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Skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo paauglių vertybinių orientacijų, asmenybės savybių bei savigarbos ypatumai / The peculiarities of different physical activity, teenagers’ oriental values, personal features and self–esteemPuniškienė, Rasa 20 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of master thesis „The peculiarities of different physical activity, teenagers’ oriental values, personal features and self–esteem”.
Problem question: Do adolescent students, who both sport actively and don’t are different in their value orientation, personal features and self–esteem?
To measure different value orientations of different physical activity of adolescent students, B. Boss’s (1967) research method was used; to evaluate personal features R. Cattell (1970) research method was used; to evaluate self–esteem Rosenberg (1965) method was used.
The adolescent students were grouped into two groups by purpose: 1. teenagers who take active sports (attend gyms, training every day). 2. teenagers who are physically passive (attending just physical training lessons). Two hundred students participated in the research, which had different training activities: 100 students, taking active sports, 100 students – physically passive, among which 100 boys and 100 girls.
The hypothesis of the research:
1. Teenagers, who sport actively, are apt to communicate and cooperate less with others (Bredemeir, 1994).
2. Students, who sport actively, have these personal features: feeling of loneliness, reticence (Zagainov, 1984), anxiety, sensitivity (Miškinis, 2002).
3. Teenagers, who sport actively, have higher level of self–esteem, they rely upon themselves more than those who actively passive (Stambulova, 1999; Šukys, 2000; Palujanskienė, 2003).
The data of the... [to full text]
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Follow the path of the Russians?: socialist realism in the Soviet Union and ChinaZhang, Hu 24 November 2009 (has links)
Socialist realist fiction is a form that combines images and ideas based on realism and incorporates certain features of romanticism. The concept that human society develops from darkness to light, a key element in historical materialism, forms the foundation of socialist realism. It is a genre whose characters belong to a "great family" of socialist revolutionaries rather than to the traditional biological family of other literary forms. By depersonalizing and objectifying characters, socialist realist fiction highlights the maturation of the hero from spontaneity to consciousness. Socialist realist fiction is akin to Scripture because in its use as a parable to promote the "sacred spirit," an ideology that incorporates both Marxism and Leninism. It condenses an author's view on historical development into the behaviors and ideas of a single hero.
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Mòlta i triturat d'aliments vegetals durant la protohistòria a la Catalunya Oriental, LaPortillo Ramírez, Marta 12 June 2006 (has links)
Els processos de mòlta i triturat de productes vegetals es troben ben documentats arqueològicament en els jaciments protohistòrics de la costa catalana per la presència d'un utillatge lític certament diversificat, representat bàsicament per molins manuals de diferents tipus (de vaivé i rotatius) i morters.Aquest treball de Tesi Doctoral parteix de l'anàlisi d'un instrumental especialitzat en la transformació de productes alimentaris per al consum humà, que presenta usos concrets i diversos que poden ser identificats a partir d'estudis tipològics i d'altres tipus. L'estudi de caracterització de microrestes vegetals a través de l'anàlisi de fitòlits de silici realitzat en el marc d'aquest treball, ens evidencia el que ens indicaven tant els treballs etnogràfics com els experimentals: una multifuncionalitat d'aquest tipus d'utillatge.En definitiva, els resultats obtinguts a partir de l'estudi tipològic, funcional i espacial revelen una considerable diversitat formal d'un utillatge que mostra usos que també poden ser diversos en un període en el que la mòlta probablement era una activitat especialitzada que podia ser practicada en instal·lacions comunals. / This PhD research project deals on "Grinding and pounding during the Iron Age on the Catalan Coast (NE Spain)". The Thesis consists on the study of the typology and chronology of the grinding stones of Iron Age settlements on the Catalan Coast of the Iberian Peninsula. The aim of this study is establishing a general typology for the description of the lithic instruments for pounding and grinding vegetal foods. This typology allows a clear identification and datation of these instruments taking into account the regional diversity.In order to get a deeper knowledge on the possible uses of these grindstones we have carried out phytolith analyses taking into account the morphological types and the raw material from which they are made. The results obtained indicated that grinding stones were used both for processing different vegetal products, such as grasses and other dicotyledonous plants. Therefore grinding stones were used for similar purposes independently of their morphology and lithology.During this period, grinding processes were probably performed in communal buildings by specialists.These results are complemented with other paleobotanical analyses carried out in the same area during the Iron Age period.
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Aspectes sanitaris dels arxius parroquials de la Vall del Tenes (Baronia de Montbui) durant els segles XVII i XVIIIHeimann Cella, Miquel 26 May 1995 (has links)
El present estudi és el fruit de la investigació feta en funció dels llibres sagramentals dels arxius de cinc parròquies corresponents als termes de L'Ametlla del Vallés. Bigues, Llissà de Munt, Palaudàries i Sant Feliu de Codines. Totes corresponen a la comarca del Vallés Oriental.
Aquest treball s'enquadra dins la línia de recerca oberta per Josep M. Calbet i Camarasa i Jacint Corbella i Corbella amb el seu “Diccionari Biogràfic dels Metges CataIans" (1981), i per Manuel Camps i Clemente i Manuel Camps i Surroca amb la monografia sobre els “Aspectes sanitaris de l’arxiu de Sant Joan de Lleida al segle XVII” (1983). La present tesi forma part doncs d'un treball molt ambiciós, en el que tinc l'honor de participar. Cal investigar la major part dels llibres sagramentals de tota Catalunya, i així tindrem una visió històrica de la nostra medicina que no podem obtenir per cap altre mitjà.
Tenim un especial interès en conéixer els professionals que ens van precedir I que van viure situacions històriques delicades, que van desenvolupar la seva tasca d'una forma rudimentària i que ningú no ha recordat. Per altra part creiem també que cal fer una aproximació a la societat d’aquella època per saber com van viure i van treballar, quina era la patologia d'aquests pobles i les seves causes de mort.
Els objectius principals han estat:
- Coneixement del personal sanitari: Metges, cirurgians, apotecaris, adroguers i llevadores.
- Estudi de la mort: Violenta, natural documentada i natural sospitosa.
- Les deduccions secundàries: Estudi poblacional, estudi d'epidèmies i de la infància abandonada.
Què ha aportat la tesi?
- Presentació i elaboració d'unes dades des d'un punt de vista sanitari.
- Existència d’un estament sanitari amb un cert reconeixement social.
- Evidència d'una mortalitat violenta d'origen divers. morts sobtades i
morts naturals.
- Detectar períodes de mortalitat elevada.
Destaquem la presència elevada d’estrangers en determinats moments. També demostrarem els pocs períodes de pau que viu el Principat.
S'han valorat principalment els següents aspectes:
1.- Registre del personal sanitari: 138 (31 Metges; 43 Cirurgians; 34 Apotecaris; 9 Adroguers; 21 Llevadores).
2.- Dades sobre mecanismes i causes de mort, principalment les de tipus mèdico-legals: Violentes: 90; documentades: 298; sospitoses: 68.
3.- S' han estudiat 41.859 registres: Naixements: 21.763; matrimonis: 4.747; òbits: 15.349.
4.- Aspectes sobre la mortalitat infantil
5.- Aspectes demogràfics (natalitat, nupcialitat i mortalitat) i nombre de fills per matrimoni: 4,19
6.- Estudi sobre fets epidèmics.
7.- Estudi de les principals nissagues: 8
8.- Estudi de la infància abandonada: 0, 72% / “Sanitary events recorded in the parish registers or the Tenes Valley (Montbui-barony) during the XVII and XVIII centuries”
The present work is the result of the investigation carried out of the basis of the sacramental books of the parish registers of five villages: L’Ametlla del Vallès, Bigues, Lliçá de Munt, Palaudàries and Sant Feliu de Codines. All these villages are located in the region of the Vallés Oriental.
This work is the line of investigation started by Josep M. Calbet i Camarasa and Jacint Corbella i Corbella with their “Diccionari Biogràfic dels Metges CataIans" (1981), and by Manuel Camps i Clemente and Manuel Camps i Surroca with the monograph “Sanitary events of the parish registers of Sant Joan in Lleida in XVII century” (1983).
The present thesis is therefore integrating part of a very ambitious work in which l have the honour to participate. We are required to investigate most of the sacramental books of all Catalonia, and in this way we shall obtain an historic vision of our medical science which we could not reach by any other means. We have a special interest in knowing the professionals who have preceded us, who have lived delicate historic actuations, who have developed their work in a precarious environment and who nobody has remembered.
Besides of that we also believe that we are to make an approach to the society of that time in order to know how they lived and worked, and how were the pathology of these villages and the cause of death of their inhabitants.
We have made a study of all sanitary establishment, of the causes of death (violent, natural documentary and natural suspicious) and of population movements, epidemic diseases and abandoned childhood.
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Untersuchungen zur Naturverjüngung der Kiefern in natürlichen Kiefern-Eichenwäldern der Sierra Madre Oriental im Nordosten Mexikos /Ecklemann, Calus-Martin. January 1991 (has links)
Thesis--George-August-Universität. / Spanish summary. Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-142).
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The constraints on the trade policies of the newly industrialized countriesNomi, Tomoaki. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 287-326).
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Profils psychologiques différentiels de pratiquants de deux arts martiaux, le judo et le karaté, et de non pratiquants /Francoeur, Jimmy, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Mémoire (M.Ps.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2003. / La p. de t. porte en outre: Mémoire présenté à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi comme exigence partielle de la maîtrise en psychologie offerte à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi en vertu d'un protocole d'entente avec l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Bibliogr.: f. [127]-137.
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Ephesus, Pagan and Christian 133 B.C. - 262 A.D.Michener, Ruth O. 01 January 1958 (has links)
This dissertation is an atrcempt to reconstruct and to recapture a period in the history of this famous city, a center so important in New Testament times and in the first two centuries or the Christian Church, but a metropolis which centuries ago became buried in the silt of a river. The site and a primitive kind of settlement began in pre-historic times. We will briefly trace the story of its ancestory; its youth; its changes; traditions; then its glory between the years 133 B.C. to A.D. 262; its contribution to culture; its spirit; its contact with Christianity; its period as a Christian center; the invasion of the Goths; the inroad of Islam; its disappearance; and its partial excavation in the nineteenth century. It is the period of its glory, 133 B.C. to A.D. 262, that is the theme of this dissertation. This was the period when the religion of Artemis was at its height and her temple at Ephesus was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This period includes the era when Christianity appeared in Ephesus and gained a foothold. Here at Ephesus the Christian writing was formed into a body of literature and published, and the Christian tradition became a pattern of Apostolic tradition. It was in these two Christian centuries that the episc~pal form of church government and organization made its appearance.
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Imprégnation des écrivains francophones d'origine chinoise par trois sagesses extrême-orientales : Taoïsme, Bouddhisme et Confucianisme / Impregnation of francophone writers from China by three far eastern wisdoms : Taoism, Buddhism and ConfucianismHu, Jing 04 May 2016 (has links)
La fin du 20e siècle a vu l’émergence de la Chine comme puissance économique, mais le monde francophone connaît l’influence culturelle de la Chine depuis bien plus longtemps. Depuis les années 80, plusieurs écrivains d'origine chinoise ont publié en France des romans écrits directement en français qui ont rencontré un vif succès. Certains d’entre eux comme Dai Sijie, Ya Ding, Wei-Wei, Ying Chen et Shan Sa sont nés en Chine où ils ont vécu toute leur enfance, leur adolescence et parfois une première partie de leur vie adulte. Ils ont réussi à percer dans la littérature francophone grâce au parfum délicatement exotique qui s’est exhalé de leurs romans. Chargées de bagages historiques et traditionnels chinois, leurs œuvres convergent sur des thématiques telles que la mémoire collective de la Chine mouvementée au XXe siècle, le contact voire le choc des cultures chinoise et occidentale, la mise en avant des pensées taoïste, bouddhiste et confucianiste, etc. Avec ces voix originales, la langue française s’ouvrait à de nouvelles poétiques et témoignait de sa capacité à dire la réalité complexe du monde actuel. Partant de cette situation nous allons développer dans cette thèse trois grands axes de recherche qui chacun soulèveront leurs différentes problématiques : Quelle est la position adoptée par ces écrivains migrants chinois dans un contexte littéraire occidental ? Quel est l’impact de la mouvance postmoderne sur leur écriture ? Quelles sont les techniques esthétiques choisies par ces écrivains pour s’adapter à la situation de mixage culturel ? Quelle est l’influence des religions asiatiques (Bouddhisme, Taôisme, Confucianisme) sur les écrivains migrants d'origine chinoise ? Par quelles voies l’esprit des écrivains chinois est imprégné de pensées orientales ? Comment ces écrivains se situent-ils par rapport à l’héritage ancestral ? Quel rôle les pensées chinoises jouent-elles dans leur création littéraire ? La quête de l’identité des écrivains migrants. Existe-t-il un itinéraire commun pour les écrivains migrants d’origine chinoise? Où en sont-ils dans le processus de la reconstruction identitaire ? Quelles sont leurs démarches littéraires pour une quête identitaire ? En conclusion nous verrons en quoi certains des auteurs du corpus que nous avons étudiés sont restés ancrés à leurs origines dans le cadre de leur œuvre littéraire, et a contrario comment certains autres ont su et ont même mis un point d'honneur à mettre une distance la plus importante possible entre leurs origines et leur travail littéraire. D'autre aussi, sont à la lisière de ces deux conceptions et ont un positionnement moins claires voir même parfois cycliques. / The late 20th century saw the emergence of China as an economic power, but the french-speaking world knows the cultural influence of China for much longer. Since the 80s, many Chinese writers have published in France novels written directly in French that have met a great success. Some of them as Dai Sijie, Ya Ding, Wei-Wei, Chen Ying Shan Sa were born in China, where they have lived all their childhood, their adolescence and sometimes the first part of their adult lives. They managed to break into the french literature through the delicately exotic perfume that was exhaled from their novels. Responsible for Chinese traditional and historical baggage, their works converge on topics such as the collective memory of China's turbulent twentieth century, the contact or the collision of Chinese and Western cultures, the emphasis of Taoist thought, Buddhist and Confucianist, etc. With these original voices, the French language was open to new poetic and showed his ability to tell the complex reality of today's world. Based on this we will develop in this thesis three major research areas, each of which will raise their various problems : What is the position of these chinese migrants writers in a western literary context? What is the impact of the postmodern movement on their writing? What are the aesthetic techniques chosen by these writers to adapt to the mixed cultural situation? What is the influence of asian religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism) on chinese migrant writers? Through what channels the spirit of chinese writers is steeped in oriental thoughts? How these writers stand in relation to the ancestral heritage? What role the chinese thoughts play in their literary creation? The quest for the identity of migrant writers. Is there a common route for migrants writers of chinese origin? Where are they in the process of identity reconstruction? What are their literary approaches to a quest for identity? In conclusion we will see how some of the authors of the corpus we studied remained anchored to their origins as part of their literary, and on the contrary how some others knew and even made a point to put the largest possible distance between their origins and literary work. Also some others are on the edge of these two concepts and have a less clear positioning, sometimes even a cyclical one.
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The trajectory of modern ceramic scholarship: Okuda Seiichi's ceramic appreciation in the Taishō period, 1912 – 1926Sang, Seung Yeon 16 February 2016 (has links)
My dissertation investigates the connection between hobby (shumi), aesthetic appreciation (kanshō), and the imagining of Japan-centered “oriental ceramics” (tōyō tōji) in Okuda Seiichi’s thought during the period of rapid modernization and aesthetic nationalism that accompanied Japanese imperialist expansion. The main task of this study is to highlight and analyze the role of Okuda Seiichi (1883-1955) in presiding over modern ceramic scholarship. It seeks to understand the peculiarities of Taishō-period society (1912 – 1926) that catalyzed the emergence of ceramic hobby and appreciation, especially among a circle of Japanese business, intellectual, and cultural leaders. This cultural climate encouraged the gradual formation of the study of ceramic history as an academic discipline and ceramic hobby began to reconfigure and merge with scholarly activities through groups such as Tōjiki kenkyūkai (Ceramic Studies Society, founded 1914), the Saikokai (Colored Jar Society, 1916), and Tōyō tōji kenkyūjo (The Institute of Oriental Ceramics, 1924). Okuda played an instrumental role in the establishment of professionalism in ceramic study and cultivated the notion of ceramic appreciation by claiming superiority for Japanese aesthetic discrimination. My dissertation illuminates the ways in which the notions advanced by Okuda to define ceramic hobby and appreciation indicate Japan’s acceptance of Western “fine arts” and aesthetic canons, which privileged painting and sculpture. While the complexity of Okuda’s ideas can be understood as part of the broader intellectual concern of Japan’s art history, his most significant efforts can be found in highlighting not only artistic qualities but also the conceptual and technical supremacy of ceramics. The dissertation also investigates how Okuda established an historical narrative for Asian ceramics in which Japan could compare its tradition with the West and assert its unique role in a unitary Asian civilization. In rivalry with the West’s advancement of Asian ceramic studies, Okuda stressed his unique, historically conditioned role as a leader in the field, while involving his works in a dialogue with Western scholars. By contextualizing Okuda’s evolving thoughts within the intellectual currents of his time, this dissertation sheds new light on the origin of the study of ceramic history in the Taishō period, when the idea of ceramic appreciation underwent a pivotal redefinition.
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