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Den ökande betydelsen avundervattensinfrastrukturen : En kvalitativ fallstudie om europeisk utveckling inom hanteringen av kritisk undervattensinfrastruktur / The growing importance of undersea infrastructure: : a qualitative case study on european development in the area of critical undersea infrastructure managementPiolat, Ossian January 2024 (has links)
Recent damage to the Nord Stream pipelines 1 and 2 has highlighted the vulnerabilities of the critical undersea infrastructure which our modern societies so heavily depend on. As our societies turn more dependent on these undersea systems- the question of the security, protection and resilience of critical undersea infrastructure is put to the forefront. In an European context both the policy of EU and NATO is analyzed to examine how two of the European institutions with the highest decision-making capacity is responding to the situation. Through qualitative content analysis, the research paper aims to delve into the development of European critical underwater infrastructure. With a theory testing perspective both critical junctures theory and securitization theory is applied to the specific event of the Nord Stream-sabotage and its following aftermath. The results of the study implied, through operationalized criteria, that a) the Nord Stream-sabotage could be seen as a critical juncture in relation to the development of the critical undersea infrastructure and b) confirmed the securitization of European critical undersea infrastructure.
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Reflections on a paradigm shiftVan Zyl Spies, Pieter Gabriël 11 1900 (has links)
This study sets out to report on the reflections of a therapist-in-[post-graduate] training
on his experiences when endeavouring to shift from [between] a positivistic to
[and] a constructivistic paradigm. Reflections on some experiences associated with
the positivistic epistemology that were relinquished were described; reflections on
experiences associated with the constructivistic epistemology that were gained were
described as well as reflections on experiences of both paradigms, that were added.
These reflections were based on research data acquired during the researcher's first
year of post-graduate training and exposure to the "new" constructivistic paradigm.
Transcriptions from audio-taped sessions with a client from the researchers private practice, during this period served as the research data for this study. A literature study attempting to distinguish between the positivistic and constructivistic paradigms is presented. Arising out of this, the implications of a paradigm shift of this nature, is outlined. / Health Studies / M.A. (Mental Health)
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Archaeology and aDNA in Oceania : Debates on migration patterns the past 50 yearsJohansson, Tom January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how discussions in archaeology and genetics influence the consensus on human origins and migrations in the South Pacific. By analyzing the genetic research on chicken- and sweet potato-DNA, I present a general overview of how genetics and archaeology shape the understanding of how humans have colonized the Pacific. By deconstructing a review on how the Pacific was settled based on aDNA, I analyze a geneticist’s perspective on archaeological problems. Through this analysis I suggest how archaeology should be approached on a theoretical level in order to be relevant in understanding human migrations in the Pacific. I propose that archaeology’s strength lie in interpreting material culture through an agency perspective in order to reach a dimension not obtainable by biological perspectives / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur diskussioner i arkeologi och genetik påverkar hur vi ser på mänskliga migrationer i Oceanien. Genom att analysera den genetiska forskning som gjorts på kyckling och sötpotatis ges en övergripande bild av hur genetik och arkeologi formar den förståelse som finns för hur människan koloniserat Söderhavet. Genom att dekonstruera en sammanställning av den genetiska forskning som gjorts på mänskligt DNA i Oceanien analyseras en genetikers synsätt på arkeologiska problemställningar. Genom analysen i denna uppsats föreslår jag hur arkeologi borde arbeta på ett teoretiskt plan för att vara relevant i hur vi förstår Oceaniens migrationsmönster. Jag föreslår att arkeologins styrka ligger i att tolka den materiella kulturen genom ett agency-perspektiv för att komma åt en dimension av migrationsproblematiken som inte går att nås genom biologiska perspektiv.
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從公共管理觀點探討國內四大BOT案吳慶輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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The Paris Declaration - A Paradigm Shift At All Levels? : Swedish Non-Governmental Organisations' Roles in Development Aid PolicyPalmgren, Anna, Lundberg, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
<p>In order to make development aid more efficient, a large number of donors, including Sweden, signed the so called Paris Declaration in 2005. The Declaration gives the partner countries more responsibility for their own development and aims to make he development aid provided by donor countries more measurable. It has been referred to as a paradigm shift within this policy area due to its far‐reaching goals.</p><p>The Declaration has consequences for all actors in the development aid community, and this thesis aims at outlining and analyzing the effects of the Declaration on the Swedish non‐governmental organisations which hold a frame agreement with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). As an increasing part of evelopment aid is being channelled through NGOs and they hold an important role in the area, they are interesting subjects of study.</p><p>The analysis is conducted from a society‐centred governance perspective, which focuses on how different actors in society shape public policy. The perspective hallenges the view on the state as dominating unilaterally and takes into account the diversity of actors involved in policy‐making, such as NGOs.</p><p>The result of the study is, among other things, that the character of the relationships and interactions between Swedish NGOs and SIDA varies, and can be described as either a more traditional hierarchical model or co‐governing. Furthermore, the Paris Declaration is perceived by the NGOs as being a step in the right direction rather than a paradigm shift at all level.</p><p> </p> / <p>För att göra utvecklingsbistånd effektivare, undertecknade ett stort antal givare, däribland Sverige, den så kallade Parisdeklarationen 2005. Deklarationen ger samarbetsländerna ett större ansvar för sin egen utveckling och syftar till att göra biståndet från givarländerna mer mätbart. Man har kallat detta ett paradigmskifte inom området på grund av sina långtgående mål.</p><p>Deklarationen har konsekvenser för alla aktörer inom området utvecklingsbistånd, och denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera de effekter som deklarationen har på de svenska icke‐statliga organisationer som har ett ramavtal med SIDA. Eftersom en allt större del av utvecklingsbiståndet kanaliseras genom enskilda organisationer och de innehar en viktig roll i området, är de intressanta att studera.</p><p>Analysen görs utifrån ett samhällsorienterat governance perspektiv som fokuserar på hur olika aktörer i samhället utformar den offentliga politiken. Perspektivet utmaningar uppfattningen om att staten ensidigt dominerar och tar hänsyn till mångfalden av aktörer i det politiska beslutsfattandet, till exempel icke‐statliga organisationer.</p><p>Resultaten av undersökningen är bland annat att karaktären av de relationer och interaktioner mellan svenska icke‐statliga organisationer och SIDA varierar, och kan beskrivas som traditionellt hierarkisk, eller samarbetsbaserad (co‐governing). Vidare uppfattas Parisdeklarationen av icke‐statliga organisationer som ett steg i rätt riktning, snarare än ett paradigmskifte på alla nivåer.</p>
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Liberation or Reconstruction : A critical survey on the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of Reconstruction theologySolomons, Demaine Jason January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of reconstruction theology. It offers a critical survey of a range of contributions on this issue, questioning whether scholars who have used Black theology as a form of self description should shift emphasis, from the paradigm of liberation to reconstruction. The significance of this study has to be understood within the context of the proposal to redirect African theological initiatives from liberation theologies to reconstruction theology. The basis for this call was the end of apartheid in South Africa, which signalled the independence of all countries on the African continent.
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Design Thinking in Business InnovationGullberg, Gustav, Landström, Anders, Widmark, Erik, Nyström, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
Med globaliseringen har världen snabbt förändrats och designerns roll är inte längre lika självklar. Vi har tittat på hur man kan expandera begreppet design och utnyttja designerns kvalitéer inom nya områden. Magisterexamensarbetet "Design Thinking in Business Innovation" syftar till att undersöka hur man kan utnyttja designyrkets kreativa och innovativa processer inom affärsutveckling. I vårt exjobb har vi jobbat med ett av Storbritanniens ledande vitvaruföretag, GDHA, och har tillsammans med marknadsföringsstudenter från Stockholms Universitet tagit fram affärsstrategier för hur de kan agera på en framtida marknad. Kombinationen av kreativt tänkande och traditionell affärsutveckling genererade nya innovativa koncept med syfte att utifrån företagets förutsättningar stärka dess konkurrenskraft och skapa nya affärsmöjligheter. "Design Thinking in Business Innovation" resulterade i en ny arbetsmetod samt tre koncept som visualiserar resultatet av en kreativ affärsutvecklingsprocess. Dessa koncept sträckte sig från konventionell produktutveckling för differentiering till utveckling av nya försäljningskanaler samt en helt ny affärsidé som bygger vidare på GDHAs kärnverksamhet. Koncepten konkretiserades i form av en modell av ett kylskåpskoncept, samt tre stycken animerade kortfilmer.Som ett resultat av vårt exjobb har vi startat Remotel, ett design kontor som fokuserar på affärsutveckling genom användarorienterad research, kreativa processer och visuell kommunikation (mer info på www.remotel.se). / The world is undergoing change and the disintegration of the old economy is becoming evident. Production is moving to low cost countries and competition is growing fierce. In order to stay competitive, companies around the world recognises the need to become more innovative. In order to achieve this it is imperative to balance and compliment the linear business thinking that still rule the managerial body. Leading research in this area suggest that the key to innovation in business development lies within the creative thinking of the design field. This paper describes a joint master degree project that seeks to test these theories and develop methods and protocols to put them into practice. So the question is, what happens when one use industrial design as a tool to innovate business in the Creative Economy? The research group consists of four industrial designers from Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm and four marketing students from School of Business, Stockholm University. During the project we applied action research and introspection in a case study where new business strategies where formulated for a live company as our empirical base. The process proved more difficult but also more rewarding than initially anticipated and resulted in several new potential strategies for the company while providing valuable insight and experience in interdisciplinary team work in this field. This paper presents suggestions to how design thinking and business thinking can be combined in the process of developing business strategies and accentuates some of the skills and qualities that inherently drive this process. The collaboration investigates the synergy between designers and business managers and illustrates the potential in combining these competences to find new ways to create, re-define and develop businesses in the creative economy.
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Liberation or Reconstruction : A critical survey on the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of Reconstruction theologySolomons, Demaine Jason January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of reconstruction theology. It offers a critical survey of a range of contributions on this issue, questioning whether scholars who have used Black theology as a form of self description should shift emphasis, from the paradigm of liberation to reconstruction. The significance of this study has to be understood within the context of the proposal to redirect African theological initiatives from liberation theologies to reconstruction theology. The basis for this call was the end of apartheid in South Africa, which signalled the independence of all countries on the African continent.
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Reflections on a paradigm shiftVan Zyl Spies, Pieter Gabriël 11 1900 (has links)
This study sets out to report on the reflections of a therapist-in-[post-graduate] training
on his experiences when endeavouring to shift from [between] a positivistic to
[and] a constructivistic paradigm. Reflections on some experiences associated with
the positivistic epistemology that were relinquished were described; reflections on
experiences associated with the constructivistic epistemology that were gained were
described as well as reflections on experiences of both paradigms, that were added.
These reflections were based on research data acquired during the researcher's first
year of post-graduate training and exposure to the "new" constructivistic paradigm.
Transcriptions from audio-taped sessions with a client from the researchers private practice, during this period served as the research data for this study. A literature study attempting to distinguish between the positivistic and constructivistic paradigms is presented. Arising out of this, the implications of a paradigm shift of this nature, is outlined. / Health Studies / M.A. (Mental Health)
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Developing Business Models in the Video Game Industry : An evaluation to strategic choices made by small and medium-sized development studiosZijlstra, Peter, Visser, Christiaan January 2012 (has links)
Digitalization has given rise to new opportunities for small and medium-sized video game development studios. No longer bound by physical products and creative restrains, the de-veloper has been empowered with independency. This qualitative study is aimed to under-stand how a development studio develops their business model and how underlying strate-gy is formulated. Additionally we evaluate the degree of innovativeness of the business model in terms of radical and incremental innovation according to Damanpour (1991). To achieve this we present a comprehensive literature review as to gain a more theoretical un-derstanding of industry mechanics and to be able to comprehend reasoning behind existing business models. We structure the dynamics of the business model by analyzing nine busi-ness model aspects as suggested by Osterwalder, Pigneur and Clark (2010). Following our theoretical framework we gain practical input from four separate case studies. An interpret-ative research method is used to gain better understanding of reasoning and choices made. We interpret our findings following a narrative approach which shows that the digitaliza-tion has preluded a paradigm shift in the sense that development studios have started to adopt activities otherwise performed by key partners. As barriers dissipate small and me-dium-sized development studios try to make sense of the current industry, but struggle in doing so. Having to reinvent themselves we conclude that a focus towards creating thicker customer relationships is considered and the idea of seeing games as a service is acknowl-edged to depict the future of the industry. The conclusions of this study contribute to both academic science and industry practice.
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