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Nietzsche: o eterno retorno do mesmo, a transvaloração dos valores e a noção de trágico / Nietzsche: the eternal return of the same, transvaluation of values and the notion of tragicMelo Neto, João Evangelista Tude de 21 June 2013 (has links)
O principal objetivo de nossa tese foi examinar de que maneira a doutrina do eterno retorno do mesmo se relaciona com o projeto de transvaloração dos valores e com a noção nietzschiana de trágico. Para efetivar nosso intento, realizamos, primeiramente, uma investigação acerca da esfera cosmológica da doutrina do eterno retorno. Em segundo lugar, promovemos a relação entre esse âmbito cosmológico do eterno retorno e o projeto de transvaloração dos valores. Essa relação deu ensejo a duas problemáticas para as quais tentamos dar resposta nas duas últimas partes de nossa tese. Nesse sentido, tentamos responder à primeira problemática que chamamos de o problema do determinismo no eterno retorno esclarecendo a noção nietzschiana de trágico e tentando mostrar de que forma ela está relacionada com a doutrina do eterno retorno e com o projeto de transvaloração dos valores. Por fim, propomos uma resposta à segunda problemática, a saber, a incompatibilidade entre o perspectivismo e a cosmologia do eterno retorno do mesmo. / The main aim of this thesis is to examine how the doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same is related to the project of transvaluation of values and to the Nietzschean notion of tragic. To accomplish this purpose, first we examined the cosmological sphere of the doctrine. Secondly, we promote the relationship between this cosmological context and the project of transvaluation of values. Two problems have emerged from this relationship to which we tried answering in the last two parts of the thesis. We tried answering the first problem that we called the problem of determinism in the eternal return clarifying the Nietzschean notion of tragic and showing how it is related to the doctrine of the eternal return and to the project of transvaluation of values. Finally, we propose an answer to the second problem, namely the incompatibility between perspectivism and cosmology of the eternal return of the same.
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La représentation de l'Indien dans la cinématographie brésilienne : de la vision colonialiste au perspectivisme amérindien / The representation of the Indian in Brazilian cinematography : from colonialist vision to Amerindian perspectivismEspinosa, Joanna 25 October 2014 (has links)
Afin d’appréhender la construction diachronique de l’image des Indiens dans la cinématographique brésilienne, au fil des années et des courants, il est nécessaire dans un premier temps de revenir à la période des conquêtes, dans le but de sonder les premiers fondements de l’idéologie nationale. Les premières images construisent un amalgame historico-mythique du « bon sauvage » et provoquent peur et fascination face à des pratiques célébrées – tel l’homme en harmonie avec la nature – ou au contraire méconnues et à l’opposé de nos mœurs – tels l’anthropophagie rituelle et le cannibalisme. Ces premières images fondées par le Vieux Continent vont figer les imaginaires et générer les bases d’une image exotique dont il va être difficile de se détacher. Au fil des siècles, le Brésil, pays métissé où subsistent les traditions des européens, auxquelles viennent se greffer les pratiques indigènes et les mœurs africaines, va être en proie à de fortes dissensions entre régionalisme et nationalisme. Cette recherche va tenter de reconstruire le regard porté sur cette communauté et d’en comprendre les mécanismes de rejet et d’identification encore très actuels, à partir des images produites au cours du XVIe siècle et dans les siècles subséquents, avec l’avènement de la photographie, puis de la production cinématographique et audiovisuelle qui relancèrent un soudain et vif intérêt pour (et par) les communautés indigènes. Afin d’aller plus loin dans l’entendement de la métaphysique amérindienne, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro préconise une transposition conceptuelle où la pensée amérindienne se substitue à la pensée dominante. Ce décentrement anthropologique met sur le même pied d’égalité les deux paradigmes, et permet de porter un autre regard sur cette construction historique. A partir de ce nouveau corollaire, nous allons tenter de rétablir l’équilibre entre les différents points de vue et de soulever les avancées ou défaillances de la représentation de l’image des Indiens de nos jours. / In order to comprehend the diachronic construction of the image of Indians in Brazilian cinematography throughout the years and trends, it is necessary, firstly, to return to the period of conquests, in order to survey the early foundations of national ideology. The first images construct a historical-mythical amalgam of the “noble savage” and provoke fear and fascination before celebrated practices – such as man’s harmony with nature – or, to the contrary, obscure pratices as well as those opposed to our customs – such as ritual anthropophagy and cannibalism. These first images founded by the Old Continent fix imaginaries and generate the bases of an exotic image that will become difficult to resist. Over the centuries, Brazil, a mixed country where European traditions subsist on and are grafted by indigenous practices and African customs, has been beset by strong disagreements between regionalism and nationalism. This research attempts to reconstruct the gaze cast upon this community and to understand the mechanisms of rejection and identification that still exist today using images produced during the sixteenth century and subsequent centuries with the advent of photography, and then of cinematographic and audiovisual production, which revived a sudden and keen interest for (and of) indigenous communities. To go further in the comprehension of Amerindian metaphysics, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro advocates a conceptual transposition where Amerindian thought replaces dominant thought. This anthropological off-centering places both paradigms on an equal footing and permits another view of this historical construction. Taking this new corollary as a point of departure, we attempt to restore a balance between the different points of view and to point out the progresses or failures of the representation of the image of Indians today.
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Geografias invisíveis : o efeito da vontade de potência para geografiaBandeira, Alexandre Eslabão January 2018 (has links)
A geografia invisível norteia esse caminhar aqui proferido em diversos momentos, internos e externos, que diante de um ato reflexivo com a vontade de potência em Nietzsche, colabora para não desqualificar tudo que já ocorreu até aqui mas, provocar tudo e todos de alguma forma, para outros olhares geográficos. É preciso distanciar-se dessa perpétua materialidade desses sistemas de objetos e de ações, não aniquilar, mas potencializar para outros olhares. A presente pesquisa problematiza que uma realidade não cabe na outra, mas acima de tudo, uma esta na outra. Geografias Invisíveis é um ponto confrontador, inserido como meu meta-ponto para analise das realidades. A analise opera e situa-se por momentos no processo biográfico, genealógico das minhas experiências coexistentes. Assim, o termo invisível faz um papel de confronto às objetivações, idealizações que embora tenham uma genealogia profunda na sua praticidade tornam-se muletas, que fazem da realidade um ato desconexo para com o mundo da vida. Devemos ultrapassar a questão social e individual dos moldes atuais, para dessa forma, diante de um mundo de perspectivismo, elaborar uma nova forma de perceber e conceber esse mundo. Devemos encarar as perspectivas atuais como nocivas para esse homem atual, pois esse mundo foi criado para anular qualquer ordem diferente da sua. Coloco a filosofia de Nietzsche como um grande marco para um rompimento paradigmático, pois para o autor tudo tem interesse, e dentro desse caminho existencial a consciência é um subproduto insignificante da nossa psique, uma espécie de holofote, um recorte, um ponto de vista dentro da manifestação existencial do homem. / Invisible geography guides this journey, which has taken place in various moments, internal and external, that, in the face of a reflexive act with the will to power in Nietzsche, collaborates not to disqualify everything that has happened up to now but to provoke everything and everyone in some way, for other geographical views. It is necessary to distance ourselves from this perpetual materiality of these systems of objects and actions, not to annihilate, but to potentiate for other looks. The present research problematizes that one reality does not fit in the other, but above all, one in the other. Invisible Geographies is a confronting point, inserted as my meta-point for analyzing realities. The analysis operates and situates itself at times in the biographical, genealogical process of my coexistent experiences. Thus the invisible term plays a role in confronting the objectifications, idealizations that, although they have a deep genealogy in their practicality, become crutches, which make reality a disconnected act towards the world of life. We must go beyond the social and individual question of the current molds, so that, in the face of a world of perspectivism, we can work out a new way of perceiving and conceiving this world. We must view current perspectives as harmful to this present man, for this world was created to nullify any order other than his own. I place Nietzsche's philosophy as a great landmark for a paradigmatic breakthrough, for to the author everything has an interest, and within this existential path consciousness is an insignificant byproduct of our psyche, a kind of spotlight, a cut-out, a point of view within of the existential manifestation of man.
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Effet, interprétation, croyance, communauté : aspects pragmatistes de la philosophie de Nietzsche à la lumière de Peirce / Effect, interpretation, belief, community : pragmatist aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy in the light of Peirce's thinkingBonalume, Anna 13 December 2018 (has links)
Nous proposons dans ce travail une analyse des conceptions épistémologiques et éthiques de Nietzsche à la lumière du pragmatisme de Peirce. Peirce est reconnu comme sémioticien et logicien, mais, à la différence de Nietzsche, a souvent été négligé comme philosophe au sens strict : c’est selon cette perspective que nous présentons certaines de ses conceptions. Nous avons, à cette fin, tout particulièrement examiné chez les deux auteurs les concepts d’effet, d’interprétation, de croyance et de communauté. Puisqu’ils ne se sont jamais lus ni rencontrés, nous avons adopté trois méthodes : la méthode de la recherche historique, l’analyse critique des textes et la méthode herméneutique. Notre étude est, suivant ces axes méthodologiques, divisée en trois parties : histoire, épistémologie et éthique. L’idée à la base de cette recherche résulte du fait que Nietzsche et Peirce envisagent tous deux le problème de la connaissance comme celui de la disjonction entre la dimension théorique et la dimension pratique. L’analyse de leurs références et de leurs influences communes, notamment celle de Darwin et des idées évolutionnistes, permet de repérer la source d’un certain nombre de concepts épistémologiques qu’ils partagent. Le pragmatisme de Peirce et la philosophie perspectiviste de Nietzsche attribuent un rôle central aux concepts d’effet, d’action et de croyance. Chez Peirce la théorie de l’inférence, l’analyse du signe, la maxime pragmatique et la conception de la croyance-habitude mettent en valeur trois aspects fondamentaux de la connaissance : la nécessité de considérer les idées à partir de leurs effets pratiques sensibles et concevables, l’importance de penser ces idées comme des signes dans un processus inférentiel, et de considérer la connaissance comme une opération hypothétique et expérimentale. Ces concepts se retrouvent chez Nietzsche dans la formulation de la généalogie, du perspectivisme et de la volonté de puissance. Notre thèse soutient que l’épistémologie des deux auteurs présente des similarités, à retrouver en particulier dans leurs conceptions de la valeur pratique, hypothétique et expérimentale de la connaissance, mais également des différences essentielles, comme le rôle attribué à la logique. Leur traitement respectif de la question éthique présente un certain nombre de dissemblances que nous allons explorer notamment à travers le concept de communauté. / In this study, we will propose an analysis of Nietzsche's epistemological and ethical conceptions in the light of Peirce's pragmatism. Peirce is recognized as a semiotician and a logician, but, unlike Nietzsche, has often been neglected as a philosopher in the strict sense: it is from this perspective that we present some of his conceptions. To this end, we have particularly examined in both authors the concepts of effect, interpretation, belief and community. Since they never read their respective works or met, we adopted three methods: the historical research method, the critical analysis of the texts and the hermeneutical method. Our study is, according to these methodological axes, divided into three parts: history, epistemology and ethics. The idea underlying this research results from the fact that Nietzsche and Peirce both consider the problem of knowledge as that of the disjunction between the theoretical and the practical dimension. The analysis of their references and of their common influences, notably that of Darwin and the evolutionary ideas, makes it possible to identify the source of a certain number of epistemological concepts that they share. Peirce's pragmatism and Nietzsche's perspectivist philosophy attribute a central role to the concepts of effect, action, and belief. According to Peirce the theory of inference, the analysis of the sign, the pragmatic maxim and the conception of belief-habit highlight three fundamental aspects of knowledge: the necessity of considering ideas from their sensible and conceivable practical effects, the importance of thinking these ideas as signs in an inferential process, and of considering knowledge as a hypothetical and experimental activity. These concepts are found in Nietzsche’s late works through his formulation of genealogy, perspectivism and will to power. Our thesis argues that the epistemology of the two authors presents similarities, to be found especially in their conceptions of the practical, hypothetical and experimental value of knowledge, but also essential differences, such as the role attributed to logic. Their respective treatment of the ethical question presents a number of dissimilarities that we will explore, thanks to the concept of community.
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O desenvolvimento da noção de Verstehen em Georg SimmelDe Luca, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista uma contribuição para a discussão epistemológica sobre as ciências humanas e para o problema da objetividade do conhecimento científico que orientava os primeiros modelos filosóficos dirigidos à sustentação das Geistwissenschaften, esta dissertação procura reconstruir um modelo filosófico que teve papel ativo no debate, mas que ainda é pouco explorado em seu caráter epistemológico: o pensamento de Georg Simmel. Simmel fez parte de um grupo de filósofos alemães críticos ao nascimento naturalista das ciências humanas. Para eles, enquanto as naturais procuram explicar (erklären) a realidade por experimentação e análise causal, as ciências do espírito procuram compreender (verstehen) o fenômeno social através da interpretação das motivações dos indivíduos. Sua estratégia de penetração no fenômeno social recebeu o nome de Verstehen, ou compreensão. Devido à penetração no fenômeno social e aos diferentes pontos de vista abarcados, uma das críticas centrais enfrentada pelo grupo foi o perspectivismo, levantado como problema pelos positivistas. Simmel explorou o conceito de Verstehen partindo de uma crítica à visão mecanicista, circunscrita pelo realismo histórico e influenciada pelos pressupostos naturalistas e positivistas. Ademais, sua Verstehen sofreu modificações conceituais, as quais podem ser comparadas ao dividir o conjunto da obra simmeliana em dois grandes momentos epistêmicos: Idealista e Vitalista. Dada esta divisão, e tendo em mente o problema da objetividade e perspectivismo, a presente investigação é delineada a partir de três hipóteses iniciais. A primeira é, justamente, a existência de diferentes quadros conceituais em Simmel, os quais demonstram uma progressão intelectual madura e cada vez mais preocupada em explicar a natureza da Verstehen e como ela funciona. Esta hipótese contribui tanto para a discussão epistemológica das ciências, como para o melhor uso do autor, seja de seus escritos filosóficos ou sociológicos. A segunda hipótese refere-se especificamente ao conceito de Verstehen, admitindo-se a existência de duas noções de Verstehen, cada qual ligada a um dos períodos. Na fase Idealista, Simmel parece ter uma preocupação mais metodológica concernente à Verstehen. Na fase Vitalista, a Verstehen simmeliana surge como a relação fundamental entre indivíduos, ou seja, algo além de um conceito metodológico. De modo geral, a noção de compreensão perde o vínculo direto com a representação projetada e passa a vincular-se diretamente à noção de vida, como uma relação fundamental entre seres humanos. A terceira hipótese, por fim, vincula-se ao período Vitalista e tem como premissa um perspectivismo necessário para o conhecimento científico. Com o desenvolvimento intelectual da obra simmeliana, o perspectivismo deixa de ser um problema e passa a ser uma condição da investigação humana, uma condição que deve ser aceita com vistas a maior conhecimento científico da realidade social. Por fim, registram-se encaminhamentos para futuras investigações. / In order to contribute to the epistemological discussion about the human sciences and to the problem of the objectivity of scientific knowledge that guided the first philosophical models aimed at sustaining the Geistwissenschaften, this dissertation seeks to reconstruct a philosophical model that played an active part in the debate, but rather it is still little explored in its epistemological character: the thought of Georg Simmel. Simmel was part of a group of German philosophers critical of the naturalistic birth of the humanities. For them, while the natural sciences seek to explain (erklären) reality by experimentation and causal analysis, the human sciences seek to understand (verstehen) the social phenomenon through the interpretation of the inner motivations of individuals. Their strategy of penetrating into the social phenomenon was called Verstehen. Due to the penetration of the social phenomenon and the different points of view, one of the central criticisms faced by the group was the perspectivism, raised as a problem by the positivists. Simmel explored the concept of Verstehen from a critique of the mechanistic view, circumscribed by historical realism and influenced by naturalist and positivist assumptions. In addition, his Verstehen underwent conceptual modifications, which can be compared by dividing the whole of the Simmelian work into two great epistemic moments: Idealist and Vitalist. Given this division, and bearing in mind the problem of objectivity and perspectivism, the present investigation is delineated from three initial hypotheses. The first is precisely the existence of different conceptual frameworks in Simmel, which demonstrate a mature and increasingly preoccupied intellectual progression in explaining the nature of Verstehen and how it functions. This hypothesis contributes as much to the epistemological discussion of the sciences, as to the best use of the author, or of his philosophical or sociological writings. The second hypothesis refers specifically to the concept of Verstehen, admitting the existence of two notions of Verstehen, each connected to one of the periods. In the Idealist phase, Simmel seems to have a more methodological concern about Verstehen. In the Vitalist phase, the Simmelian Verstehen emerges as the fundamental relationship between individuals, that is, something beyond a methodological concept. In general, the notion of Verstehen loses the direct link with projected representation, and becomes directly linked to the notion of life as a fundamental relation between human beings. Finally, the third hypothesis is linked to the Vitalist period and is premised on the perspectivism as necessary for scientific knowledge. With the intellectual development of the Simmelian work, perspectivism ceases to be a problem and becomes a condition of human inquiry, a condition that should be accepted resulting in greater scientific knowledge of social reality. Finally, there are guidelines for future investigations.
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Nietzsche e o primado da prática: um espírito livre em guerra contra o dogmatismo / Nietzsche and the primacy of practice: a free spirit at war against dogmatismMattos, Fernando Costa 11 September 2007 (has links)
A presente tese apresenta uma reflexão sobre o perspectivismo nietzschiano e sua relação com o projeto de uma transvaloração dos valores, ao qual estaria subordinado. Daí falarmos num \"primado da prática\" sobre a teoria a partir de um paralelo com o pensamento kantiano, que nos fornece elementos para pensar, por exemplo, a possibilidade de um discurso \"normativo\" mesmo ali onde os aspectos \"descritivos\" da cosmologia pareciam sufocar a capacidade do homem para a ação. Torna-se plausível, desse ponto de vista, a idéia de uma \"guerra filosófica\", conduzida sob o signo do espírito livre e de sua liberdade de tipo nobre, contra o dogmatismo que teria marcado os vários empreendimentos filosóficos da história ocidental. Graças ao duplo ponto de vista de inspiração kantiana, porém, e ao propósito de não aceitar acriticamente a \"letra do texto\", uma tal guerra deixaria de atrelar-se à defesa da aristocracia e poderia associar-se a certos ideais dessa mesma tradição cultural que Nietzsche teria pretendido implodir, entre eles a liberdade individual e de criação cuja efetividade parece depender, em princípio, de um certo pressuposto democrático. / This work presents a reflection on Nietzsche\'s perspectivism and its relation to the project of a transvaluation of values, on which it would be dependent. That\'s why we conceive a \"primacy of practice\" over theory based on a parallel with Kant\'s philosophy, which enables us to conceive the possibility, for example, of a \"normative\" speech even where the \"descriptive\" elements of cosmology seemed to suppress man\'s capacity to act. It becomes plausible, from that point of view, to think of a \"philosophical war\", carried under the ideal of the free spirit and its noble freedom, against the dogmatism that would be present in all philosophical enterprises in occidental history. Thanks, though, to a Kant inspired double point of view, and to the purpose of not acritically accepting the \"exact meaning\" of Nietzsche\'s word, such a war would no more be bound to the support of aristocracy, and could be tied to certain ideals of this same cultural tradition that Nietzsche would have intended to destroy. Among such ideals, there would be individual freedom, and freedom of creation, whose effectiveness seems, in principle, to depend on a certain democratical pressuposition.
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Vida como vontade de poder: perspectivismo, metafísica e niilismo no pensamento de Nietzsche / Life as will to powerRebeca Furtado de Melo 23 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal descrever, em suas especificidades e abrangência, o conceito de vontade de poder no pensamento nietzschiano, mostrando como a metafísica, em sua essência moral, pode ser entendida a partir desse pensamento. A partir do diálogo nietzschiano com pensadores da tradição, pretende-se analisar o conceito de metafísica e como ele possibilita o momento histórico denominado morte de Deus, que desencadeia a experiência do niilismo. Ao descrever o desenvolvimento do pensamento Ocidental, o texto busca evidenciar porque Nietzsche pode denominar a história da metafísica como vontade de verdade. A partir daí, se reconstrói a relação fundamental existente entre as noções de verdade e conhecimento nas nuances de cada época do pensamento metafísico, mostrando como tal processo culmina, no pensamento nietzschiano, com o questionamento acerca do próprio valor da verdade. Por outro lado, a dissertação pretende mostrar como a morte de Deus e o niilismo possibilitam, de certa maneira, o surgimento da própria filosofia nietzschiana, defendendo que o perspectivismo e a vontade de poder são pensamentos possibilitados pelo próprio desenvolvimento histórico da metafísica. / This dissertation intends to describe, in its specificity, the concept of will to power in Nietzsche's thought, showing how the metaphysics can be understood from this thought. From the dialogue between Nietzsche and thinkers of the tradition, this study intends to analyze the concept of metaphysics and the historical moment called the "death of God", together with nihilism. In describing the development of Western thought, the text seeks to show why Nietzsche might call the history of metaphysics the will to truth. Therefrom, it reconstructs the fundamental relationship between the notions of truth and knowledge in the nuances of each season of the metaphysical thought, showing how this process culminates in Nietzsche's thought, with the questioning of the value of truth. The other hand, the dissertation aims to show how the death of God and nihilism make possible, in a sense, the emergence of Nietzsche's own philosophy, arguing that the will to power and perspectivism are thoughts made possible by the historical development of metaphysics.
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Simmel e a analogia: investigações sobre uso e os aspectos epistemológicos da analogia na Soziologie e na Philosophie des Geldes de Georg Simmel / Simmel and the analogy: investigations on the use and the epistemological aspects of the analogy in Soziologie and Philosophie des Geldes by George SimmelLenin Bicudo Barbara 26 November 2012 (has links)
Neste estudo, trato do papel do raciocínio analógico no pensamento de Georg Simmel (1858-1918), um dos fundadores da sociologia alemã. Meu objetivo aqui é compreender o procedimento analógico como um traço fundamental da teoria social e da epistemologia de Simmel. É possível resumir o primeiro passo para a realização desse objetivo como uma reconstrução daqueles fragmentos da história do conceito de analogia que influenciaram seu pensamento. Busquei, em seguida, coletar todas as ocorrências de analogia que fui capaz de encontrar (e identificar enquanto tais) em meio aos livros de Simmel que mais teriam influenciado a sociologia (a saber: a Philosophie des Geldes e a Soziologie) construindo, assim, um índice abrangente para tais analogias. Finalmente, procurei analisar algumas das analogias coletadas em detalhe, mantendo o foco naquelas que, a meu ver, lançam alguma luz ou estão de algum modo relacionadas a outros traços fundamentais do pensamento sociológico e filosófico de Simmel. / In this study I deal with the role of analogical reasoning in the thought of Georg Simmel (1858-1918), one of the founders of German sociology. My aim here is to grasp the analogy-making as a key feature of Simmels social theory and epistemology. The first step in this direction can be summed up as a recollection of those fragments of the history of the analogy concept which most likely influenced Simmels thought. Secondly, I endeavored to collect all the instances of analogy that I could find (and identify as such) from those of his books which are deemed to be the most influential ones to sociology (viz., the Philosophie des Geldes and the Soziologie) elaborating, as a result, a broad index of such analogies. And finally I sought to analyze in minute detail some of the collected analogies, focusing on those which, on my view, shed light on or bear some relation to other key features of Simmels sociological and philosophical thought.
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Simmel e a analogia: investigações sobre uso e os aspectos epistemológicos da analogia na Soziologie e na Philosophie des Geldes de Georg Simmel / Simmel and the analogy: investigations on the use and the epistemological aspects of the analogy in Soziologie and Philosophie des Geldes by George SimmelBarbara, Lenin Bicudo 26 November 2012 (has links)
Neste estudo, trato do papel do raciocínio analógico no pensamento de Georg Simmel (1858-1918), um dos fundadores da sociologia alemã. Meu objetivo aqui é compreender o procedimento analógico como um traço fundamental da teoria social e da epistemologia de Simmel. É possível resumir o primeiro passo para a realização desse objetivo como uma reconstrução daqueles fragmentos da história do conceito de analogia que influenciaram seu pensamento. Busquei, em seguida, coletar todas as ocorrências de analogia que fui capaz de encontrar (e identificar enquanto tais) em meio aos livros de Simmel que mais teriam influenciado a sociologia (a saber: a Philosophie des Geldes e a Soziologie) construindo, assim, um índice abrangente para tais analogias. Finalmente, procurei analisar algumas das analogias coletadas em detalhe, mantendo o foco naquelas que, a meu ver, lançam alguma luz ou estão de algum modo relacionadas a outros traços fundamentais do pensamento sociológico e filosófico de Simmel. / In this study I deal with the role of analogical reasoning in the thought of Georg Simmel (1858-1918), one of the founders of German sociology. My aim here is to grasp the analogy-making as a key feature of Simmels social theory and epistemology. The first step in this direction can be summed up as a recollection of those fragments of the history of the analogy concept which most likely influenced Simmels thought. Secondly, I endeavored to collect all the instances of analogy that I could find (and identify as such) from those of his books which are deemed to be the most influential ones to sociology (viz., the Philosophie des Geldes and the Soziologie) elaborating, as a result, a broad index of such analogies. And finally I sought to analyze in minute detail some of the collected analogies, focusing on those which, on my view, shed light on or bear some relation to other key features of Simmels sociological and philosophical thought.
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Perspectives on Perspectivism: Nietzsche and His CommentatorsHudgens, Jennifer L 03 August 2007 (has links)
There is little consensus among scholars as to what Nietzsche’s “perspectivism” is or what it entails. I will focus on a limited number of Nietzsche’s commentators, describing and commenting upon the writings of Brian Leiter, R. Lanier Anderson, Maudemarie Clark, Christoph Cox, and John Wilcox. Each commentator provides insight into the problems generated by the interpretations previous commentators have given, while simultaneously generating different problems within these newer interpretations. I hope to draw together the salvageable elements of each of these five interpretations in order to alleviate some general interpretive problems. My own interpretation is as follows: perspectivism entails the two positions ‘knowledge coherentism’ and ‘truth constructivism.’ ‘Knowledge coherentism’ is the need for coherence within a system of knowledge. This position saves perspectivism from relativism. ‘Truth constructivism’ is the claim that we humans intersubjectively create truth; this entails a rejection of the dichotomy of the real and the apparent.
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