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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orientation discrimination in periphery: Surround suppression or crowding?

Gong, Mingliang 05 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The rise of enterprise regionalisation in ASEAN

Mirza, Hafiz R., Wee, K.H. January 2014 (has links)
No / This chapter analyses the how, who, where and why of rapid rise in intra-regional investment by companies from ASEAN since 2009. The chapter analyses the push and pull factors of intra-regional investment in ASEAN, the resulting patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the accompanying rise of strong regional players. The region’s FDI landscape is changing in terms of investment sources, players, FDI trends and dynamics of the region. This trend is strongly affected by stepped up efforts by ASEAN governments to encourage their national companies to invest in the region and the influence of the ASEAN Economic Community. Regional integration and emerging business opportunities are providing an impetus not seen before in driving intra-regional investment. As more ASEAN companies position and prepare for AEC 2015, this intra-regional investment wave is likely to gather force. The chapter lists the regional and global ‘footprint’ of the top 50 largest ASEAN companies by revenues. The thus identified companies include companies operating in oil and gas, mining, agri-business, telecommunications, food and beverages, manufacturing, banking, power generation, infrastructure, real estate and healthcare services.

From battlegrounds to the backcountry : the intersection of masculinity and outward bound programming on psychosocial functioning for male military veterans

Scheinfeld, David Emmanuel 28 October 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the promise of using therapeutic adventure as an alternative therapeutic approach to address a public health issue: Veterans reticence towards seeking mental health assistance, despite their rising rates of mental health issues. To examine how the intersection between conformity to traditional masculine norms and Outward Bound for Veterans (OB4V) programming impacted psychosocial development, a quasi-experimental, longitudinal design was implemented on 159 male Veterans. The primary goals were twofold: 1) to determine whether improvement in six therapeutic outcome variables occurred due to the OB4V intervention; 2) to discover whether male Veterans’ level of conformity to traditional masculine norms influenced change in the therapeutic outcome variables. Outcome variables included: 1) mental health status; 2) personal growth initiative; 3) attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help; 4) psychological mindedness; 5) restriction of emotions; 6) subjective wellbeing. Results indicated a significant effect of treatment, suggesting that the OB4V treatment promoted Veterans improvement in all the therapeutic outcome variables, except psychological mindedness. Findings also showed that the significant effect of treatment was associated with Veterans’ improvement in therapeutic outcome variables over all time points irrespective of their level of conformity to traditional masculine norms. / text

中國對外直接投資影響因素之研究 / Determinants of China's outward foreign direct investment

林淑靜, Lin, Shu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
經過30年的經濟改革,中國已成為國際直接投資的熱門地區。聯合國貿易發展委員會(UNCTAD)的報告中也指出,中國在2007年僅次於美國,成為全球吸引外資金額第二高的國家。然而,隨著中國總體國力大增,近幾年來,中國對外直接投資的腳步也加緊了起來。外資的流入不但促進了中國的經濟成長,也給中國企業學習如何對外直接投資,提供了絕佳的機會。 相較於中國吸引外資方面(Inward FDI)的研究,中國對外直接投資(Outward FDI)的議題較少引起研究者注意。然而,中國對外直接投資對於全球經濟有其重要性,研究影響中國對外直接投資因素更具有理論與實質意義,因為中國既投資於未開發國家和開發中國家,也同時在已開發國家中投資,這是一般後進國家少有的特質。因此,本研究將利用2003-2007年中國各省市地區對外直接投資的追蹤資料(panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed effect model)的估計,希望透過本研究分析影響中國對外直接投資的決定因素。 實證結果發現,影響中國對外直接投資的決定因素中,顯著的變數有各省市國內生產毛額、各省市每人國內生產毛額、各省市職工平均工資、各省市國有企業產值佔工業總產值比,以及工業總產值佔國內生產毛額比。而其餘的變數如各省市貿易開放程度、匯率與借款利率皆不顯著,反映了其皆非中國對外直接投資時所考量的決定因素。不過,整體來說中國對外直接投資有逐年成長的趨勢。

Molecular characterization of cholinergic vestibular and olivocochlear efferent neurons in the rodent brainstem.

Leijon, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>The neural code from the inner ear to the brain is dynamically controlled by central nervous efferent feedback to the audio-vestibular epithelium. Although such efference provides the basis for a cognitive control of our hearing and balance, we know surprisingly little about this feedback system. This project has investigated the applicability of a transgenic mouse model, expressing a fluorescent protein under the choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT) promoter, for targeting the cholinergic audio-vestibular efferent neurons in the brainstem. It was found that the mouse model is useful for targeting the vestibular efferents, which are fluorescent, but not the auditory efferents, which are not highlighted. This model enables, for the first time, physiological studies of the vestibular efferent neurons and their synaptic inputs. We next assessed the expression of the potassium channel family Kv4, known to generate transient potassium currents upon depolarization. Such potassium currents are found in auditory efferent neurons, but it is not known whether Kv4 subunits are expressed in these neurons. Moreover, it is not known if Kv4 is present and has a function in the vestibular efferent neurons. Double labelling with anti-ChAT and anti-Kv4.2 or Kv4.3 demonstrates that the Kv4.3 subunits are abundantly expressed in audio-vestibular efferents, thus indicating that this subunit is a large contributor to the excitability and firing properties of the auditory efferent neurons, and most probably also for the vestibular efferent neurons. In addition, we also unexpectedly found a strong expression of Kv4.3 in principal cells of the superior olive, the neurons which are important for sound localization.</p>

Perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų taikymo įtakos prekių eksportui ir importui analizė ir perspektyvos / Analysis and perspectives of the influence of implementation of processing under customs procedures for the export and import of goods

Zdancevičius, Mindaugas 03 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo tema – „Perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų taikymo įtakos prekių eksportui ir importui analizė ir perspektyvos”. Tokia tema aktuali tarptautinės prekybos kontekste, kadangi minėtų procedūrų vykdymas leidžia ūkio subjektams naudotis pigesnėmis žaliavomis arba pigesne darbo jėga bei teikia kai kurių kitų privalumų ir tokiu būdu padidinamas prekių konkurencingumas pasaulinėje rinkoje. Perdirbimo procedūrų taikymas teigiamai įtakoja bendras valstybės eksporto apimtis, gerina darbo rinkos padėtį ir prisideda prie tarptautinės prekybos liberalizavimo. Darbe siekiama išanalizuoti perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų teisinį reglamentavimą (pradedant tarptautinėmis konvencijomis ir baigiant Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais) ir įvertinti kokią realią įtaką šių procedūrų vykdymas turi šalies eksporto ir importo apimtims. Dar vienas iš darbo tikslų – įvertinti perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų teisinio reglamentavimo pokyčius ir ateities vystymosi prognozes. Darbas pagrįstas mokslinės literatūros, susijusios su tarptautine prekyba ir muitinės procedūromis, analize, taip pat Kioto (tarptautinės muitinės procedūrų supaprastinimo ir suderinimo) konvencijos, ES muitų teisės aktų bei kai Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teisės aktų vertinimu. Praktinis perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų įtakos eksportui ir importui įvertinimas atliktas remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos Muitinės informacinių sistemų centro ir Statistikos departamento pateiktais statistiniais duomenimis. Perdirbimo muitinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the thesis is "Analysis and perspectives of the influence of implementation of processing under customs procedures for the export and import of goods". This topic is relevant in the context of international trade since the implementation of the aforementioned procedures allows for the economic agents to use cheaper materials or cheaper labor force as well as provides some other advantages and thus increases the competitiveness of goods in the global market. The application of processing procedures positively affects the total country’s export volume, improves the situation in labor market and contributes towards the liberalization of the international trade. The thesis aims to analyze the legal framework of processing under customs procedures (from international conventions to legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania) and evaluate real impact of these procedures on the country’s export and import volumes. Another objective of the work is to assess the changes of legal framework of processing under customs procedures and future development forecasts. The work is based on the analysis of the scientific literature, which is related to international trade and customs procedures as well as evaluation of Kyoto (simplification and coordination of international customs procedures) convention, customs law of the EU as well as some customs laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Practical evaluation of the influence of processing under customs procedures to the export and... [to full text]

Upplevelsen av självstigmatisering och stigmas effekter på tillvaron hos patienter med psykossjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / The experience of self-stigmatization among patients with psychotic disorders and stigma´s effects on existence : A literature review

Linde, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Background: It´s obvious that stigma reduces life opportunities and make people act throughout an outcast role. Stigma enters spheres where it is made up to protect a group, but only results in painful feelings for the vulnerable. Individuals suffering from psychosis are exposed to discrimination because of fear and prejudices. These are applied upon individuals whereas they stigmatize themselves.  Aim: To investigate the experience of self-stigma and stigmas effects on life for patients suffering from psychosis. Method: 24 scientific articles have been used and analyzed together with Whittemore and Knalfs integrative method (2005) for the result in this literature review.   After formulating a problem literature has been searched, evaluated, and analyzed in four steps which are presented. The literature was found through databases, free searching compounds and through references. As a theoretic framework the figure Existentiell ensamhet hos personer med psykiska funktionshinder from the doctoral Berättelser om ensamhetens vardag has been used.  Results: The psychiatric contact, to be a psychiatric patient and being labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis affected the way individuals labeled themselves. Individuals wanted to be seen as unique and listened to. The diagnosis contributed to feelings of shame and affected self-esteem and self-ability. Through acceptance of the disease participants could become something different than just a patient in the psychiatric services. Through other people the participant’s self-image could be built up. Social stigmas were described in all levels of society and also within the family. Relationships were important and a link to live a normal life and recover. Normality was desirable and said to occur through activities such as work and studies. Discussion: Was discussed through relevant research and Anette Erdners figure Existentiell ensamhet hos personer med psykiska funktionshinder from the doctoral Berättelser om ensamhetens vardag.

貿易自由化對臺灣服務業薪資與就業的影響 / Empirical Evidence for Trade Liberalization on Wage and Employment in Taiwan Service Sectors

顏婉庭, Yen, Wanting Unknown Date (has links)
由於科技發展及各國法規的調整,使服務業的發展得以全球化,服務貿易的 成長動能相當大。從總體的角度來看,服務業亦對經濟成長扮演重要角色。由於 我國是一個小型開放經濟體,國內服務業市場與國際市場接軌程度日益加深,因 此有必要探討服務貿易對薪資及就業之影響。 本研究為探討貿易自由化與對外投資如何影響國內服務業勞動市場,合併 2011 年至 2015 年人力運用調查之個體樣本、與行業別之進出口、對外直接投資 等統計資料,使用 Probit 模型估計進出口貿易與對外投資對我國就業的影響,使 用 Heckman two-stage selection 模型估計進出口貿易與對外投資對我國薪資的影 響,並進一步使用 Quantile 模型估計在不同薪資水準下,勞工受到貿易自由化衝 擊的程度是否不同。 實證結果顯示:(1) 貿易對國內就業與薪資的影響依據貿易方向而有所不同, 出口有正向影響,進口有負向影響;(2) 對外投資對國內就業與薪資的影響,依 據被投資國之所得高低而有不同,對外投資至高所得國家有正向影響,對外投資 至低所得國家則有負向影響;(3) 職業別層級貿易指標能更正確衡量勞工受到的 貿易自由化衝擊;(4) 職業別層級貿易指標能更正確衡量勞工受到的貿易自由化 衝擊。

The impact of the β-subunit DPP10 on cardiac action potential and native voltage-gated K+ and Na+ currents

Metzner, Katharina 16 March 2020 (has links)
Cardiac accessory β-subunits are part of macromolecular ion channel complexes. They can modulate electrophysiological properties of resulting ion currents and action potentials and are supposed to contribute to cardiac disease e.g. arrhythmias or Brugada syndrome. In my thesis, we characterized the functions of dipeptidyl peptidase-like protein 10 (DPP10), a transmembrane β-subunit of cardiac Na+ and K+ channels. Previous studies revealed that DPP10 is expressed in human heart and acts as regulator of Kv channel kinetics. In electrophysiological experiments, we found that DPP10 modulates Ito through Kv4.3 channel complexes by accelerating current densities and the time course of activation, inactivation and recovery from inactivation. Interestingly, co-expression of DPP10 with Kv4.3 and KChIP2 in CHO cells induced a slowly inactivating fraction of Ito, providing evidence for a contribution of Ito on the sustained outward K+ current in cardiomyoctes. Until then, the sustained fraction of K+ currents was thought to be due to IKur. We further studied the contribution of Kv4-mediated Ito to total K+ currents in human atrial myocytes using 4-Aminopyridine to block IKur in combination with Heteropoda toxin 2 to block Kv4 channels. Using this approach, it was possible to separate an Ito fraction of about 19% contributing to the late current component. These data suggest that the generation of a sustained current component of Ito induced by DPP10 may affect the late repolarization phase of an atrial action potential. To further explore the functions of DPP10, we investigated a potential interaction with Nav channels in cardiomyocytes. It was possible to detect DPP10 in human ventricles, with higher expression levels in patients with heart failure. We demonstrated that DPP10 affects cellular action potentials in isolated rat cardiomyocytes after adenoviral gene transfer indicating a reduction in Na+ current density. Voltage-dependent Na+ channel activation and inactivation curve was shifted to more positive potentials with overexpression of DPP10, resulting in enhanced availability of Na+ channels for activation, along with increasing window Na+ current. Thus, we assumed a role of DPP10 on promotion of arrhythmias via interaction with Nav1.5. The results of this study can help to understand the complex interaction pattern between Nav and Kv channels and the role of their β-subunits, especially DPP10. In conclusion, DPP10 was identified as a new modulator of Kv and Nav currents in the human heart, suggesting that this β-subunit may contributes to cardiac arrhythmias and might be a new therapeutic target.:1 Introduction 1.1 The cardiac action potential 1.2 Cardiac potassium channels 1.2.1 The Kv4.3 channel complex 1.2.2 Accessory β subunits of K+ channel 1.2.3 The Kv1.5 channel 1.2.4 Separation of Ito and IKur in native cardiomyocytes 1.3 Cardiac sodium channels 1.3.1 Molecular construction of Nav1.5 channel 1.3.2 Accessory β subunits of Na+ channel 1.3.3 The role of Nav1.5 in cardiac electrical disorders 1.4 Aim of the thesis and systematic approach 2 The research articles 3 Summary 4 Zusammenfassung 6 References 7 Appendices 7.1 Abbreviations

Knihovna Státního zámku Litomyšl. Dějiny knihovního fondu, analýza a katalogizace jeho největší části / State castle Litomyšl library. The history of the library collection, the analysis and cataloguing of its greatest part

Večeře, Vít January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the library of the state castle Litomyšl that was created as a product of the state institutions in the second half of the 20th century. The thesis deals with the topic in two fundamental segments - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part provides comprehensive processing of the library history and analysis of the particular unit especially from the topical, chronological and geographical point of view. The paper also focuses on the language, provenance as well as physical condition of the books and especially the graphics of the prints. From a thematic point of view, particular emphasis is placed on the most interesting, though not very numerous, group of religious prints and manuscripts. The practical part of the thesis, which consists in the cataloguing of the fund, brings the greatest factual contribution, especially to Národní památkový ústav that will therefore obtain a complex overview on one of its collections, but also to specialized public, for whom the composition of the catalogue means the possibility of the research use.

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