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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liberation or Reconstruction: a critical survey on the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of Reconstruction theology

Solomons, Demaine Jason January 2010 (has links)
Magister Theologiae - MTh / The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of reconstruction theology. It offers a critical survey of a range of contributions on this issue, questioning whether scholars who have used Black theology as a form of self description should shift emphasis, from the paradigm of liberation to reconstruction. The significance of this study has to be understood within the context of the proposal to redirect African theological initiatives from liberation theologies to reconstruction theology. The basis for this call was the end of apartheid in South Africa, which signalled the independence of all countries on the African continent. / South Africa

Towards a philosophical understanding of agile software methodologies : the case of Kuhn versus Popper

Northover, Mandy 24 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is original in using the contrasting ideas of two leading 20th century philosophers of science, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, to provide a philosophical understanding, firstly, of the shift from traditional software methodologies to the so-called Agile methodologies, and, secondly, of the values, principles and practices underlying the most prominent of the Agile methodologies, Extreme Programming (XP). This dissertation will take a revisionist approach, following Fuller—the founder of social epistemology—in reading Popper against Kuhn's epistemological hegemony. The investigations in this dissertation relate to two main branches of philosophy— epistemology and ethics. The epistemological part of this dissertation compares both Kuhn and Popper's alternative ideas of the development of scientific knowledge to the Agile methodologists' ideas of the development of software, in order to assess the extent to which Agile software development resembles a scientific discipline. The investigations relating to ethics in this dissertation transfer concepts from social engineering—in particular, Popper's distinction between piecemeal and utopian social engineering—to software engineering, in order to assess both the democratic and authoritarian aspects of Agile software development and management. The use of Kuhn's ideas of scientific revolutions and paradigm shift by several leading figures of the Agile software methodologies—most notably, Kent Beck, the leader of the most prominent Agile software methodology, Extreme Programming (XP)—to predict a fundamental shift from traditional to Agile software methodologies, is critically assessed in this dissertation. A systematic investigation into whether Kuhn's theory as a whole, can provide an adequate account of the day-to-day practice of Agile software development is also provided. As an alternative to the use of Kuhn's ideas, the critical rationalist philosophy of Karl Popper is investigated. On the one hand, this dissertation assesses whether the epistemological aspects of Popper's philosophy—especially his notions of falsificationism, evolutionary epistemology, and three worlds metaphysics—provide a suitable framework for understanding the philosophical basis of everyday Agile software development. On the other hand, the aspects of Popper's philosophy relating to ethics, which provide an ideal for scientific practice in an open society, are investigated in order to determine whether they coincide with the avowedly democratic values of Agile software methodologies. The investigations in this dissertation led to the following conclusions. Firstly, Kuhn's ideas are useful in predicting the effects of the full-scale adoption of Agile methodologies, and they describe the way in which several leaders of the Agile methodologies promote their methodologies; they do not, however, account for the detailed methodological practice of Agile software development. Secondly, several aspects of Popper's philosophy, were found to be aligned with several aspects of Agile software development. In relation to epistemology, Popper's principle of falsificationism provides a criterion for understanding the rational and scientific basis of several Agile principles and practices, his evolutionary epistemology resembles the iterative-incremental design approach of Agile methodologies, and his three worlds metaphysical model provides an understanding of both the nature of software, and the approach advocated by the Agile methodologists' of creating and sharing knowledge. In relation to ethics, Popper's notion of an open society provides an understanding of the rational and ethical basis of the values underlying Agile software development and management, as well as the piecemeal adoption of Agile software methodologies. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Architecture for the emerging missional paradigm amomg faith communities in Botswana - In dialogue with Bosch

Henry, Desmond 18 October 2010 (has links)
The indispensability of the Church [in Africa] is the primary motive for the writing of this dissertation. Throughout the centuries, we have seen the Church in various contexts, and in many forms. We have borne witness to the good, bad and the ugly throughout the history of the Church. It is my belief that any constructive growth for the future success of the Church in Africa has to come from the bold recognition that if it is to succeed and fully partake in the Missio Dei, 'everything must change' (McLaren 2007). There is need for continuity and discontinuity; however, change is not negotiable!! The Church is called to be both confessional and Missional; the Church should always be forming (ecclesia simper formanda), and reforming (ecclesia simper reformanda)(van Gelder 2007). Therefore, there is a need to rediscover the essence of Jesus‟ intention for the Church; that is God‟s redeemed people, and their view of God‟s Kingdom with its various implications for an African Missiology. There is a need for Missional Churches in Africa, for dialogue, and for unity in action. In this dissertation, I will endeavour to present architecture for a Missional Ecclesiology in dialogue with Bosch; focusing on the emerging renaissance of African Missiology, and the current Pneumatological importance/ emphasis in many African Churches (otherwise known as African independent Churches- AIC). I have used the word architecture to mean overall framework emphasizing relationships between components, orientation and support as well as the innovative response to functional necessity. The focus/ niche of this dissertation will be faith communities in Botswana, because that is my current context of ministry, and there is an obvious research gap in this area of study as nothing has been researched and published in terms of an emerging Missional Ecclesiology amongst faith communities in Botswana. I will seek to collect, analyze and interpret current as well as historical data regarding Church (mission), population and emerging areas of concern for faith communities in Botswana, and, by implication, Southern Africa. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted

Nominal Morphology in Russian Correspondence 1700-1715 : Part One - Part Two

Midy, Isabelle January 2011 (has links)
The materials examined here consist of 121 Russian letters dating from 1700-1715. The present study aims to  define a stage in linguistic evolution and analyze the morphological heterogeneity in the textual corpus. The letters are divided into three categories: private, semiofficial, and official. All nomina (substantives, adjectives, pronouns, and numerals) are registered and their occurrences processed statistically case by grammatical case. The focus is on linguistic features where a choice is possible and variation is in evidence. Conservatism asserts itself primarily in strongly standardized texts such as the official correspondence, while  phonetic spelling reflecting akanie and dialectally influenced syncretism between different cases (e.g., the GDLsg) is observable mainly in the private letters, which consitute the least standardized category. There is a trend break among u-genitives and u-locatives, where our findings indicate that the u-ending is losing ground. A statistically established correlation between declensional type and the presence/absence of a coordinated adjunct is noted in the instrumental plural of masculine o-, jo-stems. The choice of the archaizing Ipl-ending suggests that repetition of the –mi- element is perceived to be redundant. In the singular paradigm of the adjective the feminine instrumental forms are strongly conservative, and the modern short ending occurs in only a few instances. In the nominative plural the modern ending –ye, -ie dominates for all cases and in all letter categories. The use of samyj for the comparative degree is not particularly prominent in these 18th-century letters. Because this descriptive comparison type developed in the 17th century, its use could have been expected to rise in the 18th, but our materials do not indicate any such increase. With few exceptions, pronouns generally display forms corresponding to modern usage. One notable deviation is the occurrence of a pronoun with an adjectival ending in the genitive singular (tago), but it is an idiosyncratic feature. Numerals for the most part correspond to modern usage, although their low frequency does not invite generalizations. / <p>978-91-86071-61-5 (del 1), 978-91-86071--62-2 (del 2), 978-91-86071-63-9 (del 1-2)</p>

Reflective Thinking and Teacher Candidates’ Paradigm Shift

Facun-Granadozo, Ruth 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Reflective Thinking and Teacher Candidates’ Paradigm Shift

Facun-Granadozo, Ruth 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Accounting Theory: A Neglected Topic in Academic Accounting Research

Al-Adeem, Khalid Rasheed January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Paradigm shift : effective implementation and enforcement of laws to radically accelerate the delivery of quality elementary and further education in South Africa : lessons from China, Finland and Singapore

Sefoka, Isaiah Mmatipa January 2021 (has links)
Thesis ((LLD.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The delivery of substandard education to the leaners in South African schools has become a pressing concern and needs special attention. This is so despite the advent of democracy in 1994, which brought legislative frameworks and other measures promoting access to quality education. This study seeks to highlight the importance of a radical paradigm shift in educational approach, from a single (access) to a dual system (access and delivery) in South Africa. The study examines adequacy of access to education, by evaluating the effectiveness of delivery. The study emphasizes that delivery should be strengthened in order to develop skills and capacity. The study also accentuates the need to strengthen legislative measures and compliance, in order to improve the delivery of quality education to the leaners. The domestic laws such as the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Skills Development Act, the South African Schools Act, Further Education and Training Act and the Continuing Education and Training Act, which all cover access and full delivery of quality education, will be examined. It is pertinent to point out that the delivery of quality education and skills development, can improve the employability of leaners and graduates, wherever they find themselves. Consequently, it is fundamentally important to increase interest in strengthening the implementation of the skills development legislation and policies, to drive the necessary change from access to delivery, in order to meet the developmental needs of the country. Lessons are drawn from China, Finland and Singapore, where policies and laws are utilized for the purpose of comparative studies. The rationale for such a comparative analysis is premised on the fact that these countries have very strong educational systems, which promotes the employability of learners, and also enables learners to become self-reliant and entrepreneurs.

Innovating the learning process in higher education throughthe integration of theory and practice in partnership with Industry and Students

Anderson Mlabwa, Daniel, Hajipour, Farhang January 2022 (has links)
The VUCA (which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) conditions have overshadowed the national and global higher education systems, and social and economic systems are increasingly becoming dependent on knowledge and innovations. There is a call for the global higher education systems to attain a new set of quality standards (Waller et al., 2019). Traditional teaching methodologies and outdated pedagogical frameworks lowered motivation and engagement in the learning processes and fueled the rising of the gap between theory and practice (Ferns, Rowe and Zegwaard, 2021; Hays, 2014). Work Integrated Learning is a pedagogical framework that holds tremendous potential for bridging this gap through up to date alternative means while reinforcing a sustainable engagement between industry, students and academia (Hays, 2014). This study was investigating the cause of contemporary challenges and the impact of emerging VUCA conditions in the ecosystem of students, academia, and industry. In the following, the main features and potential utilities of work-integrated learning (WIL) as a framework for presenting interactive learning innovations were explored. Moreover, the paper was also looking at the concept of the knowledge economy as a growth paradigm under the influence of the emerging internet tools which pave the doors for conducting simulated or virtual work-integrated learning by changing the ways of knowledge creation and its delivery. The primary research is based on a quantitative survey shared with a sample space of 35 KTH masters students, who were purposively selected due to, firstly their remote education experience, and secondly their participation in the learning through a scenario-based gamified online course. The research aims to identify the main areas that VUCA threatening higher education while assessing the utility of work-integrated learning to bridge the theory and practice gap and form a sustainable partnership between industry, students, and academia.  This study indicated the learning process in the higher education systems needs to be innovated by replacing the traditional teaching methods with more interactive alternative means. Hence, learning transformation per se can be considered as a major stimulus factor increating turbulence and VUCA conditions which affect student life, the higher education systems and the economic system as a whole. Our findings confirm students' high level of satisfaction in the experience of learning throughthe scenario-based simulated game, students experienced more engagement and collaborationwhile acquiring knowledge and skills in a more practical way. They also expressed a positive adaptive behaviour toward increasing the deployment of these alternative learning methods. Despite unfulfilled students' expectations with respect to soft skills developement and the quality of remote learning experiences, most of these issues are falling within the scope of pedagogical capabilities and collaborative features of work-integrated learning and are resolvable through systematical deployment and quality supervision of innovative learnings under these pedagogical frameworks. / VUCA (består av volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) förhållanden har överskuggat de nationella och globala systemen för högre utbildning, och sociala och ekonomiska system blir alltmer beroende av kunskap och innovationer. Det finns ett krav på att de globala högre utbildningssystemen ska uppnå en ny uppsättning kvalitetsstandarder (Waller et al., 2019). Traditionella undervisningsmetoder och föråldrade pedagogiska ramarsänkte motivationen och engagemanget i inlärningsprocesserna och satte fart på klyftan mellan teori och praktik (Ferns, Rowe och Zegwaard, 2021; Hays, 2014) Work Integrated Learning är ett pedagogiskt ramverk som har en enorm potential för att överbrygga denna klyfta med aktuella alternativa metoder och samtidigt öka ett hållbart engagemang mellan industri, studenter och akademi (Hays, 2014). Denna studie undersökte orsaken till samtida utmaningar och effekterna av framväxande VUCA-förhållanden i ekosystemet för studenter, akademi och industri. Vidare undersöktes huvudfunktionen och potentiella nyttan av arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL) (WIL) som ett ramverk för att presentera interaktiva inlärningsinnovationer. Dessutom tittade uppsatsen på konceptet kunskapsekonomi (Knowledge Economy) som ett tillväxtparadigm under inflytande av de framväxande internetverktygen som skapar möjlighet för att genomföra simulerat eller virtuellt arbetsintegrerat lärande genom att förändra sätten att skapa ochleverera kunskap.  Den primära forskningen är baserad på en kvantitativ undersökning som delas med ett urvalav 35st KTH-masterstudenter, som valdes ut medvetet på grund av både deras erfarenhet av distansutbildning, samt deras deltagande i lärandet genom en scenariobaserad gamifierad onlinekurs. Forskningen syftar till att identifiera de huvudsakliga områden av högre utbildning som hotas av VUCA samtidigt som man bedömer nyttan av arbetsintegrerat lärande för att överbrygga teori- och praktikklyftan och bilda ett hållbart partnerskap mellan industri, studenter och akademi. Denna studie visade att lärandeprocessen i de högre utbildningssystemen måste förnyas genom att ersätta de traditionella undervisningsmetoderna med mer interaktiva alternativa metoder. Därför kan inlärnings transformation av sig själv anses vara som en viktig stimulansfaktor för att skapa turbulens och VUCA-förhållanden som påverkar studentlivet, det högre utbildningssystemet samt det ekonomiska systemet som helhet. Våra resultat bekräftar elevernas höga nivå av belåtenhet i upplevelsen av lärande genom det scenariobaserade simulerade spelet, elever upplevde mer engagemang och samarbete samt tillägnade sig kunskaper och färdigheter på ett mer praktiskt sätt. De uttryckte också ett positivt adaptivt beteende mot att öka användningen av dessa alternativa inlärningsmetoder. Trots ouppfyllda elevers förväntningar med hänsyn till utveckling av mjuka färdigheter och kvaliteten av deras distansutbildning uplevelse, faller de flesta av dessa brister inom ramen för pedagogisk förmågor och samarbetsegenskaper som arbetsintegrerat lärande erbjuder och är lösbara genom systematiskt utnyttjande och kvalitetsövervakning av innovativa lärande inom dessa pedagogiska ramar.

Doelbewuste gebruik van die element van onsekerheid van die terapeut in gesinsterapie

Van der Westhuizen, Hedwig Ruth 30 November 2003 (has links)
This is a constructivistic, qualitative single case study of the reflections of a social work post-graduate student in a practical family therapy training situation, to illustrate the integration of person centered and systemic family therapy theory. The element of uncertainty of the therapist, is the focus of this study. The element of uncertainty, being a part of both the therapist and the therapeutic process, especially if challenged to make paradigm shifts and master new theory and skills, is identified, described, redefined and contructively applied. The focus is to highlight the use of the reframed element of uncertainty in empowering the therapist in the therapeutic process of family therapy. It is outlined how uncertainty can also be of value to empower the therapist to evolve an own unique therapeutic style. / Social work / M.A. (Geestesgesondheid)

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