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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bevordering van selfaktualisering by milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem / The promotion of selfactualisation of milieu disadvantaged learners with a multi-cultural education system

De Bruyn, Carina Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The promotion of multi-cultural education and the upliftment of milieu disadvantaged children are closely related to each other, and is presently an important issue in the South African educational system. Poor knowledge of milieu disadvantaged children and multi-cultural education result in the loss of valuable learner potential and the non-fulfilment of the education policy. In this study, the promotion of self-actualisation of milieu disadvantaged children within a multi-cultural education system is discussed from a psychological-educational perspective. Attention is given to the problems and issues that play a defining role in the implementation of such an educational system. The influence of the environment en the development and functioning of milieu disadvantaged learners is investigated further. Qualitative research is done to identify the developmental areas where most problems occur. Finally, recommendations are made to the government, teachers and parents that ~an serve as guidelines to promote the selfactualisation of these learners. / Die bevordering van multikulturele onderwys en die opheffing van die milieu-geremde leerder hou nou verband met mekaar, en is tans 'n belangrike vraagstuk in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem. Gebrekkige kennis van milieu-geremdheid en multikulturele onderwys veroorsaak dat leerderpotensiaal verlore gaan en die onderwysbeleid nie uitgevoer word nie .. In hierdie studie word die bevordering van selfaktualisering van milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief bespreek. Aandag word geskenk aan die problema en faktore wat 'n bepalende rol by die suksesvolle implementering van 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem speel. Die invloed van die omgewing op die ontwikkeling en funksionering van milieu-geremde leerders word verder ondersoek. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om die ontwikkelingsareas waar die meeste problema ervaar word, te identifiseer. Laastens word aanbevelings aan die regering, onderwysers en ouers gemaak wat as riglyne kan dien om die selfaktualisering van hierdie leerders te bevorder. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Bevordering van selfaktualisering by milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem / The promotion of selfactualisation of milieu disadvantaged learners with a multi-cultural education system

De Bruyn, Carina Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The promotion of multi-cultural education and the upliftment of milieu disadvantaged children are closely related to each other, and is presently an important issue in the South African educational system. Poor knowledge of milieu disadvantaged children and multi-cultural education result in the loss of valuable learner potential and the non-fulfilment of the education policy. In this study, the promotion of self-actualisation of milieu disadvantaged children within a multi-cultural education system is discussed from a psychological-educational perspective. Attention is given to the problems and issues that play a defining role in the implementation of such an educational system. The influence of the environment en the development and functioning of milieu disadvantaged learners is investigated further. Qualitative research is done to identify the developmental areas where most problems occur. Finally, recommendations are made to the government, teachers and parents that ~an serve as guidelines to promote the selfactualisation of these learners. / Die bevordering van multikulturele onderwys en die opheffing van die milieu-geremde leerder hou nou verband met mekaar, en is tans 'n belangrike vraagstuk in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem. Gebrekkige kennis van milieu-geremdheid en multikulturele onderwys veroorsaak dat leerderpotensiaal verlore gaan en die onderwysbeleid nie uitgevoer word nie .. In hierdie studie word die bevordering van selfaktualisering van milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief bespreek. Aandag word geskenk aan die problema en faktore wat 'n bepalende rol by die suksesvolle implementering van 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem speel. Die invloed van die omgewing op die ontwikkeling en funksionering van milieu-geremde leerders word verder ondersoek. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om die ontwikkelingsareas waar die meeste problema ervaar word, te identifiseer. Laastens word aanbevelings aan die regering, onderwysers en ouers gemaak wat as riglyne kan dien om die selfaktualisering van hierdie leerders te bevorder. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Ondersoek na die faktore wat werksbevrediging van opvoeders in voorheen-benadeelde skole in die Worcester-omgewing beinvloed / An investigation into the factors affecting educators work satisfaction at previous disadvantaged schools in the Worcester area

Aronse, Patrick Arnold 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Sedert 1994 het drastiese veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel plaasgevind, wat ’n direkte invloed het op die vlak van werkstevredenheid wat opvoeders ervaar. Alhoewel die ongelykhede van die verlede in hierdie beleid ondersoek is, word sekere organisatoriese faktore wat die moraal van opvoeders beïnvloed egter nie hierin erken nie. In hierdie navorsingstudie maak die navorser gebruik van die kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes wat as triangulasie bekend staan. Semigestruktureerde onderhoude (kwalitatief) en vraelyste (kwantitatief) is as data-insamelingstegnieke gebruik om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en moontlike oplossings vir die navorsingsprobleem is. Faktore wat werksbevrediging by opvoeders beïnvloed, is geïdentifiseer en ondersoek. Aanbevelings is gemaak rakende die rol van die Onderwysdepartement, prinsipaal, kollegas en ouers in opvoeders se werksbevrediging. Die vernaamste hiervan is dat prinsipale werkstevredenheid by opvoeders kan verhoog deur die bou van verhoudings van vertroue, betrokkenheid in die besluitnemingsproses en deur ondersteuningstrukture vir opvoeders in plek te stel. / Since 1994, drastic changes occurred in the education system in South Africa, which had a direct impact on the level of job satisfaction that teachers experienced. Although this policy addressed the inequalities of the past, certain organisational factors influencing the morale of teachers were not recognised herein. In this research study the researcher made use of a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, known as triangulation. Semi-structured interviews (qualitative) and questionnaires (quantitative) were used as data collection techniques to determine the nature, extent and possible solutions to the research problem. Factors affecting job satisfaction among educators were identified and examined. Recommendations were made regarding the role of the Department of Education, principals, colleagues and parents in teachers' job satisfaction. The main recommendation is that principals may maximise teachers’ job satisfaction through building relationships of trust, involvement in the decision-making process and by implementing support structures. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Vestiging en handhawing van konstruktiewe dissipline as 'n sleuteltaak van die onderwyser in die klaskamer / The establishment and maintenance of constructive discipline as a key task of the teacher in the classroom

Van Dyk, Adri Louisa Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die afname in dissipline en dissipline handhawing in skole is 'n omvangryke probleem. Die fokus van hierdie studie is om die aard en omvang van dissiplinêre probleme te ondersoek om sodoende riglyne daar te stel om konstruktiewe dissipline in klaskamers te vestig as 'n sleutel taak van die onderwyser. In hierdie studie maak die navorser gebruik van die gekombineerde benaderingsmetode, naamlik die kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode. Vraelyste (kwantitatief) en onderhoude (kwalitatief) is as data insamelingstegnieke gebruik om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en moontlike oplossings is, vir die navorsingsprobleem. Die navorsingstudie is gedoen deur 106 onderwysers in die intermediêre- en senior fase van ses laerskole van die Noordweste van Pretoria te betrek. Daar is ook onderhoude gevoer met ses senior onderwysers wat in beheer was van hul skole se dissiplinêre stelsels. Die navorsingstudie het bevind dat onderwysers, leerders en ouers bydraend is tot dissiplinêre probleme in klaskamers. Positiewe strategieë sluit in kommunikasie en toepassing van klasreëls. Uit die bevindinge van die navorsing is daar ongetwyfeld 'n sterk behoefte aan leiding vir onderwysers om dissiplinêre probleme aan te spreek. Onderwysers moet bemagtig word om konstruktiewe dissipline te ontwikkel, te bevorder en te handhaaf. / The decline in discipline and discipline enforcement in schools is a massive problem. The focus of this study is to examine the nature and extent of discipline problems in order to set guidelines to establish constructive discipline in the classroom as a key task of the teacher. In this study, the researcher makes use of the combined approach method, namely the qualitative - quantitative research methodology. Questionnaires (quantitative) and interviews (qualitative) were used as data collection techniques to determine the nature, extent and The research study was conducted by involving 106 teachers in the intermediate and senior phase of six primary schools of the North West of Pretoria. There were also interviews with six senior teachers who were in charge of their schools' disciplinary systems. The research study found that teachers, pupils and parents are contributing factors to discipline problems in classrooms. Positive strategies include communication and application of rules. From the findings of the research there is undoubtedly a strong need for guidance for teachers to address disciplinary problems. Teachers should be empowered to develop positive, promote, and maintain constructive discipline in the classroom. possible solutions of the research problem. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The development of a reading culture in the Foundation Phase through comprehensive parent involvement

Lotter, Jeanne-Marie 17 May 2019 (has links)
This dissertation study, entitled ‘The development of a reading culture in the Foundation Phase through comprehensive parent involvement’, focused on the challenge of developing a reading culture in which a positive change takes place in the learners’ attitudes towards reading and in particular, towards reading for enjoyment, when parents are comprehensively involved in the process. The research is found to be relevant as many of the learners in the participating school showed little to no interest in reading for enjoyment and saw reading merely as a means of studying. The methodology used in the study is qualitative in nature and included a literature review, case studies and semi-structured interviews. The results of the study showed that the implementation of a comprehensive parent involvement model has a positive impact on the creation of a reading culture. The learners were more inclined to read for enjoyment when their parents participated both in reading programmes and in fun reading activities at home. The learners and parents who actively participated in this study all indicated that they had a greater appreciation of reading for enjoyment after the implementation of the programme. Based on the study findings, recommendations were made for improvements to assist in the issue of creating a reading culture in schools. / Die studie getiteld ‘Die ontwikkeling van ‘n lees-kultuur in die Grondslagfase deur omvattende ouerbetrokkenheid’, het gefokus op die uitdaging om ‘n lees-kultuur te ontwikkel waar ‘n positiewe verandering in leerders se gevoel teenoor lees plaasvind, spesifiek lees vir genot, wanneer hulle ouers intensief betrokke is in die proses. Die navorsing is relevant aangesien baie van die leerders in die betrokke skool min tot geen belangstelling getoon het teenoor lees vir genot en het lees bloot as ‘n metode van studie beleef. Die metodologie wat in die studie gebruik was was kwalitatief van aard en het ‘n literatuurstudie, gevallestudies en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesluit. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat die implementering van ‘n omvattende ouer-betrokkenheid model ‘n positiewe impak op die ontwikkeling van ‘n lees-kultuur gehad het. Die leerders was meer geneig om vir genot te lees wanneer hulle ouers deelgeneem het aan die lees-program en aan die pret lees-aktiwiteite tuis. Die leerders en hulle ouers wat aktief deelgeneem het aan die studie, het almal aangedui dat hulle ‘n groter waardering vir lees vir genot gehad het na die implementering van die program. Voorstelle om te help met die ontwikkeling van ‘n lees-kultuur is gemaak wat gebaseer was op die bevindings van die studie. / Thuto, e nang le sehlooho se reng 'Ho nts'etsa pele setso sa ho bala ka Sekhahla sa Motheo ka ho kenyeletsa ho kopanyelletsa ha motsoali', ho lebisitse phephetso ea ho hlaolela setso sa ho bala moo phetoho e ntle e etsoang ka maikutlo a barupeluoa ho bala le ka ho khetheha, ho bala bakeng sa thabo, ha batsoali ba ikakhela ka setotsoana mosebetsing ona. Phuputso e fumanoa e le ea bohlokoa ha ba bangata ho baithuti sekolong se kenang sekolo ba sa bontše thahasello ho bala bakeng sa thabo 'me ba bona ho bala feela e le mokhoa oa ho ithuta. Mokhoa o sebelisoang thuputsong ea lipatlisiso e ne e le mokhoa oa boleng bo botle 'me o kenyelelitse tlhahlobo ea lingoliloeng, lipatlisiso tsa liketsahalo le lipuisano tse sa tšoaneng. Liphello tsa phuputso li bontšitse hore ts'ebetso ea kakaretso ea ho kenya letsoho ho motsoali e na le tšusumetso e matla ho thehoa ha setso sa ho bala. Barupeluoa ba ne ba rata ho bala bakeng sa thabo ha batsoali ba bona ba ne ba kopanela ka bobeli mananeong a ho bala le mesebetsing e monate ea ho bala lapeng. Baithuti le batsoali ba ileng ba kenya letsoho thuputsong ena bohle ba bontšitse hore ba ananela haholo ho bala bakeng sa thabo ka mor'a kopo ea ts'ebetso. Ho itšetlehile ka liphuputso tsa lithuto, liphuputso li entsoe bakeng sa ntlafatso ea ho thusa tabeng ea ho theha setso sa ho bala likolong. / Educational Foundations / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Vestiging en handhawing van konstruktiewe dissipline as 'n sleuteltaak van die onderwyser in die klaskamer / The establishment and maintenance of constructive discipline as a key task of the teacher in the classroom

Van Dyk, Adri Louisa Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die afname in dissipline en dissipline handhawing in skole is 'n omvangryke probleem. Die fokus van hierdie studie is om die aard en omvang van dissiplinêre probleme te ondersoek om sodoende riglyne daar te stel om konstruktiewe dissipline in klaskamers te vestig as 'n sleutel taak van die onderwyser. In hierdie studie maak die navorser gebruik van die gekombineerde benaderingsmetode, naamlik die kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode. Vraelyste (kwantitatief) en onderhoude (kwalitatief) is as data insamelingstegnieke gebruik om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en moontlike oplossings is, vir die navorsingsprobleem. Die navorsingstudie is gedoen deur 106 onderwysers in die intermediêre- en senior fase van ses laerskole van die Noordweste van Pretoria te betrek. Daar is ook onderhoude gevoer met ses senior onderwysers wat in beheer was van hul skole se dissiplinêre stelsels. Die navorsingstudie het bevind dat onderwysers, leerders en ouers bydraend is tot dissiplinêre probleme in klaskamers. Positiewe strategieë sluit in kommunikasie en toepassing van klasreëls. Uit die bevindinge van die navorsing is daar ongetwyfeld 'n sterk behoefte aan leiding vir onderwysers om dissiplinêre probleme aan te spreek. Onderwysers moet bemagtig word om konstruktiewe dissipline te ontwikkel, te bevorder en te handhaaf. / The decline in discipline and discipline enforcement in schools is a massive problem. The focus of this study is to examine the nature and extent of discipline problems in order to set guidelines to establish constructive discipline in the classroom as a key task of the teacher. In this study, the researcher makes use of the combined approach method, namely the qualitative - quantitative research methodology. Questionnaires (quantitative) and interviews (qualitative) were used as data collection techniques to determine the nature, extent and The research study was conducted by involving 106 teachers in the intermediate and senior phase of six primary schools of the North West of Pretoria. There were also interviews with six senior teachers who were in charge of their schools' disciplinary systems. The research study found that teachers, pupils and parents are contributing factors to discipline problems in classrooms. Positive strategies include communication and application of rules. From the findings of the research there is undoubtedly a strong need for guidance for teachers to address disciplinary problems. Teachers should be empowered to develop positive, promote, and maintain constructive discipline in the classroom. possible solutions of the research problem. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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