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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dramaturg(i)es du conflit israélo-palestinien en France : entre assignations identitaires et résistances / Theatre performers [and] theatre performances of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in France : between identity assignments and resistances

Thiébot, Emmanuelle 10 December 2019 (has links)
Quelques critiques universitaires ont été écrites sur des spectacles récents prenant pour thématique le conflit israélo-palestinien, mais il n’existe pas d’étude d’ensemble à ce sujet. Par ailleurs, depuis le début des années 2000, plusieurs recherches se sont attachées à préciser les relations qu’entretiennent le théâtre et la politique. Cette thèse vise à approfondir cette réflexion à partir des transferts culturels d’œuvres israéliennes et palestiniennes vers la France, des années 1970 à nos jours.Pour ce faire la méthodologie mise en œuvre articule historiographie du théâtre, histoire des représentations théâtrales et étude du champ de production culturelle en diachronie. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence la persistance de l’Orientalisme renforcé par le déphasage historique entre la France et Israël et l’inégal développement entre la France et la Palestine. La représentation théâtrale peut offrir un espace de résistance aux assignations identitaires subies par les artistes d’Israël et de Palestine, ou bien reproduire les rapports de domination lisibles à travers le degré de légitimité des dramaturg(i)es. La thèse rappelle la complexité des rapports de domination qui ne sont pas réductibles au racisme ou à un « choc de civilisations » mais relèvent d’une hégémonie culturelle entretenue par les institutions théâtrales et universitaires, et critiques dramatiques. Ces instances de légitimation sont analysées ici en tant que productrices d’un discours idéologique dont l’étude remet en question la posture de neutralité qui accompagne l’autonomie de l’art. / In a limited scope, academic critiques have been written on recent productions on the theme of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, still there exists no comprehensive study on the subject. Additionally, several studies have focused on clarifying the relationship between theatre and politics since the early 2000s. The thesis aims to expand on this line of thought, deriving from cultural transfers of Israeli and Palestinian works to France, from the 1970s to the present day.The methodology implemented articulates theatre historiography, history of theatrical performances and the study of the cultural production field in diachrony. The methodology allowed for the highlighting of the persistence of Orientalism, reinforced by the historic phase-shift between France and Israel and the unequal development between France and Palestine. The theatrical performance can either offer a space of resistance to the identity assignements suffered by artists from Israel and Palestine, or can reproduce domination relations that are legible through the degree of legitimacy of the theatre performances and performers. The thesis evokes the complexity of relations of dominance that are not reducible to racism or a "clash of civilizations" but are a cultural hegemony maintained by theatrical and academic institutions, and drama reviewer. These instances of legitimation are analyzed here as producers of an ideological discourse, the study of which challenges the posture of neutrality that accompanies the autonomy of art.

Rámcování události Great March of Return v českých online médiích / Framing the Great March of Return in Czech online media

Krčková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with coverage of the Great March of Return event in selected Czech online media (Aktuálně.cz, Echo24, Haló noviny, iDNES, iRozhlas, Lidovky, Novinky.cz). Demonstrations erupted in early March of 2018, with the goal of returning Palestinians to their historical territories of Israel. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with concept of framing and also expands on the often neglected visual framing. It then covers role of war photography in the media, addresses crisis of photojournalism and provides historical and political context of the Great March of Return. The research part uses concept of framing and aims to analyze way in which Czech online media interpreted researched Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For a more comprehensive insight into this issue, thesis deals with both verbal and textual content, which is examined at the same time or compared with each other. For the possibility of testing different perspectives, diploma thesis uses both quantitative and qualitative framing methods.

Stabilizační role Egypta na Blízkém východě: Egypt jako zaujatý mediátor v izraelsko-palestinském konfliktu / Stabilizing role of Egypt in the Middle East

Bednářová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the question of Egypt's role of a biased mediator towards the Palestinian side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and its stabilising effects on the region in the form of a case study applying the theory of a biased mediator in conflict resolution on the Egyptian example. In addition to this, the goal of this thesis is to demonstrate the beneficial effects of different forms of mediation activities and their combination, including biased and neutral mediation, in the transformation of intractable and protracted conflicts into their tractable form, using the example of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The identification of Egypt's positive role in contributing to the resolving of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, of which it was once a warrying party, portrays the transformational capacity of conflicts. The thesis also highlights Egypt's potential in moderating extremist trends in the region, also through the successful mediation efforts in the inter-palestinian conflict involving the Fatah and Hamas movements, contributed to by Egypt's changing position in the region, her historical role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and her strategic and security concerns in the region.

Turecko jako mediátor izraelsko-palestinského konfliktu : analýza dosavadní role a potenciálu do budoucna / Turkey as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: analysis of existing role and future potential

Michálková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with past mediation attempts of Turkey to solve the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and with the potential of future Turkish mediation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been for several decades one of the biggest problems for the international security, therefore, analysing possible solutions is very important. Turkey is an actor with a special position, because it is a regional power with ties both to Islamic culture and to the West. That is why it has in theory a potential to play successful mediation role in this conflict. In this thesis, we will evaluate Turkey's existing role and after that, we will analyse the future potential with the help of the mediation conceptual framework that is described in the scholarly literature on conflict resolution and conflict management. Our research questions are: Can Turkey play a successful mediator role in the future? If yes, what conditions have to take place? Turkey tries to play a role in this conflict since the early 1990s and despite the fact that there has been a disruption of the diplomatic relations between Israel and Turkey, it is very likely that in the future a normalization will occur. If that happes, can Turkey broker peace?

Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalista

Fuente Espinosa, María Teresa de la 02 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación trata de explorar y comprender la situación que se vive en Palestina de la mano de algunas de sus protagonistas, mujeres activistas y comprometidas que con su vida cotidiana luchan y resisten a una injusta ocupación y colonización llevada a cabo por el Estado de Israel. Desde un posicionamiento epistemológico activista y feminista me acercaré a ellas, a sus prácticas y a sus discursos, con el fin de entender, en primer lugar, qué tipo de violencias experimentan sus vidas y qué herramientas y tecnologías utiliza el Estado israelí para construir un aparato neocolonial racista y violento que deshumaniza las vidas palestinas. Pero también trataré de averiguar cómo hacen frente estas mujeres a todas estas violencias. Aprenderé de sus discursos decoloniales a deconstruir la imagen islamófoba que ha construido Occidente sobre las mujeres musulmanas con hiyab, supuestamente víctimas y sumisas; y analizaré sus prácticas de lucha y resistencia, comprendiendo que la no-violencia y la solidaridad internacionalista feminista son el camino hacia la rehumanización de las, en palabras de Butler, vidas que no merecen ser lloradas. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca tracta d'explorar i comprendre la situació que es viu en Palestina de la mà d'algunes de les seues protagonistes, dones activistes i compromeses que amb la seua vida quotidiana lluiten i resisteixen a una injusta ocupació i colonització duta a terme per l'Estat d'Israel. Des d'un posicionament epistemològic activista i feminista m'acostaré a elles, a les seues pràctiques i als seus discursos, amb la finalitat d'entendre, en primer lloc, quin tipus de violències experimenten les seues vides i quines eines i tecnologies utilitza l'Estat israelià per a construir un aparell neocolonial racista i violent que deshumanitza les vides palestines. Però també tractaré d'esbrinar com fan front aquestes dones a totes aquestes violències. Aprendré dels seus discursos decolonials a desconstruir l'imatge islamòfoba que ha construït Occident sobre les dones musulmanes amb hijab, suposadament víctimes i submises; i analitzaré les seues pràctiques de lluita i resistència, comprenent que la no-violència i la solidaritat internacionalista feminista són el camí cap a la rehumanització de les, en paraules de Butler, vides que no mereixen ser plorades. / [EN] This research work tries to explore and understand the situation that exists in Palestine from some of its protagonists' voices, activist and committed women who, with their daily lives, fight and resist an unjust occupation and colonization carried out by the State of Israel. From an activist and feminist epistemological position, I will approach them, their practices and their discourses, in order to understand, in the first place, what kind of violence are their lives experience and what tools and technologies the Israeli State uses to build a neocolonial, racist and violent apparatus that dehumanizes Palestinian lives. But I will also try to find out how these women face all this violence. I will learn from her decolonial speeches to deconstruct the Islamophobic image that the West has built on Muslim women with hijab, supposedly victims and submissive; and I will analyze their practices of struggle and resistance, understanding that non-violence and feminist internationalist solidarity are the ways to rehumanize those, in Butler's words, lives that do not deserve to be mourned. / Fuente Espinosa, MTDL. (2022). Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalista [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182384 / TESIS

Framing the Fight: The Creation of Political Role Conceptions by the News Media in Coverage of Israeli Disengagement from the Gaza Strip

Dodson, Marianne E. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Israel-Palestina-konflikten på Instagram. : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de termer som muslimska influensers delar via sina Instagramstorys kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. / The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. : A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Terms That Muslim Influencers Share via Their Instagram Stories Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Zeidan, Lejla January 2022 (has links)
Under våren 2021 trappades spänningarna mellan Israel och Palestina ännu en gång upp och sociala medier frodades av politiska budskap. Israel-Palestina-konflikten är ett omdebatterat ämne men det saknas ofta ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv för att öka förståelsen för konflikten, specifikt synen på Israel och judar/judendomen. Syftet med denna studie är att kritiskt undersöka vilka inlägg som delas på Instagram av två muslimska influensers (Bella Hadid och Isabella Podesta) och hur de använder sina plattformar för att sprida information och uppmana till aktivism kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ett kodschema infogades för att granska de termer som förekom iinfluensernas Instagramstorys samt i vilken utsträckning. Teorin som applicerades på resultatet och i diskussion var religiopolitik. Sammanfattningsvis kan man se att Instagraminläggen som de muslimska influenserna Hadid och Podesta sprider på Instagram kring termerna apartheid, folkmord och antisionism i förhållande till Israel-Palestina-konflikten främst bidrar med avhumanisering och ett onyanserat perspektiv. Genom avhumaniseringen bidrar man med en negativ syn på Israel och i längden en negativ syn på judar och judendomen.Termerna apartheid, antisionism och folkmord användes okritiskt och med en ovetenskaplig grund vilket kan resultera i att förståelse kring konflikten snarare minskar än ökar. Andra termer som ofta förekom var ´Free Palestine´ och inlägg som berörde barns lidande vilket kan vara en grund till framtida forskning kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. / In the spring of 2021, tensions between Israel and Palestine escalated once again and social media flourished with political messages. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a controversial topic and there is often a lack of a religious perspectives to increase understanding of the conflict, specifically the view of Israel and Jews/Judaism. The purpose of this study is to critically examine the posts shared on Instagram by two Muslim influencers (Bella Hadid and Isabella Podesta) and how they use their platforms to spread information and encourage activism surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The method used was qualitative content analysis and a code-schema was inserted to examine the terms that appeared in the influencers' Instagram stories as well as to what extent. Religiopolitical theory was applied to the results and the discussion. In summary, the Instagram posts that the Muslim influencers Hadid and Podesta spread on Instagram surrounding the terms apartheid, genocide and anti-Zionism in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, mainly contribute to dehumanization and a lessernuanced perspective. Dehumanization contributes to a negative view of Israel and, in the long run, a negative view of Jews and Judaism as well as Zionists. The terms apartheid, anti-Zionism and genocide were used uncritically and with an unscientific basis, which may result in a decreased understanding of the conflict rather than an increased understanding. Other terms that often occurred, as per the code-schema, were ´Free Palestine´ and posts that concerned children's suffering, which may be a basis for future research regarding the Israeli-Palestinianconflict.

Les assassinats ciblés, facette méconnue de la guerre israélo-palestinienne

Reid, Bianca 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’analyser les impacts et l’efficacité de la politique d’assassinats ciblés d’Israël dans le cadre du conflit israélo-palestinien. Pour ce faire, trois angles d’approches sont utilisés; militaire, légale et politique. Pour cette raison, l’hypothèse de départ soutient que la politique compromet la résolution du conflit et se divise en trois sections. Tout d’abord, les assassinats ciblés nuisent au règlement du conflit car ils engendrent un cycle de représailles contre Israël. Deuxièmement, ils représentent une violation du droit international ainsi que du droit national israélien. Finalement, ils sont un sérieux obstacle à la résolution politique du conflit dû au climat de violence et de méfiance qu’ils instaurent. Dans la conclusion, il est retenu que, bien que la politique d’assassinats ciblés ne soit pas efficace pour lutter contre les organisations terroristes, elle n’engendre cependant pas d’effet contreproductif de cycle de violence. Dans un second temps, la politique va à l’encontre de lois internationales mais elle peut cependant être justifiée par certains articles issus de ces mêmes textes alors que la Cour suprême israélienne a reconnu que certaines opérations pouvaient s’avérées légales. Troisièmement, elle nuit bel et bien à la résolution politique du conflit israélopalestinien en exacerbant les tensions de par le climat qu’elle instaure. Finalement, les nombreux impacts de celle-ci sur le conflit n’en font pas une politique efficace. / This goal of this thesis is to analyse the impact and effectiveness of the Israeli targeted killing policy within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To this end, three different approaches will be used; military, legal and political. Our hypothesis supports that the policy impedes the resolution to the conflict and is divided into three sections. First of all, Israeli targeted killings impede the conflict resolution because they, in turn, generate retaliations against Israel. Secondly it is a clear violation of international rights, including those of the Israelis. Finally, the policy is a serious obstacle to the settlement of the conflict due to the violent and distrustful atmosphere it arouses. In the conclusion, it is said that, although the policy does not prove to be an effective measure to fight terrorism, neither does it create an escalating cycle of violence. Secondly, the policy is a violation of the international legal system; however it can still be justified by some of the articles present in the same law texts. The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that some of the operations could be legal. Thirdly, it is effectively detrimental to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because the ambiance it creates exacerbates tensions. In conclusion, the myriad of impacts the policy has on the conflict make it ineffective.

Des pacifistes israéliens : contextualisation sociohistorique de l’émergence des camps de la paix achkenazim et haredim (1881-2009)

Séguin, Michaël 12 1900 (has links)
Facile de discourir sur la paix ; complexe, par contre, d’évaluer si paroles et gestes y contribuent vraiment. De manière critique, ce mémoire cherche à contextualiser l’émergence de la nation israélienne de 1881 à 1948, de même qu’un certain nombre de forces pacifistes juives, religieuses comme séculières, sionistes comme anti-sionistes, que cette société a engendrées ou provoquées de la fin du XIXe siècle à aujourd’hui. Dans un premier temps, quatre stratégies utilisées pour construire l’État juif sont explorées : la voie pratique (l’établissement de mochavot, kibboutzim et mochavim), la voie diplomatique (le lobbying de Herzl et Weizmann), la voie sociopolitique (la formation de syndicats, de l’Agence juive et du Va’ad Leoumi) et enfin la voie militaire (la mise sur pied d’organisations paramilitaires telles la Hagana, l’Irgoun, le Lehi et le Palmah). Cette exploration permet de mieux camper le problème de la légalité et de la légitimité des nations palestinienne et israélienne. Dans un deuxième temps, une approche conceptuelle et une approche empirique sont combinées pour mieux comprendre ce qu’est un camp de la paix. L’exploration conceptuelle remet en question les critères qu’utilisent certains chercheurs afin d’identifier si une organisation contribue, ou non, à la construction de la paix. L’exploration empirique trace les contours de deux camps de la paix israéliens : les militants de la gauche séculière achkenazi (un pacifisme qui a émergé dans les années 1970) et les religieux haredim (un pacifisme opposé à l’idéologie sioniste dès ses débuts). Ce survol permet de saisir que tout système de croyances peut provoquer la guerre autant que la paix. La conclusion discute des défis du dialogue intercivilisationnel, des défis tant intranationaux (l’harmonie sociale israélienne entre les juifs achkenazim, mizrahim, russes, éthiopiens, etc.) qu’internationaux (la paix entre les Palestiniens et les Israéliens). / It is easy to speak of peace, but much more difficult to evaluate to what extent one’s actions really contribute to it. This master’s thesis seeks to critically contextualize the emergence of the Israeli nation from 1881 to 1948 and highlight certain Jewish pacifist forces, religious and secular, zionist and anti-zionist, which this society has generated or compelled into being from the end of the XIXth century until today. First, four strategies used to build the Jewish state are explored: the practical path (setting up moshavot, kibbutzim and moshavim), the diplomatic path (Herzl and Weizmann’s lobbying), the sociopolitical path (establishing unions, the Jewish Agency and the Va’ad Leumi) and finally the military path (setting up paramilitary organizations such as Hagana, Irgun, Lehi and Palmach). This exploration allows the researcher to better frame the issue of the legality and legitimacy of the Palestinian and Israeli nations. Secondly, the notion of peace camp is investigated using a combined conceptual and empirical approach. The conceptual inquiry questions the criteria used by some scholars to determine whether an organization contributes or not to peacebuilding. The empirical inquiry examines two peace camps: the Ashkenazi secular left (a pacifism that emerged in the 1970s) and the religious Haredim (a pacifism opposed to the zionist ideology from the start). This overview highlights the fact that any belief system can incite war as well as peace. The conclusion discusses the challenges of intercivilizational dialogue, challenges that are both intranational (social harmony between Ashkenazim, Mizrachim, Russian, Ethiopian, etc. Israeli Jews) and international (peace between Palestinians and Israelis).

Operace Ochranné ostří na stránkách vybraných francouzských a českých deníků / Operation Protective Edge in selected french and czech daily newspapers

Ondrová, Sára January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis explores how the selected Czech and French media inform about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict using the operation Protective Edge, from summer 2014, as an example. Theory of the thesis is based on the relationship between power and media in society and examines reciprocal impact between political and media power. Two national daily newspapers from each country were chosen for the analysis. These two newspapers also present opposite poles of the political spectrum in each country. Media contents of the daily newspapers Mladá fronta DNES, Právo, Le Figaro and Le Monde are analysed with combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. This methodology helps to create a comprehensive image of the conflict represented by the researched media. Quantitative analysis aims to describe the balance of the coverage and differences between French and Czech media in context with the representation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The research also focuses on the impact of the foreign policy of France and the Czech Republic on media contents of the analysed media. Qualitative analysis works with smaller sample of texts and aims to present the representation of the war by the French and Czech media.

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