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Environmental and social certifications on coffee : A study of consumer perceptionsSjöberg, Alexander, Wall, Louise January 2009 (has links)
Using coffee as the example, the five certifications; Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, UTZ Certified, EU certification for organic farming and KRAV are explored. A consumer perception survey and a comparative analysis of the certifications true achievements are compared in order to establish how well consumer perceptions reflect certification demands. Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified largely upholds existing conditions. Fair Trade, KRAV and the EU certification in different ways aims to improve them. KRAV is the most well-known certification, followed by Fair Trade. 85% of the respondents associate KRAV with organic production and 80% of the respondents recognising the Fair Trade logotype associate it with taking strong social responsibility. Overall, the results from the consumer survey conform relatively well to the actual standards of the certifications. However some results suggest that Rainforest Alliance holds a higher degree of appreciation than it actually deserves. In a broader perspective this can be associated to the phenomena of Greenwashing; corporative attempts to make a product or service seem more environmentally beneficent than it actually is. This is something that should be taken seriously since it does not contribute to a sustainable development, it might fuel the hollowing out of certificatory initiatives and further complicate for those consumers aiming to shop responsibly. / Med kaffe som exempel utreds de fem certifieringarna; Rainforest Alliance, Rättvisemärkt, UTZ Certified EU:s certifiering för ekologisk produktion och KRAV. Genom en konsumentuppfattningsstudie och en granskning av certifieringarnas faktiska åstadkommanden jämförs sedan resultaten med syfte att fastställa hur väl konsumenters uppfattning speglar certifieringarnas krav. Rainforest Alliance och UTZ Certified söker till största del upprätthålla nuvarande situation. Rättvisemärkt, EU:s certifiering samt KRAV söker på olika sätt förbättra den. KRAV är den mest välkända certifieringen följt av Rättvisemärkt. 85 procent respondenterna förknippar KRAV med ekologisk produktion och 80 procent av dem som känner igen Rättvisemärkts logotyp förknippar certifieringen med starkt socialt ansvarstagande. På det hela taget är resultaten från konsumentuppfattningsstudien relativt väl överensstämmande med certifieringarnas faktiska åstadkommanden. Dock tyder vissa resultat på att uppfattningen av Rainforest Alliance är mer positiv än vad certifieringen förtjänar. I ett större perspektiv kan detta kopplas till fenomenet Greenwashing; företags försök att få sina produkter eller tjänster att framstå som mer miljövänliga än vad som egentligen är fallet. Det är någonting som bör tas på allvar då det motverkar en hållbar utveckling, riskerar att urholka andra, mer långtgående certifieringsinitiativ och ytterligare försvåra för de konsumenter som försöker handla med omsorg för människor och miljö.
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Below- and aboveground farmland biodiversity in relation to local and regional management / Unter- wie oberirdische Biodiversität in der Agrarlandschaft in Abhängigkeit von lokalem und regionalem ManagementFlohre, Andreas 06 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Qualitätssicherungssysteme in der Ernährungsbranche / Quality Assurance Systems in the Food SectorJahn, Gabriele 11 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Einfluss von ökologischem Landbau und Landschaftskomplexität auf die Wirbeltierdiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen / Effects of farming practice and landscape complexity on vertebrate diversity and ecological functioning in agroecosystemsFischer, Christina 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung / Animal health in organic dairy farming - Health state as well as development, application and evaluation of a preventive herd health planning conceptMarch, Solveig 17 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Effizienzanalyse im ökologischen Landbau / Bestandsaufnahme, empirische Analyse und agrarpolitische Schlussfolgerungen / Efficiency analysis in organic farming / Status, empirical analysis and political conclusionsLakner, Sebastian 27 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung / Animal health in organic dairy farming - Health state as well as development, application and evaluation of a preventive herd health planning conceptBrinkmann, Jan 17 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Appropriate institutional and contractual arrangements for the marketing of organic crops produced by members of the Ezemvelo Farmers' Organisation in KwaZulu-Natal.Gadzikwa, Lawrence. January 2010 (has links)
The Ezemvelo Farmers’ Organisation (EFO) is a certified organic smallholder group in KwaZulu-Natal province (South Africa) that exists as an institution to improve smallholder access to niche markets by reducing unit production and transaction costs. The study is motivated by the need to understand drivers of collective action, prevalence of internal group free-riding, and the impact of contract terms on contract performance. These three theoretical concepts are pertinent in understanding organisational and institutional issues affecting the performance of smallholder organic farming groups and in formulating policies to promote the performance of such groups. The study relies on the theoretical
foundations of collective action, free-riding and contracts found within the realm of New Institutional Economics (NIE). These theories, though separate, are in fact related in certain respects. Collective action in smallholder groups, apart from being a function of a plethora of socio-economic factors, including transaction costs, could be constrained by free-riding within the group, which in turn could be influenced by flawed contractual arrangements. This study of collective action focuses on 200 farmers drawn from a sample survey of 49
non-EFO members, and a census survey of 103 partially certified and 48 fully certified EFO members. A ‘collective action’ model investigates the impact of perceived benefits and savings on production and transaction costs attributed to collective action by drawing comparisons between EFO members and non-members using a multinomial logit model. The study of free-riding uses data from 151 members of the EFO to construct an index of free-riding within the group using principal components analysis (PCA). A ‘contract model’, which also focuses on EFO members only, attempts to measure the impact of
verbal contract provisions on contract performance in addition to evaluating the determinants of preferred contract terms using a combination of PCA, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, and logit models. Results indicate that continued participation in EFO is not influenced by the age or gender of the farmer, but positively influenced by growth in the net benefits of participation, and negatively by an increase in the size of the household’s cropland or on-farm earnings. With respect to production and transaction costs, the results suggest that EFO has reduced fully certified members’ concerns that crops would be damaged by livestock or constrained by inadequate technical information. However, this is not the case for other problems such as price uncertainty in conventional markets, a lack of affordable operating inputs, a lack
of affordable transport, and a lack of communications infrastructure. The index of free-riding behaviour constructed using principal components analysis
suggests that free-riding poses a serious threat to EFO’s collective marketing efforts. Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis of the index scores shows that members who are male, poorly educated, partially certified, aware of loopholes in the grading system, and who do not trust the buyer are more likely to free-ride. Benefits accruing to EFO members are limited and there is substantial confusion among members about the terms of EFO’s verbal contract with the pack house that purchases their organic produce. Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis of the impact that perceived contractual terms have on quantities delivered to the pack house yielded interesting
findings. Perceptions that delivery calls are made by the buyer, that grading procedures are flawed and that prices are not jointly established were found to reduce quantities delivered to the pack house, after controlling for differences in farm and farmer characteristics. Logit models estimated to identify the determinants of preferred contract clauses indicate that farmers with higher levels of formal education and farm income, and lower levels of experience, favour a written contract over a verbal contract. Similarly, farmers with higher
levels of formal education and lower levels of family farm labour favour a contract
denominated by area rather than weight. It is concluded that EFO should recruit households that rely on farming for income and which are land constrained. EFO is more likely to survive if it continues to secure fully
subsidised information, transport, fencing, and certification services for its members, and if it improves the benefits of participating by synchronising harvest and delivery dates, negotiating price discounts for organic inputs, and by maintaining an office with telephone, fax and postal services. In the longer-term, EFO should address institutionalised free-riding by issuing tradable ownership rights. In the short-term, EFO must engage with the pack
house (buyer) to remove flaws in the grading process that conceal the origin of low quality produce. Transparent and mediated negotiations leading to an incentive compliant contract with the buyer may also help to build trust and reduce free-riding within EFO. It is also recommended that the terms of EFO’s contract with the pack house should be revised so that; (a) delivery calls can be made by either the pack house or by EFO during specified periods and with reasonable notice, and (b) grading procedures are fully transparent and ensure traceability so that losses caused by poor quality can be internalised to members who deliver inferior produce. In addition, it is important that prices be
negotiated at the beginning of each season and that the contractual parties have recourse to pre-agreed facilitators and an arbitrator to resolve disputes on price and quality. A written contract is recommended to support these more complex terms, with the proviso that the contract is explained to current and prospective members, and that growers are fully informed of their rights and obligations. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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Determining the potential for smallholder organic production among three farming groups through the development of an empirical and participatory decision support tool.Thamaga-Chitja, Joyce Magoshi. January 2008 (has links)
Organic farming is increasingly viewed as a plausible production system for sustainable agriculture for smallholder farmers. However, there is not enough scientific evidence and knowledge to advocate certified organic farming for African smallholder farmers who face several constraints related to production, storage and marketing. The potential for organic farming for smallholder farmers, faced by these constraints, is not clearly defined. As a result, this study set out to evaluate the production potential of organic agriculture among three smallholder farmer groups. Production questions were used to investigate and evaluate the potential for organic agriculture among three smallholder farmer groups and constituted the following subproblems: · What crops can be grown in the three study areas, based on climatic data ? · Do farmers concur that these are the most suitable potential organic crops? · How useful do the farmers find the decision making tool? · What constraints threaten commercial production of the identified crops for these farmers? Participatory methodologies that included the use of Force Field Analysis, discussions and workshops were used to identify organic production constraints related to production decisions. Farmers faced constraints related to finance, capacity enhancement, technical knowledge, fencing, irrigation, and a lack of, or inappropriately trained extension officers. As a response to identified production constraints, a decision support tool was developed. Natural resource data, including climatic and agronomic data, was used to create a specially calibrated Microsoft Excel spreadsheet interface that functions as an empirical organic production decision support tool for organic and aspirant organic smallholder farmers, by providing answers for farmer-prioritised production constraints. A list of potential crops for each of the three study areas was subjected to a series of checks against suitability for climate and disease conditions and nutrient requirements. A limited supply of manure, to meet the enormously high requirements for organic production in the poor soils of these areas, is the major constraint to exclusive organic production and renders certified organic production difficult and unsustainable. Farmers disagreed with some of the crops on the list, arguing that familiar crops were rejected by the model, but they were excited by the prospects for production of “new” crops suggested as suitable by the decision support tool, but not yet grown in the study areas. End users welcomed the model and expressed the opinion that it would be useful in decision making related to organic crop production. The study concludes that, although a number of agronomically-suitable crops can grow in the study areas, organic production is restricted by rather high manure requirements, lack of compost making skills, lack of knowledge on natural pest and disease control and poorly nourished soils, leading to poor yields. The rainy season creates a disease-supporting environment, rendering organic farming risky for rain-fed smallholder farming. Risk in certified organic farming for smallholders was further exacerbated by a hardly inconducive policy environment that low literacy levels exist amongst farmers. This study is innovative for three reasons. First, farmers were true participants and drivers of the research. Second, trans-disciplinary expert seminars were attended by experts from different disciplines who critiqued the conceptualisation, design, and implementation of the study. Third, the development of a practical decision-support tool shows innovation towards solving complex smallholder farmers decisions. If organic farming is to be promoted, commitment by government is needed in order to establish policy and legislation on organic farming to direct and govern training, information provision and marketing. Intensive training and knowledge building of organic production for smallholder farmers and extension officers is critical. There are also agroecological risks associated with organic farming for smallholder farmers. Recommendations for future research include comparison between organic agriculture and conventional agriculture, where sustainability of certified organic farming and economic viability can be conducted in the South African context. Improvement of the decision making tool will require involving information technology specialists so that the tool can be installed in community centres, extension offices and other accessible places for farmers and others. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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Analyzing organic farming training in the curriculum of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Polepole, John Sanzimwami. January 2010 (has links)
The study was conducted in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, in the town of Pietermaritzburg, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the research was to analyse to what extent organic farming is part of the curriculum at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture. The objectives of the study consisted of determining what is currently offered in terms of organic farming or sustainable agriculture; identify what the perceptions of students and lecturers are about organic farming; and identify the challenges faced by academics and stakeholders in organic farming.
The research method used to achieve the objectives was qualitative; it was done through interviews, site visits and observations. The data analysis used Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for interpretation and coding. This process was based on the data analysis spiral, as described by Creswell (1998) cited in Leedy and Ormrod (2005).
The research found that in the UKZN current curriculum there is a presence of modules dealing with organic farming to a small extent. The perceptions of academic staff concerning organic farming were related to sustainability, environmental protection, use of alternative methods for food production, human health protection and knowledge for future generations. Organic farming was regarded as a crucial approach on different levels, including food security, environment, economy and market.
The challenges in organic farming field are more related to costs involved in production, lack of interest or awareness, yield production (very poor and not competitive); limited career opportunities; lack of expertise in the organic domain, lack of government support and intense competition with chemical companies.
The research recommends an enhancement of organic farming training in the curriculum at UKZN/PMB; involvement of students in developing the curriculum; government support for organic agriculture; more research exploring the merits and disadvantages of organic farming; assessment of farmers’ knowledge and skills in marketing; initiation of partnerships between organic farmers, processors, retailers; and government, to study a range of issues related to organic farming. / Thesis (M.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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