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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från Googol till Google : En analys av Googles sekretesspolicy satt i ett övervakningsperspektiv

Westlund, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
Sociala medier har blivit ett givet sätt att kommunicera genom och att vara en del av den sociala gemenskapen på Internet har sina fördelar. Men vad många inte tänker på är vad som händer med den information vi delar med oss av i olika sociala forum på Internet. Att det finns en kontroll över oss, subtil eller inte, är självklart. Vi övervakas dagligen och många gånger utan att vi ens vet om det. Google som sökmotor på Internet har under det senaste decenniet uppnått en enorm popularitet. Det vardagliga användandet av företagets söktjänst över hela världen har kommit att bli så stor att det har verbaliserats – Idag söker vi inte information på Google, vi googlar. Föreliggande uppsats tittar på Google som företag och hur deras tjänst har en stor del i individers informationssökning på Internet. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka på vilket sätt Google förmedlar sin nya sekretesspolicy och vilket eller vilka budskap som förs fram. Därefter kommer detta sättas i in ett övervakningsperspektiv, där ambitionen är att se huruvida Internet som fenomen, framför allt användandet av Googles tjänster, har kommit att problematisera den privata integriteten hos användarna. Syftet besvaras med hjälp av två frågeställningar: Vad förmedlar Google med sin nya policy? Hur påverkas den enskilda användarens integritet i Googles nya policy? Det teoretiska ramverket för uppsatsen består av Michel Foucaults vidareutveckling av begreppet panopticon, samt Thomas Mathiesens icke-panoptiska begrepp synopticon. De båda begreppen tas upp som metaforer för övervakning idag. Studien genomfördes genom att först titta på Googles sekretesspolicy som nylanserades i mars 2012. Denna policy analyserades genom att använda Carol Lee Bacchis metod – What’s the problem represented to be (WPR). Denna analytiska metod har ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till policys med inspiration från Foucaults maktdefinition och handlar om att granska problematiseringen i en policy. När sekretesspolicyn analyserats med hjälp av den valda metoden, sattes detta resultat in i ett övervakningsperspektiv. Jag framhåller att Google genom att beskriva processen vid informationsinsamlandet lägger fokus på varför information samlas in om sina användare, som ett resultat av det faktum att information samlas in. De fördelar som Google menar kommer med varför information samlas in om sina användare, används som incitament, med vilket företaget legitimerar denna subtila form av övervakning. Denna form av övervakning som kommer av informationslagring menar jag dock inte nödvändigtvis, ensidigt, bör ses som en nackdel. Slutsatsen för uppsatsens analys argumenterar för att vi som konsumenter på Internet kan se såväl fördelar som nackdelar med detta informationsutbyte då vi, mer eller mindre, deltar i denna maktprocess.

Istanbul: An Urban Panopticon

Ozden, Ozge 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In the twenty-first century that we are living, most of the contemporary metropolises are under constant visual electronic surveillance under the name of security and public safety. Istanbul as being one of the big cities has joined this surveilled metropolises / its streets and public spaces are under constant watch by the invisible watchers behind the MOBESE cameras. The way that the system works on how to impose power on the citizens with the constant observation has it roots in the design principle of Panopticon that Jeremy Bentham created long time ago. Today, Bentham&rsquo / s eighteenth century design Panopticon has dispersed and merged into the urban scale and replaced by these surveillance cameras. The observation tower and the guardian in panopticon have transformed into the main control room and the cameras. Citizens in Istanbul are under a panoptic power of surveillance. Ordinary citizen is being watched by the invisible guardians behind the cameras. The ones behind the cameras constantly see everything, but never seen by the citizens. This thesis attempts to discuss this assumption of Istanbul becoming an urban panopticon and its affects on the physical layout together with the social aspect of it in Istanbul. One of the main objectives is to investigate the consequences of this visual surveillance on the way that the public life and public spaces of Istanbul is affected.

Immigration Legislation's Panoptic Gaze Through A Legal, Theoretical and Empirical Lens

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: From its founding, the United States has always claimed to be a nation of immigrants, yet in the past century the issue of immigration has become an even more contentious political issue surrounded by heated rhetoric filled with passion, but devoid of information. This thesis hopes to interrupt this rhetoric with a thorough analysis of immigration politics in Arizona through a legal lens, a theoretical lens and an empirical lens. While this thesis by no means looks at all facets of immigration politics, it informs in a manner that adds depth by providing information on the history behind, and legal arguments surrounding, the most contentious piece of immigration legislation in the United States at the moment. It then provides a theoretical analysis of how immigration legislation has created carceral networks and a panoptic gaze in Arizona specifically. It ends with a recommendation for further empirical research to partner with both the legal and theoretical frameworks. This thesis concludes that, fortified with over a century of case law, the plenary power doctrine is unwavering, and it makes federal immigration legislation an overly powerful tool in our political system from which the courts can offer little if any protection. Congress walks a fine line between preempting immigration regulation and devolving immigration regulation. SB 1070 and the 287(g) program are two contested areas of immigration regulation, which both exhibit and alter the power relationships of immigration politics in Arizona. Additionally, the application of the theories of Michel Foucault illuminates the power relationships at play in Arizona - from the power relationships among nation states in the broader political arena of geopolitics and colonialism to the face-to-face power relationship between a police officer and a stopped/detained/arrested person in a Foucauldian carceral network. This thesis ends with a call for empirical research that would yield an opportunity to analyze these relationships. This thesis discusses the importance of empirical study. It situates the study within the genre of surveillance studies and its theorists. It analyzes similar studies, and identifies the variables the most illuminating for this analysis. This thesis is written in the hope that a researcher will pick up where this thesis has left off. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Social Justice and Human Rights 2011

The North Korean Security State: Examining the North Korean Population through Michel Foucault's Theories of Discipline and Punishment

Sanders, Christopher Sun 21 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis uses ideas found in Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish and related works as a theoretic framework for examining daily life in North Korea to understand what type of disciplinary techniques North Korean citizens are subjected to by the North Korean state. This paper will define several disciplinary strategies discussed by Foucault and then show how these strategies are deployed against the North Korean population through multiple examples. Analysis will demonstrate that these disciplinary strategies prevent political instability and suppress ideas dangerous to the North Korean regime, even while the North Korean regime fails to provide basic services for its population. As a result, the reader will have a better understanding of why the North Korean people seem so disciplined and do not rebel against the North Korean regime in the face of state-made disasters and hardships. / Master of Arts


Khan, Nubaira January 2022 (has links)
Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon is a theoretical prison that was developed in 1787 as a way to punish and reform people convicted of crime. It involved a circular building with a central guard tower, from which an omnipresent and omniscient warden would constantly surveille the inmates who were kept in solitary confinement. Although the prison was never physically constructed, elements of the panopticon are present in many aspects of our social structure and power systems. This paper explores Bentham’s original work, the post-modern responses to it, and present day manifestations of the panopticon through a bioethics lens in order to develop a metaphorical tool that can be used examine and explain how power is systematized and functionalized by those who control it, the effects on those who are subject to it, and how the systems are exploited to the point of dysfunction. / Urban Bioethics

Facebook and Panopticism: Healthy Curiosity or Stalking?

Kennedy, Mary Catherine January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Quantum Panopticon : A theory of surveillance for the quantum era

Olsson, Erik January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines how the race for quantum supremacy challenges current theoretical assumptions that underpin the data privacy literature. In pursuing this goal, the study examines the global surveillance infrastructure and introduces the concept of a quantum panopticon. As the traditional panopticon metaphor relies on a spatial dimension to understand surveillance, the quantum panopticon adds a temporal dimension, illustrating how a future watchman can look back on decrypted data. This theoretical contribution offers a new perspective on internet surveillance in the dawning quantum era. As such, the thesis brings the data preservation literature into dialogue with the cryptographic literature, while also connecting the ethical and political debate on data privacy with the more technical literature on encryption and surveillance.

“Big brother sees you” : A qualitative study on users’ experiences with targeted advertising on Facebook

Ali, Marwa, Hollgren, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
As a consequence of the exposure of scandals involving targeted advertising and data collection, privacy concerns have arisen among users of social media, in particular Facebook. Previous research studies demonstrate that consumers have little knowledge about online behavioural advertising and hold misconceptions about it. According to a recent study by Internetstiftelsen (2021), 85% of Swedish internet users are concerned about big companies collecting data about them, and most people are unaware of the extent to which their online behaviour and activities are monitored. This study aims to examine how Swedish users on Facebook experience the platform's advertisements that are tailored to them. Moreover, this study also explores users’ privacy concerns in relation to advertising on the platform. To implement this study, qualitative interviews have been carried out with eight respondents in the age group 30-50 years of age. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis to answer the study’s research questions. The theoretical frameworks that have been implemented in this study are the “Big brother effect”, the panopticon effect and the digital panopticon. These concepts about surveillance have been complemented by previous research on algorithmic decision-making technologies, privacy concerns, perceptions about targeted advertising and personalisation. Based on the conducted interviews in this study, the results show that Swedish people between the ages of 30-50 years feel that they are being monitored on the platform and this, in turn, raised concerns about a violation of privacy among some of the users, in particular when they feel that Facebook monitors private conversations or intercept them. Participants in this study are more concerned about how much and what data Facebook collects rather than data being utilised for commercial purposes. The result further showed that most of the respondents do not read Facebook's terms and policies even though they claim that they do not trust Facebook with their personal information. Users in this study experience that there is too much advertising on Facebook, while also finding it more pleasant and preferable to get ads that are based on their interests and behaviour rather than receiving randomised ads. / Som en följd av att skandaler med riktad reklam och datainsamling avslöjats har det uppstått oro kring integriteten bland användare på sociala medier, särskilt på Facebook. Tidigare forskningsstudier visar att konsumenterna har lite kunskap om beteendestyrd reklam på nätet och har felaktiga uppfattningar om den. Enligt en nyligen genomförd undersökning från Internetstiftelsen (2021), är 85% av svenska internetanvändare oroliga över att stora företag samlar in uppgifter om de och de flesta är omedvetna om i vilken utsträckning deras beteende och aktiviteter på nätet övervakas. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka hur svenska användare på Facebook upplever plattformens annonser som är skräddarsydda för dem. Vidare undersöker denna studie även användarnas oro för integritet i relation till reklam på plattformen. För att genomföra denna studie har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med åtta respondenter i åldersgruppen 30-50 år. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. De teoretiska ramverk som har implementerats i denna studie är "Big brother-effekten", panoptikon-effekten och det digitala panoptikonet. Dessa begrepp om övervakning har kompletterats med tidigare forskning om algoritmiskt beslutsfattande teknologier, oro för integritet, uppfattningar om riktad reklam och personlig marknadsföring. Baserat på de genomförda intervjuerna i den här studien visar resultaten att svenskar i åldrarna 30-50 år känner att de övervakas på plattformen och detta i sin tur väckte oro för kränkning av integriteten hos vissa av användarna, särskilt när de känner att Facebook övervakar privata samtal eller avlyssnar dem. Respondenterna i denna studie är mer oroade över hur mycket och vilka uppgifter Facebook samlar in snarare än att uppgifterna används i kommersiella syften. Vidare visade resultatet att de flesta av de tillfrågade inte läser Facebooks villkor och policyer trots att de hävdar att de inte litar på Facebook när det gäller deras personliga information. Användarna i denna studie upplever att det ibland blir för mycket reklam på Facebook, samtidigt som de tycker att det är bättre att få annonser som är baserade på deras intresse och beteende snarare än att få slumpmässiga annonser.

Att leva för öppen ridå : En analys av övervakningstemat i tre dystopier / Beneath the Eyes of Everyone : An Analysis of the Surveillance Theme in Three Dystopian Novels

Bergström, Lotta January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Vakande ögon : På gott eller ont?

Nyberg, Josefine January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Watching eyes – for better or worse (Vakande ögon – på gott eller ont?)</p><p>Number of pages: 34 (41 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Josefine Nyberg</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn term 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is partly to make a study about how people understand camera supervise, and partly discuss what their opinions are concering the subject.</p><p>Key Questions: Which or what is the mainpurpose of camerasurveillance? What does the public think about the subject? When can there be an insult against the integrity while using the cameras? What is private and what is public? What is the posibilities and threats in the future?</p><p>Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used. Four interviewes, one personale interview with a policeofficer from Uppsala and three focusgroupinterviwes with people from Stockholm, have been done. Then the results from the interviewes have been compared with earlier theories and reaserches. By reading publicdocuments, press releases and reports from the government, I have gather information for the essay.</p><p>Main results: Even if the public are aware of the cameras and knows that they allmoust allways are whatched by the electronic eye, they don´t seem to care that much about the constant surveillance. Even if they observe the cameras at first they quickly forget about them. The cameras real purpose is working fairly good, even if the public thinks that thecameras should obstruct all the crimes. Allthough the cameras are preventing manycrimes and discourage people from committing minor crime, just by its appearance.</p><p>Keywords: Attitudes, opinions, interviews, Panopticon, public, camera supervise, privacy and public.</p>

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