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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interest and Personality Patterns of Experienced Teachers

Vaughan, George E., Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze interest and personality patterns of experienced teachers as measured by certain standardized tests.

Can Personality Traits Predict Students’ Satisfaction with Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Tovmasyan, A., Walker, Daniel, Kaye, L. 05 May 2023 (has links)
Yes / The present study aimed to assess the impact of personality traits on student satisfaction with blended learning which many higher education institutions have adopted since the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Personality traits were assessed using the International Personality Item Pool and student satisfaction was recorded on a 7-point Likert scale. Data analysis of 72 undergraduate students revealed that low extraversion and high neuroticism predicted higher levels of student satisfaction. Implications are discussed considering the current pandemic with a view of increasing student satisfaction and in-turn improving National Student Survey results that impact on Teaching Excellence Framework scores and league tables.

Henry David Thoreau: a Study of Character

Parsons, Sabra 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis looks at the characteristics of Henry David Thoreau through his writings rather than through what other critics have written.


Andersson, Michelle, Ohlsson, Therese January 2020 (has links)
Women are a particularly vulnerable group when it comes to victimization while intoxicated. Personality traits and characteristics have been shown to have an impact on alcohol consumption. Previous research regarding the Big Five Personality Traits indicates higher drinking levels if a person scores high within “Extraversion” and “Neuroticism”, or scores low within the traits of “Agreeableness” and “Conscientiousness”. Concerning women, “Openness” seems to be the only personality related to alcohol consumption, but previous research is scarce. The main focus of previous research has been on the Big Five Personality Traits, people in general and alcohol consumption. Our focus was Swedish women, age range 18-50 years. We proposed that personality traits could affect alcohol consumption and because of the lack of research we specifically wanted to examine women. The results showed that personality traits have an impact on women’s alcohol consumption. In conclusion, women tend to drink more alcohol if they score high on “Extraversion” and “Neuroticism”, and, if they scored low on “Agreeableness” and “Conscientiousness”. This could mean that personality traits serves as risk factors for alcohol consumption. “Openness” and alcohol consumption showed no association. Future research should investigate how other factors combined with personality traits might affect alcohol consumption. / Kvinnor är en extra utsatt grupp när det kommer till viktimisering i samband med alkoholkonsumtion. Fortsättningsvis, vissa personlighetsdrag och karaktärsdrag har visats påverka alkoholkonsumtion. Tidigare forskning gällande Big-Five-teorin och dess personlighetsdrag indikerar vanligtvis högre nivåer av alkoholkonsumtion om en person skattar högre inom dragen “Utåtriktning” och “Känslomässig instabilitet”, eller skattar lägre inom dragen “Vänlighet” och “Målmedvetenhet”. Gällande kvinnor, draget “Öppenhet” verkar vara det enda som är kopplat till alkoholkonsumtion, men tidigare forskning är begränsad. Huvudfokuset inom tidigare forskning har varit på Big-Five-teorin, människor överlag och alkoholkonsumtion, vi ville därmed specifikt undersöka kvinnliga vanor. Vårt fokus har legat på svenska kvinnor i åldrarna 18- 50 år. Vi menade att personlighetsdrag kunde ha en påverkan på alkoholkonsumtion och ville undersöka specifikt kvinnor vad gäller detta då befintlig forskning ansågs bristfällig. Resultatet visade att olika personlighetsdrag påverkar alkoholkonsumtionen hos kvinnor. Sammanfattningsvis, kvinnor tenderar att dricka mer alkohol om de skattar högt inom “Utåtriktning” och “Känslomässig instabilitet”, och om de skattar lågt inom “Vänlighet” och “Målmedvetenhet”, vilket skulle kunna innebära att olika personlighetsdrag fungerar som riskfaktorer för alkoholkonsumtion. Dock visade “Öppenhet” inte på något samband med alkoholkonsumtion. Framtida forskning bör undersöka hur eventuellt andra faktorer kombinerat med personlighetsdrag kan ha en effekt på alkoholkonsumtion.

Chefers kommunikation via mejl : Finns det skillnader i hur chefer bedöms av kvinnor och män?

Lundén, Emma, Wengberg, Erika January 2016 (has links)
Avsikten med studien var att undersöka om bedömningen av olika egenskaper hos avsändaren till ett mejl kan relateras till mottagarens kön, avsändarens kön och mejlets valens. I föreliggande studie är avsändaren av mejlet en fiktiv chef och mottagarna av mejlet är deltagarna i studien. Datainsamling genomfördes med en enkät vilken distribuerades i pappersform till 100 studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige. Insamlad data analyserades sedan med SPSS med sex upprepade ANOVA. Enligt de signifikanta huvudeffekter som observerades framkom det att mejlets valens var den variabel som hade störst påverkan på deltagarnas bedömning av avsändarens egenskaper. Vidare observerades det att avsändarens kön endast påverkade deltagarnas bedömning av avsändarens egenskaper gällande maskulinitet/femininitet. Vidare könseffekter som observerades var att deltagarnas kön i interaktion med mejlets valens i viss mån påverkade bedömningen av egenskaperna hos avsändaren. Noterbart i interaktionseffekterna var att kvinnor var mer polariserade än män i sina bedömningar av avsändarens egenskaper både vad gällde mejlen med positiv och negativ valens. / The purpose of the study was to investigate whether participant's assessment of different personality traits of the sender of an email may be related to the participant's sex, the sender's sex and the valence of the email. In the present study the sender of the email is a fictional manager and the recipients of the email are the participants in the study. Data collection was performed by using a questionnaire that was distributed in paper form to 100 students at a university in central Sweden. The data was analyzed with SPSS with six repeated ANOVA. The result showed that it is the valence of the email that had the greatest importance for the assessment of the selected personality traits of the sender. It was observed that the sender's sex only affected the participants' assessment of the sender’s characteristics regarding masculinity/femininity. Other sex effect that was observed in the study was that the sex of the participants in interaction with the valence of the email to some extent affected the assessment of personality traits of the sender. Worth to mention is that in the interaction effect women were more polarized in their assessments of the manager's personality traits than men both as regards emails with positive and negative valence.

Use of Healthcare, Perceived Health and Patient Satisfaction in Patients with Burns

Wikehult, Björn January 2008 (has links)
<p>A severe burn is a trauma fraught with stress and pain and may change the entire course of life. This thesis focuses on care utilisation, care experiences and patient satisfaction after a severe burn.</p><p>The patients studied were treated at the Burn Unit at Uppsala University Hospital between 1980 and 2006. Burn-related health was examined using the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B), personality traits with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP), psychological symptoms using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS), symptoms of posttraumatic stress with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and satisfaction with care using the Patient Satisfaction-Results and Quality (PS-RESKVA) questionnaire.</p><p>Those utilising care years after injury reported poorer functioning on three of the BSHS-B subscales. Personality traits had a greater impact on care utilisation than injury severity.</p><p>Social desirability was lower among care utilisers and was associated with burn-related health aspects.</p><p>The participants reported a low level of negative care experiences, the most common of which was Powerlessness.</p><p>Most patients were satisfied with care, more with quality of contact with the nursing staff, and less with treatment information. Multiple regressions showed that the BSHS-B Interpersonal relationships subscale was an independent variable related to all measured aspects of patient satisfaction. The highest adjusted R<sup>2</sup> was 0.25.</p><p>In a prospective assessment with multiple regression analyses, Age and Education, the personality traits of Stress susceptibility, Trait irritability, Detachment and Social desirability, in addition to the post-traumatic stress symptoms Intrusion and Hyperarousal, were predictors of satisfaction with care. The highest adjusted R<sup>2</sup> was 0.19.</p><p>The thesis has pointed out that interpersonal factors are related to care utilisation as well as satisfaction with care. However, satisfaction with care was only moderately associated with health and individual characteristics, which may imply that the care itself is of major importance.</p>

Unraveling Overall Quality of Life

Herman, Patricia Marie January 2008 (has links)
Whether the stated goal of a program is to improve health, reduce crime, or to increase standard of living, the ultimate goal of social programs is to improve overall quality of life. An adequate measure of this outcome would help determine whether achievement of these more specific goals (e.g., health, education) really leads to improvements in overall life quality, and would allow trade-offs to be made in terms of funding across programs. However, an understanding of the determinants of life quality (i.e., the mechanism by which a program did or did not have its intended effect) is also essential to program evaluation and the design of future programs.This study constitutes the analysis of an existing dataset of individual traits, life circumstances, satisfaction with a list of 30 life domains, and overall quality of life for 193 healthy elders to test a hypothesized model of the determinants of life quality. As expected, domain satisfaction appears to be a function of life circumstances. Individuals' traits (e.g., age, sex, personality) modify this relationship, but neither they, nor respondents' reports of domain importance, appear to have any direct effect on quality of life. Instead, domain satisfactions alone are the most proximal determinants of overall quality of life. It also appears that individuals respond differently in terms of overall quality of life to reductions in satisfaction with certain domains than to increases. These findings should be evaluated further as they could affect the design of future successful programs. Because individuals' traits and individuals' ratings of domain importance seem to have no effect on the relationship between domain satisfaction and overall quality of life, it may not be essential to measure these in future studies. Finally, although the data on life domains available to this study were sufficient to generate these results, the first step in the development of adequate measures of overall quality of life and of domain satisfactions will be the construction of a comprehensive, fully-representative list of the life domains that comprise life as a whole.

Značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za nivo zadovoljstva karijerom / Importance of Personality Traits and Work Motivation Structure for Career Satisfaction

Vuković Dušan 13 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Nivo zadovoljstva karijerom predstavlja fenomen kojem se u poslednje vreme pri&scaron;lo sa ozbiljnijim interesovanjem. Utvrđivanje odnosa crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, uspe&scaron;nih ljudi predstavlja plodno tle za polje savetovanja u karijeri. Danas je fokus istraživača pomeren i zadržan na intrinzičkim kriterijumima uspeha u karijeri, gde se pored crta ličnost, strukture radne motivacije sa posebnom pažnjom ispituju i uticaji organizacije ali i ravnoteže između porodičnih i radnih uloga na ukupno zadovoljstvo karijerom. U cilju &scaron;to boljeg razumevanja strukture ličnosti u organizacijskim u konceptu zadovoljstva karijerom, pored osnovnih, aktuelno je prisutan i koncept &bdquo;dodatnih&ldquo; crta ličnosti. Pregled savremene literature ukazuje na nedovoljnu proučenost međusobnog odnosa navedenih fenomena, pogotovo primene teorije samodeterminacije u ovakvomm istraživačkom konceptu.<br />Da bismo detaljnije ispitali značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, pristupili smo ispitivanju crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije u odnosu na nivo zadovoljstva karijerom i to kod uspe&scaron;nih ljudi. Zadovoljstvo karijerom je definisano kao evaluacija ličnog napretka u odnosu na lične ciljeve u karijeri. Povodom ovog rada, konstruisan je utpinik namenjen ispitivanju zadovoljstva karijerom, ZAK i koji je na pilot uzorku dao prihvatljive metrijske karakteristike. Uzorak ispitanika je sastavljen od ukupno 110 osoba sa vrlo uspe&scaron;nom karijerom u oblasti obrazovanja, bankarstva i biznisa u Republici Srbiji. Njihova karijera je ocenjena kao uspe&scaron;na na osnovu sledećih kriterija: akademskog postignuća &ndash; status profesora univerziteta; rukovodeće pozicije u bankama i internacionalnim kompanijama; kao i vlasni&scaron;tvo kompanija koje su imale iznad deset zaposlenih i pozitivan bilans u prethodnim godinama poslovanja. Četrnaest ispitanika je bilo srednjeg obrazovnog nivoa, 22 sa vi&scaron;om stručnom spremom, a sa visokom ukupno 74, od toga sa VII/1 stepenom 37 i VII/2 i VIII stepenom takođe 37 ispitanika. Najmlađi ispitanik je imao 26 godina, najstariji 68, dok je prosečna starost bila 47 godina. Najduži radni staž je bio 44 godine, a prosečan 21 godinu. Primenjeni su sledeći instrumenti: LEKSI 70, namenjen ispitivanju crta ličnosti baziranih na konceptu &bdquo;velikih pet&ldquo; plus dva; SRM-1, za ispitivanje strukture radne motivacije; kao i ZAK, upitnik koji ispituje nivo zadovoljstva karijerom.<br />Nakon primene serije analiza utvrđeno je da su prediktori zadovoljstva karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba osobina ličnosti pozitivna emocionalnost, stanje ispunjenosti karijerom, intrinzička motivacija i regulacija identifikacijom. Slično tome, pronađena je veza između crta savesnost i otvorenost sa regulacijom identifikacijom i intrinzičkom motivacijom i zadovoljstvom karijerom. Glavni prediktori zadovoljstva i ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba su izražena crta ličnosti otvorenost i sniženje crte negativna emocionalnost Osoba sklona izbegavanju posla ima manje izraženu savesnost, povi&scaron;enu negativnu emocionalnost, pokazuje sklonost ka introjektovanoj regulaciji. Pored toga, osoba sa izraženom negativnom emocionalno&scaron;ću ima tendenciju ka promeni karijere. Dužina radnog staža sugeri&scaron;e zaključak da su osobe sa dužom uspe&scaron;nom karijerom manje neprijatne i vi&scaron;e savesne. Obrazovni nivo ispitanika je bio u vezi sa ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom, tako &scaron;to su najobrazovaniji ispitanici bili zadovoljniji od manje obrazovanih. Ispitivanje značaja oblasti karijere na relacije osobina i strukture motivacije na zadovoljstvo pokazuje da se grupe međusobno razlikuju po tome &scaron;to grupe menadžera i univerzitetskih profesora u odnosu na bankare pokazuju veći stepen zadovoljstva karijerom i imaju izraženije crte otvorenost i pozitivna valenca, dok im je ekstrinzička radna motivacija niža u odnosu na grupu bankara.&nbsp;Ustanovljeno je i da grupa bankara ima izraženiju introjektovanu regulaciju i intrinzičku motivaciju od grupe profesora i grupe menadžera</p> / <p>The level of the satisfaction with the career is a phenomenon that has been lately analysed seriously and with attention. To determine the relationship between personality traits and structures of work motivation for career satisfaction with successful people is a good basis for the field of advising. Up to now it was only discussed in the context of objective, external criterion of satisfaction. Since the industrial-organizational psychology has become interested in the concepts of personality again by creating socio-cognitive approaches to motivation, this relation has occupied an important place in studies of organizational behavior. Today, the focus of researchers is shifted and held on the intrinsic criteria of the success in career and in addition to personality traits, structures of work motivation are examined with special attention in terms of organization and in terms of the influence of family/work balance on the level of satisfaction. Contemporary literature review indicates the insufficient study of the concepts mentioned above, especially the application of the theory of self-determination in this concept of research.<br />In order to examine the importance of personality traits and structure of work motivation we started examining personality traits and structure of work motivation in relation to the level of career satisfaction of successful people. Career satisfaction is defined as the evaluation of personal progress in relation to personal goals. The research included 110 people with very successful careers in fields of education, bankings and business in the Republic of Serbia. Their career was evaluated as successful on the following criteria: academic achievements &ndash; the status of the university professor, managing or senior positions in banks and international companies; entrepreneurs and company owners that have more than ten employees and the positive balance in previous years. Fourteen examinees had secondary school education, 22 with Bachelor&rsquo;s degree, total of 74 with university degree of which 37 had Master&rsquo;s degree and 37 of them PhD.<br />The youngest examinee was 26, the oldest 68, while the average age was 47. The longest years of service was 44 years, and average 21 year. The following tests were applied: LEKSI 70, test designed for testing personal traits based on the &rsquo;&rsquo;Big Five&rsquo;&rsquo; plus two; SRM-1, for testing the structure of work motivation; and For the purpose of this paper, a questionnaire is made to investigate the level of career satisfaction, ZAK which as the pilot sample had given acceptable psychometric characteristics.. After the application of series of results, the following are the most important to mention: the connection between personality traits and positive emotionality, factors for career satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and regulation through identification with successful people. Similarly, the connection between career satisfaction and regulation through identification and intrinsic motivation has been found between openness and conscientiousness. In addition, the quality of openness showed negative correlation with external regulation and conscientiousness with the factor of avoiding work. Examinees who were more prone to regulation through identification showed more distinctive positive emotionality and conscientiousness, but at the same time&nbsp;the higher level of unpleasantness/aggression. Years of service suggest that people with long and successful careers are less unpleasant and more conscientious. The relation between negative valence factors, psychosomatic symptoms, avoiding work and external control stands out as an important highlight. Examined group of managers and university professors in relation to bankers show the higher level of satisfaction with their careers, have more distinctive quality of openness and positive valence while at the same time their extrinsic motivation is lower than in the group of bankers. In addition, people with negative emotions had tendencies for a career change. The educational level connected to the career satisfaction showed that more educated people were more satisfied from less educated. In addition to basic personality traits and in order to understand better the structure of personality in organizational behavior, the concept of &#39;additional&#39; personality traits is also important.</p>

Dirbančių suaugusiųjų subjektyvi gerovės, asmenybės bruožų ir savęs vertinimo sąsajos / The connection between adult workers subjective well-being, personality traits and self-evaluation

Tyškienė, Jelena 11 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbas: „Dirbančių suaugusiųjų subjektyvios gerovės, asmenybės bruožų ir savęs vertinimo sąsajos“. Darbo tikslas: ištirti sąsajas tarp dirbančiųjų subjektyvios gerovės, asmenybės bruožų ir savęs vertinimo. Pradžioje keliama hipotezė, kad dirbančiųjų subjektyvi gerovė, asmenybės bruožai ir savęs vertinimas yra susiję. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: įvertinti tiriamųjų subjektyvios gerovės, asmenybės bruožų ir savęs vertinimo ypatumus; palyginti tiriamųjų subjektyvios gerovės įverčius pagal: lyties, amžiaus, išsilavinimo, šeimyninės padėties, vaikų turėjimo, gaunamų pajamų, darbo pobūdžio aspektus; nustatyti sąsajas tarp tiriamųjų subjektyvios gerovės ir asmenybės bruožų; nustatyti sąsajas tarp tiriamųjų subjektyvios gerovės ir savęs vertinimo; nustatyti sąsajas tarp tiriamųjų asmenybės bruožų ir savęs vertinimo. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad tyrimo grupės (dirbančiųjų) subjektyvi gerovė yra vidutinio lygio; daugumos respondentų vyraujanti asmenybės ypatybė yra sąmoningumas (kiti asmenybės bruožai: ekstraversija, sutariamumas, neurotiškumas ir atvirumas patyrimui); didžiajai tiriamųjų daugumai būdingas teigiamas savęs vertinimas. Buvo nustatyta, kad dirbančiųjų subjektyvi gerovė yra susijusi su gaunamomis pajamomis, bet nesusijusi su kitais sociodemografiniais veiksniais: lytimi, amžiumi, išsilavinimu, šeimine padėtimi, vaikų turėjimu, darbo pobūdžiu. Taip pat nustatyta, kad dirbančiųjų subjektyvi gerovė teigiamai siejosi su tokiais asmenybės bruožais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work is examine the connections between workers subjective well-being, personality traits and self-evaluation. In the beginning of the research was raised a hipothesis that workers’ subjective well-being, personality traits and self-evaluation are connected. To reach the aim was raised these objectives: to evaluate investigatives’ subjective well-being, personality traits and self-evaluation features; to compare investigatives’ grades of subjective well-being according to these social-demographic aspects: gender, age, education, family state, having offsprings, getting incomes, job position; to set the connections between investigatives’ subjective well-being and personality traits; to set the connections between investigatives’ subjective well-being and self-evaluation; to set the connections between investigatives’ personality traits self-evaluation. As demonstrate the results of research, investigatives’ subjective well-being is on the middle level; the majority of investigatives’ personality trait is Conscientiousness (other traits: Extraversion, Agreebleness, Neuroticism and Openess to Experience); for the vast majority of the investigatives is typical possitive self-evaluation. It was estimated, that workers‘ subjective well-being is connected with incomes, but does not connected with others social-demographic factors. It was also estimated, that investigatives’ subjective well-being was positively connected with such personality traits as Extraversion... [to full text]

Syskonplaceringens samverkan med personlighet och KASAM

Carty Gabrielsen, Amanda, Fräsén, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning menar att det äldsta syskonet anses vara mer auktoritärt, det mellersta barnet minst familjeorienterat och det yngsta barnet mer socialt. Uppväxten kan påverka individens KASAM. Studien undersöker om syskonplacering samverkar med människors KASAM, personlighet utifrån femfaktormodellen samt ser till eventuella könsskillnader. Urvalet bestod av högskolestudenter, varav 145 kvinnor och 80 män. Enkätens material analyserades med tvåvägs variansanalyser. Studien uppvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de tre syskonplaceringarna. En tendens till signifikant interaktion visades mellan könen, där kvinnliga mellanbarn har lägre KASAM än de manliga. Studien visade två signifikanta könsskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. Kvinnorna var mer neurotiska och samvetsgranna än männen. Resultatet uppvisade en tendens till signifikans, gällande att kvinnor hade högre grad av personlighetfaktorn öppenhet än männen. Slutligen konstaterades att syskonplaceringen inte samverkar med individens personlighet eller KASAM, men att det finns vissa personlighetsskillnader mellan könen. Resultatet kan bero på brister i studien, som att familjekonstellation inte tillfrågades deltagarna.

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