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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Program for Correctional Officers

Booth, Brandi 01 January 2009 (has links)
Research involving correctional officer stress has increased over the past several decades due to the overall concern of the consequences of stress within the field. When comparing the body of research for police officers versus correctional officers, it is clear that there is abundance of research for the former than the latter. Further, advanced stress management programs have yet to be evaluated in a correctional setting, specifically the cognitive-behavioral interventions supplied in medical and athletic settings. The present investigation studied the effects of an adaptive cognitive-behavioral stress management for correctional officers during their academy training and its effect on self-reported stress levels pre-field training, 3-month and 6-month field training time. Officers were placed into two groups, one of which received the 1-hour CBSM program (focusing on cognitive restructuring, assertion and problem-solving training) and the other that received the standard protocol in academy training. The officers completed a series of self-reported measures including the Job Stress Survey, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding and an assessment to determine their knowledge retention of the skills presented in the program. Results indicated that those in the experimental group's self-reported job stress severity increased over six months, compared to the control group. It was suggested that participants tended to present themselves in an overly confident and inaccurate manner, which may have contributed to the subclinical scores on the scales. Additionally, the experimental group demonstrated decreases on several job stress measures, and increases in phobic anxiety and depression.

Characteristics and effects of relationships involving Federal Government contracting officers

Lawless, John Noel Jr. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The role of the contracting officer has evolved through our nation's history from one of simply an intermediary between supplier and consumer to that of a sophisticated manager of requirements and resources. In the execution of his many and varied duties and responsibilities, the present-day contracting officer must interact with a variety of individuals and organizations. This report attempts to identify these various relationships, to analyze their characteristics, and to determine how each affects the contracting officer' s accomplishment of his primary tasks and responsibilities. The researcher proposes a model of the contracting officer's environment and identifies ten relationships involving the contracting officer which appear to predominate in this environment. The 169 procurement tasks compiled by Fowler from previous research are analyzed in the context of these relationships . The researcher concludes by revising the proposed model and suggesting that it be further refined by subsequent field validation. / http://archive.org/details/characteristicse00lawl / Captain, United States Army

The German Officer Corps and the Socialists, 1918-1920: A Reappraisal

Pierce, Walter Rankin 05 1900 (has links)
This work attempts to examine the relationship shared by two ideologically opposed groups during the post-World War I period in Germany. The officer corps is viewed as a relic of the traditional imperial state while the socialists represented the harbinger of the modern, democratic, industrialized state. Although it should seem evident that these two factions of society would be natural enemies, the chaos of World War I pushed these ideological, opposites into the same corner.

Police Perceptions on False Accusations of Sexual Assault

Ostrander, Danielle 01 May 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to expand current literature regarding police officers’ perceptions on false accusations of sexual assault; specifically, focusing on perceptions of the frequency of false accusations, rape myths and behavior displayed by women reporting sexual assault. Police officers’ perceptions on false accusations of sexual assault were examined by administering a 21-question survey consisting of close-ended and open-ended questions. The survey included questions about police perceptions, false accusations, rape myths, training, and behaviors of women reporting sexual assault. The sample consisted of 40 sworn law enforcement officers from different municipal police departments in Tennessee. The results showed that, despite empirical evidence, police officers were more likely to perceive high rates of false accusations of sexual assault, as well as endorse certain rape myths. Findings also showed a number of police officers perceived different behaviors of women making a false report than those not making a false report.

Significant indicators of intent to leave among army dental corps junior officers

Shelley, Johnette Joy 01 July 2010 (has links)
Objective: To identify the significant predictors associated with Army Dental Corps Junior Officers' intent to leave the military. Methods: A secondary data analysis was conducted utilizing the responses from the 2009 Army Dental Officer Retention Survey. The 92 item questionnaire consisted of questions addressing retention issues. Although the survey was distributed to all Army dental officers, only results from junior officers were considered for this study. Results: Forty-six percent of junior officers completed the survey (N=577; n=267).Fifty-eight percent of respondents reported an intent to leave the military prior to retirement. In the final regression model, six variables were significantly (p < .05) associated with an officer's intent to leave: unit of assignment (p<.009, Beta=.144); specialty training status or area of concentration (AOC) (p< .047, Beta=.098) ; age (p<.002, Beta= -.133); military lifestyle (p<.001, Beta=.236); benefits (p<.000, Beta= -.408) and professional development (p<.023, Beta=.194). The model accounted for 45.7% of the total variance. Conclusion: Variables other than pay, bonuses, deployments, frequent moves and student debt were significantly associated with intent to leave. Future studies should be conducted to more fully understand how the identified significant predictor variables impact intent to leave so that policies can be developed to help reduce turn-over among junior dental officers.

Observations of a regional education officer for catholic primary schools : implications for administrators

Doolan, T. J., n/a January 1990 (has links)
The study's primary purpose was, through the recorded observations of a Regional Education Officer (REO) working in Catholic primary schools over eighteen months, to draw out implications for local and central administrators for the maintenance and improvement of the schools' quality. Of particular interest was the question that since the schools were Catholic schools, would or should this make any significant difference to these implications. A secondary purpose of the study was the clarification and articulation for myself of what the main elements of the REO role might best be in practice. Analysis of diary entries and relevant Catholic Education Office documents was based on the writer's fundamental assumption that the merits of educational administrative decisions and actions should be judged in relation to the benefit these are to teachers and their students. The main conclusions of the study were: i) that the recognition by administrators of the special qualities of the personal and interpersonal relationships existing in schools would assist administrators in maintaining and developing the schools' quality; ii) that the religious faith aspect of the ideals of a Catholic school adds a deeper dimension to the special qualities of the personal and interpersonal relationships which are common to schools; iii) that such are the demands by staffs of schools for support and assistance, that the only ones who can realistically meet the bulk of such demands are staffs themselves, supporting and assisting each other through some form of regular collegial system; iv) that schools are more non-rational than rational organizations, and hence an emphasis on bureaucratic administrative processes will be detrimental to schools' effectiveness.

Nautikerns möjlighet att reducera bunkerförbrukningen

Branelius, Oscar, Albertsson, Richard January 2009 (has links)
<p>The work aims to clarify what nautical officers onboard in today's merchant can do to help reduce bunker consumption during the voyage? The question we have asked ourselves during the autumn term in 2008 much was said about the premium bunker prices, and how the future could affect our daily lives as nautical officer. We felt here that the school had relatively little knowledge of the subject and therefore felt that it would be interesting to identify how it really looks like onboard the ships today. To collect information we contacted 7 Swedish companies that operate with different types of vessels, in order to get a broad picture of the whole industry. For shipping companies we asked questions about how actively they were working on the issue and what methods they used. We found that the owners worked with the issue but that it so far was a little on the go. All but one company in the survey provided the vessels are instructed to run bunker efficiently.</p> / <p>Arbetet syftar till att klarlägga vad nautikerna ombord i dagens handelsfartyg kan göra för att reducera bunkerförbrukningen under pågående sjöresa? Frågan ställde vi oss eftersom det under höstterminen 2008 talades mycket om de ”skyhöga” bunkerpriserna och hur de i framtiden skulle påverka vår vardag som nautiker. Vi kände att det på skolan fanns förhållandevis lite kunskap i ämnet och tyckte därför att det vore intressant att kartlägga hur det verkligen ser ut ombord i fartygen idag. Främst gällande direktiv till befälen rörande bunkerreducerande metoder.</p><p>För att få underlag för arbetet kontaktade vi 7 stycken svenska rederier som är verksamma med olika typer av fartyg, detta för att få en bred bild av hela sjöfartsbranschen. Till rederierna ställde vi frågor om de aktivt arbetade med frågan och i så fall vad de använde sig av för metoder. Vi kunde konstatera att redarna arbetade med frågan men att det än så länge låg lite i startgroparna. Alla utom ett rederi i undersökning gav fartygen instruktioner om att köra bunkereffektivt.</p>

Specialistofficersutbildningen - en analys / The of Swedish Specialistofficers – an analysis

Jansson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den svenska Försvarsmakten har de senaste åren omorganiserats från ett invasionsförsvar till ett insatsförsvar. Genom detta har bilden och kraven på officeren förändrats, därtill också officersutbildningen.</p><p>År 2007 introducerades Specialistofficersutbildningen och fr.o.m. januari 2009 använder sig Sverige av ett tvåbefälssystem baserat på internationell praxis. De två befälskategorierna benämns specialistofficer och officer med taktisk- operativ inriktning.</p><p>Med uppsatsen avsåg författaren analysera framtagandet av specialistofficersutbildningen samt analysera hur tvåbefälssystemet kan komma att påverka Försvarsmakten som organisation. Detta genomfördes genom intervjuer med avgränsning till ett kompani där två av sergeanterna som genomfört Specialistofficersutbildningen 2007-2008 tjänstgjort och berörda befäl i kompaniorganisationen. Studier genomfördes också av officiella dokument och utvärderingar rörande Specialistofficersutbildningen 2007-2008 vid Markstridsskolan.</p><p>Resultatet kan sammanfattas genom att tvåbefälssystemet mycket möjligt kommer att vara till fördel för Försvarsmakten på lång sikt. Innan organisationen har tagit till sig systemet kommer det troligtvis att förekomma svårigheter i mindre och större skala. De berörda sergeanterna som genomförde Specialistofficersutbildningen 2007-2008 har inte haft några problem att lösa de uppgifter de blivit ställda inför, således har utbildningen varit tillräcklig. </p> / <p>Swedish Armed Forces has been through major reorganisations over the last years. It has gone from a Force with the alignment to protect it’s Nation from an invation, to a Force that concentrates on international efforts. Through this, the image of the officer has changed, and also the training of Officers.</p><p>Training of Specialistofficers was introduced in the year 2007, and as from January 2009 Sweden is using a system that includes two categories of officers. The two categories are Specialistofficers, and Officers with a tactical- operational alignment.</p><p>With the essay, the writer intended to analyse the origin of the Specialistofficers training, and also analyse how the two-category system can affect the Swedish Armed Forces as an organisation. This was conducted through interviews with individuals at one company where two of the Sergeants that hade been through the first batch of the Specialistofficers training had served, and also with involved officers in the company organisation.</p><p>Studies was also carried out on official Documents and evaluations concerning the Specialistofficers training the year 2007-2008 at Swedish Army Combat School.</p><p>The result can summarize the fact that the two category System, very well can be an advantage for the Swedish Armed Forces in the long run. But before the Organisation can profit the System there will probably be difficulties. </p><p>The concerned Sergeants have had no problems in solving the tasks that have been given to them, thus have the Training been adequate.</p>

Akademiseringen av officersutbildningen : En lång och krokig väg?

Björkman, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>Akademiseringen av officersyrket i Sverige fick sitt genombrott när Försvarshögskolan fick examensrätt 2007. Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att undersöka akademiseringsprocessen inom Försvarsmakten och, om görligt, beskriva vilka konsekvenser och möjligheter akademiseringen gav. Ett vidare syfte är att beskriva vilka bevekelsegrunder som förelåg beslutet att akademisera officersutbildningen.</p><p>Frågeställningarna är följande: Hur kan, utifrån valda huvuddokument och handlingar, akademiseringen av officersprofessionen i Sverige beskrivas? Vilka jämförelser gjordes med andra nationer och vilka effekter, vilken påverkan, fick detta för framtagandet av strukturen för Försvarshögskolans nuvarande militära utbildningar? Om vi betraktar officersutbildningen som en akademisk yrkesexamen, hur skulle då en alternativ utbildning med en civil akademisk examen och en kortare militär yrkesutbildning kunna vara uppbyggd?</p><p>Arbetsmetoden är att kritiskt undersöka innehållet i källmaterialet och som mätinstrument används statsvetaren Nils Andréns teoretiska modell för säkerhetspolitisk analys. Arbetet utgår från hypotesen att långsiktiga politiska beslut avseende Försvarsmakten grundas på objektivitet och rationalitet.</p><p>Undersökningen visar att akademiseringsprocessen löpt i två parallella spår med sinsemellan skilda motiv och tidsrymder. Vidare visar arbetet att jämförelser med andra nationer gjordes och att intryck från dessa, främst avseende att utbildningen skall vara akademisk, togs tillvara. Resultatet från undersökningen tyder också på att en civil akademisk examen och en kortare militär utbildning sannolikt inte är en lämplig modell för officersutbildning. Hypotesen visar sig kunna falsifieras, vilket tyder på att långsiktiga politiska beslut avseende Försvarsmakten inte alltid fattas på objektiva och rationella grunder.</p>

Akademiseringen av officersutbildningen : En lång och krokig väg?

Björkman, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
Akademiseringen av officersyrket i Sverige fick sitt genombrott när Försvarshögskolan fick examensrätt 2007. Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att undersöka akademiseringsprocessen inom Försvarsmakten och, om görligt, beskriva vilka konsekvenser och möjligheter akademiseringen gav. Ett vidare syfte är att beskriva vilka bevekelsegrunder som förelåg beslutet att akademisera officersutbildningen. Frågeställningarna är följande: Hur kan, utifrån valda huvuddokument och handlingar, akademiseringen av officersprofessionen i Sverige beskrivas? Vilka jämförelser gjordes med andra nationer och vilka effekter, vilken påverkan, fick detta för framtagandet av strukturen för Försvarshögskolans nuvarande militära utbildningar? Om vi betraktar officersutbildningen som en akademisk yrkesexamen, hur skulle då en alternativ utbildning med en civil akademisk examen och en kortare militär yrkesutbildning kunna vara uppbyggd? Arbetsmetoden är att kritiskt undersöka innehållet i källmaterialet och som mätinstrument används statsvetaren Nils Andréns teoretiska modell för säkerhetspolitisk analys. Arbetet utgår från hypotesen att långsiktiga politiska beslut avseende Försvarsmakten grundas på objektivitet och rationalitet. Undersökningen visar att akademiseringsprocessen löpt i två parallella spår med sinsemellan skilda motiv och tidsrymder. Vidare visar arbetet att jämförelser med andra nationer gjordes och att intryck från dessa, främst avseende att utbildningen skall vara akademisk, togs tillvara. Resultatet från undersökningen tyder också på att en civil akademisk examen och en kortare militär utbildning sannolikt inte är en lämplig modell för officersutbildning. Hypotesen visar sig kunna falsifieras, vilket tyder på att långsiktiga politiska beslut avseende Försvarsmakten inte alltid fattas på objektiva och rationella grunder.

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