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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av kapacitetpotential och produktionslayout i robotcell : Examensarbete utfört på Swepart Transmission AB / Analysis of Capacity and Layout of an Automated Cell.

Gasslander, Lina, Posae, Nasrin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is done at Swepart transmission AB in Liatorp. Swepart is a manufacturing company of transmission solutions. As customer demands and production volumes increase, it results in higher requirements on the production. The main purpose with this thesis has been to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and the profitability in one of the company’s robot cells, with an associated lathe. The study is limited to the three most common articles that is produced in Cell 1: 433, 401 and 296. The research questions purpose is to identify the potential of the capacity in the cell, but also to analyse the actions that can be done to improve the capacity. To be able to answer the research questions, observations of the production has been made and collected data from Axxos has been used. The production layout has carefully been studied to find out which factors that affect the utilization in the cell. With this collected data the OEE-index has been calculated, for the whole cell as well as for each article. Time analyses have also been made over the robots and the machines cycle times, in order to see what time losses that occur in the cell. The result in the study shows that the biggest capacity losses are related to the performance for two of the articles. Though the timeline for the last article shows that the cycle time can be decreased, just by increasing the production rate of the milling. There are also a lot of big losses in the availability that can be improved. One of the bigger losses is the lack of staff. Another important part to consider is routines with the lathe. The company have to work with the lathe by the theory of constraint, which means that the lathe always must be available and producing. An important but simple action is to increase the production rate in the article 433. This would imply that the possible run time of the lathe would increase, but also for the whole cell due to the lathe is a bottleneck. Another important action is to overhaul the way they work with OEE in Axxos, as they according to their current work is hiding big and important losses in the production. It is also important to make sure that the stops and cycle time of the lathe is registered in Axxos. Since the lathe is a bottleneck is it the most important machine to keep track of. The study has shown that there is a big potential of the capacity in the cell, but that it is mostly limited by the lathe’s slow production rate. Therefore, it is important to process the lathe as a bottleneck and eliminate the factors that decreases the lathe’s possible production time. / Detta examensarbete är utfört på Swepart transmission AB i Liatorp. Företaget är ett tillverkande företag av transmissionslösningar. Allt efter som kundkrav och tillverkningsvolymer ökar innebär det att högre krav ställs på produktionen. Syftet med arbetet har därför varit att höja OEE-talet och lönsamheten i en av företagets produktionsceller, med tillhörande svarv. Studien är begränsad till de tre vanligaste artiklarna som går i cell 1: 433, 401 och 296. Frågeställningens syfte är att identifiera kapacitetspotentialen i cellen, men även att analysera vilka åtgärder som kan göras för att höja kapaciteten. För att svara på frågeställningarna har observationer av produktionen gjorts och insamlade data från Axxos har använts. Produktionslayouten har noga studerats för att få reda på vilka faktorer som påverkar utnyttjandegraden i cellen. Med denna data har OEE-talet räknats ut för cellen, både för hela cellen och för de olika artiklarna. Även tidsaxlar över robotens och maskinernas cykeltider i cellen har gjorts för att se vilka tidsförluster som sker i cellen. Resultatet visar att de största kapacitetsförlusterna ligger i anläggningsutnyttjandet för två av artiklarna, där svarven är den styrande faktorn. Tidsaxeln för den sista artikeln visar dock att cykeltiden enkelt kan minskas genom att öka hastigheten för fräsen. Det finns också stora förluster som kan förbättras i tillgängligheten, där personalbrist utgör en stor del av stoppen. En annan viktig del att ta i beaktning är att arbeta med svarven enligt flaskhalsteori. Detta innebär att se till att svarven alltid är tillgänglig för produktion. En viktig men enkel åtgärd är att öka tillverkningstakten för artikeln 433. Detta skulle innebära att den möjliga körtiden för svarven hade ökats, och därmed för hela cellen på grund av att svarven är en flaskhals. En annan viktig åtgärd är att se över sättet de arbetar med deras OEE-tal i Axxos, då de enligt det nuvarande arbetssättet döljer viktiga och stora förluster. Det är också viktigt att se till att stoppen och cykeltider i svarven också registrerar i Axxos. Eftersom svarven är en flaskhals är den det viktigaste att hålla koll på. Arbetet har visat att det finns stor kapacitetspotential i cellen, men att det är till stor del begränsat av svarvens långsamma produktionstakt. Det är därför viktigt att behandla svarven som en flaskhals och att eliminera de faktorer som gör att svarven inte kan producera under planerad produktionstid.
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Produktionsanalys av delflöde i en produktionslina / Production Analysis of a partial flow in a production line

Hjerpe, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Swedish Match har ställt frågan vilka potentiella problem de har i en specifik del av sitt produktionsflöde. Målet med denna studie är att skapa ett underlag för fortsatt förbättringsarbete med att minska den icke värdeskapande tiden på produktionslina A på Swedish Match fabrik i Kungälv, samt att ta fram rekommendationer inför framtida produktion. Arbetet består av en produktionsanalys av transportbandet, nulägesanalys av produktionslinan samt olika problem som kan uppstå kring det avgränsade området. Metoder som huvudsakligen använts för att hämta information är observationer, simulering, litteratur och produktionsmätningar. Nuläget har visualiserats med hjälp av simulering i 3D med programmet ”Tecnomatix Plant Simulation”, detta för att på ett enklare sätt förstå den nuvarande processen i flödet.   Produktionsanalysen innehåller data som analyserats utifrån produktionsmätningar samt information som delgivits från företaget angående hur deras nyckeltal Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) och produktionsnivå ser ut i dag. Från analysen har det främst noterats att de problem som uppstår inom det avgränsade området visat sig vara symptom som är en del av ett mer grundläggande problem. Därefter har slutsatser dragits om att Swedish Match bör analysera övriga delar på den studerade produktionslina A.   Den huvudsakliga rekommendationen till Swedish Match är att fokusera på helheten snarare än på delflöden, detta för att uppnå en högre produktivitet genom hela flödet. Slutligen rekommenderas Swedish Match att studera övriga delar i produktion för att på så sätt skapa möjligheter till förbättringsåtgärder som är långvarigt hållbara och inte enbart lösningar för specifika delflöden. Flera av de rekommendationer som påvisats är enkla att genomföra och skulle därmed kunna minska en del av den icke värdeskapande tiden som i nuläget finns på produktionslina A. / Swedish Match has questioned what kind of potential problems they have in a specific part of their production flow. The aim of this study is to create a solid ground for continuous improvements for reducing the non value-adding time on the production line A at Swedish Match manufacturing plant in Kungälv. Further, recommendations for future production will be given. The work consists of a production analysis of the conveyer belt system, an analysis of the present situation of the production line and other various problems that can occur in the defined area. Methods that primarily have been used to gather information are observations, simulations, relevant literature and production measurements. The present situation has been visualized through a 3D simulation programme called “Tecnomatix Plant Simulation”, in order to more easily understand the current process flow.   The production analysis contains of data, which have been analysed from production measurements and information that the company has provided in order to analyse their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and production level. The analysis shows that the problems occuring in the defined area turned out to be symptoms, of a more fundamental problem. Subsequently, conclusions have been drawn that Swedish Match should analyse the other parts of the studied production line A.  The main recommendation to Swedish Match is to focus on the entire rather than the partial flow, in order to improve the productivity. Finally, Swedish Match is recommended to study other parts of the production system in order to create opportunities for long-term improvement measures, and not just solutions for a specific partial flow. Many of the recommendations are easy to implement and would thus reduce parts of the non value-adding time, on production line A.
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Utveckla förbättringsunderlag och utöka utnyttjandegraden för en maskincell / Develop improvements bases and expand the utilization rate for a machinecell

Lingman, Simon, Einemo Swahn, Dennis January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är utfört på RPC Superfos i Mullsjö och företaget tillverkar plastförpackningar till livsmedelsprodukter runtom i världen. RPC Superfos har ett uppsatt mål att det sammanlagda TAK/OEE-värdet för samtliga maskiner inte skall understiga 76,4 %. I dagsläget ligger många av maskincellerna på ett TAK/OEE-värde över målet, medan vissa ligger under 50 % vilket innebär att målet inte uppnås. Den maskincell som omfattas för projektet har lägst TAK/OEE-värde av samtliga maskinceller i fabriken. Syftet har varit att undersöka varför denna maskin inte uppnår företagets mål med ett TAK/OEE värde på 76,4 %. Efter att ha analyserat data över maskincellens stopp konstaterades att den bidragande orsaken till det låga TAK/OEE-värdet beror på ställtiden. Utifrån detta konstaterande har flera arbetsmetoder som frekvensstudier, intervjuer, SMED och spaghettidiagram använts för att presentera förbättringsförslag. Just ställtiden har valts som ett delmål för att fortsätta processen och genom en överenskommelse med företaget valdes att försöka reducera ställtiden från mediantiden 12h till 7h och detta skulle motsvara 42 % av den totala ställtiden på maskincellen. Metodvalen som tidigare nämnts beskrivs i referensramen och detta har gynnat det fortsatta arbetet med att försöka reducera ställtiden och därmed öka tillgängligheten för maskincellen. Under sju omställningar användes Genchi Genbutsu som arbetsmetod för att skapa en ökad förståelse över processen. Under samtliga omställningarsamlades data in med arbetsmetoden frekvensstudie där ställarnas aktiviteter kategoriserades för att identifiera beläggningen för varje aktivitet. Slutligen användes arbetsmetoden spaghettidiagram för att analysera och dokumentera ställarnas rörelser. 19 förbättringsförslag presenterades för personal på RPC Superfos, 10 utav förbättringsförslagen användes under en avslutande omställning. Resultatet från den avslutande omställningen jämfördes emot mediantiden för en omställning. Resultatet blev att omställningen tog 5 timmar, 10 minuter och 14 sekunder, vilket innebär en procentuell minskning av omställningstiden med 57,5%
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Measuring For Improvement: A study of production processes’ effectiveness and the potential for improvements at Nobel Biocare

Ben Or, Yaniv January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Purpose</em>: this thesis study aims to provide an analysis and an assessment of the current operations’ performance effectiveness at Nobel Biocare’s production plant in Karlskoga, Sweden and to describe the potential for improvement. It intends to clarify the importance of performance measurement and explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics in particular.Furthermore, it strives to identify causes for inefficiency in production and suggest recommendations to minimize losses.</p><p><em>Methodology:</em> the study is using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in parallel as measurements are implemented to discover effectiveness rates and detect causes for production losses while assessments are made using different models, such as the Capability Maturity Model(CMM) and OEE assessments, in order to evaluate the current development level and the potential for improvement.</p><p><em>Findings:</em> the research finds that major losses are closely related to frequency of changeovers in machining processes, where average effectiveness rates were 68%. In surface treatment and packaging equipment inspected, the values were found to be between 46% and 59% as the major common cause was the absence of work due to unstable flow of orders. Assessing process orientation and maturity levels, the findings indicate on high levels in general. However, areas of weakness were identified in the different processes in which the potential for improvement is embedded. In those areas, lower OEE values were registered; low levels of maturity and process orientation were found, as low development of losses improvement were assessed. The study finally suggests that the areas of weakness suffer from lack of learning orientation that is ought to be improved and at the same time, a variety of specific recommendations are provided.</p>
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Measuring For Improvement: A study of production processes’ effectiveness and the potential for improvements at Nobel Biocare

Ben Or, Yaniv January 2010 (has links)
<p>Purpose:this thesis study aims to provide an analysis and an assessment of the current operations’ performance effectiveness at Nobel Biocare’s production plant in Karlskoga, Sweden and to describe the potential for improvement. It intends to clarify the importance of performance measurement and explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics in particular. Furthermore, it strives to identify causes for inefficiency in production and suggest recommendations to minimize losses.</p><p>Methodology: the study is using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in parallel as measurements are implemented to discover effectiveness rates and detect causes for production losses while assessments are made using different models, such as the Capability Maturity Model(CMM) and OEE assessments, in order to evaluate the current development level and the potential for improvement.</p><p>Findings: the research finds that major losses are closely related to frequency of changeovers in machining processes, where average effectiveness rates were 68%. In surface treatment and packaging equipment inspected, the values were found to be between 46% and 59% as the major common cause was the absence of work due to unstable flow of orders. Assessing process orientation and maturity levels, the findings indicate on high levels in general. However, areas of weakness were identified in the different processes in which the potential for improvement is embedded. In those areas, lower OEE values were registered; low levels of maturity and process orientation were found, as low development of losses improvement were assessed. The study finally suggests that the areas of weakness suffer from lack of learning orientation that is ought to be improved and at the same time, a variety of specific recommendations are provided.</p>
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Analysis and Actions for Robust ElectronicsProduction at Haldex Brake Products Ltd

Andersson, Philip, Eklund, Tommy January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis report contains information about a project carried out at Haldex Brake Products that is situated in Redditch England. The Redditch site is part of the “Commercial Vehicle Systems” division within the Haldex group. Haldex Brake Products is designing and producing electronic anti lock brake systems. The latest product is called GEN2 and the project goal was to increase productivity and achieve more stability within the production processes of this product. The goal was achieved trough implementation suggestions affecting the three categories in overall equipment efficiency (OEE). Nine of the biggest implementations are presented in this report. Some of the suggestions are already implemented and some are under progress to be implemented. These implementations will result in an increase in productivity with additionally 953 products per week. The expected results are based on calculations on an average product. The report also contains suggestions for future actions to even more increase the efficiency of the production processes at Haldex Brake Products in Redditch.

Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping

Månsson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
If Swedish companies are to compete with companies in low-cost countries they have to achieve a more efficient production. The purpose of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the company's profitability by increasing the productivity. TPM is a method that involves all employees and aims to prevent failures in order to increase the availability of existing equipment. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation process of TPM and give recommendations for the further implementation process. The conclusion and the analysis are based on a case study done at a production department at ABB Cewe-Controls facilities in Nyköping. The case study consists mainly of qualitative data from participation observations, surveys and interviews. Commitment of the management is a key factor in the implementation process of TPM. The management of ABB Cewe-Control need to demonstrate their commitment in order for a change to happen. The case study shows that the commitment of both employee and management must be raised if the implementation process is to be successful. To avoid unnecessary conflicts or irritation in the further implementation process it is important to clarify responsibilities and roles in the implementation of TPM. The case study has also shown that the training during the implementation process has not been sufficient. Proper training is needed to be able to conduct the implementation process of TPM in an effective manner. Proper training is also needed to raise the motivation of the staff. Business Development is ABB’s methodology for the improvement work in the company. Business Development is a well-known concept in the organisation and has a well-defined connection with the company's strategic objectives. Because of this there is no reason why the improvement work and how it has been done should change. Business Development is a good foundation for the implementation of TPM and the improvement work in the future. / För att svenska företag ska kunna konkurrera med företag som har produktion i lågkostnadsländer måste företagen bedriva en effektivare produktion. Syftet med totalt produktivt underhåll (TPU) är att öka företagets lönsamhet genom att höja produktiviteten. TPU är ett arbetssätt där alla medarbetare ska engageras för att minimera störningar och haverier så att utrustningseffektiviteten kan höjas. Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping och ge rekommendationer för den fortsatta implementeringen. Som grund för analys och slutsats har en fallstudie på ett pilotavsnitt genomförts. Fallstudien byggs upp till största delen av kvalitativ data i form av deltagande observationer, enkäter och intervjuer. Ledningens engagemang är den mest centrala faktorn i implementeringen av TPU. Produktionsledningen på ABB Cewe-Control måste tydligare visa engagemanget i aktiva handlingar för att en förändring ska kunna ske. Resultatet från fallstudien visar på att både medarbetarnas och produktionsledningens engagemang måste höjas för att verksamheten ska kunna utvecklas. För att det framtida arbetet inte heller ska drabbas av onödiga konflikter eller irritation är det viktigt att tydliggöra ansvar och roller vid implementeringen av TPU. Fallstudien har också visat på att utbildningen under implementeringen inte har varit tillräcklig. Ordentlig utbildningen behövs för att TPU-arbetet ska kunna bedrivas på ett effektivt sätt och för att höja motivationen hos medarbetarna. Den förbättringsverksamhet som tidigare har bedrivits inom ramarna för verksamhetsutveckling (VU) är en mycket bra grund för förbättringsarbetet i TPU. Det finns ingen anledning till att inte fortsätta med förbättringsverksamheten enligt VU eftersom det är inarbetat i verksamheten och då VU så tydligt kopplar samman gruppernas arbete med företagets strategiska mål.
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Produktionsuppföljning på WilloMaskin AB

Yassin, Karmel January 2007 (has links)
The purpose with this bachelor thesis is to identify risks and insufficiencies concerning the production at WilloMaskin AB. The project is limited to only 4 machines, where theories as “OEE” (overall equipment efficacy) should be illuminated and analyzed. The theory of “Single Minute Exchange of Die” is also presented. The method used in this project is mostly based on qualitative studies but also quantitative studies are presented. Information has been gathered from Willo Maskin ABs own calculations, the university library of Växjö and electronical sources. The studies have been made through observation and notes of the production process at the workplace. Routines have been checked and discussions with people involved in the process have been passed. The observation also included machine stand still measurement and OEE calculations. The measuring for each machine under a time period shows the lack in the production progress and the methods used. The results show that the machine adjustment is the part of the process that requires the most production time. Discussions with machine operators prove that a lot of them don’t know how to handle new machines. However, the machines work very efficient when they work. It takes short adjustments and further education of operators to increase the availability. The introduction of different production follow-up systems is necessary to be able to measure, and in a long term even reduce the reasons of standstill.
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Measuring For Improvement: A study of production processes’ effectiveness and the potential for improvements at Nobel Biocare

Ben Or, Yaniv January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: this thesis study aims to provide an analysis and an assessment of the current operations’ performance effectiveness at Nobel Biocare’s production plant in Karlskoga, Sweden and to describe the potential for improvement. It intends to clarify the importance of performance measurement and explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics in particular.Furthermore, it strives to identify causes for inefficiency in production and suggest recommendations to minimize losses. Methodology: the study is using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in parallel as measurements are implemented to discover effectiveness rates and detect causes for production losses while assessments are made using different models, such as the Capability Maturity Model(CMM) and OEE assessments, in order to evaluate the current development level and the potential for improvement. Findings: the research finds that major losses are closely related to frequency of changeovers in machining processes, where average effectiveness rates were 68%. In surface treatment and packaging equipment inspected, the values were found to be between 46% and 59% as the major common cause was the absence of work due to unstable flow of orders. Assessing process orientation and maturity levels, the findings indicate on high levels in general. However, areas of weakness were identified in the different processes in which the potential for improvement is embedded. In those areas, lower OEE values were registered; low levels of maturity and process orientation were found, as low development of losses improvement were assessed. The study finally suggests that the areas of weakness suffer from lack of learning orientation that is ought to be improved and at the same time, a variety of specific recommendations are provided.
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Measuring For Improvement: A study of production processes’ effectiveness and the potential for improvements at Nobel Biocare

Ben Or, Yaniv January 2010 (has links)
Purpose:this thesis study aims to provide an analysis and an assessment of the current operations’ performance effectiveness at Nobel Biocare’s production plant in Karlskoga, Sweden and to describe the potential for improvement. It intends to clarify the importance of performance measurement and explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics in particular. Furthermore, it strives to identify causes for inefficiency in production and suggest recommendations to minimize losses. Methodology: the study is using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in parallel as measurements are implemented to discover effectiveness rates and detect causes for production losses while assessments are made using different models, such as the Capability Maturity Model(CMM) and OEE assessments, in order to evaluate the current development level and the potential for improvement. Findings: the research finds that major losses are closely related to frequency of changeovers in machining processes, where average effectiveness rates were 68%. In surface treatment and packaging equipment inspected, the values were found to be between 46% and 59% as the major common cause was the absence of work due to unstable flow of orders. Assessing process orientation and maturity levels, the findings indicate on high levels in general. However, areas of weakness were identified in the different processes in which the potential for improvement is embedded. In those areas, lower OEE values were registered; low levels of maturity and process orientation were found, as low development of losses improvement were assessed. The study finally suggests that the areas of weakness suffer from lack of learning orientation that is ought to be improved and at the same time, a variety of specific recommendations are provided.
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