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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Crimes related to substance abuse

Abu Dayeh, Christián January 2016 (has links)
Crimes related to substance abuse Criminal offences related to substance abuse are still a highly topical issue having serious social, health-related, financial and security impacts on the whole society. Since the subject is very broad, I decided to focus on substantive law of so-called drug-related crimes. The thesis is divided into eight sections. In the first one I define the basic terms that are frequently used in the thesis and whose definition is crucial for understanding the text as a whole. Second section contains historical background of the current legal form of drug- related crimes in the Czech Republic, while also some international legal rules are included as they influenced local legal development as well as many legal obligations result from them for the Czech Republic until the present. Third section covers current legislation; it contains a common introduction for individual elements of the drug-related offences as well as a broader context within the Penal Code, and it also mentions certain non-penal legislation that is closely connected to this topic. Substance of this thesis is in sections 4 - 8 describing individual elements of the drug offences. In each section there is also some part devoted to analyzing current issues. In the fourth section I deal with an act of cannabis...

Problematika tzv. kazuistického pozitivismu v rozhodovací praxi českých trestních soudů / The issue of the so called case positivism in the decision making practice of the Czech penal courts

Hřebíček, Vladislav January 2013 (has links)
In his thesis, the author thoroughly deals with the issue of the co called case positivism in the Czech penal courts decision practice, i.e. an issue that so far has not been paid attention to in the professional penal law literature. The case positivism can be defined as an unwelcome phenomenon, when during their decision the courts indiscriminately apply certain interpretation conclusions, to which, in connection to the decisions in specific cases, came the previous judicial practice, while these conclusion are effectively treated as legal norms, and, as such, they therefore have influence on the result of the court decision. In the first chapter, the author deals with the sources of the case positivism, notably with the prime source, which is the legal sentence of a judicial decision, i.e. the sentence that precedes the very text of the published decision, and which is to contain the basis of the legal problem dealt with in the decision. The second chapter is dedicated to individual specific examples from the decision practice of the Czech penal courts, and the explanation of the term decontextualization of the legal sentence. In the next chapter the reason why the case positivism is an unwelcome phenomenon in the practice is dealt with thoroughly. According to the author, inter alia, it is the...

Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances

Holubička, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances is still a current legal issue. It is a really broad topic including many different questions, namely illegal alcohol production, crimes committed by drug users to get money for their drug or crimes committed on drug users. However, the purpose of my thesis is to analyse drug offences in the Czech Penal law. First chapter deals with the history of legal regulation of crimes relating to the abuse of non-alcoholic drugs, because existing legislation is in many ways based on it. In this legal area, our country is still bound by several international conventions and I have devoted them in this chapter too. Finally, this chapter includes some basic information about our new penal code. The merit of this thesis is contained in chapters 2 - 6. Here substantive rules of drug offences according to articles 283 - 287 of the penal code are analyzed using the commentary on the penal law, articles of legal experts, and especially jurisprudence. Our new penal code brought into the issue of drug offences a new offence called "Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic or psychotropic substances for personal use of an amount greater then small" according to article 285 of the new penal code. Drugs were...

Crítica tridimensional da reincidência / Tridimensional critic of recidivism

Ditticio, Mario Henrique 18 June 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objeto o modelo jurídico da reincidência, a ser analisado, na esteira da teoria tridimensional do Direito de Miguel Reale, em sua três dimensões - normativa, fática e axiológica. Serão pressupostos desta dissertação, além do tridimensionalismo concreto e dinâmico de Reale, a fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger que tem o Dasein como ser fundamentalmente livre, embora desde logo situado e a criminologia crítica, a qual, embora tenha superado o labelling approach em inúmeros aspectos, manteve o interesse deste em tomar como objeto o próprio funcionamento do sistema punitivo. Na dimensão normativa do modelo será exposto o instituto jurídico da reincidência e será feito o juízo de sua adequação constitucional, mormente com relação aos princípios do ne bis in idem, proporcionalidade e, principalmente, culpabilidade. Este guiará o estudo à dimensão fática do tema, em que serão vistos os principais aspectos da prática penal, sobretudo suas características de seletividade e estigmatização, com ênfase no ponto central de todo o sistema punitivo, a pena privativa de liberdade. A seguir, a dimensão axiológica do modelo da reincidência comportará a análise dos valores que subjazem à dimensão normativa, os positivados contextualizados na teoria dos fins da pena e os latentes, embora difundidos em todo o corpo social o medo e a construção dos inimigos da sociedade. Por fim, serão unidas as três dimensões do modelo, em sua interação dialética e complementar, a fim de que este se mostre em sua plenitude. / This dissertation focuses on the legal model of recidivism, to be analyzed, based on Miguel Reales Three-dimensional Theory of Law, in its normative, factual and axiological dimensions. The hypothesis behind this work is apart from Realess concrete and dynamic three-dimensionality Martin Heideggers existential analytic according to which the Dasein is a fundamentally free being, although situated from the beginning and the New Criminology that, despite surpassing the labelling approach in several aspects, kept its focus on taking the performance of the punitive system as an object of study. In the normative dimension of the model, the recidivisms legal provision and its constitutional compatibility will be discussed, with the latter being analyzed according to the legal principles of ne bis in idem, proportionality and culpability. The principle of culpability will guide the work to the factual dimension of the object, that will underlie the study of the most important aspects of the punitive system, such as its main characteristics of selectivity and stigmatization, with emphasis on the core of the whole punitive system, the imprisonment. Then, the third dimension of the model will base the discussion of the values that support the normative dimension, the legal presented in the theory of punishment and the latent, despite widespread through the social fabric the fear and the construction of societys enemies. In the end, the three dimensions of the model will be united, in their dialectic and complementary interaction, so that the model can fully reveal itself.

Ein Strafrecht der Gerechtigkeit und der Menschenliebe : Einsendungen auf die Berner Preisfrage zur Strafgesetzgebung von 1777 / A penal law of justice and human kindness : contributions to the promotional contest on the reform of the penal law hosted by the Economic Society of Bern in 1777

January 2014 (has links)
Im Februar 1777 lobte die Ökonomische Gesellschaft zu Bern einen Preis von 100 Louis d’Or aus für den besten Vorschlag eines umfassenden Kriminalgesetzes. Das Preisgeld kam aus dem Kreis der französischen Aufklärer. Eine Hälfte stammte vermutlich von dem Pariser Parlamentsadvokaten Elie de Beaumont, der sich in den Justizaffären um Jean Calas und Pierre Paul Sirven einen Namen gemacht hatte. Die andere Hälfte hatte Voltaire beigesteuert, der das Geld von Friedrich II. von Preussen erhalten hatte. Das Preisausschreiben war ein großer Erfolg. Neben zahlreichen unbekannten Juristen beteiligten sich eine Reihe bekannter Persönlichkeiten, von denen hier nur die späteren Revolutionäre Marat, Brissot de Warville sowie die deutschen Strafrechtsprofessoren Quistorp und Gmelin genannt seien. Die historische Bedeutung des Berner Preisausschreibens liegt darin, dass es die bis dato vorwiegend programmatische Debatte um die Strafrechtsreform in eine praktische Phase überleitete. Es trat eine Welle praktischer Reformschriften los, in denen die Forderungen von Thomasius, Montesquieu und Beccaria umgesetzt wurden. Entscheidend dafür war, dass es mittels des Preisausschreibens gelang, eine große Zahl juristischer Experten zu aktivieren, die neben dem Reformwillen auch über das Fachwissen verfügten, das für die Entwicklung eines neuen Strafrechts erforderlich war. Von den 46 eingesendeten Preisschriften sind neun im Druck überliefert. Sechsundzwanzig befinden sich in Manuskriptform im Archiv der Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Bern. Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Transkriptionen von sieben manuskriptförmig überlieferten Preisschriften. Vier sind in französischer und drei in deutscher Sprache verfasst. Eine Preisschrift stammt von dem Genfer Jakobiner Julien Dentand, eine andere von dem deutschen Publizisten Johann Wolfgang Brenk. Die Autoren der übrigen fünf Manuskripte sind unbekannt. Die transkribierten Preisschriften sind Teil der quellenmäßigen Basis einer Untersuchung des strafrechtlichen Denkens im späten 18. Jahrhundert. Diese erscheint demnächst in den Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte (Christoph Luther: Aufgeklärt strafen. Menschengerechtigkeit im 18. Jahrhundert). / In february 1777 the Economic Society of Bern hosted a promotional contest. 100 Louis d’Or were offered for the best draft of a penal law codification. The prize money was donated by two proponents of the French Enlightenment. One half presumably came from the Parisian advocat Elie de Beaumont, who had made himself a name in the legal scandals involving Jean Calas and Pierre Paul Sirven. The other half of the prize money originated from Voltaire, to whom it had been given by Frederick II. of Prussia. The contest was a great success. Amongst a big number of unknown jurists several of well-known individuals took part, of which the future revolutionaries Marat and Brissot de Warville as well as the German law-professors Quistorp and Gmelin shall be mentioned here. The historical significance of the prize contest resides in the fact that it inaugurated the practical stage of the formerly programmatic debate on the reform of the penal law. It unleashed a wave of proposals for the implementation of the changes Thomasius, Montesquieu and Beccaria had sought. A condition for the practical turn of the debate was the mobilization of experts who among the good will disposed of the technical knowledge necessary to create a new penal law. In establishing this condition the Bern promotional contest played a decisive role. 46 reform proposals were handed in. Nine were published, 26 remain as manuscripts in the archive of the Economic Society of Bern. The present book gathers the transcriptions of four French and three German manuscripts. One was written by the further Genevan Jacobin Julien Dentand, another by the German publicist Johann Wolfgang Brenk. The other five authors remain anonymous. The transcribed manuscripts are part of the sources of a study on the thinking of penal law in the late 18th century, that will appear soon in the series Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte (Christoph Luther: Aufgeklärt strafen. Menschengerechtigkeit im 18. Jahrhundert).

Matar pai e mãe = uma análise antropológica de processos judiciais de parricídio (São Paulo, 1990-2002) / Killing father and mother : an anthropological analysis of criminal process of parricide (São Paulo, 1990-2002)

Ferreira, Maria Patricia Corrêa 12 September 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Guita Grin Debert / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T07:21:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_MariaPatriciaCorrea_D.pdf: 933694 bytes, checksum: 307fc421c8a0a6eb08df1b3a2bee80bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Esta tese focaliza as lógicas argumentativas dos discursos que regem as sentenças judiciais, baseadas em elementos socioculturais, valores morais e nas atribuições sociais de pais e filhos postos em ação por advogados, promotores e juízes nos processos de parricídio. Por meio da análise de conteúdo dos processos penais, julgados na cidade de São Paulo entre os anos de 1990 a 2002, mostrou-se como são produzidos tipos ideais de relações familiares e quais são os estereótipos e preconceitos acionados na construção das imagens das vítimas e dos acusados. De modo a dar inteligibilidade aos crimes, essas construções articulam representações simbólicas de relações de poder, afeto, responsabilidade, concebendo a família como palco de relações autoritárias e de complementaridade. O que se evidencia é a complexa relação entre o papel da Justiça Criminal em punir exemplarmente os filhos que cometeram os crimes e a tendência em absolver e relativizar o grau de culpabilidade dos acusados ao reconhecerem implicitamente e/ou estrategicamente que mais importante do que punir um filho suspeito de parricídio é levar em conta as reivindicações e o julgamento sobre o autor do crime feito pelos próprios parentes das vítimas e dos acusados / Abstract: This thesis focuses on the logic of judicial discourse in parricide cases. It deals with the socio-cultural elements, moral values and social roles attributed to parents and sons by lawyers, prosecutors and judges involved in this kind of criminal lawsuit. The work analyses parricide cases in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), between 1990 and 2002, revealing the construction of ideal familiar relationships and the stereotypes and prejudices employed to portray the victims and the accused. These images connect symbolic representations of power, affection and responsibility, producing a notion of family as a place characterized by authoritarian and complementary relationships. This research stresses the complex relation between the role played by the criminal justice, as the responsible for punishing exemplarily the sons, and the inclination to absolve or mitigate the sentences, admitting that more important than punishing the accused is to acknowledge the demands and judgments of the suspect relatives and of the suspect him/herself / Doutorado / Antropologia Social / Doutor em Ciências Sociais

Crítica tridimensional da reincidência / Tridimensional critic of recidivism

Mario Henrique Ditticio 18 June 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objeto o modelo jurídico da reincidência, a ser analisado, na esteira da teoria tridimensional do Direito de Miguel Reale, em sua três dimensões - normativa, fática e axiológica. Serão pressupostos desta dissertação, além do tridimensionalismo concreto e dinâmico de Reale, a fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger que tem o Dasein como ser fundamentalmente livre, embora desde logo situado e a criminologia crítica, a qual, embora tenha superado o labelling approach em inúmeros aspectos, manteve o interesse deste em tomar como objeto o próprio funcionamento do sistema punitivo. Na dimensão normativa do modelo será exposto o instituto jurídico da reincidência e será feito o juízo de sua adequação constitucional, mormente com relação aos princípios do ne bis in idem, proporcionalidade e, principalmente, culpabilidade. Este guiará o estudo à dimensão fática do tema, em que serão vistos os principais aspectos da prática penal, sobretudo suas características de seletividade e estigmatização, com ênfase no ponto central de todo o sistema punitivo, a pena privativa de liberdade. A seguir, a dimensão axiológica do modelo da reincidência comportará a análise dos valores que subjazem à dimensão normativa, os positivados contextualizados na teoria dos fins da pena e os latentes, embora difundidos em todo o corpo social o medo e a construção dos inimigos da sociedade. Por fim, serão unidas as três dimensões do modelo, em sua interação dialética e complementar, a fim de que este se mostre em sua plenitude. / This dissertation focuses on the legal model of recidivism, to be analyzed, based on Miguel Reales Three-dimensional Theory of Law, in its normative, factual and axiological dimensions. The hypothesis behind this work is apart from Realess concrete and dynamic three-dimensionality Martin Heideggers existential analytic according to which the Dasein is a fundamentally free being, although situated from the beginning and the New Criminology that, despite surpassing the labelling approach in several aspects, kept its focus on taking the performance of the punitive system as an object of study. In the normative dimension of the model, the recidivisms legal provision and its constitutional compatibility will be discussed, with the latter being analyzed according to the legal principles of ne bis in idem, proportionality and culpability. The principle of culpability will guide the work to the factual dimension of the object, that will underlie the study of the most important aspects of the punitive system, such as its main characteristics of selectivity and stigmatization, with emphasis on the core of the whole punitive system, the imprisonment. Then, the third dimension of the model will base the discussion of the values that support the normative dimension, the legal presented in the theory of punishment and the latent, despite widespread through the social fabric the fear and the construction of societys enemies. In the end, the three dimensions of the model will be united, in their dialectic and complementary interaction, so that the model can fully reveal itself.

Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances

Pacovský, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances The abuse of addictive substances is an issue of the whole society, which in current globalized world, considering continuous development of drug scene, still remains topical. The abuse of addictive substances, as a significant criminogenic need, relates to all kinds of different criminal offences, both those committed by addicts and those committed against them. This includes for example property crimes, crimes against life, person and health, or endangerment. Because of such wide scope of crimes related to the abuse of addictive substances, the focus of my work is on substantive regulation of so-called drug offences, which is stated in the articles 283 - 287 of the Criminal Code. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse constituent elements of the particular drug offences, coherent case-law, as well as some questionable issues related with this kind of criminal offences. It is for instance, the issue of determining the term "greater than the small amount" and regulation of making cannabis accessible for medical use. Higher consideration is given to the questions of so called growshops and the issues of the distribution of drug addiction. The thesis is divided into general part and special part. In the general part, there is a definition of some...

Základní principy správního trestání se zaměření na zásadu "ne bis in idem" / Basic principles of imposing administrative penalties with special regard to the "ne bis in idem" principle"

Mach, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the topic of the principles applied during proceedings regarding offences, mainly the principle of non bis in idem, which this thesis focuses on. The non bis in idem principle means that a matter cannot be judged twice, because it is generally accepted that two punishments for the same crime are unfair. This principle is applied in proceedings on criminal charges and because the concept of criminal charges is autonomous according to the European Court for Human rights, i.e. it has specific objective content, I chiefly discussed interpretation of this concept. According to the European Court for Human Rights, in order for the issue to be criminal charges within the meaning of Article 4(1) of the Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, the charges must fulfil the so-called Engel criteria, which I have endeavoured to explain to the reader. These criteria were created by the European Court for Human Rights in the case of Engel and Others v. the Netherlands (1976), whereas these criteria were developed before the same court in the case of Bendenoun v. France (1994). These criteria are decisive in regard to whether the issue is criminal charges and whether the guarantees offered by the European Convention on Human Rights must be applied during the proceedings,...

A dimensão (des)humana do processo de expansão do direito penal: o papel do medo no e do Direito Punitivo brasileiro e o disciplinamento das classes populares

Wermuth, Maiquel Ângelo Dezordi 29 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:21:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Uma difusa e constante sensação de medo pode ser considerada enquanto principal característica da sociedade globalizada. Como conseqüência inafastável deste forte sentimento de insegurança, tem-se o aumento da preocupação com as novas formas de criminalidade que se apresentam nesta realidade, notadamente as relacionadas às organizações criminosas e ao terrorismo, que fazem com que o Direito Penal experimente um processo de expansão, visto que é eleito pelo legislador como instrumento privilegiado para responder eficazmente aos anseios por segurança da população. Com isso, o medo é inserido no Direito Penal, ou seja, no sentido de dar a uma população cada vez mais atemorizada diante do medo generalizado da violência e das inseguranças da sociedade líquida pós-moderna, uma sensação de “tranquilidade”, restabelecendo a confiança no papel das instituições e na capacidade do Estado em combatê-los por meio do Direito Penal, ainda que permeado por um caráter meramente simbólico. No entanto, a inserção do medo no do

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