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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη περιπτώσεων και ανάλυση δυνατοτήτων λογισμικών υποδομής για εφαρμογές υποστήριξης της διαδικασίας μαθησιακής εξέτασης και αξιολόγησης στον παγκόσμιο ιστό

Μπαγουλή, Καλλιόπη 25 January 2010 (has links)
Η εμφάνιση του Internet και των νέων τεχνολογιών έχει επιφέρει σημαντικές αλλαγές σε όλους τους τομείς του παραδοσιακού εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη των διαφορετικών περιπτώσεων λογισμικών υποδομής, που έχουν υλοποιηθεί για εφαρμογές υποστήριξης της διαδικασίας μαθησιακής εξέτασης και αξιολόγησης στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό. Υπάρχουν δύο κυρίως κατηγορίες λογισμικών υποδομής για εφαρμογές διαδικτυακής εξέτασης, οι οποίες είναι τα αυτόνομα πακέτα λογισμικού (stand-alone software) και τα Web-based λογισμικά. Σε ό,τι αφορά το κόστος, τα λογισμικά διακρίνονται σε λογισμικά ανοιχτού κώδικα (open source software) και σε εμπορικά διαθέσιμα λογισμικά (commercially distributed software). Στη συγκεκριμένη διπλωματική εργασία, ερευνώνται οι επικρατέστερες περιπτώσεις λογισμικού που είναι Web based και ελεύθερα διαθέσιμες. Μελετούνται διεξοδικά οι δυνατότητες και οι ελλείψεις κάθε περίπτωσης και γίνεται σύγκριση μεταξύ των διαφορετικών λογισμικών υποδομής. / Given the increasingly widespread growth of Open and Distance Learning Education, it is justifiable to discuss the main reasons that online examination systems exist and tend to grow rapidly. For this reason, we examine the way that Web-based Assessment and online examination software works and the quality of the services that offers. In this paper, we describe the similarities and the differences between three main online examination systems, TCExam, Pareeksha and PHPTestManager. The above mentioned comparison focuses on the tasks and activities that each system offers. We also investigate the reasons for the increasing abandonment of the traditional Pen-and-Paper Testing by Web-based Assessment systems.

Μελέτη περιπτώσεων και ανάλυση δυνατοτήτων λογισμικών υποδομής για εφαρμογές δημιουργίας και υποστήριξης ερωτηματολογίων στον παγκόσμιο ιστό

Λουκοπούλου, Μαρία 25 January 2010 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να γίνει μια μελέτη πάνω στο υπάρχον λογισμικό για τη δημιουργία και υποστήριξη ερωτηματολογίων στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό. Θα μελετηθούν οι δυνατότητες που προσφέρουν τα διαδικτυακά ερωτηματολόγια όπως επίσης και οι περιορισμοί τους και θα παρουσιαστούν τα κριτήρια που μπορούν να βοηθήσουν έναν ερευνητή να επιλέξει το κατάλληλο για την έρευνά του εργαλείο ανάπτυξης και υποστήριξης online ερωτηματολογίων. Στη συνέχεια θα γίνει μια παρουσίαση κάποιων open source εργαλείων δημιουργίας και υποστήριξης διαδικτυακών ερωτηματολογίων και θα γίνει μία σύγκριση μεταξύ αυτών. Θα παρουσιαστεί μια πιλοτική εφαρμογή, χρησιμοποιώντας το επιλεγμένο ως ισχυρότερο open source εργαλείο από τα παραπάνω και κατά τη δημιουργία του ερωτηματολογίου θα γίνει και παρουσίαση του συγκεκριμένου εργαλείου. / The aim of this paper is to examine the existant software for online surveys.The benefits of the web-based surveys will be examined as well as their limitations and the criteria for choosing the appropriate tool for each research are going to be presented. There will also be presented some open source tools for online surveys and following that, these tools are going to be compared with each other. At the end of this paper with the chosen as the most powerful tool of the above, a survey is going to be created and at the same time the characteristics of this software will be demonstrated.

Αξιολόγηση σταθερότητας open source με χρήση μετρικών

Καλύβα, Δήμητρα 20 September 2010 (has links)
Το τελευταίο διάστημα, ο όρος «ποιότητα λογισμικού» γίνεται ολοένα και πιο δημοφιλής. Όλο και μεγαλύτερη σημασία δίνεται στο τι είναι ποιότητα λογισμικού, αν μπορεί να μετρηθεί και με ποιους τρόπους κι επίσης το αν αξίζει να γνωρίζει κανείς στη φάση ανάπτυξης λογισμικού πόσο ποιοτικό είναι ένα πρόγραμμα. Επιπλέον, η ανάπτυξη λογισμικού ανοιχτού κώδικα βελτιώνεται και εξελίσσεται με γρήγορους ρυθμούς. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει ως στόχο την εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων, ώστε να αποτιμηθεί η σταθερότητα ενός προγράμματος ανοιχτού λογισμικού με χρήση μετρικών. Το πρόγραμμα το οποίο μελετήθηκε ήταν το Win Merge και οι μετρικές των ρουτινών του υπολογίστηκαν με τη βοήθεια του προγράμματος Source Monitor. Αρχικά, ταξινομήθηκαν οι ρουτίνες σε κατηγορίες ανάλογα με τον αριθμό των εκδόσεων στις οποίες είχαν τροποποιηθεί. Στη συνέχεια, υπολογίστηκαν οι μέσοι όροι των ρουτινών για κάθε κατηγορία και προέκυψαν τα αντίστοιχα διαγράμματα (ένα για κάθε μετρική). / Nowadays, the term “software quality” becomes more and more popular. In addition, more and more people are interested in what it is quality of software, if and how it can be measured and whether it is worth knowing the quality of your program in the phase of software development. Moreover, the development of open source is improved with rapid rythm. This project aims at the export of conclusions, so that the stability of a program of open source is evaluated by using metrics. The program we used is Win Merge and metrics were calculated by using Source Monitor program. Initially, the routines were categorized in categories depending on the number of versions in which they had been modified. Afterwards, we calculated the averages of routines for each category and we resulted in the corresponding diagrams (for each metric).

Migrering till Koha : En studie om bibliotekariers upplevelser av biblioteksdatasystem med öppen källkod / Migration to Koha : A study about librarians’ experiences with open source integrated library systems

Lenntoft, Elin, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how librarians experience migration to an open source integrated library system (ILS) in order to analyze how humans and technology influence each other, in line with a socio-technical perspective. We therefore examine how the librarians’ attitudes change during the migration process, what difficulties and possibilities they see in each phase and what the significance of open source is in this context. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews with librarians in one public library and one university library that migrated to the ILS Koha on the same day. The theoretical framework is a socio-technical perspective and actor-network theory. To analyze the result, Michel Callon’s translation was applied to the empirical data. The results of this study show that the librarians interviewed had indifferent or positive attitudes towards Koha. We could also see that those who had roles with more responsibility in the library often showed a greater interest in the problems and community surrounding Koha. The public library experienced significantly more problems with the migration which resulted in a tough transition but did not alter their attitudes.

Ambiente computacional de simulação do protocolo DNP3 para smart grids /

Oliveira, André Luiz Latansio de January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre Cezar Rodrigues da Silva / Resumo: A simulação de ambientes computacionais é uma das principais técnicas para estudo de protocolos, seu comportamento em redes de computadores e análise da segurança da informação. O acesso a ambientes reais para simulação de smart grids está restrito a poucas universidades e empresas assim como existem poucas ferramentas disponíveis para sua simulação computacional, o que dificulta a realização de pesquisas nesta linha. Neste trabalho objetiva-se a configuração de um ambiente para simulação do protocolo DNP3 utilizando exclusivamente ferramentas open source, utilizando-se técnicas de segurança ofensiva para realizar ataques a rede e então validar o comportamento da simulação e por fim realizar a integração do ambiente de simulação com equipamentos reais. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um testbed virtual através da integração e configuração de diversas ferramentas e softwares open source e posteriormente utilizados os equipamentos do Laboratório de Proteção do Campus III na UNESP de Ilha Solteira, expandindo as funcionalidades do simulador e obtendo um testbed misto com resultados promissores em todos os testes realizados. / Mestre

CAD/CAM/Usinagem CNC integrado a engenharia reversa /

Santos, Edgar Pereira dos January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Ruis Camargo Tokimatsu / Resumo: A sociedade sempre busca inovações como facilitadores de processos para o alcance de objetivos propostos em distintas áreas, utilizando instrumentos, métodos e técnicas diversas. Dentre estas encontra-se a Engenharia Reversa (ER), que é o processo de engenharia afim de se obter um produto ou objeto a partir de um modelo original. Nos últimos anos, com a rápida evolução tecnológica , envolvendo máquinas, ferramentas e softwares, a ER passou a ser um recurso utilizado até mesmo por pequenas e médias empresas. O proposito desta pesquisa é avaliar o desempenho da aplicação de recursos de engenharia, tais como hardwares e softwares de baixo custo ou de uso livre, sobre a ER a fim de obter-se uma peça usinada em uma maquina CNC o mais fiel possível ao modelo físico original. Para isso foram aplicados os conceitos, os processos e recursos necessários nas etapas de reconstrução de um modelo físico , desde a digitalização 3D, utilizando scanners tridimensionais, o tratamento do objeto capturado, a reconstrução do modelo no software CAD até a geração do código G, por meio de softwares CAM, a ser enviado a uma máquina CNC para realização da usinagem e obtenção da peça modelo. Foi utilizado o scanner 3d manual Ciclop, cuja digitalização resultou em dimensões muitas próximas ao objeto original. Também foram utilizados os softwares Meshlab para tratamento do modelo digitalizado e o AutoCad Fusion 3D para criação do modelo CAD e geração dos processos de usinagem e código G, escolhidos devid... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

vLab: A Cloud based Resource and Service Sharing Platform for Computer and Network Security Education

January 2010 (has links)
abstract: Cloud computing systems fundamentally provide access to large pools of data and computational resources through a variety of interfaces similar in spirit to existing grid and HPC resource management and programming systems. These types of systems offer a new programming target for scalable application developers and have gained popularity over the past few years. However, most cloud computing systems in operation today are proprietary and rely upon infrastructure that is invisible to the research community, or are not explicitly designed to be instrumented and modified by systems researchers. In this research, Xen Server Management API is employed to build a framework for cloud computing that implements what is commonly referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); systems that give users the ability to run and control entire virtual machine instances deployed across a variety physical resources. The goal of this research is to develop a cloud based resource and service sharing platform for Computer network security education a.k.a Virtual Lab. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Computer Science 2010

FLOSSSim: Understanding the Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Development Process through Agent-Based Modeling

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is the product of volunteers collaborating to build software in an open, public manner. The large number of FLOSS projects, combined with the data that is inherently archived with this online process, make studying this phenomenon attractive. Some FLOSS projects are very functional, well-known, and successful, such as Linux, the Apache Web Server, and Firefox. However, for every successful FLOSS project there are 100's of projects that are unsuccessful. These projects fail to attract sufficient interest from developers and users and become inactive or abandoned before useful functionality is achieved. The goal of this research is to better understand the open source development process and gain insight into why some FLOSS projects succeed while others fail. This dissertation presents an agent-based model of the FLOSS development process. The model is built around the concept that projects must manage to attract contributions from a limited pool of participants in order to progress. In the model developer and user agents select from a landscape of competing FLOSS projects based on perceived utility. Via the selections that are made and subsequent contributions, some projects are propelled to success while others remain stagnant and inactive. Findings from a diverse set of empirical studies of FLOSS projects are used to formulate the model, which is then calibrated on empirical data from multiple sources of public FLOSS data. The model is able to reproduce key characteristics observed in the FLOSS domain and is capable of making accurate predictions. The model is used to gain a better understanding of the FLOSS development process, including what it means for FLOSS projects to be successful and what conditions increase the probability of project success. It is shown that FLOSS is a producer-driven process, and project factors that are important for developers selecting projects are identified. In addition, it is shown that projects are sensitive to when core developers make contributions, and the exhibited bandwagon effects mean that some projects will be successful regardless of competing projects. Recommendations for improving software engineering in general based on the positive characteristics of FLOSS are also presented. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Computer Science 2011


Santos Jr., Carlos D 07 August 2009 (has links)
An organizational strategy to develop software has appeared in the market. Organizations release software source code open and hope to attract volunteers to improve their software, forming what we call an open source project. Examples of organizations that have used this strategy include IBM (Eclipse), SAP (Netweaver) and Mozilla (Thunderbird). Moreover, thousands of these projects have been created as a consequence of the growing amount of software source code released by individuals. This expressive phenomenon deserves attention for its sudden appearance, newness and usefulness to public and private organizations. To explain the dynamics of open source projects, this research theoretically identified and empirically analyzed a construct – attractiveness – found crucial to them due to its influence on how they are populated and operate, subsequently impacting the qualities of the software produced and of the support provided. Both attractiveness' causes and consequences were put under scrutiny, as well as its indicators. On the side of the consequences, it was theoretically proposed and empirically tested whether the attractiveness of these projects affects their levels of activeness, efficiency, likelihood of task completion, and time for task completion, though not linearly, as task complexity could moderate the relationships between them. Also, it was argued at the theoretical level that activeness, efficiency, likelihood of task completion, and time for task completion mediate the relationship between attractiveness and software/support quality. On the side of attractiveness' causes, it was proposed and tested that five open software projects' characteristics (license type, intended audience, type of project and project’s life-cycle stage) impact attractiveness directly. Additionally, these projects' characteristics were argued to influence projects' levels of activeness, efficiency, likelihood of task completion, and time for task completion (and so an empirical evaluation of their associations was performed). The empirical tests of all these relationships between constructs were carried out using Structural Equation Modeling with Maximum Likelihood on three samples of over 4,600 projects each, collected from the largest repository of open source software, Sourceforge.net (a repeated cross-sectional approach). The results confirmed the importance of attractiveness, suggesting a direct influence on projects' dynamics, as opposed to the moderated-by-task complexity indirect paths first proposed. Furthermore, all four projects' characteristics studied were found to significantly influence projects' attractiveness, activeness, efficiency, likelihood of task completion, and time for task completion (with the exception of license type and time for task completion). Besides providing a statistical test of these propositions, this study discovered the direction of the influence of each project characteristic on projects' attractiveness, activeness, efficiency, likelihood of task completion and time for task completion. Lastly, conclusions, limitations, and future directions are discussed based on these findings.

3D printing in the commons : knowledge and the nature of digital and physical resources

Garmulewicz, Alysia January 2015 (has links)
3D printers are a type of digital fabrication tool being used by communities committed to shared software, hardware, and digital designs. This shared digital knowledge can be understood as an emerging common resource for the fabrication of physical goods and services. Yet the knowledge associated with physical resources used in 3D printing is less understood. This thesis explores what factors enable or prevent knowledge about physical materials entering the commons. 3D printing, with its particular configuration of digital and physical goods, offers a unique angle to advance the field of commons scholarship. This thesis elaborates the use of commons theory for traversing the boundary between knowledge associated with physical materials and digital content from the perspective of 3D printer users. Particular contributions are made to the branch of knowledge commons theory: notably, how design rules in technological systems can be used to theorise boundaries; how differentiating between the nature of underlying resources can help explain the inclusion of knowledge in the commons; and, how patterns of user engagement with types of knowledge in the commons can be studied over time. To develop these contributions I employ theory on the design rules of technological architecture, and use insights from the study of peer production in online communities. Empirical data comes from a qualitative study of users of Fab Labs, community workshops for digital fabrication, as well as from a quantitative study of the online user forum for the Ultimaker 3D printer.

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