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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaphorical mountainscapes : Translating metaphors, similes and metonymy in an adventure travel guide

Björklund, Elin Maria January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the translation of an adventure travel guide from English to Swedish, focusing on the translation of conventional metaphors, original metaphors, metonymy and similes, with special attention to conceptual metaphors. The results show that most of the metaphors are reproduced in the target text, along with most of the metonymic segments and all similes. The findings suggest that the relatively high rate of metaphors and metonymy reproduced is due to a high degree of shared metaphorical concepts in source and target culture, whereas the decrease likely is due to an asymmetry in the preference of usage and degree of elaboration for these metaphors. The qualitative analysis shows that many conceptual metaphors fulfilled important functions in the source text, which confirms previous research that preserving the conceptual metaphors as much as possible in the translation process is essential in order to preserve all the functions of the source text. Analysis of metonymy and the personification of cities shows how the metonymic concept place for person is related to the central theme of personification and that this concept is likewise used to fulfill an important purpose of the source text, showing that metonymy is equally important to preserve in the translation process. The results of this study suggest that the choice of translation strategy in some cases is less dependent on category and more dependent on to what extent the cultural concepts that the metaphor/simile/metonymy is based on is similar/different, more/less elaborate or more/less preferred in source and target culture.

The Voice of Nature : Ecological Personification in Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin and Abdel-Fattah’s Where the Streets Had a Name: An Ecolinguistic Analysis

Halis, Zayna January 2023 (has links)
This study delves into the ways in which the displaced Palestinian characters in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin (2010) and Randa Abdel-Fattah’s Where the Streets Had a Name (2008) connect to their homeland through embodied metaphors, particularly through the personification of their native lands, which will be read with recourse to Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). By utilizing ecolinguistics as an analytical lens and applying CMT, this study illuminates how both literary works significantly underscore the urgency and cruciality of the human-nature interconnection and interdependence amid tragedy and dispossession. The authors’ use of metaphorical language to personify the land gives rise to the ontological conceptual metaphor NATURE IS A PERSON and other embodied metaphors, and these illustrate the profound interconnection between the characters and their ancestral lands. Subsequently, this study uncovers the ecological identities of the displaced characters, which ultimately leads them to attempt to establish physical and metaphorical connections with their ancestral villages. The physical connection is established through the concept of “eco-resistance”, which is crucial for their physical and psychological wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of the land.

Politisk kommunikation på Instagram ur ett visuellt perspektiv : Hur används personifierade budskap på Instagram med en fallstudie på Ulf Kristersson / Political communication on Instagram from a visual perspective : How is personified messages used on Instagram with a case study on Ulf Kristersson

Wester, Olle, Weilander, Henrik, Brasch Flodén, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
Studien ämnar att utröna vilka semiotiska verktyg som används för att konstruera en bild av UlfKristersson på hans Instagramsida samt hur budskap blir personifierade. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ textanalys i form av en visuell textanalys. Inom detta ämne visar tidigare forskning på att trovärdigheten är av stor betydelse eftersom innehållet granskas kritiskt. Allt mer kreativa metoder och teorier skapas för att få publikens uppmärksamhet, dock blir detta en utmaning för demokratin, menar Edgerly och Thorson (2020). De beskriver den nuvarande media omgivningen som kaotisk och att det finns ett överflöd av politiska aktörer som konkurrerar om publikens uppmärksamhet. Detta är inte endast något som påverkar medborgarskap, men även demokratin, särskilt med det nya fenomenet “politiska influerare”. För att analysera den politiska kommunikationen ur ett visuellt sammanhang ämnar studien att använda en visuell textanalys. För den visuella textanalysen användes en socialsemiotisk metod för att tolka och förstå samband mellan semiotiskt material eller visuella element och förstå hur och vilken mening som skapas genom den visuella kommunikationen. En retorisk analys användes också för att se vilken retorik som används genom den visuella kommunikationen. I enlighet med analysen kunde slutsatsen dras att de teman som identifierades ger åskådaren en bild av Ulf Kristersson där han representerar det politiska partiet “Moderaterna”. Denna representation sker genom personifiering där Ulf Kristersson står för argument och teman som partiet vill reflektera. Dessa argument identifierades genom denotation och konnotation samt kategorisering för att gruppera bilder med liknande grundlig kommunikation, exempelvis bilder som kopplar an något om den svenska militären eller Ulf Kristersson hemma med sin familj. / This study means to find what semiotic tools are used to construct an image of Ulf Kristersson on his Instagram page, and how messages are personified. This is done through a qualitative textanalysis in the form of a visual text analysis. In this subject, earlier research indicates credibility is of importance because content must be thoroughly examined. More and more creative methods and theories are created to catch the attention of the audience, this, however, becomes a challenge for democracy, argues Edgerly and Thorson (2020). They describe the current media environment as chaotic and that there’s an abundance of political figures competing for the audience’s attention. This is not something that only affects citizenship, but also democracy, especially thanks to the new phenomenon “political influencers”. To analyze political communication in a visual manner, the study aims to use a visual textanalysis as its method. For the visual text analysis, a social semiotic method was used to interpret and understand the connection between semiotic material or visual elements and understand how and what meaning is created through the visual communication. A rhetorical analysis was also used to determine what rhetoric was used through visual communication. With the analysis, the conclusion could be made that the themes that were identified give the viewer an image of Ulf Kristersson where he represents the political party “Moderaterna”. This representation is done through personification where Ulf stands for the arguments and themes that the party wants to reflect. These arguments were identified through denotation and connotation as well as categorization to group photos together that communicate the same basic themes, such as pictures that show the Swedish military in some way or Ulf simply spending time with his family at home.

Die Personifikation des Bösen: Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung

Grüttner, Konrad 18 June 2013 (has links)
Der Begriff "Böse" ist seinem Bedeutungsumfang nach derart allumfassend, dass es unmöglich erscheint, sich diesem substanziell zu nähern. Die Arbeit versucht daher, das Phänomen des Bösen über seine Personifikationen zu erfassen und diese anhand begriffsgeschichtlicher Methoden aufzuarbeiten. Dabei steht das Zeitalter der Aufklärung im Zentrum der Analyse, da sich in jener Epoche ein elementarer Wandel vollzog, der das bis ins 18. Jh. hinein religiös geprägte Bild des Bösen ins Reich der Mythen und Legenden verbannte, ohne jedoch seine Personifikation, den Teufel, gänzlich zu vernichten. Ausgehend von diesem wichtigen Schritt in der Geschichte des Abendlandes entwickelt die Arbeit einen roten Faden der Kulturgeschichte des Bösen, der sich von den biblischen Anfängen bis hin zu den heute geläufigen Vorstellungen zieht. Damit wird verdeutlicht, inwieweit die religiöse Vorstellung des Teufels ein Paradigma bilden konnte, welches epochenübergreifende Geltung gewann.

Themes, diction and form in the poetry of C. S. Z. Ntuli

Zulu, E. S. Q. 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the poetry of C.S.Z. Ntuli, with specific reference to themes, diction and form. The introductory chapter deals with the aim of study, the author's biographical background, the development of modern Zulu poetry, the state of critical studies in modern Zulu poetry, the scope of study and the method of approach. Chapter 2 examines the main themes manifest in the poetry of Ntuli. Chapter 3 is devoted to diction, with particular reference to imagery, compound words, ideophones and deideophonic derivatives. Comment is also made on ways in which these amplify the theme in selected poems. Chapter 4 discusses outstanding formal features and techniques including stanza formation, refrains, alliteration, parallelism, linking and rhythm. Chapter 5 concludes the study by giving observations about the quality of Ntuli's contribution to modern Zulu poetry, and by exploring some possibilities regarding future studies on the poetry of Ntuli / African Languages / M. A. (African languages)

Srovnání mediálního obrazu vlád premiérů Topolánka, Fischera a Nečase v časopisu Týden / Comparing of media image of Topolánek,Fischer and Nečas government in periodical Týden

Jelínková, Milena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with a compare of media image of Topolanek, Fischer and Necas government in periodical Tyden. I took two aims - first, to find out if any opinion inclination or political orientation is expressed in articles about Czech governments published in the periodical Tyden, second, to compare media image of all three governments among themselves and to trace potential differences. The theoretical section focuses on objectivity and bias, construction and representation. Substantial part of the theory is comprised of specific political communication and mediatisation together with trends in this field recognized in last decades. The empirical section is composed by quantitative analysis that compares representative articles and it is added by an content analysis of front pages of the periodical Tyden. Regardless of a fact, that the Jan Fischer government was very popular in public, the media picture of this particular government is rather negative comparing others. On the contrary there were found specific features showing that the Mirek Topolanek government was pictured more substantially. In generally the periodical Tyden uses negativity and stereotypes in articles about governments but in no case this is a predominant procedure of media products construct. The media picture of last three...

A teoria do Vale da Estranheza aplicada à Ciências da Comunicação: um estudo sobre os personagens de marca a partir de uma abordagem cognitivista / Uncanny Valley Theory applied to Communication Sciences: an cognitive approach toward brand characters study

Augusto Junior, Silvio Nunes 26 June 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa possui como principal objetivo o estudo dos personagens de marca à luz da teoria do Vale da Estranheza, tendo em vista que personagens considerados estranhos podem influenciar a recepção (SPADONI, 2000; TINWELL, 2014). Desde a publicação seminal de Masahiro Mori em 1970, autor que propôs que robôs muito parecidos com seres humanos evocam uma reação aversiva (MORI; MACDORMAN; KAGEKI, 2012), foi demonstrado que essa reação ocorre sempre que um estímulo não pode ser categorizado como não-humano ou humano (SAYGIN et al., 2012). As implicações sobre as apropriações teóricas dessa abordagem pelo campo da comunicação são exploradas no decorrer dos dois primeiros capítulos. Para mensurar o efeito da estranheza sobre a atitude, foram utilizadas duas escalas: uma escala criada por Ho e MacDorman (2010; 2016) para mensurar a estranheza, e uma escala de atitude criada por Martin et al. (2004). Um total de 396 pessoas responderam a pesquisa online, predominando mulheres (60%), pessoas do Estado de São Paulo (58%), com Ensino Superior Completo ou mais (80%) e média de 29 anos. Foram utilizados os procedimentos de validação de escala para adaptar a escala da estranheza ao contexto brasileiro (DEVELLIS, 2003). Os resultados sugerem a existência de um modelo de estranheza bifatorial com 4 fatores. Contudo, o modelo de segunda ordem com a variável dependente não passou no teste de ajuste exato e aproximado do modelo. Entende-se que essa pesquisa faz contribuições relevantes às Ciências da Comunicação por lançar mão de uma teoria complementar às pesquisas do campo, e de uma metodologia pouco utilizada pelas pesquisas da área. / This research have as a main objective the study of brand characters in light of Uncanny Valley theory, regarding that brand characters that are considered eerie can influence reception (SPADONI, 2000; TINWELL, 2014). Since Masahiro Mori seminal article, in 1970, when the author propose that characaters who appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers, has been show that this reaction occurs always when an stimuli cannot be categorized as human or non-human (SAYGIN et al., 2012). The theoretical implication of this approach by Communication Studies are explored in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. To measure the uncanny effect toward attitude, two scales has been used: one developed by Ho and MacDorman (2010; 2016) to measure the uncanny, and second to measure attitude developed proposed by Martin et al. (2004). 396 participantes were recruited and answered the online survey, prevailling women (60%), people from São Paulo State (58%), people with Graduate Degree (80%) and an average of 29 years old. Procedures for scale validation has been used to adapt the Uncanny Valley scale to brazilian contexto (DEVELLIS, 2003). The results suggest that the existence of an bifactorial model of Uncanny with 4 factors. However, the second order model with an dependent variable cannot be accepted by statistical índices of exact and approximation test. It is understood that this research makes relevant contributions to the Communication Sciences by using a theory complementary to the field, also by using a methodology that has not been used by other researchs of the area.

Le dieu Sol dans l’empire romain des antonins à Julien l’Apostat. Conventions iconographiques, lecture symbolique et portée politique / The Sun god in the Roman Empire from the Antonines to Julian the Apostate. Iconographic conventions, symbolic and political reading

Romagnan, David 11 January 2014 (has links)
Le dieu Sol, personnification de l’astre du jour, est documenté à Rome et en Italie bien avant l’avènement de l’empire. Dieu longtemps secondaire, ce n’est que durant l’Antiquité tardive qu’il gagne en importance, mais jamais au point de supplanter Jupiter et de devenir la divinité suprême. Cette étude a pour but d’offrir une approche renouvelée de l’interprétation de son image, en mettant en valeur la constance de son iconographie, l’uniformité des messages qui lui sont associés, son importance croissante dans l’idéologie politique impériale, et ensuite de les expliquer et de les réintégrer dans une perspective plus globale du IIe au IVe siècle. Cette présente thèse a ainsi pour but d’étudier les représentations du dieu Sol, à la fois personne divine et personnification de l’astre diurne, puis d’en déduire la nature du pouvoir cosmique du dieu, notamment par l’étude des documents dans lesquels il est mis en relation directe ou indirecte avec d’autres divinités, et de mettre en relief la spécificité de l’utilisation de l’image du dieu Sol dans un contexte impérial. / The Sun deity was documented in Rome and in Italy well before the advent of the Empire. Considered secondary for a long time, this god’s importance grows only during the late Antiquity.This study aims at offering a renewed approach of its image by emphasizing the constancy of its iconography, the uniformity of the messages associated to it, and its increasing importance in the imperial political ideology which we are to explain and place in a more global perspective from the 2nd to the 4th century.Within this thesis we will study the representations of the Sun deity, as a god and as the personification of the sun. From the analysis of its documented relationship to other divinities we will establish its cosmic power and the particular use of its image in an imperial context.

SOS: var god dröj! : En kvalitativ textanalys av Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring SOS Alarm / SOS Alarm: Please Hold! : A qualitative content analysis of Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheters coverage of SOS Alarm

Månsson, Annajohanna, Swärd, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera mediernas rapportering kring ett antal specifika händelser kopplade till SOS Alarm. Med vår undersökning avser vi att bidra till kunskapen om hur tidningarna Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter framställer SOS Alarm i sina nyhetspubliceringar. Mediernas rapportering är viktig att studera då mediebilden av SOS Alarm kan påverka allmänhetens förtroende för denna viktiga samhällsaktör. Detta är viktigt på grund av att den bild och på det vis som medierna framställer olika händelser påverkar människor, vår sociala och kulturella kontext, att se och uppfatta verkligheten vi lever i. Medierna utgör ett kraftfullt verktyg för människors åsikter, värderingar och påverkar människors beteende. Studien har använt sig av kvalitativ textanalys och inriktat sig på 43 tidningsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Med grunden i valda teorier diskuteras de resultat som undersökningen visar, med fokus på dramatisering. Vår slutsats är att båda tidningarna, men främst Aftonbladet har skapat en vinklad bild av olika händelser, genom sin frekventa användning av dramatisering i texterna. Vinklingen visade sig vara negativ, vilket beror på valet av ord och sammanhang som tidningarna gjort. / This study aims to study the media’s reporting on a number of specific events linked to the SOS Alarm. In our study, we wish to gain an insight into how the newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter presents SOS Alarm in their news releases. Media reporting is important to study because the media image of SOS Alarm can affect public confidence in this actor of society. This is important because the image and the way media produce different events affect people, our social and cultural context, to see and perceive the reality we live in. The media is a powerful tool for people’s options, values and affect people’s behavior. The study has used the method of quality content analysis and focused on 43 newspaper articles from Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. With the foundation of the selected theories discussed the results that the investigation concludes with a focus on the dramatization. Our conclusion in the analysis of reporting on SOS Alarm is that both papers, but mainly Aftonbladet has created a biased and partially inaccurate picture of different events by the frequent use of dramatizations in the texts. The bias proved out to be negative, which depends on the choice of words and context in which the newspapers have done.

Darstellung der Africa : Typologie und Ikonographie einer römischen Provinzpersonifikation /

Domes, Ingeborg. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Universiẗat, Diss., 2003. / Zsfassung in engl. und franz. Sprache.

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