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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genus i Barnets Bästa : En jämförande studie av Förvaltningsrättens LVU-domar med fokus på barnets eget beteende / Genus in the Child's Best Interest : A comparative study of the Administrative Court's decree with the focus on the child's own behaviour

Hörtin, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Background/aim: The purpose of this sociological study "Genus in the Child's Best Interest" was to, from the Administrative Court's decree about the child's own behavior, further clarify the concept of the child's best interest by studying how the concept is expressed in decrees with focus on genus. Theory: Three genus theories, to compare girls and boys, Mary John's power theory, the grown ups definition of what the reality is and what it should contain, and a labeling theory, where the people with power are the ones to define what's normal and what's not, have been used to analyze the result in this study. Method: A content analyses was used to analyze the decrees, with the focus on girls and boys between the ages of 12 to 19, where they have been forced into treatment by the law. Result: The concept of a child's best interest does make a difference between girls and boys in the decrees, and the girls have more power because they have more room to express themselves and are less responsible for their thoughts and actions. The concept is possible to use, but the definition is subjective and could be colored by the societies values and norms.

Genus i Barnets Bästa : En jämförande studie av Förvaltningsrättens LVU-domar med fokus på barnets eget beteende

Hörtin, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Background/aim: The purpose of this sociological study "Genus in the Child's Best Interest" was to, from the Administrative Court's decree about the child's own behavior, further clarify the concept of the child's best interest by studying how the concept is expressed in decrees with focus on genus. Theory: Three genus theories, to compare girls and boys, Mary John's power theory, the grown ups definition of what the reality is and what it should contain, and a labeling theory, where the people with power are the ones to define what's normal and what's not, have been used to analyze the result in this study. Method: A content analyses was used to analyze the decrees, with the focus on girls and boys between the ages of 12 to 19, where they have been forced into treatment by the law. Result: The concept of a child's best interest does make a difference between girls and boys in the decrees, and the girls have more power because they have more room to express themselves and are less responsible for their thoughts and actions. The concept is possible to use, but the definition is subjective and could be colored by the societies values and norms.

The Interactive Relationships among the State, Market and Civil society in Mainland China: An Analysis of the GFPU

Tuan, Yu-Liang 20 July 2006 (has links)
This research constructs the theoretical framework through documentary analysis; it utilizes the approach of ¡§state and society relations¡¨ on the micro-level of the comparative politics, supplemented with the concept of ¡§corporatism¡¨. This research includes ¡§in-depth interview¡¨ and ¡§case study¡¨ to aim at examining two issues. While the Chinese government has been the central power, the enterprises are the key players in the businesses of modern China. When the private sector has prospered vigorously, the government faced increasing pressure from economic system reform. This indicates that the power of government will shift to the industry and trade association. This research finds that the trade association, deriving from ¡§top down¡¨ model, which can gain more self-Governance, is the successful case of transformation. Its character is that it neither seeks for power from the government during the transformation nor interest from the private sector, but, instead, serves for social welfare and receives more credibility from the public and better organizing autonomy. Since the south patrolling of Deng Xiaoping in 1992, the socialist market economy has been the goal China pursues. In 1998, the ninth session national representatives passed Decision of the structural reform of the State Council plan, and it pointed out ¡§establish a government administrative system with the Chinese characteristics and suitable to the socialist market economic system¡¨. In October 2003, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Issues concerning the Improvement of the Socialist Market Economy . Obviously, in addition to the concept of open policy of the trade market, the policy on decentralization of governmental structural reform is in place. Those changes push the market mechanism to expand gradually, and accelerate the transformation of trade association. It makes the influence of trade association on industrial policy making grow. Particularly, Guangdong Province's economy opened early and also led the development of trade association. This research found that the system and development of trade association in Guangdong Province has exceeded that of the central government. ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union¡¨ is one of the best examples. This research analyzes the development of food industry of both China and the Guangdong Province, in order to explain the relations among government, the business (market) and the society. Second, to analyze the development of trade association's of China and Guangdong Province to explain the formation of civil society. Third, using the case of ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union¡¨ to study on its philosophy, institution and interest setting in order to map out the interaction among ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union (GFPU)¡¨, government and business. Finally, it induces the relations among state, the market, the civil society. This research not only points out the similarities and differences between the study case and the general situation in China, but also classifies three kinds of trade association and within which the trade association of successful transformation might be called ¡§NGO with the Chinese characteristic¡¨. In brief, the social scope of trade association derived from ¡§top down¡¨ model, will de unavoidably deprived by the government. In the social scope formed by the trade association of successful transformation, the administrative authority is (Economic and Trade Commission) no longer in charge of them, but the ideology of Chinese Communist Party still exists. It was the ¡§civil society with the Chinese characteristic.¡¨

Skattekonsekvenser av och vid omvända fusioner

Johnsson, Erik, Särnqvist, Daniel, Odehammar, Victor January 2006 (has links)
<p>En omvänd fusion definieras som det förfarande då ett moderbolag fusioneras in i sitt dotterbolag. Det eventuella inkråm som finns i moderbolaget tas vid fusionstillfället upp av dotterbolaget, medan de aktier moderbolaget innehar i dotterbolaget ges ut som fusionsvederlag till dess ägare. Per definition skiljer sig inte en omvänd fusion från en fusion där dotterbolaget absorberas in i sitt moderbolag. Dock är vägledning och litteratur kring området knapphändig vilket har lett till en spekulation om den omvända fusionen skall kunna anses strida mot det förvärvslåneförbud samt det förbud om att förvärva egna aktier som ställs upp i ABL. För att utröna de eventuella problem som kan uppstå vid en sådan fusion, krävs således en undersökning kring de skatte-, och redovisningsmässiga områden som berörs. Det faller sig således naturligt att utreda huruvida beskattning kan komma i fråga hos ett övertagande bolag, eller dess ägare, vid utgivande av ett fusionsvederlag bestående av de vid fusionen övertagna egna aktierna. Beskattningsunderlaget baseras på god redovisningssed och därmed redovisningen. Därför anser vi, för att åstadkomma en redovisningsmässig trygghet vid den omvända fusionen, att det bör påvisas vilken redovisningsmetod vid den omvända fusionen som skall användas.</p><p>Vår utredning visar att den omvända fusionen är tillåten, samt att dotterbolaget aldrig innehar de aktier som utges som fusionsvederlag. Dock uppkommer vissa problem då rättsläget inte är helt klarlagt. Något som innebär att tolkningar av lagrum rörande fusioner uppräknade i ABL genomgående måste göras för att få fram ett resultat. En viktig tolkning är att uttrycket samtliga tillgångar inte innefattar aktier i det övertagande bolaget.</p><p>Trots att många normgivare är aktiva inom redovisningen, har ingen av dessa gett någon rekommendation för redovisning av omvända fusioner. På grund av detta tolkar vi de källor vi har för att få fram det mest troliga tillvägagångssättet. Vi förespråkar att den så kallade koncernvärdemetoden tillämpas. Moderbolagets inkråm tas upp i dotterbolagets balans-, och resultaträkning. Detta ger en så rättvis redovisning som för tillfället är möjligt. Denna metod stöds också av IFRS 3. Eftersom rättsläget är osäkert och många luckor finns anser vi att det måste till ett införlivande i lagen av omvända fusioner. Vi trycker därmed på att den omvända fusionen skall regleras genom direktiv, rekommendation och råd.</p> / <p>A downstream merger is defined as a transaction where a parent company is merged into its subsidiary. The interior assets held by the parent company are transferred to the subsidiary in the merger, and the shares the parent company holds in the subsidiary is transferred to its owners as merger compensation. A downstream merger does not differ per definition from a merger where a subsidiary is merged into its parent company. Guidance and doctrine concerning this is scanty, therefore a speculation has arisen, whether the downstream merger complies with the prohibition to borrow money of a company to acquire it and the prohibition for a company to acquire its own shares, set up in the Swedish company act (ABL). To scrutinize the problems that can arise in such a merger, we need to study the tax- and accounting-topics that are concerned.</p><p>It is therefore inherent to study if any taxation can arise for a t ransferringcompany, or its owners, when it gives a merger compensation consisting of the shares from the parent company. The taxation is based on the financial statements and a true and fair view. Thereby we need to show which accounting method to use. Our investigation shows that the downstream merger is in accordance with Swedish law, and that the parent company’s shares are not taken over by the subsidiary, though some problems arise since the rules of law are not clear. This means that interpretations of the company act generally has to be made to get a result. An important interpretation is that the expression “all their assets”, does not include shares in the overtaking company.</p><p>Despite the fact that there are many active standard-setting powers, none of these has set any standard concerning downstream mergers. Also in this situation we have to interpret our sources to get the best procedure. We advocate a method where the values shown in the accounts of the group are used. With this the parent company’s interior assets is accounted for in the subsidiary’s balance sheet and income statement. This gives a balance sheet that is as neutral as possible. This method of accounting is also supported by IFRS3.</p>

Migrantai iš Lietuvos Šiaurės Airijoje: "savos erdvės" konstravimas / Migrants from Lithuania in Northern Ireland: creation of "own space"

Liubinienė, Neringa 03 September 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje apjungiant tarpdiscipliniškumą, antropologinį požiūrį bei metodologiją bandoma naujai – teoriškai ir empiriškai – pažvelgti, kaip vietos/erdvės klausimai gali būti susieti su migracijos procesais. Disertacijoje keliami tokie probleminiai klausimai: Kaip tarptautinė migracija transformuoja (sustiprina, susilpnina ir kt.) šiandieninio (trans)migranto ryšius su gyventomis/gyvenamomis vieta/vietomis (teritorija/teritorijomis)? Kaip (trans)migracinė patirtis daro įtaką sociokultūrinės erdvės konstravimui? Kaip vyksta migrantų „savos erdvės“ formavimas? Disertacijoje remiamasi antropologine metodologija struktūruojant bei organizuojant visą tyrimą. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinkta migrantų iš Lietuvos Šiaurės Airijoje tyrimo (2006 m. pb. – 2007 m. vid.) strategija. Lauko tyrimo metu buvo derinami dalyvaujamojo stebėjimo, pusiau struktūruotų interviu, neformalių pokalbių, stebėjimo metodai. Teorinėje disertacijos dalyje nagrinėjami vietos, erdvės ir migracijos tarpusavio ryšiai, transnacionalizmo/transmigracijos paradigma, „namų“ ir „pragyvenimo“ koncepcijos, įvedama „savos erdvės“ sąvoka. Atskiroje dalyje apžvelgiami Lietuvos ir Šiaurės Airijos regionai šiandieninės migracijos atžvilgiu. Metodologinėje dalyje aptariama ne tik metodologinė prieiga, lauko tyrimo eiga, bet ir tyrėjos refleksijos. Empirinėje dalyje aptariami ir apibendrinami lauko tyrimo metu gauti empiriniai duomenys, išskiriant migrantų iš Lietuvos Šiaurės Airijoje „savos erdvės“ konfigūracijai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the dissertation the combining both the interdisciplinarity and anthropological approach and methodology enables us to have a new look at how questions of place can be linked to migration processes, that is how (trans)migrants connect themselves with place/places in their daily lives. The main questions of the dissertation are: How the international migration transforms (strengthens, weakens etc.) current connections of a (trans)migrant with a place/places (territory/territories) where he or she lived/lives? How (trans)migrational experience makes impact on the construction of sociocultural space? How the formation of “own space” takes place? This dissertation relies namely on the anthropological methodology in structuring and organizing the whole research. The research strategy of particular case - migrants from Lithuania in Northern Ireland (end of 2006 – middle of 2007) enabled the analysis of the phenomenon at a particular point in time. Fieldwork included a combination of research methods: participant observation, semi structured interviews, informal conversations, observation. The theoretical part of dissertation reviews evolution of the term “place” in anthropology, analysis the paradigm of transnationalism and transmigration, the concepts of “home” and “livelihood”, theoretically defines “own space”. Methodological part not only discusses methodological approach and describes evolution of fieldwork, but presents researcher’s reflections as well. Empirical part... [to full text]

Osobní pohled dítěte na výchovu která probíhala mimo vlastní rodinu. / Personal view of a child on upbringing which took place outside their own families. (Analysis of case reports)

ŠVECOVÁ, Valentyna January 2016 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on an analysis of a publicly available monograph, which was chosen deliberately. It deals with an autobiographical story of a girl who grew up in institutional care since the age of four. The work is conceived as a systematically organized set of information. It consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part discusses issues concerning the child's personality, development and basic needs, including family influence on the child. It also describes the system of alternative educational care for children with emphasis on the psychosocial aspects, concerning a child living outside its own family. The empirical part presents the research itself. The aim of the thesis is to find out more about the girl´s personal experience and the way the child perceived the education outside its own family. The main research question reads: How has the institutional education affected the life of the child? This relatively broad research question was further divided into several specific questions: 1. What impact has the child's relationship with its parents had on the life of the child growing up outside its family? 2. What influence has the child's relationship with its siblings had on the life of the child growing up outside its family? 3. What effect has the child's relationship with the educators and to the children's home in which the kid lived had on the life of the child growing up outside its family? The research was conducted as a qualitative investigation on the principle of grounded theory using analysis of the monograph in the form of data collection technique. For our individual case we utilized the method of intensive study with emphasis on a categorized overview, including basic characteristics of the individual's personality, its development, significant experience and attitudes, as well as the individual´s relationships with parents, siblings and wider social environment. The detection of the personal experience and of the opinion of the child on its education outside its own family was carried out by means of qualitative research using grounded theory technique. The data was transferred into the hermeneutic matrix program ATLAS.ti and evaluated using a three-stage coding. The methodological analysis procedure was based on inductive procedures according to the grounded theory technique. In the first step, the data was reduced to the information related to the research. After that, particular codes were created through open coding. These codes were divided into individual categories. In the chapters graphics are used, formed as a part of the coding in the analytical software ATLAS.ti. The results were described, analysed and processed. By research survey, we concluded that the personal view of the child concerning the education outside its own family is positive. This thesis could be beneficial for children's homes and diagnostic institutions. The results of the research could be used to better understand the situation of children in institutional or foster care, by the members of staff and foster parents, as well as by the people who grow up or are brought up outside their own family. This paper could also represent an incentive to perform more extensive research, which would focus on the verification of the generated hypotheses.

The experience of organisational development consultants working in the systems psychodynamic stance

Myburg, Hester Susanna 11 1900 (has links)
When working from the systems psychodynamic stance, consultants experience that they become part of the group dynamics through projection, projective identification, transference and counter-transference. This research was undertaken to explore the impact on consultants doing systems psychodynamic consultation in their own formal system within a large financial institution in South Africa. Findings were that primary (race, gender and age), and secondary (social identity, language and skills, or level of expertise in this consulting stance) diversity factors strongly impact on them. Consultants play a strong containment role. Consultants experienced the effect at all levels of their lives, including intellectual (struggling to function and think clearly), physical (insomnia, eating disorders, usual exercise not helping), emotional (crying and anger) and social (their work not being understood by friends and family, growing apart from loved ones). For all of them the positive spin-off was the personal growth on the journey that they embarked on. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Krása a nedokonalost lidské duše podle sv. Jana od Kříže a sv. Terezie od Ježíše / The Beauty and Faulty the Human Soul of Sv. Jan od Kříže and Sv. Terezie od Ježíše

FIXOVÁ, Soňa January 2007 (has links)
My Thesis occupy the beauty and faulty of the human/s soul according to st. John from Cross and st. Terezie from the Jesus. They write, that for man is important, to his soul united with God and created matrimony. Futher is important, to the man can to pray, can to intimate speak with God. Because God is Lowe and True. Thesis describe, that all humans powers and abilities have to turn to God. And than art of intimate conversation and relation with God isn/t easy, first of all because of largely plenty obstacles of ours world. Futher thesis deal with submission. Each man have to have the submission and then will be id good relation with God. In the next part they write about this, that we have to look (in all things) on the others and help him. I would like to summarize all my work into the one sentence : the man, who live in lowe of God and others and in respekt for God overcome all temptations and obstacles

Řízení vybraných logistických činností ve firmě Agrozet České Budějovice a.s. / Direction selected logistical activitis in the Agrozet České Budějovice a.s. company

NOVÁK, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Target of dissertation: Propose and evaluate new equipments for two storage units. Dissertation{\crq}s plan: Own data and measuring, interviews with management General plan: Importance of supplying warehouses Literature view: Service{\crq}s task, supplying management, management of logistic chain Target and Methodology: Feature of company, origin, current status, structure of organisation Own project: analysis of warehouse processes, evaluation and proposal of new solution,Analysis of operation in three halls, proposal of new equipment


KOUBKOVÁ, Magda January 2009 (has links)
Eating disorders have been studied from different points of view lately. They have occured in the centre of various psychiatric and psychologic diagnostics and therapy surveys and they have also been analysed as a sociocultural element of our lifestyle norms, our values and image standards. The number of men and women suffered from these disorders cannot be neither compared nor omitted. It is statistically clear that about ten per cent of anorexics and bulimics are male patients. Going West, the number of male patients is increasing. These disorders in men are usually connected with jobs, mostly those such as jockeys, gymnasts and dancers. Bulimia and anorexia are reported as typically women disorders therefore men hardly any time concede they can suffer from this problem and need a specialist´s advice.. The aim of the work has been to map eating behaviour, a lifestyle, physical activities and risk factors responsible for eating disorder incidence such as a distorted view of the body and being on a diet among men between the ages of 15 to 30. A quantitative technique approach using questionnaires was applied. There were stated four hypotheses concerning the relation between body acceptance and physical activities, methods used for body weight control and differences in lifestyles of secondary school students.

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