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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användarens personliga integritet inom sociala medier - En jämförelsestudie mellan användare på Facebook och LinkedIn

Bach, Stephanie, Huynh, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Antalet användare på sociala medier har på de senaste åren ökat successivt på grund av de effektiva kommunikationsverktygen som underlättar kontaktknytningen med vänner, familj och arbetskollegor. Trots ökade användare på sociala medier visar tidigare forskning på att flera användare inte är medvetna om den stora mängd data som samlas in av olika sociala plattformar såsom Facebook och LinkedIn. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att beskriva hur nätanvändare beaktar personlig integritet på Facebook och LinkedIn. För att uppnå studiens syfte har vi samlat in det empiriska materialet genom en enkätundersökning som resulterade i svar från 144 respondenter. Utifrån det empiriska materialet har studiens forskningsfråga besvarats som omfattar hur Facebook- och LinkedIn användare skyddar sig mot personligt integritetsintrång. Resultatet visade på att nätanvändare valde att skydda sig på olika sätt baserat på hur medvetna var om datahanteringen och hur bekanta de var med respektive sociala media. En central likhet mellan de undersökta sociala medierna var att användare från både Facebook och LinkedIn skyddade sig genom olika lösenordsstrategier. En stor skillnad som framkom kring hanteringen av sekretessinställningar var att Facebook-användare justerade inställningarna kontinuerligt för att minimera risker för att obehöriga inte ska kunna ta del utav den personliga informationen. Flera LinkedIn-användare hittade däremot inte sekretess inställningarna vilket kan bero på den låga användningsnivån av plattformen till skillnad från användare som använder Facebook dagligen. / The number of users on social media has in recent years gradually increased due to the effective communication tools that facilitate contact with friends, family and co-workers. Despite the increase in users on social media, previous research shows that many users are not aware of the vast amount of data collected by different social platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. The purpose of this study is therefore to describe how network users take account to privacy on Facebook and LinkedIn. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we collected the empirical material through a survey resulting in answers from 144 respondents. Based on the empirical study, the research question has been answered which depends on how Facebook- and LinkedIn users protect themselves against privacy intrusions. The result showed that network users chose to protect themselves in different ways based on how aware they were of the data management. A central similarity between the studied social media platforms was that users from both Facebook and LinkedIn protected themselves through different password strategies. A significant difference was found regarding the privacy settings of Facebook-users who adjusted the settings continuously to minimize the risk of unauthorized being able to take part of the personal information. Several LinkedIn-users did not find the privacy settings that may be due to the low usage level of the platform, unlike users who use Facebook daily.

Att använda ansiktsigenkänning inom bekämpning av narkotikahandel / Using facial recognition against drug trafficking

Piehl, Tommaso, Sassani, Kevin January 2022 (has links)
Sweden has during the last couple of years seen an increase of drug-related crime compared to previous years. Although the amount of reported crimes has increased, the amount of solved crimes has decreased [4]. Other countries have, in the meantime, implemented artificial intelligence in law enforcement. It’s been used on digital platforms as well as surveillance in the real world [2]. One of the main forms in which artificial intelligence has been used is facial recognition. This technology has been proven to have great potential in the field of fighting and preventing crimes. However, questions have arised regarding the ethical aspects of high scale surveillance and the collection of personal data about citizens [1]. This study revolves around professional opinions regarding the use of facial recognition in order to fight drug-trafficking. More specifically taking place in public places around Sweden. Therefore, opinions from the users and developers of the technology have been compared in order to find out if they differ in any way. This study is based on data collected from interviews with police officers, police students and machine learning students from the masters program at KTH. The choice of participants for this study is made in order for the users of the technology to be represented by police and its developers being represented by the machine learning students. Furthermore, the data has been analyzed by comparing the answers from the police officers and students with the answers from the machine learning students. The results from this study shows that both groups regard facial recognition as something which would facilitate law enforcement. However, both groups were skeptical regarding the integrity aspect of the Tommaso Piehl EECS, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap Stockholm tommasop@kth.se implementation, especially among the machine learning students. More generally, the main difference between the groups was that the police-related participants were ultimately open to use the technology. On the contrary, the machine learning students saw this as too great of a threat to personal privacy. / I Sverige har under senare år kriminalitet kopplad till narkotikahandel haft en ökning jämfört med tidigare år. I takt med ökningen av anmälda brott har antalet lösta brott minskat [4]. Samtidigt har andra länder börjat använda sig av artificiell intelligens i syfte att bekämpa brott, både på digitala plattformar och fysiska platser [2]. Användningen av artificiell intelligens, mer specifikt i form av ansiktsigenkänning, har stor potential inom effektivisering av brottsbekämpning. Samtidigt uppstår många frågor kring den etiska aspekten av storskalig övervakning och insamling av personlig information [1]. Därmed är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det finns några skillnader i hur användare och utvecklare av tekniken förhåller sig till dess användning. Mer specifikt är studien inriktad på ställningstaganden till användningen av ansiktsigenkänning för att bekämpa offentlig narkotikahandel i Sverige. Studien är baserad på data som har samlats in genom intervjuer av poliser, polisstudenter och studenter från KTH:s maskininlärningssprogram på masternivå. Tanken är att poliserna respektive maskininlärningsstudenterna representerar användare respektive utvecklare. Datan har analyserats genom att jämföra svaren från poliserna och polisstudenterna med svaren från maskininlärningsstudenterna. Resultatet från1.1 Bakgrund undersökningen visade att tekniken enligt båda grupper skulle underlätta polisens arbete. Däremot var båda grupper skeptiska till integritetsaspekten av implementationen, speciellt maskininlärningsstudenterna. Mer generellt var den största skillnaden att poliserna i slutändan var öppna för att använda tekniken. Maskininlärningsstudenterna såg det istället som ett alltför stort hot mot den personliga integriteten.

Individanpassad marknadsföring - Uppskattat eller en potentiell risk för generation Z´s integritet? / Personalized marketing - Appreciated or a potential risk to generation Z´s integrity?

Berg, Hannah, Karlsson, Tova January 2024 (has links)
Title: Personalized marketing - Appreciated or a potential risk to generation Z´s integrity?  Authors: Hannah Berg & Tova Karlsson  Supervisor: Michal Lysek  Background: Research has shown that with the advancement of technology, marketing has also changed from traditional to more digital. Personalized marketing is now a common marketing method where companies can create advertisements for everyone. This is possible through data collection to identify everyone’s behavior and preferences. The issue with this is that it can be perceived as a violation of consumer privacy.  Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate Generation Z's opinions on personalized marketing and investigate if there are any differences in opinions between men and women. To achieve this purpose, the thesis will answer the following research questions: What are Generation Z's opinions on personalized marketing? Is there any difference in opinions between males and females?   Method: This study is based on a qualitative study with an inductive approach. The basis of the study has been inspired by grounded theory. The authors have interviewed a total of nine respondents, four men and four women from different parts of Sweden, with various occupations, all within Generation Z. The ninth respondent is the CEO of a marketing company.   Conclusion: Generally, the respondents prefer personalized marketing over traditional marketing. However, there is a difference in opinions between men and women, with women thinking that personalized marketing increases relevance, while men find it more irritating and see it as a threat to their integrity. Although, both genders agree that eavesdropping is perceived as a violation of privacy. Personalized marketing is more effective on women than on men. From a business perspective, personalized marketing is advantageous but also has negative aspects. Success in marketing for companies relies on effective strategies and follow guidelines and laws.   Keywords: Personalized marketing, cookies, personal integrity, eavesdropping

När väggarna faller : Effekter av aktivitetsbaserade kontorslandskap

Fries, Joakim, Schröder, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
På en aktivitetsbaserad arbetsplats har anställda inga bestämda arbetsplatser vilket gör att medarbetare från olika enheter kan arbeta nära varandra, medan de från samma enhet kan behöva arbeta längre ifrån varandra på grund av platsbrist. Vidare har denna kontorsmiljö en inverkan på anställdas personliga integritet då ljud lätt sprider sig i öppna kontorslandskap. Detta kan påverka medarbetarnas koncentrationsförmåga. Studien undersöker med hjälp av en analysmodell hur balansen mellan fysisk närhet och personlig integritet på aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser påverkar anställdas individuella arbete, samarbete och samverkan. Studien använder en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semikonstruerade intervjuer med anställda på aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser. Resultaten visar att egenskaperna i denna kontorsmiljö har en påverkan på medarbetarnas arbetsförhållanden. Detta mynnar ut i studiens slutsats som belyser att denna kontorsmiljö har en övergripande negativ effekt på anställdas individuella arbete men kan skapa både positiva och negativa konsekvenser för samarbete och samverkan.

Lämna mig ifred : Digital övervakning och personlig integritet på svenska bibliotek / Leave me alone : Digital surveillance and privacy in Swedish libraries

Soldal, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
Introduction. Libraries have traditionally protected the privacy of their users. It is an ambition that is becoming increasingly difficult, with the introduction of new information technologies in libraries. This thesis consists of an examination of an incipient interest in digital security among Swedish libraries and librarians. It also consists of an examination to what degree Swedish municipality libraries are using social plugins, an information practice with potential privacy concerns, on their websites. Method. Key actors were interviewed to shed light on why issues on privacy and digital security have moved into the foreground. 59 municipality libraries were randomly selected, and their websites surveyed. Analysis. Contextual integrity (CI), a privacy concept developed by Helen Nissenbaum, was used as a theoreti-cal framework. According to the concept, privacy is linked to information norms in a specific context. The con-cept has both a descriptive and a prescriptive aspect. In this thesis I used CI to evaluate libraries’ information practice of using social plugins on their websites. Results. The study showed that one out of three municipality libraries in Sweden are using social plugins on their website. The interest in digital security among Swedish libraries is linked to privacy concerns for groups of people with the need of high digital protection. The interest was sparked by Edward Snowden revelations of mass surveillance and the refugee crisis in 2015. Conclusion. Contextual integrity was used to evaluate libraries’ practice of using social plugins on their web-sites. The evaluation showed that the practice encroaches on information norms normally taken for granted in the library. The use of social plugins should be cancelled. Libraries have a responsibility to secure the privacy of their users, and CI is a useful concept to evaluate different information practices.This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science.

Personlig integritet och kreditupplysning / Privacy and Credit Report

Forsell, Lisa January 2003 (has links)
<p>Most people would agree that privacy is a civil right, and that we should not be deprived of this civil right for other than legitimate reasons. The difficulty lies instead in how to decide where the legislative boundary should be drawn for the right to privacy, in order to protect the individual from an undue intrusion of his privacy. There are a number of areas where the right to privacy comes in conflict with opposite interests. One of these areas is credit report. In this master thesis the author discusses questions as, what is the meaning of the word privacy, and whether the protection of privacy is sufficient in the legislation concerning credit report? Also a comparative study of the Swedish and the English regulation is performed. The object of this thesis is to analyze to what extent the legislator takes the right to privacy into consideration in the legislation concerning credit report. The author also investigates the possibilities to change the legislation in effort to enhance the protection of privacy. The thesis shows, that today there is a protection of privacy in connection to the processing of personal data, but also points out the need to review this protection and also to extend it to other areas, which are not connected with processing of personal data.</p>

To start this vehicle, please verify yourself : Security and privacy, where shall we draw the line?

Björk, Hanna, Hagemann, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Different security issues are a top subject around the world, especially since the terror threats seem to intensify. In the same time, the transport industry suffer from problems with smuggling and theft of valuable goods. One way to increase the security might be to have a verification system installed in commercial trucks, in order to assure that the driver is the proper one.</p><p>This thesis has two purposes. One is to find appropriate methods for driver verification and build a prototype of a verification system which can be used for testing and further development. The other is to study how truck drivers perceive such a system and how their conception goes along with the growing demand for higher security. The present work is the result of a cooperation between an engineer and a cognitive scientist. The thesis focuses on the transport industry and was performed for Volvo Technology Corporation (VTEC), Gothenburg, Sweden.</p><p>Eleven available verification methods were studied. To enable a well-based selection of methods to implement in the prototype, inquiries and interviews with truck drivers and haulage contractors were carried out to complement the theoretical study.</p><p>One regular and three biometric verification methods were chosen for the test; fingerprint verification, face recognition, voice recognition and PIN verification. These methods were put together to a prototype system that was implemented in a truck simulator. A graphical user interface was developed in order to make the system user friendly. The prototype system was tested by 18 truck drivers. They were thoroughly interviewed before and after the test in order to retrieve their background, expectations and opinions as well as their perceptions and experiences of the test.</p><p>Most of the test participants were positive to the prototype system. Even though they did not feel a need for it today they believed it to “be the future”. However, some participants felt uncomfortable with the system since they felt controlled by it. It became clear how important it is to have a system that respect the users’ privacy and to assure that the users are well informed about how the system is used. Some of the technology used for the verification system requires more development to fit in the automotive context, but it is considered to be possible to achieve a secure and robust system.</p>

Personlig integritet och kreditupplysning / Privacy and Credit Report

Forsell, Lisa January 2003 (has links)
Most people would agree that privacy is a civil right, and that we should not be deprived of this civil right for other than legitimate reasons. The difficulty lies instead in how to decide where the legislative boundary should be drawn for the right to privacy, in order to protect the individual from an undue intrusion of his privacy. There are a number of areas where the right to privacy comes in conflict with opposite interests. One of these areas is credit report. In this master thesis the author discusses questions as, what is the meaning of the word privacy, and whether the protection of privacy is sufficient in the legislation concerning credit report? Also a comparative study of the Swedish and the English regulation is performed. The object of this thesis is to analyze to what extent the legislator takes the right to privacy into consideration in the legislation concerning credit report. The author also investigates the possibilities to change the legislation in effort to enhance the protection of privacy. The thesis shows, that today there is a protection of privacy in connection to the processing of personal data, but also points out the need to review this protection and also to extend it to other areas, which are not connected with processing of personal data.

Forskning och utveckling av sjukvårdsrelaterad artificiell intelligens mot bakgrund av dataskyddsförordningen

Silfversten, William January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

GDPR och dess påverkan vid systemutveckling : Riktlinjer för en säkrare kravspecificering.

Kinell, Alfred, Löfberg, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka nya krav som kan tänkas uppstå i och med det nya dataskyddsdirektivet, och hur uppfyllandet av dessa krav kan underlättas, i form av riktlinjer utformade för att säkerställa en systemutveckling i enlighet med de säkerhets- och integritetskrav som ställs i och med GDPR. De behov och kravområden som identifierats, har sedan kategoriserats och konkretiserats i form av riktlinjer som skall kunna användas då personuppgifter hanteras. För att belysa hur GDPR kan förändra kravbilden har främst “Privacy by Design”, kravspecificering, samt de allmänna juridiska förändringar GDPR kommer att innebära studerats. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har en studie baserad på främst semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts. Detta för att identifiera potentiella nya krav som kan tänkas uppstå i och med det nya dataskyddsdirektivet. Med avstamp i teorin, samt intervjuunderlaget har sex stycken kategorier tagits fram. Dessa är samtycke, Privacy by Design, rätten att bli meddelad om intrång, rätten att bli glömd, dataportabilitet samt rätten till åtkomst. Dessa kategorier har sedan legat till grund för de riktlinjer som utgör resultatet av detta arbete.

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