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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Compliance Officer and his guarantor position

Herzog, Siegfried 18 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Försvarsmaktens befälssystem – en struktur i ständig förändring : Försvarsmaktens implementering av ett flerbefälssystem

Gedeck, Per, Hagberg, Ola January 2023 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens organisation har ett behov av ständig förändring för att kunna hantera de yttre och inre påverkansfaktorer som följer av det säkerhetspolitiska läget, samhällsutvecklingen och den teknologiska utvecklingen. Vi har genom en hermeneutisk kvalitativ studie undersökt hur organisationen förändrats genom implementeringen av ett flerbefälssystem. Vi har försökt att identifiera de drivkrafter som har legat bakom förändringarna och förstå de beslut som har fattats. Våra primärkällor har utgjorts av människor i organisationen; befattningshavare med olika roller, på olika nivåer och med olika bakgrund. Våra sekundärkällor har framförallt bestått av officiella dokument och skrivelser som organisationen nyttjat under implementeringen.Vi har analyserat inhämtad data mot flera olika organisationsteorier och kommit fram till att den långa sekventiella implementeringen haft olika fokus i olika sekvenser. Utmaningen för Försvarsmakten har varit att skapa balans mellan organisationens strukturella och individens mänskliga behov samt att kommunicera argument och incitament för organisations-förändringen. Maktpersoner i organisationen har löpande påverkat processen och systemdesignen har självmuterat från initial konfiguration till den beskrivning som finns idag.Försvarsmaktens strukturella slutinförande av Trebefälssystemet har orsakat suboptimering av implementeringen i dess sista sekvens, och motverkat möjligheterna för främst specialist-officersskrået att utvecklas mot en egen profession; skrået är fortsatt styvmoderligt behandlat av organisationen, och det finns en risk för en utveckling mot segregation och oönskade kulturer. Ytterst har detta haft en negativ effekt på den operativa förmågan.Överbefälhavarens beslut om slutligt införande var ett nödvändigt beslut för att forma den struktur som borde ha intagits för många år sedan, dock hade organisationens behov bättre kunnat omhändertas om även individens behov hade tillgodosetts.Försvarsmakten har nu ett enda system där samtligt befäl är inordnade, men arbetet är inte slutfört. Det finns fortfarande en del problemområden att ta tag i, men samtidigt också gyllene chanser att fortsätta utvecklingen av systemet för att nå än större effekt än det har idag. / The Swedish Armed Forces has a need for constant change in order to be able to handle the external and internal influencing factors that result from the changing security policy situation, societal development and technological development. Through a hermeneutic qualitative study, we have investigated how the organization has changed through the implementation of a multi-command system. We have tried to identify the driving forces behind the changes and understand the decisions made. Our primary sources have been people in the organization; personnel with different roles, at different levels and with different backgrounds. Our secondary sources have mainly consisted of official documents that the organization used during the implementation.We have analysed the collected data against several different organizational theories and concluded that the long sequential implementation had different focuses in different sequences. The challenge for the Armed Forces has been to create a balance between the organizations structural and the individual's human needs, and to communicate reasons and incentives for organizational change. People with power in the organization have continuously influenced the process, and the system design has self-mutated from the initial configuration to the description that exists today.The Armed Forces' structural finalization of the multi-command system has caused sub-optimization of the implementation in its final sequence, and thwarted the opportunities for mainly the specialist officer corps to develop towards a profession of its own; the category is still treated step motherly by the organization, and there is a risk of a development towards segregation and unwanted cultures. Ultimately, this has had a negative effect on The Armed Forces operational capability.The Chief of Defence decision on final implementation was necessary to shape the structure that should have been in place many years ago. However, the needs of the organization would have been better served if also the needs of the individual had been met.The Armed Forces today have a single system including all commanders on all levels, but the work is not complete. There are still some problem areas to tackle, but there are also excellent opportunities to continue the development of the system to reach an even greater effect than it has today.

A Study of Field Training Programs in the Ohio Valley Region

Pope, Andrew L. 30 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Perceived Value of Higher Education Among Police Officers

Edwards, Bradley D 01 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether police officers perceive higher education to be important in improving their job performance and promotional opportunities, whether the perception of higher education varied by several independent variables, and the types of suggestions that officers might have for improving the college curriculum. Independent variables included gender, age, level of education, type of police agency, academic major, years of service as a police officer, and job duty. The dependent variable was scores on 3 dimensions: general attitude toward higher education, perceived utility of a criminal justice related degree, and career-related competencies. A 34- item survey was administered to police officers from five departments in Spring 2017. There was a 40.53% response rate with a total of 216 completed surveys. Descriptive statistics, independent-samples t tests, one way analysis of variance tests, and Pearson r coefficients revealed a mixed view of the perceived value of higher education. Officers who had completed bachelor's degrees and those officers employed by municipal agencies had a significantly more positive perception of higher education. No significant differences were found between the independent variables and the perceived value of a criminal justice related degree or the importance of career-related competencies. This study also found several common suggestions for improvement to the higher education curriculum, including more hands-on experience, instructors with experience as law enforcement officers, and improved writing and interpersonal communication skills.

<b>Competencies of Hospital Chief Information Officers in Supporting Digital Transformation: An Exploratory study of the US Healthcare Industry</b>

Christopher Alleyne (17457354) 29 November 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>This preliminary investigation examined the skills and abilities necessary for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in hospitals to effectively promote the use of modern information technologies (IT) in the context of United States healthcare facilities. The research began by conducting a detailed analysis of the most recent trends in hospital information technology, establishing a solid basis. Following this, the researcher surveyed the level of expertise possessed by Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in US hospitals when it comes to leading technology-driven transformations. The research study utilized a mixed methods design, incorporating closed and open-ended questions to gather information on CIOs' competencies and practical expertise. By employing a blend of descriptive and inferential statistical methods and well-established theoretical frameworks, this study revealed insightful results that provide a deeper understanding of the specific skills and abilities CIOs need to incorporate contemporary technologies in hospital environments successfully. The findings have considerable importance in comprehending the essential skills of CIOs in American hospitals, offering crucial suggestions for further investigation in this domain.</p>

Professionens värdering av officerens yrkesutövning : En explorativ studie om vad officeren värderar vid bedömning av sin underställda officers prestation.

Andersson, Erik, Björk, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att förstå vad officeren värderar vid bedömning av sin underställda officers prestation i sin yrkesutövning.Studien är genomförd med en induktiv ansats och kvalitativ metod. Empirin har inhämtats genom respondentintervjuer med de officerare som har erfarenhet av att värdera sina underställda officerares prestation, kompanicheferna. Även plutoncheferna som blivit värderade har intervjuats som fokusgrupper.Resultatet av empirin visar att officeren värderar fyra konceptuella teman: 1) Vad en officer är eller bör vara 2) vad plutonchefen gör 3) externa faktorer och 4) chefens helhetsbild. Värderingen förmedlas till plutonchefen enligt de fastställda processer och styrmedel som organisationen har som en bedömning av dennes prestation.Detta kan förstås utifrån de grundläggande kriterier som utgör en profession. Tillsammans med officersprofessionens militära expertis som är sprunget ur det samhälleliga behovet av organisering och ledning av väpnad strid.Studiens övergripande slutsats är att officerens yrkesutövning utsätts för en särkoppling mellan officersprofessionens konfliktlogik, vilken omfattar organisering och ledning av väpnad strid, och samverkanslogik, som präglar fredstid, vardag och produktion av förband. Särkopplingen ses också i officerens övning som chef över sin pluton, som i grunden är en simulerad verklighet. Simuleringen medför att den verkliga konsekvensen av officerens fattade beslut aldrig blir känd. Det är således svårt att värdera en prestation i konfliktlogisk mening. Särkopplingen påverkar värderingen då officeren enbart blir värderad för sin förmåga i samverkanslogisk mening och inte den militära expertis som utgör konfliktlogiken. Detta kan medföra att officersprofessionen urvattnas och avprofessionaliseras.

Escalation: A Closer Look at Allocation Decisions

Hofmann, David A. 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
The escalation of commitment to a particular course of action has, in the past eleven years, become an increasingly popular area for research in the psychological aspects of decision making. The major question posed by this line of research is: "Does an individual become so committed to a particular course of action that he/she can no longer analyze the situation objectively and, consequently, makes irrational decisions to continue investing when such activity is no longer advisable?" Staw (1981) states that the escalation phenomenon can occur when an individual becomes overly committed to a chosen course of action. He adds that the underlying assumption of this line of research is "that individuals may go beyond the passive distortion of adverse consequences in an effort to rationalize a behavioral error" (p. 579). In other words, if an individual is committed to a particular course of action, then he/she may commit a greater amount of resources, following negative feedback, in order to "turn the situation around" and in an attempt to eventually appear competent.


Feng, Qian January 2015 (has links)
Implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and recovery in IT spending after the dot-com bust in 2002 have enhanced the Chief Information Officer's (CIO's) role and needed skills. The CIO significantly influences strategy implementation and firm performance through the management of IT resmyces. I posit that firms must appoint a CIO with an appropriate background (technical versus business) that is aligned with their strategic positioning (differentiation versus cost leadership) for IT resmyces to support the firm's strategy. I find that differentiators (cost leaders) are more likely to appoint a CIO with a technical (business) background. Notably, firms announcing aligned CIO appointments (technical CIOs for differentiators and business CIOs for cost leaders) have superior investor reactions. Second, I take the first step to understand the impact of CIO's education on determining their compensation. I find that CIO education characteristics are significant determinants of CIO compensation, addressing the ongoing debate regarding the desired CIO education. Furthermore, drawing on Agency theory, I separately examine salary and bonus due to their divergent roles in rewarding and incentivizing ability and effort. My findings suggest that CIO education characteristics strongly determine CIO salary whereas firm financial performance measures strongly determine CIO bonus, consistent with salary rewarding CIO ability and bonus incentivizing CIO effort. Third, I investigate the relationship between data breaches and Chief Information Officer (CIO) turnover. Executive turnover literature finds that CEOs and CFOs turnover when they fail to meet financial performance expectations. Unlike CEOs and CFOs, CIOs are directly responsible for IT performance and I argue that CIOs are more likely to turnover when they fail to meet their performance expectation as reflected by data breaches. Following previous work, I classify system breaches into system glitch, criminal attack, human error and other. I document that system glitches increase the likelihood of CIO turnover by two-fold. Furthermore, I find that the impact of system glitches on CIO turnover lasts for two years. / Business Administration/Accounting

Essays in Public Economics and the Economics of Crime

Wright, Taylor 23 September 2022 (has links)
Using the universe of individual asylum cases in the United States from 2000–2004 and a difference-in-differences research design, we test whether Sept. 11, 2001 decreased the likelihood that applicants from Muslim-majority countries were granted asylum. Our estimates suggest that the attacks resulted in a 3.2 percentage point decrease in the likelihood that applicants from Muslim-majority countries are granted asylum. The estimated effect is larger for applicants who share a country of origin with the Sept. 11, 2001 attackers. These effects do not differ across judge political affiliation. Our findings provide evidence that emotions affect the decisions of judges.

Psychotherapy Utilization and Outcomes of Military Veteran-College Students and Student-ROTC Members Compared to Similar Nonmilitary College Students

Goetz, Jacob Michael Christian 26 July 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines current trends of university counseling center (UCC) utilization among Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) students and student-military Veterans, compared to their nonmilitary-minded peers at a large, private, western university. Given likely differences in the lived experiences between these three populations, research is needed to provide insight on the treatment needs of military-minded students. We examine counseling center data for ROTC (n = 88), Veteran (n = 93), and nonmilitary-minded (n = 16,268) students who presented for counseling services from 2014-2021. A matched sample was obtained from the dataset for some of the analyses. The three groups are compared on multiple variables: therapy utilization, length of treatment, Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45) score at intake, Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms-62 (CCAPS-62) subscale scores and elevation categories at intake, OQ-45 score changes, gender, and age. ROTC students are less likely to present for therapy than their non-ROTC counterparts. All three groups of students attend therapy at similar rates. Veteran students have lower anxiety and academic distress subscale results, but higher frustration/anger indicators than the nonmilitary-minded student sample. When matching age, gender, and initial OQ-45 scores, change trajectories over time are similar, indicating therapy appears to be similarly effective for military-minded students as it is for nonmilitary-minded students. Additional research is warranted to further understand the lower rates of utilization among military-minded students as well as the root circumstances that explain their similarities and differences in presenting concerns. Overall, UCCs appear to be well-positioned to effectively treat the military-minded students that enter for psychotherapy treatment.

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