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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valor percebido pelo consumidor: um estudo exploratório em relação às lojas onde realiza compras de alimentos

Biscola, Paulo Henrique Nogueira 13 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 155025.pdf.jpg: 17982 bytes, checksum: 6b884d10e6e1305fdad06d16c76f3cdd (MD5) 155025.pdf: 1071311 bytes, checksum: 08a43f2dba2774959a7b44a78519cee5 (MD5) 155025.pdf.txt: 262203 bytes, checksum: 36cab83d49be85b008e787610d91f203 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-13T00:00:00Z / No Brasil, os varejos de grande escala estão perdendo espaço para os formatos menores como pequenos supermercados, mercadinhos, feiras, padarias, entre outros. Além disso, a inflação baixa e os preços sem grandes diferenças nos vários formatos de varejo criaram opções para os consumidores comprarem em várias lojas. Estes buscam realizar suas compras em locais que diminuam o ônus e aumentem o bônus na realização das compras. Portanto, os diversos formatos varejistas devem adquirir conhecimento a respeito do que os seus consumidores percebem como sacrifício (o ônus) ou benefício (o bônus) destas atividades, para poderem oferecer proposições mercadológicas coerentes com as demandas existentes. Para oferecer subsídios para melhor compreensão desse fenômeno, formulou-se o seguinte problema de pesquisa: quais os ônus e bônus que os consumidores percebem existir na escolha de um determinado formato de loja para realizarem suas compras de alimentos? Uma revisão do conhecimento a respeito de valor percebido e de seus antecedentes se fez necessária para responder a essa questão. A qualidade percebida e o sacrifício percebido (esforços e riscos) foram estudados. Também foi efetuado um estudo da evolução dos modelos de valor percebido apresentados ao longo dos anos, com o intuito de estabelecer o relacionamento dos construtos e variáveis presentes nos modelos. Uma pesquisa exploratória foi conduzida junto a consumidores destes estabelecimentos em uma média cidade brasileira que possui em seu território a diversidade de formatos varejistas presentes no país. Foram feitas entrevistas em profundidade com 51 donas-de-casa que realizam a compra de alimentos de suas residências e têm escolaridade acima da 4ª série, sendo 26 de baixa e 25 de alta renda. Os resultados apontaram a grande preocupação das consumidoras principalmente com a questão do preço e do tempo de viagem (proximidade), os quais são considerados como dois esforços pela literatura. Os valores de Holbrook (1999) também foram analisados segundo a ótica das consumidoras. Além do tempo de viagem, os outros esforços não-monetários de tempo foram categorizados, sendo que um dos mais destacados foi o tempo de espera (filas), seguido pelos tempos de compra e de monitoramento. Diversos riscos foram percebidos pelas consumidoras de alimentos, destacando-se aqueles relacionados tanto à loja varejista quanto aos produtos comprados, bem como outros associados à manipulação dos produtos pelos varejistas. Os diversos formatos varejistas apresentaram peculiaridades, sendo que as consumidoras se valem desses atributos positivos e negativos para realizarem suas escolhas. Muitas delas estão pautadas também nas características sócio-econômicas e nos recursos disponíveis às pessoas para que consigam ter acesso aos tipos de lojas. Na conclusão do trabalho são apresentadas limitações e sugestões para novas pesquisas. / In Brazil, big food retails are losing space to small formats like, among others, small supermarkets, traditional retailers, street formats, and bakeries. Besides, the low inflation and the prices without high differences among the retailing formats created options to the consumers that can buy in several stores. These consumers try to do their shopping in places where the onus is decreased and the bonus is increased. So, the different retail formats should acquire knowledge about what their consumers perceive as sacrifice (the onus), or benefit (the bonus) of these activities, to offer marketing propositions coherent with the existent demands. To offer information in order to enhance this phenomenon comprehension, the following research problem was presented: what are the onus and bonus that consumers perceive in the choice of a kind of store format to do theirs food s shopping? A knowledge review about perceived value and its antecedents was necessary to answer this question. The perceived quality and the perceived sacrifice (efforts and risks) were studied. A study about the evolution of the perceived value models presented through the years was also conducted to set up the relationship of the constructs and the variables that form these models. An exploratory research was conducted with consumers of these retails in a medium Brazilian city that has in its territory the various retail formats existing in this country. In- depth interviews were done with 51 households who do their home s food shopping and have at least four years of formal education; they were divided into 26 women of low income and 25 of high income. The results showed that the consumer s mainly preoccupation was with the issues of price and travel time (proximity), that are considered as two efforts by the literature. The Holbrook s (1999) values were also analyzed according to the consumer s view. Besides travel time, the others non-monetaries time efforts were categorized, and one of the most prominent was the waiting time (lines), followed by shopping time and monitoring time. Various risks were perceived by food s consumers, and were highlighted those related with retailing and bought products, and also others associated with the product s that are handled by the retailers. The different retail formats presented peculiarities, and the consumers use these positives and negatives attributes to do their choices. Most of these are based on socio- economics characteristics and on the available resources to access some kinds of stores. In the work s conclusion limitations and suggestions for new researches are presented.

Nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid as verweer in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg

Van der Merwe, Frederik Wilhelm 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg word bespreek. Hierdie verweer is van onlangse oorsprong en verskil van die verwere van ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid as gevolg van jeugdigheid en geestesongesteldheid soos in artikel 78(1) van die Strafproseswet 51 van 1977 uiteengesit word. Die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid dek gevalle waar dit deur faktore soos emosionele spanning veroorsaak is. Hierdie verweer staan ook as die algemene ontoerekeningsvatbaarheidsverweer bekend. In 'n aantal beslissings, soos onder andere, S v Arnold 1985 (3) SA 256 (C); S v Campher 1987 (1) SA 940 (A) en S v Chretien 1981 (1) SA 1097 (A), word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid wei in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg bestaansreg het. Ten einde met 'n verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid te slaag, is die blote ipse dixit van die beskuldigde onvoldoende. 'n Behoorlike grondslag vir die verweer moet gele word. Die bewyslas in die geval van 'n verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid word bespreek. / The defence of non-pathological criminal incapacity in the South African criminal law is discussed. It is a relatively new defence and should be distinguished from the defences such as youth and mental illness set out in section 78(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. This defence covers cases in which criminal capacity is excluded by factors such as intoxication and emotional stress. It is also known as a general defence of criminal incapacity. In a number of cases, inter alia in S v Arnold 1985(3) SA 256 (C); S v Campher 1987 (1) SA 940 (A) and S v Chretien 1981 (1) SA 1 097 (A) the conclusion is reached that the defence, non-pathological criminal incapacity, does have a right of existence in the South African criminal law. In order to successfully raise the defence on non-pathological criminal incapacity, the mere ipse dixit of the accused is insufficient. A proper foundation for the defence must be laid. The onus of proof is discussed. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. M.

Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg

Van der Merwe, George Willem 04 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie proefskrif word daar gekonsentreer op die bewyslas in die nywerheidshof omdat die nywerheidshof se benadering met betrekking tot die bewyslas verskil van geval tot gevaL afhangende van die aard van die regshulp waarvoor die party je die nywerheidshof nader. In die tweede plek volg 'n bespreking van hoe en deur wie die voorlegging van getuienis aan die nywerheidshof mag geskied, hetsy by wyse van dokumente of getuies en daarbenewens oak 'n bespreking van watter soort getuienis aan die nywerheidshof voorgele mag word met spesifieke verwysing na inter alia, klankopnames, videobande en die resultate van leuenverklikkertoetse. / In this thesis there will be concentrated on the burden of proof in the industrial court because the industrial court's approach in regard to the burden of proof differs from case to case, depending on the nature of the legal aid for which the party /ies approaches the industrial court. In the second place a discussion will follow of how and by whom the presenting of evidence can be done, whether by documents or by witnesses, and in addition thereto also a discussion on which sort of evidence can be presented to the industrial court with specific reference to, inter alia, taperecordings, video tapes and the results of lie-detector tests. / Private Law / LL.M. (Handelsreg)

A further look at S v Zuma (1995(4) BCLR 401 SA (CC))

Lombard, Sulette 01 1900 (has links)
The Zuma case - important as the first decision of the Constitutional Court - is primarily concerned with the constitutionality of section 217(l)(b)(ii) of the Criminal Procedure Act. In trying to fmd an answer to this question, the Constitutional Court also addressed other important issues. In this dissertation the Constitutional Court's decision on the constitutionality of section 217(1)(b)(ii) is examined, as well as important general principles laid down by the Court regarding incompetent referrals by the Supreme Court; constitutional interpretation; reverse onus provisions and the right to a fair trial; as well as the application of the general limitation clause. A closer look is taken at adherence to these principles in subsequent Constitutional Court decisions, and finally a conclusion is reached on the value of the Zuma case. / Law / LL.M. (Law)

Die konstitusionele invloed op borgstelling / The constitutional influence on bail

Loots, Maria Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Wanneer die konstitusionele invloed op borgstelling in die bree bespreek word, moet die bepalings van die Grondwet 200 van 1993 met inbegrip van die Handves van Menseregte en die onderliggende waardes, beginsels en doelstellings daartoe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks inaggeneem word. Die algemene transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap in 'n verteenwoordigende demokrasie, veelvolkigheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap, eskalerende misdaadsyfer, wantroue van die gemeenskap in die regstelsel en die beklemtoning van fundamentele regte is aspekte wat figureer binne die Suid-Afrikaanse borgtogreg. Die tradisionele benadering dat die bewyslas op die beskuldigde rus tydens borgtogverrigtinge is binne die moderne borgtogreg en in die lig van die Grondwet 200 van 1993 asook die Tweede Strafproseswysigingswet 75 van 1995 onvanpas. As algemene reel behoort die bewyslas by 'n borgaansoek op die staat te rus op oorwig van waarskynlikhede. In sekere spesifiek omskrewe gevalle soos vervat inartikel60(11) van die Tweede Strafproseswysigingswet rus die bewyslas op die beskuldigde. Hierdie beperking is regverdigbaar in tenne van artike133 van die Grondwet 200 van 1993. Daar bestaan verder nie voldoende rede om nie gebruik te maak van die bewyslasbegrip as gevestigde prosessuele maatreel tydens borgverrigtinge nie. In die moderne Suid-Afrikaanse borgtogreg moet 'n balans gehandhaaf word tussen die belange van die gemeenskap en die fundamentele regte van die individu. Die howe moet in elke spesifieke geval· inhoud aan hierdie beginsel verleen. / When the effect of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 200 of 1993 on bail is considered, the transformation of the South African community, multi-racial society, high crimerate, disillusionment of the community with regard to the courtsystem and importance of fundamental rights must be regarded. The traditional approach that the onus is upon the accused (in his capacity as applicant) to prove on a balance of probability that the court should exercise its discretion in favour of granting bail and, in discharging this burden, he must show that the interests of justice will not be prejudiced, is in terms ofthe Constitution 200 of 1993 and the Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act 75 of 1995 unacceptable. It is submitted that the onus should be on the State to place grounds before the Court why there should be an exercise of discretion in favour of the State for further detention of the individual. In terms of certain spesific crimes as described in article 60(11) of the Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act theis placed on the accused. This exception is acceptable as it prescribes to the requirements in article 33 of the Constitution 200 of 1993. It is submitted that there is no reason why onus as excepted evidentiary rule should not be used in bail applications. A balance between the interest of the community and fundamental rights of the individual must be kept in modern law regarding bail. It is in the hands of the courts to substantiate this balance. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

The winds of change : an analysis and appraisal of selected constitutional issues affecting the rights of taxpayers

Goldswain, George Kenneth 09 May 2013 (has links)
Prior to 1994, South African taxpayers had little protection from fiscal legislation or the decisions, actions or conduct of the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) that violated their common law rights. Parliament reigned supreme and in tax matters, the strict and literal approach to the interpretation of statutes was employed, with the judiciary often quoting the mantra that there is “no equity about tax”. The Income Tax Act (Act No 58 of 1962) was littered with discriminatory and unfair provisions based on age, religion, sex and marital status. Even unreasonable decisions taken by SARS could not be reviewed by the judiciary as “unreasonableness” was not a ground for review of the exercise of a discretion by SARS. On 27 April 1994, the constitutional order changed. Parliamentary supremacy was replaced with constitutional supremacy and the rights to privacy, equality, human dignity, property and just administrative action were codified in a Bill of Rights. The codification of these fundamental rights has materially changed the nature and extent of the rights of South African taxpayers. The objective of this thesis, therefore, is to identify, analyse and discuss South African taxpayers’ rights from a constitutional perspective. The following major conclusions can be drawn from the research done: - the judiciary have been forced to reappraise their approach to the interpretation of statutes from a “strict and literal” to a “purposive” approach that is in accordance with the values underpinning the new constitutional order; - new legislation has amended some of the so-called “reverse” onus of proof provisions that were constitutionally unsound – this should result in greater fairness and consistency for affected taxpayers especially in the area of when penalties may be imposed; - the concept of clean hands and good facts can influence the judiciary when arguing that a taxpayer’s right to just administrative action has been violated; and - discriminatory and unfair legislation and conduct on the part of SARS may and should be attacked on a substantive law basis, especially where human dignity is at stake. The overall conclusion is that taxpayers’ rights are more far-reaching than prior to 1994 but still have some way to go before they are fully interpreted and developed. / Accounting Science / D.Compt.

Estratégias para aumento da eficiência espectral e energética em redes TWDM-PON / Strategies to increase spectral and energetic efficiency in TWDM-PON networks

Dourado, Diego Marques 15 July 2016 (has links)
O problema estudado relaciona-se ao planejamento de redes ópticas de acesso TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), tendo como meta prover meios para atender ao consumo crescente de banda e, ao mesmo tempo, associar o mesmo ao menor consumo de energia possível e disponibilizar serviços de qualidade aos usuários da rede. Neste contexto, após a apresentação de uma revisão bibliográfica, alguns trabalhos foram selecionados como referências base para o estudo. Neste, foram analisadas técnicas de gerenciamento do comprimento de onda numa possível migração tecnológica dos equipamentos de acesso à rede pelo lado do usuário, as unidades de rede óptica (ONUs), considerando ser possível aproveitar de forma eficiente a distribuição de ONUs em cada par de comprimentos de onda, e como resultado, desligar interfaces de gerenciamento para economia de energia. Em paralelo a este objetivo, foram agregados métodos de \"registro adaptativo\" para melhorar o desempenho das ONUs que estão migrando e/ou entrando na rede, evitando colisões entre seus sinais e aumentando as chances de registro no terminal de linha óptico (OLT). Além do mais, o trabalho aborda o cumprimento do contrato de serviços (SLA) por parte das operadoras de telecomunicações, bem como oferece meios de estruturar uma rede óptica passiva (PON) para oferecer serviços com garantia de métricas de qualidade (QoS). Diferentes cenários foram tratados ao variar a porcentagem de usuários ativos na rede, e percebeu-se que, quando a PON opera com baixo índice de atividade (média 10% de ONUs ativas), foi possível economizar mais de 80% de energia em interfaces de gerenciamento. Por outro lado, ao envolver cenários mais realistas em redes ópticas (média de 50% de ONUs ativas), o TWDM-PON economizou quase 50% de energia nestas interfaces ao ser configurado com baixo período de migração (5 minutos). Além disso, alcançou um SLA de aproximadamente 100%, um valor considerado acima do usual quando se trata de cumprimento de serviços. Como uma tecnologia emergente, o TWDM-PON destaca-se num cenário que deve ser planejado para ser compatível com tecnologias implantadas, e além de disso, superar o legado de redes PON na economia de energia e qualidade de serviços oferecidos. / The problem studied is related to the planning of optical access networks TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), aiming to provide means to meet the increasing bandwidth consumption and, at the same time, associating it to the lowest possible power consumption and providing quality services to the network users. In this context, following the presentation of a literature review, some studies were selected as a reference basis for the study. In this, some wavelength management techniques were analyzed aiming a possible technological migration of the network access equipment at the user side, the optical network units (ONU), whereas it is possible to use efficiently the ONUs distribution in each pair of wavelength. As a result, it becomes possible to switch off some management interfaces thus assuring a degree of power consumption save. In parallel, methods for providing an \"adaptive record\" of ONUs have been aggregated to improve the performance of those ONUs that are migrating and/or entering the network, avoiding collisions between their signals and increasing the chance of their registration in the optical line terminal (OLT). Furthermore, this work deals with the fulfillment of the service agreement (SLA) signed by telecommunications operators and proposes ways to design a passive optical network (PON) in order to offer services with quality metrics assurance (QoS). Different scenarios were treated to vary the percentage of active users on the network, and it was noticed that when the PON operates with low rate of activity (average 10% of active ONUs), it was possible to save over 80% energy in the management interfaces. Moreover, by involving more realistic scenarios in optical networks (50%, in average, of active ONUs), the TWDM-PON saved almost 50% of energy at the interfaces to be configured with low migration period (5 minutes). Additionally, it reached an SLA of approximately 100%, a value considered above the usual when it comes to compliance services. As an emerging technology, TWDM-PON stands out in a scenario that should be designed to be compatible with deployed technologies, and beyond that, to overcome the legacy of PON networks in energy saving and quality of services offered.

A importância da prova como garantia de efetividade do processo do trabalho

Bertelli, Sandra Miguel Abou Assali 08 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Miguel Abou Assali Bertelli.pdf: 1096640 bytes, checksum: b399eaac3368f8747244eaa00be6b3fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-08 / This paper aims at analyzing the general aspects of the legal evidence and the importance of the discovery activity for a profitable result in the action. In all its chapters, the study intends to sediment the Idea that the effectiveness of the judgment depends upon full procedural discovery, tending to prestige the reinstatement of the truth of facts and, therefore, grant substantiality to the legal norms as well as integrity to the legal order. In this context, we seek to value the dynamic participation of the judge throughout the discovery activity and in the valuation of conviction elements compiled in the lawsuit, as essential factors to enable the evidence to fulfill its instrumental purposes in the performance of material law, allowing the much sought-after social welfare. The concentrated efforts in these debates converge, above all, to the understanding of the social function of the legal evidence and its usage towards fair and effective solution of the litigation, guaranteeing that the proceeding may be the conductor of social harmony, higher scope of jurisdiction. And to be successful in such goals, we have carried out extensive jurisprudence research, consultations to books, journals and Labor Court sites / O presente trabalho tem por fim a análise dos aspectos gerais da prova judiciária e da importância da atividade instrutória para o resultado útil do processo. Em todos os capítulos, o estudo objetiva sedimentar a idéia de que a efetividade da prestação jurisdicional depende de uma instrução processual plena, tendente a prestigiar o restabelecimento da verdade real dos fatos e, com isso, conferir concretude à norma de direito substancial, bem como integridade ao ordenamento jurídico. Procuramos, neste contexto, valorizar a participação dinâmica do magistrado em todos os momentos da atividade instrutória e na valoração dos elementos de convicção coligidos ao processo, como fator essencial a possibilitar que a prova cumpra sua finalidade instrumental na realização do direito material, proporcionando o tão almejado bem-estar social. Os esforços concentrados nestes debates convergem, acima de tudo, à compreensão da função social da prova judiciária e de sua utilidade para a solução justa e efetiva do litígio, assegurando que o processo seja o veículo condutor da harmonia social, escopo maior da jurisdição. E para lograr êxito em tais metas, realizamos ampla pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial, consultas a livros, a periódicos e a sítios de Tribunais do Trabalho

The winds of change : an analysis and appraisal of selected constitutional issues affecting the rights of taxpayers

Goldswain, George Kenneth 09 May 2013 (has links)
Prior to 1994, South African taxpayers had little protection from fiscal legislation or the decisions, actions or conduct of the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) that violated their common law rights. Parliament reigned supreme and in tax matters, the strict and literal approach to the interpretation of statutes was employed, with the judiciary often quoting the mantra that there is “no equity about tax”. The Income Tax Act (Act No 58 of 1962) was littered with discriminatory and unfair provisions based on age, religion, sex and marital status. Even unreasonable decisions taken by SARS could not be reviewed by the judiciary as “unreasonableness” was not a ground for review of the exercise of a discretion by SARS. On 27 April 1994, the constitutional order changed. Parliamentary supremacy was replaced with constitutional supremacy and the rights to privacy, equality, human dignity, property and just administrative action were codified in a Bill of Rights. The codification of these fundamental rights has materially changed the nature and extent of the rights of South African taxpayers. The objective of this thesis, therefore, is to identify, analyse and discuss South African taxpayers’ rights from a constitutional perspective. The following major conclusions can be drawn from the research done: - the judiciary have been forced to reappraise their approach to the interpretation of statutes from a “strict and literal” to a “purposive” approach that is in accordance with the values underpinning the new constitutional order; - new legislation has amended some of the so-called “reverse” onus of proof provisions that were constitutionally unsound – this should result in greater fairness and consistency for affected taxpayers especially in the area of when penalties may be imposed; - the concept of clean hands and good facts can influence the judiciary when arguing that a taxpayer’s right to just administrative action has been violated; and - discriminatory and unfair legislation and conduct on the part of SARS may and should be attacked on a substantive law basis, especially where human dignity is at stake. The overall conclusion is that taxpayers’ rights are more far-reaching than prior to 1994 but still have some way to go before they are fully interpreted and developed. / Accounting Science / D.Compt.

Estratégias para aumento da eficiência espectral e energética em redes TWDM-PON / Strategies to increase spectral and energetic efficiency in TWDM-PON networks

Diego Marques Dourado 15 July 2016 (has links)
O problema estudado relaciona-se ao planejamento de redes ópticas de acesso TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), tendo como meta prover meios para atender ao consumo crescente de banda e, ao mesmo tempo, associar o mesmo ao menor consumo de energia possível e disponibilizar serviços de qualidade aos usuários da rede. Neste contexto, após a apresentação de uma revisão bibliográfica, alguns trabalhos foram selecionados como referências base para o estudo. Neste, foram analisadas técnicas de gerenciamento do comprimento de onda numa possível migração tecnológica dos equipamentos de acesso à rede pelo lado do usuário, as unidades de rede óptica (ONUs), considerando ser possível aproveitar de forma eficiente a distribuição de ONUs em cada par de comprimentos de onda, e como resultado, desligar interfaces de gerenciamento para economia de energia. Em paralelo a este objetivo, foram agregados métodos de \"registro adaptativo\" para melhorar o desempenho das ONUs que estão migrando e/ou entrando na rede, evitando colisões entre seus sinais e aumentando as chances de registro no terminal de linha óptico (OLT). Além do mais, o trabalho aborda o cumprimento do contrato de serviços (SLA) por parte das operadoras de telecomunicações, bem como oferece meios de estruturar uma rede óptica passiva (PON) para oferecer serviços com garantia de métricas de qualidade (QoS). Diferentes cenários foram tratados ao variar a porcentagem de usuários ativos na rede, e percebeu-se que, quando a PON opera com baixo índice de atividade (média 10% de ONUs ativas), foi possível economizar mais de 80% de energia em interfaces de gerenciamento. Por outro lado, ao envolver cenários mais realistas em redes ópticas (média de 50% de ONUs ativas), o TWDM-PON economizou quase 50% de energia nestas interfaces ao ser configurado com baixo período de migração (5 minutos). Além disso, alcançou um SLA de aproximadamente 100%, um valor considerado acima do usual quando se trata de cumprimento de serviços. Como uma tecnologia emergente, o TWDM-PON destaca-se num cenário que deve ser planejado para ser compatível com tecnologias implantadas, e além de disso, superar o legado de redes PON na economia de energia e qualidade de serviços oferecidos. / The problem studied is related to the planning of optical access networks TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), aiming to provide means to meet the increasing bandwidth consumption and, at the same time, associating it to the lowest possible power consumption and providing quality services to the network users. In this context, following the presentation of a literature review, some studies were selected as a reference basis for the study. In this, some wavelength management techniques were analyzed aiming a possible technological migration of the network access equipment at the user side, the optical network units (ONU), whereas it is possible to use efficiently the ONUs distribution in each pair of wavelength. As a result, it becomes possible to switch off some management interfaces thus assuring a degree of power consumption save. In parallel, methods for providing an \"adaptive record\" of ONUs have been aggregated to improve the performance of those ONUs that are migrating and/or entering the network, avoiding collisions between their signals and increasing the chance of their registration in the optical line terminal (OLT). Furthermore, this work deals with the fulfillment of the service agreement (SLA) signed by telecommunications operators and proposes ways to design a passive optical network (PON) in order to offer services with quality metrics assurance (QoS). Different scenarios were treated to vary the percentage of active users on the network, and it was noticed that when the PON operates with low rate of activity (average 10% of active ONUs), it was possible to save over 80% energy in the management interfaces. Moreover, by involving more realistic scenarios in optical networks (50%, in average, of active ONUs), the TWDM-PON saved almost 50% of energy at the interfaces to be configured with low migration period (5 minutes). Additionally, it reached an SLA of approximately 100%, a value considered above the usual when it comes to compliance services. As an emerging technology, TWDM-PON stands out in a scenario that should be designed to be compatible with deployed technologies, and beyond that, to overcome the legacy of PON networks in energy saving and quality of services offered.

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