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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crossing the East West divide : new perspectives on East-West interaction

White, Margaret, University of Western Sydney, School of Lifelong Learning and Educational Change January 1999 (has links)
ABSTRACT / Doctor of Education

Églises, Monachisme et Sainteté. Construction de la communauté chrétienne en Syrie

Anna, Poujeau 19 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur les modalités d'inscription sociale, politique et symbolique de la minorité chrétienne dans le territoire national syrien et plus particulièrement sur le renouveau monastique qui a lieu dans ce pays depuis une trentaine d'années. C'est bien d'un renouveau, quoique extrêmement tardif, qu'il s'agit. En effet, ce processus contemporain s'inscrit, y compris dans les représentations locales, dans une histoire qui remonte aux origines du christianisme. Se pose alors la question des ressorts d'un tel phénomène : Comment et pourquoi le monachisme renaît-il aujourd'hui en Syrie ? Comment interpréter " ce retour de ces moines " qui dans les premiers siècles du christianisme étaient considérés comme des saints ? Quel lien s'établit entre le monachisme et la sainteté ? C'est à ces vastes questions, qui inscrivent ce travail à la fois dans le champ de l'anthropologie du christianisme et dans celui de l'étude du monachisme, que cette thèse tente de répondre. Celles-ci renvoient aux modalités contemporaines de construction de la communauté chrétienne de Syrie dans laquelle les trois dimensions que sont les Églises, le monachisme et la sainteté, sont intimement liées et apparaissent comme structurantes. Envisagé dans les rapports qu'il entretient avec les Églises et la question de la sainteté, le monachisme chrétien en Syrie, pilier de la construction communautaire chrétienne, est donc étudié dans toutes ses dimensions, historique, symbolique, religieuse, sociale, économique et politique.

Responses of males to a pheromone blend of female Oriental fruit moth with and without E8, E10-dodecadien-1-ol, a peromone component of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

Allred, Darin B. 18 April 1995 (has links)
Graduation date: 1995

The phytotoxic effect of ALS inhibiting herbicide combinations in prairie soils

Geisel, Bryce G. L. 30 March 2007
The objective of this study was to determine if the presence of two ALS inhibiting herbicide residues in three Saskatchewan soils would result in an additive, synergistic, or antagonistic interaction. This was determined through field trials where herbicides were applied sequentially over the course of two years and through dose-response modelling. The herbicides examined in these experiments were imazamethabenz, flucarbazone-sodium, sulfosulfuron, and florasulam, each in combination with imazamox/imazethapyr. The phytotoxicity and persistence of the herbicides in soil was assessed using an Oriental mustard root inhibition bioassay. The determination of herbicide interaction was made through the comparison of the experimentally observed values to theoretically expected values derived from a mathematical equation.<p>The dose response curves created by placing incremental concentrations of these herbicides in soil were compared using the I50 parameter, which is the concentration resulting in a 50% reduction in root length. It appeared that soil organic matter followed by soil pH had the greatest effect in reducing herbicide residue phytotoxicity in the tested soils. Based on the bioassay analysis of sequentially applied ALS inhibiting herbicides, it is proposed that the phytotoxic effect of herbicide residues in soil result in additive injury effects rather than synergistic or antagonistic interactions.

Estat modern i llinatges locals a Moçambic. Els discursos de la legitimitat en una història d'imatges distorsionades i expectatives incomplertes

Farré Ventura, Albert 04 May 2005 (has links)
En aquesta tesi analitzem les relacions entre l'estat modern i el govern local a Moçambic des de 1895 fins a l'actualitat. Tot i que les constitucions i lleis que van entrar en vigor a Portugal des de la revolució liberal de 1820 afectaven també l'Àfrica Oriental portuguesa, la seva incidència en el gruix de la població africana va ser molt minsa. L'inici de la implantació real de l'estat modern a Moçambic no va arribar fins la conquesta militar del territori que va iniciar-se en la darrera dècada del segle XIX, i que té com a data de referència obligada l'any 1895, amb la derrota de l'imperi de Gaza per les tropes portugueses. D'altra banda, cal dir que tot i que el concepte de govern local pot fer referència, en segons quins contextos, a l'administració municipal, en aquesta tesi la farem servir només per referir-nos al govern de les comunitats rurals disperses per l'ampli territori de Moçambic, doncs és en aquest context que, arrel de la conquesta, va començar a produir-se una superposició de dos tipus de govern diferents. D'una banda, la població africana rural estava, abans de ser conquerida pels portuguesos, enquadrada en unitats polítiques pròpies, més o menys centralitzades segons els casos. D'altra banda, després de la conquesta, aquesta mateixa població rural africana va veure's també integrada en l'administració estatal desplegada pel colonialisme portuguès. Així doncs, l'objecte d'aquest estudi és les relacions entre l'estat modern a Moçambic i les societats africanes primer conquerides i després administrades per ell, tenint en compte la duplicitat de govern i la consegüent competència per la legitimitat que va produir-se a nivell local.Tanmateix, tota la gamma de noves respostes donades a aquesta nova situació -la superposició de dues formes de govern diferents- tenien un punt en comú: es basaven en una contradicció de partida entre el discurs de legitimació política i les pràctiques econòmiques. D'una banda l'estat colonial reconeixia a determinades persones la seva legitimitat com a autoritats africanes, de l'altra, però, els negava tota autonomia política i els encarregava de funcions administratives (ajut en la confecció de censos, en el cobrament d'impostos, i en el reclutament de mà d'obra) destinades totes elles a complir l'objectiu d'augmentar els rendiments econòmics de l'estat. És a dir, la situació en què es van trobar els régulos suposava que mentre guanyaven legitimitat en front a l'estat, corrien el risc de perdre-la en front a sectors importants de les poblacions a les que, segons l'estat, representaven. La nostra hipòtesi de treball és que aquesta contradicció entre discurs polític i pràctiques econòmiques caracteritza l'administració local de l'estat modern a Moçambic des de la Reforma Administrativa de 1907 fins a la recent legislació sobre administració local, el Decret 15/2000 i la Llei 8/2003. El que provarem de demostrar és si els tres models d'estat modern que han existit a Moçambic des de llavors fins avui-colonialisme portuguès (1895-1974), socialisme (1974-1992) i democràcia liberal- reprodueixen aquesta mateixa contradicció embolcallant-la sota discursos polítics diferents. / This doctoral thesis aims to describe the relationship between local African authorities elected on lineage criteria and the formal estate institutions established in Mozambique since the Portuguese conquest began in 1895. During the conquest this two different institutions recognised each other, either as an allied or an enemy depending on the local authority, in order to reach their own objectives. After the war, the process of constructing a new type of relationships based on peace and civil administration, it became clear that, due to the different cultural background, their objectives were not compatibles at all. Therefore, on the eve of the colonial order began a relationship based on a blurred perception of the other, and based on a big misunderstanding on what was it all about. This relationship went on during the socialist type of state that appeared after the independence, and is also present in nowadays Mozambique, as we can check on the debates about the place that traditional authorities must have on a democratic state in Mozambique.Our hypothesis is that we can find strong continuities on the relationship established between modern state institutions and local ways of authority and power practised by rural Africans. And that this continuities persist nowadays although the big transformations that supposed the transition from one type of state to another (from colonial state to socialist, and from socialist to liberal democratic).These continuities are related to the misunderstanding on the way economics play on creating welfare and social order. For this reason, in order to set the precedents which conditioned the way Portuguese and Africans understood the new era which was to begin after the conquest, we will have to go back to the evolution of the contacts between Portuguese and Africans before the conquest, and before liberal thesis about society and economy became hegemonic in Europe. This analysis will give us the clues to understand the blurring images and also the different misunderstandings, which has been characterising rural policy and administration in Mozambique.

The phytotoxic effect of ALS inhibiting herbicide combinations in prairie soils

Geisel, Bryce G. L. 30 March 2007 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine if the presence of two ALS inhibiting herbicide residues in three Saskatchewan soils would result in an additive, synergistic, or antagonistic interaction. This was determined through field trials where herbicides were applied sequentially over the course of two years and through dose-response modelling. The herbicides examined in these experiments were imazamethabenz, flucarbazone-sodium, sulfosulfuron, and florasulam, each in combination with imazamox/imazethapyr. The phytotoxicity and persistence of the herbicides in soil was assessed using an Oriental mustard root inhibition bioassay. The determination of herbicide interaction was made through the comparison of the experimentally observed values to theoretically expected values derived from a mathematical equation.<p>The dose response curves created by placing incremental concentrations of these herbicides in soil were compared using the I50 parameter, which is the concentration resulting in a 50% reduction in root length. It appeared that soil organic matter followed by soil pH had the greatest effect in reducing herbicide residue phytotoxicity in the tested soils. Based on the bioassay analysis of sequentially applied ALS inhibiting herbicides, it is proposed that the phytotoxic effect of herbicide residues in soil result in additive injury effects rather than synergistic or antagonistic interactions.

Oriental influences in Swahili a study in language and culture contacts /

Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf January 1900 (has links)
Thèse : Göteborg, 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 233-253.

Orientalisk dans i Stockholm : Femininiteter, möjligheter och begränsningar / Middle Eastern Dance in Stockholm : Femininities, possibilities and limitations

Högström, Karin January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to describe and analyze the practice and meaning of Middle Eastern dance through the study of a number of performers in Stockholm. In particular, this study emphasises the ways in which the performers seek, create and defend values such as femininity, authenticity, empowerment and respectability in and through their dancing. Data for this study consists of field notes from participant observation in dance classes, festivals and gatherings; in-depth interviews and written material, such as leaflets and Internet material. Field notes from a trip to Lebanon with a group of Swedish dancers are also included. The performance of Middle Eastern dance in Stockholm may be seen as a way for Swedish women to find new femininities. They strive to combine a glamorous hyper-femininity with strength and respectability. This is a difficult task. The dancers constantly have to maintain a balance. While enjoying the hyper-femininity of oriental dance they must avoid being too sexy and thereby running the risk of being reduced to the position of sexual objects. To avoid losing control of the situation performing in public the dancers use different tactics. Many try to make the performance a clearly bounded event and make distinctions between themselves as individuals and the personas they embody on stage. This gives the performers a chance to playfully embody hyper-femininity. Other dancers have changed the dance itself, removing all movements and costumes that could be perceived as sexually inviting or aiming to please.

Interrelationships between carbonate diagenesis and fracture development : example from Monterrey Salient, Mexico and implications for hydrocarbon reservoir characterization

Monroy Santiago, Faustino 11 July 2012 (has links)
Many low matrix-porosity hydrocarbon reservoirs are productive because permeability is controlled by natural fractures. The understanding of basic fracture properties is critical in reducing geological risk and therefore reducing well costs and increasing well recovery. Unfortunately, neither geophysics nor borehole methods are, so far, accurate in the acquisition of key fracture attributes, such as density, porosity, spacing and conductivity. This study proposes a new protocol to predict key fracture characteristics of subsurface carbonate rocks and describes how using a relatively low-cost but rock-based method it is possible to obtain accurate geological information from rock samples to predict fracture attributes in nearby but unsampled areas. This methodology is based on the integration of observations of diagenetic fabrics and fracture analyses of carbonate rocks, using outcrops from the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Formation in the Monterrey Salient of the Sierra Madre Oriental, northeastern Mexico. Field observations and petrographic studies of crosscutting relations and fracture-fill mineralogy and texture distinguish six principal coupled fracturing-cementation events. Two fracture events named F1 and F2 are characterized by synkinematic calcite cement that predates D2 regional dolomitization. A third fracture event (F3) is characterized by synkinematic dolomite fill, contemporaneous with D2 dolomitization of host strata. The fourth event (F4) is characterized by synkinematic D3 baroque dolomite; this event postdates D2. The fifth fracture event (F5) is characterized by C3 synkinematic calcite, and postdates D3 dolomite. Finally, flexural slip faulting (F6) is characterized by C3t calcite, and postdates D3 dolomite. Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were used to validate the paragenetic sequences proposed for the Cupido Formation rocks. The dolomite isotopic signatures are consistent with increasing precipitation temperatures for the various fracture cements, as is expected if fractures grew during progressive burial conditions. Three main groups of calcite cement can be differentiated isotopically. Late calcite cement may have precipitated from cool waters under shallow burial conditions, possibly during exhumation of the SMO. The development of the Structural Diagenetic Petrographic Study protocol, and its integration with geological, geophysical and engineering data, can be applied to oil fields in fractured carbonates such as those located in Mexico, to validate its applicability. / text

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Comedy: Finding the Humor in Rasselas through Ecclesiastes

Mason, Mary Katherine 07 May 2011 (has links)
For years, scholars have focused on the serious narrative of Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas and have been unable to reconcile the episodes of ironic humor within the larger serious narrative. By reading Rasselas as an imitation of Ecclesiastes rather than an Oriental tale, critics can begin to identify the humor in Rasselas through the embellishment of the story of Ecclesiastes. The failures of the character Koheleth in Ecclesiastes become the genesis for the failures of Rasselas and his companions; however, the failures of Rasselas and more elaborate and comedic. How Johnson embellishes these failures to create humorous irony in Rasselas becomes clearer for the reader through this new categorization of genre, which can hopefully unite the two opposing views of criticism surrounding this book.

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