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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sentidos partilhados nas intera??es em sala de aula: miss?o, trabalho, tramas e dramas / Shared senses in interactions in the classroom: task, work, plot and dramas

Machado, Elisana Marta 15 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisana Marta Machado.pdf: 1294732 bytes, checksum: 9dd8ca074dcb4615187d37929f944761 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-15 / This research consists about the meanings engendered in the interactions as to collaborate or not in the teach-learning process. Its locus is the classroom, understood as a place, which synthesize elements proceeding of other instances with different social backgrounds of each one in a permanent transit of the different directions of these same elements and its own educational scenery. The objective is to describe and analysis the interactions in the classroom, to understand the relationship between the interactions undertaking by the students and teachers and the teach-learning process, as well as to understand by which ways their own singular histories participate in the development and learning process of one another. The method undertaken inserts in the paradigm of the quality researched and constitutes in a narrative of the day by day scenes between two classes of elementary school, and started to be built based on observation and audio-recording. The analysis was elaborated through indicatory survey of the senses shared in the interactions, flowing grouping that we call nucleous of shared senses based on the theoretical focus of Gonz?lez Rey for the subjectivity study. This focus was based sustained for the interpretations elaborated during the analyze, flowing a plot which the teachers and students emerged as singular person and sharing senses. In the conclusion, we detached interpretable elements as having more of the shared senses in the two-empiric moments of the research, which led our understanding of the relation between the senses, development and learning. It is possible to say that the senses engendered in the interactions can be understood as more favored or not of the learning process and of the development to depend on by which way teachers and students insure as subjects. This manner seems to be intimacy attached to the possibilities of meaning and senses of these subjects and their ways of facing the obstacles that interpose in the different models of interaction: dealing with their students by their teachers, arbitrate by their duties; dealing with their duties by the students, arbitrate by their teachers; and dealing of the subjects with the others actors in the classroom. / Esta pesquisa versa sobre os sentidos engendrados nas intera??es como favorecedores ou n?o do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Seu locus ? a sala de aula, entendida como espa?o em que se sintetizam elementos de sentido e significa??o procedentes de outras inst?ncias das experi?ncias sociais de seus protagonistas, em um tr?nsito permanente de diferentes sentidos atuais dos sujeitos e dos pr?prios cen?rios educativos. Seu objetivo ? descrever e analisar as intera??es em sala de aula, entender a rela??o entre as intera??es empreendidas pelos alunos e professores e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, bem como compreender de que forma as hist?rias singulares dos sujeitos participam de seu processo de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. O m?todo utilizado insere-se no paradigma da pesquisa qualitativa, e constitui-se da narra??o de cenas do cotidiano de duas salas de aula do Ensino Fundamental, constru?das a partir de observa??es e grava??es em ?udio. A an?lise foi elaborada a partir do levantamento de indicadores dos sentidos partilhados nas intera??es, derivando agrupamentos que chamamos de n?cleos de sentidos partilhados, com base no enfoque te?rico de Gonz?lez Rey para o estudo da subjetividade. Tal enfoque constituiu-se enquanto sustenta??o para as interpreta??es formuladas ao longo da an?lise, que desvelou uma trama em que as singularidades de professores e alunos emergem imbricadas e partilham sentidos. Na conclus?o, s?o destacados elementos interpretados como mais significativos dos sentidos partilhados nos dois momentos emp?ricos da pesquisa, que conduziram ? nossa compreens?o da rela??o entre os sentidos, o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. ? poss?vel dizer que os sentidos engendrados nas intera??es podem ser entendidos como mais favorecedores ou n?o da aprendizagem e do desenvolvimento a depender da maneira pela qual professores e alunos insurgem como sujeitos singulares. Tal maneira parece estar intimamente atrelada ?s possibilidades de significa??o desses sujeitos e ?s suas formas de enfrentamento dos obst?culos que se interp?em nas diferentes modalidades de intera??o lida das professoras com seus alunos, mediada pela tarefa; lida dos alunos com a tarefa, mediada pelas professoras; e lida dos sujeitos com os demais atores em sala de aula.

Portf?lio como instrumento de aprendizagem e suas implica??es para a pr?tica pedag?gica reflexiva / Portfolio as a means to learning and its implications for a reflective teaching process

Torres, Sylvia Carolina Gon?alves 24 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sylvia Carolina Goncalves Torres.pdf: 407272 bytes, checksum: 7823105093372b5707f31cb3343d634c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-24 / This present work aims at describing and analysing the inner dilemas of the process of implementation of portfolios as a means to enhance meaningful learning in a Languages Course, at a private Higher Education institution in the state of S?o Paulo, and of noticing how such a process can be reflected on the students pedagogical practice. This is a case study, inserted in the Research line University, Teaching and Teacher Education , part of the Master s Degree in Higher Education at Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. This case study consisted in bibliographical research on the theme, followed by questionnaires handed to the students , who , at that time, were attending the second semester of their Languages course. The main contribution of this study is on the describing and understanding of an innovation in the assessment practice of Higher Education students, making it posible for them to reflect and transform their own future teaching, especially in terms of assessment. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar os dilemas inerentes ao processo de implanta??o do portf?lio como instrumento favorecedor de aprendizagem significativa em um curso de Letras de uma institui??o particular de Ensino Superior no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, e pretende responder ? quest?o: como a utiliza??o do portf?lio pode promover pr?tica pedag?gica reflexiva na forma??o de professores de L?ngua Inglesa em forma??o. Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso, inserido na Linha de Pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores , do Programa de P?sgradua??o/ Mestrado em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. Consistiu em reunir um estudo bibliogr?fico sobre o tema, question?rios semi-abertos aplicados a alunos do segundo semestre do curso de Letras, com habilita??o em Portugu?s e Ingl?s. A contribui??o principal do estudo est? na apreens?o e descri??o de uma inova??o na pr?tica avaliativa de alunos do Ensino Superior, possibilitando reflex?es e transforma??es na pr?tica pedag?gica de futuros educadores, especialmente no tocante ? avalia??o.

Educa??o de jovens e adultos: uma perspectiva de alfabetiza??o com idosos / Young and adult education: a perspective of literacy with elders

Marques, Denise Travassos 13 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Travassos Marques.pdf: 1382737 bytes, checksum: 17e0494b7d3201c892ed41f4333ef2fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-13 / This present work aims at understanding why and how the educator.s education concerning the literacy of Young and Adults can influence the educator.s performance committed to human dignity and improving the knowledge about the educator.s education and about the elders. profile in the modern society, as well as analyzing the population growth of elders in Brazil and its repercussions to the social fields. It should be added to the economically poor elders the social consequences of an unproductive live which, most of the times, refrain them from conquering a better social life. These changes have had considerable impacts on the public policies. This study aims at taking a good look at the presence of elders in the literacy classrooms of the Education Program for Elders, as well as at the main role of the educators in the process of thinking and the paradigm which excludes the elders from the productive sectors. The document survey and the document analysis of the legislation relative to the elder as described in the work, give the educator the opportunity of performing the role of mediator and negotiator of the learning process, getting to know the social, psychological and biological conditions of the elderly student. For that, it is necessary for the educator to constantly update his or her knowledge of other scientific fields. The starting assumption is that the answers to the challenges facing the contemporary world demand the educators. education as a social educator, as well as the construction of knowledge that make the educators. development possible in order to consciously face the challenges put before the education of the society with the aim of contributing with a more humanitarian education. This work has been developed as part of the Research Program for Education Practices and for the Educators. Education, together with ICCON Research Group (Interdisciplinary and Constructive Knowledge) Post-graduation Program in Education at Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. / O presente trabalho visa compreender porque e como a forma??o do docente na Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos pode exercer influ?ncia na a??o do educador comprometido com a dignidade humana e aprofundar os conhecimentos da forma??o do professor e do perfil do idoso na sociedade moderna, bem como analisar o aumento da popula??o idosa no Brasil e suas repercuss?es para os campos sociais. Aos idosos desfavorecidos economicamente somam-se decorr?ncias sociais da vida n?o produtiva que, muitas vezes, os impedem de encontrarem maior espa?o de valoriza??o social. Essas mudan?as j? est?o repercutindo nas pol?ticas p?blicas. Nesta pesquisa abordam-se a presen?a dos idosos nas salas de alfabetiza??o de Educa??o de jovens e Adultos, bem como o papel fundamental do pedagogo nesse processo de reflex?o e o paradigma que exclu? a participa??o dos educandos mais velhos no setor produtivo. O levantamento bibliogr?fico e an?lise documental das legisla??es referente aos idosos apresentados propiciam ao pedagogo desempenhar uma fun??o de mediador e articulador da aprendizagem, conhecendo a realidade social, psicol?gica e biol?gica dos educandos. Para isso ? necess?rio atualizar-se constantemente em outros campos cient?ficos. Partimos do pressuposto de que a resposta aos desafios que o mundo contempor?neo apresenta demanda por uma forma??o docente, no curso de Pedagogia, que vise o educador social e que possibilite a constru??o de conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento do educador consciente dos desafios impostos ? educa??o, no sentido de contribuir com uma educa??o mais humana. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas e Forma??o do Educador, junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa ICCON (Interdisciplinaridade e Constru??o do Conhecimento) do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas.

Arquitetura e escola: a percep??o docente dos lugares educativos / Architecture and school: the teacher perceptions from educative locations

Aquino, Eliane Cristina Gallo 11 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliane Cristina Gallo Aquino.pdf: 7695454 bytes, checksum: b9300a1b67f2bec413b90905f6873d0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-11 / This research intends to display the relations between some authors who evaluate the physical environment in educative foundations, their occupying, the perception of their users and, chiefly, the view from elementary school (from 6 th to 9th grades) teachers in public municipal schools, in the city of Campinas S?o Paulo. In this sense, it discourses about the relevance of the physical environment between students and teachers in the process of teaching and learning in spaces pertaining to the schools. Therefore, the object of arguing is the importance of the physical spaces for the act of teachers educating, aiming at the students learning, since there are gaps between pedagogy and the use of these school environments, which result in learning quality loss, when there is no appropriation of these spaces by the individuals in this process. / Esta pesquisa apresenta as rela??es entre alguns autores que avaliam o ambiente f?sico de estabelecimentos educativos, sua ocupa??o e a percep??o dos usu?rios e, principalmente, a vis?o de docentes do ensino fundamental (de 6?. a 9?. anos) de uma escola p?blica municipal da cidade de Campinas - SP. Nesse sentido, discorre sobre a relev?ncia do meio f?sico entre os alunos e professores durante o processo de ensino e aprendizagem nos espa?os escolares. Assim sendo, o objeto de questionamento ? a import?ncia do espa?o f?sico para o ato de ensino dos professores, visando ? aprendizagem dos alunos, pois, existem lacunas entre a pedagogia e o uso desses espa?os e ambientes escolares, as quais resultam em perda de qualidade da aprendizagem quando n?o h? a apropria??o dos espa?os escolares pelos indiv?duos do processo em quest?o.

N?meros naturais: abordagem do contexto hist?rico na pr?tica pedag?gica / Natural numbers: approach to the historical context in pedagogical practice

Sartori, Maria Ester de Siqueira Rosin 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Ester de Siqueira Rosin Sartori.pdf: 1301255 bytes, checksum: 6cdb89dafe916021328547ca383937c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / Understanding the complexity and the contributions of a collaboration between history and mathematics and the need for approximation of mathematical knowledge to the universe of students, the research aims to see how the teachers of mathematics for the sixth year of primary education in the region of Campinas, Brazil , understand their pedagogical practice and what their knowledge of history, particularly on the history of mathematics, is in order to address and develop the concept of natural numbers. There is, by definition, that mathematics is presented as a knowledge contextualized and meaningful for students, so it came in a vacuum, either developed in a vacuum, but is the result of relationships and cultural needs as originating in primitive communities, in which science began to develop, walked up to the current issues through a multifaceted and complex developments and have in particular the history of the one-digit Universal history must therefore be considered as such for the teaching and learning. / Devido ?s possibilidades de compreens?o dos fen?menos sociais que interferem na forma como o conhecimento ? constru?do e como o aluno se apropria dele, esta pesquisa investiga as potencialidades da participa??o da Hist?ria na pr?tica pedag?gica do professor de Matem?tica, do sexto ano do ensino fundamental da regi?o de Campinas, S.P., na aprendizagem significativa e contextualizada dos N?meros Naturais e reflete sobre as possibilidades do trabalho integrado entre Hist?ria e Matem?tica, que contemplem a atua??o tanto do docente quanto dos investigadores quando pretendem abordar o conceito de n?meros naturais em sua pr?tica pedag?gica ou investigativa. Tem-se, por hip?tese, que a Matem?tica apresenta-se como um saber contextualizado e significativo para o aluno, portanto n?o surgiu no vazio, tampouco se desenvolveu no v?cuo, mas ? fruto das rela??es e das necessidades culturais origin?rias j? nas comunidades primitivas, nas quais as ci?ncias come?aram a se desenvolver, caminharam at? as quest?es atuais atrav?s de uma evolu??o multiforme e complexa e fizeram, em particular da Hist?ria dos algarismos, uma Hist?ria universal, portanto, deve ser analisada como tal para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem.

Um olhar sobre os formadores de formadores do UNIARAX?: identidades e pr?ticas

Lodi, Ivana Guimar?es 18 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivana Guimaraes Lodi.pdf: 1121239 bytes, checksum: cc21031c56978b5aab75c8d0e57e657c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-18 / This work is linked to research line: University, staff and professors qualification. It looks into the paths taken and the practices carried out by ten educators from the Superior Institute- Uniarax? - Centro Universit?rio do Planalto de Arax? (MG), restoring the different ways and the significance of self-construction and pedagogic practices in the qualification of future educators. The choice was for the qualitative research and for the methodology of oral History of life, a challenge for the historians who decide to use it. We highlighted the social-economic constitution of the subjects as an essential aspect in the search for the understanding of human subjectivity. More important than the interview technique was the search for the sensibility to comprehend the interviewees feelings and their importance in the process of self-construction as well as their educational actions. The paths taken, the ways and the meaning of the researched subjects revealed that people are not born teachers, but become teachers through several facts, life experiences, and sharing of experiences that constitute and institute them. People are teachers/professors and even in doubts, facing difficulties and re-arranging paths, education is seen as a means of change and one of the mediations for social transformation. / Este trabalho vincula-se ? linha de pesquisa: Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores. Busca investigar o caminho percorrido e as pr?ticas docentes, atrav?s de relatos orais, de 10 educadores do Instituto Superior do UNIARAX? Centro Universit?rio do Planalto de Arax? (MG), recuperando os diferentes sentidos e significados de sua auto-constru??o e de suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas na forma??o de futuros educadores. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa e pela metodologia de Hist?ria oral de vida, desafio para os historiadores que se prop?em a utiliz?-la. Foi valorizada a constitui??o s?cio-hist?rica dos sujeitos, ponto fundamental para uma an?lise de car?ter global, articulando o social e o individual na busca de entender a subjetividade humana. Mais importante do que escolher a t?cnica da entrevista, foi buscar a sensibilidade para compreender a express?o dos sujeitos entrevistados e sua representatividade no processo de auto-constru??o e de suas a??es educativas. As trajet?rias, sentidos e significados dos sujeitos pesquisados, revelaram que n?o se nasce professor, as pessoas tornam-se professores por uma s?rie de fatos, viv?ncias, conviv?ncias, que v?o constituindo-as e instituindo-as. Tornamo-nos professores/educadores, e mesmo entre d?vidas, dificuldades e at? mesmo realinhamento de rotas, a educa??o ? vista como caminho de mudan?as e uma das media??es para a transforma??o social.

Ensino superior e televis?o: repensando a pr?tica pedag?gica face ao consumismo televisivo / Higher learning and television: rethinking the pedagogical practice face the television consumerism

Bissaro, Andr?ia 11 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Bissaro.pdf: 348273 bytes, checksum: 05e6c6e08ccb3c0b770af9521a3e26bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-11 / The objective of this work, which is inserted in the research line of University, Teaching and Teacher s Formation, is to investigate teacher s educational practices. The individuals of this study are the teachers of the pedagogy course at a private institution in the city of Campinas, and the students of pedagogy of the same institution that teach or that have already taught in another moment in the primary education. By means of questionnaires, we could survey if those individuals discuss with their students about issues related with the development of a critical attitude about what can be seen or listened in the television, specially about the consumerism transmitted on this mean of communication. We could verify that the development of this attitude is deficient in the educational practices of those individuals. However, they feel the need to develop such attitude, but sometimes they do not know how to make it. We understand that television, and overall, the television advertising, have the purpose to create demand for induced wants and to influence the consumers decisions. The idea of consuming frequently transmitted by the television is transformed as the solution to all problems. In this context, the education must be enrolled in a deep critical analysis about the way to deal with reality. By doing this, it can be possible to change the way teachers educate their students, in the face of the consumerism society. We point out the importance of teachers to pay attention about the television an about the consume exacerbation transmitted on this media. Teachers must pay attention not only in the way to watch it but also in a way to study it pedagogically. / O objetivo do presente estudo, inserido na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e forma??o de professores, ? investigar a pr?tica pedag?gica dos professores. Os sujeitos deste estudo s?o os professores do Curso de Pedagogia de uma Institui??o Particular localizada na cidade de Campinas e os alunos da mesma Institui??o, que de modo geral lecionam ou que em outro momento lecionaram na Educa??o B?sica. Por meio da aplica??o de question?rios, verificamos se os sujeitos discutem com seus alunos quest?es que abordam o desenvolvimento de um pensamento cr?tico sobre o que se v? e o que se ouve na televis?o, em especial sobre os apelos consumistas anunciados nesse meio. Constatamos que o desenvolvimento desse pensamento ? de certa forma prec?rio na pr?tica pedag?gica realizada pelos sujeitos, no entanto, eles sentem necessidades de desenvolver tais pensamentos, mas nem sempre sabem como realizar. Entendemos que a televis?o e sobretudo a publicidade veiculada nesse meio, tem como prop?sito administrar as vontades e as decis?es dos consumidores. A id?ia de consumo freq?entemente veiculada pela televis?o ? transformada em solu??o para todos os problemas. Nesse contexto, a educa??o precisa ser envolvida numa profunda reflex?o cr?tica na sua maneira de ver a realidade, para que assim seja poss?vel uma mudan?a na forma de educar os alunos, frente a essa sociedade de consumo. Ressaltamos a import?ncia dos professores em atentarem para a televis?o e para a exacerba??o do consumo instalada nessa m?dia, n?o somente de modo a espect?-la, mas tamb?m de modo a estud?-la pedagogicamente.

O Projeto Pedag?gico de um Curso de Licenciatura em Matem?tica: avan?os e perspectivas diante das pesquisas educacionais e das exig?ncias legais

Alonso, Romildo 16 December 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Romildo Alonso.pdf: 470624 bytes, checksum: 99056acabaecbe6f54e0370d7004c4d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-12-16 / This paper is part of a research project called University, Teaching and Teacher Education, the reason for having chosen this subject being the fact that the Educational Projects usually are very well written, but not transferred into practice. This may be due to the lack of (1) a supporting team, (2) teachers knowledge about the Project and (3) participation of students in creating the Project. The aim of this investigation at the graduation course in Mathematics at Funda??o de Ensino Oct?vio Bastos is to discover the educational and teaching concepts professed by the teachers of future mathematics teachers, based on the Educational Project, of the legal requirements and research in the area. A survey questionnaire with objective questions was used for collecting initial information; later on, interviews were held with the same teachers. Analysis of the data revealed distances and closeness of their concepts and praxis to the Educational Project and to the latest research on teacher education. It was suggested that collectively at FEOB, and especially at the Mathematics graduate course, efforts be made to modernize the course according to requirements of this new century. This research contributed to direct the same reflections and proceedings used here to similar graduate institutions for teacher training. / Este trabalho est? vinculado ? linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores, e justifica-se pelo fato de os Projetos Pedag?gicos das institui??es de ensino superior serem, de uma maneira geral, bem elaborados, mas n?o seguidos dentro das propostas que os caracterizam. A falta de um grupo de apoio, o seu pleno conhecimento por parte dos professores e a n?o participa??o do corpo discente na sua elabora??o t?m sido os motivos pelos quais as atividades escolares n?o contemplam as diretrizes propostas para a consolida??o do aprendizado. O objetivo desta pesquisa, que tem por locus a Funda??o de Ensino Oct?vio Bastos FEOB Curso de Licenciatura em Matem?tica, ? investigar as concep??es de educa??o e de ensino dos professores formadores de professores, considerando o Projeto Pedag?gico da Institui??o, especialmente o do Curso de Matem?tica, as exig?ncias legais e as pesquisas na ?rea. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se primeiramente de um question?rio composto por quest?es objetivas e, posteriormente, de entrevistas, ambos aplicados aos professores. A an?lise dos dados permitiu verificar distanciamentos e aproxima??es de suas concep??es e pr?ticas com o Projeto Pedag?gico e com a literatura atual sobre forma??o de professores, assim como foi poss?vel sugerir direcionamentos para a organiza??o de um trabalho coletivo na FEOB, e particularmente no Curso de Licenciatura em Matem?tica, visando a moderniza??o do curso dentro das exig?ncias da sociedade considerando os desafios do s?culo XXI. As contribui??es desta pesquisa est?o no fato de que as reflex?es sobre os resultados obtidos possam nortear reflex?es e procedimentos de mesma natureza em Institui??es Superiores de forma??o de professores e similares.

Hist?rias de Professores de Artes Visuais: um rememorar de pr?ticas pedag?gicas e um olhar para a forma??o docente / Professors of Visual Arts stories: a recall of teaching practices and a look at the professor education

Crivari, Ana Maria da Silva Bittar 09 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria da Silva Bittar Crivari.pdf: 791094 bytes, checksum: e362774da8b41706cea7e5fbdef28215 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-09 / This research was based on Visual Arts professor s stories, proposing a rethinking teaching practices and professor education in this field. The teaching of art goes through major conceptual and methodological change, and has led to reflections and curriculum changes that require adjustments in teaching practice and professor education. We focus, in order to delineate the processes by which comes through art education and emancipation in the knowledge area constitut as a discipline, as well as the changing process in the legislation Brazilian education itself of Brazilian education. We seek to relive and recall teaching practices and the facilitation and specific students pedagogic education, developed in the classroom a School of Visual Arts professors who value the role of arts in education. We discuss the process of comprehensive and substantial art education and interlacing with the education future professors Arts. Through the Oral History methodology rescued the life history, the three Visual Arts professors experiences. The methodological procedures were semi-structured interviews with visual arts professors of a course in and promote a review of literature on art education and his plans.We emphasized during interviews, teaching practice, so we recall the experiences and lived meanings, which of course were used to review the present and prepare for the future. We believe in the contribution of these experiences, to train professors, showing how art can be revisited, taught and relearned. We understand that teaching process and learning art, mediated by professors' action seems to highlight the students relationship importance with the object of knowledge that we teach, creating the opportunity for this to be seized. / Esta pesquisa baseou-se em hist?rias de professores de Artes Visuais, propondo um repensar sobre as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e forma??o de professores desta ?rea de conhecimento. O ensino da Arte passa por grande mudan?a conceitual e metodol?gica, e vem provocando reflex?es e altera??es curriculares que demandam adequa??es na pr?tica docente e na forma??o de professores. Enfocamos visando a delinear os processos pelos quais vem passando o ensino da arte e sua emancipa??o na constitui??o desta ?rea de conhecimento como disciplina, bem como o processo de mudan?a na pr?pria legisla??o da educa??o brasileira. Buscamos rememorar as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e os elementos facilitadores na forma??o pedag?gica e espec?fica dos alunos, desenvolvidas, na sala de aula dos professores de um Curso de Artes Visuais e que valorizam o papel da arte na educa??o. Refletimos sobre o processo abrangente e substancial do ensino da arte e o entrela?amento com a forma??o do futuro professor de Arte. Por meio da metodologia da Hist?ria Oral resgatamos a hist?ria de vida e as experi?ncias de tr?s docentes de Arte Visuais. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas com docentes de um Curso de Artes Visuais, al?m de uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre arte-educa??o e seus des?gnios. Enfatizamos no decorrer das entrevistas, as pr?ticas pedag?gicas, de modo a nos remetermos a experi?ncias e significados vividos, que naturalmente foram usados para rever o presente e preparar o futuro. Acreditamos na contribui??o destas experi?ncias, para a forma??o de professores, demonstrando como a Arte pode ser revisitada, ensinada e reaprendida. Entendemos que o processo de ensinar e aprender Arte, mediado pela a??o docente, parece evidenciar a import?ncia da rela??o do aluno com o objeto de conhecimento que queremos ensinar, criando a oportunidade de que este seja apreendido.

Cursos de licenciatura em computa??o: a forma??o do educador em an?lise / Course Graduation of Computing: the training of educators in the analysis

Lima, Carlos Ac?cio de 21 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Acacio de Lima.pdf: 798505 bytes, checksum: 0abf6822217224ec2c92b328d52cbf59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-21 / The theme of this dissertation is the formation of educators coursing a graduation of computing. The analyzed question is: departing from pedagogical projects in Information Technology courses, what are the challenges to the formation of future educators? The goal of this paper is to present some elements of pedagogical projects in three courses graduation of computing, respectively at Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE), and Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), and to analyze whether or not they meet the curricular requisites. The dissertation highlights the relevance of undergraduates formation in a graduation of computing. The method consists in Literature Review of official documentation of Higher Education institutions, mainly documentation of politic-pedagogical projects for each of the above-mentioned courses. As an outcome of this investigation, the weight given by each of these institutions to basic, specific and pedagogical disciplines is also analyzed. The analysis reveals which of these courses puts greater emphasis on the pedagogical or on the technological aspects in the formation of future educators. Ideally, the formation of educators coursing Information Technology at the undergraduate level should encompass knowledge that might excel its technical and didactic dimensions, and that would promote adequate formation as the sum of all dimensions of the pedagogical project. The backstage in the formation of an educator is the need to overcome the technical/didactic dichotomy. Results show the need of promoting a better qualified and committed formation of future educators in Information Technology, that would allow a precise alignment between undergraduate formation and curricular goals. / Essa pesquisa tem como tema a forma??o do educador nos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o. O problema desta pesquisa consiste na seguinte pergunta: a partir dos projetos pedag?gicos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, quais os desafios para forma??o de professores? O objetivo deste trabalho ? apresentar alguns elementos dos projetos pedag?gicos de tr?s cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, quais sejam, Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE) e Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), a fim de analisar se eles atendem ?s diretrizes curriculares, mas principalmente almejamos colocar em relevo o significado da forma??o de educadores nos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o. O m?todo consiste em revis?o bibliogr?fica e ser? feito a partir da an?lise de documentos considerados oficiais por parte das Institui??es de Ensino Superior, principalmente dos projetos pol?ticos pedag?gicos de cada um dos cursos citados. Como consequ?ncia da investiga??o dos projetos pedag?gicos, analisaremos tamb?m o peso dado por cada uma das institui??es ?s disciplinas b?sicas, disciplinas espec?ficas e as disciplinas pedag?gicas. Com este dimensionamento, ser? poss?vel ver quais cursos t?m maior foco na parte pedag?gica ou na parte tecnol?gica tendo como ?nfase a forma??o do educador. A forma??o do educador de Licenciatura em Computa??o deve englobar conhecimentos que ultrapassem a dimens?o t?cnica ou a did?tica, promovendo a forma??o adequada que ? o resultado das dimens?es explicitadas nos projetos pedag?gicos. O que se tem como pano de fundo da forma??o do educador para esta ?rea do conhecimento ? a necessidade de supera??o da dicotomia t?cnica/did?tica. Os resultados alcan?ados relacionam-se com a necessidade de promover a forma??o de professores mais qualificada e compromissada com os cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, permitindo a precisa adequa??o da forma??o do aluno frente ?s diretrizes curriculares.

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