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Residential Passive House Development In China : Technica lAnd Economic Feasibility AnalysisChen, Chen January 2011 (has links)
As the energy price goes up, more and more concern has been focused on the sustainable development of residential houses. One of the best solution will be the low energy housing-passive house. The concept of passive house has been popular in Germany and whole Europe in the last 10 years, however, there is no official residential passive house standard project in China now. In this thesis, the feasibility of developing passive house in China will be analysed. Combined with the mature experience from the passive house project in Europe, a Chinese way of building the passive house will be provided. According to the previous studies, a lot of knowledge of passive house projects in Sweden have been referred to help doing the analysis about the passive house development in China. Due to the fact that there is no passive house had done before in China, the some assumptions have been made to help with the economy analysis. It is assumed that one passive house residential project will be built in Shenyang city, Liaoning Province. After the analysing and calculating, it can be concluded that it is possible and profitable to develop the passive house standard residential projects in China. It has a bright future.
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Architektura soudobého rodinného domu v Beskydech / Architecture of a contemporary house in BeskydyMrva, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of architecture of a contemporary single-family house in The Beskydy region. In the introduction of the thesis The Beskydy region as well as the document of the Protected landscape area of Beskydy (Chráněná krajinná oblast - CHKO Beskydy) are described. In recent years the above mentioned topic has been discussed a lot among the architects and designers of the region. Current architecture in the CHKO Beskydy has been stagnating for years due to the fact that in this region quality architecture of a little higher level will always necessarily be in conflict with the devastating policy of the CHKO Beskydy. The objective of the thesis is to specify rules that need to be observed when creating a contemporary single-family house in the Beskydy region. The design as well as the realization of a single-family house in Prostřední Bečva serves to experimentally verify the thesis. This thesis, including the analysis of the obtained data, collecting information, technical examination and authorized expert opinions, has performed as an important part of the engineering process leading to the approval of architectural projects from the institutions of the state administration.
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Evaluating the economic feasibility of the Passive House in China / Utvärdera den ekonomiska genomförbarheten hos Passive House i KinaChen, Jiaying January 2020 (has links)
The Passive House as a type of energy-efficient and cost-efficiency housing, has been implemented widely around the world, and made great contribution to energy saving and environment protection. Although the Passive House requires higher investment in early stage compared to conventional houses, it has many benefits including improving indoor climate and saving energy consumption. However, the development of Passive House in China has been slow due to the lack of information regarding the extra investment and benefits. To provide a clear insight on how the extra investment and benefits of the Passive House balance each other, this study establishes an evaluation model to identify and calculate the additional costs through the life cycle of the Passive House. With the cost and benefit calculated, we can also analysis the payback period to see how many years it takes to recover the extra investment. After the model is established, we evaluated a representative Passive House in Hebei, China. The result showed that the benefits of the extra investment outweigh the additional costs, and the payback period is approximately 12 years, which is acceptable for housing projects. The evaluation model not only provides the developers and consumers a tool to understand the costs and benefits, but also illustrate the economic feasibility of Passive House in China. / Passivhuset som en typ av energieffektiva och kostnadseffektiva bostäder har implementerats i hela världen och har bidragit stort till energibesparing och miljöskydd. Även om Passive House kräver högre investeringar i ett tidigt skede jämfört med konventionella hus, har det många fördelar inklusive att förbättra inomhusklimatet och spara energiförbrukning. Utvecklingen av Passive House i Kina har dock varit långsam på grund av bristen på information om extra investeringar och fördelar. För att ge en tydlig insikt om hur de extra investeringarna och fördelarna med Passive House balanserar varandra skapar denna studie en utvärderingsmodell för att identifiera och beräkna extrakostnaderna genom passivhusets livscykel. Med beräknad kostnad och nytta kan vi också analysera återbetalningsperioden för att se hur många år det tar att återfå den extra investeringen. Efter att modellen har upprättats utvärderade vi ett representativt passivhus i Hebei, Kina. Resultatet visade att fördelarna med extrainvesteringar uppväger extrakostnaderna och återbetalningsperioden är cirka 12 år, vilket är acceptabelt för bostadsprojekt. Utvärderingsmodellen ger inte bara utvecklarna och konsumenterna ett verktyg för att förstå kostnaderna och fördelarna utan illustrerar också den ekonomiska genomförbarheten hos Passive House i Kina.
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Energy Efficiency Improvements on the Passive House Concept in Wooden House Construction in SwedenHettige Don, Lakmal Priyasad January 2022 (has links)
In the current business context, the demand for energy efficiency in the wooden house construction has been increased due to higher requests for the service by society. Passive house standards can be considered as a key concept to increase the energy efficiency of the building. Improvements in energy efficiency have prompted new advances in the construction industry that focus on the building industry development. Improving energy efficiency in wooden houses is one of the major targets of wooden house construction sector in Sweden. To accomplish this desire, energy efficiency improvements in the wooden building industry are required to develop their building and construction practices into a more sustainable and energy-efficient approach. The aim of this research is to investigate current processes and challenging factors related to the energy efficiency of wooden houses in Sweden and identify the methods to improve the energy efficiency of wooden houses in the passive house concept. The purpose of this research is to define the current problems and challenges within the energy efficiency wooden house construction industry and provide recommendations to improve the energy efficiency performance of construction process in upcoming wooden house construction projects in Sweden towards energy efficiency in passive house standards. This study has been conducted through a qualitative approach; the data was collected through a semi-structured interview with five engineering professionals in the energy efficiency sector within the wooden building construction industry and all the data analysis was done by using thematic analysis. The findings were that innovative materials and building envelope are the main consideration in the newly built wooden house and climate zone consideration, design complexity and practical difficulties in the construction phase are the main elements challenging to improve building the passive house with the Swedish energy efficiency building regulations. Supplier-led systemic innovation, formalization of wooden passive house certifications, and technological advancement to build a well-developed building envelope are the required improvements to increase the energy efficiency of wooden house construction in the passive house concept.
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Kan Anderssons hus bli ett passivhus?Unéus, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
I detta arbete studeras vilka möjligheter det finns för en av 3D hus kunders hus att klara kraven för passiv- eller minienergihus. Baserat på ett projekterat hus studeras hur olika konstruktioner och produktval påverkar husets möjlighet att uppfylla kraven. Trots att samtliga konstruktionsalternativ påstods vara anpassade för energisnåla hus visar vår undersökning att transmissionsförlusterna varierade mycket mellan de olika lösningarna. Även vilka garantier de olika företagen kunde ge gällande lufttäta konstruktioner varierade stort.De områdena som särskilt studeras i detta arbete är energiförluster genom en bostads klimatskal beroende av olika konstruktioner av väggarna, samt vilka fönster och dörrar som är lämpliga.Vår studie visar att utformningen av huset som studerats kommer kräva mycket höga krav på konstruktionen för att huset ska kunna nå kraven för ett passiv- eller minienergihus. Utformningen gör däremot att förlusterna varierar stort mellan de olika valen och det kan därför vara en god idé att se över vilka produkter som ska väljas inom de olika områdena. / This report considers the possibilities to build a passive house or mini-energy house within reasonable demands on manufacturers and construction firms for one of 3D House’s customers. The client has already been in contact with different manufacturers and construction firms with different demands, but with the same warranty of energy efficient materials. In this study there’s a comparison of these demands and warrants show that, even with the same stated terms of low efficient material, the transmission loss vary considerably. Especially the warrants for airtight constructions vary much.Because of the buildings shape it becomes clear that it would need very high requirement on the products and the work to meet the requirements for passive house. The shape of the house does on the other hand make sure that it's a big difference between the different products which would make it a good idea to look over the different chose.The areas there this report is in first hand how the different companies for walls because of that is an area there it's a big different between different choice and it's a big part of the climate shield. It will also have a look over what kind of windows and doors that exist that meet both the requirements for passive house and the costumer.
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Passivhusen på OxtorgetBrandt, Fredrik, Jonsson, Mathilda January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersöka hur passivhus eller så kallade nollenergihus skiljer sig i funktion samt uppbyggnad från konventionella hus. I vår undersökning tar vi upp hur utformning, orientering, material samt ett väl fungerande klimatskal påverkar energiförbrukningen. Vi har tittat närmare på faktorer som sparar energi samt hur ett typiskt passivhus är uppbyggt. För att se hur teorin fungerar i praktiken har vi tittat närmare på befintliga passivhus, nämligen de på Oxtorget i Värnamo. Vi har kommit fram till att passivhus fungerar och vi anser det som väldigt viktigt att man fortsätter driva fram arbetet och informera om dess betydelse för miljön. Passivhus blir mer och mer uppmärksammat. De är något dyrare att bygga, men man tjänar in det i längden. Lönsamheten är dock inte det viktigaste utan känslan av att man gör något bra för miljön. / The main purpose with our diploma work is to examine how passive houses or so called zero energy houses differ in function and construction compared to conventional houses. In our research we present different things such design, orientation, materials and how a fully functional climate shell affects the energy consumption. We’ve looked closer at some factors that save energy and how a typical passive house is constructed. To see how theory works in practice we have looked at existing passive houses, and that is the passive houses on Oxtorget in Värnamo. We have come to the conclusion that the passive houses works and we believe that it is very important that we continues to carry on the work and inform people about its importance to the environment. Passive houses are becoming more and more noticed. They are somewhat more expensive to build but in time you will earn the money spent back. The profit is not the most important but the feeling that you do something good for the environment.
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Solel och solvärme ur LCC-perspektiv för ett passiv-flerbostadshus / PV and solar thermal for a multiple dwelling passive house under a LCC-perspectiveBöhme Florén, Simon January 2008 (has links)
This master’s degree project concerns the combination of a multi dwelling passive house with solar energy for the generation of electricity and domestic hot water (DHW). Different alternatives with either solar thermal systems or photovoltaic (PV) systems are compared with two reference alternatives producing DHW from electricity or district heating. The economical comparison uses a life cycle cost (LCC) perspective based on the present value of expenditures for investment, energy and annual operating and maintenance. The energy yields from the solar energy systems were calculated by hand and with simulation software. Calculation and dimensioning of PV systems were carried out with a software called PVSYST. Solar thermal systems were calculated by hand and with the software Winsun Villa Education. Both softwares use hourly weather data for the calculations. The LCCs are lower for the two reference alternatives than for the solar energy alternatives. The reference alternative with district heating generates the lowest LCC. The alternatives with solar thermal energy replace more energy and have significantly lower LCCs than the PV alternatives. The study also shows the importance of using cheap and environmentally friendly backup energy for producing DHW. When aiming for a quantitative energy use target, the DHW-circulation losses ought to be taken into account as these can be extensive.
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Utvärdering av befintliga passivhus : En byggnadsfysikalisk bedömning och mätningar om temperatur, och fukt analys på ytterväggarnaHusseini, Hazhar January 2012 (has links)
Energy price are on the way up to a high level that will not diminish in the future make us to focus more on the sustainable development for a better solution of residential houses. Passive house or low energy housing are one of the solution to make residential more environment friendly, in same time it´s a financial security using less energy, and saving money. The last 10 years in Germany and all around Europe the concept of passive house been developed, and people aim to know more about these concept that leading the market more attractive for passive houses. A passive house is a well designed building highly insulated and air tight with mechanical ventilated system for the whole building envelope that minimizes the use of energy for heating [1]. The housing company Mimer has chosen to invest in low energy consumption in every new housing project. These future plan projects are decided to use less than 75 kwh per square meter annually in purchased energy [2]. This thesis is about new constructed passive houses, and focuses on the evaluations of the temperature, and moisture condition for attic, external walls and joist. Reason for doing this investigation is to see if passive houses fulfill the building codes regarding moisture, and temperature changes, and to find in early stage suspicious changes that could affect badly on the building envelop. The aim of this study is - Moisture risk analyses of the attic, external walls and joist - Studying temperature analysis With highly insulated walls the risk for moistures extra sensitive than normal building construction. Also during summer time the comfort inside may be surprised by high indoor temperature and one solution for that could be using sun shading.
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Passivhusen på OxtorgetBrandt, Fredrik, Jonsson, Mathilda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersöka hur passivhus eller så kallade nollenergihus skiljer sig i funktion samt uppbyggnad från konventionella hus.</p><p>I vår undersökning tar vi upp hur utformning, orientering, material samt ett väl fungerande klimatskal påverkar energiförbrukningen.</p><p>Vi har tittat närmare på faktorer som sparar energi samt hur ett typiskt passivhus är uppbyggt. För att se hur teorin fungerar i praktiken har vi tittat närmare på befintliga passivhus, nämligen de på Oxtorget i Värnamo.</p><p>Vi har kommit fram till att passivhus fungerar och vi anser det som väldigt viktigt att man fortsätter driva fram arbetet och informera om dess betydelse för miljön.</p><p>Passivhus blir mer och mer uppmärksammat. De är något dyrare att bygga, men man tjänar in det i längden. Lönsamheten är dock inte det viktigaste utan känslan av att man gör något bra för miljön.</p> / <p>The main purpose with our diploma work is to examine how passive houses or so called zero energy houses differ in function and construction compared to conventional houses. In our research we present different things such design, orientation, materials and how a fully functional climate shell affects the energy consumption.</p><p>We’ve looked closer at some factors that save energy and how a typical passive house is constructed. To see how theory works in practice we have looked at existing passive houses, and that is the passive houses on Oxtorget in Värnamo.</p><p>We have come to the conclusion that the passive houses works and we believe that it is very important that we continues to carry on the work and inform people about its importance to the environment. Passive houses are becoming more and more noticed. They are somewhat more expensive to build but in time you will earn the money spent back. The profit is not the most important but the feeling that you do something good for the environment.</p>
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The theme of the diploma thesis was the elaboration of an architectural study of a selected building from the undergraduate project of the urban design of the Kraliky Sports and Recreation Resort in the Ústí nad Orlicí district. The urban-architectural study defined a property suitable for the location of a mountain hotel, which is located in close proximity to the existing urban development south of the city and in the southwestern part of the defined location for the implementation of the sports and recreational resort Kraliky. The city's intention is to build a new hotel complex on its own property to provide maximum service for the emerging resort. The ski hotel is designed as one building with additional structures including ancillary buildings such as paved areas and roads, utilities, etc. The ski hotel is designed in an energy-passive standard, it will meet the requirements for high quality indoor environment and will minimize energy consumption for its operation. The priority of the project is a healthy indoor environment and environmental friendliness. The aim was to create a building that respects the surrounding buildings and its material solution does not protrude into the surroundings.
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