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Anglické konstrukce s kauzativním a experienciálním slovesem "have" doplněné minulým participiem / English constructions with the causative and experiential verb "have" complemented by a past participleMikulášová, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the present paper is as analysis of periphrastic constructions consisting of the verb have followed by a past participle, which have either causative or experiential meaning. Although the structure and configuration of the constructions may seem to be identical, they differ significantly, the main dissimilarity resting in the nature of subject. The causative subject, the causer, acts as an instigator of the action expressed by the non- finite verb form, i.e. the effected verb. On the other hand, the experiential subject, the affected, merely experiences the action, being affected by it, not inciting it in any way. Even though primarily aiming at description of two have groups, the analysis revealed existence of an experiential subclass: the experiential-resultative have. Hence, the study attempts to describe and compare the three above mentioned categories in terms of their occurrence and participants, i.e. the subject, the causee, the patient, and the effect. The reaserch is conducted on a sample of 200 cases gathered from the British National Corpus. Key words: causation¸ periphrastic construction, causative have, experiential have, experiential-resultative have
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台灣國中生英語使役動詞使用之分析 / An Analysis of Taiwanese junior high students' performance on causative verbs許秀美, Hsu, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示學生在使役動詞補語使用上常用錯非限定動詞及誤用限定動詞,此外,本研究也發現學生在選擇正確使役動詞上錯誤率高於使役動詞補語使用。分析原因如下:(1)過度規則化(2)負向轉移(3)教學引導(4)學生語言知識不足(5)語言同化。此研究也發現高中低三組在使用使役動詞補語上確實有顯著差異,然而在使役意義上(coercive sense of make-causative)、未提出但已知接受動作者意義上(unmentioned perceptible causee sense of make-causative) 、 及服務框架意義上(service frame sense of have-causative) 高中低程度學生的表現並無不同。 / Abstract
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the use of periphrastic causative verbs in Junior high students’ writing performance and to understand students’ difficulty in learning and using periphrastic causative verbs. The form of periphrastic causative verbs and grammatical characteristics are easy to remember. However, subtle meanings and usage are somewhat difficult.
This study adopts qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis includes: (1) the verb complement form of periphrastic causative verbs, (2) the meaning and functions of periphrastic causative verbs, and (3) the factors that influence students’ erroneous uses of periphrastic causative verbs. The quantitative analysis comprises: (1) the inaccuracy rate of the use of every periphrastic causative construction in the tests for form and meaning, (2) the distribution of periphrastic causative verb errors in form and meaning and use and (3) multiple comparisons among accuracy at the three proficiency levels.
The results of this study are summarized as follows: students have trouble distinguishing finite verb and non-finite complement verbs with respect to the form errors. They also have lower awareness of the differences of each causative verb concerning the meaning errors. The factors affecting their incorrect responses are (1) overgeneralization, (2) negative L1 transfer, (3) teaching induced errors, (4) learners’ ignorance of rule restrictions and (5) learners’ strategies of communication and assimilation. In addition, there are significant differences among the three groups with regards to the make +O +V, have +O +V, let +O +V and have +O +p.p. in the form test and the non-coercive sense of make-causative, the hierarchical relation of
have-causative and the permissive sense of let-causative in the meaning and use tests.
However, there is no significant difference between the three groups’ scores of meaning and use with the coercive sense of make-causative, the unmentioned causee sense of make-causative and the service frame sense of have-causative.
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Analýza užívání pasivních konstrukcí v češtině a švédštině a jejich překladu / Analysis of the passive voice in the Czech and Swedish language and its translationBraná, Marie January 2022 (has links)
We distinguish two types of passive voice in Swedish, namely: s-passive and periphrastic passive, the use of s-pasivum being applied much more frequently. In Czech, periphrastic passive is used as well as reflexive passive, which is traditionally considered as a type of passive voice, although various linguists may not unequivocally agree to classify it as such. Periphrastic passive is rather found in literature and is less frequent while the reflexive passive, being more common, is regarded as neutral passive structure. Swedish fictional literature employs passive voice approximately twice as much as the Czech one. When analyzing the translation options, we distinguish three types of passive structures, since both subtypes of periphrastic passive in Swedish - vara-passive and bli-passive - do differentiate in meaning. The analysis proves that there is a significant tendency to translate passive constructions into active; this is a similarity shared between s-passive and bli-passive.Vara-passive, which, on the contrary, has a rather stative meaning, is translated into verbonominal predicate in most cases. The second most used translation variant of all three types of passive is a periphrastic formulation. This is not a homogenous category, given that it comprises all the translation options that...
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Užití aoristu, imperfekta a perfekta v česky psané próze poloviny 14. století / Use of aorist, imperfect and perfect in Czech prose in the middle of the 14th centuryZdeňková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of the aorist and imperfect tenses and the periphrastic preterite in four Old Czech prosaic translated texts dated back to the beginning of the 2nd half of the 14th century. Analyzed texts are the part of the first edition of the Old Czech translation of the Bible (part of the Dresden Bible completed with the text of Proroci rožmberští (Prophets of Rožmberk), the Legend of St. Wenceslaus from The Old Czech Passional, The Apocalypse of Paul and two chapters of the text O svatém Jeronýmovi knihy troje. We deal with the percentual occurence of the verb forms under investigation and with the aspectual characteristics of the verbs of which the investigated forms are constructed. Also their relationship to the Latin pretext is examined. The acquired results are presented in tables and graphs. This thesis also includes an electronic database of the investigated verbal forms.
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Zum Verhältnis von Valenz- und Konstruktionsgrammatik am Beispiel des werden-Passivs als nonagentive Konstruktion im DeutschenLasch, Alexander 01 September 2022 (has links)
I want to discurs the relations of and negotiations between a (historical) valency grammar and an usage-based approach of (historical) construction grammar. The main focus is on the construction of commutation (ger. [werden]+[Past Participle]) as an indepenent linguistic pattern or form-meaning-pair. / Ich möchte die Beziehungen und Verhandlungen zwischen einer (historischen) Valenzgrammatik und einem gebrauchsbasierten Ansatz einer (historischen) Konstruktionsgrammatik diskutieren. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Konstruktion der Vertauschung (dt. [werden]+[Past Participle]) als eigenständiges sprachliches Muster bzw. Form-Bedeutungs-Paar.
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Analyse comparative des constructions causatives en mandarin et en anglaisXu, Mengwan 04 1900 (has links)
Les constructions causatives ont fait l’objet d’une attention particulière dans les études linguistiques, non seulement parce qu’elles font partie des innombrables expressions qui composent le système langagier humain, mais parce qu'elles reflètent également la mesure dans laquelle la cognition humaine perçoit et interprète la nature de la causation. Parmi les diverses causatives prédicatives, nous accordons une attention particulière aux causatives analytiques tirées des données anglaises et mandarines – deux langues qui comptent le plus grand nombre de locuteurs au monde : les constructions cause, make, have, shi (使) et rang (让). Guidé par le programme cartographique et minimaliste de la syntaxe générative, ce travail fournit, dans un premier temps, une recension des caractéristiques sémantico-syntaxiques qui permettent d’unir ou de distinguer les causatives de l’anglais et du mandarin. Ensuite, nous passons en revue les approches existantes qui discutent de la structure sous-jacente des constructions visées afin d’examiner à quel point ces approches pourraient nous guider dans la description des données interlinguistiques. Finalement, sur la base de ces approches, nous tentons de proposer une structure syntaxique plus universelle des causatives anglaises/mandarines tout en tenant compte des particularités sémantiques et des spécificités interlinguistiques. En plus d'adopter une configuration syntaxique monoclausale qui scinde la couche vP en deux, nous insistons également sur la nécessité d’introduire un trait évènementiel [contrôle] et de déterminer la valeur sémantique des verbes impliqués dans chaque structure causative anglaise/mandarine. / Causative constructions have received particular attention in linguistic studies, not only because they are part of the countless expressions that constitute the human language system, but also because they reflect the extent to which human cognition perceives and interprets the nature of causation. Among the various predicative causatives, this study focuses on analytic causatives drawn from English and Mandarin data - two languages with the largest number of speakers in the world: the cause, make, have, shi (使) and rang (让) constructions. Driven by the cartographic and minimalist program of generative syntax, this work first provides a survey of the semantic-syntactic features that unite or distinguish English and Mandarin causatives. Next, we review existing approaches that discuss the underlying structure of the target constructions to examine how these approaches might guide us in describing cross-linguistic data. Finally, based on these approaches, we attempt to propose a more universal syntactic structure of English/Mandarin causatives while considering semantic particularities and cross-linguistic specificities. In addition to adopting a monoclausal structure that splits the vP layer in two, we also insist on the need to introduce an event feature [control] and to determine the semantic value of verbs involved in each English/Mandarin causative structure.
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[pt] Este trabalho descreve estruturas verbais perifrásticas modais e aspectuais
da língua portuguesa, procurando entender as flutuações semânticas que ocorrem
entre os verbos em contextos individuais e em contextos com a estrutura sintática
supracitada. Baseado na linguística funcionalista de Dik (1978) e a sua adaptação
para a língua portuguesa de Peres (1984), objetiva-se demonstrar de que forma
esses verbos alteram seus significados quando conectados por uma preposição e
de que forma essa alteração influencia em uma nova interpretação para a sentença.
Os resultados apontam para modificações semânticas e aspectuais nos verbos
considerados auxiliares e principais nas perífrases, a depender do argumento que
acompanha essa estrutura perifrástica. / [en] This work describes the modal and aspectual periphrastic construction in
the Portuguese language and also aims to understand the semantic fluctuations
that occur in the verbs in individual contexts and in the syntactic structure
described above. According to the functionalist linguistics of Dik (1978) and its
adaptation to the Portuguese Language made by Peres (1984), these pieces of
work objectively show how the verbs change their meaning when they are
connected by a preposition and how these changes influence a new interpretation
of a given sentence. The result points out the semantic and aspectual
modifications of the auxiliary and principal verbs in the periphrasis based on the
arguments that are part of the periphrastic structures.
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Agreement and transitivity in Middle Ukrainian resultative and passive -no/-to constructions / a corpus-based diachronic investigationParkhomenko, Iryna 19 January 2017 (has links)
Die ukrainische Sprache, die zu den Nominativ-Akkusativ-Sprachen gehört, weist sowohl historisch als auch synchron Abweichungen vom kanonischen Lizensierungsmuster dieser beiden Kasus auf. So kennt das Ukrainische resultative, inkongruente, in den Finitheitsmerkmalen neutralisierten Passiv-Partizipien auf -no, -to, die wie finite Aktiv-Verben ihrem internen Argument Akkusativ zuweisen, aber historisch auch Nominativ am Patiensargument lizensierten. Solche Kasus-Zuweisung am Patiens passivischer und impersonaler Verben bei fehlender oder Default-Kongruenz stellt einen wichtigen Prüfstein für die theoretische Erfassung von Kasus, Finitheitsmerkmale und Subjektmarkierung dar. Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, über die etymologische Fragestellung hinaus, ein korpus-basiertes und quantifizierbares Bild des diachronen grammatischen Wandels der -no, -to-Formen im Mittelukrainischen zu erstellen. Synchron sind -no, -to bereits gut erforscht: die Struktur erlaubt eine overte Agensangabe im Instrumental und eine optional eingesetzte overte Kopula. Diagnostische Subjekteigenschaften wie Kontrolle in die Infinitiv- und Partizipialkontexte, sowie die Bindung von Reflexiva greifen nicht. Historisch dagegen bestehen noch große empirische Lücken und Beschreibungsdesiderate. Es wurden einige der empirischen Lücken in der Diachronie der -no, -to auf der Grundlage eines elektronischen, diachronen (1500-1800) mittelgroßen Korpus literarischer und administrativer Texte geschlossen: die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Kongruenz und Transitivität der -no, -to und untersucht sie parallel zu den morphologisch identischen passiven kongruierenden -no, -to. / The Ukrainian language belongs to the nominative-accusative languages and demonstrates both historically and synchronically the deviations from the canonical case licensing pattern. That is, Ukrainian has resultative, non-agreeing and non-finite passive participles ending in either -no or -to that assign accusative to their internal argument, just like finite active verbs do. Historically -no, -to forms licensed the nominative on the patience argument as well. Accusative case assignment on the patience in impersonal verbs that lack agreement represents an important touchstone for the theoretical understanding of case, finiteness and subject marking. Along with the etymological questions, the aim of this investigation was to obtain a corpus-based quantifiable picture of the diachronic grammatical change of -no, -to forms in Middle Ukrainian. The modern -no, -to structure has already been properly investigated: it is clear that the structure allows for an overt agent phrase in instrumental and for an optional copula. Diagnostic subject properties like control into the infinitival and participial contexts, as well as the binding of reflexives do not apply. Historically however, there are large empirical gaps and desiderata as to the development of -no, -to. The thesis closes several of the empirical gaps in the diachrony of -no, -to on the basis of a middle-sized electronic corpus of literary and administrative texts from 1500-1800. The thesis deals with the agreement and transitivity of non-agreeing -no, -to that have been investigated parallel to the morphologically identical to them agreeing passive -no, -to.
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Die deelwoord in Afrikaans : perspektiewe vanuit ʼn kognitiewe gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywingsraamwerk / Anna Petronella ButlerButler, Anna Petronella January 2014 (has links)
During an annotation project of 60 000 Afrikaans tokens by CTexT (North-West University), the developers had to answer difficult questions with regard to the annotation of the participle specifically. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is that the different sources that offer descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans are conflicting in such descriptions and, depending on which source is consulted, would provide different annotations.
In order to clarify the uncertainty of how the participle in Afrikaans should be annotated, the available literature was surveyed to determine the exact nature of the participle in Afrikaans. The descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans were further situated in the context of how participles are described in English and Dutch. The conclusion that was reached is that the participle form of the verb in Afrikaans should be distinguished from the periphrastic construction form of the verb that appears in the past and the passive constructions.
Furthermore, this study determined to what extent a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework could contribute towards a better understanding of the participle in Afrikaans. The first conclusion that was reached is that a characterisation of the participle within this framework enables one to make conceptual sense of the morphological structure of the participle. The study shows how the morphological structure of the participle is responsible for the fact that the verbal character of the participle stays intact while the participle functions as another word class. Another conclusion that was reached regarding the characterisation of the past and passive constructions from a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework is that the framework makes it possible to distinguish conceptually between the periphrastic form of the verb and the participle form of the verb.
Lastly, the study determined to what extent new insights into the participle in Afrikaans could lead to alternative lemmatisation and part-of-speech-tagging of participles in the NCHLT-corpus. The conclusion that was reached is that participles are primarily lemmatised satisfactorily. Proposals that are made in order to improve the lemmatisation protocol, include: (i) distinguishing in the protocol between periphrastic forms of the verb and the participle form of the verb; (ii) repeating the guideline for the lemmatisation of compound verbs that was provided for verb lemmatisation under the lemmatisation guidelines for participles; (iii) adding more lexicalised adjectives to the existing list in the protocol; and (iv) suggesting a guideline that would allow one to consistently distinguish between participles that could function as adverbs as well as participles that could function as prepositions.
The conclusion that was reached after the analysis of the part-of-speech protocol is that the part-of-speech tag set in Afrikaans does not allow for the specific attributes and values of participles to be taken into account. Participles in the Afrikaans tag set are tagged strictly according to the function of the word. Although such an approach is very practical, it results in a linguistically poorer part-of-speech tag that ignores the verbal character of the participle. An alternative strategy is therefore suggested for the part-of-speech tagging of participles in which the attributes and values of the verb tag are adapted. / MA (Linguistics and Literary Theory), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die grammatikalisering van aspek in Afrikaans : 'n semantiese studie van perifrastiese progressiewe konstruksies / Catharina Adriana BreedBreed, Catharina Adriana January 2012 (has links)
Temporal constructions in Afrikaans are ambiguous with respect to aspectual meaning. The past tense construction with het ge-, for instance, can be interpreted as progressive, perfective or anterior. In the same vein, the unmarked present tense construction can be interpreted as a construction with a progressive or a perfective meaning.
This aspectual ambiguity of the Afrikaans verbal system has a significant effect on the way in which Afrikaans grammar is described or understood. The observation by native speakers, linguists, literary specialists and writers that the temporal constructions in Afrikaans are vague or ambiguous with regard to aspectual meaning has led to certain views about the expression of tense in the language. In Afrikaans literature, for example, there is a tradition to write prose primarily in the present tense, because of the perception that the past tense is not adequate to convey particular semantic nuances. Furthermore, certain speakers of Afrikaans and linguists believe that Afrikaans grammar has been simplified and just does not have aspect.
However, Afrikaans possesses alternative strategies to specify aspectual meaning. The five prototypical ways of expressing aspectual meaning in Afrikaans are i) lexical constructions (such as adverbs and conjunctions); ii) constructions with affixes, iii) reduplication constructions; iv) passive constructions; and v) periphrastic constructions.
Aspectual meaning in Afrikaans is an almost entirely unexplored research field. In my opinion, the literature on the expressions of aspectual meaning in Afrikaans contains two shortcomings. First, Afrikaans aspect needs to be described theoretically. Second, more research is needed concerning the specific ways in which aspectual meaning is expressed in Afrikaans. The scope of this entire research field is too large for a single study. For that reason, the present study aims to reveal the way in which periphrastic constructions are used to convey progressive meaning.
As far as temporal meaning is concerned, it is possible to make a distinction between tempus meaning, which stands for deictic temporal meanings (i.e. past, present and future tense), and aspectual meaning, which stands for non-deictic temporal meanings such as duration, point of view and the internal structure of the situation. One can also distinguish between lexical and grammatical aspect. Lexical aspect has to do with the conceptual properties of a situation or, in other words, with the question whether it is static or dynamic, telic or atelic and durative. There are five situation types: states, activities, achievements, accomplishments and semelfactives. Grammatical aspect concerns the point of view from which the situation is perceived. One can make a distinction between perfective and imperfective grammatical aspect. The latter can be subdivided into imperfectives conveying habitual meaning and imperfectives conveying progressive meaning.
Grammaticalisation theory is useful and a relevant tool to provide answers to the afore-mentioned research questions. First, it offers insight into the manner in which the ambiguous tempus constructions of Afrikaans came into being. Second, it can be used to show how the alternative aspectual constructions have developed and how they are currently employed in the language. For the purpose of this study, grammaticalisation is regarded as language change in which a construction loses its lexical meaning and comes to express grammatical meaning. Grammatical constructions can be used in more contexts than their lexical counterparts, as grammaticalised uses have been generalized contextually. Grammatical constructions lose the morphosyntactic properties typical of their lexical counterparts and assume grammatical properties. Grammaticalisation is a typological phenomenon and the lexical origin of a grammatical construction is often the same in different languages. Grammaticalizing constructions exhibit an increase in frequency.
Afrikaans and Dutch are closely related languages and possess cognate periphrastic progressive constructions, viz. i) the aan het- / aan die- ii) VPOS te / VPOS en-; en iii) bezig- / besig- progressive constructions. To examine the use of periphrastic progressive constructions in Afrikaans from a grammaticalisation perspective, I compare the results of a study of these constructions in an Afrikaans corpus to those of previous studies of the periphrastic progressive constructions in Dutch.
The respective constructions are compared on the basis of four criteria, viz. i) frequency; ii) verb collocations; iii) transitivity; and iv) combinatorial possibilities with other aspectual periphrastic constructions. The lexical origins of the various constructions are also considered.
The comparison of the constructions on the basis of the afore-mentioned criteria makes it possible to demonstrate how the periphrastic progressive constructions in Afrikaans came into being and how they have developed into grammatical constructions conveying aspectual meaning and in which way the different Afrikaans periphrastic constructions express progressive meaning. / PhD (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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