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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Investigation On Stress Factors And Coping Strtegies Of English Instructors At The English Preparatory Schools Of Metu And Ankara University

Petek, Elcin 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The study aimed at investigation the sources of stress that english instructors who work at the English Preparatory Schools of the Middle East Technical University and Ankara University experience and the strategies that they use to cope with stress related to their professions. Two scales which consist of a demographic inventory, two questionnaires and a semi structured interwiew were developed by the researces the first scale is &quot / stress factors and coping strategies questionnaire for english instructors&quot / the result of which was analyzed by SPSS under five headings. This data gathering instrument was implemented on 174 English Instructors working at four univesities in Ankara. Data gathered from 112 English Instructors in Ankara University and METU English Preparatory Schools represented the result of the main study. In analayzing the data, descriptive statistics as frequency, percent, average and standart deviation, and inferential statistics as ANOVA was used. The second scale of the current study is a semi structured interview. This scale was piloted with 6 instructors to check the reliability. Finally,was conducted with 6 instructors from two represent the participants of the main study. The result of the interviews were analyzed through content analysis. The result of the study revealed an inverse correlation between the stress level of english instructors and their effectivness in coping. The most stress causing factors were &quot / student attitudes&quot / and &quot / working overload&quot / while the most employed coping strategies were &quot / in class coping&quot / , &quot / planfulness&quot / , and &quot / self support&quot


January 2023 (has links)
Public Safety Personnel (PSP) and Military Personnel (MP) face high rates of potentially traumatic exposures as part of their on-the-job service. As a result, they frequently experience highly impactful Occupational Stress Injuries (OSI), which contribute to complex experiences of mental, health, social, and functional injuries. The individual experience of these injuries is mediated by domain of the causal stressor, including whether it stemmed from an operational factor (i.e., the unique operational demands of the position) or an organizational factor (i.e., systemic stressors associated with employment environment). Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and Military Sexual Misconduct (MSM) are two organizational stressors which involve systemically-normalized sexual violence and discrimination within military environments. MSM and MST unfairly target equity-deserving community members, such as woman-identifying personnel and 2SLGBTQIA+ personnel. By belonging to an equity-deserving community, these communities face an additive impact of distinctive personal factors (e.g., person-specific factors such as gender identity or sexual orientation), which predicate more complex experiences of OSI. In Chapter 2 (Study 1), we qualitatively outline how PSP personally describe their experience of OSI-related PTSD symptoms. In Chapter 3 (Study 2), we qualitatively examine the emotional, social, and functional outcomes of an organizational stressor, MSM, in an equity-deserving community of MP (i.e., woman-identifying military Veterans). Finally, in Chapter 4 (Study 3), we qualitatively assess the mental, social, and functional implications of MST in another equity-deserving population (i.e., the 2SLBTQIA+ military community) using a scoping review methodology. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Public Safety Personnel (PSP) and Military Personnel (MP) experience greater exposure to potentially traumatic experiences as part of their occupational duties than do civilians. As a result, they are more likely to suffer negative mental, social, health, and functional outcomes, known as Occupational Stress Injuries (OSI). The individual expression of OSI is mediated both by the domain of the original stressor (i.e., organizational, or operational), and, by person-specific factors, such as belonging to an equity-deserving population of service. Through qualitative research methods, this thesis examines the mental, social, health and functional outcomes of OSI in military and Public Safety Personnel (i.e., MP and PSP, respectively), as well as how membership in equity-deserving communities impacts these outcomes.

Kompleksinis streso darbe valdymas / Systemic Management of Work Related Stress

Bandzienė, Agnė 18 December 2009 (has links)
Disertacijos tikslas yra identifikuoti ir ištirti streso darbe valdymo priemones bei jų veiksmingumą ir sukurti kompleksinį streso darbe valdymo modelį. Remiantis moksline literatūra disertacijoje pateikiama streso sampratos genezė, išanalizuoti streso darbe valdymo modeliai, identifikuoti esminiai stresą darbe sukeliantys veiksniai, išnagrinėtos organizacines streso darbe valdymo priemonės ir atskleistas jų veiksmingumas mažinant stresą darbe. Disertacijoje identifikuotos streso darbe valdymo priemonės, kurios iki šiol nebuvo nei teoriškai, nei empiriškai tyrinėtos. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize sukurtas kompleksinis streso darbe valdymo modelis, kuris empiriškai įvertintas Lietuvos energetikos įmonėse. Empiriniam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimo metodas – darbuotojų apklausa. Tyrimo metu nustatyta streso darbe priklausomybė nuo socialinių demografinių charakteristikų bei identifikuoti esminiai energetikos sektoriui stresoriai: atsakomybė už kitus žmones, darbo krūvis, vaidmens konfliktas, darbo sąlygos. Empirinis tyrimas patvirtino, kad streso darbe valdymo priemonės yra veiksmingos taikant jas kompleksiškai. Bendrą streso darbe lygį mažina bei atskirus stresorius įtakoja socialinė parama, karjeros valdymas, darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyros užtikrinimo priemonės, darbuotojo žinių ir įgūdžių atitikimas darbo vietos reikalavimams, užduoties identiškumas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais parengtos rekomendacijos organizacijoms stresui darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the dissertation is to identify organizational stress management interventions, analyze their effectiveness and create a systemic work related stress management model. Based on scientific literature there is revealed the genesis of the concept of stress, analyzed stress models, identified main work related stressors, analyzed stress management interventions and disclosed their effectiveness by reducing work related stress. There is revealed organizational stress management interventions which have been studied neither theoretically nor empirically were identified. The systemic work related stress management model is reasoned on the grounds of the theoretical analysis. The model was tested empirically in Lithuanian energy sector. The empirical study employs the survey method for data collection. The empirical study disclosed impact of social demographical characteristics on work related stress, and identified main stressors in Lithuanian energy sector: responsibility for other people, workload, role conflict, working conditions. The empirical study has fundamentally proved that organizational stress management interventions are efficient when they are applied systemically. The overall level of work related stress is reduced and individual stressors are influenced by social support, career management, interventions ensuring work – life balance, person's knowledge and skills fit to workplace requirements and task identity. On the grounds of the study conducted... [to full text]

Psychologické aspekty stresu práce u policie z pohledu policejních psychologů / Psychological aspects of stress in police work from the perspective of police psychologists

Honsová, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the psychological aspects of stress in police work from the perspective of police psychologists. Firstly, key terms and psychological aspects of police work are described in the theoretical part. Subsequently, a chapter of individual aspects of stress in police work is introduced. The aspects are divided into four separate groups - organizational stress, stress and lifestyle, stress and family life and borderline situations in police work. The following chapter deals with psychological care for police officers. The research part of this work brings findings obtained qualitatively in in-depth interviews. A wide range of themes arose - exceeding bureaucracy and control, incessant need to keep up with the police role, limited career growth and the absence of meaning leading to burn-out. In the context of family life, themes of alienation, infidelity or other common family problems were registered. Alcohol abuse as an escape strategy was mentioned. Borderline and traumatizing events are marginal matter according to participants. A range of relevant themes arose - encounter with death, children victims, car accidents and suicide among police officers.

Exploring the organizational stress process in sport performers : from theory to practice

Didymus, Faye F. January 2012 (has links)
The increasing evidence of the organizational demands encountered by sports performers provides a fertile ground for research. There is now a requirement to move beyond describing the organizational stressors that performers encounter in order to understand the complex appraisal and coping processes that athletes engage in when experiencing organizational stress. This thesis aimed to conduct a detailed examination of these processes in high-level sport performers. Chapter 2 describes a narrative review of the extant appraisal literature that has examined the roles of situational and personal influences on appraising. In order to generate a detailed understanding of this literature, the review includes findings from the general, occupational, organizational, and sport psychology literatures. This review was instrumental in determining the direction of the research described in later chapters. Chapter 3 aimed to narrow the focus of the thesis to organizational stress transactions in sport performers and therefore, describes a diary study that explored swimmers appraisals of organizational stressors. The findings of this study provided insight into the complex process of appraisal and suggested that appraisals are related to the situational property of the stressor encountered. In addition, the results pointed to the importance of exploring the coping strategies that athletes use to manage organizational stressors in future research. Chapter 4 describes a narrative review of the literature that has examined athletes ways of coping with organizational stressors. Due to the limited sport psychology research in this area and in order to extend current knowledge in sport, prominent findings from the organizational and occupational psychology domains were considered. Chapter 5 was designed to extend the findings of Chapter 3 and the existing literature by examining the coping strategies that swimmers use in response to organizational stressors. This chapter highlighted the complexity of coping and suggested that appraisal mechanisms are linked to the coping family employed. Chapter 6 aimed to take a more complete approach to examining organizational stress transactions by exploring various components of stress transactions. The study presented in this chapter suggested that the appraisal an athlete makes is influential in determining the performance outcome that they will experience. Collectively, the chapters described above highlighted appraising as the pivotal element in stress transactions and established a rationale for the cognitive-behavioral based intervention that is described in Chapter 7. The study presented in Chapter 7 aimed to alleviate some of the negative outcomes of organizational stress by optimizing sport performers appraisals. The findings suggested that cognitive restructuring was a useful technique for achieving this aim. The program of research presented in this thesis suggests that appraising is the pivotal element of organizational stress transactions in sport and that appraising can be optimized in order to alleviate the negative emotional and performance outcomes of maladaptive appraisals. In addition, the research highlights the importance of considering the situational properties of stressors, the complexity of coping, and the relationships between components of stress transactions in future research. Further, the findings presented within this thesis suggest that future research should aim to make methodological and measurement advances and examine, in detail, performers appraisal and coping processes.

Исследование факторов выгорания педагогов высшей школы : магистерская диссертация / Research of burnout factors of higher school teachers

Лобанова, Т. Л., Lobanova, T. L. January 2021 (has links)
Объект исследования: эмоциональное выгорание педагогов высшей школы. Предмет исследования: факторы влияющие на профессиональное выгорание педагогов высшей школы. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (62 источника) и приложений. Объем магистерской диссертации 82 страницы, на которых размещены 9 рисунков и 15 таблиц. Во введении раскрываются актуальность и проблемы исследования, ставятся цель, задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотеза, указываются методы, а также эмпирическая база, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по темам: профессионального и эмоционального выгорания, стресса, в том числе, организационного, тревожности, факторов выгорания педагогов высшей школы. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание методик и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам. Методика «Диагностика эмоционального выгорания личности» (В. В. Бойко). Методика диагностика профессионального «выгорания» (К. Маслач, С. Джексон, в адаптации Н.Е. Водопьяновой). Тест на выявление уровня личностной и ситуативной тревожности (Ч. Спилбергер, Ю. Ханин). Методика «Шкала организационного стресса» (Мак-Лина в адаптации Н. Е. Водопьяновой). Также в главе представлены: описательная статистика, исследование нормальности распределения, сравнительный и корреляционный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе. / Object of research: emotional burnout of higher school teachers. Subject of the study: factors influencing professional burnout of higher school teachers. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (62 sources) and appendices. The volume of the master's thesis is 82 pages, which contain 9 figures and 15 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance and problems of the research, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research, formulates a hypothesis, specifies the methods and empirical base, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the following topics: professional and emotional burnout, stress, including organizational stress, anxiety, burnout factors for higher school teachers. The conclusions of the first chapter are the results of the study of the theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the methods and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used. Methodology "Diagnostics of emotional burnout of the individual" (V. V. Boyko). Methods for diagnosing professional "burnout" (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova). Test to identify the level of personal and situational anxiety (h. Spielberger, Yu. Khanin). The method "Scale of organizational stress" (McLean in the adaptation of N. E. Vodopyanova). The chapter also presents: descriptive statistics, the study of the normality of the distribution, comparative and correlation analysis of the results of the study. The conclusions of chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as the conclusions on the proposed hypothesis, are summarized.

Voorkoms en hantering van werkstres by maatskaplike werkers

Marquard, Lesley Heather 31 March 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Die doel van die navorsingstudie is om die voorkoms en hantering van werksres by maatskaplike werkers in die Paarl-omgewing te ondersoek ten einde aanbevelings aan die bestuur van welsynsorganisasies te maak met die oog op die bevordering van effektiewe stresbestuur by maatskaplike werkers. Elf welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl-omgewing is in die ondersoek betrek en twintig maatskaplike werkers het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat maatskaplike werkers in die Paarl-omgewing wel werkstres ervaar en dat die meerderheid welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl-omgewing nie oor programme vir streshantering vir hul maatskaplike werkers beskik nie. Daar word onder meer aanbeveel dat beide die maatskaplike werker en die bestuur van die welsynsorganisasie mede-verantwoordelikheid moet neem vir die maatskaplike werker se effektiewe stresbestuur deur middel van individuele- en organisatoriese streshanteringstrategieë. SUMMARY The purpose of this research study is to investigate the occurrence and management of work stress by social workers in the Paarl-vicinity in order to make recommendations to the management of welfare organisations regarding the promotion of effective stress management of social workers. Eleven welfare organisations in the Paarl-vicinity were involved in the investigation while twenty social workers participated in the investigation. With reference to the empirical study, it was concluded that social workers in the Paarl-vicinity do experience work stress and that the majority of the welfare organisations in the Paarl-vicinity do not have programmes for stress management available for their social workers. Based on these conclusions it was recommended that both the social worker and the organisations must take co-responsibility for the social workers effective stress management by utilizing individual- and organisational stress management strategies. / Social work / M.Diac.

Voorkoms en hantering van werkstres by maatskaplike werkers

Marquard, Lesley Heather 31 March 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Die doel van die navorsingstudie is om die voorkoms en hantering van werksres by maatskaplike werkers in die Paarl-omgewing te ondersoek ten einde aanbevelings aan die bestuur van welsynsorganisasies te maak met die oog op die bevordering van effektiewe stresbestuur by maatskaplike werkers. Elf welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl-omgewing is in die ondersoek betrek en twintig maatskaplike werkers het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat maatskaplike werkers in die Paarl-omgewing wel werkstres ervaar en dat die meerderheid welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl-omgewing nie oor programme vir streshantering vir hul maatskaplike werkers beskik nie. Daar word onder meer aanbeveel dat beide die maatskaplike werker en die bestuur van die welsynsorganisasie mede-verantwoordelikheid moet neem vir die maatskaplike werker se effektiewe stresbestuur deur middel van individuele- en organisatoriese streshanteringstrategieë. SUMMARY The purpose of this research study is to investigate the occurrence and management of work stress by social workers in the Paarl-vicinity in order to make recommendations to the management of welfare organisations regarding the promotion of effective stress management of social workers. Eleven welfare organisations in the Paarl-vicinity were involved in the investigation while twenty social workers participated in the investigation. With reference to the empirical study, it was concluded that social workers in the Paarl-vicinity do experience work stress and that the majority of the welfare organisations in the Paarl-vicinity do not have programmes for stress management available for their social workers. Based on these conclusions it was recommended that both the social worker and the organisations must take co-responsibility for the social workers effective stress management by utilizing individual- and organisational stress management strategies. / Social work / M.Diac.

Stressprevention & Agil transformation : Prevention av organisatoriska rotorsaker till stress genom införandet av det Agila arbetssättet inom en högteknologisk multinationell svensk koncern

Fritz, Minanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: The Swedish Royal School of Technology (KTH) was hired to conduct a pilot study project on stress prevention, "Stress Prevention Project" in a Swedish high-tech global manufacturing company with headquarters in Sweden. The aim was to identify the root causes of stress among employees at the organizational level and to offer a way to prevent the root causes. The initiative to implement the project came from the HR department in the company. The occupational health department had not been able to lower the costs of sickness and rehabilitation. One of nine divisions was included in this evaluation study. The project was carried out during the years of 2012-2014, and three quantitative stress measurements were carried out using the modern working environment form “Modern Work Life” based of knowledge from KTH and designed by Metodicum. The present study has evaluated the root causes of the division's stress. In the division, it was stated that the risk areas that the division had to work with were: resources, demands, control, support but also leadership and reorganization with implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the form of. The aim was to improve the psychosocial occupational health and to make the production work more efficient. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the effect of stress preventive measures in one of the nine divisions (that were included in the overall project) and the effect of implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the organization. Limitations: The evaluation is restricted to one of the nine divisions. Method: The method is a quantitative and qualitative case study, with a narrative approach. The study includes a division with 200 employees of which data was collected from 18 of these employees in two focus groups interviews. Materials have also been collected from interviews with the division's HR director, section leader, head of unit and head of the organization's business health. The evaluation is based on qualitative data, which were obtained through 3 single interviews and 4 focus group interviews and participant observation. Quantitative data were obtained through three different measurements (between 2012-14). The quantitative data were compared and analyzed with the qualitative data in order to understand the results up to the final measurement 3 (2014). Results: The evaluation of the stress prevention – where the focus was to prevent risk areas including demands, develop resources, control, support and also leadership – showed that introducing and using the Agile working principles had had a significant positive effect on all the risk areas. Additionally, this change in the organization contributed to positive results regarding the efficiency of the production process; a reduction of working hours from 12 months to 2 weeks of action at the same result. The absence due to illness and rehabilitation has been decreasing from 4 % to 0,5-1% right after introducing the Agile methods in the division. However, the results also showed no improvement regarding some other working environment; as conflicts and bullying persisted. This may be due to how the reorganization of the groups was done. It should be clarified that the outcomes may be influenced by the extensive reorganization that took place in connection with the stress prevention project and the introduction of the agile approach. Conclusions - The stress prevention could not have been done efficiently due to other on-going reorganizations in the company and the staff has not been able to follow the recommendation for efficient stress-prevention due to lack of support from the headquarter. That created a crisis in the stress prevention-project group. The agile methods seem to have had a significant good result in all risk areas as resources, demands, control, support and also leadership and the absence has decreased from 4 to 0,5 %. Due to the agile methods have the productions process been shorter from 12 months to 2 weeks.

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