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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Jag arbetar utifrån ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt. Eller gör jag det?” : En kvalitativ studie av ämneslärares språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbete i ämnena svenska och svenska som andraspråk på mellanstadiet / ”I work on the basis of a language and knowledge development approach. Or do I?”

Vatansever, Baki January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att få en djupare förståelse för hur svensklärare ställer sig till språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt och synliggöra lärarnas självförståelse i arbetssättet. Studien består av fyra intervjuer med svensklärare på mellanstadiet i Mellansverige som arbetar som ämneslärare. Studien visar att lärarna har en positiv inställning till språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt i svenskundervisningen och anser således att de har en vital roll i eleverna språkliga utveckling. Dock framgår det i resultatet att det skiljer sig åt mellan lärarna och hur de praktiserar arbetssättet beroende på vilka erfarenheter de har och vilken skola de arbetar på. Ett visst motstånd finns där man kan notera en tendens på att den konservativa ämnestraditionen finns kvar utifrån att lärare har svårt att samarbeta och släppa in andra lärare i den egna undervisningen. Vidare visar resultatet att samtliga lärare på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt i svenskundervisningen. Utifrån lärarnas utlåtanden är det tydligt att de är influerade av Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv och Hallidays systemiska funktionella grammatik. Skillnaderna mellan lärarna är stora och det är enbart två lärare som är medvetna i teorierna och arbetsmodellerna medan de övriga två är omedvetna om dem. Detta synliggörande, som också är en förspråkligande, kan i bästa fall höja lärares professionella medvetenhet och bidra till att möjliggöra kollegiala samtal om hur språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisning kan utvecklas. / The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how Swedish teachers approach language and knowledge-developing working methods and to make the teachers self-understanding visible in the working method. The study consists of four interviews with Swedish teachers in middle school in Central Sweden. The study shows that teachers have a positive attitude towards language and knowledge development working methods in Swedish teaching and believe that they have a vital role in student language development. However, the results show that there are differences between the teachers and how they practice the working method depending on what experiences they have and which school they work at. There is some resistance where we can see a tendency for the conservative subject tradition to remain based on the fact that teachers have difficulty cooperating and letting other teachers into their own teaching. Furthermore, the results show that all teachers in one way or another work with language and knowledge development methods in Swedish teaching. From the teacher statements, it is clear that they are influenced by Vygotsky's socio-cultural perspective and Halliday's systemic functional grammar. The differences between the teachers are large and only two teachers are aware of the theories and working models, while the other two are unaware of them. This visibility, which is also advocacy, can at best raise teachers’ professional awareness and help to enable collegial conversations about how language and knowledge development teaching can be developed.

Tränas förmågorna i ämnet fysik? : En innehållsanalys av lärarnas planeringar, LPP:er samt hur lärarna övar förmågorna med eleverna i ämnet fysik.

Urthaler, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
Abstract - Which abilities are the students training in the subject of physics? The purpose of this study was to examine teachers' plans, LPPs (Local Educational Planning) to see which abilities are trained and how. I have created a content analysis of the teachers' plans, LPPs and how the teachers practice the abilities of the students in the subject of physics. I analysed two LPPs in the grade 5 and two LPPs in the grade 6. The LPPs are from two different schools and two teachers' one in each grade. My first purpose was to examine which abilities, prescribed in Lgr 11 students are training and if the abilities create a common thread between grade 5 and grade 6 in the subject of physics. My second purpose was to examine what kind of teaching the students are training the abilities which can be found in Lgr 11. The study addresses three different kinds of teaching which are more open, more guided or in a combined way of teaching. My study answered the following questions: Which abilities in Lgr 11 are the students training in the subject of physics in grade 5 and 6? What kind of teaching are the students training the abilities in Lgr 11? The study was based on a content analysis of the LPPs and the theory I used to analyse was The Big 5. I also used interview by email with the teachers who gave me the LPPs. Based on the results and the analysis of the study, I came to the conclusion that all four LPPs in the two different schools were practicing the abilities prescribed in Lgr 11 and that they used The Big 5 to clarify the abilities that the topic addresses. All four LPPs have a common thread between grade 5 and 6 where some abilities are recorded again others are excluded and supplemented with new ones. Based on the results and the analysis, I came to the conclusion that both teachers teach the skills prescribed in Lgr 11 in the subject of physics in an open way of teaching, i.e. when students are active participants in the teaching. Combined teaching was used several times when the students e.g. had to try out for a given topic. Guided teaching was used only once in all four LPPs e.g. when the teachers prepare a list of concepts.

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