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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gebäudegeneralisierung für eine Alpenvereinskarte mit ArcGIS

Konrad, Franziska 10 October 2022 (has links)
Die Region Mestia liegt abgeschieden im Norden Georgiens im Großen Kaukasus. Markant für die Region Mestia ist der Doppelgipfel der Ushba. Dieser zieht Touristen an, welche Wandertouren und Erkundungen durchführen möchten. Um diese sicher gewährleisten zu können, ist eine Alpenvereinskarte dringend erforderlich. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Generalisierung des Gebäudedatenbestand der Region Mestia mit Hilfe der Geoinformationssoftware ArcGIS Pro für eine ebensolche Alpenvereinskarte erstellt. Als Ausgangsdaten werden OpenStreetMap-Datensätze verwendet. Es werden die für den Zweck dieser Karte relevanten Daten herausgefiltert und alle unwichtigen Elemente entfernt. Zudem werden alle Stützpunkte der Gebäude gebildet und deren Abstand zueinander mittels eines dichte basierten Clustering bestimmt. Im Anschluss werden die Stützpunkte den Gebäude-Polygonen zugewiesen. Anhand der Abstandsbestimmung kann im Folgenden eine Unterscheidung der Gebäude in zwei Kategorien vorgenommen werden. Einzelnstehende Gebäude bzw. Gebäude mit einer sehr geringen Anzahl an Gebäuden in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft werden der Kategorie „Einzelgebäude“ zugeordnet. Alle anderen Gebäude werden in die Kategorie „Siedlung“ eingegliedert, da diese Gebäude sehr zahlreich und dicht beieinanderstehen. Die beiden Kategorien werden unterschiedlich generalisiert. Die Gebäude, die der Kategorie „Einzelgebäude“ zugeordnet sind, werden vereinfacht und als Punktsignaturen dargestellt. Alle anderen Gebäude werden aggregiert und Polygone mit einem geringen Flächeninhalt eliminiert. Zudem werden die Außenkanten der Polygone geglättet, damit ein vereinfachter Grundriss der Gebäude vorliegt. In einer Evaluierung wird die erstellte Generalisierung des Gebäudebestandes mit einer weiteren Gebäudegeneralisierung, welche mit dem Programm QGIS erstellt ist, gegenübergestellt. Den Expert*innen werden zudem Bilder von den Gebäuden der Region und zwei Beispielkarten, auf denen die generalisierten Gebäude dargestellt sind, gezeigt. Es ist zu entscheiden, welche Karte die Gebäude auf dem Bild abbildet. In dieser Arbeit wird die unterschiedliche Generalisierung der Einzelgebäude und der Siedlungen betrachtet. Die Unterschiede dieser beiden Kategorien wird herausgearbeitet. Mittels der Evaluierung wird das Ergebnis von Expert*innen überprüft. / The Mestia region is in the north of Georgia in the Great Caucasus. A distinctive feature of the Mestia region is the double peak of the Ushba. It attracts tourists who want to go hiking and exploring. To be able to guarantee this safely, an alpine association map is urgently needed. In this work, a generalisation of the building data stock of the Mestia region is created with the help of the geoinformation software ArcGIS Pro for a similar alpine association map. OpenStreetMap datasets are used as source data. The data relevant for the purpose of this map are filtered out and all unimportant elements are removed. In addition, all support points of the buildings are formed and their distance to each other is determined using density based clustering. Subsequently, the support points are assigned to the building polygons. Based on the distance determination, the buildings can be divided into two categories. Single buildings or buildings with a very small number of buildings in the immediate vicinity are assigned to the category 'single building'. All other buildings are placed in the category 'Settlement', as these buildings are very numerous and close together. The two categories are generalised differently. The buildings assigned to the category 'single building' are simplified and represented as point signatures. All other buildings are aggregated and polygons with a small area are eliminated. In addition, the outer edges of the polygons are smoothed so that a simplified ground plan of the buildings is available. In an evaluation, the created generalisation of the building stock is compared with another building generalisation created with the QGIS programme. The experts are also shown pictures of the buildings in the region and two sample maps showing the generalised buildings. It must be decided which map depicts the buildings on the picture. In this paper, the different generalisation of individual buildings and settlements is considered. The differences between these two categories will be worked out. By means of evaluation, the result is checked by experts.

Street Name Data as a Reflection of Migration and Settlement History

Berkemer, Sarah J., Stadler, Peter F. 20 April 2023 (has links)
Street names (odonyms) play an important role not only as descriptors of geographic locations but also due to their sociological and political connotations and commemorative character. Here we analyse street names in Europe and North America extracted from OpenStreetMap, asking in particular to what extent odonyms reflect early European settlements in the New World, i.e., the immigration of German, Austrian and Scandinavian minorities. We observe that old street names of European origin can predominantly be found in rural areas. North American street names indeed recapitulate local and regional settlement histories. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that easily accessible data sets from freely available map data such as street names convey usable information concerning migration patterns and the history of settlements in the case of European immigrants in North America as well as colonial history. We provide a freely available pipeline to analyse this kind of data.

Multiscale visualization approaches for Volunteered Geographic Information and Location-based Social Media

Gröbe, Mathias 04 September 2023 (has links)
Today, “zoomable” maps are a state-of-the-art way to explore the world, available to anyone with Internet access. However, the process of creating this visualization has been rather loosely investigated and documented. Nevertheless, with an increasing amount of available data, interactive maps have become a more integral approach to visualizing and exploring big datasets and user-generated data. OpenStreetMap and online platforms such as Twitter and Flickr offer application programming interfaces (APIs) with geographic information. They are well-known examples of this visualization challenge and are often used as examples. In addition, an increasing number of public administrations collect open data and publish their data sets, which makes the task of visualization even more relevant. This dissertation deals with the visualization of user-generated geodata as a multiscale map. The basics of today’s multiscale maps—their history, technologies, and possibilities—are explored and abstracted. This work introduces two new multiscale-focused visualization approaches for point data from volunteered geographic information (VGI) and location-based social media (LBSM). One contribution of this effort is a visualization methodology for spatially referenced information in the form of point geometries, using nominally scaled data from social media such as Twitter or Flickr. Typical for this data is a high number of social media posts in different categories—a post on social media corresponds to a point in a specific category. Due to the sheer quantity and similar characteristics, the posts appear generic rather than unique. This type of dataset can be explored using the new method of micro diagrams to visualize the dataset on multiple scales and resolutions. The data is aggregated into small grid cells, and the numerical proportion is shown with small diagrams, which can visually merge into heterogenous areas through colors depicting a specific category. The diagram sizes allow the user to estimate the overall number of aggregated points in a grid cell. A different visualization approach is proposed for more unique points, considered points of interest (POI), based on the selection method. The goal is to identify more locally relevant points from the data set, considered more important compared to other points in the neighborhood, which are then compared by numerical attribute. The method, derived from topographic isolation and called discrete isolation, is the distance from one point to the next with a higher attribute value. By using this measure, the most essential points can be easily selected by choosing a minimum distance and producing a homogenous spatial of the selected points within the chosen dataset. The two newly developed approaches are applied to multiscale mapping by constructing example workflows that produce multiscale maps. The publicly available multiscale mapping workflows OpenMapTiles and OpenStreetMap Carto, using OpenStreetMap data, are systematically explored and analyzed. The result is a general workflow for multiscale map production and a short overview of the toolchain software. In particular, the generalization approaches in the example projects are discussed and these are classified into cartographic theories on the basis of literature. The workflow is demonstrated by building a raster tile service for the micro diagrams and a vector tile service for the discrete isolation, able to be used with just a web browser. In conclusion, these new approaches for point data using VGI and LBSM allow better qualitative visualization of geodata. While analyzing vast global datasets is challenging, exploring and analyzing hidden data patterns is fruitful. Creating this degree of visualization and producing maps on multiple scales is a complicated task. The workflows and tools provided in this thesis will make map production on a worldwide scale easier.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation .................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Visualization of crowdsourced geodata on multiple scales ............ 5 1.2.1 Research objective 1: Visualization of point collections ......... 6 1.2.2 Research objective 2: Visualization of points of interest ......... 7 1.2.3 Research objective 3: Production of multiscale maps ............. 7 1.3 Reader’s guide ......................................................................................... 9 1.3.1 Structure ........................................................................................... 9 1.3.2 Related Publications ....................................................................... 9 1.3.3 Formatting and layout ................................................................. 10 1.3.4 Online examples ........................................................................... 10 2 Foundations of crowdsourced mapping on multiple scales 11 2.1 Types and properties of crowdsourced data .................................. 11 2.2 Currents trends in cartography ......................................................... 11 2.3 Definitions .............................................................................................. 12 2.3.1 VGI .................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 LBSM .............................................................................................. 13 2.3.3 Space, place, and location......................................................... 13 2.4 Visualization approaches for crowdsourced geodata ................... 14 2.4.1 Review of publications and visualization approaches ........... 14 2.4.2 Conclusions from the review ...................................................... 15 2.4.3 Challenges mapping crowdsourced data ................................ 17 2.5 Technologies for serving multiscale maps ...................................... 17 2.5.1 Research about multiscale maps .............................................. 17 2.5.2 Web Mercator projection ............................................................ 18 2.5.3 Tiles and zoom levels .................................................................. 19 2.5.4 Raster tiles ..................................................................................... 21 2.5.5 Vector tiles .................................................................................... 23 2.5.6 Tiling as a principle ..................................................................... 25 3 Point collection visualization with categorized attributes 26 3.1 Target users and possible tasks ....................................................... 26 3.2 Example data ......................................................................................... 27 3.3 Visualization approaches .................................................................... 28 3.3.1 Common techniques .................................................................... 28 3.3.2 The micro diagram approach .................................................... 30 3.4 The micro diagram and its parameters ............................................ 33 3.4.1 Aggregating points into a regular structure ............................ 33 3.4.2 Visualizing the number of data points ...................................... 35 3.4.3 Grid and micro diagrams ............................................................ 36 3.4.4 Visualizing numerical proportions with diagrams .................. 37 3.4.5 Influence of color and color brightness ................................... 38 3.4.6 Interaction options with micro diagrams .................................. 39 3.5 Application and user-based evaluation ............................................ 39 3.5.1 Micro diagrams in a multiscale environment ........................... 39 3.5.2 The micro diagram user study ................................................... 41 3.5.3 Point collection visualization discussion .................................. 47 4 Selection of POIs for visualization 50 4.1 Approaches for point selection .......................................................... 50 4.2 Methods for point selection ................................................................ 51 4.2.1 Label grid approach .................................................................... 52 4.2.2 Functional importance approach .............................................. 53 4.2.3 Discrete isolation approach ....................................................... 54 4.3 Functional evaluation of selection methods .................................... 56 4.3.1 Runtime comparison .................................................................... 56 4.3.2 Use cases for discrete isolation ................................................ 57 4.4 Discussion of the selection approaches .......................................... 61 4.4.1 A critical view of the use cases ................................................. 61 4.4.2 Comparing the approaches ........................................................ 62 4.4.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 64 5 Creating multiscale maps 65 5.1 Examples of multiscale map production .......................................... 65 5.1.1 OpenStreetMap Infrastructure ................................................... 66 5.1.2 OpenStreetMap Carto ................................................................. 67 5.1.3 OpenMapTiles ............................................................................... 73 5.2 Methods of multiscale map production ............................................ 80 5.2.1 OpenStreetMap tools ................................................................... 80 5.2.2 Geoprocessing .............................................................................. 80 5.2.3 Database ........................................................................................ 80 5.2.4 Creating tiles ................................................................................. 82 5.2.5 Caching .......................................................................................... 82 5.2.6 Styling tiles .................................................................................... 82 5.2.7 Viewing tiles ................................................................................... 83 5.2.8 The stackless approach to tile creation ................................... 83 5.3 Example workflows for creating multiscale maps ........................... 84 5.3.1 Raster tiles: OGC services and micro diagrams .................... 84 5.3.2 Vector tiles: Slippy map and vector tiles ................................. 87 5.4 Discussion of approaches and workflows ....................................... 90 5.4.1 Map production as a rendering pipeline .................................. 90 5.4.2 Comparison of OpenStreetMap Carto and OpenMapTiles .. 92 5.4.3 Discussion of the implementations ........................................... 93 5.4.4 Generalization in map production workflows .......................... 95 5.4.5 Conclusions ................................................................................. 101 6 Discussion 103 6.1 Development for web mapping ........................................................ 103 6.1.1 The role of standards in map production .............................. 103 6.1.2 Technological development ..................................................... 103 6.2 New data, new mapping techniques? ............................................. 104 7 Conclusion 106 7.1 Visualization of point collections ..................................................... 106 7.2 Visualization of points of interest ................................................... 107 7.3 Production of multiscale maps ........................................................ 107 7.4 Synthesis of the research questions .............................................. 108 7.5 Contributions ....................................................................................... 109 7.6 Limitations ............................................................................................ 110 7.7 Outlook ................................................................................................. 111 8 References 113 9 Appendix 130 9.1 Zoom levels and Scale ...................................................................... 130 9.3 Full information about selected UGC papers ................................ 131 9.4 Timeline of mapping technologies .................................................. 133 9.5 Timeline of map providers ................................................................ 133 9.6 Code snippets from own map production workflows .................. 134 9.6.1 Vector tiles workflow ................................................................. 134 9.6.2 Raster tiles workflow.................................................................. 137 / Heute sind zoombare Karten Alltag für jeden Internetznutzer. Die Erstellung interaktiv zoombarer Karten ist allerdings wenig erforscht, was einen deutlichen Gegensatz zu ihrer aktuellen Bedeutung und Nutzungshäufigkeit darstellt. Die Forschung in diesem Bereich ist also umso notwendiger. Steigende Datenmengen und größere Regionen, die von Karten abgedeckt werden sollen, unterstreichen den Forschungsbedarf umso mehr. Beispiele für stetig wachsende Datenmengen sind Geodatenquellen wie OpenStreetMap aber auch freie amtliche Geodatensätze (OpenData), aber auch die zunehmende Zahl georeferenzierter Inhalte auf Internetplatformen wie Twitter oder Flickr zu nennen. Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Visualisierung eben dieser nutzergenerierten Geodaten mittels zoombarer Karten. Dafür wird die Entwicklung der zugrundeliegenden Technologien über die letzten zwei Jahr-zehnte und die damit verbundene Möglichkeiten vorgestellt. Weitere Beiträge sind zwei neue Visualisierungsmethoden, die sich besonders für die Darstellung von Punktdaten aus raumbezogenen nutzergenerierten Daten und georeferenzierte Daten aus Sozialen Netzwerken eignen. Ein Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist eine neue Visualisierungsmethode für raumbezogene Informationen in Form von Punktgeometrien mit nominal skalierten Daten aus Sozialen Medien, wie beispielsweise Twitter oder Flickr. Typisch für diese Daten ist eine hohe Anzahl von Beiträgen mit unterschiedlichen Kategorien. Wobei die Beiträge, bedingt durch ihre schiere Menge und ähnlicher Ei-genschaften, eher generisch als einzigartig sind. Ein Beitrag in den So-zia len Medien entspricht dabei einem Punkt mit einer bestimmten Katego-rie. Ein solcher Datensatz kann mit der neuen Methode der „micro diagrams“ in verschiedenen Maßstäben und Auflösungen visualisiert und analysiert werden. Dazu werden die Daten in kleine Gitterzellen aggregiert. Die Menge und Verteilung der über die Kategorien aggregierten Punkte wird durch kleine Diagramme dargestellt, wobei die Farben die verschiedenen Kategorien visualisieren. Durch die geringere Größe der einzelnen Diagramme verschmelzen die kleinen Diagramme visuell, je nach der Verteilung der Farben für die Kategorien. Bei genauerem Hinsehen ist die Schätzung der Menge der aggregierten Punkte über die Größe der Diagramme die Menge und die Verteilung über die Kategorien möglich. Für einzigartigere Punkte, die als Points of Interest (POI) angesehen werden, wird ein anderer Visualisierungsansatz vorgeschlagen, der auf einer Auswahlmethode basiert. Ziel ist es dabei lokal relevantere Punkte aus dem Datensatz zu identifizieren, die im Vergleich zu anderen Punkten in der Nachbarschaft des Punktes verglichen nach einem numerischen Attribut wichtiger sind. Die Methode ist von dem geographischen Prinzip der Dominanz von Bergen abgeleitet und wird „discrete isolation“ genannt. Es handelt sich dabei um die Distanz von einem Punkt zum nächsten mit einem höheren Attributwert. Durch die Verwendung dieses Maßes können lokal bedeutende Punkte leicht ausgewählt werden, indem ein minimaler Abstand gewählt und so räumlich gleichmäßig verteilte Punkte aus dem Datensatz ausgewählt werden. Die beiden neu vorgestellten Methoden werden in den Kontext der zoombaren Karten gestellt, indem exemplarische Arbeitsabläufe erstellt werden, die als Er-gebnis eine zoombare Karte liefern. Dazu werden die frei verfügbaren Beispiele zur Herstellung von weltweiten zoombaren Karten mit nutzergenerierten Geo-daten von OpenStreetMap, anhand der Kartenprojekte OpenMapTiles und O-penStreetMap Carto analysiert und in Arbeitsschritte gegliedert. Das Ergebnis ist ein wiederverwendbarer Arbeitsablauf zur Herstellung zoombarer Karten, ergänzt durch eine Auswahl von passender Software für die einzelnen Arbeits-schritte. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Generalisierungsansätze in den Beispielprojekten eingegangen und diese anhand von Literatur in die kartographische Theorie eingeordnet. Zur Demonstration des Workflows wird je ein Raster Tiles Dienst für die „micro diagrams“ und ein Vektor Tiles Dienst für die „discrete isolation“ erstellt. Beide Dienste lassen sich mit einem aktuellen Webbrowser nutzen. Zusammenfassend ermöglichen diese neuen Visualisierungsansätze für Punkt-daten aus VGI und LBSM eine bessere qualitative Visualisierung der neuen Geodaten. Die Analyse riesiger globaler Datensätze ist immer noch eine Herausforderung, aber die Erforschung und Analyse verborgener Muster in den Daten ist lohnend. Die Erstellung solcher Visualisierungen und die Produktion von Karten in verschiedenen Maßstäben ist eine komplexe Aufgabe. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Arbeitsabläufe und Werkzeuge erleichtern die Erstellung von Karten in globalem Maßstab.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation .................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Visualization of crowdsourced geodata on multiple scales ............ 5 1.2.1 Research objective 1: Visualization of point collections ......... 6 1.2.2 Research objective 2: Visualization of points of interest ......... 7 1.2.3 Research objective 3: Production of multiscale maps ............. 7 1.3 Reader’s guide ......................................................................................... 9 1.3.1 Structure ........................................................................................... 9 1.3.2 Related Publications ....................................................................... 9 1.3.3 Formatting and layout ................................................................. 10 1.3.4 Online examples ........................................................................... 10 2 Foundations of crowdsourced mapping on multiple scales 11 2.1 Types and properties of crowdsourced data .................................. 11 2.2 Currents trends in cartography ......................................................... 11 2.3 Definitions .............................................................................................. 12 2.3.1 VGI .................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 LBSM .............................................................................................. 13 2.3.3 Space, place, and location......................................................... 13 2.4 Visualization approaches for crowdsourced geodata ................... 14 2.4.1 Review of publications and visualization approaches ........... 14 2.4.2 Conclusions from the review ...................................................... 15 2.4.3 Challenges mapping crowdsourced data ................................ 17 2.5 Technologies for serving multiscale maps ...................................... 17 2.5.1 Research about multiscale maps .............................................. 17 2.5.2 Web Mercator projection ............................................................ 18 2.5.3 Tiles and zoom levels .................................................................. 19 2.5.4 Raster tiles ..................................................................................... 21 2.5.5 Vector tiles .................................................................................... 23 2.5.6 Tiling as a principle ..................................................................... 25 3 Point collection visualization with categorized attributes 26 3.1 Target users and possible tasks ....................................................... 26 3.2 Example data ......................................................................................... 27 3.3 Visualization approaches .................................................................... 28 3.3.1 Common techniques .................................................................... 28 3.3.2 The micro diagram approach .................................................... 30 3.4 The micro diagram and its parameters ............................................ 33 3.4.1 Aggregating points into a regular structure ............................ 33 3.4.2 Visualizing the number of data points ...................................... 35 3.4.3 Grid and micro diagrams ............................................................ 36 3.4.4 Visualizing numerical proportions with diagrams .................. 37 3.4.5 Influence of color and color brightness ................................... 38 3.4.6 Interaction options with micro diagrams .................................. 39 3.5 Application and user-based evaluation ............................................ 39 3.5.1 Micro diagrams in a multiscale environment ........................... 39 3.5.2 The micro diagram user study ................................................... 41 3.5.3 Point collection visualization discussion .................................. 47 4 Selection of POIs for visualization 50 4.1 Approaches for point selection .......................................................... 50 4.2 Methods for point selection ................................................................ 51 4.2.1 Label grid approach .................................................................... 52 4.2.2 Functional importance approach .............................................. 53 4.2.3 Discrete isolation approach ....................................................... 54 4.3 Functional evaluation of selection methods .................................... 56 4.3.1 Runtime comparison .................................................................... 56 4.3.2 Use cases for discrete isolation ................................................ 57 4.4 Discussion of the selection approaches .......................................... 61 4.4.1 A critical view of the use cases ................................................. 61 4.4.2 Comparing the approaches ........................................................ 62 4.4.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 64 5 Creating multiscale maps 65 5.1 Examples of multiscale map production .......................................... 65 5.1.1 OpenStreetMap Infrastructure ................................................... 66 5.1.2 OpenStreetMap Carto ................................................................. 67 5.1.3 OpenMapTiles ............................................................................... 73 5.2 Methods of multiscale map production ............................................ 80 5.2.1 OpenStreetMap tools ................................................................... 80 5.2.2 Geoprocessing .............................................................................. 80 5.2.3 Database ........................................................................................ 80 5.2.4 Creating tiles ................................................................................. 82 5.2.5 Caching .......................................................................................... 82 5.2.6 Styling tiles .................................................................................... 82 5.2.7 Viewing tiles ................................................................................... 83 5.2.8 The stackless approach to tile creation ................................... 83 5.3 Example workflows for creating multiscale maps ........................... 84 5.3.1 Raster tiles: OGC services and micro diagrams .................... 84 5.3.2 Vector tiles: Slippy map and vector tiles ................................. 87 5.4 Discussion of approaches and workflows ....................................... 90 5.4.1 Map production as a rendering pipeline .................................. 90 5.4.2 Comparison of OpenStreetMap Carto and OpenMapTiles .. 92 5.4.3 Discussion of the implementations ........................................... 93 5.4.4 Generalization in map production workflows .......................... 95 5.4.5 Conclusions ................................................................................. 101 6 Discussion 103 6.1 Development for web mapping ........................................................ 103 6.1.1 The role of standards in map production .............................. 103 6.1.2 Technological development ..................................................... 103 6.2 New data, new mapping techniques? ............................................. 104 7 Conclusion 106 7.1 Visualization of point collections ..................................................... 106 7.2 Visualization of points of interest ................................................... 107 7.3 Production of multiscale maps ........................................................ 107 7.4 Synthesis of the research questions .............................................. 108 7.5 Contributions ....................................................................................... 109 7.6 Limitations ............................................................................................ 110 7.7 Outlook ................................................................................................. 111 8 References 113 9 Appendix 130 9.1 Zoom levels and Scale ...................................................................... 130 9.3 Full information about selected UGC papers ................................ 131 9.4 Timeline of mapping technologies .................................................. 133 9.5 Timeline of map providers ................................................................ 133 9.6 Code snippets from own map production workflows .................. 134 9.6.1 Vector tiles workflow ................................................................. 134 9.6.2 Raster tiles workflow.................................................................. 137

Generation of safe environmentsin geolocation applications

Börjesson, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
Mobile applications may employ the GPS as user input to create location-based games. The existing landscape of location-based applications predominantly falls into two categories: those offering high-paced action with free movement and those providing movement between established locations at a leisurely pace. However, the combination of fast player movement between game-selected locations can potentially lead to significant accidents if the locations are poorly chosen. A naively designed system may encourage players to traverse rivers, cross highways,or trespass into private areas. This report introduces a design aimed at establishing a safe real-world environment in mobile applications by mapping the surroundings and guiding the player safely. A map generationsystem is proposed, along with a conceptual framework for utilization the generated map.

Map-aided localization for autonomous driving using a particle filter

Eriksson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Vehicles losing their GPS signal is a considerable issue for autonomous vehicles and can be a danger to people in their vicinity. To circumvent this issue, a particle filter localization technique using pre-generated offline Open Street Map (OSM) maps was investigated in a software simulation of Scania’s heavy-duty trucks. The localization technique runs in real-time and provides a way to localize the vehicle safely if the starting position is known. Access to global localization was limited, and the particle filter still succeeded in localizing the vehicle in the vicinity of the correct road segment by creating a graph of the map information and matching the trajectory to the vehicle’s sensor data. The mean error of the Particle filter localization technique in optimal conditions is 16m, which is 20% less than an optimally tuned dead reckoning solution. The mean error is about 50% larger compared to a Global Positioning System. The final product shows potential for expansion but requires more investigation to allow for real-world deployment. / Att fordon kan mista sin GPS-signal är ett stort problem för autonoma fordon och kan vara en fara för människor i dess närhet. För att undvika detta problem föreslås en icke-global lokaliseringsteknik som använder Open Street Maps-kartor (OSM) och ett partikelfilter för att lokalisera fordonet i en mjukvarusimulation. Implementering körs i realtid och anger fordonets position med en tillräcklig träffsäkerhet för att det inte ska utgöra någon fara om dess startposition är känd. Globala lokaliseringsmöjligheter var begränsade, och partikelfiltret lyckades lokalisera fordonet till rätt vägsegment genom att konstruera en graf över den kartinformation den läst in och para ihop fordonets nuvarande färdväg med denna. Resultatet ger en lösning som optimalt har ett medelfel på 16m, vilket är 20% mindre än medelfelet jämfört med optimiserad dödräkning. Lösningen har ca 50% större medelfel än positionering med GPS. Slutresultatet visar en potential att användas i verkliga situationer, men kräver mer undersökningar.

Modelování charakteristik obyvatelstva z topografických dat / Modeling population with topographic data

Šimbera, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Accurate spatial population data are an important requirement in many applications. In this thesis, the problem of disaggregating the spatial distribution of population density and rent costs using a machine learning model is studied. An approach based on freely available ancillary data such as OpenStreetMap and Urban Atlas is proposed and implemented in the form of an automated Python toolbox for ArcGIS. The applications on the urban areas of Prague, Vienna and Ljubljana show promising results, overperforming the competing population disaggregation solutions in spatial resolution and displaying a satisfying degree of transferability. A number of further improvements is suggested. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Multi-Scale and Multi-Modal Streaming Data Aggregation and Processing for Decision Support during Natural Disasters

Kar, Shruti January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Topographic building pattern recognition with geospatial OpenStreetMap data / Igenkänning av topografiska byggnadsmönster med geospatial data från OpenStreetMap

Amino, Robert January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to explore the perceptual recognition of topographical building patterns from real-world OpenStreetMap data on virtual globes. An implementation was developed in which all geographical and contextual information was layered and, for the purpose of this study, what solely remained were building patterns as viewed from above. This was developed as a module for the planetarium visualization software Uniview. The aim was to determine how cities with different building patterns were perceived by participants in terms of size, scale, and building density. This was measured as the comparative difference between city pairs, that is, how much they differed in the percentage of the area that they covered. Two quantitative studies were conducted, one smaller controlled study with 19 participants and one larger online crowd-sourced study with 72 participants. The results show that participants are generally able to discern building patterns when the comparative difference is greater than a certain critical threshold. This critical threshold was determined to be at approximately 0.5% for both studies and for accuracy levels above 60%. Thus it was concluded that below this critical threshold users should be provided with visual feedback or other means of identifiers in order to allow for definite recognition, depending on what kind of information a certain type of visualization is trying to convey. / Den här rapporten avser att utforska den perpetuella igenkänningen av topografiska byggnadsmönster genom att använda geografisk data från OpenStreetMap som avbildas på virtuella sfärer. En implementation utvecklades där geografisk data samt kontextuell information ordnades i överlappande lager som filtrerades, och där endast byggnadsmönster sett från ovan kvarstod. Denna modul utvecklades för Uniview som är en mjukvara för visualisering i planetarier. Målet var att avgöra hur deltagare uppfattade städer med olika byggnadsmönster med hänsyn till storlek, skala, samt byggnadsdensitet. Detta mättes genom den procentuella skillnaden mellan städer, dvs. skillnaden i procent för varje stads geografiska utsträckning. Två kvantitativa studier utfördes, en mindre kontrollerad studie med 19 deltagare samt en större nätbaserad studie med 72 deltagare. Resultatet visar att deltagare generellt kunde bedöma den procentuella skillnaden i byggnadsmönster upp till en viss kritisk gräns. Denna kritiska gräns fastställdes till runt 0.5% för båda studier och för noggrannhetsnivåer över 60%. Slutsatsen från detta är att användare bör ges visuella indikatorer för nivåer under denna kritiska gräns för att säkerställa definitiv igenkänning beroende på vilken information som skall förmedlas i en viss typ av visualisering.

Open Innovation Strategy: Open platform-based digital mapping; as tools for value creation and value capture : Case study of OpenStreetMap and Google Maps

William, Jeffry Leonardo, Wijaya, Mochamad Rifky January 2017 (has links)
Open innovation has been rising in popularity as an alternative to traditional model for organizations to enhance innovation in their products or services. In the past, the innovation processes was time-consuming and costly. It has now become significantly efficient and effective, supported by the advancement of today’s IT such as Internet, Cloud Computing and Big Data. Open innovation has changed the aspect of the innovation source; from closed internal R&D to fully utilization of consumers’ collaboration. Decision to shift towards open innovation strategy has been lying on several areas including motivation, financial direction, and preference of the innovation strategies and business models that fitting the organizational core strategy. This research studied the relation of these areas and its effect; it determined the way IT-organization creates and captures value that were done by opening its product platform. This thesis was conducted to analyze the open innovation approach in an open digital navigation platform, featuring two platforms as case study: Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. The investigation emphasized the utilizing of the open innovation strategy to build its platform where crowdsourcing and open source software as objects highlighted in the research. The data was collected from secondary sources. Research findings suggested that crowdsourcing and open source software strategy are the main strategies of open innovation implemented in IT digital mapping platform to create and capture value. While these strategies have been practiced in both platforms, circumstances (motivation, financial direction, and business strategy) that hovering around the internal aspect of organizations affected the application of those strategies. The implementation results are differ according to preferred business model. The result of this research suggested that a non-profit based organization tends to utilize open innovation to improve the value of their product through consumer collaboration, while a profit based organization adopts open innovation to generate additional pool of revenue through customers’ feedback and input data. The open innovation leads to creation of a new business model as the foundation of innovation.

Integration von Generalisierungsfunktionalität für die automatische Ableitung verschiedener Levels of Detail von OpenStreetMap Webkarten / Integration of generalization functionality to derivate automatic different levels of detail in OpenStreetMap webmaps

Klammer, Ralf 16 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
OpenStreetMap (OSM) konnte sich seit der Gründung 2004 sehr schnell etablieren und stellt mittlerweile eine konkrete Alternative gegenüber vergleichbaren kommerziellen Anwendungen dar. Dieser Erfolg ist eindeutig auf das revolutionäre Grundkonzept des Projektes zurückzuführen. Weltweit werden räumliche Daten durch Mitglieder erhoben und dem Projekt OSM zur Verfügung gestellt. Über die zugrunde liegenden Lizenzbestimmungen wird sichergestellt, dass OSM-Daten frei verfügbar und kostenfrei weiter verwendbar sind. Vor allem die Vorstellung der Unabhängigkeit von proprietären Daten hat zu starker, weiterhin zunehmender globaler Beteiligung geführt. Resultierend daraus erreichen die verfügbaren Daten inzwischen hohe Dichte sowie Genauigkeit. Visualisierungen in Form von interaktiven, frei skalierbaren Weltkarten, welche über die vollständig automatisierten Softwarelösungen Mapnik und Osmarender erstellt werden, sind am weitesten verbreitet. Infolgedessen müssen kartographische Grundsätze und Regeln formalisiert und implementiert werden. Insbesondere in Bezug auf kartographische Generalisierung treten teils erhebliche Mängel in den entsprechenden Umsetzungen auf. Dies bildet den Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung. Ausgehend von einer Ist-Analyse werden vorhandene Defizite identifiziert und anschließend Möglichkeiten zur Integration von Generalisierungsfunktionalitäten untersucht. Aktuelle Entwicklungen streben die Anwendung interoperabler Systeme im Kontext kartographischer Generalisierung an, mit dem Ziel Generalisierungsfunktionalitäten über das Internet bereitzustellen. Grundlage hierfür bilden die vom Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) spezifizierten Web Processing Services (WPS). Sie ermöglichen die Analyse und Verarbeitung räumlicher Daten. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Web Generalization Services (WebGen-WPS) auf mögliche Integration in die Softwarelösungen untersucht und bilden somit einen zentralen Untersuchungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. Mapnik stellt, nicht zuletzt durch dessen offengelegten Quelltext („Open Source“), optimale Voraussetzungen für jene Implementierungen zur Verfügung. Zur Verarbeitung von OSM-Daten verwendet Mapnik die freie Geodatenbank PostGIS, welche ebenfalls Funktionalitäten zur Analyse und Verarbeitung räumlicher Daten liefert. In diesem Kontext wird zusätzlich untersucht, inwiefern PostGIS-Funktionen Potential zur Anwendung kartographischer Generalisierung aufweisen. / OpenStreetMap (OSM) has established very quickly since its founding in 2004 and has become a suitable alternative to similar commercial applications. This success is clearly due to the revolutionary concept of the project. Spatial data is collected by members world-wide and is provided to the project OSM. The underlying license aggreement ensures that OSM-Data is freely available and can be used free of charge. Primarily, the idea of independence from proprietary data has led to strong, still growing, global participation. Resulting from that, the available data is now achieving high density and accuracy. Visualizations in form of interactive, freely scalable maps of the world, which are constructed by the fully automated software solutions Mapnik and Osmarender are most common. In consequence cartographic principles and rules must be formalized and implemented. Particularly with respect to cartographic generalization, some serious faults appear in the corresponding implementations. This is the starting point of this diploma thesis. Based on an analysis of the current state, actual existing deficiencies are identified and then examined for possibilities to integrate generalization functionalities. Recent developments aim at the deployment of interoperable systems in the context of cartographic generalization, with the intention of providing generalization functionalities over the Internet. This is based on Web Processing Services (WPS) that where developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). They enable the analysis and processing of spatial data. In this context, Web Generalization Services (Webgen-WPS) are examined for possible integration into the software solutions and represent therefore a central object of investigation within that examination. Mapnik provides, not least through its “open source” code, ideal conditions for those implementations. Mapnik uses the “open source” spatial database PostGIS for the processing of OSM-Data, which also provides capabilities to analyze and process spatial data. In this context is examined in addition, to what extent the features have potential for implementation of cartographic generalization.

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