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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從合作到夥伴關係: 台約關係如何促進台灣在約旦的投資 / From Co-operation to partnership : how has the Jordan - Taiwan relationship facilitated Taiwan investment in Jordan

穆罕默德阿里, Moh'd Ali Khawaldeh Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract 摘要 此研究探討約旦加強與台灣經濟投資機會的適切性。夥伴關係基礎概念被用來表達提供與促進被其他夥伴利用的能力的義務,夥伴關係指的並非合作,合作通常指的是成員間的協助並無義務規範。有鑒於大多數國家受至於當今不同經濟危機所帶來的經濟緊縮,此因素導致部份國家在國際策略環境中以及自身能力以追求夥伴間平等紀律的條件下,尋求新經濟策略作為解決此問題的方法。除由與亞洲發展中國家的激烈競爭所導致的負面經濟關係外,身處經濟與行政的地區,台灣作為最重要實體,但卻因與中國的政治關係,而承受政治壓力。與同盟國家採取夥伴關係而非合作關係,促使能夠發展投資機會,減少發展限制,並落實全球化。 要達成任何策略或概念都需要延伸研究,引進整合的計畫,以及選擇支持此想法的環境。由於經濟成長及穩定,約旦是符合上述條件中,最有機會的國家其中之一。約旦尋求目標,追求發展與成長,以及與台灣的穩固關係。因此,此研究提出問題,「當採用夥伴關係的概念時,約旦是否被考慮為一個機會以加強台灣投資機會?」並尋求其答案。 關鍵詞:夥伴,統治,承諾 / This paper searched for the range of appropriateness of Jordan as a suitable chance to enhancing the Taiwanese economic investment opportunities, when adopting the basis of partnership concept which is expressed as the obligation to provide and facilitate all the capacities and capabilities of the partner to be used by the other partner, instead of cooperation concept that means that the cooperating party provides assistance optionally without any obligation between the parties, in the light of suffering most countries from current economic depression which is resulting from different economic crisis, made some countries to search for the new economic strategies and concepts considering as solutions in different international strategic environments, on condition of they are characterized with its capacity to achieve the equality and fairness doctrine between the partner countries. Taiwan is the most important advanced entity in both economic and administrative areas locally and internationally, but it is facing the political pressures because of the circumstances with China, in addition to the negative economic reactions resulting from the regional competition with Asia developing countries. Adopting the strategy of partnership in founding the companies in the friendly and allied nations instead of adopting the current used approach of cooperation, it makes hopes to develop the opportunities of investment outside, and it processes and reduces some of the restrainers and more by implementing the concept of globalization. Achieving any strategy and applicable concepts requires making extensive studies, introducing integrated strong plans, and choosing the most viable environment which contributes in accepting and supporting the idea. Jordan is particularly one of the hopeful countries in terms of economy growth and stability, it seeks to achieve its objectives, coping with the development and advancement, and it has a strong relation with Taiwan. The question arises and needs the answer: Is Jordan considered as an opportunity to enhance the opportunities of increasing the investment of Taiwan when adopting the basis of partnership? Keywords: Partnership, dominance, commitments, investment, cooperation.

Le processus de production de compromis sociaux dans le cadre d’un partenariat au coeur de l’implantation de l’approche Vieillissement en santé

Siméon, Frantz January 2017 (has links)
Le partenariat est reconnu et promu par de nombreux scientifiques comme un mode de régulation sociale qui est appelé à remplacer les modes traditionnels de régulation axés sur la centralisation du pouvoir. Les conditions de réussite du partenariat sont largement documentées. Pourtant, le débat reste ouvert concernant l’efficacité ou non de ce type d’arrangement social et les dérives auxquelles il peut donner lieu. Cette thèse de doctorat représente le produit de l’analyse d’une expérience partenariale sous l’angle des compromis sociaux. Le partenariat analysé a été le dispositif utilisé par la première communauté au Québec ayant adopté l’approche Vieillissement en santé (VES), qui fut conçue en 2008 et promue par l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). La mise en œuvre de cette expérience a été réalisée par un établissement de santé d’une région semi-urbaine du Québec à travers un large partenariat territorial. La recherche s’est penchée sur la période comprise entre le lancement de la démarche en 2010 et la réforme du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux survenue en 2015. Les résultats de notre recherche montrent que, pour être possible et efficace, un partenariat doit être bâti sur une capacité collective à élaborer des compromis sociaux. Lorsqu’ils s’appuient sur la bonne volonté et la bonne foi de toutes les parties impliquées dans un projet commun et que tous les acteurs concernés sont engagés et participent de manière équitable à la démarche, les compromis sociaux issus du processus de négociation favorisent la réussite du partenariat. Cette thèse apporte une contribution aux travaux de réflexion autour du thème du vieillissement en santé et offre des pistes permettant de bonifier l’apport du partenariat proposé par cette approche comme mécanisme d’adaptation de la société au vieillissement général de la population. Les principaux compromis sociaux que notre recherche nous a permis d’identifier les suivants : (1) l’accord sur le partage de leadership entre les principaux acteurs, (2) l’entente sur la délimitation (ou la redélimitation) de l’expertise, du statut et du rôle de chaque acteur, (3) la réalisation du pragmatisme clairvoyant, (4) le principe convenu de décomplexification de l’accès à l’information, (5) l’instauration de l’habilitation mutuelle fonctionnelle, (6) le déploiement du décloisonnement sectoriel, et (7) l’accord sur la reconfiguration du territoire. Par ailleurs, la négociation de ces compromis sociaux fut rendue possible par différents facteurs d’ordre individuel, communicationnel, relationnel, organisationnel et procédural. Toutefois, les efforts des acteurs de terrain pour bâtir leurs relations sur des compromis sociaux ne peuvent compenser les lacunes dans la relation liant les instances de tutelle et leurs représentants locaux. Effectivement, tant pour leur déploiement et leur maintien que pour leur légitimation, les compromis sociaux obtenus localement ont besoin d’être soutenus par des compromis globaux institués entre les paliers gouvernementaux supérieurs et les instances locales. L’atteinte de ces compromis globaux se fait par le biais de structures intermédiaires de soutien et d’accompagnement permettant d’assurer un arrimage entre les approches de type top-down et celles de type bottom-up. / Abstract : Partnership is known and promoted by many researchers as a social regulation mode that can be called upon to become an alternative to traditional regulation modes based on the centralization of power. Conditions leading to a successful partnership are well known and documented. However, the debate remains open over the efficiency of this type of social arrangement and the failures to which it can give rise. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to study a partnership experience carried out by the first community in Quebec to adopt the Vieillissement en santé (Healthy Aging) approach, which was developed in 2008 and promoted by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). The implementation of this experiment was carried out by a health care center located in a semi-rural region in Quebec through a large territorial partnership. Our research focused on the period between the implementation of the Vieillissement en santé approach in 2010 and the reform of the health and social services network that took place in 2015. The results of our research show that in order to be conceivable and effective, a genuine partnership must be established on the collective capacity to reach social compromises. When they are based on the good will and good faith of actors that are motivated and really committed to a common project and able to participate equitably in the process, social compromises agreed upon by all parties by way of negotiation contribute to the fulfilment of the conditions that lead to a genuine and successful partnership. This doctoral thesis provides additional thought to the reflection on healthy aging and suggests some avenues to be explored to improve the contribution of the partnership that the Vieillissement en santé approach propose as an adaptation mechanism of the society to the issue of an ageing population. In the context of that experience, the following main social compromises were identified : (1) the agreement between the various actors regarding leadership; (2) the agreement about the delimitation or redelimitation of expertise, status and role of the different actors; (3) the achievement of farseeing pragmatism; (4) the application of the principle of decomplexification of access to information; (5) the implementation of functional mutual empowerment; (6) the implementation of sectorial decompartmentalization; and (7) the agreement pertaining to the reconfiguration of the territory. The negotiation of such social compromises was made possible by individual, relational, communicational organizational and procedural factors. However, efforts made by the actors from the community to establish their relationships on social compromises are not sufficient to compensate for the deficiencies in the relationship between the governing body and its local representatives. The preservation, legitimization and implementation of social compromises at the local level need to be supported by social compromises reached between the highest levels of government and local entities. These social compromises can be achieved through the establishment of intermediary structures of accompaniment and support that will insure the articulation between top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Partnerství a spolupráce mezi rodinou a školou v oblasti soukromého vzdělávání / Partnership and Cooperation between Family and School in the Field of Private Education

Melecká, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis named "Partnership and cooperation between a family and a school in private education" is to focus on means and quality of individual aspects of cooperation between a family and a school which participate on the most complexed development of a child. Particular attention will be paid to searching for answers on if, how far and by which means do parents cooperate in the field of private education. How does school actively engage parents into communication and which variants of cooperation are the most appropriate or the most accessible for a school and parents in order to enable reciprocal and appropriate communication and cooperation between these parties. Individual aspects of the current cooperation will be analysed and subsequently evaluated with respect to effectiveness of applied approaches. Simultaneously, it will be indicated what might potential solutions be which could possibly balance interests of a school, a family and a child in current practice of primary school. KEYWORDS family, school, client access, cooperation, partnership

Registrované partnerství a adopce / Registered partnership and adoptions

Law, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse two institutes of family law - registered partnership and adoption. This paper endeavours to understand the historical consequences connected with the adoption of the Registered Partnership Act in 2006 and compares the legislation of these institutes with 35 other European countries. By using a predominately analytical method the thesis strives to predict the direction of Czech legislative changes. This follows in light of the recent annulment of certain discriminatory aspects of the Registered Partnership Act. The analysis takes into consideration recent precendents made by the European Court of Human Rights.

Principals, agents and neighbours : the European Neighbourhood Policy through a Principal-Agent lens

Sobol, Mor January 2014 (has links)
The thesis tests the efficacy of Principal-Agent (PA) theory in explaining the creation and development of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). As such, the thesis is subject as well as theory-driven. Empirically, the focal point is how the interaction between the EU member states and the European Commission affected the development of the ENP. It is a theme which is largely overlooked in the ENP literature. In terms of theory, the ENP represents a fascinating case study for PA analysis not only because it has rarely been applied to the field of EU foreign policy but also because PA has seldom been used for studying the evolution of a policy (both pre and post-delegation). Conceptualising EU member states as principals and the European Commission as agent, the thesis examines PA dynamics through the following three ENP policy stages: formulation (2002-2004), finalisation (2004-2006), and implementation (2007-2009). Three hypotheses are tested for each stage of the ENP. Two hypotheses are rooted in PA scholarship, and address the influence of the agent as an informal agenda-setter, while the third distinguishes the agent's influence between different stages of the policy development. Methodologically, the research design is based on within-case process-tracing while the empirical data is drawn from a triangulation of official documents, secondary sources and elite interviews. The thesis findings show that during the initial stages of the policy, the Commission took advantage of its favourable position (e.g. informational asymmetries and uncertainty among the member states) to establish itself as the key actor in the ENP. As the ENP evolved, the Commission’s influence has diminished while the member states, collectively and individually, became more engaged in determining the course of the policy. However, contrary to PA assumptions, member states' increased oversight over the Commission did not come as a response to disobedient behaviour. Based on the empirical data, the Commission, as an agent, was in fact trying to implement the ENP following the guidelines which were previously agreed by its principals. Thus, in the case of the ENP, my PA analysis shifts from the traditional inquiry of how principals control opportunistic agents, to examining how principals could hinder the work of the agent. This phenomenon, broadly defined by Thompson (2007) as the ‘principal problem’, is an anomaly in existing PA literature dominated by an agency-biased standpoint and has previously not been analysed in the context of the European Union. Finally, the wider implication of this thesis is that there is still room for broadening the scope of PA analysis while highlighting the necessity to keep a watchful eye on both the principals and the agent.

An assessment of John Deere dealership service personnel needs and service managers' perceptions of the John Deere Ag Tech program

Dell, Timothy W. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Secondary Education / Steven R. Harbstreit / John Deere Corporation sponsors 16 schools within the United States that are designed to educate students to become future agricultural equipment technicians. At the time of this study, the schools’ enrollments were at a less-than desirable level, 80% capacity. However, the company was receiving feedback that dealerships needed technicians. The need to determine the disparity between the need for technicians and the level of enrollment led to the pursuit of this study. The researcher sampled 306 John Deere agricultural service managers across the continental United States to determine: (a) if the dealerships truly needed technicians, (b) the methods dealerships were using for locating technicians, and (c) the service managers’ perceptions of the John Deere (JD) Ag Tech program. The study also analyzed the relationships between the service managers’ perceptions of the JD Ag Tech program and five independent variables: (a) number of technicians employed at John Deere dealerships, (b) number of stores dealer-organizations own, (c) distance between John Deere dealerships and the closest JD Ag Tech school, (d) number of JD Ag Tech students John Deere dealerships have sponsored, and (e) service managers’ age. The results of the study indicated that John Deere service managers did plan to hire technicians over the next 12 months as well as over the next three years. However, it was also determined that 60% of the service managers were only somewhat knowledgeable or unfamiliar with the JD Ag Tech Program. For the service managers that had experienced sponsoring JD Ag Tech students, those service managers were satisfied with the JD Ag Tech graduates. The researcher’s recommendations focused upon two areas. The first was to improve the marketing of the JD Ag Tech program to insure that all John Deere service managers become familiar with the program. The second recommendation was to focus on improving the “student” component of the partnership, by recruiting the students earlier in their high school careers, and having the partners work together to target high caliber students.

The conflicting aspects of economic development within Economic Partnership Agreements: will they promote development? a case study of the East African Community Economic Partnership Agreement

Kabbale, Ivan Denis January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

An analysis of the role of public - private partnerships in regional integration initiatives in Southern Africa

Nyali, Xolani January 2014 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This research paper, therefore, will focus on (i) the challenges and opportunities presented by hard infrastructure and (ii) the potential scope of public-private partnerships in alleviating such challenges and responding to the opportunities. This research paper, as a secondary objective, cautions against missing an opportunity to advocate for the deployment of capital in a manner that benefits the region and gives sufficient returns to investors. Simply put, such a failure has the potential to derail the regional integration project in Southern Africa. This would translate to consumers and market participants being subjected to a finite market, less competition, higher prices and less innovation. In responding to the above analyses, this research paper undertakes a thorough study of the current legal framework and practices in SADC which allow for participation of the private sector in public-private partnerships. In this regard, this research paper will consider which between institutionalisation or the ad hoc participation of the private sector in public-private partnerships is a viable policy goal.

Science parks as mechanism to enhance the development of a knowledge-based economy in Mozambique

Mhula, Alexandra Luis January 2012 (has links)
Magister Economicae - MEcon / The 21st century marked the beginning of an era in which countries became increasingly dependent on information and communication technology (ICT). Technological change has not only become one of the key contributors to economic growth, it is also regarded as an essential element to enhance the general welfare of society (Hu, 2006). Not surprisingly, even governments of developing countries undertake various activities aimed at internalising the positive external impact of technological innovation in order to enhance the development of knowledge-based economies. Examples are the provision of basic information services, such as telephone- and internet services as well as distance learning technologies to make education more generally accessible. Another instrument that recently gained worldwide interest is the development of science parks, also known as information technology (IT) parks, techno parks or cyber parks. The rationale is to promote technological change, regional and/or urban development and to facilitate the diffusion of knowledge and technology through the establishment of knowledge networks. In 2004 there were approximately 600 science parks in the world, 70 percent of which were situated in the United States of America, Europe and Asia, but there is a growing trend towards its establishment in developing countries. However, the financing of such mega-projects in developing countries is especially problematic. A science park can be provided as a pure public project or pure private or through public-private partnerships (PPPs). Pure public financing is usually found in countries that have strong public sectors, such as China and India. On the other hand, in countries with well-developed private sectors they are mostly privately financed. In the case of most developing countries, private sectors are generally not developed enough and the public sectors cannot afford to finance projects of such a nature on a sustainable basis. These countries have no other option but to investigate the possibility of some other variation of a public-private-partnership (PPP) model.The Mozambican government acknowledges the urgency to enhance the development of a knowledge based economy and regards the establishment of a science park as a necessary policy intervention to provide the institutional basis for the diffusion of technological and communication innovation. As a result the country launched its first science park, to be developed in different stages, in 2008. But the real challenge for Mozambique lies in the financing of the park. It was estimated that only the first phase will require about 25 million USD. These funds were secured from the Indian government in the form of a loan. However, the government of Mozambique relies to a large extent on foreign aid to balance the national budget and there are no surplus funds to secure the sustainability of a project of such magnitude. This study firstly explored the economic rationale behind the establishment of a knowledgebased economy and the development of ICT. It then focused on science parks as institutions to secure the diffusion of technological innovation in Mozambique and also on empirical evidence from countries that have benefited greatly from investment in science park projects. The study also investigated the possibility to use a PPP-type of project to finance the science park in Mozambique and pointed out very important determinants for the successful implementation of PPP-projects. The study showed that the government of Mozambique is serious in its efforts to develop a knowledge-based economy although many projects are still in their 'infant' stages. It is strongly recommended that policy makers in Mozambique should study the outcomes of empirical research on various science parks projects in other developing countries. The study shows that Brazil seems to be successful in its use of a PPP for the country's science parks. Policy makers should also pay careful attention to other PPP-projects in Mozambique. Although they are mostly used for infrastructural projects, some failed, while others seem to be functioning efficiently and important lessons can be derived.

Partnerskap : En begreppsanalys ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv

Elkjaer, Eva-Karin, Goudarzi, Mahboubeh January 2017 (has links)
Följande uppsats är en begreppsanalys med syftet att studera och beskriva innebörden av begreppet ”partnerskap” ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv. Begreppsanalysen gjordes för att bidra till en djupare kunskap och förståelse samt tydlig innebörd av begreppet inom hälso- och sjukvård. Metoden som användes var granskning av ordböcker, synonymordböcker och vetenskapliga artiklar där karaktäristiska, förutsättningar och konsekvenser av begreppet beskrevs. Genom att studera de vetenskapliga artiklarna fick vi en djupare förståelse för innebörden av begreppet i relation till kontext. Tre fallbeskrivningar utformades som illustration och förtydliga resultatet. I analysen identifierades fyra framträdande attribut av begreppet, patienten som ansvarstagande partner, förutsättningar för partnerskap, delta i beslutfattande och delad makt. Resultatet visar att partnerskap inom hälso- och sjukvård innebär ett delat ansvar mellan patient och vårdgivare, och vården måste anpassas efter båda parters respektive mål, expertis, och resurser. Partnerskapet skall förstås som en djupare relation av jämlika parter med ett gemensamt ansvarstagande och åtagande för de handlingar som ingår i partnerskapet. Parterna utbyter kunskap, expertis, teknik, erfarenheter, finansiella och emotionella resurser, för att bidra till att målen uppfylls. I diskussionen visar vi att begreppet används inom skilda områden och med liknande betydelse. Partnerskap i Hälso- och sjukvården bygger på ett samarbete mellan vårdgivare och patient där patientens berättelse är utgångspunkten. Detta påvisas i fallbeskrivningar och innebär att sjuksköterskan ansvarar att förvalta berättelsen och att bjuda in till delaktighet.

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