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Uma nova proposta para o treinamento do arremesso de lance livre no basquetebol / Proposing a new method for training free throw shooting in basketballCedra, Cristiano 25 April 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-04-25 / The free throw is a kind of basketball shot and it occurs as a result of breaking some of the
rules of the game. Approximately 25% of all points earned in a basketball game come from
free throws. In basketball teaching or practicing, free throws are usually the first kind of shot
taught, forming the basis for more advanced shooting techniques. Despite its importance,
average free throw accuracy has been below 70%; only a few players have managed to
achieve a higher average. In this paper a new method of free throw training is presented by
progressive and gradual techniques aimed towards specifications changes in materials used
in training (in this case, the diameter of the basketball rim and its height). Starting from basic
conditions (larger diameters and lower baskets) to those seen as more complex (basketball s
official specifications), trying to reach gradually the average accuracy in professional
basketball free throwing. In this research, 12 athletes aged from 13 to 14 years old were
chosen from a competitive basketball team to participate in it. Then, they were submitted to
two stages at the baseline condition. In the first stage, 39 sessions of 10 free throws were
shot in each session. In the second stage, the athletes had 13 sessions of 30 shots in each
session, out of which 10 were shot from the official free throw line, 10 from an intermediate
distance between the free throw line and the basket and the last 10 were shot very close to
the basket. After this stage, the athletes were divided into two groups: group 1 was submitted
to an intervention related to the diameter of the basket and group 2, to an intervention related
to the height of the basket. The fading procedure was identical for both groups that went
through the multielement baseline design. Each athlete went through 9 fading practice
stages, and, in every stage, should score at least 70% of the free throws to go on to the next
stage. Stage 1 was carried out using a closer distance to the basket and a larger diameter
(group 1) or a lower height (group 2). Progressively, the distance was increased, passing
through the intermediate distance until reaching the official free throw distance, keeping to
the same diameter and height specifications. When the athlete reached the official distance,
he would go back to the starting line and resume his shooting but now the diameter and
height would be set to the intermediate specifications. Gradually, the athlete should reach the
official distance and specifications of basketball. The next stage was identical to the baseline
condition and had the purpose of evaluating whether the results achieved in the last modified
stage would last once the treatment was removed. Analyzing the results, it is made clear that
practicing shots through repetition did not produce the results expected in the selected group,
at best, it only established their previous marks. Being exposed to different distances without
using progression through fading also did not bring improvements to the performance of the
athletes and the level of accuracy in the closest distance was higher than in the intermediate
distance, which was also higher than in the official distance suggesting that distance is a
decisive factor when evaluating basketball shots. While group 1 achieved an overall
improvement throughout the practice, some of the athletes in group 2 actually showed a loss
in performance, suggesting that the diameter of the rim is, in fact, a more critical factor than
the height of the basket. The fading procedure has brought improvements to the level of
accuracy of the evaluated athlet / O lance livre é um tipo de arremesso do basquetebol e ocorre como conseqüência a algumas
infrações à regra deste jogo. Aproximadamente, 25% dos pontos do jogo de basquetebol vêm do
lance livre. No ensino e treinamento do basquetebol é o primeiro tipo de arremesso a ser
ensinado servindo de base para os demais. Apesar da sua importância, as médias de acertos
nestas situações tem sido inferiores a 70%, apenas alguns jogadores atingem médias superiores.
Neste trabalho apresentamos um novo método de treinamento de lances livres através das
técnicas de mudança gradual e progressiva das alterações nas especificações dos materiais
utilizados nos treinos (no caso, o diâmetro do aro da cesta e a altura da cesta), indo de condições
consideradas como mais simples (diâmetros maiores e cestas em alturas mais baixas) para
aquelas vistas como mais complexas (especificações oficiais), tentando, gradualmente, atingir o
objetivo de acertos dos arremessos de lances livres na cesta oficial do basquetebol. Foram
participantes desta pesquisa 12 atletas, com idade entre 13 e 14 anos, integrantes de uma equipe
competitiva de basquetebol. Estes foram submetidos a duas fases na linha de base. Na fase 1,
realizaram 39 sessões com 10 arremessos de lances livres em cada sessão. Na fase 2, realizaram
13 sessões com 30 arremessos em cada sessão, sendo 10 da distância oficial de lance livre, 10
de uma distância intermediária entre a linha do lance livre e a cesta, e mais 10 bem próximos da
cesta. Após esta etapa, os atletas foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo 1 foi submetido à
intervenção relacionada a dimensão diâmetro da cesta; e o grupo 2 à intervenção relacionada a
dimensão altura da cesta. O procedimento de fading ou esvanecimento foi idêntico para ambos
os grupos que passaram pelo delineamento de linha base múltipla entre participantes. Cada
atleta passou por 9 fases de fading, e, em cada uma delas, deveria acertar pelo menos 70% dos
arremessos para progredir para a fase seguinte. A fase 1 era realizada com distância próxima da
cesta e diâmetro maior (grupo 1) ou altura menor (grupo 2). Progressivamente, a distância era
aumentada, passando pela distância intermediária até chegar à distância oficial do lance livre,
mantendo-se a mesma especificação da dimensão diâmetro ou altura. Quando o atleta chegava
à distância oficial, ele voltava a arremessar de bem próximo da cesta, mas agora com a
dimensão diâmetro e altura com especificações médias. Gradualmente, o atleta deveria chegar à
distância e dimensão oficiais do basquetebol. A etapa seguimento foi idêntica à etapa de linha
de base e tinha como objetivo avaliar se os resultados produzidos na última fase da intervenção
se mantinham após a retirada do tratamento. Nos resultados, percebemos que a repetição do ato
de arremessar não produziu melhoras no desempenho dos atletas avaliados, no máximo,
estabilizou seus resultados. A exposição a diferentes distâncias sem a utilização da progressão
através do fading também não produziu melhoras no desempenho destes atletas e o índice de
acertos na distância próxima foi maior do que na distância intermediária, que por sua vez foi
maior do que na distância oficial, sugerindo que a distância é uma variável crítica quando
avaliamos o arremesso. O grupo 1 obteve melhoras durante a intervenção que se mantiveram
durante o seguimento e no grupo 2, alguns atletas também obtiveram melhoras durante a
intervenção, mas para alguns participantes estes resultados diminuíram no seguimento,
sugerindo assim, que a dimensão diâmetro foi mais crítica para estes atletas do que a dimensão
altura. O procedimento de fading promoveu melhoras no índice de acertos dos atletas avaliados
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A visão dos diretores escolares sobre a gestão estratégica na escola pública: esboço teórico do balanced scorecard e mapa estratégico no setor público / The principals\' view on strategic management in the public school: theoretical outline of the balanced scorecard and strategic map in the public sectorOliveira, Pedro Henrique de 23 February 2017 (has links)
As escolas públicas valorizam o planejamento escolar como uma das preocupações administrativas e pedagógicas a fim de que sejam criadas condições para a efetiva realização do que foi estabelecido. Entretanto, as escolas públicas municipais não contam com planos administrativos elaborados. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar a visão do diretor escolar sobre a gestão estratégica com balanced scorecard (BSC) e mapa estratégico no setor público. Para atingir o objetivo visado, a pesquisa teve como primeiro passo, o repasse de dados e informações do GREFIC da FEARP-USP para seleção das escolas públicas no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP e, a partir disso, uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso como procedimento técnico nas escolas públicas levantadas. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como aplicada e descritiva. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram a observação, o questionário, a entrevista, o diário de campo e o grupo focal. Foram entrevistadas oito diretoras escolares. O grupo focal foi aplicado em três diretoras escolares concomitantemente a uma capacitação sobre o tema \"gestão estratégica com BSC no setor público\". Foi feita a observação não participante em duas escolas. Na análise de dados, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo. Como resultado, constatou-se que a visão da gestão estratégica, para o diretor escolar, foi de pensar em metas e objetivos para melhoria da vida escolar do aluno. Já a perspectiva do diretor escolar sobre a aplicação da gestão estratégica com BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público foi a de que as ferramentas aparecem como viáveis dentro do setor público e das escolas públicas, porém, ambos precisam ser adaptados para melhor utilização. Foi elaborado um esboço do BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público, especificamente da escola pública. Conclui-se que as escolas necessitam de um plano administrativo específico para uma gestão mais eficiente e participativa. O BSC e o mapa estratégico são viáveis para o setor público e para as escolas públicas municipais, desde que sejam adaptados. Este projeto contribuiu para a pesquisa do BSC no setor público, bem como para a melhoria da educação pública brasileira. / Public schools value school planning as one of the administrative and pedagogical concerns to create conditions for the effective realization of what has been established. We argue, however, municipal public schools do not have elaborate administrative plans. The aim of this research is to identify the principals vision of strategic management with balanced scorecard (BSC) and strategic map in the public sector. To reach the proposed objective, the research had as a first step the transfer of data and information from the GREFIC of FEARP-USP for the selection of public schools in Ribeirão Preto/SP city and from there a qualitative approach, with the use of the case study as technical procedure in public schools raised. The research was characterized as applied and descriptive. The data collection techniques were observation, the questionnaire, the interview, the field diary and the focus group. Eight school principals were interviewed. The focus group was applied to three principals\' concomitant with a training about strategic management with BSC in the public sector. Non-participant observation was done in two schools. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results indicate that the vision of strategic management for the principal was to think about goals and objectives to improve the student\'s school life. The principal\'s view on the application of strategic management with BSC and strategic map in the public sector was that tools appear as viable within the public sector and public schools, but both need to be adapted for better use. An outline of the BSC and strategic map was made in the public sector, specifically the public school. We conclude that schools need a specific administrative plan for a more efficient and participatory management. The BSC and the strategic map are feasible for the public sector and municipal public schools, provided they are adapted. This project contributed to the BSC\'s research in the public sector, as well as the improvement of Brazilian public education.
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A visão dos diretores escolares sobre a gestão estratégica na escola pública: esboço teórico do balanced scorecard e mapa estratégico no setor público / The principals\' view on strategic management in the public school: theoretical outline of the balanced scorecard and strategic map in the public sectorPedro Henrique de Oliveira 23 February 2017 (has links)
As escolas públicas valorizam o planejamento escolar como uma das preocupações administrativas e pedagógicas a fim de que sejam criadas condições para a efetiva realização do que foi estabelecido. Entretanto, as escolas públicas municipais não contam com planos administrativos elaborados. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar a visão do diretor escolar sobre a gestão estratégica com balanced scorecard (BSC) e mapa estratégico no setor público. Para atingir o objetivo visado, a pesquisa teve como primeiro passo, o repasse de dados e informações do GREFIC da FEARP-USP para seleção das escolas públicas no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP e, a partir disso, uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso como procedimento técnico nas escolas públicas levantadas. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como aplicada e descritiva. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram a observação, o questionário, a entrevista, o diário de campo e o grupo focal. Foram entrevistadas oito diretoras escolares. O grupo focal foi aplicado em três diretoras escolares concomitantemente a uma capacitação sobre o tema \"gestão estratégica com BSC no setor público\". Foi feita a observação não participante em duas escolas. Na análise de dados, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo. Como resultado, constatou-se que a visão da gestão estratégica, para o diretor escolar, foi de pensar em metas e objetivos para melhoria da vida escolar do aluno. Já a perspectiva do diretor escolar sobre a aplicação da gestão estratégica com BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público foi a de que as ferramentas aparecem como viáveis dentro do setor público e das escolas públicas, porém, ambos precisam ser adaptados para melhor utilização. Foi elaborado um esboço do BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público, especificamente da escola pública. Conclui-se que as escolas necessitam de um plano administrativo específico para uma gestão mais eficiente e participativa. O BSC e o mapa estratégico são viáveis para o setor público e para as escolas públicas municipais, desde que sejam adaptados. Este projeto contribuiu para a pesquisa do BSC no setor público, bem como para a melhoria da educação pública brasileira. / Public schools value school planning as one of the administrative and pedagogical concerns to create conditions for the effective realization of what has been established. We argue, however, municipal public schools do not have elaborate administrative plans. The aim of this research is to identify the principals vision of strategic management with balanced scorecard (BSC) and strategic map in the public sector. To reach the proposed objective, the research had as a first step the transfer of data and information from the GREFIC of FEARP-USP for the selection of public schools in Ribeirão Preto/SP city and from there a qualitative approach, with the use of the case study as technical procedure in public schools raised. The research was characterized as applied and descriptive. The data collection techniques were observation, the questionnaire, the interview, the field diary and the focus group. Eight school principals were interviewed. The focus group was applied to three principals\' concomitant with a training about strategic management with BSC in the public sector. Non-participant observation was done in two schools. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results indicate that the vision of strategic management for the principal was to think about goals and objectives to improve the student\'s school life. The principal\'s view on the application of strategic management with BSC and strategic map in the public sector was that tools appear as viable within the public sector and public schools, but both need to be adapted for better use. An outline of the BSC and strategic map was made in the public sector, specifically the public school. We conclude that schools need a specific administrative plan for a more efficient and participatory management. The BSC and the strategic map are feasible for the public sector and municipal public schools, provided they are adapted. This project contributed to the BSC\'s research in the public sector, as well as the improvement of Brazilian public education.
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La construction sociale d'une économie d'insertion au Québec : le cas des entreprises d'insertion socialePierre, Alfred 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le processus par lequel les entreprises d’insertion tentent de neutraliser la situation d’exclusion des populations marginalisées. Il s’agit des individus souvent sans emploi, sans revenu et sans protection sociale qui se battent pour exister socialement. Ils sont diversement nommés et appréhendés par la théorie sociologique, soit en termes « d’inutiles au monde » ou de « désaffiliés », soit en termes de « personnes disqualifiées », de « rebuts humains » ou de « vaincus dans la lutte pour le capital symbolique », pour l’importance sociale.
En accordant leur intérêt exclusivement à ces exclus et en transformant le revenu d’assistance sociale en salaire de travail, les entreprises d’insertion jouent, depuis les années 1980, un rôle crucial dans leur lutte pour l’existence sociale et les placent dans la lisière du travailleur et de l’assisté social pour les transformer et les insérer dans le marché du travail. Nous saisissons l’encastrement social et l’émergence de ces entreprises comme un vecteur d’inclusion sociale en lien avec la dépossession sociale qui s’opère par la montée du travail atypique, l’obligation d’activation sociale et le recul de la protection sociale pour comprendre ce qui se joue réellement dans ces organismes. À savoir, en quoi et comment leurs interventions permettent-elles de réhabiliter et de réinsérer les vaincus postfordistes dans le marché du travail ? Quelle est leur mission véritable ? S’agit-il d’une mission d’adaptation des travailleurs aux besoins du marché du travail, d’activation des prestataires potentiels de l’assistance sociale, de requalification des exclus ou de lutte contre l’exclusion et la pauvreté ?
Nous inscrivant dans la continuité de Pierre Bourdieu pour qui « le monde social, armé de ce savoir, peut défaire ce que le monde social a fait », cette thèse interroge la mission de ces entreprises en rapport avec le mandat reçu d’Emploi-Québec dans la perspective de la théorie des champs de l’auteur. Laquelle perspective définit l’exclusion et l’insertion sociales comme la position occupée dans l’espace social, résultant du rapport des espèces de capital possédé à ses habitus, les dispositions sociales héritées de sa trajectoire sociale. Ce faisant, l’exclusion sociale reste et demeure un processus de dépossession sociale, c’est-à-dire de décapitalisation, la carence de ressources et pouvoirs nécessaires et indispensables à l’occupation et au maintien d’une position sociale donnée dans un champ. Dès lors, renverser l’exclusion sociale est bien possible et correspond à la mise en œuvre d’un processus de repossession sociale, c’est-à-dire de capitalisation ou de recapitalisation, entendue comme la dotation des exclus en ressources et pouvoirs nécessaires pour payer leurs droits d’entrée dans le champ, s’y investir et jouer le jeu.
Nous considérons cet objet d’analyse en mettant en œuvre un double dispositif méthodologique. D’une part, nous avons donné la parole à des dirigeants et intervenants d’entreprises d’insertion qui ont accepté volontiers de nous parler de leurs récits de pratique, c’est-à-dire de ce qu’ils ont fait et font ordinairement avec les bénéficiaires. Ce qui permet de retracer les formes d’interventions pour comprendre ce qui se fait et se défait dans les entreprises afin de doter les bénéficiaires en capitaux nécessaires à leur insertion dans le marché du travail. D’autre part, nous avons donné la parole à des participants afin de comprendre les faits structurants de trois moments de leurs trajectoires sociale et professionnelle, les moments ante-parcours, in-parcours et post-parcours d’insertion. À partir d’un matériau de 69 entretiens en profondeur (36 avec des membres dirigeants et intervenants et 33 avec des participants et participantes), nous analysons la formation des travailleurs et travailleuses précaires et polyvalents, dotés d’un méta-capital. C’est le capital spécifique de ce sous-champ d’insertion, la production des habitus professionnels, devant fonctionner comme un capital à caractère général et universalisant, appelé « les compétences transférables ». Les portraits-types de bénéficiaires permettent ainsi de révéler en quoi le parcours d’insertion est propice pour l’évolution de leur trajectoire. / Abstract
This thesis analyzes the process by which integration enterprises try to neutralize the exclusion of marginalized populations. These are individuals who are often unemployed, without income and without social protection who struggle to exist socially. They are variously named and understood by sociological theory, either in terms of "useless in the world" or "disaffiliated", or in terms of "disqualified persons", "human rejects" or "vanquished in the struggle for the world".
By giving their interest exclusively to those excluded and by transforming the income from social assistance into working wages, integration enterprises have, since the 1980s, played a crucial role in their struggle for social existence and placed them on the fringes of society. We understand the social embeddedness and the emergence of these companies as a vector of social inclusion in connection with social dispossession which takes place through the rise of atypical work, the obligation of social activation and the decline in social protection to understand what is really going on in these organizations. Namely, how do their interventions make it possible to rehabilitate and reintegrate the defeated post-Fordists into the labor market? What is their real mission? Is it a mission of adapting workers to the needs of the labor market, activating potential social assistance providers, re-qualification of the excluded or the fight against exclusion and poverty?
In line with Pierre Bourdieu for whom “the social world, armed with this knowledge, can undo what the social world has done”, this thesis questions the mission of these companies in relation to the mandate received from Emploi-Québec from the perspective of the author's field theory. This perspective defines social exclusion and inclusion as the position occupied in social space, resulting from the relationship of the capital possessed to its habits, the social arrangements inherited from its social trajectory. In doing so, social exclusion remains a process of social dispossession, that is to say of decapitalization, the lack of resources and powers necessary and essential to the occupation and maintenance of a given social position in a field. Therefore, reversing social exclusion is quite possible and corresponds to the implementation of a process of social repossession, that is to say of capitalization or recapitalization, understood as the endowment of the excluded with the necessary resources and powers to pay their entry fees to the field, invest in it and play the game.
We demonstrate here this object of analysis by implementing a double methodological device. On the one hand, we gave the floor to managers and workers in integration enterprises who willingly agree to talk about their practices. This makes it possible to trace the forms of intervention in order to understand what is done and what is undone in companies in order to provide the beneficiaries with the capital necessary for their integration into the labor market. On the other hand, we gave the floor to participants to understand the structuring facts of three moments in their social and professional trajectories, the pre-journey, in-journey and post-integration moments. Using material from 69 in-depth interviews (36 with executive members and speakers and 33 with participants), we analyze the fabric of precarious and versatile workers, endowed with a meta-capital. It is the specific capital of this insertion sub-field, the production of professional habits, to function as a general and universalizing capital, called "transferable skills". The typical portraits of beneficiaries thus make it possible to reveal the opportunity of the integration process for the development of their trajectories.
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Le principe québécois de l'impartageabilité de la réserve des coopératives non financières: discussion critique autour du maintien ou de la suppressionDjedi Djongambolo Ohonge, Daniel 13 June 2016 (has links)
La réserve générale interdite de partage entre les membres est un avoir obligatoire, impartageable tout au long de l’existence de la coopérative et sujet à la «dévolution désintéressée en cas de liquidation ou de dissolution». Cette réserve fonctionne comme un levier de soutien au développement de la coopérative et du mouvement coopératif dans son ensemble. Le principe de l’impartageabilité de la réserve est l’interdiction faite à toutes les coopératives du Québec de partager la réserve générale entre tous les membres et l’interdiction de la diminuer, notamment par l’attribution d’une ristourne tout au long de l’existence de la coopérative. En effet, l’impartageabilité de la réserve se fonde sur l’idée que la coopérative n’a pas pour but l’accumulation des capitaux afin de les répartir entre les membres, mais il s’agit de la création d’un capital collectif qui bénéficie à tous les adhérents présents et futurs. Si le concept de l’impartageabilité de la réserve interdit donc le partage de la réserve tout au long de l’existence de la coopérative, cette même interdiction prend le nom de la dévolution désintéressée de l’actif net au moment de la disparition de la coopérative. Cette dévolution désintéressée signifie l’interdiction faite à toutes les coopératives non financières de partager le solde de l’actif lors de la disparition (dissolution ou liquidation) de la coopérative à l’exception des coopératives agricoles qui peuvent décider dans ce cas, de distribuer le solde de l’actif aux membres sans qu’on sache les raisons de cette exception.
Par ailleurs, l’impartageabilité de la réserve est considérée comme un simple inconvénient juridique pour les membres et a connu quelques réécritures dans les législations sur les coopératives sans qu’on connaisse vraiment les raisons de ces modifications.
L’objectif de notre thèse est d’engager une discussion critique autour du questionnement central suivant : au regard du cadre juridique actuel sur les coopératives, le principe de l’impartageabilité de la réserve doit être maintenu comme tel dans la Loi sur les coopératives, ou être tout simplement supprimé, comme dans la société par actions, où il est inexistant sans que cette suppression ne porte atteinte à la notion juridique de la coopérative? Plus précisément, quel est ce cadre juridique et quels sont les motifs qui peuvent plaider en faveur du maintien ou de la suppression du principe de l’impartageabilité de la réserve?
Pour répondre à cette question, cette thèse se divise en deux parties. La première partie explore le cadre juridique des coopératives non financières au Québec en comparaison avec certains concepts juridiques issus d’autres législations. Elle étudie les fondements juridiques sous-jacents à l’impartageabilité de la réserve en droit québécois des coopératives non financières. La deuxième partie réalise une discussion critique autour de l’histoire du principe de l’impartageabilité de la réserve (ch. 3), des différents arguments juridiques disponibles (ch. 4) et d’hypothèses articulées autour des effets concrets disponibles (ch. 5). Elle explore ces dimensions au soutien du maintien ou non de l’impartageabilité de la réserve de la législation actuelle sur les coopératives non financières.
Bien que la recherche effectuée conduise à une réponse nuancée, l'ensemble des résultats milite plutôt en faveur du maintien du principe de l'impartageabilité de la réserve. Au préalable, l’observation des fondements juridiques des concepts sous-jacents à l’impartageabilité de la réserve en droit québécois des coopératives non financières a permis de comprendre les concepts sous-jacents à ce principe avant de répondre à la question autour de son maintien ou de sa suppression de la législation actuelle sur les coopératives. La discussion réalisée a permis de souligner l’importance d’une réalité de base assez évidente : ce principe permet de préserver la réserve, utile au développement de la coopérative et du mouvement coopératif dans son ensemble. De plus, ce principe de l’impartageabilité de la réserve s’inscrit dans le cadre de la vocation sociale de la coopérative, qui n’a pas pour but la maximisation du profit pécuniaire. L’impartageabilité de la réserve s’inscrit également dans le cadre de la cohérence du droit québécois des coopératives avec la notion de coopérative telle que définie par le mouvement coopératif québécois et l’ACI tout en répondant aux finalités historiques d’équité entre les générations et de solidarité. Enfin, même si la discussion des arguments tirés des illustrations de données comptables et de quelques entretiens réalisés avec certains membres actifs du mouvement coopératif ne permet pas de mener à toute conclusion ferme, il ressort que l’impartageabilité de la réserve ne freinerait pas la tendance à la hausse des investissements et du chiffre d’affaires des coopératives non financières. Cette interdiction constituerait même un mécanisme d’autofinancement de la coopérative et un symbole de solidarité. / Forbidden general reserve sharing among members is mandatory to have, indivisible throughout the existence of the cooperative and subject to the "disinterested distribution upon liquidation or dissolution". The reserve functions as a support lever for the development of the cooperative and the cooperative movement as a whole. The principle of nondivisibility of the reserve is the prohibition to all cooperatives in Quebec to share the general reserve of all members and the prohibition of the decline, including the allocation of any rebate along the existence of the cooperative. Indeed, the nondivisibility of the reserve is based on the idea that the cooperative is not to the accumulation of capital in order to distribute them among members, but it is the creation of a collective capital that benefits all current and future members. If the concept of nondivisibility reserve therefore prohibits the sharing of reserve throughout the existence of the cooperative, the same prohibition takes the name of the disinterested distribution of net assets at the time of the disappearance of the cooperative. This disinterested distribution is in turn the ban on all non-financial cooperatives to share the remaining assets in the disappearance (dissolution or liquidation) of the cooperative except agricultural cooperatives that can decide in this case, distribute the remaining assets to members without knowing the reasons for the exception.
Moreover, the nondivisibility of the reserve is considered a mere legal disadvantage for members and has had some rewrites in co-operative legislation without knowing either the reasons for these changes.
The aim of our thesis is to engage a critical discussion around the following central question: given the current legal framework on cooperatives, the principle of nondivisibility the reserve must be maintained as such in the Cooperatives Act, or simply be deleted, as in the corporation, where it is nonexistent without this deletion does not affect the legal concept of the cooperative? Specifically, what is the legal framework and what are the motives which may plead in favor of maintaining or deletion of the principle of nondivisibility reserve?
To answer this question, this thesis is divided into two parts. The first part explores the legal framework for non-financial cooperatives in Québec compared with certain legal concepts from other legislation. It examines the legal basis underlying the nondivisibility the Quebec law reserves of non-financial cooperatives. The second part makes a critical discussion around the history of the principle of nondivisibility Reserve (ch. 3), different legal arguments available (ch. 4) and assumptions based around concrete effects available (ch. 5). She exploire these dimensions to support maintaining or not the nondivisibility Reserve current legislation on non-financial cooperatives.
Although the research lead to a nuanced response, the overall results rather militates in favor of maintaining the principle of nondivisibility reserve. Previously, the observation of the legal foundations of the underlying concepts in nondivisibility the Quebec law reserves of non-financial cooperatives helped to understand the concepts underlying this principle before answering the question about its maintenance or suppression of current legislation on cooperatives. The discussion made it possible to highlight the importance of a fairly obvious basic reality: this principle allows to preserve the reserve, useful for the development of the cooperative and the cooperative movement as a whole. Moreover, this principle of nondivisibility of the reserve part of the social mission of the cooperative, which is not intended maximizing monetary profit. The nondivisibility Reserve also part of the consistency of Quebec law cooperatives with the concept of cooperatives as defined by the Quebec cooperative movement and the ICA while addressing the historical purposes of fairness between generations and solidarity. Finally, while discussing the arguments of accounting data and illustrations of some interviews with some active members of the cooperative movement does not lead to any firm conclusion, it appears that the nondivisibility the reserve does not dampen the trend rising investment and sales of non-financial cooperatives. This prohibition even be a self-financing mechanism of the cooperative and a symbol of solidarity.
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BA'S : The practice and law of bankers' acceptanceGozlan, Audi 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours d'une transaction portant sur une acceptation bancaire (ci-après «BA» tel que dénommée dans le jargon juridique) différents types de relations peuvent s'établir entre les parties impliquées, certaines plus directes que d'autres. Dans une transaction donnée, à part le client et la banque, on peut trouver une ou plusieurs banques participantes et un ou plusieurs investisseurs, qui deviennent détenteurs de BA. La situation peut devenir complexe et les relations légales risquent de devenir assez compliquées. Cependant, il est important d'identifier si la relation s'est établie à travers l'instrument de BA, si elle existe par le biais d'une relation contractuelle ordinaire ou encore, si elle existe par le fait de la loi. Une bonne analyse des circonstances entourant la transaction, des facteurs connexes à la transaction et des droits et obligations qui existent entre les parties, sera nécessaire pour déterminer laquelle de la loi provinciale ou fédérale s'appliquera, et dans quelle mesure.
Une fois accordée, la BA est gouvernée par la Loi sur les lettres de change.
Toutes solutions apportées à un problème qui implique des BA, doivent, en principe, respecter la nature inhérente de la BA en tant qu'effet de commerce, gouverné par la loi fédérale. En matière de BA, c'est, soit la Loi sur les lettres de change soit la Loi sur les lettres et billets de dépôt (Depository Bills and Note Act) qui s'appliqueront à l'acte.
Comme il existe des lois fédérales applicables à la BA, l'objet de notre étude est de déterminer si, et dans quelle circonstance la loi de la province, tel que le Code civil du Québec, trouvera application et éclaircira dans certains cas la disposition contenue dans la Loi sur les lettres de change, notamment lorsque les dispositions de ladite loi sont silencieuses ou ambigües.
La solution la plus simple serait d'appliquer la loi provinciale aux matières qui ne sont pas traitées dans la loi, étant donné que les lois provinciales apportent souvent un complément à la législation fédérale. Cependant, la Loi sur les lettres de change contient des dispositions spéciales, tel que l'article 9 qui stipule :
« 9. Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s'appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi. »
Cette disposition a crée une certaine confusion relativement à l'application du droit civil du Québec en matière de Lettres de change. En effet, il existe un doute quant à savoir si l'application de l'article 9 est une incorporation par référence qui exclue totalement l'application du droit civil. Cette question continue de se poser inexorablement dans la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Elle a en effet donné lieu à une série de théories quand au degré d'application de la common law en matière de lettres de change. Une revue de la jurisprudence dominante nous permet de conclure que les tribunaux ont accepté l'application du droit provinciale dans certaines questions impliquant les lettres de change.
La question essentielle traitée lors de notre analyse est la suivante: lorsqu'un litige prend naissance dans une transaction de BA, quelle est la règle qui devra s'appliquer?
Quel sera le droit qui gouvernera les problèmes émergeant dans une BA, celui du Code
Civil du Québec ou celui de la common law d'Angleterre?
Étant donne le nombre de cas qui sont portés devant les cours de justice en rapport avec des transactions de BA, comprendre quelle sera la loi applicable est d'une importance fondamentale. Pour répondre à cette question, nous commencerons par un examen de l'historique, du développement et de l'évolution de la BA. Afin de mieux comprendre la BA, nous débuterons par un bref survol des origines de cet instrument juridique. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analyserons la nature et le caractère légal de la BA. Cela constituera le cadre aux travers duquel nous pourrons identifier les règles et les principes qui s'appliquent aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Le chapitre trois fera l'objet d'un examen détaillé des mécanismes de l'opération de BA tout en étudiant de près les exigences imposées par la législation applicable.
Après avoir examine l'aspect légal de la BA, nous procéderons au chapitre quatre, à l'étude de l'applicabilité de la loi provinciale relativement à certains aspects de la transaction de BA. A cet effet, nous examinerons les différentes approches de compréhension de la Loi sur les lettres de change et plus particulièrement la problématique rencontrée à l'article 9. Nous étudierons aussi l'application et l'interprétation de cette loi par les tribunaux du Québec au cours du siècle dernier. Les juges et les juristes se sont penchés sur les sens qu'a voulu donner le législateur lorsqu'il a stipulé dans l'article 9 «Le règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi ». Cette section doit-elle être appliquée à la lettre, nous obligeant à appliquer la common law d'Angleterre a chaque problème qui peut se poser en relation avec les lettres et les billets? Le Parlement a-t-il l'intention que cette disposition s'applique également au Québec, dont le droit privé est basé sur le système du Code Civil? Notre étude portera sur les différentes approches d'interprétation qui offrent une diversité de solutions au problème posé par l'article 9.
Finalement, compte tenu des nouveaux développements législatifs, au chapitre cinq, nous proposons une méthode en vue de déterminer la loi applicable aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Notre analyse nous a conduit à adopter la solution proposée par la majorité des juristes, à la différence que notre approche de l'article 9 est basée sur des raisons de politique. Nous avons donc adopté la stricte dichotomie (en tant qu'effet négociable d'une part, et d'une sorte de contrat et de propriété de l'autre) en prenant en compte les difficultés inhérentes à déterminer quand l'un finit et l'autre commence.
En conclusion, selon notre opinion, il existe deux solutions. Premièrement, il y a la possibilité que l'article 9 puisse être écarté. Dans ce cas, toutes les matières qui ne sont pas expressément évoquées dans la loi tomberont dans la compétence de la loi provinciale, comme c'est le cas dans d'autres types de législations fédérales. Dans ces situations, le droit civil du Québec joue un rôle supplétif dans les applications d'une loi fédérale au Québec.
Deuxièmement, modifier l'article 9 plutôt que d'en écarter son application offre une autre possibilité. Incorporer la large stricte dichotomie dans l'article 9 nous semble être une solution préférable. La disposition pourrait se lire comme suit: « Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre incluant le droit commercial dans la mesure ou elles ne sont pas incompatibles avec les dispositions expresses de la Loi, s’appliquent aux lettres, billets, et chèques au sens stricte. Pour plus de certitude, les lettres et les billets au sens strict, incluent la forme, la délivrance et I’émission des lettres, billets, et chèques.»
Ce type de changement se révélera être un pas important dans le but de clarifier la loi et déterminer l'équilibre à trouver entre l'application des lois fédérales et provinciales en matière de BA. / When dealing with a BA transaction several types of relationships may develop, some more direct than others. In any given transaction, aside from the customer and bank, there may be one or more participating banks, investment dealers, or multiple investors, who become holders of the BA. The situation may be complex and the legal relationships may become quite intricate. However, it is important to identify whether the relationship is established through the BA instrument, or whether it exists by ordinary contractual relationship or by operation of law. Proper analysis of the surrounding circumstances, the connecting factors, and the obligations and the rights which exist between the parties, will be necessary in determining whether or not the contractual rules of the provinces, or federal law rules apply, and to what extent.
Granted, the BA instrument is clearly governed by the Bills of Exchange Act.
Any solution introduced to a problem involving a BA must, in principle, respect the inherent nature of the BA as a negotiable instrument, governed by federal law. In the case of BAs, either the Bills of Exchange Act or the Depository Bills and Notes Act will apply to the instrument. Since there are applicable federal rules to BAs, the purpose of our study is to determine if, and under what circumstances, provincial law, such as the Civil Code of Quebec, would find application with respect to BAs and complement the provisions of the Bills of Exchange Act where the statute is silent or ambiguous.
The simple solution would be to apply provincial law to those matters not addressed in the Act, as provincial law typically compliments federal legislation.
However, the Bills of Exchange Act contains a peculiar provision, namely section 9, which provides:
“9. The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques.”
This provision has created confusion as to the appropriate application of Quebec civil law to matters of bills of exchange. Indeed, there is doubt as to whether section 9 is in fact an incorporation by reference that effectively precludes the application of civil law. The problem continues to be a contentious issue in the doctrine and jurisprudence.
The "inexorable character" of the problem created by the interpretation of this provision has given rise to a number of diverse theories regarding the extent of the applicability of common law to matters of bills of exchange.
As we can clearly conclude from a review of the jurisprudence, the courts, for the most part, have been conciliatory to the application of provincial law in issues involving bills of exchange. The majority of judges express a hesitance to jeopardize the integrity of the provincial law as complimentary law in order to accommodate the idea that Parliament's desire was to enact an extensive and far-reaching law of bills and notes. The position of most doctrinal writers is very much the same.
The essential question of our analysis is which rules will govern the issues, which emerge within BAs - the Civil Code of Quebec or the common law of England? From a Canadian perspective, understanding which law is applicable to BAs is of paramount importance, since courts are dealing with an increasing amount of banker's acceptance transactions.
To answer this question, we will begin with an examination of the origin and evolution of the banker's acceptance. In Chapter Two, we will also analyze the nature and legal character of the BA. This will establish the framework through which we can identify the rules and principles that apply to the various aspects of the BA transaction. In Chapter Three, we examine the mechanics of the BA operation step-by-step, paying close attention to the requirements imposed by legislation. We look at the laws applicable to the BA and describe the various agreements pertaining to the BA. Having examined the legal nature of the BA as being a negotiable instrument governed by federal law and a contract and moveable pursuant to the Civil Code of Quebec, we will proceed in Chapter Four to consider the applicability of provincial law to aspects of the BA transaction. To this end, we examine different approaches to understanding the Bills of Exchange Act, particularly the problematic section 9, as well as the applicable law as understood in Quebec jurisprudence during the past century. Judges and jurists alike have attempted to understand what was meant when the legislator stated in section 9, "[t]he rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques." Is this section to be interpreted literally, requiring us to apply English common law to every issue that might arise in connection with bills and notes? Does Parliament intend this provision to apply equally to Quebec, whose private law is based on the civil law system? Our study will look to interpretive approaches offering a variety of different solutions to the problem of section 9.
Finally, given new legislative developments, in Chapter Five, we offer a proposed method to determine the law applicable to various aspects of the BA transaction. Our analysis has lead us to adopt the result advocated by the majority of jurists, but with the recognition that our approach to section 9 is based on reasons of policy. We have adopted the strict/wide dichotomy, (as a negotiable instrument on the one hand, and as a specie of contract and property on the other hand) realizing the difficulties inherent in determining where one ends and the other begins.
Therefore, in our opinion there exist two solutions. Firstly, there is the possibility that section 9 could be repealed. In this case, all matters not expressly dealt with in the Act would fall to be governed by provincial law, as is the case with other federal legislation. In these situations, Quebec civil law takes on a suppletive role in applying a federal law in Quebec. Secondly, there is the possibility of modifying rather than repealing section 9. Incorporating the strict/wide dichotomy into section 9 itself seems to us to be a more preferable solution. The provision could read, "The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques in a strict sense. For greater certainty, bills and notes in a strict sense include the form, issue, negotiation and discharge of bills, notes and cheques." Alternatively, a Law Reform Commission could draft an Act that defines section 9 according to the strict /wide dichotomy.
These types of changes would prove to be an important step to clarifying the law, and strike the appropriate balance between the application of federal and provincial law to bankers' acceptances.
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BA'S : The practice and law of bankers' acceptanceGozlan, Audi 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours d'une transaction portant sur une acceptation bancaire (ci-après «BA» tel que dénommée dans le jargon juridique) différents types de relations peuvent s'établir entre les parties impliquées, certaines plus directes que d'autres. Dans une transaction donnée, à part le client et la banque, on peut trouver une ou plusieurs banques participantes et un ou plusieurs investisseurs, qui deviennent détenteurs de BA. La situation peut devenir complexe et les relations légales risquent de devenir assez compliquées. Cependant, il est important d'identifier si la relation s'est établie à travers l'instrument de BA, si elle existe par le biais d'une relation contractuelle ordinaire ou encore, si elle existe par le fait de la loi. Une bonne analyse des circonstances entourant la transaction, des facteurs connexes à la transaction et des droits et obligations qui existent entre les parties, sera nécessaire pour déterminer laquelle de la loi provinciale ou fédérale s'appliquera, et dans quelle mesure.
Une fois accordée, la BA est gouvernée par la Loi sur les lettres de change.
Toutes solutions apportées à un problème qui implique des BA, doivent, en principe, respecter la nature inhérente de la BA en tant qu'effet de commerce, gouverné par la loi fédérale. En matière de BA, c'est, soit la Loi sur les lettres de change soit la Loi sur les lettres et billets de dépôt (Depository Bills and Note Act) qui s'appliqueront à l'acte.
Comme il existe des lois fédérales applicables à la BA, l'objet de notre étude est de déterminer si, et dans quelle circonstance la loi de la province, tel que le Code civil du Québec, trouvera application et éclaircira dans certains cas la disposition contenue dans la Loi sur les lettres de change, notamment lorsque les dispositions de ladite loi sont silencieuses ou ambigües.
La solution la plus simple serait d'appliquer la loi provinciale aux matières qui ne sont pas traitées dans la loi, étant donné que les lois provinciales apportent souvent un complément à la législation fédérale. Cependant, la Loi sur les lettres de change contient des dispositions spéciales, tel que l'article 9 qui stipule :
« 9. Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s'appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi. »
Cette disposition a crée une certaine confusion relativement à l'application du droit civil du Québec en matière de Lettres de change. En effet, il existe un doute quant à savoir si l'application de l'article 9 est une incorporation par référence qui exclue totalement l'application du droit civil. Cette question continue de se poser inexorablement dans la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Elle a en effet donné lieu à une série de théories quand au degré d'application de la common law en matière de lettres de change. Une revue de la jurisprudence dominante nous permet de conclure que les tribunaux ont accepté l'application du droit provinciale dans certaines questions impliquant les lettres de change.
La question essentielle traitée lors de notre analyse est la suivante: lorsqu'un litige prend naissance dans une transaction de BA, quelle est la règle qui devra s'appliquer?
Quel sera le droit qui gouvernera les problèmes émergeant dans une BA, celui du Code
Civil du Québec ou celui de la common law d'Angleterre?
Étant donne le nombre de cas qui sont portés devant les cours de justice en rapport avec des transactions de BA, comprendre quelle sera la loi applicable est d'une importance fondamentale. Pour répondre à cette question, nous commencerons par un examen de l'historique, du développement et de l'évolution de la BA. Afin de mieux comprendre la BA, nous débuterons par un bref survol des origines de cet instrument juridique. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analyserons la nature et le caractère légal de la BA. Cela constituera le cadre aux travers duquel nous pourrons identifier les règles et les principes qui s'appliquent aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Le chapitre trois fera l'objet d'un examen détaillé des mécanismes de l'opération de BA tout en étudiant de près les exigences imposées par la législation applicable.
Après avoir examine l'aspect légal de la BA, nous procéderons au chapitre quatre, à l'étude de l'applicabilité de la loi provinciale relativement à certains aspects de la transaction de BA. A cet effet, nous examinerons les différentes approches de compréhension de la Loi sur les lettres de change et plus particulièrement la problématique rencontrée à l'article 9. Nous étudierons aussi l'application et l'interprétation de cette loi par les tribunaux du Québec au cours du siècle dernier. Les juges et les juristes se sont penchés sur les sens qu'a voulu donner le législateur lorsqu'il a stipulé dans l'article 9 «Le règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi ». Cette section doit-elle être appliquée à la lettre, nous obligeant à appliquer la common law d'Angleterre a chaque problème qui peut se poser en relation avec les lettres et les billets? Le Parlement a-t-il l'intention que cette disposition s'applique également au Québec, dont le droit privé est basé sur le système du Code Civil? Notre étude portera sur les différentes approches d'interprétation qui offrent une diversité de solutions au problème posé par l'article 9.
Finalement, compte tenu des nouveaux développements législatifs, au chapitre cinq, nous proposons une méthode en vue de déterminer la loi applicable aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Notre analyse nous a conduit à adopter la solution proposée par la majorité des juristes, à la différence que notre approche de l'article 9 est basée sur des raisons de politique. Nous avons donc adopté la stricte dichotomie (en tant qu'effet négociable d'une part, et d'une sorte de contrat et de propriété de l'autre) en prenant en compte les difficultés inhérentes à déterminer quand l'un finit et l'autre commence.
En conclusion, selon notre opinion, il existe deux solutions. Premièrement, il y a la possibilité que l'article 9 puisse être écarté. Dans ce cas, toutes les matières qui ne sont pas expressément évoquées dans la loi tomberont dans la compétence de la loi provinciale, comme c'est le cas dans d'autres types de législations fédérales. Dans ces situations, le droit civil du Québec joue un rôle supplétif dans les applications d'une loi fédérale au Québec.
Deuxièmement, modifier l'article 9 plutôt que d'en écarter son application offre une autre possibilité. Incorporer la large stricte dichotomie dans l'article 9 nous semble être une solution préférable. La disposition pourrait se lire comme suit: « Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre incluant le droit commercial dans la mesure ou elles ne sont pas incompatibles avec les dispositions expresses de la Loi, s’appliquent aux lettres, billets, et chèques au sens stricte. Pour plus de certitude, les lettres et les billets au sens strict, incluent la forme, la délivrance et I’émission des lettres, billets, et chèques.»
Ce type de changement se révélera être un pas important dans le but de clarifier la loi et déterminer l'équilibre à trouver entre l'application des lois fédérales et provinciales en matière de BA. / When dealing with a BA transaction several types of relationships may develop, some more direct than others. In any given transaction, aside from the customer and bank, there may be one or more participating banks, investment dealers, or multiple investors, who become holders of the BA. The situation may be complex and the legal relationships may become quite intricate. However, it is important to identify whether the relationship is established through the BA instrument, or whether it exists by ordinary contractual relationship or by operation of law. Proper analysis of the surrounding circumstances, the connecting factors, and the obligations and the rights which exist between the parties, will be necessary in determining whether or not the contractual rules of the provinces, or federal law rules apply, and to what extent.
Granted, the BA instrument is clearly governed by the Bills of Exchange Act.
Any solution introduced to a problem involving a BA must, in principle, respect the inherent nature of the BA as a negotiable instrument, governed by federal law. In the case of BAs, either the Bills of Exchange Act or the Depository Bills and Notes Act will apply to the instrument. Since there are applicable federal rules to BAs, the purpose of our study is to determine if, and under what circumstances, provincial law, such as the Civil Code of Quebec, would find application with respect to BAs and complement the provisions of the Bills of Exchange Act where the statute is silent or ambiguous.
The simple solution would be to apply provincial law to those matters not addressed in the Act, as provincial law typically compliments federal legislation.
However, the Bills of Exchange Act contains a peculiar provision, namely section 9, which provides:
“9. The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques.”
This provision has created confusion as to the appropriate application of Quebec civil law to matters of bills of exchange. Indeed, there is doubt as to whether section 9 is in fact an incorporation by reference that effectively precludes the application of civil law. The problem continues to be a contentious issue in the doctrine and jurisprudence.
The "inexorable character" of the problem created by the interpretation of this provision has given rise to a number of diverse theories regarding the extent of the applicability of common law to matters of bills of exchange.
As we can clearly conclude from a review of the jurisprudence, the courts, for the most part, have been conciliatory to the application of provincial law in issues involving bills of exchange. The majority of judges express a hesitance to jeopardize the integrity of the provincial law as complimentary law in order to accommodate the idea that Parliament's desire was to enact an extensive and far-reaching law of bills and notes. The position of most doctrinal writers is very much the same.
The essential question of our analysis is which rules will govern the issues, which emerge within BAs - the Civil Code of Quebec or the common law of England? From a Canadian perspective, understanding which law is applicable to BAs is of paramount importance, since courts are dealing with an increasing amount of banker's acceptance transactions.
To answer this question, we will begin with an examination of the origin and evolution of the banker's acceptance. In Chapter Two, we will also analyze the nature and legal character of the BA. This will establish the framework through which we can identify the rules and principles that apply to the various aspects of the BA transaction. In Chapter Three, we examine the mechanics of the BA operation step-by-step, paying close attention to the requirements imposed by legislation. We look at the laws applicable to the BA and describe the various agreements pertaining to the BA. Having examined the legal nature of the BA as being a negotiable instrument governed by federal law and a contract and moveable pursuant to the Civil Code of Quebec, we will proceed in Chapter Four to consider the applicability of provincial law to aspects of the BA transaction. To this end, we examine different approaches to understanding the Bills of Exchange Act, particularly the problematic section 9, as well as the applicable law as understood in Quebec jurisprudence during the past century. Judges and jurists alike have attempted to understand what was meant when the legislator stated in section 9, "[t]he rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques." Is this section to be interpreted literally, requiring us to apply English common law to every issue that might arise in connection with bills and notes? Does Parliament intend this provision to apply equally to Quebec, whose private law is based on the civil law system? Our study will look to interpretive approaches offering a variety of different solutions to the problem of section 9.
Finally, given new legislative developments, in Chapter Five, we offer a proposed method to determine the law applicable to various aspects of the BA transaction. Our analysis has lead us to adopt the result advocated by the majority of jurists, but with the recognition that our approach to section 9 is based on reasons of policy. We have adopted the strict/wide dichotomy, (as a negotiable instrument on the one hand, and as a specie of contract and property on the other hand) realizing the difficulties inherent in determining where one ends and the other begins.
Therefore, in our opinion there exist two solutions. Firstly, there is the possibility that section 9 could be repealed. In this case, all matters not expressly dealt with in the Act would fall to be governed by provincial law, as is the case with other federal legislation. In these situations, Quebec civil law takes on a suppletive role in applying a federal law in Quebec. Secondly, there is the possibility of modifying rather than repealing section 9. Incorporating the strict/wide dichotomy into section 9 itself seems to us to be a more preferable solution. The provision could read, "The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques in a strict sense. For greater certainty, bills and notes in a strict sense include the form, issue, negotiation and discharge of bills, notes and cheques." Alternatively, a Law Reform Commission could draft an Act that defines section 9 according to the strict /wide dichotomy.
These types of changes would prove to be an important step to clarifying the law, and strike the appropriate balance between the application of federal and provincial law to bankers' acceptances.
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