como sendo a faixa acima da normal. A Tabela de Contingência também foi usada como ferramenta para organizar melhor os dados e separá-los em número de casos de temperatura máxima abaixo da normal, (T. Max.( - )), normal, e acima da normal (T. Max.( + )) e o mesmo com a temperatura mínima sendo abaixo da normal (T. Min.( - )), normal, e acima da normal (T. Min.( + )). Após a elaboração da Tabela de Contingência foi necessário calcular em porcentagem seus resultados. Para uma melhor orientação foi feito uma climatologia para cada região homogênea separadas em limites inferior e superior, onde os valores que estiverem dentro desse limite são considerados na faixa de normalidade. Foi feito o teste do Qui-quadrado e como resultado observou-se que a nulidade do teste é verdadeira. Foi possível verificar no trabalho que R1 a ODP quente influenciou num aumento da temperatura máxima e diminuição da temperatura mínima; em R2 a ODP fria influenciou num aumento da temperatura mínima e a ODP quente numa diminuição da temperatura máxima e diminuição da temperatura mínima; em R3 a ODP fria influenciou num aumento da temperatura máxima e mínima e a ODP quente numa diminuição da temperatura máxima e aumento da temperatura mínima; em R4 a ODP fria influenciou num aumento da temperatura máxima e mínima e a ODP quente numa diminuição da temperatura máxima e mínima. Todos esses resultados se deram em número de casos ao decorrer do ano. E apesar disso não houve significância entre as variáveis estudadas. Sendo assim, as temperaturas máximas e mínimas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul sofrem influência da ODP, mas não se obteve significância estatística.

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