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Scent as a Medium for Design: An Experimental Design InquiryMattos, Alessandra Cerqueira 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of habitat and plant volatiles on mosquito spatial, seasonal, and chemical ecologyVanderGiessen, Morgen 03 June 2021 (has links)
Mosquitoes, by transmitting vector-borne diseases through their saliva, impact nearly half of the world's population. Mosquito survival is dependent on their sense of smell, or olfaction, which allows a mosquito to differentiate between plant nectar, required for metabolic processes, and host odors, which will help them navigate towards hosts, source of the blood required for producing eggs. Mosquitoes interpret and respond to chemical volatiles very differently depending on their environment (temperature, humidity, time of day, etc.) and species-specific host preferences (humans, mammals, etc.). However, the impact of ecological factors on mosquito prevalence, sugar-feeding, and host seeking is relatively unknown. In an attempt to address this knowledge gap, we first investigate how several ecological factors (i.e., temporal, seasonal, and topographical) affect mosquito sugar feeding and population dynamics. Second, we focused on the anthropophilic mosquito species Aedes aegypti to investigate the role of plant associated compounds in host-seeking behavior, such as those which are commonly found in personal care products (i.e., body washes). Our results demonstrate that several ecological factors alter mosquito prevalence and behavior, including both sugar and host seeking behaviors. We anticipate these results to be a starting point for mosquito control strategies that depend not only on olfactory perception of plant odors, but also on the ecological and species-specific characteristics which shape the dynamics of vector-borne diseases. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Most female mosquitoes must feed on a blood source in order to produce eggs, but in doing this they can transmit viruses and pathogens between hosts through their saliva, which are contracted by 700,000 people per year. In order to survive and fly to locate these host sources, both female and male mosquitoes require sugar and carbohydrates present in plant nectar. Mosquito identification of nectar and blood sources is primarily dependent on their sense of smell, or olfaction, which allows a mosquito to identify and locate chemical odors. The interpretation of these chemical odors is context dependent on both the mosquitoes' hunger status, ideal host (human, mammal, bird, etc.) and environmental cues (temperature, humidity, time of day, etc.). It is relatively unknown how the combination of these biological and environmental factors influences mosquito survival and biting frequency. In order to better understand this relationship, we first investigated mosquito species' habitat preferences (i.e., urban and forested) and ecological factors (i.e., season, weather). Second, we focused on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which almost exclusively feed on humans in urban habitats, to investigate mosquito behavior in the presence of combined plant and human odors caused by the usage of fragrant personal care products that are scented with plant odors. Our results demonstrate that mosquito prevalence, host-seeking, and plant-seeking are highly dependent on chemical and ecological factors. We anticipate that this research has avenues for both improving mosquito control strategies and better understanding the ecological dynamics of vector-borne diseases.
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Factors Influencing Sugar Feeding in Invasive MosquitoesUpshur, Irving Forde 08 June 2020 (has links)
Phytophagy (i.e., feeding on plant-derived materials) is an essential component of mosquito biology. Yet, it has been historically neglected as most research effort has been concentrated on host-seeking behavior and pathogen transmission. As mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth and because challenges, such as the rise of insecticide resistance, arise, there is an urgent need for developing effective and ecologically friendly disease vector control strategies. It is therefore important to deepen our understanding of mosquito phytophagy and, consequently, its potential to develop novel vector control methods. Particular major disease vectors are Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, which are spreading rapidly through the US, in part due to climate change. Herein, we first examine the effect of temperature on Ae. aegypti sugar-feeding behavior as well as overall locomotive activity and survival, using total carbohydrate assays and actometer experiments. An optimum temperature range for mosquito activity is proposed and discussed in the context of global warming. We then observe the tentative benefit provided by city-planted ornamental flowers to Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus living in heavily-populated, urban areas. Mosquito sugar-feeding activity and, subsequently, sugar consumption were tested for eleven commonly-planted ornamentals. Additionally, scents were collected from the headspace of each ornamental, and volatile composition was analyzed and discussed as potential cues that could mediate mosquito-plant interactions. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Sugar-feeding is an important, but generally neglected, aspect of mosquito biology, affecting, for example, their survival, metabolism, and ability to lay eggs. While females need blood to mature their eggs, males feed exclusively on sugar, further highlighting the importance of this food source. Mosquitoes use several cues to locate flowers to feed on, including the plant scent. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are two urban species that are invasive to the US and are the vectors of several deadly pathogens including dengue, Zika and chikungunya. It is thus to study any aspect of their biology that could lead to the development of new tools to limit their propagation. Because of the nutrients provided to mosquitoes by flowering plant species, considering the dynamic ecological relationship between human, plant, and mosquito in urban, heavily populated areas is critical. Additionally, how temperature is mediating each of these interactions is important to understand and keep in consideration. Here, we first examine the effect of temperature on sugar-feeding, activity and survival in Ae. aegypti, and discuss our results in the context of potential changes in temperature caused by climate change. We also provide some insights on the role that ornamental flower species play in urban areas in the ability of these mosquito species to thrive, by attracting mosquitoes to areas where they will have access to a high number of human blood meals.
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Odor hedonics: processing of male pheromones in the female mouse brainDiBenedictis, Brett T. 12 March 2016 (has links)
Female mice exhibit a hardwired preference to investigate pheromones released by male conspecifics. The neural pathways that convey pheromonal inputs to brain regions controlling motivated behaviors remain largely unknown. One brain region known to process pheromonal information conveyed via main- and accessory olfactory bulb inputs is the Medial Amygdala (Me), a limbic structure comprised of anterior (MeA) and posterior (MeP) subdivisions.
Electrolytic lesions of the MeP blocked the normal preference of estrous female mice to investigate urinary odors emitted from breeding as opposed to castrated males whereas lesions of either the MeA or MeP significantly reduced females' display of the receptive lordosis posture in response to male mounts. Quantitative analysis of synaptic puncta in the efferent projection targets of these two amygdaloid subregions, visualized using fluorescent anterograde tract tracing techniques, revealed that the MeA and MeP differentially innervate several forebrain regions. The medial olfactory tubercle (mOT; a component of the ventral striatum) receives dense monosynaptic input from the MeA and responds selectively to breeding male (but not female) soiled bedding volatiles, indexed by augmented FOS expression. Using injections of the retrograde tracer, cholera toxin B
(CTb), neurons were identified in the MeA and ventral tegmental area (VTA) that projected to the mOT in female mice and which also co-expressed FOS after exposure to breeding male, but not female, soiled bedding/urinary volatiles. This suggests that the MeA and VTA convey opposite-sex (male) pheromonal information to the mOT. Bilateral dopaminergic lesions of the anteromedial VS (a region which includes the mOT) eliminated females' preference for breeding male vs. female urinary pheromones, suggesting that dopaminergic modulation in the VS is necessary for the display of these behaviors. Lastly, bilateral silencing of mOT neuronal firing by the activation of the inhibitory DREADD receptor, hM4Di, induced by intraperitoneal injection of its ligand (CNO), also disrupted females' preference to investigate urinary odors from breeding males; this deficit was reversed when saline was administered instead of CNO.
The Me, VTA, and mOT are essential segments of a neural reward circuit that motivates estrous female mice to seek out male pheromones, thereby facilitating mate recognition and reproductive success.
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Chemical communication in petrel seabirds / Communication chimique chez les pétrelsMardon, Jérôme 09 July 2010 (has links)
La communication chimique, c'est-à-dire le transfert d'information d'un émetteur à un receveur via signaux moléculaires, est présente dans tous les embranchements animaux. Longtemps négligée, l'étude récente de ces processus chez les oiseaux suggère que les signaux chimiques (ou ‘chémosignaux') ont une fonction beaucoup plus importante que longtemps anticipée. Les pétrels hypogés (ordre: procellariiformes) fournissent un modele approprié pour examiner ces questions. Ces oiseaux marins possèdent en effet une neuro-anatomie olfactive développée, une odeur musquée caractéristique et des traits d'histoire de vie favorisant l'évolution d'une composante olfactive aux comportements sociaux. En utilisant une combinaison de méthodes, existantes et spécifiquement développées, d'écologie comportementale, de chimie analytique et de statistique multivariées, nous avons examiné le rôle des chémosignaux dans l'écologie du pétrel bleu (Halobaena caerulea), un pétrel hypogée de l'océan Subantarctique. Nous avons ainsi démontré que la sécrétion uropygiale des pétrels bleus, leur source principale de substances chimiques exogènes, contient des informations sociales telles que l'espèce, le sexe et l'identité (i.e. une signature chimique). De plus, cette information est encore présente, de manière quasi-identique, sur le plumage des oiseaux et participe donc vraisemblablement à l'odeur des individus. En termes de perception des signaux chimiques, nous avons établi que les pétrels bleus sont capables de percevoir et distinguer entre les odeurs de différentes espèces de pétrels, ainsi qu'entre les odeurs de différents conspécifiques. Cependant, aucune capacité de discrimination olfactive intersexuelle n'a été observée. Longtemps restreinte aux comportements de recherche alimentaire et d'orientation, l'étude de l'olfaction aviaire est en pleine expansion pour désormais intégrer des aspects sociaux. Nos résultats fournissent en ce sens une première étude multidisciplinaire du sujet. La clarification de l'origine, de la nature et de la fonction de la communication chimique chez les oiseaux devrait avoir des implications éco-évolutives majeures pour la compréhension de leur biologie. / Chemical communication, the transfer of information from an emitter to a receiver via molecular signals, occurs in all animal phyla. Although such processes have been largely overlooked in birds, recent results suggest that chemical signals may play a more significant role than previously assumed in the social lives of birds. Procellariiform seabirds, and burrow-nesting petrels in particular, are appropriate models to investigate these questions. They indeed possess a well-developed olfactory anatomy, a noticeable musky scent and a life-history which favours the evolution of olfactory-mediated social behaviours (Chapter1).We have explored the role of chemical signals in the ecology of the blue petrel (Halobaena caerulea), a burrow-nesting seabird from the Subantarctic Ocean, using existing and innovative methods from field ornithology, analytical chemistry and multivariate statistics (Chapter 2). We first demonstrate that the uropygial secretions of these birds, their main source of endogenous chemical substances, contain social information including species, sex and individual identity (i.e. a chemical signature). We also show evidence that these signals are still present, in a virtually identical form, on the plumage of the birds and are thus a likely contributor to the animals' scent (Chapter 3). Furthermore, we show that blue petrels, as receivers of the sociochemical information, are able to discriminate between the odours from different species, and between the odours of different conspecifics. There is however no evidence of olfactory capabilities of sex discrimination in this species ( Chapter 4).The study of avian olfactory behaviours, historically limited to foraging and orientation (Chapter 5), is rapidly expanding to incorporate social functions. In this regard, our results provide the first multidisciplinary case-study of avian chemical communication. The elucidation of the origin, nature and function of chemical communication in birds has major eco-evolutionary implications for our understanding of avian ecology (Chapter 6).
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La perception hédonique de l'odeur durant le vieillissement normal et pathologique / Pleasantness perception of odors during normal and pathological ageingJoussain, Pauline 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de la perception hédonique des odeurs au cours du vieillissement normal et de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Les deux premières études montrent une diminution du plaisir olfactif avec l'âge pour les odorants plaisants, alors que la perception hédonique reste constante pour les odorants déplaisants. L'effet est objectivé par une étude d'EEG (étude 1) montrant une diminution de la puissance béta avec l'âge spécifiquement pour les odorants plaisants, et par une étude d'IRMf (étude 2) montrant des différences d'activation entre sujets jeunes et sujets âgés beaucoup plus importantes et plus étendues pour les odeurs plaisantes que pour les odeurs déplaisantes. Les deux études suivantes montrent que ces troubles de la perception hédonique apparaissant au cours du vieillissement sont associés à une modification de certains paramètres de qualité de vie comme la prise alimentaire ou l'état nutritionnel. Ainsi, seule la perception hédonique des odeurs alimentaires est perturbée au cours de la chimiothérapie chez des séniors atteints d'un cancer du poumon (étude 3) ; et les réponses physiologiques aux odeurs varient en fonction de l'état nutritionnel chez les séniors (étude 4). Les deux dernières études (étude 5 et 6) montrent que le caractère hédonique est dévalué par les patients Alzheimer pour les odeurs plaisantes par rapport aux contrôles, mais reste constant pour les odorants déplaisants. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces données suggèrent que le vieillissement, qu'il soit normal ou pathologique, diminue le plaisir associé aux odeurs agréables et préserve en revanche le fonctionnement du système olfactif « aversif », la survie l'emportant sur le plaisir / This manuscript is about olfactory pleasantness perception during ageing and during Alzheimer disease. The two first studies of this manuscript show a decrease of olfactory pleasure for pleasant odors, whereas pleasantness perception for unpleasant odors is preserved. This effect was objectified using electroencephalography, with which we show a decrease of beta power during aging specifically for pleasant odors (study 1). Using functional MRI (study 2), we observed that the differences of activation between old young and subject subjects were much larger and more extensively spread for pleasant odors than for unpleasant odors. The two following studies show that the hedonic perception changes occurring during ageing are associated with some life quality parameters like food intake and nutritional state. The study 3 has shown that chemotherapy alters the hedonic perception for food odors (but not for non-food odors) in seniors with lung cancer. And we observed in the study 4 that physiological responses to odors were dependent on the nutritional status in older people (but not in young adults).The two last studies show that Alzheimer patients devalue pleasant odors compared to controls, whereas pleasantness perception for unpleasant odors is preserved. Taken as a whole, these data suggest that aging, whether normal or pathological, reduces the pleasure associated with pleasant smells and preserves the operation of the "aversive" olfactory system, survival outweighing pleasure
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Le déficit olfactif : le comprendre, le diagnostiquer, et compenser ses effets sur la qualité de vie / Understand, diagnosis olfactory deficit and compensate its effects on quality of lifeManesse, Cédric 13 December 2018 (has links)
Lorsque l’odorat est altéré (dysosmie), c’est notre sécurité, notre santé, et aussi notre équilibre émotionnel qui s’en trouvent affectés. Cette thèse de doctorat apporte de nouveaux éléments de compréhension sur le déficit olfactif, au travers de : (1) Sa prévalence, en particulier avec l’âge, et ses conséquences sur la santé alimentaire. (2) La remédiation des capacités olfactives, à l’aide d’un d’entrainement olfactif contextualisé. 5 études, combinant des approches psychophysiques et neurobiologiques chez des patients dysosmiques (odorat dysfonctionnel) et normosmiques (odorat normal), ont été menées. Nous montrons que la prévalence des déficits olfactifs en France est de plus d’une personne sur 10, et plus d’une personne sur 5 après 60 ans. Dans une société vieillissante, cela est préoccupant, car nous montrons que ces déficits sont reliés à des changements du comportement alimentaire, susceptibles d’affecter l’équilibre nutritionnel (donc la santé). Nous avons ensuite exploré l’effet d’un entrainement olfactif sur la perception olfactive de patients. Il apparait que la présence de stimuli non olfactifs (images et labels) pendant l’entrainement améliore l’efficacité de ce dernier, via une facilitation, pendant l’encodage, de l’activation de la trace mnésique de l’odeur. En conclusion, les résultats de cette thèse renforcent l’idée qu’il est possible de remédier aux déficits olfactifs en modulant la représentation mentale d’objets olfactifs via des éléments contextuels de ces mêmes objets. Nous formulons alors des recommandations adressées particulièrement aux personnes âgées (très touchées par ce déficit), aux institutions qui les encadrent, et à leurs entourages / When our smell is altered (dysosmia), our security, our health, our pleasure, might be altered as well. This PhD thesis bring new insights about olfactory deficits, through: (1) Prevalence of the deficit, especially with aging and consequences on healthy nutrition. (2) Remediation of olfactory abilities, with contextualized olfactory training. Five studies, combining psychophysical and neurobiological approaches, have been performed with patients with dysosmics (altered olfaction) and normosmics (normal olfaction). Our work has shown olfactory deficit is far from being rare in France, since more than one for 10 persons and one for five in older than 60-year-old people experience olfactory dysfunctions. In ageing society, this prevalence is a matter of concerns, as we also show, in this work, that these olfactory deficits lead to significative change in food behaviors that might cause subsequent nutritional scarcity and imbalances and thus general health. Then, we explore the effect of olfactory training on the dysosmic patients’ olfactory perception. Our data suggest that the presence of non-olfactive stimuli (such as pictures and labels) during training can improve the remediation due to it, thanks to the facilitation, during encoding, of the odor memory traces activation. To conclude, results from this thesis corroborate idea that olfactory deficits can be remediated by the modulation of olfactory object mental representations, through contextual elements related to these representations. Our work also shows dysosmia is associated with ageing. Thus, we make recommendations especially toward aged people, but also to caring institutions and their surroundings
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Acometimento do epitélio olfatório pela doença de Alzheimer: um estudo de correlação clínico-patológica / Olfactory epithelium involvement in Alzheimer\'s disease: a clinicalpathological studyMaria Dantas Costa Lima Godoy 22 July 2015 (has links)
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é caracterizada por declínio cognitivo e funcional progressivo e constitui-se como a forma mais prevalente de demência. O diagnóstico da DA é realizado atualmente, exclusivamente por meio de critérios clínicos. No entanto, a manifestação clínica da DA é precedida por um longo período assintomático, com depósito silencioso das proteínas tau e -amiloide no tecido cerebral. Evidências recentes demonstram que a mucosa olfatória, estrutura periférica e facilmente acessível também está acometida na DA, podendo representar um bom método de diagnóstico preciso e precoce desta moléstia. Os objetivos desse estudo consistem em correlacionar a prevalência das proteínas tau e -amiloide no epitélio olfatório (EO) com os estágios clínicos e neuropatológicos da doença e determinar a sensibilidade e especificidade dos achados no EO para o diagnóstico da DA em seus diferentes estágios de evolução. Para tal fim, é proposto estudo post-mortem, com avaliação de 92 tecidos cerebrais de indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos, provenientes do Banco de Encéfalos Humanos do Grupo de Estudos em Envelhecimento Cerebral da Universidade de São Paulo, com coleta dos blocos de mucosa olfatória no momento da autópsia. A avaliação cognitiva foi realizada por meio de entrevista com informante de convívio próximo com o falecido, aplicando as escalas CDR e IQCODE. A avaliação neuropatológica do encéfalo e do EO foi realizada por meio de técnicas de . Os casos foram classificados mediante critério neuropatológico do CERAD e do estadiamento de Braak e Braak para DA. A presença de proteína tau e -amiloide no EO foi correlacionada com os parâmetros clínicos e neuropatológicos obtidos. A análise do EO da concha superior permitiu identificar as proteínas tau e -amiloide com sensibilidade alta, quando comparada com o diagnóstico neuropatológico (>80%) e clínico ( > 90%). Desta forma, a análise para as proteínas tau e - amiloide do epitélio olfatório pode representar um possível biomarcador para diagnóstico da DA / Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive functional and cognitive decline and is considered the most prevalent type of dementia. AD is diagnosed exclusively on the basis of clinical criteria. However, clinical symptoms of AD are preceded by a long asymptomatic period, with silent deposition of tau and amyloid proteins in brain tissue. Recent studies demonstrate the same findings in the olfactory epithelium, a ready accessible structure which could contribute to the precise and early diagnosis of AD. The objectives of the current study were to correlate the prevalence of tau and amyloid proteins distributed in several areas of the olfactory epithelium with clinical and neuropathological criteria used for the diagnosis of AD and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the olfactory epithelium involvement for the diagnosis of AD. Ninety-two individuals, belonging to the Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group from University of São Paulo, whose blocks of olfactory mucosa were collected during autopsy, were tested. Cognitive data were gathered through an interview with a knowledgeable informant, using the CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating Scale) and the IQCODE (Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly) scales. Neuropathological examination was carried out on the basis of accepted criteria, using immunohistochemistry. Neuropathological classification of AD was performed in accordance with the CERAD criteria and Braak & Braak staging. The presence of tau and amyloid protein deposits in the olfactory epithelium was compared with clinical and neuropathological parameters. Immunostaining of olfactory epithelium from the superior turbinate was able to identify tau protein and amyloid-? with high sensitivity when compared with neuropathological scales ( > 80%) and clinical classification of CDR ( > 90%). Thus, immunohistochemistry for tau and amyloid proteins of the olfactory epithelium may represent a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of AD
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Acometimento do epitélio olfatório pela doença de Alzheimer: um estudo de correlação clínico-patológica / Olfactory epithelium involvement in Alzheimer\'s disease: a clinicalpathological studyGodoy, Maria Dantas Costa Lima 22 July 2015 (has links)
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é caracterizada por declínio cognitivo e funcional progressivo e constitui-se como a forma mais prevalente de demência. O diagnóstico da DA é realizado atualmente, exclusivamente por meio de critérios clínicos. No entanto, a manifestação clínica da DA é precedida por um longo período assintomático, com depósito silencioso das proteínas tau e -amiloide no tecido cerebral. Evidências recentes demonstram que a mucosa olfatória, estrutura periférica e facilmente acessível também está acometida na DA, podendo representar um bom método de diagnóstico preciso e precoce desta moléstia. Os objetivos desse estudo consistem em correlacionar a prevalência das proteínas tau e -amiloide no epitélio olfatório (EO) com os estágios clínicos e neuropatológicos da doença e determinar a sensibilidade e especificidade dos achados no EO para o diagnóstico da DA em seus diferentes estágios de evolução. Para tal fim, é proposto estudo post-mortem, com avaliação de 92 tecidos cerebrais de indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos, provenientes do Banco de Encéfalos Humanos do Grupo de Estudos em Envelhecimento Cerebral da Universidade de São Paulo, com coleta dos blocos de mucosa olfatória no momento da autópsia. A avaliação cognitiva foi realizada por meio de entrevista com informante de convívio próximo com o falecido, aplicando as escalas CDR e IQCODE. A avaliação neuropatológica do encéfalo e do EO foi realizada por meio de técnicas de . Os casos foram classificados mediante critério neuropatológico do CERAD e do estadiamento de Braak e Braak para DA. A presença de proteína tau e -amiloide no EO foi correlacionada com os parâmetros clínicos e neuropatológicos obtidos. A análise do EO da concha superior permitiu identificar as proteínas tau e -amiloide com sensibilidade alta, quando comparada com o diagnóstico neuropatológico (>80%) e clínico ( > 90%). Desta forma, a análise para as proteínas tau e - amiloide do epitélio olfatório pode representar um possível biomarcador para diagnóstico da DA / Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive functional and cognitive decline and is considered the most prevalent type of dementia. AD is diagnosed exclusively on the basis of clinical criteria. However, clinical symptoms of AD are preceded by a long asymptomatic period, with silent deposition of tau and amyloid proteins in brain tissue. Recent studies demonstrate the same findings in the olfactory epithelium, a ready accessible structure which could contribute to the precise and early diagnosis of AD. The objectives of the current study were to correlate the prevalence of tau and amyloid proteins distributed in several areas of the olfactory epithelium with clinical and neuropathological criteria used for the diagnosis of AD and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the olfactory epithelium involvement for the diagnosis of AD. Ninety-two individuals, belonging to the Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group from University of São Paulo, whose blocks of olfactory mucosa were collected during autopsy, were tested. Cognitive data were gathered through an interview with a knowledgeable informant, using the CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating Scale) and the IQCODE (Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly) scales. Neuropathological examination was carried out on the basis of accepted criteria, using immunohistochemistry. Neuropathological classification of AD was performed in accordance with the CERAD criteria and Braak & Braak staging. The presence of tau and amyloid protein deposits in the olfactory epithelium was compared with clinical and neuropathological parameters. Immunostaining of olfactory epithelium from the superior turbinate was able to identify tau protein and amyloid-? with high sensitivity when compared with neuropathological scales ( > 80%) and clinical classification of CDR ( > 90%). Thus, immunohistochemistry for tau and amyloid proteins of the olfactory epithelium may represent a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of AD
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Impact d’une alimentation maternelle riche en graisse et en sucre pendant les périodes de préconception, gestation et lactation sur la physiologie olfactive de la progéniture : étude expérimentale chez la souris / Impact of a high fat high sucrose maternal diet during preconception, gestation and lactation on progeny's olfactory physiology : experimental study in miceMerle, Laëtitia 17 December 2018 (has links)
L’alimentation maternelle conditionne la santé métabolique et cardiovasculaire de la progéniture, mais l’impact sur les systèmes sensoriels reste peu étudié. L’olfaction joue un rôle comportemental crucial pour l’évitement des dangers et pour la prise alimentaire. Dès le plus jeune âge, les odeurs participent à l’établissement des préférences alimentaires, qui influencent les habitudes alimentaires de l’adulte. Le système olfactif repose sur le fonctionnement de neurones qui se développent pendant la vie embryonnaire, continuent leur maturation après la naissance et sont continuellement régénérés au cours de la vie. Ces neurones sont en permanence modulés par les facteurs métaboliques. Les patients atteints de troubles métaboliques ont plus de risques de présenter des altérations de la perception des odeurs, et l’exposition à une alimentation de type obésogène ou diabétogène induit des perturbations olfactives chez le rongeur.Le but de cette thèse était d’explorer les effets d’une exposition périnatale au gras et au sucre, à travers l’alimentation maternelle pendant les périodes de préconception, gestation et lactation, sur la physiologie olfactive de souris juvéniles.L’alimentation grasse et sucrée (high-fat high-sucrose, HFHS) a modifié la composition lipidique du lait maternel. La caractérisation métabolique des petits a révélé un surpoids, un excès de masse grasse épididymaire et une hyperleptinémie chez les petits provenant d'une mère sous alimentation HFHS. Les capacités olfactives évaluées lors d'un test de nourriture enfouie et par mesure du comportement de flairage induit par les odeurs étaient altérées chez les petits dont la mère a été exposée à l'alimentation HFHS. Cependant, nos résultats n’ont pas montré de modification de la sensibilité de l’épithélium olfactif (EO) ou de l’expression des gènes codant pour les éléments de la cascade de transduction olfactive. L’exploration du traitement central du signal olfactif a révélé un impact de l’alimentation maternelle HFHS sur le degré de ramification dendritique des interneurones du bulbe olfactif. En revanche, l’activation des neurones dans le cortex piriforme après une exposition odorante n’était pas modifiée.Ainsi, l'alimentation maternelle HFHS pendant les périodes de développement des petits induit chez les mâles des altérations de la perception olfactive, sans perturbation de la détection des odeurs par l'EO, mais associées à des modifications neuronales dans les structures olfactives centrales. La leptine, hormone métabolique connue pour son action sur l’olfaction et sur le développement neuronal, pourrait être à l’origine de ces déficits olfactifs. / The influence of maternal diet on progeny’s health has been thoroughly investigated regarding metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, but the impact on sensory systems remains unknown. Olfaction is of great behavioral importance for avoiding hazards and for feeding behavior. In childhood especially, olfaction participates in establishing food preferences, which partly determine adult eating habits. The olfactory system is made of sensory neurons that develop during the embryonic life, pursue their maturation after birth and are continuously regenerated over life. Olfactory neurons activity can be modulated by metabolic factors. Patients with metabolic disorders are at risk of impaired olfactory sensitivity. Adult mice exposed to an obesogenic or diabetogenic diet exhibit disrupted olfactory behavior.The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of a perinatal exposure to fat and sugar, through maternal diet during preconception, gestation and lactation, on the olfactory system of young mice.Maternal high fat high sugar (HFHS) diet modified milk lipids composition. When investigating pups’ metabolic phenotype, overweight, increased epididymal fat and hyperleptinemia were revealed in pup’s born from dams fed with the HFHS diet. Olfactory abilities were assessed in a buried food test and by measuring odor-induced sniffing behavior and were disrupted in the progeny of HFHS diet fed dams. However, olfactory epithelium sensitivity and gene expression of constituents of the olfactory transduction cascade were not affected by maternal HFHS diet. When investigating olfactory central processing, dendritic complexity of interneurons in the olfactory bulb was found to be affected by maternal HFHS diet. Meanwhile, neuronal activation in piriform cortex was not altered.These results show that maternal HFHS diet during pups’ development alters olfactory perception in male progeny, without impairing odor detection by the OE, and associated with neuronal modifications in olfactory central areas. Leptin is a metabolic hormone known to influence olfaction and neurons development which could have induced the olfactory defects.
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