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Promoting Oral Health Knowledge in African American College StudentsHuff-Simmons, Terri 24 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Conocimiento de los padres sobre salud bucal y su relación con el índice de higiene oral de sus hijos con habilidades diferentes, Lambayeque, 2023Rivera Villalobos, Almy Katherine January 2024 (has links)
nivel de conocimiento de los padres según edad se obtuvo significancia estadistica de p=0.012 y respecto a sexo no se obtuvo significacia estadistica con un p=0,337, el grado de instrucción y ocupación tuvieron significancia estadística en ambos con un p=0.00, la asociacion entre higiene oral de niños y sexo obtuvo significancia estadistica con valor de p=0.006, asi mismo según edad con valor de p=0.042. Se demostró la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento de los padres y la higiene bucal de sus hijos con habilidades diferentes en las tres CEBES de la región Lambayeque. / The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of parents about oral health and the oral hygiene index of their children with different abilities in Lambayeque, 2023. The study was analytical, cross-sectional, observational and correlational.
A total of 150 students and their parents from three Special Basic Education Centers in Lambayeque participated. A validated questionnaire was used on the parents and a clinical examination was performed on the children applying the simplified oral hygiene index, the data were recorded in an Excel database. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.
Statistical significance was obtained between the level of knowledge of parents about oral health and the oral hygiene index with a value of p=0.00, regarding the association between the level of knowledge of parents according to age, statistical significance was obtained with p=0.012 and regarding sex, no statistical significance was obtained with p=0.012 and with respect to sex, statistical significance was not obtained with a p=0.337, the degree of education and occupation had statistical significance in both with a p=0.00, the association between oral hygiene of children and sex obtained statistical significance with a value of p=0.006, likewise according to age with a value of p= 0.042. The relationship between the level of knowledge of parents and the oral hygiene of their children with different abilities is demonstrated in the three CEBES of the Lambayeque region.
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Munhälsofrämjande interventioner för individer med demenssjukdom : Litteraturstudie / Oral health promotion interventions for individuals with dementia : A literature reviewAlizade, Shahnaz, Mohamadi, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion/Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är ett spektrum av neurodegenerativa tillstånd som kännetecknas avgradvis kognitiv försämring. Globalt påverkar demenssjukdom miljontals äldre individer och deras omgivning.Oral hälsa är ofta förbisedd i vårdprocesser kring demenssjukdom. Orala hälsa är viktig för livskvaliteten. Sämreoral hälsa kan leda till sämre livskvalitet, smärta och påverkan på allmänhälsan. Munhälsointerventioner är därförviktiga för att förbättra livskvaliteten och minska riskerna för orala hälsoproblem.Syfte: Att kartlägga munhälsofrämjande interventioner riktade mot äldre individer med demenssjukdom.Frågeställningar: Vilka interventioner riktas mot demenssjuka för att främja deras orala hälsa? Vilka aktöreransvarar för genomförandet av interventionerna?Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att systematiskt granska och sammanställa befintlig forskning ochkunskap om ämnet. Databaserna PubMed och CINAHL användes. Analys genomfördes med hjälp avgranskningsmallar för att bedöma kvaliteten på de inkluderade studierna.Resultat: Utbildning för vårdpersonal och samarbetsbaserade strategier med vårdpartners ledde till bättre oralhygien och livskvalitet för äldre individer med demenssjukdom. Resultaten visade att enkla, regelbundna insatsersom tandborstningstekniker och kommunikationsträning hade positiva effekter på oral hälsa och välbefinnandebland äldre individer med demenssjukdom. Samarbete mellan tandvårdspersonal, vårdpersonal och vårdpartnersförbättrade den orala hälsan hos äldre individer med demenssjukdom.Slutsats: Äldre individer med demenssjukdom har ofta haft bristande oral hälsa. För att förbättra den orala hälsanhos äldre individer med demenssjukdomar är det viktigt att vara medveten om att det är ett komplext vårdpanoramasom äldre individer vårdas inom. Interventioner på en mer övergripande nivå, såsom syftar till att etablerasamarbete i strategier, tycks vara ett utvecklingsområde.
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Den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn : En allmän litteraturstudie / The oral health of refugee childrenHussein Ali, Shida, Norouzi, Sadaf January 2024 (has links)
Tusentals människor tvingas fly sina hemländer på grund av bland annat krig, förföljelse och våld. Under 2015 migrerade 60 miljoner vuxna och barn och ungdomar under 18 år. Syfte: Att beskriva den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningen utfördes i tre databaser: CINAHL, DOSS och MEDLINE. Totalt valdes 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som var publicerade mellan åren 2014–2023. Resultat: Resultatet visar att de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna bland flyktingbarn är karies och gingivit. Riskfaktorer för den orala hälsan identifieras som tillgång till tandvård och munhygienartiklar, socioekonomisk status och kost. Barn på flykt under en längre tid anses vara mer benägna att ha högre antal kariesskador jämfört med de motsvarande barnen på flykt under en kortare tid. Slutsats: Karies och gingivit är de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna hos flyktingbarn. Riskfaktorerna som svårigheter med tillgång till tandvård och munhygiensartiklar, kost och socioekonomisk status är vanligt förekommande vilket påverkar förekomsten av karies och gingivit. / Thousands of people are forced to flee their home countries because of war, persecution and violence. In 2015, 60 million adults, children and adolescents under the age of 18 emigrated. Aim: To describe the oral health of refugee children. Method: Literature review. The literature search was performed in three databases. 16 scientific articles were selected that were published between 2014-2023. Results: The results show that the most prevalent oral diseases among refugee children are caries and gingivitis. Risk factors for oral health are identified as access to dental care and oral hygiene items, socioeconomic status and diet. Children on the move for a longer period of time are considered to be more likely to have higher rates of dental caries compared to their counterparts on the move for a shorter period of time. Conclusion: Dental caries and gingivitis are the most common oral diseases in refugee children. Risk factors such as difficulties in accessing dental care and oral hygiene products, diet and socioeconomic status are common and influence the prevalence of caries and gingivitis.
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Geschmackspräferenz bei Patienten mit Morbus Crohn / eine interdisziplinäre Studie unter zahnmedizinischen AspektenDrude, Clemens 02 October 2003 (has links)
Zielsetzung: Bei Patienten mit Morbus Crohn (M.C.) wurde ein erhöhter Zuckerkonsum beschrieben. Ebenfall wurde bei M.C. ein subklinisches Zinkdefizit zahlreich beschrieben. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Geschmackswahrnehmung und Zucherkonsum hinsichtlich der Zinkkonzentration im Plasma und die Auswirkungen auf die orale Mundgesundheit von Patienten mit M.C.. Versuchsplan: Für 24 M.C. Patienten und 24 Kontrollpersonen (Kon) mit ähnlicher Altersstruktur wurde der Zuckerkonsum die Zinkkonzentration im Plasma ermittelt. Die Geschmacksschwellen, die Mundhygiene und die Kariesprävalenz wurden erhoben. Ergebnisse: Bei M.C. wurde ein erhöhter Zuckerkonsum (M.C. 107,1 plusminus 27,7 vs. Kon 71,9plusminus13,7 g/d; p / Background: An increased intake of sucrose is reported in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Subclinical zinc deficiency is frequently described in CD. The relationship between taste perception and sucrose intake in respect to zinc as well as the effect on dental and oral health in CD patients should be examined. Methods: In 24 CD patients and 24 age matched controls (Con) carbohydrate intake and plasma zinc levels were assessed. Taste threshold, oral hygiene and caries prevalence were evaluated. Results: In CD a higher sucrose intake (CD 107,1 plusminus 27,7 vs. Con 71,9 plusminus 13,7 g/d; p
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Prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija i mogućnosti njihove terapije nakon fiksnog ortodontskog tretmana / The prevalence of initial carious lesions and the possibility of their therapy after fixed orthodontic treatmentDemko Rihter Ivana 12 September 2018 (has links)
<p>UVOD Početne karijesne lezije gleđi (bele mrlje) se definišu kao područija demineralizovane gleđi, koja nastaju kao posledica neadekvatnog higijensko-dijetetskog režima. Prevencija belih mrlja je neophodna, kako bi se dobio maksimalan učinak terapije fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima. U prevenciji i terapiji belih mrlja se primenjuju preparati na bazi kazein- fosfopeptid – amorfnog kalcijum fosfata (CPP-ACP) i preparati na bazi fluorida. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se ispita prisustvo početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi, nakon tretmana fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima i da se istraži uspešnost terapije početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi. MATERIJAL I METODE RADA U studiju je bilo uključeno 100 pacijenata, uzrasta od 15-50 godina, kod kojih je indikovana terapija fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima na Klinici za stomatologiju Vojvodine. Pacijenti su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, eksperimentalnu (pacijenti koji su koristili preparate na bazi kazein- fosfopeptid – amorfnog kalcijum fosfata i standardne preparate za oralnu higijenu) i kontrolnu (koji su koristili samo standardne preparate za oralnu higijenu). Analizirane su fotografije pacijenata napravljene pre početka tretmana, nakon uklanjanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata i nakon terapije početnih karijesnih lezija. Formirana je baza podataka, koja je bila korišćena za potrebe ovog istraživanja, u okviru „Onyxceph“ softverskog programa. U istraživanju se koristio upitnik, sastavljen većinom od pitanja zatvorenog tipa. REZULTATI Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je većina ispitanika bila ženskog pola (68%). Početne karijesne lezije su bile češće dijagnostikovane kod muškog pola. Najveći broj pacijenata je bio iz grupe mlađeg odraslog doba (42%) i adolescenata (32%). Kod 73% pacijenata, koji su prošli tretman fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima, dijagnostikovane su početne karijesne lezije zuba na kraju tretmana. Pacijenti koji su više puta u toku dana konzumirali konditorske proizvode, u toku ortodontskog tretmana, su imali najviši procenat belih mrlja (87,5%). ZAKLJUČCI Potvrđene su obe hipoteze: 1. Prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi nakon fiksne ortodontske terapije bila je viša od 60%, kod pacijenata koji su minimum godinu dana nosili fiksni ortodontski aparat. 2. Terapija belih mrlja preparatima Tooth Mousse (CPP-ACP) je dala značajno bolje rezultate, u odnosu na grupu ispitanika koji su koristiti samo standardna sredstva za održavanje oralne higijene. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata kliničkih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi proporcionalno veća kod pacijenata koji su imali slabiju oralnu higijenu u toku ortodontskog tretmana, u poređenju sa pacijentima koji su imali visoku svest o važnosti higijensko-dijetetskog režima. Primena Tooth Mousse pasta u tretmanu početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi od značajne je važnosti za remineralizaciju zubne gleđi. Dužina trajanja ortodontskog tretmana nije dovedena u direktnu vezu sa pojavom početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION The initial carious lesions (white spots) indicate an area of demineralization of enamel as a result of an inadequate hygiene-dietary regime. The prevention of white spots lesions (WSL) is necessary in order to obtain the maximum effect of the therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances. In the prevention and treatment of white spots, products based on casein-phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) are applied as well as preparations based on fluoride. The aims of the study were to examine the presence of initial carious lesions on the surface of the tooth after treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances and to assess the success of the therapy of initial caries lesions. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 100 patients aged 15-50 who were treated with fixed orthodontic appliances, at the public Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina. Patients were divided into two groups: experimental (patients who used Tooth Mousse paste and standard oral hygiene products) and control group (using only standard oral hygiene products). The photos of patients were made and analyzed in three stages of the study - before the beginning of the treatment, after the removal of fixed orthodontic appliances and after the therapy of initial caries lesions. Using the "Onyxceph" software program, the database was created, which was used for the purposes of this research. The questionnaire composed mostly of close-ended questions was used for the purpose of this survey. RESULTS The restates of this study indicated that a majority of respondents were female. (68%). The initial carious lesions were more commonly diagnosed in men. The majority of patients with WSL were in group of young adult people (42%) and adolescents (32%). In 73% of all patients who were treated with fixed orthodontic appliances, were diagnosed WSL on the end of the orthodontic treatment. Patients who consumed confectionery products several times during the day, during the orthodontic treatment, had the highest percentage of white spots lesions (87.5%). CONCLUSION Both hypotheses have been confirmed: 1.The prevalence of initial carious lesions of the tooth enamel after fixed orthodontic therapy was higher than 60% in patients who had fixed orthodontic appliances for at least a year. 2. White spot therapy with Tooth Mousse's products showed significantly better results compared to a group of subjects who only used standard oral hygiene products. On the basis of the obtained results of clinical trials, it can be concluded that the prevalence of initial caries lesions is proportionally greater in patients with lower oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, compared to patients who had higher awareness of the importance of the hygiene-dietary regime. The use and application of Tooth Mousse paste in the treatment of initial carious lesion is vital for the re-mineralization of the enamel surface.</p>
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Uso de clorexidina 2% gel e escovação na higiene bucal de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica: efeitos na pneumonia associada a ventiladorMeinberg, Maria Cristina de Avila 07 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / Introduction: Nosocomial pneumonias determine a significant increase length of Stay, in hospital costs and mortality. Oral hygiene with chlorhexidine has been considered a tool in the prevention of nosocomial pneumonia. However, current data suggest that such benefits are more significant in cardiac surgeries patients.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of oral chlorhexidine hygiene with tooth brushing on the rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a mixed population of critically ill patients under prolonged mechanical ventilation. Methods: Prospective, randomized, and placebo-controlled pilot study. Patients who were receiving mechanical ventilation, had been admitted in the intensive Care Unit in the previous 24 hours, and were anticipated to require mechanical ventilation for more than 72 hours were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided in to one of the following groups: chlorhexidine hygiene with toothbrushing or a placebo group (gel with the same color and consistency and tooth brushing). Results: The planned interim analysis was conducted using 52 patients, and the study was terminated prematurely. In total, 28 patients were included in the chlorhexidine/tooth brushing group, and 24 patients were included in the placebo/tooth brushing group. Ventilator-associated pneumonia occurred in 45.8% of the placebo group and in 64.3% of the chlorhexidine hygiene with toothbrushing group (RR=1.4; 95% CI=0.83-2.34; p=0.29). Conclusion: The use of gel with chlorhexidine 2% and toothbrushing for oral hygiene did not have effect on the rate of VAP in this heterogeneous population of critically ill patients under prolonged mechanical ventilation. / Introdução: As pneumonias nosocomiais determinam significativo aumento em tempo de internação, custos hospitalares e mortalidade. A higiene bucal com clorexidina é considerada de grande importância na prevenção de pneumonia nosocomial. Contudo os dados atuais mostram que tais benefícios são mais significativos em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da higiene bucal com clorexidina 2% e escovação mecânica sobre a taxa de pneumonia associada a ventilador (PAV) em uma população mista de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica prolongada. Método: Estudo piloto prospectivo, aleatório e placebo-controlado. Foram incluídos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica, com menos de 24 horas de internação e cuja perspectiva de duração da ventilação mecânica era a de um período > 72 horas. Os pacientes foram randomizados para o grupo clorexidina (gel com clorexidina a 2%) e escovação mecânica ou grupo placebo (gel da mesma cor e consistência e escovação mecânica) na higiene bucal. Resultados: A análise interina planejada foi realizada quando 52 pacientes foram incluídos e o estudo foi interrompido precocemente. Um total de 28 pacientes foi incluído no grupo clorexidina e 24 no grupo placebo. As taxas de PAV foram de 45,8% no grupo placebo/escovação mecânica e de 64,3% no grupo clorexidina/escovação mecânica (RR=1,4; IC95%= 0,83-2,34; p=0,29). Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo não evidenciaram beneficio do uso de clorexidina a 2% e escovação mecânica na higiene bucal nas taxas de PAV nesta população heterogênea de pacientes críticos sob ventilação mecânica prolongada.
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Osteonecrose dos maxilares associada a bisfosfonatos: avaliação genética em pacientes oncológicos / Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: genetic evaluation in cancer patientsCaldas, Rogério Jardim 22 February 2019 (has links)
A osteonecrose dos maxilares associada aos bisfosfonatos (OMAB) é reconhecidamente uma complicação tardia dos bisfosfonatos, que são empregados para tratar desordens esqueléticas marcadas pela perda de massa óssea. Hoje, o reconhecimento da variante clínica sem exposição óssea e de outras classes de drogas associadas à osteonecrose dos maxilares (inibidores de RANK-L, VEGF, m- TOR e TNF-a) integram um novo aspecto do conceito dessa entidade patológica. Vários fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de OMAB foram identificados, incluindo procedimentos odontológicos invasivos, má higiene oral, o uso de bisfosfonatos (particularmente, os bisfosfonatos nitrogenados como o pamidronato e o zoledronato), infusões frequentes e tempo prolongado de exposição aos bisfosfonatos. A saúde bucal é um fator significativo que afeta o risco de OMAB e, juntamente com a predisposição genética, pode explicar algumas das diferenças de incidência encontrada na literatura. Fatores genéticos parecem influenciar o risco de desenvolvimento da OMAB. Os polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único dos genes CYP2C8 e RBMS3 foram significativamente associados com um risco mais elevado. Enquanto o gene CYP2C8 está envolvido na inibição dos osteoclastos, diferenciação dos osteoblastos e regulação do tônus vascular, RBMS3 é um gene envolvido no metabolismo ósseo e foi associado à massa óssea reduzida e a fraturas osteoporóticas. Contudo, houve limitações metodológicas nesses estudos, dos quais apenas um abordou a diferença da frequência de polimorfismos associados à OMAB em grupos étnicos distintos. Até o momento faltam estudos genéticos sobre polimorfismos associados com OMAB que tenham sido replicados e validados com evidências convincentes, particularmente, envolvendo populações não caucasianas. Ainda hoje permanece um grande desafio: estratificar o risco para desenvolvimento da OMAB no contexto clínico. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a associação de fatores clínicos (saúde bucal) e genéticos com a ocorrência da OMAB. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com pacientes oncológicos expostos ao zoledronato e/ou pamidronato por pelo menos 7 meses, com ou sem OMAB. Submeteram-se os participantes à avaliação odontológica. Avaliou-se a condição de cárie dentária e doença periodontal através do índice de dentes cariados perdidos e obturados (CPOD) e índice periodontal comunitário. O índice gengival e o índice de higiene oral simplificado (IHOS) também constaram nessa avaliação. Para a discriminação dos genótipos dos genes CYP2C8 e RBMS3, 2 ml de saliva foram coletados e processados para a técnica de PCR quantitativa. A amostra consistiu de 80 pacientes (69 mulheres e 11 homens). O índice geral de OMAB foi 11,2% (câncer de mama: 11,3%; câncer de próstata: 22,2%). Houve forte correlação positiva entre o estadiamento clínico da OMAB e CPOD (rho=0.9189, p=0.001). Inflamação gengival moderada e cálculo dentário alcançaram, respectivamente, 72% e 50% dos indivíduos com OMAB. Bolsa periodontal de 4 mm ou mais envolveu 37,5% desse grupo. IHOS revelou aproximadamente 25% dos indivíduos desse grupo com higiene oral regular. O polimorfismo do gene CYP2C8 estava presente em 50% dos pacientes com OMAB, enquanto 12% apresentou mutação para o gene RBMS3. Em conclusão, a saúde bucal da população oncológica foi bastante precária e o polimorfismo do gene CYP2C8 pareceu se associar à OMAB em população oncológica. / Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is recognized as a late complication of bisphosphonates, which are used to treat skeletal disorders characterized by loss of bone mass. The recognition of clinical variation without bone exposure and other classes of drugs associated with osteonecrosis of the jaws (RANK-L, VEGF, m-TOR and TNF-inhibitors) are part of a new aspect of the pathological concept. Several risk factors for the development of BRONJ have been identified, including invasive dental procedures, poor oral hygiene, use of bisphosphonate (particularly, nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate such as pamidronate and zoledronate), frequent infusions and prolonged exposure to bisphosphonate. Oral health is a significant factor that affects the risk of BRONJ and, along with a genetic predisposition, it might explain epidemiological differences found in literature. Genetic factors seem to impact the risk of developing BRONJ. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the CYP2C8 and RBMS3 genes were significantly associated with a higher risk. While the CYP2C8 gene is involved in osteoclast inhibition, osteoblast differentiation and regulation of vascular tone, RBMS3 is a gene involved in bone metabolism and has been associated with reduced bone mass and osteoporotic fractures. However, methodological limitations are present in these studies, of which only one addressed the difference in the frequency of polymorphisms associated with BRONJ in different ethnic groups. So far genetic studies have been lacking on polymorphisms associated with BRONJ that have been replicated and validated with convincing evidence, particularly involving non- Caucasian populations. In clinical context, a great challenge remains: classify patients in high risk for the development of BRONJ. Thus, the present study aims to investigate an association of clinical (oral health) and genetic factors with the occurrence of BRONJ. A cross-sectional study was performed with oncologic patients exposed to zoledronate and/or pamidronate for at least 7 months, with or without BRONJ. Participants were submitted to dental evaluation. Dental caries and periodontal disease were evaluated through the index of missing and filled teeth (DMFT) and community periodontal index. The gingival index and the simplified oral hygiene index (SOHI) were also included in this evaluation. For the discrimination of genotypes of the CYP2C8 and RBMS3 genes, 2 ml of saliva were collected and processed for the quantitative PCR technique. The sample consisted of 80 patients (69 women and 11 men). The overall BRONJ index was 11.2% (breast cancer: 11.3%, prostate cancer 22.2%). There was a strong positive correlation between the clinical staging of BRONJ and DMFT (rho=0.9189, p=0.001). Moderate gingival inflammation and dental calculus comprised, respectively, 72% and 50% of individuals with OMAB. Periodontal pocket of 4 mm or more involved 37.5% of this group. SOHI revealed approximately 25% of individuals in this group with regular oral hygiene. The polymorphism of the CYP2C8 gene was present in 50% of patients with BRONJ, while 12% had a mutation for the RBMS3 gene. In conclusion, the oral health of the cancer population was very precarious and CYP2C8 gene polymorphism is apparently associated with BRONJ in cancer population.
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Klinische Studie zum Mundhygieneverhalten und zur zahnärztlichen Aufklärung von Patienten vor und nach Organtransplantation / Clinical study about oral hygiene and dental assistance of patients before and after solid organ transplantationHraský, Valentina 07 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Význam orální hygieny u dospělých se zaměřením na preventivní opatření vedoucí ke snížení četnosti výskytu onemocnění ústní dutiny. / The importance of oral hygiene on adults with the focus on preventive measures resulting in the reduction of oral cavity diseases frequency.KÁPLOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The Dissertation work presented herein monitors the significance of oral hygiene in adults, while aiming at preventive measures leading to lowering mouth cavity illness occurrences. Within the theoretical part, I focus on the delineation of important terms relating to preventive care for oral cavity, information concerning anatomy, physiology of oral cavity, influence of foods and other problems within the oral cavity, among which there are tooth cavities and diseases of gingiva. In the practical part of the work I aim on the assessment of the level of oral health, trough the help of applied clinical research methodologies and investigative tooth indices such as API, PBI, and CPITN. Furthermore, educational materials are passed on, for the purpose of dissemination of needed information in the area of dental hygiene, teaching correct teeth brushing techniques, and utilization of other between-the-tooth tools. The following graphic presentation reveals the level of dental health. As well, within my work, I have verified that, within a larger proportion of patients an improved oral hygiene ensued; thanks to educational program together with an improved home oral hygiene care. Familiarity, care of oral cavity and dental hygiene are the most important prerequisites for each individual, when attempting to improve dental health.
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