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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Longitudinal Impact of Technology Immersion Through a One-to-One Mobile Technology Program on Reading and Math Performance in a Rural Title I Public School District

Ice, Laura R. 08 1900 (has links)
In conjunction with the Texas Technology Immersion Pilot program (TIP), the State of Texas implemented a four-year annual evaluation called the Evaluation of the Texas Technology Immersion Pilot (eTxTiP). It focused on the technology immersion experience through one-to-one mobile technology of sixth grade students in 22 selected middle schools. Initial findings suggested academic growth, especially in math, increased rigor of student work, greater teacher collaboration, a more positive school environment, and transformation of instructional practices. This study focused on one of the original schools selected to participate in the TIP program, exploring the impact over time of one-to-one mobile technology on one group of students over an 8-year period beginning with their third grade year. The selected school’s demographic makeup reflected a large number of schools within the state, including its size, rural location and economically disadvantaged student population. Based on an interrupted time series design, state assessment data was analyzed using a piecewise growth model. The study revealed no statistically significant academic growth in reading and math performance among the participants.


Lowerre, Robert 29 November 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine teachers’ perceptions of the degree to which research-based characteristics exist in alternative high schools and programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the importance of these characteristics to effective education. In addition, this research investigated whether or not these perceptions were related to the teachers’ perception of efficacy. These seven characteristics were (a) clearly identified enrollment criteria, (b) low ratio of student to teachers, (c) one-to-one interactions between staff and students, (d) social skills instruction, (e) effective academic instruction, (f) parental involvement and parental support programs, and (g) specific training for teachers who are working with at-risk youth. Alternative school teachers were also administered the short form of the Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001) Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale that is specifically designed to assess the respondents’ perceptions of their self-efficacy as teachers. The data show that alternative school teachers in Virginia ranked “low student to staff ratio” as the most important and “parental involvement and parental support programs” as the least important research-based characteristics for the academic focus of their schools. It was also evidenced by the data that none of the research-based characteristics were shown to have “strong evidence” of existence in Virginia’s alternative schools and programs. Finally, the data showed that there is a positive correlation between the existence of the research-based characteristics and the reported self-efficacy of the alternative school teachers.

iReach Blended Learning Model and Reading Lexile Growth of Freshmen in Maryville City Schools

Schmidt, Whitney Ann 01 August 2016 (has links)
The Maryville City School system has implemented the first year of the iReach blended learning model for which all students in the school district have access to either a laptop or an iPad to support their learning every day. The availability of research on the impact of iReach is limited because the blended learning instructional model is relatively new and has not yet been subjected to numerous research studies. The purpose of this ex post facto quasi-experimental quantitative study was to compare student reading Lexile growth data collected through the use of the Reading Comprehension Assessment before and after iReach implementation to determine if there was a correlation between the implementation of iReach and reading Lexile growth of students in Maryville City Schools. Paired-samples t test results based on data collected from the 2015-2016 freshman cohort as well as subgroups (males, females, economically disadvantaged, and noneconomically disadvantaged) depict significantly more reading Lexile score growth during the eighth grade year before the school system implemented the iReach blended learning initiative than during the ninth grade, the first full year of iReach implementation. Paired-samples t test results based on data collected from the 2015-2016 sophomore cohort to use for comparison to the freshman cohort demonstrated the same significant pattern of growth. These findings suggest that the implementation of iReach is not a sole factor affecting the reading Lexile growth of students. Results from a 2-way contingency table analysis reflect that the freshmen cohort had significantly more students than expected who increased their reading Lexile scores from eighth grade pretest to ninth grade posttest than the expected frequency of students in the sophomore cohort who increased their scores. These significant findings indicate that either the implementation of iReach, another variable, or a combination of variables worked better for the freshman cohort and attributed to the higher than expected frequency of students whose scores increased.


Cadavid, Mauricio 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore, study, outline and describe tutoring strategies applied by American Reads (AR) tutors and non-America Reads (nAR) tutors helping young tutees develop early literacy skills. There is limited research on the implementation of effective tutoring strategies during one-on-one tutoring with elementary school children in terms of early literacy development. Most of the literature is split between peer tutoring and program tutoring. This lack of research presents a particular challenge when it comes to identifying an effective tutor and effective tutoring methodologies. Using a qualitative approach, this study utilizes survey data, session recordings, and interviews to not only explore the process of tutoring, but also the strategies, learned or otherwise improvised, applied by volunteer and paid tutors. Based on the data and analysis, the researcher identified effective tutoring strategies of early literacy tutors and made suggestions for further research.

企業導入顧客關係管理決策之研究 / Decision on Adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Enterprises

陳巧佩, Chen, Chiao-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著競爭環境日漸嚴苛,顧客需求日趨多元,企業需要有更有效率的方式來管理與顧客間的關係,顧客關係管理CRM(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)成為企業關心的熱門議題。但過去的學者研究中,僅止於針對影響企業導入&系統與否之決策進行研究,然而CRM對於企業經營顧客關係之重要性已被企業所認同,同時面對如此牽涉到龐大人力、資金,與時間投入的系統導入計畫,在導入過程中仍會面臨許多重要決策,因此本研究將針對響導入過程的相關因 數,並經由個案研討的實際驗證,提出具解釋力的理論架構。 經由過去文獻的整理,本研究以Rogers(1983)的創新擴散模型為基礎,將影響CRM導入過程的因素分為認知階段的環境面與組織面因素,以及說服階段認知的創新特質,另外系統供應商及顧問公司則扮演特殊的角色,同時在說服、決策及實行階段皆產生影響。其中環境面又包含競爭強度,需求不確定性及產業環境變化速度;組織面因素包含規模、結構化程度、以及高階主管態度。而認知的創新特質則包含相容性以及系統特性。另外則以資訊與資料的蒐集、累積與儲存、吸收與整理、展現與應用等為被影響的研究變數。並選取目前導入最積極的產業中之標竿企業,包含證券、人壽、行動電話系統業者、電子電腦公司,及網際網路服務提供業者等六家企業,進行深入之訪談,期能從這些正在導入的公司之經驗裡,發現可供參考與依循的準則。 經由對個案公司的深入訪談之後,本研究之研究架構有重大修正。認知階段的影響因素除了環境與組織構面仍存在外,從組織構面中抽離複雜度,並與產品特質、顧客基礎,公司依賴業務人員推廣業務及提供服務的程度共同組成新構面—業務面因素,而系統與顧問公司的選擇則成為企業採用CRM系統時重要的決策因素之一。更重要的是,本研究經由訪談對探討主題有更廣泛而完整的延伸,導入過程可以導入積極度、建置組織,以及建置方式來描述。導入積極度代表導入的速度;建置組織裡包含以專案小組的方式來推動,以及高階主管的參與程度;建置方式則包含CRM要素的建置優先順序、以及委外程度。 研究發現,環境面的因素與組織面的因素皆同時影響到CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序;而新增的業務面的因素則同時對CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序及自建或委外的選擇有較顯著影響。至於認知的創新特質中,不論是專案管理或是高階參與,其影響到的皆為CRM在建置單位上的特性。而協力單位則因為企業對於系統特性的要求有所不同,而同時成為決策結果與影響導入方式的變數。 本研究期望能藉由結合學術理論與實務應用的方案,提供給正在導入或評估規劃中的企業實用的考慮方向與實際例證,以協助企業在導入過程中自我檢測,選擇最適當的導入程序及設計組織關的配套措施,俾使導入過程順利而達到預期目標。 / To cope with the current increase in both competition and customer requirements, enterprises need more efficient methods to manage their relationships with customers. Previous researches focused mainly on the factors affecting the decision whether or not to adopt the CRM system. As the importance of CRM pertaining to management of relationships with customers has been recognized, meanwhile, with regard to implementation of the extensive software which involves investment of massive human resources, capital, and time, many critical decisions still need to be concerned. This research aims at extracting relevant factors affecting the adoption process and proposes a convincing framework verified by an empirical case study. The research in this study is based on the Innovation Diffusion Model of Rogers (1983) and divides factors affecting the CRM adoption process into knowledge and persuasion stages with environmental and organizational factors in the knowledge stage, and perceived characteristics of innovation in the persuasion stage, while system suppliers and consulting firms as joint associates. Environmental factors include competition intensity, demand uncertainty, and industry changing speed. Organizational factors consist of size, structure, and managerial attitude. Perceived characteristics of innovation are composed of compatibility and system characteristics. Data collection, data storage, data mining, and data visualization work as independent variables. Six companies in securities, life insurance, cellular telephone system, electronics and computers, and the Internet service provider industry were selected as study cases. However, the research frame was revised after investigation. In the knowledge stage, complexity is extracted and integrated with product attribute, customer base, and corporation dependence on sales representative to form one integrated factor called business. Moreover, the independent variables are amended to be more extensive, including adoption activeness, constructing section, and constructing manner. The research shows that environmental and organizational factors affect adoption activeness and priority; and that the business factor influences adoption activeness, adoption priority, as well as outsourcing decisions. Project management and managerial participation representing a CRM constructing section are affected by perceived characteristics of the innovation. Through the integration of theory and empirical data , this research hopes to provide direction for examining the CRM adoption process and organization design, so as to facilitate the fulfilling of the adoption objective.

由消費體驗發展品牌的成功案例研究 / A case study of brand development based on consumption experience

李宥蓉, Lee, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內外符合體驗經濟時代的品牌,透過文獻回顧與探討,整理出一個可由消費體驗發展品牌的架構,並以此架構進行個案分析與檢視,提出研究發現,提供想要由消費體驗發展品牌的廠商,作為自我檢視品牌發展之用;同時,作為品牌操作之實務運作可依循的方向,強化品牌發展之路。 本研究使用質性研究的多個案研究方法,選擇選取了國內外各兩家消費體驗的代表品牌為研究對象,進行深度的訪談,分別為法藍瓷、王德傳、美體小舖與無印良品四個品牌;並同時蒐集相關的次級資料進行彙整,最後,透過本研究架構進行個案的分析與比較,以了解其公司如何從消費體驗發展品牌的經營之道,並彙整出研究發現。 本研究發現乃藉由「由消費體驗發展品牌的觀念架構」,指出互動過程可透過體驗行銷策略模型之實務操作形成客戶消費體驗;透過顧客關係管理實務建立長期的品牌關係,而衡量關係準則可藉由關係密度與關係活動了解關係品實質以調整品牌互動的方式;最終使顧客感受品牌精神。並透過四個成功案例分析與印證,彙整發現與結論如下: 1. 品牌精神乃品牌經營之根本,需具備「獨特、真實、談論性高」之特質。 2. 品牌關係可透過顧客關係管理之行銷操作,以會員經營與管理為主,可使品牌行銷更精準有效率。 3. 客戶體驗可透過Schmitt(1999)體驗行銷策略之運用,發現: 3-1.體驗類型,感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯並非獨立存在,而是互相影響。 3-2.體驗類型首重感官之視覺刺激誘發情感體驗 3-3.客戶體驗影響品牌與顧客關係 3-4.客戶體驗首重情境式體驗與圖像式溝通 3-5.對體驗媒介之產品呈現方式(品質、設計與包裝等)最為重視 3-6.共同建立品牌之聯合行銷的方式最為常用,以補足較少的廣告行銷預算。 4. 品牌精神、品牌關係與客戶體驗之相互關係 4-1.需以全面觀點規劃與設計,三者兼備,缺一不可。 4-2.三者關係需兼顧一致性與相互呼應 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the brand of Experience Economy at home and abroad. According to a literature review and research, we first developed a conceptual framework of brand development through consumption experience. Then, we analyzed and viewed successful cases based on this conceptual framework of brand development. Finally, we proposed findings. This research may help companies that want to develop brands through consumption to view brand development. At the same time, it is also a way to practice brand execution and may enhance brand development. In this research, we adopted a multi–case study method of qualitative research. We selected four brands at home and abroad in the case study: Franz, Wang De Chuan, the Body Shop, and MUJI. The analysis of these case brands was based on the primary material, which we obtained from in-depth interviews and from related secondary materials collected and archived from many ways. Finally, we analyzed and compared the four cases using this conceptual framework of brand development, and we made several discoveries. The study found that the interactive process can be applied in practice through the strategies of experiential marketing and can then be used to form customers’ consumption experiences, to develop long-term brand relationships through customer relationship management, to evaluate the relationship’s criteria through relationship activities, which can the be adjusted in brand-interactive manner; and to make the customer feel brand spirit finally. Above all else, we based our work on the conceptual framework of brand development through consumption experience. Below are the findings and conclusion from the analysis and proof of the four case studies: 1. Brand spirit is the base of brand development. It requires several features, such as unique, real, and intense discussion. 2. Brand relationships can let brand marketing be precise and effective through the practices of customer relationship management and member management. 3. Customer experience can be expressed through the strategies and execution of experiential marketing from Schmitt (1999). Below are discoveries: 3-1. An experience model describes the way we sense, feel, think, act, and relate. These reactions are independent but are interactive in their influence. 3-2. An experience model pays attention to stimulation from the sense of sight to induce feelings and experiences. 3-3. The customer experience affects the relationship between the brand and customer. 3-4. The customer experience emphasizes communication based on situation and picture. 3-5. Experience media emphasize product expression, e.g., quality, design, and packaging. 3-6. A marketing strategic alliance is usually used in order to keep a low budget for marketing. 4. What is the interactive relationship among brand spirit, brand relationship, and the customer’s experience? 4-1. The relationship of the three needs to be planned and designed using an indispensable overall concept. 4-2. The relationship of the three needs consistency to keep one another healthy.

Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.

Angličtina pro cestovní ruch / English for Tourism

JELÍNKOVÁ, Renata January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on ESP, English for Specific Purposes, namely English for tourism. Another specific feature is that it focuses on one particular student and the preparation of an individual course for him. In this thesis the student's needs are analyzed, the course syllabus is developed and teaching materials are prepared. After the study of the theoretical literature, the needs of the particular student are analyzed in terms of language needs, language skills and intercultural competence. The analysis is carried out through a guided interview and synthesized in a case study. A one-semester course syllabus design is the result of the analysis. In accordance with the syllabus, the lesson plans containing specific topic, aim, language skills, language sub-skills and teaching materials are created.

The effectiveness of senior students as tutor assistants in the English special project for academic development at UWC

Wentzel, Zurina January 1992 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Since the inception of the University in 1960 under the Apartheid regime and up until a few years ago Afrikaans had dominated both as educational and as communication medium. However, political change - at the University and in South Africa - has brought about a change in language patterns. According to the HSRC Work Committee on Languages and Language Instruction (1981), a high percentage (40%) of Afrikaans-speaking people classified as coloured and living in the Cape Peninsula choose English as the medium of instruction and also regard it as the most important language to be learnt at schools (also 40%). As a result of this, and the enrolment of a large percentage of Xhosa speaking students, who generally prefer English to Afrikaans as an educational medium, English has become the language most commonly used both inside and outside the classroom. The homogeneity of preference has, however, not been matched by mastery of the language. For approximately 70% of all first-year students English is a second or even a third language. Though University entry is based on at least ten years of the study of English, standards of proficiency differ quite considerably as a result of inequalities in education. Because students need to improve their level of English proficiency I investigated the effectiveness of using senior students as tutor assistants in an academic development programme, the English Special Project, at UWC. This study aims at revealing that the tutor assistantships in the English Special Project can alleviate problems that occur with annual increases in student numbers under certain conditions. These are that: 1 prospective tutor assistants undergo proper tutor assistant training; 2 tutor assistants are committed to the course of academic development; 3 tutor assistants have the time available that is necessary for the task. In Chapter 1 give an insight into what this study is about, the reasons for conducting it and what my personal involvement with the ESP has been. In Chapter 2 I review some of the overseas and local literature on TA systems. In Chapter 3 I describe a case-study to evaluate the success of the TA system in the ESP with reference to academic development. I emphasize the intensive, individual care of and attention to first-year students. In an attempt to address the problem, the effectiveness of senior students as tutor assistants to assist in tutorial sessions is described. In Chapter 4 I discuss the value of TA intervention in the ESP at personal and social levels. Chapter 5 contains the general conclusions and my recommendations to improve the ESP.

1:1 Laptops in Education and Achievement Test Results in One Rural High School

Young, William F. 03 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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