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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Invloed van die grondwet op die bewyslas in die lasterreg

Van Heerden, Cornelia Maritha 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die siviele lasterreg word gekenmerk deur verdeeldheid aangaande bewyspligtigheid. 'n Unieke situasie doen horn voor: weerlegbare regsvermoedens van onregmatigheid en animus iniuriandi word opgevolg deur verskeie regsverdigingsgronde. Bykomend hiertoe stel die Grondwet die vereiste van konstitusionele regverdiging vir beperkings op fundamentele regte. 'n Oorsig oor die regspraak in sowel die voorgrondwetlike - as na-grondwetlike bedeling, dui op 'n versuim deur die howe om behoorlik aandag te skenk aan die bewyspligtigheidsgevolge van die regverskynsels wat hulself in die lasterreg voordoen. In hierdie verhandeling word bewyspligtigheid in lastersake krities ondersoek om vas te stel of dit die reg korrek weerspieel en om 'n werkbare bewyslasformule vir lasteraksies in 'n konstitusionele litigasie te vind. Daar word voorgestel dat die probleem opgelos word deur 'n tweefase-benadering: Die eiser moet in die eerste fase die omvang van sy reg bewys en dat daarop inbreuk gemaak is. In die tweede fase moet die verweerder sy regverdigingsgronde bewys, asook dat dit konstitusioneel regverdigbaar is. / The civil law of defamation is marked by discord regarding onus of proof. A unique situation evidences itself: rebuttable presumptions of law concerning unlawfulness and animus iniuriandi are followed by various grounds of justification. In addition thereto the Constitution sets the requirement of constitutional justification for limitations on fundamental rights. An overview of case law in the pre-constitutional as well as the post-constitutional dispensation, indicates a failure by the courts to pay proper attention to the evidentiary consequences of the legal phenomena found in the law of defamation. In this dissertation onus of proof in defamation cases is critically examined to ascertain whether it reflects the law correctly and to find a workable "onus of proof" -formula for defamation cases in a constitutional dispensation. It is suggested that the problem be solved by a two stage approach: in the first phase, the plaintiff must prove the extent of his right and the encroachment thereof . In the second phase the defendant must prove his grounds of justification and show that they are constitutionally justifiable. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / LL.M.

A distribuição do ônus do processo de urbanização por meio da recuperação de mais-valias urbanas : estudo do Shopping Center Iguatemi em Porto Alegre, 1983-2016

Vizzotto, Andrea Teichmann January 2018 (has links)
A sociedade contemporânea está em transição. O mundo moderno, cartesiano e positivista, cede espaço à conduta pós-moderna, em que a tônica é a liquidez e a efemeridade. O capital amolda-se a essa transformação, mantendo a relação simbiótica com as instituições públicas e influenciando nas decisões estatais. No espaço urbano, essa transformação se traduz em conflito e desigualdade das oportunidades de acesso à terra, à infraestrutura e aos serviços públicos. Essa situação é agravada pela ausência de efetividade e de ineficiência das ações do Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de pesquisar qual o papel do Estado, do Direito e da Justiça brasileira, influenciados pelo capital, em direção à cidade justa, na sociedade pós-moderna. Por meio do exame do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que pressupõe igualdade, justiça, solidariedade social e participação popular como princípios constitucionais expressos, busca-se verificar a evolução e efetividade do procedimento administrativo de recuperação de mais-valias urbanas. Para isso utiliza-se o processo de implantação, execução e ampliação do Shopping Center Iguatemi, na cidade de Porto Alegre, analisando-se a materialidade da justa distribuição dos ônus e benefícios decorrentes do processo de urbanização, como um dos modos de promoção da cidade justa. / Contemporary society is in transition. The modern, cartesian and positivist world, gives way to postmodern conduct, in which liquidity and ephemerality stand out. Capital molds to this transformation, maintaining the symbiotic relationship with public institutions and influencing state decisions. In urban space, this transformation translates into conflict and inequality of access to land, infrastructure and public services. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of effectiveness and the inefficiency of the State. The goal of this work is to investigate the role of the Brazilian State, Law and Justice, influenced by capital, towards to the just city, in postmodern society. Through the examination of the Brazilian legal system, which presupposes equality, justice, social solidarity and popular participation as expressed in the constitutional principles, it is sought to verify the evolution and effectiveness of the administrative procedure for the recovery of urban surplus value. In this regard, it is used the process of implantation, execution and expansion of the Shopping Center Iguatemi, in the city of Porto Alegre, analyzing the materiality of the fair distribution of the onus and benefits emerging from the process of urbanization, as one of the means to reach of the just city.

Teoria da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova no processo do trabalho / Theory of dynamic distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law

Líbia da Graça Pires 29 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a distribuição do ônus da prova no processo trabalhista pretendendo a aplicação da teoria da distribuição dinâmica do onus probandi neste ramo processual especial. Na primeira parte do trabalho são examinadas questões relativas aos direitos fundamentais, bem assim aos princípios constitucionais processuais, com relevo especial ao direito constitucional à prova. Na sequência serão estudadas as matérias relativas ao ônus da prova na teoria geral do processo, suas dimensões, os poderes instrutórios do juiz, a teoria clássica da distribuição do ônus da prova, bem assim as especificidades da inversão da prova no processo do trabalho. Segue-se a abordagem com a apresentação de teoria dinâmica do ônus da prova e sua recepção pelo direito brasileiro, apontando ainda alguns projetos legislativos que já positivam sua adoção no Brasil. Por fim, e considerando a necessidade de superação das regras estáticas do ônus da prova no direito processual do trabalho propõe-se a adoção das regras dinâmicas, partindo da necessidade de efetividade da tutela jurisdicional e concretização dos princípios da igualdade substancial, tudo em observância ao direito fundamental a um processo do trabalho justo e igualitário. Serão, ainda, abordadas algumas decisões jurisprudenciais da Justiça do Trabalho que aplicam o ônus dinâmico da prova. / The present thesis addresses the distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law aiming to apply the theory of dynamic distribution of the onus probandi in this branch of special procedural law. In the first part of this paper, issues related to the fundamental rights, as well as procedural constitutional principles, will be assessed, with special emphasis to the constitutional right to poof. Subsequently, matters related to the burden of proof in general procedural theory, its dimensions, the instruction powers of the judge, the classic theory of distribution of the burden of proof, as well as the specificities of the inversion of the proof burden in labor procedural law will be analyzed. Then, an approach to the dynamic theory of the burden of proof and its reception in Brazilian law is presented, highlighting some legislative projects that already indicate the positive adoption in Brazil. Finally, and considering the urge to overcome the static rules of the proof burden in labor procedural law, we propose the adoption of the dynamic rules, from the standpoint of the need for effectiveness in jurisdictional custody and materialization of the principles of substantial equality, in observance of the fundamental right to a fair and equalitarian labor proceeding. And yet, some case law rulings of the Labor Justice applying the principle of dynamic burden of proof will be addressed.

The international mechanisms relating to mutual assistance in the field of information exchange and civil forfeiture

Şuman, Silvia January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Several international instruments relating to the forfeiture of assets derived through unlawful means have been developed in the last decade. These relate to both civil and criminal forfeiture proceedings. Nevertheless, the processes of tracing the assets and having them forfeit to the State present formidable obstacles to justice authorities enforcers around the world. The fact of the matter is that the advent of the internet has made it easier for money launderers to camouflage the nature and the physical locality of their ill-got gains. This has made it all the more necessary for states and financial institutions to co-operate more closely in hitting the criminals where it hurts most – their pockets. However, the international structures that provide for mutual legal assistance procedures are drafted in broad terms or in guideline-form. Most of the books and journal articles dealing with money laundering devote scant attention to this very important aspect of combating transnational economic criminality. In most of the literature, this topic is simply avoided. This paper, which confines itself to civil recovery proceedings, strives to determine first, what international mechanisms are available for obtaining information located abroad that could be used for domestic civil forfeiture, and second, to identify some of the most intractable problems encountered by justice authorities in their attempts to attach property situated abroad. The idea is to identify the principal point of discordance, and to suggest ways in which the international instruments governing civil forfeiture could be amended so as to make them more user friendly.


LUDMILA SANTOS RUSSI DE LACERDA 26 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação propõe-se ao estudo da necessidade de aplicação do conceito de adaptação razoável, limitada a um ônus indevido, pela Administração Pública às pessoas com deficiência, como mecanismo de concretização do reconhecimento social. Para tanto, apresenta-se a teoria do reconhecimento intersubjetivo, na visão proposta por Axel Honneth, segundo o qual são identificadas três esferas de reconhecimento que, quando completas, propiciam autorrealização social dos indivíduos. Assim, os conflitos sociais refletiriam relações de reconhecimento incompletas, sendo que a luta por inclusão social corresponderia, na realidade, a uma luta por reconhecimento. Dentro dessa perspectiva, identificou-se ainda que as pessoas com deficiência permanecem em constante luta por sua inclusão social, sendo que a reserva legal de vagas em concursos públicos, prevista no art. 37, VIII da Constituição Federal, contribui como importante mecanismo inclusivo e fomentador de um reconhecimento social por garantir o acesso ao trabalho. Não obstante, a reserva por si só seria inócua, caso não se buscasse efetivação desse acesso ao trabalho, por meio da adaptação razoável da Administração Pública, conceito inovador, introduzido com a Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência da Organização das Nações Unidas, da qual o Brasil é signatário e que se encontra inserida no bloco de constitucionalidade nacional. Por intermédio da adaptação razoável, limitada pelo ônus indevido, promovem-se ajustes ou medidas indispensáveis ao efetivo exercício de direitos humanos. As transformações operadas contribuem para a inclusão social das pessoas com deficiência bem como ampliam o horizonte normativo de uma comunidade. / [en] The present dissertation aims to study the necessity to apply the concept of reasonable accommodation, limited to an undue burden by public administration for disabled people as a mechanism to achieve social recognition. For such, the theory of intersubjective recognition is presented through the perspective of Axel Honneth. According to that, there are 3 spheres of recognition which, when complete, provide the individual s social self-realization. Thus, the social conflicts would reflect incomplete recognition relationships and the social inclusion struggle would then correspond in fact to a struggle for recognition. From this point of view it was possible to identify that people with disabilities are constantly struggling for their social inclusion. And the legal reservation of job posts in public competitions, predicted in the article 37, VIII of the Federal constitution, represents an important inclusive mechanism as well as promotes social recognition since it guarantees access to work. Nevertheless, the reservation itself would be innocuous if there wasn t a search for the implementation of this access to work through reasonable accommodation. This is an innovative concept, introduced by the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities of the United Nations Organization of which Brazil is signatory and which is inserted in the block of national constitutionality. Through reasonable accommodation and limited by the undue burden, measures are taken or adjustments are made, which are indispensable to the effective exercise of human rights. Such transformations contribute to the social inclusion of disabled people as well as broaden the normative horizons of a community.

Nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid as verweer in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg

Van der Merwe, Frederik Wilhelm 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg word bespreek. Hierdie verweer is van onlangse oorsprong en verskil van die verwere van ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid as gevolg van jeugdigheid en geestesongesteldheid soos in artikel 78(1) van die Strafproseswet 51 van 1977 uiteengesit word. Die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid dek gevalle waar dit deur faktore soos emosionele spanning veroorsaak is. Hierdie verweer staan ook as die algemene ontoerekeningsvatbaarheidsverweer bekend. In 'n aantal beslissings, soos onder andere, S v Arnold 1985 (3) SA 256 (C); S v Campher 1987 (1) SA 940 (A) en S v Chretien 1981 (1) SA 1097 (A), word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid wei in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg bestaansreg het. Ten einde met 'n verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid te slaag, is die blote ipse dixit van die beskuldigde onvoldoende. 'n Behoorlike grondslag vir die verweer moet gele word. Die bewyslas in die geval van 'n verweer van nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid word bespreek. / The defence of non-pathological criminal incapacity in the South African criminal law is discussed. It is a relatively new defence and should be distinguished from the defences such as youth and mental illness set out in section 78(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. This defence covers cases in which criminal capacity is excluded by factors such as intoxication and emotional stress. It is also known as a general defence of criminal incapacity. In a number of cases, inter alia in S v Arnold 1985(3) SA 256 (C); S v Campher 1987 (1) SA 940 (A) and S v Chretien 1981 (1) SA 1 097 (A) the conclusion is reached that the defence, non-pathological criminal incapacity, does have a right of existence in the South African criminal law. In order to successfully raise the defence on non-pathological criminal incapacity, the mere ipse dixit of the accused is insufficient. A proper foundation for the defence must be laid. The onus of proof is discussed. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL. M.

Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg

Van der Merwe, George Willem 04 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie proefskrif word daar gekonsentreer op die bewyslas in die nywerheidshof omdat die nywerheidshof se benadering met betrekking tot die bewyslas verskil van geval tot gevaL afhangende van die aard van die regshulp waarvoor die party je die nywerheidshof nader. In die tweede plek volg 'n bespreking van hoe en deur wie die voorlegging van getuienis aan die nywerheidshof mag geskied, hetsy by wyse van dokumente of getuies en daarbenewens oak 'n bespreking van watter soort getuienis aan die nywerheidshof voorgele mag word met spesifieke verwysing na inter alia, klankopnames, videobande en die resultate van leuenverklikkertoetse. / In this thesis there will be concentrated on the burden of proof in the industrial court because the industrial court's approach in regard to the burden of proof differs from case to case, depending on the nature of the legal aid for which the party /ies approaches the industrial court. In the second place a discussion will follow of how and by whom the presenting of evidence can be done, whether by documents or by witnesses, and in addition thereto also a discussion on which sort of evidence can be presented to the industrial court with specific reference to, inter alia, taperecordings, video tapes and the results of lie-detector tests. / Private Law / LL.M. (Handelsreg)

A further look at S v Zuma (1995(4) BCLR 401 SA (CC))

Lombard, Sulette 01 1900 (has links)
The Zuma case - important as the first decision of the Constitutional Court - is primarily concerned with the constitutionality of section 217(l)(b)(ii) of the Criminal Procedure Act. In trying to fmd an answer to this question, the Constitutional Court also addressed other important issues. In this dissertation the Constitutional Court's decision on the constitutionality of section 217(1)(b)(ii) is examined, as well as important general principles laid down by the Court regarding incompetent referrals by the Supreme Court; constitutional interpretation; reverse onus provisions and the right to a fair trial; as well as the application of the general limitation clause. A closer look is taken at adherence to these principles in subsequent Constitutional Court decisions, and finally a conclusion is reached on the value of the Zuma case. / Law / LL.M. (Law)

Die konstitusionele invloed op borgstelling / The constitutional influence on bail

Loots, Maria Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Wanneer die konstitusionele invloed op borgstelling in die bree bespreek word, moet die bepalings van die Grondwet 200 van 1993 met inbegrip van die Handves van Menseregte en die onderliggende waardes, beginsels en doelstellings daartoe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks inaggeneem word. Die algemene transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap in 'n verteenwoordigende demokrasie, veelvolkigheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap, eskalerende misdaadsyfer, wantroue van die gemeenskap in die regstelsel en die beklemtoning van fundamentele regte is aspekte wat figureer binne die Suid-Afrikaanse borgtogreg. Die tradisionele benadering dat die bewyslas op die beskuldigde rus tydens borgtogverrigtinge is binne die moderne borgtogreg en in die lig van die Grondwet 200 van 1993 asook die Tweede Strafproseswysigingswet 75 van 1995 onvanpas. As algemene reel behoort die bewyslas by 'n borgaansoek op die staat te rus op oorwig van waarskynlikhede. In sekere spesifiek omskrewe gevalle soos vervat inartikel60(11) van die Tweede Strafproseswysigingswet rus die bewyslas op die beskuldigde. Hierdie beperking is regverdigbaar in tenne van artike133 van die Grondwet 200 van 1993. Daar bestaan verder nie voldoende rede om nie gebruik te maak van die bewyslasbegrip as gevestigde prosessuele maatreel tydens borgverrigtinge nie. In die moderne Suid-Afrikaanse borgtogreg moet 'n balans gehandhaaf word tussen die belange van die gemeenskap en die fundamentele regte van die individu. Die howe moet in elke spesifieke geval· inhoud aan hierdie beginsel verleen. / When the effect of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 200 of 1993 on bail is considered, the transformation of the South African community, multi-racial society, high crimerate, disillusionment of the community with regard to the courtsystem and importance of fundamental rights must be regarded. The traditional approach that the onus is upon the accused (in his capacity as applicant) to prove on a balance of probability that the court should exercise its discretion in favour of granting bail and, in discharging this burden, he must show that the interests of justice will not be prejudiced, is in terms ofthe Constitution 200 of 1993 and the Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act 75 of 1995 unacceptable. It is submitted that the onus should be on the State to place grounds before the Court why there should be an exercise of discretion in favour of the State for further detention of the individual. In terms of certain spesific crimes as described in article 60(11) of the Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act theis placed on the accused. This exception is acceptable as it prescribes to the requirements in article 33 of the Constitution 200 of 1993. It is submitted that there is no reason why onus as excepted evidentiary rule should not be used in bail applications. A balance between the interest of the community and fundamental rights of the individual must be kept in modern law regarding bail. It is in the hands of the courts to substantiate this balance. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

稅務行政訴訟形式與實體問題認知之差異—比較法官、律師及會計師 / The difference between the cognition of formality and substance in the tax litigation—Comparison among judges, lawyers& CPAs

傅馨儀, Fu,Shin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
我國稅務訴訟案件繫屬於行政法院,並佔行政法院約四成左右。因此若能達成稅務訴訟案件訴訟經濟之效果,對行政法院或訴訟代理人而言均相當重要。惟欲使法官清楚訴訟代理人對稅務案件的陳述重點需要某程度的訴訟技巧,才能配合法院達成訴訟經濟,並且達到會計事務所替當事人妥適處理個案的目標。本論文藉由重要議題之問卷訪問,尋求訴訟代理人律師及會計師與法官間順利溝通的平臺。本論文以法院行政救濟實務為主要討論架構,篩選數個重要議題,例如稅務訴訟案件個案須認定與查證何事項(包含會影響法官形成心證之因素、稅務訴訟案件之舉證責任及稅務訴訟案件法律適用與法律解釋方式等),並針對個案內容訴狀之撰寫方式,依照法院審究重點方向,以理則學的邏輯論述方式,討論稅務訴訟案件之形式與實體應著重之內涵,目的在提供實務界行政訴訟之訴訟代理人參考,以利進行稅務訴訟案件。 本文文末另對稅務行政訴訟制度提出改革建議,諸如:增設訴訟輔導科以便利人民行使訴訟權;並為達成訴訟經濟,法官與稅務訴訟代理人均加強稅法會計知識之專業訓練課程;建議設置專業稅務訴訟法院與研議專家參審制等,作為改進稅務行政訴訟制度之參考。 / Tax litigation is in the administrative court in Taiwan, and occupies the administrative court approximately about 40%. If we can achieve effect of the tax affairs lawsuit economy, it is quite important to the administrative court or the legal representative (including lawyer and certified public accountant). We wants to achieve the lawsuit economy, and achieves the goal of the Public accounting firms for the litigant case, must let judges clear legal representative statements’ key point of the tax cases, those need lawsuit skill. This essay aim to those important topic to design questionnaire, By judges、attorney at law and accountant fill in the questionnaire, seeks between legal representative (attorney at law and accountant) and judge the communication platform. The thesis select several important topics, discuss composition in view of the case content, as well as the court investigates the key direction and how to using the logical elaboration way to describe dispute issues. In order to help judge and legal representative carries on the tax litigation cases. Finally this paper puts forward the reform proposal of tax administrative lawsuit legal system, such as: establishment Tax administrative lawsuit counseling branch, specialist training curriculum of Tax and accounting, the suggestion establishment specialized lawsuit court, the expert participates in the trial……etc.

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